Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2004/0230085A1

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US 2004O230085A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2004/0230085A1
Jakkula et al. (43) Pub. Date: Nov. 18, 2004
(54) PROCESS FOR PRODUCING A Related U.S. Application Data
BIOLOGICAL ORIGIN (60) Provisional application No. 60/408,301, filed on Sep.
6, 2002.
(76) Inventors: Juha Jakkula, Kerava (FI); Vesa
Niemi, Porvoo (FI); Jouko Nikkonen, Publication Classification
Hamari (FI); Veli-Matti Purola, Hamari
(FI); Jukka Myllyoja, Helsinki (FI); (51) Int. Cl. .................................................. C07C 1/00
Pekka Aalto, Porvoo (FI); Juha (52) U.S. Cl. .............................................................. 585/240
Lehtonen, Porvoo (FI); Ville Alopaeus,
Helsinki (FI) (57) ABSTRACT
Correspondence Address:
BRCH STEWART KOLASCH & BRCH The invention relates to a process for producing a hydro
PO BOX 747 carbon component of biological origin. The proceSS com
FALLS CHURCH, VA 22040-0747 (US) prises at least two steps, the first one of which is a HDO step
and the Second one is an isomerization Step operated using
(21) Appl. No.: 10/655,533 the counter-current flow principle. A biological raw material
containing fatty acids and/or fatty acid esterS Serves as the
(22) Filed: Sep. 5, 2003 feed Stock.

Patent Application Publication Nov. 18, 2004 Sheet 1 of 5 US 2004/0230085A1

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US 2004/0230085A1 Nov. 18, 2004

PROCESS FOR PRODUCING A HYDROCARBON genated and any Sulphur and nitrogen compounds are
COMPONENT OF BIOLOGICAL ORIGIN removed. Sulphur removal is called hydrodesulphurization
(HDS). Pretreatment and purity of the raw materials con
TECHNICAL FIELD tribute to the service life of the catalyst.
0001. The invention relates to an improved process for 0008 Generally in the HDO/HDS step, hydrogen is
producing a hydrocarbon component of biological origin mixed with the feed Stock and then the mixture is passed
from biological Starting materials. Such as Vegetable oils, through a catalyst bed as a co-current flow, either as a Single
animal fats and Similar materials, this component being phase or a two phase feed stock. After the HDO/MDS step,
particularly useful in diesel fuels. the product fraction is separated and passed to a separate
isomerzation reactor. An isomerization reactor for biological
PRIOR ART starting material is described in the literature (FI 100 248) as
a CO-Current reactOr.
0002 Ever increasing interest is directed to the use of
hydrocarbon components of biological origin in fuels since 0009 Patent application FI 933982 discloses a process
renewable biological Starting materials that may replace for producing a diesel fuel by hydrogenating a hydrocarbon
fossil ones are available, and the use thereof is desirable. feed, wherein the feed is passed as a co-current flow with
One of the aims is also to promote the exploitation of wastes hydrogen gas through a first hydrogenation Zone, and there
containing biological raw materials like animal carcasses. after the hydrocarbon effluent is further hydrogenated in a
Several prior art processes for producing fuels from Starting Second hydrogenation Zone by passing hydrogen gas to the
materials originating from plants and animals are known. Second hydrogenation Zone as a counter-current flow rela
tive to the hydrocarbon effluent.
0.003 FI 100248 discloses a two-step process for produc
ing middle distillate from vegetable oil by hydrogenating the 0010 Typically in the HDO step, a NiMo or CoMo
fatty acids or triglycecides of the vegetable oil to give catalyst is used, these catalysts having Some resistance to
n-paraffins and then by isomerizing Said n-paraffins to obtain catalyst poisons. The reactions in the HDO Step are highly
branched-chain paraffins. It was possible to improve the low exothermic and necessitate high amounts of hydrogen. AS
temperature performance of the hydrocarbon component for the isomerizing Step, noble metal catalysts are used,
produced by hydrogenating and isomerizing according to these catalysts being very expensive and extremely Sensitive
this process. The product is proven useful in Solvents and as to catalyst poisons and water. In addition, biological com
a diesel fuel component without any blending restrictions. ponents often give rise to precipitous by-products that may,
for instance, cause a considerable pressure drop. So fair, no
0004 Conversion of biomass feed stock is known from process configuration for combining the HDO Step of the
the document U.S. Pat. No. 5,705,722 disclosing a process biological Starting material and the isomerization proceSS
for producing additives Suitable for diesel fuels that improve thereof has been proposed in the field for producing high
the cetane number thereof, the feed Stock being, for instance, quality diesel components, wherein the properties of the
tall oil, tree oil from deciduous trees, anal fats and mixtures biological raw material are taken into consideration for Said
thereof. The biomass feed stock is hydroprocessed by con configuration.
tacting with gaseous hydrogen under hydroprocessing con
ditions in the presence of a catalyst. The product mixture 0011 AS on the basis of the above teachings may be seen,
thus obtained is Separated into fractions giving a hydrocar there is an obvious need for an improved and Simplified
bon component that boils in the boiling range of a diesel process for producing a hydrocarbon component from bio
fuel. Due to poor low temperature performance thereof, the logical raw materials, problems associated with the prior art
component may not be used at low temperatures. Solutions being eliminated or at least Substantially reduced
by Said process.
0005. The document GB 1524781 presents a method for GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION
producing hydrocarbons from Vegetable oil. In this method,
the vegetable oil feed Stock is pyrolyzed in three Zones at 0012. An object of the invention is to provide a process
temperatures of 300-700 C., in the presence of a catalyst. for producing a hydrocarbon component from biological raw
The hydrocarbons thus obtained are Separated and purified. materials.
0006 Biological raw materials contain high amounts of 0013 An object of the invention is also to provide a
oxygen that is converted to water, carbon monoxide and process for producing a hydrocarbon component from bio
carbon dioxide during processing. Typically, the amount of logical raw materials, Said component being Suitable as a
water in vegetable oils vanes between 7 and 11% by weight, diesel fuel or as a component thereof.
based on the feed stock Moreover, such biological raw 0014. The process of the invention comprises at least two
materials often contain nitrogen, Sulphur and phosphorus steps, the first one of which is a HDO step and the second
that arc known catalyst poisons and inhibitors inevitably one is an isomerization Step utilizing the counter-current
reducing the Service life of the catalyst and necessitating principle, a biological raw material Serving as the feed Stock.
frequent regenerations thereof.
0007 Biological starting materials may be pretreated 0015 Characteristic features of the process of the inven
tion for producing a hydrocarbon component from biologi
with Suitable methods Such as thermally, chemically and cal raw materials are disclosed in the appended claims.
mechanically prior to the hydrodeoxygenation Step that
breaks the Structure thereof, the Step being referred to herein DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
as the HDO step. HDO means removal of oxygen by means INVENTION
of hydrogen, that is, oxygen is removed while breaking the 0016. It was surprisingly found that the problems of the
structure of the material. Olefinic double bonds are hydro prior art processes may be avoided or at least Substantially
US 2004/0230085A1 Nov. 18, 2004

reduced by the process of the invention having at least two range of 300-400 C. in the HDO step, known hydrogena
Steps. In the process of the invention, the counter-current tion catalysts containing metals from Group VII and/or VIB
flow principle is utilized in connection with a new type of of the Periodic System may be used. Preferably, the hydro
feed Stock material. In the first Step of the process, i.e. in the genation catalysts are supported Pd, Pt, Ni, NiMo or a CoMo
hydrodeoxygenation step, hereinafter referred to as the HDO catalysts, the Support being alumina and/or Silica, as
Step, the Structure of the biological component is decom described for instance in FI 100248. Typically, NiMo/Al-O
posed, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus and Sulphur com and CoMo/Al2O catalysts are used.
pounds, and light hydrocarbons as gas are removed, and the
olefinic bonds are hydrogenated. In the Second step of the 0022 Prior to the HDO step, the biological raw material
process, i.e. in the So-called isomerization Step, isomerzation may optionally be treated by prehydrogenation under milder
is carried out for branching the hydrocarbon chain and conditions thus avoiding Side reactions of the double bonds.
improving the performance of the paraffin at low tempera Such prehydrogenation is carried out in the presence of a
tureS. prehydrogenation catalyst at temperatures of 50-400 C. and
at hydrogen preSSures of 1-200 bar, preferably at a tempera
0.017. As the feed stock, a biological raw material con ture between 150 and 250 C. and at a hydrogen pressure
taining fatty acids and/or fatty acid esters that originate from between 10 and 100 bar. The catalyst may contain metals
plants, animals or fish is used, said biomaterial being from Group VIII and/or VIB of the Periodic System. Pref
Selected from the group consisting of vegetable oils/fats, erably, the prehydrogenation catalyst is a Supported Pd, Pt,
animal fats, fish oils and mixtures thereof. Examples of Ni, NiMo or a CoMo catalyst, the Support being alumina
Suitable biomaterials are wood-based and other plant-based and/or Silica.
fats and oils. Such as rapeseed oil, colza oil, canola oil, tall 0023 Typically, such prehydrogenation is carried out in
oil, Sunflower oil, Soybean oil, hempseed oil, olive oil,
linseed oil, mustard oil, palm oil, peanut oil, castor oil, co-current manner. When the prehydrogenation is almost
coconut oil, as well as fats contained in plants bred by means complete, then white, Saturated triglyceride, Solid at room
of gene manipulation, animal-based fats Such as lard, tallow, temperature and having an iodine number of below 2, is
train oil, and fats contained in milk as well as recycled fats
of the food industry and mixtures of the above. 0024. A gaseous stream from the HDO step containing
0.018. The basic structural unit of a typical vegetable or hydrogen is cooled and then carbon monoxide, carbon
animal fat useful as the feed Stock is a triglyceride, that is a dioxide, nitrogen, phosphorus and Sulphur compounds, gas
triester of glycerol with three fatty acid molecules, having eous light hydrocarbons and other impurities are removed
the Structure presented in the following formula I: therefrom. After compressing, the purified hydrogen or
recycled hydrogen is returned back to the first catalyst bed
and/or between the catalyst beds to make up for the with
drawn gas Stream. Water is removed from the condensed
liquid. The liquid is passed to the first catalyst bed or
between the catalyst beds.
0025. In the HDO step, a liquid stream may optionally be
withdrawn from between and/or after the catalyst beds. The
liquid Steam is cooled and water is removed therefrom, and
then it is returned back on the catalyst beds.
0026 Optionally, a product from the isomerization step
0.019 wherein R, R and R are hydrocarbon chains, and or another suitable hydrocarbon may also be added to the
R, R2, and R may be Saturated or unsaturated C-C alkyl feed of the HDO step.
groups. The fatty acid composition may vary considerably in
feed Stocks of different origin. 0027. After the HDO step, the product is subjected to an
isomerization Step. It is Substantial for the process that the
0020 Mixtures of a biological raw material and hydro impurities are removed as completely as possible before the
carbon may also serve as the feed, and further, the hydro hydrocarbons are contacted with the isomerization catalyst.
carbon component obtained as the product may, if desired, The isomerization Step comprises an optional Stripping Step,
be recycled back to the feed to control the exothermal wherein the reaction product from the HDO step may be
character of the reactions. purified by Stripping with water vapour or a Suitable gas Such
as light hydrocarbon, nitrogen or hydrogen. The optional
0021. In the first step i.e. HDO stop of the process of the Stripping Step is carried out in counter-current manner in a
invention, hydrogen gas and the biological component to be unit upstream of the isomerization catalyst, wherein the gas
hydrogenated are passed to a HDO catalyst bed System and liquid are contacted with each other, or before the actual
either as co-current or counter-current flows, Said catalyst isomerization reactor in a separate Stripping unit utilizing
bed System comprising one or more catalyst bed(s), prefer counter-current principle.
ably 1-3 catalyst beds. The HDO step is typically operated
in a co-current manner. In case of a HDO catalyst bed System 0028. After the stripping step the hydrogen gas and the
comprising two or more catalyst beds, one or more of the hydrogenated biological component, and optionally an
beds may be operated using the counter-current flow prin n-paraffin mixture, are passed to a reactive isomerization
ciple. In the HDO step, the pressure varies between 20 and unit comprising one or several catalyst bed(s). The catalyst
150 bar, preferably between 50 and 100 bar, and the tem beds of the isomerization Step may operate either in co
perature varies between 200 and 500 C., preferably in the Current Or COunter-Current manner.
US 2004/0230085A1 Nov. 18, 2004

0029. It is essential for the process that the counter manner. Both the HDO step and the isomerization step may
current flow principle is applied in the isomerization Step. In be cared out in the Same pressure vessel or in Separate
the isomerization Step this is done by carrying out either the preSSure vessels.
optional Stripping Step or the isomerization reaction Step or 0041 Biological starting material 10 is passed to a first
both in counter-current manner.
HDO catalyst bed 20 where condensed hydrocarbon is also
0030 The isomerization step and the HDO step may be passed as a recycled Stream 41 having water removed
carried out in the same pressure vessel or in Separate therefrom. Recycled hydrogen 40 is mixed with the feed 10,
preSSure vessels. Optional prehydrogenation may be carried and the recycled Stream 41.
out in a separate preSSure vessel or in the Same pressure 0042. A gas stream 42 is withdrawn both after the last
vessel as the HDO and isomerization steps. HDO catalyst bed 21 and between the catalyst beds 20 and
0031. In the isomerzation step, the pressure varies in the 21, and further passed to a process unit 43, where Said
range of 20-150 bar, preferably in the range of 20-100 bar, withdrawn gas Streams are cooled and partly condensed,
the temperature being between 200 and 500 C., preferably water is separated and purified hydrogen gas is compressed
between 300 and 400° C. to give recycled hydrogen 40. Light hydrocarbons, water,
carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, Sulphur and
0032. In the isomerization step, isomerization catalysts phosphorus compounds and other impurities are removed as
known as Such may be used, as described e.g. in the Stream 44. Condensed hydrocarbons are returned as cooling
document FI 100248. Suitable isomerization catalysts con Streams (recycled Streams) 41 to Suitable catalyst beds.
tain molecular sieve and/or a metal from Group VII and/or Recycled hydrogen 40 is partitioned between Separate cata
a carrier. Preferably, the isomerization catalyst contains lyst beds.
SAPO-11 or SAPO41 or ZSM-22 or ZSM-23 or ferrierite
and Pt, Pd or Ni and Al-O or SiO. Typical isomerization 0043. The product from the HDO step is passed to an
catalysts are, for example, Pt/SAPO-11/Al2O, Pt/ZSM-22/ isomerization catalyst bed 30 where fresh hydrogen is
Al-O, Pt/ZSM-23/Al-O and Pt/SAPO-11/SiO. passed in counter-current manner as a stream 50, the cooling
being carried out by means of the stream 41. After the
0033. As the product, a high quality hydrocarbon com isomerization, the products are passed as a Stream 60 to
ponent of biological origin, useful as a diesel fuel or a product Separation 70 where light components are Separated
component thereof, is obtained, the density, cetane number as a Stream 80, heavy components as a stream 81 and the
and performance at low temperate of said hydrocarbon hydrocarbon component/biodiesel product as a stream 82.
component being excellent.
0044) The presentation of FIG. 1 is also valid for solu
0034) The invention is now illustrated by means of FIGS. tions wherein biological raw material is mixed with hydro
1-5. carbon. In the solution shown, the HDO step catalyst bed
System may comprise one or more beds. In this case, Streams
FIGURES withdrawn from between and recycled back to the catalyst
beds may be eliminated, or Such streams may be provided
0035 FIG. 1 schematically shows the operation of the prior to or after each catalyst bed. In the process unit 43,
process of the invention, wherein the HDO step is run in deleterious organic or inorganic acids may also be removed
co-current manner and the isomerization Step in counter from the condensed hydrocarbon followed by recycling of
Current manner. the hydrocarbon Stream back to the process. The isomeriza
tion Step may also comprise one or Several catalyst beds.
0.036 FIG. 2 schematically shows another embodiment
of the present invention, wherein the first catalyst bed of the 004.5 FIG. 2 shows another embodiment of the inven
HDO Step is shown as co-current and the Second as counter tion, Schematically illustrating the operation of the process.
current; the isomerzation Step is shown as counter-current. In the Figure, the first catalyst bed 20 of the HDO step is
presented as operated in co-current fashion. After the co
0037 FIG.3 schematically shows a third embodiment of current catalyst bed, a counter-current HDO catalyst bed 21
the present invention illustrating the HDO Step as co-current is shown. The isomerization step 30 is shown as operated in
and the isomerization as counter-current. According to the COunter-Current manner.
embodiment, after the HDO step, a liquid stream is with
drawn and then purified and returned back to the isomer 0046 Biological starting material 10 is passed to the first
ization Step. HDO catalyst bed 20. Condensed hydrocarbon is also passed
to the first catalyst bed as a stream 41 having water removed
0038 FIG. 4 schematically shows a fourth embodiment therefrom. Purification and cooling of the withdrawn
of the present invention, comprising prehydrogenation prior Streams are carried out at a unit 43, and then the Streams are
to the HDO step. returned to the process as in FIG. 1.
0039 FIG. 5 schematically shows a fifth embodiment of 0047 Recycled hydrogen 40 is mixed with the feed 10
the present invention, wherein both the counter-current and and with the recycled stream 41. In this embodiment, the
the co-current flow principle are used in the isomerization feed is also mixed with an isomerization product 83 to dilute
Step the feed to the HDO step. Impurities dissolved in the HDO
0040 FIG. 1 shows one embodiment of the present product are removed therefrom by counter-current HDObed
invention, Schematically illustrating the operation of the 21, thus purifying the feed to the isomerization Step.
process. In the Figure, the HDO Step is run in co-current 0048. A gas stream 42 is withdrawn upstream of the
manner and the isomerization Step is run in counter-current counter-current HDO catalyst bed 21 and passed to the
US 2004/0230085A1 Nov. 18, 2004

proceSS unit 43, where withdrawn gas Streams are cooled 0056 Downstream of the last HDO catalyst bed 21 and
and condensed and purified as described in FIG. 1. between the catalyst beds 20 and 21, a gas stream 42 is
0049. The product from the HDO step is passed to the withdrawn and passed to the process Step 43, wherein Said
isomerization catalyst bed, where isomerization is carried withdrawn gas Streams are cooled and partly condensed,
out as described in FIG. 1. water is separated and the purified hydrogen gas is com
pressed to give recycled hydrogen 40. Light hydrocarbons,
0050. The presentation of FIG. 2 is also valid for solu water, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, Sulphur
tions comprising one or more catalyst bed(s) for the HDO and phosphorus compounds and other impurities are
Step. In this case, Streams withdrawn between the catalyst removed as a stream 44. Condensed hydrocarbons are
beds and recycled Streams may be eliminated, or Such returned as cooling streams (recycled Steams) 41 to Suitable
Streams may be provided prior to or after each catalyst bed. catalyst beds. Recycled hydrogen 40 is partitioned between
In the process unit 43, deleterious organic or inorganic acids various catalyst beds.
may also be removed from the condensed hydrocarbon 0057 The product from the HDO step is passed to the
followed by recycling of the hydrocarbon stream back to the catalyst bed 30 of the isomerization step also receiving fresh
process. The isomerZation Step may also comprise one or
Several catalyst beds. hydrogen in counter-current manner as a Stream 50, the
cooling being carried out by means of the Stream 41. After
0051 FIG. 3 shows still another embodiment of the isomerization, the products are passed as a Stream 60 to
invention. In the Figure, the HDO step is presented as product separation 70, where light components are Separated
operated in co-current and the isomerization in counter as a Stream 80, heavy components as a stream 81 and the
current fashion. In this embodiment, a liquid Stream is hydrocarbon component/biodiesel product as a Stream 82.
withdrawn downstream of the HDO step, followed by puri 0058 FIG. 4 presents an embodiment having the prehy
fication of Said stream and recycling thereof back to the drogenation connected to the embodiment of FIG. 1. The
isomerization Step. prehydrogenation may also be connected to the embodi
0052. This embodiment corresponds to that of FIG. 1 ments of FIGS. 2 and 3 and to the variations of the above
except that a liquid stream 91 is withdrawn downstream of embodiments. The hydrogenation reactor may also be flu
the HDO catalyst bed 21, the stream 91 being passed to a idized, have a mobilized bed, be a mixed container reactor
purification Step 90 and then, after purification and cooling, of the CSTR type, or a fixed bed counter-current reactor.
it is recycled back to the catalyst bed 30 of the isomerization
step as a stream 92. In the purification unit 90, the liquid 0059 FIG. 5 shows an embodiment schematically illus
Stream is cooled. Light hydrocarbons, hydrogen, water, trating the operation of the process in a Situation where part
carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, Sulphur and of the isomerization Step operates utilizing the co-current
phosphorus compounds and other impurities are removed as flow principle.
a stream 93. Hydrocarbons are returned as cooling Streams 0060 Biological starting material 10 is passed to a first
92 to the catalyst beds of the isomerization step. HDO catalyst bed 20 where condensed hydrocarbon is also
0053) The presentation of FIG. 3 is also valid for solu passed as a recycled Stream 41 having water removed
tions comprising one or more catalyst bed(s) for the HDO therefrom. Recycled hydrogen 40 is mixed with the feed 10,
Step. In this case, Streams withdrawn between the catalyst and the recycled Stream 41.
beds and recycled Streams may be eliminated, or Such 0061 Downstream of the last HDO catalyst bed 21 and
Streams may be provided prior to or after each catalyst beds between the catalyst beds 20 and 21, a gas stream 42 is
The Solution also includes the cases wherein a liquid Stream withdrawn and passed to the process Step 43, wherein Said
may be withdrawn from various places of the HDO step and withdrawn gas Streams are cooled and partly condensed,
returned between other catalyst beds. Hydrogen and other water is separated and the purified hydrogen gas is com
gaseous components Separated in the purification Step 90 pressed to give recycled hydrogen 40 and 50. Light hydro
may optionally be passed to the Step 43 for purification. In carbons, water, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen,
the proceSS Step 43 and 90, deleterious organic or inorganic Sulphur and phosphorus compounds and other impurities are
acids may also be removed from the hydrocarbon prior to removed as a stream 44. Condensed hydrocarbons are
returning Said hydrocarbon Stream to the process. returned as cooling streams (recycled Streams) 41 to Suitable
0054 FIG. 4 shows an embodiment of the invention catalyst beds. Recycled hydrogen 40 is partitioned between
illustrating a co-current prehydrogenation preceding the various catalyst beds.
HDO step, the HDO step being carried out in co-current 0062) The product from the HDO step is passed to a
manner and the isomerzation Step in counter-current manner. stripping unit 30 of the isomerization step where fresh
0.055 Biological starting material 10 mixed with fresh hydrogen is passed in counter-current manner as a stream
hydrogen as a stream 50 is passed to a prehydrogenation 50; recycled hydrogen 40 may also optionally be used. The
reactor 15, and thereafter, the prehydrogenated product is Stripping unit 30 may comprise conventional distillation
passed as a stream 16 from the reactor 15 to a first HDO trays or packing and its under part may also contain a
catalyst bed 20 also receiving as a recycled Stream 41 catalyst layer. The Second part 31 of the isomerization Step
condensed hydrocarbon having water removed therefrom. is carried out in co-current manner and always contains a
Recycled hydrogen 40 is mixed with the biological raw catalyst layer, Streams 51 containing hydrogen are passed
material feed 10 and the recycled stream 41. Instead of fresh from the isomerization to hydrogen recovery and, if neces
hydrogen, the biological raw material 10 may also be mixed Sary, to be compressed. The fresh hydrogen can be passed to
with recycled hydrogen 40 prior to the prehydrogenation. the isomerization unit together with the streams 50.
Typically, the prehydrogenation reactor 15 is a co-current 0063. After isomerization, the products are passed as a
fixed bed reactor. stream 60 to product separation 70, where light components
US 2004/0230085A1 Nov. 18, 2004

are separated as a stream 80, heavy components as a stream thus preventing it from deactivating. Due to the counter
81 and the hydrocarbon component/biodiesel product as a current operation principle the water content in the liquid
stream 82. phase is also reduced. Water is removed prior to contacting
0064. However, it should be appreciated that the inven the hydrocarbon with the isomerization catalyst. This also
tion is not restricted to the embodiments described above or reduces the deactivation of the isomerization catalyst.
to combinations thereof. There are also other ways than
those particularly described above to carry out the invention 0070 Moreover, it is surprising that the use of a biologi
without deviating from the Scope of the appended claims. cal feed Stock in the proceSS is possible, which feed Stock
may originate from Several different Sources, and the com
0065. In the process of the invention, the counter-current position of the feed may vary considerably without affecting
operation can be utilized for processing a novel type of raw the quality of the end product.
material. The co-current operation typically used in the
HDO Step results in low partial pressure of hydrogen, a great 0071. The low temperature performance of the product
gas Stream and poisoning of the catalyst at the downstream produced with the process of the invention is considerably
end of the catalyst bed. In the HDO step, the poisoning of the better than that of a products obtained using prior art
catalyst is accelerated by water, carbon monoxide and processes. The turbidity point of the product may even be
carbon dioxide. In addition, the nitrogen, Sulphur and phos below -30° C., and accordingly, it is also well Suited to be
phorus compounds reacted in the HDO Step become part of used in demanding cold conditions.
the gaseous phase. Catalyst poisons can be removed by
utilizing the counter-current operation in the isomerization 0072 The invention is now illustrated with the following
and/or HDO step. The service life of the catalysts may be examples without, however, intending to limit the Scope
extended both in the HDO step and the isomerization step by
removing by-products produced from the withdrawn
Streams and from the Streams to be recycled. The counter EXAMPLES
current operation may be carried out in a layer packed with
a catalyst, in a layer filled with inert packing or Simply by Example 1
contacting the gas from the latter proceSS Steps with the 0073 Production of a hydrocarbon component from tall
liquid Stream from one or more of the preceding proceSS oil fatty acid fraction (TOFA) using the process of the
0.066. A major part of the HDO treated product is also
vaporized under the conditions of the HDO step. In some 0074 TOFA was used as the feed stock, having the
cases the amount of the vaporized liquid is So great that the typical characteristics shown in Table 1 below.
temperature of the reactor may be controlled by withdrawn
and recycled Streams, or, alternatively, the temperature con TABLE 1.
trol may be achieved by extracting liquid from the process, TOFA (Tall Oil Fatty Acid)
cooling it and returning it to the process. Water is separated
from the condensed liquid, water-Soluble impurities being Property Numerical value
entrained therewith. Condensed hydrocarbon may also be Acid number 194
purified with conventional methods prior to recycling back Saponification number 195
to the process. One example is the neutralization of the Resin acids 1.9%
condensed harmful acids from the hydrocarbon Streams and Unsaponified 2.4%
Washing with water prior to recycling. Iodine number (Wijs) 152
Colour G 4-5
0067. With the optional prehydrogenation step, side reac Density (20° C.)
Refractive Index nD2O
910 kg/m
tions of the double bonds Such as polymerization, ring Fatty acid composition, % (typical)
formation and aromatization may be reduced, Such side
reactions causing the catalyst to coke, and thus shortening 6:O 0.4
the operation period. The yield of the final product (diesel) 7:O a
is also considerably improved by the prehydrogenation. 8:1 (9) 30.2
0068. In the isomerization step, gas and liquid move first 8:1 (11)
8:2 (5,9)
as counter-current flows to an optional Stripping unit. The 8:2 (9, 12) 41.7
counter-current operation may also be applied, if necessary, 9:1 (9) ai O6
to one or several catalyst beds. This way the valuable noble 8:3 (5, 9, 12) 9.O
metal catalyst can be effectively protected, Fresh hydrogen 9:2 (5,9) ai O.3
from the isomerization Step can be passed directly to the 9:2 (9, 12) ai O.3
8:3 (9, 12, 15) O6
HDO reactor without compression. The isomerization pres 2O:O 0.4
sure may also be lower than that in the HDO step. In the 8:2 conjug. 5.5
isomerization, low amounts of hydrogen are consumed 8:3 conjug 2.1
meaning that no recycling of hydrogen is necessarily 20:2 (11, 14) O.2
20:3 (5, 11, 14) 1.1
required in the isomerization. Significant Savings in the 20:3 (7, 11, 14) O.2
investment costs are possible by placing the HDO and Others 3.6
isomerization Steps in the same housing. Total 1OO.O
0069 Advantages of the simplified process of the inven
tion also include the protection of the isomerization catalyst,
US 2004/0230085A1 Nov. 18, 2004

0075) HDO Step

0076. In the HDO step, the TOFA was hydrogenated
using the typical desulphurization catalyst NiMo/Al2O of Properties of the prehydrogenated product
middle distillates. Aqueous phase formed in an amount of
about 10% by weight was separated from the product. Rapeseed oil Prehydrogenated Prehydrogenated
Analysis feed product/150° C. product/250 C.
0.077 ISOmerization Step GPC analysis
0078. The catalyst was prepared using a typical process
for producing a catalyst, and then ground and Sieved. The oligomers, 76 O O O.2
triglycerides, 76 97 95.9 94.9
catalyst was loaded to a tubular reactor and reduced at diglycerides, 76 2.3 3.1 3.5
normal pressure with a hydrogen stream at 350-450° C. for monoglycerides, 76 O O O
one hour. The catalyst was cooled to the temperature of 150 fatty acids or
hydrocarbons, 76
O.7 O.9 1.3
C. prior to pressurization and Starting the hydrogenated Iodine number 112 1. 2
TOFA feed. The isomerization conditions were as follows:
temperature 250-400 C.; hydrogen pressure: 50 bar, feed
flow rate: WHSV=3 1/h; and hydrogen flow rate HHC=500
1/h. 1. Process for producing a hydrocarbon component of
0079 Table 2 below shows the properties of the hydro biological origin, characterized in that the proceSS comprises
carbon component obtained with the process, that is, the at least two steps, the first one of which is a hydrodeoxy
properties of the TOFA obtained after the HDO and isomer genation Step and the Second one is an isomerization Step
Zation StepS. operated using the counter-current flow principle and com
prising an optional Stripping Step, and that a biological raw
TABLE 2 material containing fatty acids and/or fatty acid esterS Serves
as the feed Stock.
The properties of the processed TOFA 2. Process according to claim 1, characterized in that a
Analysis Method ASTM Processed TOFA biological raw material Selected from vegetable oils/fats,
animal fats, fish oils and mixtures thereof is used as the feed
Density 50° C. kg/m D4052 769.7 Stock.
Sulphur mg/kg D4294 O
Br-index D2710 2OO 3. Process according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that
Turbidity point o C. D2500 -12 wood-based or plant-based fats and oils, fats contained in
Solidification point C. D97 -12 plants bred by means of gene manipulation, animal-based
Filterability o C. EN116 -11 fats, recycled fats of the food industry or mixtures of the
Distillation TA? C. D86 122 above are used as the feed Stock.
5 mlf C. 268
10 mlf C. 28O 4. Process according to claim 3, characterized in that
30 mlf C. 295 rapeseed oil, colza oil, canola oil, tall oil, Sunflower oil,
50 mlf C. 297 Soybean oil, hempseed oil, olive oil linseed oil, mustard oil,
70 mlf C. 299
90 mlf C. 304 palm oil, peanut oil, castor oil, coconut oil, lard, tallow, train
95 mlf C. 314 oil or fats contained in milk are used as the feed Stock.
Cetane number
TL/mlf C.
5. Process according to any of the above claims 1-4,
n-Paraffins % by weight GC-MS 13 characterized in that a mixture of a biological raw material
i-Paraffins % by weight GC-MS 73 and a hydrocarbon/hydrocarbons is used as the feed Stock.
6. Process according to any of the above claims 1-5,
characterized in that in the hydrodeoxygenation Step, hydro
0080. The properties of TOFA processed according to the gen gas and the biological raw material to be hydrogenated
invention are excellent. The performance at low temperature are passed to a hydrodeoxygenation catalyst bed either as
is considerably improved by the isomerization without co-current or as counter-current flows.
decreasing the cetane number. The product is very Suitable 7. Process according to any of the above claims 1-6,
as a component in diesel fuels without any blending restric characterized in that the hydrodeoxygenation catalyst bed
tions, and it is also useful in Solvents. System comprises one or more catalyst beds.
8. Process according to claim 7, characterized in that the
Example 2 hydrodeoxygenation catalyst bed System comprises two or
more catalyst beds, one or more of which are operated using
0.081 Prehydrogenation according to the invention of the counter current flow principle.
alkali-refined rapeseed oil 9. Process according to any of the above claims 1-8,
0082 Prehydrogenation were carried out in an autoclave characterized in that in the hydrodeoxygenation Step, the
at the temperature of 100-290 C. and at the pressure of pressure varies in the range of 20-150 bar, preferably in the
30-35 bar. Alkali-refined rapeseed oil served as the feed range of 50-100 bar, the temperature varying between 200
stock. Table 3 shows some properties of the rapeseed oil feed and 500° C., preferably between 300 and 400° C.
and the prehydrogenated product. AS may be seen from the 10. Process according to any of the above claims 1-9,
properties of the prehydrogenated product, the triglyceride characterized in that the gaseous Stream from the hydrode
composition remains nearly unchanged (GPC=gel perme oxygenation Step is cooled, carbon monoxide, carbon diox
ation chromatography) and the double bonds of the fatty ide, nitrogen, phosphorus and Sulphur compounds, gaseous
acid chains are nearly completely Saturated (iodine number). light hydrocarbons and other impurities are removed there
US 2004/0230085A1 Nov. 18, 2004

from, and then the hydrogen thus purified is recycled back 17. Process according to any of the above claims 1-16,
to the hydrodeoxygenation or isomerization Step. characterized in that the biological raw material is Subjected
11. ProceSS according to claim 10, characterized in that to prehydrogenation prior to the hydrodeoxygenation Step.
water is removed from the hydrocarbon condensed by 18. Process according to claim 17, characterized in that
cooling prior to recycling it back to the hydrodeoxygenation the prehydrogenation is carried out at a hydrogen preSSure of
StepS. 1-200 bar and at a temperature of 50-400 C., preferably at
12. Process according to any of the above claims 1-11, a pressure of 10-100 bar and at a temperature of 150-250 C.
characterized in that a liquid Stream is withdrawn from the 19. Process according to claim 17 or 18, characterized in
process downstream of one or several catalyst bed(s) of the that the prehydrogenation is earned out in the same preSSure
hydrodeoxygenation Step, which liquid Stream is then cooled vessel as the hydrodeoxygenation and isomerization Steps,
and water and water Soluble impurities are removed there or in a separate pressure vessel.
from, and the purified liquid Stream is recycled back to the 20. Process according to any of the above claims 1-19,
hydrodeoxygenation or isomerization Step. characterized in that the prehydrogenation and/or hydrode
13. Process according to any of the above claims 1-12, oxygenation is carried out in the presence of a hydrogena
characterized in that after the hydrodeoxygenation Step, tion catalyst, Said hydrogenation catalyst containing a metal
hydrogen gas, the component to be hydrogenated and from the Group VIII and/or VIB of the Periodic System.
optionally a hydrocarbon mixture are passed as counter 21. Process according to claim 20, characterized in that
current flows to the isomerization Step. the hydrogenation catalyst is a supported Pd, Pt, Ni, NiMo
14. Process according to claim 13, characterized in that a or a CoMo catalyst the Support being alumina and/or Silica.
component to be hydrogenated counter-currently and 22. Process according to any of the above claims 1-21,
optionally a hydrocarbon mixture are passed to the Stripping characterized in that an isomerization catalyst is used in the
unit of the isomerization Step, and in the Stripping unit isomerization Step, and the isomerization catalyst contains
catalyst poisons are removed. molecular Sieve.
15. Process according to any of the above claims 1-14, 23. Process according to claim 22, characterized in that
characterized in that in the isomerization Step, the pressure metal from the Element Group VIII has been added to the
varies in the range of 20-150 bar, preferably in the range of isomerization catalyst.
20-100 bar, the temperature varying between 200 and 500 24. Process according to claim 22 or 23, characterized in
C., preferably between 300 and 400° C., the pressure in the that the isomerization catalyst contains Al-O or SiO2.
isomerization Step being preferably higher than in the hydro 25. Process according to any of the above claims 22-24,
deoxygenation Step. characterized in that the isomerization catalyst contains
16. Process according to any of the above claims 1-15, SAPO-11 or SAPO-41 or ZSM-22 or ZSM-23 or ferrierite
characterized in that the hydrodeoxygenation and the and Pt or Pd or Ni and Al-O or SiO.
isomerization StepS are carried out in the same pressure
vessel or in Separate pressure vessels. k k k k k

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