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M a l a y s i a D a i l y Friday, 30 July 2021


CTOS Digital (CTOS MK/HOLD/RM1.54/Target: RM1.34)

Initiating First Post-listing Expansion By Acquiring Minority Stakes In Credit Rating Agency RAM Holdings
CTOS Digital (CTOS) announced that it has entered into a Share Purchase Agreement (SPA) with CIMB to acquire 462,500 ordinary
shares in RAM Holdings (RAM) representing 4.625% of the total paid-up share capital in RAM, for a total cash purchase consideration of

 Acquiring 4.6% stake in RAM. CTOS has made its first post-listing acquisition by acquiring a strategic minority stake in credit rating agency
RAM for RM10.1m. The group yesterday entered into a share purchase agreement (SPA) with CIMB Bank Berhad to acquire 462,500
ordinary shares, representing a 4.6% stake in RAM.
 Background of RAM. RAM is a leading provider of independent research and credit ratings, research, training, risk analysis, environmental,
social and governance (ESG) analytics, and bond pricing and valuation data. RAM’s rating portfolio encompasses a vast range of local and
foreign corporates, financial institutions and government-linked entities, underscored by over 30 years’ of expertise in the industry research.
RAM is the pioneer in the provision of credit-rating services for the Malaysian capital market and plays a leading role in providing crucial and
independent credit opinions, with rating portfolio encompasses a vast range of local and foreign corporates, multinationals, banks, insurance
companies, government-linked and other public-financed entities. This is underscored by over 30 years’ expertise in credit analysis, risk
management, economics and industry research.
 Acquisition price appears to be fair. RAM generated revenue of RM40m and net profit of RM8.4m in 2020. RAM also has a total assets of
RM188m and net assets of RM167.2m. The acquisition price of RM10.1m is about RAM’s 25.9x FY20 PE, which is at a discount to the mean
PE of 34.3x of other credit rating agencies globally.


Source: IQ Capital, CTOS

 We are positive on the acquisition. With the acquisition, CTOS is paving its way to become an established multinational platform with
comprehensive data analytics and performance insights. Management believes that there are strong synergies in both product offerings and
customer base between CTOS and RAM, which they will look to realise on moving forward.

 We revise our 2021-22 net profit forecasts by 2% to reflect the accretion from RAM’s stake acquisition.

 Downgrade to HOLD after impressive share price performance. Our revised target price of RM1.34 implies 40x 2022F PE. This is
largely in line with the industry’s 3-year PE mean of 37x which we reckon is justifiable given its multi-year robust growth story and it being the
direct proxy to growing demand for credit reporting in Malaysia. We expect the stock to continue delivering resilient earnings growth in 2021-
22, and look forward to more value-accretive expansion.
 In a hypothetical blue-sky scenario, target price can be as high as RM1.71, which implies 51x 2022F PE (industry’s 3-year +1SD above
mean PE).

Jack Goh
+603 2147 1983

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M a l a y s i a D a i l y Friday, 30 July 2021


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M a l a y s i a D a i l y Friday, 30 July 2021

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