Transistor As Switch and Transistor Biasing For Signal Amplification

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EC3091D - Electronic Circuits Lab II

Experiment-1:Transistor as switch and Transistor Biasing for Signal Amplification

1. To design, set up and study the performance of transistor switching circuit.
2. To design, set up and study the performance of biasing circuits to bias the transistor for signal
1. Transistor as Switch:

Circuit Diagram:

1. Design the circuit in fig.1 for ICsat =2mA. Given that VCC =10V.
2. Apply input Vi as pulse waveform of 0-5V and observe the output for voltage levels, rise time and
fall time when input frequency is (a) 1kHz (b) 5kHz and (c) 500 kHz
3. Obtain the voltage transfer characteristics (VTC) of the circuit.
4. Modify the circuit to act as an LED driver circuit.
1. Check the data sheet of the NPN transistors (BC547B and SL100)IC to find its electrical character-
istics(Note βmin ).
2. For circuit in fig.1 given that ICsat =2mA, VCC =10V. Calculate Rc using the expression RC = (Vcc −
VCEsat )/ICsat . Assume VCEsat = 0.2V .(Choose Rc as standard resistor whose value is immediate
higher to calculated value to ensure saturation).
3. Calculate RB using the expression RB = (Vi−high − VBEsat )/IB , where IB = IC /βmin .Assume
VBEsat = 0.7V . (Choose RB as standard resistor whose value is immediate lower to calculated value
to ensure saturation).
You may follow any other design procedure, provided the circuit meets the specifications given.

2. Transistor Biasing:

Circuit Diagram

1. From the VTC in the previous experiment (Transistor as switch), find the IC and VCE values required
to fix the operating point of the transistor to act as a good signal amplifier.
2. Design and assemble the Voltage-divider biasing circuit (fig.2) for the given BC547B transistor to
operate it at points A, B and C in the given load line below.

3. Measure collector voltage (VC ), Emitter voltage (VE ) and Base voltage (VB ) of the transistor. Verify
the operating point and VBE value in each case.Also measure IC and IB in each case and calculate
4. Replace BC547B transistor with SL100 transistor in the biasing circuit and repeat step (3). (Simu-
lation only)
5. Repeat steps (2) to (4) for other BJT biasing circuits (simulation only).
6. Repeat the steps (2 to 5) for Voltage Divider Bias and other biasing circuits for two different temper-
atures. Based on the results compare the bias stability of the biasing circuits. (Simulation study).
1. Check the data sheet of the required transistor (BC547B) to find its electrical characteristics.
2. Choose the required operating point of the transistor defined by (IC , VCE )
3. Take RC = 1kΩ. (Assume that it got fixed by the gain required for the amplifier.)
4. Using the equation VCC ≈ VCE + IC (RC + RE ), find the value of RE . (as β of BC547B is large
enough to assume IC ≈ IE )
5. Calculate IB = IC /β
6. Calculate voltage drop across R2 , (VR2 = VBE + VRE )
7. Assuming current through R1 (IR1 ) as 20IB calculate R1 and R2 .
8. Check whether RT H (= R1 ||R2 ) < 0.1(β + 1)RE (for bias stability). If not go to step 7, increase IR2
and redesign R1 and R2 to meet this condition.
9. Make sure that with (available) standard resistors used in the circuit, proper operating point can be
You may follow any design procedure, provided the circuit meets the specifications given.

1. D. Bell : Solid State Pulse Circuits, PHI, 1992
2. S. Sedra, K.C. Smith, A.N. Chandorkar,Microelectronic Circuits, Oxford University Press, 2013

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