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The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
the relationship between faults and earthquakes
Content Standard the formation of typhoons and their movement within the PAR
the characteristics of comets, meteors, and asteroids
The learners shall be able to:
make an emergency plan and prepare an emergency kit for use at home and in
Performance school
demonstrate precautionary measures before, during and after a typhoon, including
Standard following advisories, storm signals, and calls for evacuation given by government
agencies in charge discuss whether beliefs and practices about comets, meteors, and
To explain how typhoon develops and how it is affected by landmasses and bodies of
Learning water, specifically you are to:
Competency 1. explain how tropical cyclones form;
2. Explain how typhoons develop; 3. Describe the factors that affect a typhoon
(NO MELCs Code)
III. LEARNING Science links: worktext for scientific and technology literacy.Rex Book Store.
RESOURCES Grade 8 Science Learner’s Material
Grade 8 Science Teacher’s Guide.
Layers of the atmosphere.
Stages of Development:from disturbance to hurricane
Let us Recall! Activity 1
Directions: Label and draw a line to match the parts of the
layers of the atmosphere to its description.

1. the region of the Earth's atmosphere between the

B troposphere and mesosphere. It has no clouds and is
marked by gradual temperature increase.
2. layer of the earth's atmosphere where site of all-weather
on the earth
ELICIT 3. the outermost region of the atmosphere of Earth or
(REVIEW) C another planet
4. the layer of the Earth's atmosphere in which
temperature decreases rapidly, located between the
D stratosphere and thermosphere
5. the region of the atmosphere above the mesosphere in
which temperature steadily increases with height,
beginning at about 85 km/53 mi above the Earth's

PLANGrade Level
Teacher JOCELYN P. ABRANILLA Learning Area Earth & Space
Teaching Dates MARCH 8, 2021
(Darwin, Fleming, Quarter SECOND QUARTER
Hooke, Mendel, Pasteur)
You have surely learned from your Grade 7
science that the TROPOSPHERE is a part of
the atmosphere where clouds are being
formed. This layer consists of water vapor,
carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and
others. These gases block some heat that is
radiated back from the ground. Through the
process of conduction and convection, heat
is being transferred from one place to
another. It is also through convection that a
warm, moist air combines with cold air
which leads to the low-pressure system
formation where tropical cyclones are
Show a video presentation on the activity.
Activity 2- What Kind of Air Causes the Formation of Typhoon?
Objective: After showing this activity, you will be able to describe what will happen when cold air and
warm air meet.
Guide Questions
ENGAGE 1. Which color will be on top and in bottom?
2. Will the two colors separate or mix?
3. What do you think will happen when the cold air and warm air meet?

How tropical cyclones form into a storm?

Directions: complete the diagram of the formation of
tropical cyclones with the words found in the boxes.
Water vapor b
rises into the
releases heat into
atmosphere the atmosphere
making the air

c d
As the water
vapor rises, it
The warmed air
continues to rise with mist
cools and air from the ocean taking
condenses into its place creating more
EXPLORE Warm moist air
e move
. over the
Figure 3: Formation of Tropical Cyclone

Guide Question
1. What are needed to create or form a tropical cyclone?
2. Base on the activity How can we relate formation of cyclone into Baking a
cake? (step-by-step process and ingredients needed to create a cake)

Teacher will also add: There are sequence needed to form a cyclone
same in Solving a mathematical problem we use sequence to correctly
solve it. We use PEMDAS .
Do the following activity. (Areas with frequent no answer in Module)
Activity 4- Dissecting of a Tropical Cyclone
Activity 5- When tropical cyclone becomes stronger!
Activity 6 Factors Affecting Typhoon
EXPLAIN Presentation of answer through Group Chat
Provides Feed Back on the Activity based on their presentation
Teacher will show correct answers through video
Teachers discuss t0 formalize concept


Ask Student questions for clarification.

1. What are needed for the cyclone to form?
2. Enumerate the process of cyclone formation.
3. How tropical cyclone turn into cyclone?
EVALUATE Directions: Read and answer the questions in the best way you can. Write the letter of your answer
and pm it to me
1. A lot of factors are needed for a tropical cyclone to form, develop and maintain its strength.
Although typhoons can develop throughout the year, which of the following seasons provides best
condition for these weather disturbances to form?
A. during the cold, dry season from December to February
B. during the hot, dry season or summer from March to May
C. during the rainy season from June to November
D. during the rainy season and cold dry season from June to February
2. Which of the following is not a name for a tropical cyclone?
A. Hurricane B. Cyclone C. Typhoon D. Depression

3. What happens to tropical cyclones when they make a landfall? A. they lose strength B. they
increase in strength C. the air rotates in a different direction D. the air over the land warms quickly
4. Identify the sea temperature required for the formation of a tropical cyclone.
A. 25.5°C C. 26.5°C
B. 29.5°C D. 30.5°C

5. . What is the average diameter of a tropical cyclone eye?

A. 35 km C. 55 km B. 45 km D. 65 km

Prepared :

Subject Teacher

Checked and Observed:

Master Teacher 1

Master Teacher 1

Head Teacher 1

School Principal

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