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Imperative form

Imperative form we use for give advice, order or to ask something more politely.
We use imperative only for ‘‘tu’’, ‘‘nous’’ and ‘‘vous’’. When we use imperative we must
use them without any prononus and we must conjugated verbs in present tense. For first
group verbs (with er) in second person singular (tu) we delete s at the end of verb.

Entrer (to enter)

Tu entres Entre !
Nous entrons Entrons !
Vous entrez Entrez !

Finir (to finish)

Tu finis finis !
Nous finissons finissons !
Vous finissez finissez !

Vendre (to sell)

Tu vends vends !
Nous vendons vendons !
Vous vendez vendez !

Aller (to go)

Va ! Allons ! Allez !
Etre (to be)
Sois ! Soyons! Soyez!

Avoir (to have)

Aie ! Ayons ! Ayez !

Savoir (to know)

Sache! Sachons! Sachez!

Vouloir (to want)

Veuille! Veuillons! Veuillez!

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