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A Research Paper Presented

to the Faculty in Hospitality Management of
Cebu Technological University-Daanbantayan
Agujo, Daanbantayan, Cebu

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Subject


July 2021

This Research paper titled “THE DEVELOPMENT OF SQUASH AND

FRUTESCENS), prepared and submitted by Dexter V. Dublin et al., in partial
fulfillment for the subject HPC 2210-Research in Hospitality for the degree of
Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management has been examined and is
recommended for acceptance and approval.

Research Advisory Committee:


Subject Teacher Research Adviser

ACCEPTED AND APPROVED in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

subject HPC 2210-Research in Hospitality for the degree of Bachelor of Science in
Hospitality Management with the rating of Passed.


Chairman, HM Department Chairman, HM Researches


Dean, College of Technology and Engineering

JULY 2021


Cherry Eve Punay, Jose Rey Rodrigo, Maristella Desabille, Lilibeth
Garzo, Alondra Madarcos,Russel Roca Jr.

Capsicums are an excellent source of vitamin A and C (red contain more than green

capsicums). Capsicum are also a good source of dietary fiber, vitamin E, B6 and

folates. This research aims to increase the nutritional value of Dynamite lumpia by

replacing squash and shrimp instead of pork and additional of Capsicum frutescens

(Siling labuyo). This study is to determine the acceptability of the development of

squash and shrimp dynamite enhance with capsicum frutescens (siling labuyo) and it

focuses on the following indicators: Odor, Color, Flavor and Texture. A rating scale

questions was used to conduct the study. Based on the findings of the study, a large

percentage of the respondents agree about the development of squash and shrimp

dynamite enhance with capsicum frutescens. The target of this research is to convince

people most especially street-food lovers by eating this Dynamite Lumpia with squash,

shrimp and wild chili or capsicum frutescens that has a lot of nutrients for the body.

Keywords: acceptability squash and shrimp dynamite, experimental method

Daanbantayan, Cebu

This research would have not been possible without the endless support and

guidance of several individuals who in one way or another contributed and extended

their precious assistance in the preparation and completion of this study.

To our family for their financial support, concern, understanding and genuine love

that serves as our inspiration and motivation.

To all our friends and peers for their encouragement and endless support.

To all the students and faculty/staff of Cebu Technological University-

Daanbantayan Campus for the warm reception and the time given for letting us conduct

our survey questions.

To Dr. Ruben M. Ungui for allowing us to conduct this research study ad

supporting us for the success of this study and for it to be done as possible.

To Dr. Sutero S. Macabudbud Jr, subject teacher and Prof. Lovella

Christianne Gulle, our adviser for their moral advises and indispensable consultancy to

complete this study.

And most of all to our Almighty God for bestowing us with wisdom and good

health necessary in the completion of this research and for all the blessings, and

strength that serves as our guiding light to finish this study.


This study is wholeheartedly dedicated to our Almighty God, for the guidance and

strength that he had given us when we thought of giving up and for providing us with us

with power of mind and skills. To our beloved parents who have been our source of

inspiration, for continuously supporting us throughout the year and for providing their

moral, spiritual, emotional and financial support Lastly to our relatives, mentors, friends

and classmates who have shared their words of wisdom and encouragement to finish

this study. All of these hardships, we offer to them.

Chapter 1


Rationale of the Study

. Though according to research that Lumpia

came from China and Indonesia, Philippines also has

its own origin of Dynamite Lumpia. Bicol, the region in

the Philippines that is popular for having people who

really love to eat spicy foods. In fact, Bicol express,

the specialty of the Bicol region became popular

because of its unique taste combination salty and

spice that is very delicious to eat. And so, Barako

Fingers or famously known as Dynamite Lumpia was

absolutely loved and preserved by the Bicolano’s to

retain their culture. Bicolano’s are planting of chili

peppers to ensure that the production of spices or

chili is always good. Over the years, the charismatic

taste of Dynamite Lumpia manipulates the better

popularization of eating spicy foods in the Philippines.

Dinamitas or Dynamite is a delicious snack that is

often found being sold by some street food carts.

Served with a side of ketchup or sweet chili sauce,

dynamite gets its heat and incredible lip-smacking

goodness from long green finger chilies, which have

just the right amount of spice for those who like it hot,

and serve as a great intro to the spicy side of

snacking for those who are just learning to love

spicier cuisine


Shrimp is also one of the best food sources of

iodine, an important mineral that many people are

deficient in. Iodine is required for proper thyroid

function and brain health (3Trusted Source, 4Trusted

Source, 5Trusted Source). Shrimp is also a good

source of omega 6 and omega-3 fatty acids, in

addition to astaxanthin antioxidants, which may have

a variety of health benefits (1,6Trusted Source).

Shrimp supports a healthy Pregnancy, unlike most

seafood, shrimp contains almost zero mercury making

it a safer choice for women looking to gain the health

benefits of seafood during pregnancy. Furthermore,

shrimp provides many key nutrients that are beneficial

in pregnancy. Like iron B12, calcium, chlorine, and

protein. Enjoy safely prepared shrimp as a nutrition

choice while pregnant. Shrimps helps maintain weight

loss arguably more difficult than losing weight is the

process of trying to keep it off luckily high protein

foods, like shrimp, may help studies show that protein

impacts multiple appetizer hormone pathways,

making it easier to avoid regaining weight that been



Chili (Capsicum spp.) is used in almost every

cuisine as spices for its pungency, color and flavor.

Both green and red chilies are used for preparing

different palatable item such as chili chicken, chili

paneer, chili sauce, chili jam etc. The plethora of

nutritional and medicinal quality gives it an extra

importance. Chili contains high amount of vitamin C

and other vitamin such as vitamin A, vitamin B6,

vitamin K and minerals like calcium, magnesium,

folate, potassium, thiamin, iron, copper etc. Capsaicin

is the main bioactive compound in chili which is

responsible for its pungent taste and various health

benefits. Capsaicin has diverse uses in

pharmaceuticals that are attributed to relief of pain,

anti-arthritic, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-

rhinitis, and analgesic properties. It has also

prominent role as an immunity booster for the

management of cardiovascular diseases, type-2

diabetes, obesity and stops the spread of prostate

cancer. The consumption of chili is reported to be

related with reduced death of human being.

Therefore, chili may be the beneficial component of

daily diet.



Although in small quantities of under 70 grams (2.5

ounces) / day, red meat is harmful to your health,

consumption of pork is associated with a significant

risk of several chronic conditions including diabetes,

cardiovascular disease, and several types of cancer.

“I would never recommend eating animal products,

and certainly not pork,” says Dana Hunnes, assistant

professor at the UCLA Fielding School of Public





Squash is one of the most versatile types of

produce. There are two main categories: summer

squash, which is harvested when immature, and

winter squash, which spends more time on the vine

and typically has a rigid exterior squash. Also known

as summer squash, yellow varieties of squash provide

numerous health benefits. The vegetable is high in

vitamins A, B6, and C, folate, magnesium, fiber,

riboflavin, phosphorus, and potassium. That's a

serious nutritional power-packed veggie. The many

vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants found in squash

provide several health benefits. The antioxidants in

squash can play an important role in reducing

oxidative stress. In turn, this may help with cancer



Dynamite Lumpia through replacing pork/red

meat with squash and shrimp enhance with capsicum

frutescens in order to increase the nutritional value of

the said product. And choosing squash and shrimp as

the content of the dynamite lumpia is healthier base

on the vital nutrients that we get on this squash and

shrimp. The main ingredients which is squash and

shrimp can be easily found in markets and stores.


As of now we are noticing that most of the

individuals do not involve themselves eating

vegetables frequently for many reasons whether

these are valid or not based on their recommended

on the taste these vegetables are in favor of

consumers appetite preference. Humans appetite

leads them to eat Foods that are basically not fitted

on their “Daily Recommended Diet’’. Child Under

nutrition 2008 National Nutrition survey, FNRI-DOST

showed a significant decline in the prevalence of

underweight-for-age under five children since 1990.

However, the overall decline was not fast enough. In

2008 a 20.6% prevalence rate was recorded which is

equivalent to an average annual percentage point

decrease of 0.37%, however, it is lower than the

targeted 0.55 annual percentage point reduction from

2000 to achieve one of the targets of Millennium

Development Goal I. In addition, stunting (32.2%)

among under five (an indication of prolonged

deprivation of food and frequent bouts of infections)

and wasting indicative of a lack of food or infection or

both on the hand, remained at bout the 6% from 2003

to 2008. 1. Maternal Under nutrition. For the past 10

years, the nutritionally-at-risk pregnant women

gradually decreased since 1998, with an average

change of 0.44% per year. (FNRI National Nutrition

surveys 2008) 2. Micronutrient Deficiencies The 2008

National Nutrition Survey reported significant gains as

levels of Vitamin A deficiency among 6-months infants

to 5 years old children, pregnant and lactating women

but still is a public health problem based on WHO cut

off 15%. Furthermore, the prevalence rate of Iron

deficiency anemia among children decreased

significantly. However, percentage levels of IDA

among infants 6 years old (55.7%) and pregnant

women (42.5%) remain at levels that are considered

high as per WHO classification of <40% public health

problem. Iodine Deficiency is a public health problem

among pregnant and lactating women.

“An act establishing the Philippine Food Fortification
Program and for other purposes ”Food fortification law, R.A.
The universal consumption of wild chilli(Capsicum
frutescens),known for their high nutritional content(which
includes a good range of vitamins,minerals,phytochemicals
and dietary fiber),may play a role in decreasing human
micronutrient deficiencies.

Squash and Shrimp dynamite (F0)

0 grams Capsicum Frutescens

141.8 grams of Wild Chili (F1)

Sensory Evaluation

(Non Parametric Scale)


The Development of Squash and

Shrimp Dynamite Enhance with
Capsicum Frutescens

Figure 1.
Theoritical Framework
Food fortification law, R.A. 8976, “An act establishing

the Philippine Food Fortification Program and for

other purposes” mandating fortification of flour, oil and

sugar with Vit A and flour and rice with iron by

November 7, 2004 and promoting voluntary

fortification through the SPSP, signed into law on

November 7, 2000. Implementation, monitoring, and

review of the law involve different agencies and

stakeholders. The DOH through the BFAD is the lead

agency responsible for the implementation and

monitoring of the law. The NCC the policy making and

coordinating body on nutrition, serves as the advisory

based on food fortification. Food fortification is

addition of micro nutrient, deficient on the diet to a

food which is widely consumed by specific at risk

groups (Section 3c[3]).In the Philippines, the policy on

food fortification was initiated through the passing of

Republic act No, titled ‘’An act of Salt Iodization

Nationwide(ASIN).’’It was signed into law by Former

President Fidel V. Ramos on December 20,1995.It

was created in accordance to the world health

organizations (WHO) program on food fortification

which specifically addressed deficiency on key

vitamins and minerals that include vitamin A , iodine,

iron and zinc(GAIN 2014).

Deficiency in micronutrients promotes morbidity

and mortality from infectious illness such as malaria,

diarrhea, measles, and pneumonia, and these

conditions are one of the 10 primary causes of global

health burdens. Wild Chilis have been recognized to

be good sources of minerals, provitamin A, Vitamins

C, and E, carotenoids, and phenolic compounds,

metabolites with renowned antioxidant properties

which influence human healthy positively (Materska &

Perukcha, 2005; Sun, Powers, & Tang, 2007). Among

the diverse vegetables available. Integrating a wild

chilli rich diet can therefore be helpful in the

continuing guest to alleviate micronutrient


Review of Related Literature and Studies

To make it more reliable, this study’ ’The

Development of Squash and Shrimp Dynamite

Enhance with Capsicum Frutescens ‘’ is supported

with the facts and valuable opinion based on gathered

information in approved studies, books and other sites

that justifies in every detail that is relevant and

necessary to the desired information of this study,

which determine the cause and the possible solution

of the problem.

Shrimp is a low-fat, lower-calorie source of protein.

Three ounces of cooked shrimp has 19 grams of

protein, 1.4 grams of total fat and 100 calories. What’s

more, less than half a gram of its fat comes from

saturated fat, the type that raises blood cholesterol.

Shrimp is certainly lower in fat and calories than pork

meat: Three ounces contains 31 grams of protein,

eight grams of total fat, and 3.2 grams of saturated

fat. Even skinless chicken breast has a little fatter

than shrimp. (Lesley Beck et al., 2012).

Shrimp may be a great source of protein and vitamin

D, without adding carbohydrates to your daily intake,

so for people determined to lose weight, this simple

form of seafood can be a popular option. The possibly

high levels of zinc are also beneficial since zinc is one

way that can increase leptin levels in the body. Leptin

is a hormone and is an integral part of the body’s

regulation of fat storage, appetite, and overall energy

use in the body. By increasing the levels of leptin in

the body, people can avoid common issues like

overeating, inexplicable cravings for food after being

“full”, and a similar problem for weight-conscious

individuals. [3]

It also has possibly high levels of iodine, which can

help to control how much energy is expended when

your body is at rest. It may interact with the thyroid

gland to speed up thyroid activity, helping in people’s

efforts to lose weight, or at least to prevent additional

weight gain.


The many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants

found in squash provide several health benefits. The

antioxidants in squash can play an important role in

reducing oxidative stress. In turn, this may help with

cancer prevention. Other health benefits provided by

squash include: Improved Eye Health. The vitamin C

and beta-carotene found in squash may help to slow

the progression of macular degeneration and reduce

the chances of  related vision loss. Foods rich in

vitamin C can also help prevent cataracts. Reduced

Risk of Depression. Several squash varieties are rich

in vitamin B6. People with vitamin B6 deficiency may

be at a higher risk of developing mental health

concerns such as depression. ( Dan Brenan et al,.


The purpose of this study is to develop

dynamite lumpia using the meat of shrimp instead of

pork in order to increase nutritional content and it is

added with wild chili to promotes a highest source of

vitamins and other sources of having a good nutrition

to the product.

Lumpia is rampant in Southeast Asia especially

in the Philippines which is brought by the Chinese.

Lumpia has become indigenized filled with various

vegetables wrapped with edible wrappers. Barako

Fingers as they are called supposed to be found in

the Bicol region where chili is part of regular meal and

the people love hot spicy foods. But just like love, that

“comes from the most unexpected places”, the

Barako Fingers is in Kalibo, the land of the original Ati



People often think that street food carts have

the cheapest and delicious foods or snacks on the go.

They are absolutely right, simply because street food

carts are part of the economics. Some street vendors

may violate the laws and abuse selling on the street

without any permit, yet Filipinos really love street

foods, and for them, those are the most easy and

cheapest food to eat when you have time visiting the

market or just parks and streets. Dynamite Lumpia is

one of the most popular snacks that you can found in

the street food carts. And because Dynamite Lumpia

taste good with ketchup or sweet chili sauce and

vinegar, you are free to add condiments on your

lumpia. Philippines is considered as one of the

countries who are rich in culture and tradition. In

receptions for baptism, fiestas, and other events,

Filipinos always look for Lumpia. Lumpia became part

of the traditional foods being served in many events.

And so, even restaurants and hotels already make

their own version of Lumpia. Lumpia has a lot of

variations, and one of them is the Dynamite Lumpia

that is obviously one of the Lumpia’s best version.

Dynamite Lumpia is also used in many occasions

most especially those who love eating spicy foods.

Fish Lumpia is a version of Lumpiang Shanghai or

deep fry egg rolls wherein fish flakes as used as a

filling instead of ground pork. The fish needed to be

sautéed with onion, celery, carrot, and parsley before

wrapping for best results. It makes a good appetizer

can be enjoyed better with dipping sauces such as

sweet and sour sauce, banana ketchup, or spicy

vinegar. (panlasang pinoy, 2017).

Fish Lumpia is the newest version of Lumpia.

Lumpiang Shanghai is the oldest Lumpia version

came from egg rolls in China, is also delicious with its

pork filling. Yet Fish Lumpia changed the fate of the

fishes being canned. It serves as the new form or way

of cooking fishes. Galunggong, a variety of fish, is

famously cooked and made as fish lumpia. Perhaps,

pork is often used, but fish can be a better substitute,

fishes are richer in protein, and a good quality of fish

can out run the delicious taste of pork. Of course,

sauce is a part of the delicious taste of lumpia. A good

sauce enhances and ignite the cravings of the

Filipinos in tasting and eating Lumpia.

Squash, also known as kalabasa, is one of the most

delicious, versatile, and healthiest vegetables in the

world. It contains numerous vitamins such as C and

E, iron, folate, minerals, and antioxidants that are

beneficial to the body – all of which strengthen your

immune system. It contains beta-carotene which is a

component of the abundant vitamin A found in

squash. The body is built to absorb as much vitamin A

as it needs from food, and squash can almost fulfill

the daily requirement in your body. Beta-carotene is

an antioxidant that protects the eyes from oxidative

damage and prevents degenerative stress. The retina

is extremely susceptible to damage caused by free

radicals; beta-carotene helps build a barrier that

protects the retina. Regular eating of squash can help

protect the eye from forming cataracts, vision issues,

and glaucoma. (Rose May Pimentel et al., 2020)

Also known as summer squash, yellow varieties of

squash provide numerous health benefits. The

vegetable is high in vitamins A, B6, and C, folate,

magnesium, fiber, riboflavin, phosphorus, and

potassium. That’s a serious nutritional power-packed


Yellow squash is also rich in manganese. This

mineral helps to boost bone strength and helps the

body’s ability to process fats and carbohydrates.


Siling labuyo (a variety of Capsicum frutescens) is

a small chili pepper cultivar commonly found in the

Philippines. Its Tagalog name translates to “wild

chili” in English. Fresh green and red chilies are

great source of vitamin C. Chili contains good

number of other antioxidants such as vitamin A, B-

complex group of vitamins such as niacin,

pyridoxine (vitamin B6), riboflavin and thiamin

(vitamin B1) and flavonoids like β-carotene, α-

carotene, lutein, zea-xanthin, and cryptoxanthin.

Chili also carries different minerals like potassium,

manganese, iron, and magnesium. (Chakrabarty et

al., 2017)

Siling labuyo, or in English, cayenne pepper, is a

distinct herb because of its undeniable spiciness. The

pepper fruit grows from a relatively short plant that

grows at a maximum height of 1.5 meters.

This little fruit is surprisingly packed with a lot of

vitamins. Even just a few grams red chili peppers

contain Vitamins A, B6, C, and K. Additionally, it also

has copper and potassium. As for the macros, it

contains about 1.3 grams of carbohydrates, 0.3 grams

of protein, and 0.1 grams of fat. Siling labuyo is also

88% water and it has a total of 6 calories. Another

great thing about the capsaicin found in siling labuyo is it

can boost our metabolism, thus allowing us to burn more


Additionally, it also gives a feeling of fullness, which

prevents the person from eating any more than what

is necessary. There is even a study suggesting that

capsaicin can convert white cells (those cells that

store fat) into brown cells that burn fat!


Siling Labuyo are red, though some cultivars are

yellow, purple or black.   One of the most common

uses of the pepper itself is mixed with vinegar and

other spices, such as ginger, onion and garlic, to

make a spicy condiment. It can also be used to add a

fiery spiciness to all kinds of sauces, vegetables and

fish dishes. The leaves of the pepper can also be

used in various typical recipes, such as seafood

soups and chicken tinola. Siling labuyo has been

considered a medicinal herbal plant used to treat

arthritis, rheumatism, dyspepsia, flatulence and

toothache.   The plant is easy to cultivate and grows

throughout the Philippines. It can even be cultivated in

containers placed in sunny areas. Bicol and Mindanao

(belonging to the Luzon Islands in the central

Philippines) are two areas known for their spicy

cuisine, in part due to the use of siling labuyo.

I was able to test efficacy of this practice; when
I cut the tip of my finger in the field survey, I put juice
of C. frutescens on it; thereafter, it stimulated body
flow, which had the effect of cleaning dirt from the
finger and the cut did not suppurate, traditional
practices are confirmed by scientific studies which
have demonstrated that certain extracts and essential
oils of Capsicum inhibit the growth of some bacteria
(ABDOU et al. 1972, GALLI et al. 1985).
The chili pepper, also known as siling labuyo is
one of well-known spice all over the world. It gives a
sizzling hotness of any food which makes people
crave for it. Chili pepper has health sustaining
properties as well and had been found to have rich in
Vitamin A and C contents ( Aguhob et al., 2015)
There were only few studies conducted on the
insecticidal effect of chilli pepper on insects
specifically termites. Termites are common problem in
some household as they Chili pepper has many
nutritional benefits and is widely used as spice
among Asian
countries. It has also the capability to kill insects
found in common households. Keeping in view these
facts about Chili pepper and its usability, this study
aims to test the efficacy of Chili pepper fruit extract
against wood termites. Squeezing method was used
to get the juices from the fruit. Fifteen termites were
collected from dry wood. They were then placed into
three closed containers, sprayed by the extract and
observed within 12 hours. Result showed no effects
on termites in container A (control group), however, in
container B that has 100 percent concentration of the
extract, termites were killed abruptly in 5 minutes and
after two hours, termites were dead in container C (50
% of chili pepper fruit extract and 50% distilled water).
Thus, Fruit extract of chili pepper has positive effects
as insecticide against household termites. Bio 182.
Biotechniques 2016 cause destruction of furniture,
house, or anything made of wood. According to Ring,
D. & Wilson, G. (2016), termites cause more damage
to homes than all other natural disasters combined.
Termites are often referred to as the “white ant”
because of their size and colour. Nicknames such as
“the little white thing” or “little white ant” come up in
discussing this insect. This termite is also known as
the Philippine milk termite (Coptotermes gestroi).
Modern houses make extensive use of concrete
slabs, and for most effective termite proofing much
of the chemical barrier needs to be put under these
slabs (Aguhob et al., 2012). Insecticides kill by
affecting the physiology of the insect. It abrades the
skin of the insects (roughens the skin or wear it
away), causing them to lose water. Insecticides are
helpful, but they can also be dangerous. Some
insecticides, called broad spectrum poisons, kill a
variety of organisms. Besides killing pests, they kill
harmless and helpful organisms such including
wasps, spiders and other natural enemies of pests.
The aim of their study is to find out if the chili
pepper fruit extract has any insecticidal effect on
insects, specifically termites. In addition, many studies
have indicated the potential ecological damage due to
the widespread use of synthetic pesticides (Meyer et
al., 2007)
According to Wu, David & Cheung,
Sidney (2013),Lumpia is rampant in Southeast Asia
especially in the Philippines which is brought by the
Chinese. Lumpia has become indigenized filled with
various vegetables wrapped with edible wrappers.
Some Filipinos also add peanuts and sautéed
vegetables. It is served with a sweet and sour sauce
with sautéed garlic


This research aims to develop a nutritional

content of development of squash and shrimp
dynamite enhance with capsicum frutescens extract
at Cebu Technological University Daanbantayan,
Campus during the Academic year 2020 - 2021.
This study specifically, attempts to find
answers to the following questions:
1. What is squash and shrimp dynamite food
development? - Food development is to enhance with
capsicum frutescens.
2. What is the development of squash and shrimp
dynamite extract based on the following formulation
2.1 FTO 350 grams squash and 1 kl shrimp
Dynamite + basic ingredients.
2.2 FTI 350 grams squash and 1 kl shrimp
dynamite + basic ingredients.
3. Are there significant differences among
formulations as to sensory evaluation? - Yes, it is
used in another formulation tool to know what is odor,
color, texture. What is the return of investment (ROI)
of most preferred formulation? -
4. Based on findings, what entrepreneurial activity can
be? - Based on our conduct research that we
enhance squash and shrimp dynamite, because it is
also one of the strongest and easily sold to people,
based on what we see they are interested in it.

Significance of the study

Children and adults who dislike to eat squash,

consuming it would be very easy and delicious for
The pregnant women who need enough nutrients to
prevent micronutrient deficiency. This research would
provide many key nutrients that are beneficial in
For the people who suffer illness, this research
can help them to fight their illness and nutritious at the
same time. And for the future researches, this study
could be a great help to future researchers who will
process related studies pertaining to squash and
shrimp dynamite enhance with wild chili. For the
dynamite lumpia vendors this study will be their guide
to make a product that is healthy and nutritious. We
will help them to understand how important is health,
because good health is central to human happiness
and well, being that makes an important contribution
prosperity and wealth. Not just only in gaining high
income but to serve healthy and nutritious food.

Scope and limitation of the study

The Research was conducted in Cebu

Technological University, Daanbantayan Campus.
This includes as the participation of the Employees
and Students from the School. This Research made
use of the base ingredients of The Development of
Squash and Shrimp Dynamite Enhance with a Wild
Research Design

The study used the experimental method employing

the Laboratory Techniques and procedures of The
Development of Squash and Shrimp Dynamite
Enhance with a Wild Chili. The main objective was to
determine the appropriate formulation of a squash
and shrimp capsicum frutescens as a treatment for
the enhance capsicum frutescens for a better
nutritional content.
The first formulation was the control of the study or
Treatment 0 (FTO) which consist of ½ kl squash, 1 kl.
Shrimp, ½ kl Long chili pepper, 30 pcs Lumpia
wrapper, 65 g Cheese, 750 ml oil,1 tsp salt.
Formulation 2 or Treatment 1 was composed of ½
squash,1 kl shrimp, ½ long chili pepper,30 pcs.

measure accurately wrapper,65 g Cheese,750 ml oil,1 tsp salt, 85
grams wild chili. Formulation 3 or treatment 2 which
needed ingredients.
consist of ½ squash, 1 kl shrimp, ½ long chili
pepper,30 pcs. Lumpia wrapper,65 g Cheese,750 ml
oil,1 tsp salt, 113.4 grams wild chilli and Formulation 4
or Treatment 3 consisting of ½ squash, 1 kl. shrimp,
½ Long chilli pepper, 30 pcs. Lumpia wrapper, 65 g
cheese,750 ml oil,1 tsp salt 141.8 grams wild chilli.
The fresh shrimp was grinded manually in
order to come up with the required texture of the
product. Using the mixing bowl, the ground shrimp
was mixed with the other ingredients and see the
formulations of a squash with a wild chilli as a
treatment to enhance the quality of the squash and
shrimp dynamite enhance with a wild chili. The
different formulation treatments will then be wrapped
with the Lumpia wrapper and fried for about 20-30
minutes. Serve hot.

FIGURE 2. Measuring, Mixing, and Frying,


-To wrap all mixed ingredients

- before
mix all measured
frying process.
ingredients using a mixing


-To place the uncooked dynamite

lumpia in the frying pan.

The basic ingredients of the Development

of Squash and Shrimp Dynamite Enhance with
Wild Chili
The basic ingredients used for The
development of Squash and Shrimp Dynamite
Enhance with Wild Chili are Squash, Shrimp, Lumpia
Shrimp-It isadds
the majorWrapper,
base of Cheese, Salt, Long Chili Pepper, Capsicum
the recipe,ofwhere
the it is the
recipe, whichof
replacement is pork
goodmeat, so
source of vitamincan
that consumers C. avoid
consuming fats of the said

FIGURE 3. Basic Ingredients

Salt-it gives flavoring
used chili
to frypepper-it
the squash and
gives aroma lumpia.
of the squash
is rich dynamite
in fiber. It is enhance
and shrimp dynamite
also wild with
rich chili,wild
in protein
with where green
because of the
chili helps digestion process.
keepsadded intohealthy and
your skin
dynamite lumpia.
Capsicum Frutescens-it
Cheese-it adds aroma and
can enhance the spiciness
flavorings to the dynamite
of the recipe.


750 ml Oil
1 kl Shrimp
500 g Squash
1 tsp. Salt
1½ tsp. Pepper
165 grams Eden
Wild chilli 250 grams
Lumpia wrapper.


1.The first component to prepare is the ground

squash and shrimp for the filling. This requires
cooking the ground squash and shrimp.
2.Start by heating oil in pan. Then put the ground
squash and shrimp.
Food Tong- used to grip and lift the
3.And then
dynamite lumpia especially putfrying.
during the ground wild chilli on the mixture of
Squash and Shrimp. Stir it well.
4.Next is to prepare the chili. Slice it lengthwise on
one side. Remove the seeds and then starts to stuff
with cheese. The cheese needs to be sliced
accordingly based on the shape of the pepper. Do not
put too much, leave for the ground squash and
shrimp. Stuff the chili with the cooked squash and
shrimp mixture.
5.Then start wrapping with the chillies.
6.After that fry the finish product until it will be golden

Basic Utensil. The basic kitchen utensils used in this

study are measuring spoon, mixing bowl, wooden
spoon, knife, chopping board, tongs, frying pan, and
Figure 4. Basic Utensils
Measuring Spoon- to
measure the small quantities
of the ingredients

Chopping board- a durable

board where all ingredient
has been place for cutting

Mixing Bowl- is a bowl used

for mixing of ingredients

Frying Pan- used to

browning the dynamite

Knife- the tool served as

cutlery of some ingredients
Frying Ladle- a kitchen tool
used to set a side of a
dynamite lumpia

Timer- it helps to count the

specific time of a dynamie

Research respondents

There were 30 respondents which consist of 10

Faculty members of Cebu Technological University
Daanbantayan Campus, handling, T.L.E, culinary /
HM, Fisheries and other subject related to food
processing. 5 from Hospitality Management Students
with culinary and food preparation subject. 10 from
Technological and Livelihood Education Students and
5 from Fisheries students of a Cebu Technological
University Daanbantayan Campus.
The samples were subjected to descripted
sensory evaluation score sheets were used to
evaluate the sensory attributes. The results of the
evaluation were collated, tabulated, analyzed, and
interpreted statistically
Respondents Frequency Percentage
member (T.L.E)
Culinary (HM, 5 16.7 %

Hm Students 10 33.3 %
T.L.E Students 10 33.3 %

Students 5 16.7 %
TOTAL 30 100 %

Table 1: Distribution of Respondents

Research Instrument

This research developed a nutritional content

for The Development of a Squash and Shrimp
Dynamite Enhance with Wild Chilli. The experiment
process are reflected in Figure 2. Where measuring
mixing, wrapping, frying of squash and shrimp
dynamite enhance with wild chilli have been
presented according to its process based of the given
procedure. Data Collection Procedure The study used
Input - Process - Output techniques to arrive at the
expected result of the study. The input contained the
four treatments formulation including the control
sample for The Development of a Squash and Shrimp
Dynamite enhance with a Wild Chilli at three various
levels. It also covered the perception of different
respondents on the attributes as color, flavor, odor
and texture. The process involved the experimental
and descriptive method as gathering of materials to
test obtaining the instrument to use as conducting
sensory evaluation and collecting data.

Data collection Procedure

The study used Input-Process-Output

technique to arrive at the expected result of the study.
The input contained the four treatment formulation
including the control sample for the Squash and
Shrimp Dynamite Enhance With Wild Chilli (Capsicum
Frutescens) at three various levels. It also covered
the perception of different respondent on the
attributes as color, flavor, odor, and texture. The
process involved the experimental and descriptive
method as gathering of materials to test, obtaining the
instrument to use, conducting sensory evaluation and
collecting of data.

Type equation here . INPUT

The Squash and Shrimp Dynamite were treated based on the following
FTO 0 grams wild chili + basic ingredients
Gathering of Data
Experimental and descriptive method
Color,flavor ,odor,texture
Statistical treatment:parametric scale weighted mean


Figure 5
The Flow of Study

Research environment

The study was conducted at Cebu Technological

University, Daanbantayan, Campus, Agujo,
Daanbantayan, Cebu as shown in figure. CTU is
located near the Barangay Hall of Agujo and Agujo
Elementary School. The distance of travel from Cebu
City to CTU Daanbantayan Campus through bus
transportation is approximately 130.3 kilometers.
Figure 6.
The Research Locale

The data were gathered according to the

following procedures:

Preliminary preparation and experimental process.

Preliminary Preparation. Letter of request asking

permission from the Campus Director of the university

was made of approval by using the Food Innovation


Experimental Process. The experimental method was

utilized for this study to ensure which of two

formulation treatments produced the most acceptable

for the squash and shrimp dynamite enhance with

wild chili.

Statistical treatment of data

This research study utilized these statistical tools to

facilitate the verification of the mentioned inquires:

The Weighted Mean (WM) was taken by multiplying

the sum of frequency (∑f) and weight (w). The product

was divided by total number of respondents.

The following was the formula:

WM = (∑fw)/n
WM = Weighted Mean
∑= summation
f = frequency
w = weight
n = number of respondents
In scoring the degree of Sardines Siomai with Moringa Oleifera
(malunggay). Extract as evaluated by our respondents of Cebu
Technological University Daanbantayan Campus, an adverbial scoring
was used in the evaluation as follows: 4-Very Much Acceptable (VMA), 3-
Acceptable (A), 2-Not Acceptable (NA), 1-Very Much Not Acceptable
(VMNA). To facilitate the interpretation of data, the non-parametric scale
was used based on the categories identified in the score sheet. Non
parametric scale was used for preference test result in the general
acceptability of the product. Very Much Acceptable (VMA)- category refers
to the highest degree of satisfaction of the sensory attributes evaluated.
Acceptable (A) - categories refers to the high degree of satisfaction of the
sensory qualities of the product. Not Acceptable (NA)- category refers to
the lower degree of satisfaction of the sensory qualities of the product.
Very Much Not Acceptable (VMNA) - categories refers to the lowest
degree of satisfaction of the sensory qualities of the product.

Table 2: Non-Parametric Scale

Capsicum frutescens - is a wild chili pepper having
genetic proximity to the cultivated pepper Capsicum
chinnese native to the Amazon Basin. Pepper
cultivars of C. frutescens can be annual or short-lived
perennial plants.
Omega 3-Shop omega 3 that's good for heart, bone,
and joint health at Healthy Options Philippines.
Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fatty fish, flaxseed,
and in supplements such as fish oil.
Omega-6 -are a type of polyunsaturated fat found in
vegetable oils, nuts and seeds. When eaten in
moderation and in place of the saturated fats found in
meats and dairy products, omega-6 fatty acids can be
good for your heart.
Nutrition -is defined as the processes by which an
animal or plant takes in and utilises food substances.
Essential nutrients include protein, carbohydrate, fat,
vitamins, minerals and electrolytes. Normally, 85% of
daily energy use is from fat and carbohydrates and
15% from protein.
Shrimp- Is Low in Calories yet Rich in Nutrients.
Shrimp has an impressive nutrition profile. It is quite
low in calories, providing only 84 calories in a 3-ounce
(85-gram) serving, and does not contain any carbs.
Approximately 90% of the calories in shrimp come
from protein, and the rest come from fat (1).
Dynamite Lumpia- are a must for any party! Made
with finger chili peppers and meat filling, they're
crispy, crunchy, slightly spicy, and the ultimate beer
Squash - Also known as summer squash, yellow
varieties of squash provide numerous health benefits.
The vegetable is high in vitamins A, B6, and C, folate,
magnesium, fiber, riboflavin, phosphorus, and
potassium. That's a serious nutritional power-packed
Potassium- is the third most abundant mineral in the
body (5). It helps the body regulate fluid, send nerve
signals and regulate muscle contractions. Roughly
98% of the potassium in your body is found in your
cells. Of this, 80% is found in your muscle cells, while
the other 20% can be found in your bones, liver and
red blood cells (6).
Phosphorus- is a mineral found in your bones. Along
with calcium, phosphorus is needed to build strong
healthy bones, as well as, keeping other parts of your
body healthy.
Folate- is a B-vitamin that is naturally present in many
foods. Your body needs folate to make DNA and
other genetic material. Your body also needs folate
for your cells to divide. A form of folate, called folic
acid, is used in fortified foods and most dietary
Antioxidants- are compounds that inhibit oxidation.
Oxidation- is a chemical reaction that can produce
free radicals, thereby leading to chain reactions that
may damage the cells of organisms. Antioxidants
such as thiols or ascorbic acid terminate these chain

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