Static Electricity

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Static electricity

Lesson 2
Is the result of an imbalance between negative and positive charges in an object.

 When some objects are rubbed, electric charges are generated on them
(+ & -)

These charges are called static electrical charges


Positive Negative
These are called electrons

Objects with same (like) charges (+,+ or -,-) REPEL

Objects with opposite (unlike) charges (+,-) ATTRACT

Key to remember this: Opposites attract 😉

Therefore the cloth is
Some of the - charges of
the glass rod goes to the
charged cuz it has
No. of + charges = No. of – charges more electrons than
So the cloth has more
negative charges than
THAT IS NEUTRAL And the glass rod is
positively charged

- +
- -
+ +

+ - +

When two objects are rubbed

together one becomes positively
charged and the other becomes
negatively charged
Natural phenomena associated with static
 Static electric charges occur on tiny droplets of water on clouds because of their
collision with each other.

 Then static electric charges collect on the cloud and the cloud becomes charged.

 The sudden discharge of electric charges, accumulated on a cloud, to another

cloud or to the earth, as a spark is known as lightning.
The scientist Benjamin Franklin was the first to carry out experiments on
lightning. Once he sent a kite up to a cloud, while there was lightning and
static electrical charges in the cloud was discharged to the earth.
Sometimes you may have observed that the hair on your arm is
attracted to silk clothes giving a “ tic” sound, when you iron them.

This happens when static electrical charges are generated when

the iron touches silk clothes
 This happens only in CRT monitors (Cathode Ray Tube) or the old TV’s with a
big back.

 The reason for this, is the accumulated static electric charges on the TV

accumulated - to gather or pile up especially little by little

Capacitor is an electrical instrument with 2 terminals,
used to store electricity
(Terminal: forming or situated at the end or extremity of something)

Capacitors of different capacities

Two terminals of each
 When connected to dry cells, static electric charges
are stored in the capacitor

 When it is connected to the galvanometer, releasing

of charges can be observed

 When the capacitor stores charges -> charging

 When the capacitor releases charges -> discharging
The amount of electrical charges that can be stored in a capacitor is
measured in Farads (F).
Microfarad (μF) is used as a subunit.

Symbol of a capacitor
Details mentioned on a capacitor;

 chargeable voltage,

 Positive terminals and negative terminals,

 Maximum capacity that can be stored

Positive terminal of the capacitor should be connected
with the positive terminal of the LED’s and negative
terminal of the dry cells or batteries

+ of capacitor - of dry cell + of capacitor + of LED

When a capacitor is connected with the dry cells ;
it charges, storing electrical charges from the cells

 When a capacitor is connected with LED’s ;

it discharges, sending the stored electrical charges
to the LED
Hope you understood

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