Sulfuric Acid (Lecture)

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Q) Which animal is the king of the jungle?

A) Lion

Q) Which substance is the king of the chemicals?

A) Ask Johnny!

Sulfuric acid is the most produced chemical in the world!! !

And in this lesson we will have the privilege to study the manufacturing of the
king of chemicals by the Contact’s Process!
Raw Materials:

 Sulfur
 Air
 Water

 450 oC Temperature A posing selfie of a

 1-2 atm Pressure sulfur molecule!
 V2O5 Catalyst
Making the King
Wake Up 1:
Which step involves a reversible reaction?

And while at it, how do you define a reversible reaction?

Uses of Sulfuric Acid:

 Manufacturing fertilizers such as ammonium sulfate
 Paints and pigments dyestuff
 Fibres and plastics
 Soaps and detergents
 Turning pretty looking icing sugar into ugly carbon in lab
 Uses of Sulfur dioxide
Used as a preservative in packaged/canned food, kills bacteria.
Used as a bleaching agent for wood pulp in the paper-making industry.
Flue Gas Desulfurization
Sulfur dioxide is a pollutant gas and can cause acid rain when it mixes with
oxygen and water vapor in the atmosphere.
It is created specially in power stations which burn coal. One method of
removing it from escaping through chimneys of the power stations is to pass
the exhaust gases through CaCO3 or Ca(OH)2 where SO2 is reacts and is
neutralized. CO2 goes through the exhaust instead.
SO2 (g) + CaCO3 (s) CaSO3 (s) + CO2 (g)
SO2 (g) + Ca(OH)2 (s) CaSO3 (s) + H2O(l)
CaSO3 can be turned into CaSO4, which can be made into gypsum and has
many uses such as cements, plasters etc
Wake Up 2:
You may have seen the sign below on certain chemicals in the lab.
What does it mean?

The End!

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