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In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

Table of content
List of tables................................................................................................................................................. ii
List of figures .............................................................................................................................................. iii
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 General ............................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Format................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Acronyms ........................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Tests on soils ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Experiment-1 CBR (California bearing ratio) test of laboratory compacted soils ........................... 3
Experiment-2 Proctor compaction test ................................................................................................. 8
Experiment-3 Specific gravity of soil .................................................................................................. 11
Experiment-4 liquid limit and plastic limit......................................................................................... 14
Tests on Aggregates .................................................................................................................................. 17
Experiment-1 Sieve Tests on Aggregates (Grain size distribution) .................................................. 17
Experiment-2 Specific gravity and water absorption of aggregates................................................. 23
A. Specific gravity and water absorption of coarse aggregate ................................................... 23
B. Specific gravity and water absorption of fine aggregate ....................................................... 26
Experiment-3 Los Angeles abrasion test ............................................................................................. 31
Experiment-4 Aggregate Shape Test ................................................................................................... 35
A. Flakiness index test ................................................................................................................... 35
B. Elongation index test................................................................................................................. 38
Experiment-5 Aggregate Crushing Value – ACV .............................................................................. 41
Experiment-6 Determination of aggregate impact value .................................................................. 44
Experiment-7 Ten Percent Fines Value - TFV (10% FACT) ........................................................... 46
Tests on bitumen ....................................................................................................................................... 51
Experiment-1 penetration test ............................................................................................................. 51
Experiment-2 Flash and fire point test ............................................................................................... 53
Experiment-3 Softening point of bitumen .......................................................................................... 55
Experiment-4 Specific gravity of bitumen .......................................................................................... 58
Experiment-5 Ductility test of the bitumen ........................................................................................ 61
Experiment-6 Saybolt furol viscosity test of bituminous material ................................................... 63
Experiment-7 Bituminous mix design by Marshall Method ............................................................. 66
Conclusion and Recommendation: .......................................................................................................... 73

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

Reference and Bibliography:.................................................................................................................... 74

List of tables
Table 1 Data sheet and calculation result table for CBR ................................................................ 5
Table 2 Data sheet and calculation result table for proctor compaction ....................................... 10
Table 3 Data sheet and result of calculation table for specific gravity of soil .............................. 13
Table 4 data sheet and calculation table for liquid and plastic limit ............................................. 15
Table 5 Minimum mass of test portion for sieve analysis ............................................................ 18
Table 6 Data sheet for sample A (coarse aggregate) and calculation result ................................. 18
Table 7 Data sheet for sample B (Intermediate aggregate) and calculation result ....................... 20
Table 8 Data sheet for sample C (fine aggregate) and calculation result ..................................... 21
Table 9 Data sheet and calculation result table for coarse aggregate ........................................... 24
Table 10 Data sheet and calculation result table for intermediate aggregate coarse .................... 24
Table 11 Data sheet and calculation result table intermediate fine aggregate .............................. 27
Table 12 Data sheet and calculation result table for fine aggregate ............................................. 29
Table 13 Table for selection of abrasive charges.......................................................................... 32
Table 14 Grading of test sample ................................................................................................... 32
Table 15 Data sheet for Los Angeles Abrasion test ...................................................................... 33
Table 16 Minimum mass of test portion for FI ............................................................................. 36
Table 17 Data sheet and calculation result table for FI ................................................................ 36
Table 18 Minimum mass of the test portion for EI ....................................................................... 39
Table 19 Data sheet and calculation result table for EI ................................................................ 39
Table 20 Data sheet and calculation result table for AIV ............................................................. 45
Table 21 Guide to minimum mass of test portions required to obtain a suitable mass of material
to determine the TFV .................................................................................................................... 47
Table 22 Observation and calculation table for penetration test................................................... 52
Table 23 Observation table for flash and fire point ...................................................................... 54
Table 24 Observation and calculation table for softening point ................................................... 56
Table 25 Observation and calculation table for specific gravity of bitumen ................................ 59
Table 26 Observation and calculation for ductility of bitumen .................................................... 62
Table 27 Observation and calculation table for viscosity ............................................................. 65
Table 28 the blending of aggregate A, B, C and D ....................................................................... 67
Table 29 Aggregate proportions for different asphalt content ...................................................... 68

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

List of figures
Figure 1 Penetration vs. Resistance to penetration ......................................................................... 6
Figure 2 Moisture content Vs. Dry density..................................................................................... 6
Figure 3 for compaction, Dry density vs. water content ............................................................... 10
Figure 4 Water content vs. No. of blows for liquid and plastic limit ........................................... 16
Figure 5 Size distribution analysis of coarse aggregates .............................................................. 19
Figure 6 Size distribution analysis of intermediate aggregates .................................................... 21
Figure 7 Size distribution analysis of fine aggregates .................................................................. 22
Figure 8 Say bolt Furol vs. temperature........................................................................................ 65
Figure 9 Bitumen content vs. density ........................................................................................... 70
Figure 10 Bitumen content vs. air void ......................................................................................... 71
Figure 11 Bitumen content vs. stability ........................................................................................ 71

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

1. Introduction
1.1 General
 This report document is a compilation of laboratory report on experiments carried out on
pavement materials. The tests were undertaken as compulsory subject contents for the
course pavement materials which generally discuses about the materials of pavements.
 We found these test to be handful in mastering the theoretical concepts discussed during
lecture times of the course.
 The laboratory team would generally like to thank Ethiopian road authority alemgena
machine based technology training center for his relentless effort to make the laboratory
sessions enjoyable and fruitful in order to enable us grasp the core ideas and practices of
the tests.

1.2 Format
The tests incorporated in this report are broadly classified in two three categories.
These are tests on:
 Soils
 Aggregates
 Bitumen
The individual reports within each section have a general basic format listed below.
1. Title
 The standard title of the experiment
2. Theory
 A general background theoretical basic of the test mechanism accompanied by
statement of key mathematical expression if any.
3. References
 The standard references of the experiment
4. Apparatus
 Include alternative names of equipment’s or lab equipment installation.
5. Procedure
 Describe how we have conduit the experiment

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

 Consist of two or three lab section including sample preparation procedure in tests
that require to do so.
6. Observation and Standards
 Observation: - the actual data as calculated and/or read directly from the
 Standards: - general consistent, coefficients or standard values used for the
calculation of results.
7. Calculation and Results
 Consists of calculations involved to arrive at the target results plus the results at
8. Discussion
 Interpretations of results, comparisons with theory and specifications and also
possible explanations for deviations from standards.
9. Conclusion
 Final outcome and inference of results
 Provides with suitability of material
 Also comprises of what we learned in undertaking the experiment

1.3 Acronyms
 CBR - California bearing ratio
 OMC - Optimum moisture content
 ASTM- American society for testing materials
 MDD- Maximum dry density
 ACV- Aggregate crushing value
 AIV- Aggregate impact value
 FI – Flakiness index
 EI – Elongation index
 TFV – Ten percent fines value
 LAA – Los Angeles abrasion
 BS – British standard
 PL – Plastic limit

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

2. Tests on soils
Experiment-1 CBR (California bearing ratio) test of laboratory compacted soils
 To evaluate the potential strength of sub grade, sub base and base course materials,
including recycled materials for use in road and air field pavement.
 CBR test developed to measure the resistance of a material to penetration of standard
plunger under controlled density and moisture content. These test values used to
determine for flexible pavement thickness.
 It is determining the bearing ratio of a soil by penetrating a piston with a fixed diameter
at a specified speed in the soil sample.
 ASTM D1883-9:
 Loading machine equipped with penetration piston,
 Dial gauge and proving ring,
 Cylindrical molds,
 Spacer disk,
 Base plate,
 Compaction rammer,
 Surcharge weight,
 Soaking tank,
 Filter paper,
 Trimming knife,
 Mixed tray,
 Dishes,
 Oven,
 Balance
 20mm and 4.75mm sieve and Swelling measuring apparatus.
A. Sample preparation

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

 The sample material passing the 20mm sieve and retained on the 4.75mm sieve with
pre-determine OMC& MDD is taken.
 The weight of mould measured.
 5kg sample with required amount of water is measured.
 The sample was mixed carefully on the mixing tray.
 The mixed sample divided in to three.
 The mould assembled in to a position, the spacer disk placed on the solid base plate
and filter paper placed on the top of the spacer disk.
 The first portion of sample in to the mould is placed.
 The sample (layer) compacted by 56 blows per a layer.
 The above procedure was repeated for the second and the third layer.
 The extension collar removed, the trimmed surface filled with smaller size material.
 Sample for moisture content determination from the removed part of sample was
 The solid base plate and spacer disk is removed.
 The compacted sample with the mould weighted and recorded.
 The filter paper placed on the perforated base plate, the mould inverted on prepared
filter paper.
 Surcharge weight equal to the weight of the base material in to layers was applied
B. Soaking the sample
 The swelling measuring mounted in contact with the top of the sample is placed and
the initial gage reading was taken.
 The sample kept undisturbed for four days in soaking tank.
 The final gage reading to determine swelling behavior of the sample was read.
 The sample take out from the soaking tank and allowed it to drain for 15 minutes and
weighted soaked sample with a cylindrical mould only to determine the water
C. Penetration test
 A surcharge of weight placed on the specimen sufficient to produce an intensity of
loading equal to the weight of the base material.

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

 The penetration piston seated at the center of the specimen and makes it in contact to
the top surface of the sample.
 The penetration dial gauge is adjusted to read zero.
 The load on the penetration piston is applied so that the rate of penetration is
approximately 1.27mm per minute.
 The load readings was taken at penetration of 0.64mm, 1.27mm, 1.91mm,2.54mm,
3.18mm,3.81mm,4.45mm,5.08mm,7.62mm,10.16mm and 12.70mm.
Table 1 Data sheet and calculation result table for CBR
10 Blows 30 Blows 65 Blows
SOAKING CONDITION Before After Before After Before After
MOLD NUMBER 10 19 23
WEIGHT OF SOIL + MOLD, g 11008 11487 11541.5
WEIGHT OF MOLD, g 7711 7875.5 7726
WEIGHT OF SOIL , g 3296.5 3611.5 3815.5
VOLUME OF MOLD, g 2125 2122 2116
WET DENSITY OF SOIL, g/cm3 1.551 0.000 1.702 0.000 1.803 0.000
DRY DENSITY OF SOIL, g/cm3 1.291 0.000 1.300 0.000 1.388 0.000
10 Blows 30 Blows 65 Blows
SOAKING CONDITION Before After Before After Before After
CONTAINER NUMBER g33 gtz24 g16
WET SOIL + CONTAINER, g 116.0 112.0 111.0
DRY SOIL + CONTAINER, g 94.0 90.5 90.5
WEIGHT OF CONTAINER, g 21.0 21.0 22.0
WEIGHT OF WATER , g 11.0 0.0 21.5 20.5
WEIGHT OF DRY SOIL, g 54.5 0.0 69.5 68.5
MOISTURE CONTENT 20.2 30.9 29.9
Ring Factor 21.34 N/DIV
c/s area of plunger (mm2) 1962.5
10 Blows 30 Blows 65 Blows
Resistance Resistance Resistance
Dialrdg penetration Dialrdg Load (kn) penetration Dialrdg Load (kn) penetration C.B.R(%)
N (mm) (kn) (%) (%)
(N/ (N/ (N/
0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00
0.64 38 810.92 0.41 145 3094.30 1.58 90 1920.60 0.98
1.27 85 1813.90 0.92 240 5121.60 2.61 245 5228.30 2.66
1.96 105 2240.70 1.14 280 5975.20 3.04 263 5612.42 2.86
2.54 118 2518.12 1.28 18.6 304 6487.36 3.31 47.9 333 7106.22 3.62 52.5
3.18 130 2774.20 1.41 337 7191.58 3.66 421 8984.14 4.58
3.81 140 2987.60 1.52 383 8173.22 4.16 441 9410.94 4.80
4.45 150 3201.00 1.63 405 8642.70 4.40 472 10072.48 5.13
5.08 160 3414.40 1.74 16.9 445 9496.30 4.84 47.0 484 10328.56 5.26 51.1
7.62 190 4054.60 2.07 489 10435.26 5.32 519 11075.46 5.64
9.60 200 4268.00 2.17 507 10819.38 5.51 542 11566.28 5.89

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material


Resistance penetration (N/





0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Figure 1 Penetration vs. Resistance to penetration

Dry Density (Kg/m3)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Moisture Content (%)

Figure 2 Moisture content Vs. Dry density

 The above graph shows that the CBR value reported as a percentage of a standard value
which is intended to represent the value that would be obtained with compacted crushed
stone. If sometimes happens that the plunger is still not perfect bedded in the specimen
and, as a result of this and other factors, a load penetration curve initially concavity so that
the curve must be corrected by drawing a tangent at appoint of greatest slope and then
transposing the axis of load so that zero penetration is taken as the point where the tangent
cutes the axis of penetration. To avoid this error care must be taken during the contact of
specimen and plunger.

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

From the experiment we have learnt the following
 How to measure the resistance of material to penetration of standard plunger under
controlled density and moisture content.
 The design CBR of sub grad soil, therefore, should evaluate at the moisture content and
density representative to the sub grad condition during the service time of pavement
 How to evaluate the potential strength of sub grad; sub base and base coarse materials for
use of road pavement.

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

Experiment-2 Proctor compaction test

 To Determine Maximum dry density and optimum moisture content
 Compaction means to press soil particles tightly together by expelling air from void spaces
between the particles. Compaction increase soil unit weight, thereby producing three
important effects:

 an increase in shear strength,

 decrease in future settlement,

 Decrease in permeability.

 The amount of compaction is quantified in terms of the dry unit weight of the soil. Usually,
dry soils can be compacted best (and thus a greater unit weight achieved) if for each soil,
a certain amount of water is added. In effect, water acts as a lubricant, allowing soil
particles to be packed together better. However, if too much water is added, a lower unit
weight is result. Thus, for a given comp active effort, there is a particular moisture content
at which dry unit weight is greatest and compaction is best. This moisture content is known
as the optimum moisture content, and the associated dry unit weight is called the maximum
dry unit weight.

 Molds
 A metal Rammer
 Balances
 Sieves
 Mixing tools
 Metal tray
 Straightedge
 Sample extruder
 An oven
 Cans

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

Test Procedure:
1. Apply a thin layer of grease on the inner side of the mold.

2. Assemble and secure the mold on the base of the compactor.

3. Divide the each specimen into three equal parts.

4. Place the loose soil into the mold and spread into a layer of uniform thickness and lightly press
in with fingers.
5. Compact the first layer with 25 blows for the 4in mold using the automatic compactor by
pushing the appropriate button.
6. After compacting the first layer, scrap the top of surface of the layer to have bond between the
next layers. Place the next portions of the specimen, press and compact it as described in steps
4 and 5.
7. Following compaction of the last layer, remove the collar and base plate from the mold.
Carefully trim the compacted specimen even with the top of the mold by means of the
straightedge scraped across the top of the mold to form a plane surface even with the top of the
mold. Initial trimming of the specimen above the top of the mold with a knife may prevent the
soil from tearing below the top of the mold. Fill any holes in the top surface with unused or
trimmed soil from the specimen, press in with fingers, and again scrap the straightedge across
the top of the mold.

8. Determine and record the mass of the specimen and mold to nearest gram.

9. Remove the material from the mold (sample extruder may be used for this purpose). Obtain a
specimen for water content by using either the whole specimen (preferred) or a representative

10. Compact the remaining four or above specimen in similar way as described in steps 1 through

11. Following compaction of the last specimen, compare the wet unit weight to ensure that a
desired pattern of obtaining data on each side of the optimum water content will be attained
for dry unit weight compaction curve. If the desired pattern is not obtained, additional
compacted specimens will be required. Generally, one water content value wet of the water

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

content defining the maximum wet unit weight is sufficient to ensure data on wet side of
optimum water content for the maximum dry unit weight.

Table 2 Data sheet and calculation result table for proctor compaction

wt. of mould 5063 5063 5063 5063

wt. of mould + wet
soil 8530.5 8990 9130.5 9028
wt. of sample 3467.5 3927 4067.5 3965
volume of mould 2104 2104 2104 2104
bulk density 1.648051331 1.8664449 1.9332224 1.8845057
can code c1 c2 c3 c4
wt. of can 20.5 20.5 19.5 21
wt. of can + wet soil 103 115 108.5 103.5
wt. of can +dry soil 97.5 104.5 96 87
wt. water 5.5 10.5 12.5 16.5
wt. of dry soil 77 84 76.5 66
water content 7.142857143 12.5 16.339869 25
0.071428571 0.125 0.1633987 0.25
dry density 1.538181242 1.6590621 1.6617024 1.5076046


Dry density g/cm3

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Water content %

Figure 3 for compaction, Dry density vs. water content

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

Experiment-3 Specific gravity of soil


 To determine the specific gravity of soil solid particles for particle size less than 2.00mm
by means of pychnometer.

 The specific gravity of a substance is defined as the ratio of its mass in air to the mass of
an equal volume of water at reference temperature, 4 °C. The specific gravity of a mass
of soil (including air, water and solids) is termed as bulk specific gravity Gm. It is
expressed as
 GS= specific gravity of soil particles
 MS= mass in air of a given volume of material
 MW= mass in air of an equal volume of water
The specific gravity of solids, Gs, (excluding air and water) is expressed by;
 GS=𝜌S/𝜌W
 Pychnometer
 Evaporating dish
 Vacuum pump or heater
 Balance 0.01g sensitivity
 Sieve No 10 or No 4
 Funnel
 Thermometer
 Desiccators

1. Weight 25g oven-dry soil.

2. Fill the pychnometer to one third of its volume with distilled water.
3. Place the sample in the pychnometer taking care not to lose any soil.

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

4. Remove the entrapped air by using vacuum pump or by heating the pychnometer on hot
5. Fill the pychnometer with water up to its calibration mark, clean & dry the outside.
6. Determine the mass of the pychnometer and its contents to the nearest 0.01g.
7. Determine the test temperature by inserting the thermometer in the pychnometer.
8. Based on the temperature determine the mass of the pychnometer filled with distilled water
from pychnometer.

Data gathered and calculation:

 G@T= MS/ (M2+MS-M1)


 G@T=specific gravity of soil at test temperature

 MS=mass of oven dried soil
 M2=mass of the pychnometer filled with water only
 M1= mass of the pychnometer filled with soil and water.

Correction factor K can be computed;

 K=T/20


 K= correction factor used to account errors associated with water density

 T= density of water at test temperature
 20= density of water at 20oc
 GS= K+G@T

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

Table 3 Data sheet and result of calculation table for specific gravity of soil

159.23 162.75
144.81 148.35
WATER (M2),g
2.36295 2.35849
CORRECTION FACTOR, K 0.99802 0.99823
2.358271359 2.354315473


The average specific gravity of soil at standard temperature 20oc =2.356293416

 For the discussion we can conclude that the soil contains porous particles such as
diatomaceous earth.

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

Experiment-4 liquid limit and plastic limit

 To determine the liquid and plastic limit of fine grained soil.

 A fine grained soil can exist in solid, semisolid, plastic, viscous or fluid state depending
on its water content. Atterberg proposed four states of soil and corresponding three
boundaries as follows:

semi solid state

Solid state viscous-fluid
(Non plastic) plastic state
(Brittle) state

Shrinkage limit plastic limit liquid limit

 The liquid and plastic limits are widely used for engineering classification of fine-grained
soil or fine proportion of coarse-grained soil. The liquid limit, plastic limit, and plastic
index of soils are used either individual or together with other soil properties in developing
correlation such as compressibility, permeability, and shrink-swell and shear strength.

1. Liquid limit:

 The liquid limit of soil is the water content at the boundary between the liquid and plastic
states. The water content at this boundary is defined as the water content at which two
halves of a soil pat placed in a brass cup, cut with standard groove and dropped from a
height of 1cm will undergo a closure of about 1.3cm when the cup is dropped 25 times at
the rate of 2 drops per second.

 Liquid limit device -distilled water
 Grooving tool -sieve no 40
 Spatula -drying oven
 Dish -desiccators
 Moisture content cans -balance(0.01g sensitivity)

1. Weigh 150g of soil passing the No 40 sieve.
Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

2. Add distilled water to the soil and mix thoroughly to form a uniform paste
3. Place a portion of the paste in a cup. Smooth the surface to a maximum depth of12.7mm
and draw the grooving tool through the sample along the symmetrical axis of the cup.
4. Turn on the standard liquid limit device at a rate of 2 rev/min and record the blows
necessary to close gap for a distance of about 13mm.
5. Take sample near the closed portion for moisture content determination
6. Transfer the remaining soil into evaporating dish. Wash and dry the cup and grooving
tool, reattach the cup for subsequent trials.
7. Remix the entire soil specimen in the storage dish adding distilled water to increase the
water content.
8. Repeat the above steps at least two additional trials producing successively lower No of
blows to close the groove.

 Water content (w) = 𝑀𝑠

 Mw=mass of water

 Ms=mass of dry soil

2. Plastic limit:
 The plastic limit is determined by rolling a small clay sample into threads and
finding the water content at which threads approximately 3mm in diameter will
just start to crumble. Two or more determinations are made and the average water
content is reported as the plastic limit.

 Mass of dry soil= (mass of container + dry soil)-mass of container

 Mass of wet soil= (mass of container +wet soil)-mass of container

 Mass of water (Mw) =mass of wet soil-mass of dry soil

Table 4 data sheet and calculation table for liquid and plastic limit

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

Liquid limit Plastic limit

Trial No 1 2 3 4 1 2
Container No B1 C1 8 5 C2 D
Mass of container, g 15.61 13.84 15.8 15.31 15.66 15.54
Mass of container+ wet 30.23 29.8 34.48 31.61 17.69 17.62
soil, g
Mass of container+ dry 23.45 22.23 25.35 23.45 17.13 17.03
soil, g
Mass of water, g 6.78 7.57 9.13 8.16 0.58 0.59
Mas of dry soil, g 7.84 8.3 9.55 8.14 1.47 1.49
Water content, % 86.48 91.20 95.60 100.24 39.45 39.59
No of blows 37 29 21 15

Using the equation,

W = -0.6145(25) +109.05=93.69%
 Liquid limit, %=93.69

 Plastic limit, %=39.45

 PI=LL-PL=93.69-39.45=54.24

 Plastic index, %=54.24

Figure 4 Water content vs. No. of blows for liquid and plastic limit

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

Tests on Aggregates
 Aggregate is the major component of materials used in road making. It is used in granular
bases, bituminous courses and in cement concrete pavements. The tests required to be
conducted in representative samples of aggregates depend on the specific use in road
pavement, so as to ensure that they meet the specified requirements laid down for that
specific use.
Experiment-1 Sieve Tests on Aggregates (Grain size distribution)
 To determine the particle size distribution of aggregate.
 An aggregate for concrete making is any hard, inert material composed of fragments in a
wide gradation range.
 Aggregate should be clean, sound, tough, and durable and uniform in quality. They
should be free of soft, friable, thin, or laminated fragments and deleterious substance like
alkali, oil, coal, humus, or other organic matter.
 According to Ethiopian standard coarse aggregates are those between 75mm and 4.75mm
like gravel, crushed rock and blast furnace.
 Sieve analysis is used to determination of particle size distribution aggregates.
BS 812: Part 103.1: 1985
Required equipment:
 Series of sieves, Sieve shaker, and Riffle Box and Balance.
Sample preparation:
1. Reduce the sample to produce a test portion complying with Table 1 below appropriate to
the maximum size of the material.
2. Dry the test portion by heating at a temperature of 105 °C ± 5 °C for minimum 12 hours.
Allow to cool, weigh and record as M1.

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

Dry sieving method

Test procedure:
1. Assemble appropriate sieves with a receiver at the bottom in increasing aperture size
from bottom to top. Place the oven dried sample on top of the coarsest sieve and cover
with a lid.
2. Either by hand or using the mechanical sieve shaker, shake the sieves for a sufficient time
to separate the sample into the different size fractions.
Table 5 Minimum mass of test portion for sieve analysis

Maximum particle size Minimum mass of test portion

mm kg
63 20
50 15
0 10
28 5
20 2
14 1
10 0.5
5 0.2
3 0.2
<3 0.1

3. When the mechanical shaker is used, check that separation is complete by briefly hand
sieving. When sieving is done by hand alone, start with the coarsest sieve and shake each
sieve over a clean tray or receiver until no more material passes. If the sieves are blinded
by overloading, an intermediate sieve may be introduced.
4. Weigh the material retained on each sieve, together with any material cleaned/picked
from the mesh, on completion of sieving on that sieve
Data and calculation:
Table 6 Data sheet for sample A (coarse aggregate) and calculation result

Sieve size
(mm) Wt. retained %retained Cumulative %pass specification
(gm) %retained
25 873 26.17 26.17 73.83 100

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

19 1046 31.35 57.52 42.48 90-100

9.5 1379 41.34 98.86 1.14 55-80
4.75 24 0.72 99.58 0.42 45-65
2.36 3 0.09 99.67 0.33 35-50
0.3 1 0.03 99.7 0.3 5-20
0.075 2 0.06 99.76 0.24 4-8
Pan 8 0.24 100 0
Total 3336 100 681.26 218.74
Sample calculation:
At sieve size 52mm
Weight retained = 873gm
𝑊𝑡. 𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑
%𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑 = ∗ 100
𝑊𝑡 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙
= ∗ 100 = 26.17%
%𝑝𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 = 100 − 𝑐𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 %𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑
= (100 – 26.17) % = 73.83%
∑𝐶𝑢𝑚𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 % 𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑
𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠 𝑀𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑙𝑢𝑠 =
= = 6.81




% of pass





0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Sieve size, mm

Figure 5 Size distribution analysis of coarse aggregates

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HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

 According to standards for sieve analysis for aggregates. If 2.3<Fines Modulus<3.5. It is
in a good range. Therefore, according to the standards our sieve analysis for coarse
aggregates is not good.
Table 7 Data sheet for sample B (Intermediate aggregate) and calculation result

Sieve size
(mm) Wt. retained %retained Cumulative %pass specification
(gm) %retained
25 0 0 - - 100
19 0 0 - 100 90-100
9.5 764 43.4 43.4 56.6 55-80
4.75 836 47.50 90.9 9.1 45-65
2.36 136 7.7 98.6 1.4 35-50
0.3 12 0.7 99.3 0.7 5-20
0.075 9 0.5 99.8 0.2 4-8
Pan 4 0.2 100 0
Total 1761 100 532 168
Sample calculation:
At sieve size 9.5mm
Weight retained = 836gm
𝑊𝑡. 𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑
%𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑 = ∗ 100
𝑊𝑡 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙
= ∗ 100=47.5%
%𝑝𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 = 100 − 𝑐𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 %𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑
= (100-90.9) % = 9.1%
∑𝐶𝑢𝑚𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 % 𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑
𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠 𝑀𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑙𝑢𝑠 =
= 5.32
 The gradation curve for the given intermediate aggregate sample is obtained.

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HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material



% of pass



0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Sieve size, mm

Figure 6 Size distribution analysis of intermediate aggregates

 According to standards for sieve analysis for aggregates. If 2.3<Fines Modulus<3.5. It is
in a good range. Therefore, according to the standards our sieve analysis for intermediate
aggregates is not good.
Table 8 Data sheet for sample C (fine aggregate) and calculation result

Sieve size
(mm) Wt. retained %retained Cumulative %pass specification
(gm) %retained
25 0 0 - 100
19 0 0 - 90-100
9.5 0 0 - 100 55-80
4.75 31 3.45 3.45 96.55 45-65
2.36 507 56.40 59.85 40.15 35-50
425 253 28.14 87.99 12.01 5-20
0.075 73 8.12 96.11 3.89 4-8
Pan 35 3.89 100 0
Total 899 100 347.4 252.6
Sample calculation:
At sieve size 2.36mm

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HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

Weight retained =507gm

𝑊𝑡.𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑 507
%𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑 = ∗ 100 = 899 ∗ 100= 56.4%
𝑊𝑡 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙

%𝑝𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 = 100 − 𝑐𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 %𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑= (100-59.85) % = 40.15%

∑𝐶𝑢𝑚𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 % 𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑
𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠 𝑀𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑙𝑢𝑠 =
= 3.47
 The gradation curve for the given fine aggregate sample is obtained.
% of pass

0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Sieve size, mm

Figure 7 Size distribution analysis of fine aggregates

 According to standards for sieve analysis for aggregates. If 2.3<Fines Modulus<3.5. It is
in a good range. Therefore, according to the standards our sieve analysis for fine aggregates
is good.
Engineering significance of the test:

 Grading is the distribution of particles of a granular material among various size ranges,
usually expressed in terms of cumulative % larger or smaller than each of a series of sizes
of sieve openings, or the % between certain ranges of sieve openings.
 The grading of an aggregate defines the proportions of particles of different size in the
aggregate. The size normally used in concrete varies from 37.5 to 0.15 mm.
 Grading is the most important factor in concrete mix design having considerable effect on
the workability and stability of the mix.
 Grading is determined by a sieve analysis

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HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

Experiment-2 Specific gravity and water absorption of aggregates

A. Specific gravity and water absorption of coarse aggregate

 To determine different types of specific gravity of coarse aggregate and percentage



 The specific gravity may be expressed as bulk specific gravity (saturated surface dry
(SSD) or apparent specific gravity. The bulk specific gravity (SSD) and absorption are
based on aggregate after 24±4 hours soaking in water. This method is not intended to be
used with lightweight aggregate. Generally specific gravity is defined as the ratio of mass
(or weight in air) of a unit volume of material to the mass of the material to the same
volume of water at the stated temperature.


 AASHTO T 85 and ASTM C 127:


 Wire basket
 Balance (accurate to 1g)
 Oven
 Bouncy balance

Preparation of test sample:

1. Select by use of a sample splitter or by quartering approximately 5kg of the aggregate

from the sample.
2. Reject a material passing No4 (4.75mm) sieve.


1. Wash approximately 2kg of coarse soak for 16-24hr.

2. Pour off the water, and then roll the aggregate in a trowel until the surface moisture is

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HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

3. Wipe the laser piece individual. The surface moisture film, which shines, must not be
allowed to dry out, as this means that absorbed water is being removed.
4. Obtain the mass.(B)
5. Place the sample in the wire basket and obtain the mass when summarized.(C)
6. Dry the sample in the oven.
7. Take mass.(A)

Data and calculation:

Table 9 Data sheet and calculation result table for coarse aggregate

Material No. Measurement

A dry weight (gm) 3271
B Saturated surface dry weight 3327
C weight in water (gm) 2071
D (A-C) (gm) 1200
E (B-C) (gm) 1256
Apparent gravity (gm/cm3) A/D 2.73
Surface dry gravity (gm/cm3) B/E 2.65
Bulk gravity (gm/cm3) A/E 2.60
Water absorption *100(%) (B-A)/A 1.71
Sample calculation:

 𝐷 = (𝐴 − 𝐶)𝑔𝑚= (3271-2071) gm=1200gm

 𝐸 = (𝐵 − 𝐶)𝑔𝑚 = (3327-2071) gm =1256gm
 𝐴𝑝𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑔𝑟. = (𝐴 ÷ 𝐷)𝑔𝑚/𝑐𝑚3= (3271÷1200) gm/cm3=2.73 gm/cm3
 𝑆𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑑𝑟𝑦 𝑔𝑟. = (𝐵 ÷ 𝐸)𝑔𝑚/𝑐𝑚3 = (3327÷1256) gm/cm3=2.65 gm/cm3
 𝐵𝑢𝑙𝑘 𝑔𝑟. = (𝐴 ÷ 𝐸)𝑔𝑚/𝑐𝑚3 = (3271÷1256) gm/cm3 = 2.60 gm/cm3
 𝑊𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑏𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛(%) = ((𝐵 − 𝐴) ÷ 𝐴) ∗ 100 = ((3327-3271) ÷3271)*100 =1.71%

Table 10 Data sheet and calculation result table for intermediate aggregate coarse

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HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

Material No. Measurement

A dry weight (gm) 1592
B Saturated surface dry weight 1624
C weight in water (gm) 996
D (A-C) (gm) 596
E (B-C) (gm) 628
Apparent gravity (gm/cm3) A/D 2.67
Surface dry gravity (gm/cm3) B/E 2.59
Bulk gravity (gm/cm3) A/E 2.54
Water absorption *100(%) (B-A)/A 2.01
Sample calculation:
 𝐷 = (𝐴 − 𝐶)𝑔𝑚 = (1592-996) gm =596gm
 𝐸 = (𝐵 − 𝐶)𝑔𝑚 = (1624-996) gm=628gm
 𝐴𝑝𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑔𝑟. = (𝐴 ÷ 𝐷)𝑔𝑚/𝑐𝑚3= (1592÷996) gm/cm3 =2.67 gm/cm3
 𝑆𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑑𝑟𝑦 𝑔𝑟. = (𝐵 ÷ 𝐸)𝑔𝑚/𝑐𝑚3 = (1624÷628) gm/cm3 =2.59 gm/cm3
 𝐵𝑢𝑙𝑘 𝑔𝑟. = (𝐴 ÷ 𝐸)𝑔𝑚/𝑐𝑚3 = (1592÷628) gm/cm3 = 2.54 gm/cm3
 𝑊𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑏𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛(%) = ((𝐵 − 𝐴) ÷ 𝐴) ∗ 100 = ((1624-1592) ÷1592)*100 =2.01%

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HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

B. Specific gravity and water absorption of fine aggregate


 To measure the relative density (apparent, bulk, and saturated, surface-dry) and
absorption of a sample of a sample of fine aggregate.


 The specific gravity may be expressed as bulk specific gravity (saturated surface dry
(SSD) or apparent specific gravity. The bulk specific gravity (SSD) and absorption are
based on aggregate after 24±4 hours soaking in water. This method is not intended to be
used with lightweight aggregate. Generally specific gravity is defined as the ratio of mass
(or weight in air) of a unit volume of material to the mass of the material to the same
volume of water at the stated temperature.


AASHTO T 84 and ASTM C 128:


 Flask
 Mold and tamper
 Drier old news paper
 Pies of cloth (towel)
 Balance


1. Take a sample of 1.5kg which passes through 4.75mm sieve.

2. Cover with water, either by immersion or by addition of at least 6% moisture to the fine
aggregate and permit to stand for 24±4hr (usually it soaks in water)
3. Decant excess water with care to avoid loss of fines by putting on piece of cloth.
4. Spread the sample on a flat nonabsorbent surface, dry the sample which is spread on the
newspaper by using drier.

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HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

5. Using the mold check the moisture content, if surface moisture is still present, the fine
aggregate will retain the molded shape. Slight slumping of the molded fine aggregate
indicates that’s it has reached a surface-dry condition.
6. Determine the mass of the clean and dry pychnometer partially fill the pychnometer with
7. Introduce into the pychnometer 500±10 gm of saturated surface dry fine aggregate, and
fill with additional water to approximately 90% of capacity.
8. Manually a small amount of isopropyl alcohol may be used to disperse the foam.
9. After eliminating all air bubbles, adjust the temperature of the pychnometer (take the total
mass of the pychnometer, water and sands)
10. Remove the fine aggregate from the pychnometer.
11. Dry the fine aggregate to constant mass at a temperature of 110±5occool in air at room
temperature for 1±1/2hr and determine the mass.

Observed data and calculation:

Table 11 Data sheet and calculation result table intermediate fine aggregate

Measure No. Formula Measurements

Flask No.
1. (flask + material) weight (gm) 333
2. Flask weight (gm) 188
3. Material weight (gm) 1-2 145
4. (flask + material + water) weight (gm) 776
5. Additional water weight (gm) 4-1 443
6. Surface dry gravity (g/cm3) 3 2.54
7. Dry material weight(gm) 144
8. Bulk gravity (g/cm3) 7 2.53
9. Moisture content(gm) 3-7 1
10. Apparent gravity 7 2.57
11. Material weight (gm) 145
(at saturated surface dry) gm
12. Material weight (after drying in oven)
gm 144
13. Water absorption (%) 11 − 12 0.69
∗ 100

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HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

A = picnometer reading used for fine aggregate which is 500ml

Temperature for sample B fine is 27.5oc

Sample calculation:

 Material weight = (flask + material) Wt. (gm) - Flask Wt. (gm)

= 333gm – 188gm = 145gm

 Additional water weight (gm) = (flask + material + water) Wt. (gm) - (flask + material)
Wt. (gm)

= 776gm – 333gm = 443gm

 𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑊𝑡.
𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑑𝑟𝑦 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 = 𝐴−𝑎𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑊𝑡.Gm/cm3


 𝑑𝑟𝑦 𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑊𝑡.

Bulk gravity = 𝐴−𝑎𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑊𝑡.gm/cm3

= 2.53gm/cm3

 Moisture content = Material weight (gm) - Dry material weight (gm)

= 1gm

𝑑𝑟𝑦 𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑊𝑡.

 𝐴𝑝𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 = 𝐴−𝑎𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑊𝑡.−𝑚𝑜𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑔𝑚/𝑐𝑚3


𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑊𝑡.𝑏𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑛

 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑏𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 100
𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑊𝑡 𝑎𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑛

= 0.69%

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HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

Table 12 Data sheet and calculation result table for fine aggregate

Measure No. Formula Measurements

Flask No.
1. (flask + material) weight (gm) 611
2. Flask weight (gm) 170
3. Material weight (gm) 1-2 441
4. (flask + material + water) weight (gm) 945
5. Additional water weight (gm) 4-1 334
6. Surface dry gravity (g/cm3) 3 2.66
7. Dry material weight(gm) 431
8. Bulk gravity (g/cm3) 7 2.60
9. Moisture content(gm) 3-7 10
10. Apparent gravity 7 2.76
11. Material weight (gm) 441
(at saturated surface dry) gm
12. Material weight (after drying in oven) 431
13. Water absorption (%) 11 − 12 2.32
= ∗ 100

A = picnometer reading used for fine aggregate which is 500ml

Temperature for sample B fine is 25.5oc

Sample calculation:

 Material weight = (flask + material) Wt. (gm) - Flask Wt. (gm)

= 611gm – 170gm = 441gm

 Additional water weight (gm) = (flask + material + water) Wt. (gm) - (flask + material)
Wt. (gm)

= 945gm – 611gm = 334gm

 𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑊𝑡.
𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑑𝑟𝑦 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 = 𝐴−𝑎𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑊𝑡.Gm/cm3


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 𝑑𝑟𝑦 𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑊𝑡.

Bulk gravity = 𝐴−𝑎𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑊𝑡.gm/cm3

= 2.60gm/cm3

 Moisture content = Material weight (gm) - Dry material weight (gm)

= 10gm

𝑑𝑟𝑦 𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑊𝑡.

 𝐴𝑝𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 = 𝐴−𝑎𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑊𝑡.−𝑚𝑜𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑔𝑚/𝑐𝑚3


𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑊𝑡.𝑏𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑛

 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑏𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 100
𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑊𝑡 𝑎𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑛

= 2.32%


Engineering significance of the test:

 Aggregate specific gravity is needed to determine weight-to-volume relationships and to

calculate various volume-related quantities such as voids in mineral aggregate (VMA),
and voids filled by asphalt (VFA). Absorption can be used as an indicator of aggregate
durability as well as the asphalt binder it is likely to absorb.
 The absorption capacity is a measure of the porosity of an aggregate.
 In the computation of quantities for asphalt mixes, it the specific gravity of the saturated
surface dry aggregates that is always used.
 For the purpose of concrete mixture proportioning, in addition to apparent specific gravity,
data are usually needed on bulk density which is defined as the mass of the aggregate
fragments that would fill a unit volume (aggregates and voids).

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HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

Experiment-3 Los Angeles abrasion test


 To measure hardness of coarse aggregate used in pavement construction.

 Due to the movement of traffic, the road stones used in the surface course are subjected to
wearing action at the top .Resistance to wear or hardness is hence an essential property for
road aggregates, especially when used in wearing course. This test method covers a
procedure for testing sizes of coarse aggregates, e.g. for surface dressing, smaller than
37.5mm for resistance to degradation using the Los Angeles testing machine.
ASTM C 131-89

 Los Angeles machine

 Sieves (37.5, 25, 19, 12.5, 9.5, 6.3, 4.75, 2.36)
 Balance
 Drying oven
 The charge shall consist of steel spheres averaging approximately 46.8mm (127/32in) in
diameter and each having a mass of between 390-445gm.

Sample preparation:
1. The test sample shall be washed and oven-dried at 105°C
2. The sample shall be separated in to individual size fraction sand recombined to the
grading of most nearly corresponding to the range of sizes in the aggregate as furnished
for the work.
3. The mass of the sample shall prior to test shall be recorded to the nearest1g (m1).

1. Wash and oven dry the reduced sample at 110±5oc to substantially constant mass separate
in to individual size fraction and recombine.
2. Select a method by using different sieves

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Table 13 Table for selection of abrasive charges

Grading No of charge Mass of charge (gm)

A 12 5000±25
B 11 4584±25
C 8 3330±25
D 6 2500±25

Table 14 Grading of test sample

Sieve size (mm) Mass of indicate samples

Passing Retained A B C D
37.5 25 1250±25
25 19 1250±25
19 12.5 1250±25 2500±10
12.5 9.5 1250±25 2500±10
9.5 6.3 2500±10
6.3 4.75 2500±10
4.75 2.36 5000±10
Total 5000±10 5000±10 5000±10 5000±10

Grading A: suitable for graded crushed stone and natural gravel for base course.
Grading B: suitable for chippings for surface dressing, nominal sizes 20mm and 14
Grading C: suitable for chippings for surface dressing, nominal sizes 10 mm
Grading D: suitable for chippings for surface dressing, nominal sizes 7 mm.

3. Place the test sample and the charge in the Los Angeles testing machine and rotate the
machine at a speed of 30 to 33rev/min for 500 revolutions.
4. After the prescribed number of revolutions, discharge the material from the machine and
make a preliminary separation of the sample on a sieve coarser than the 1.70mm. Sieve

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

the finer portion of the sample on a sieve. Wash the material coarser than the 1.70mm
sieve and oven dry at 110±5oc to substantially constant mass, and determine the mass to
the nearest 1gm.


 Calculate the loss (difference between the original mass of the test sample) as a
percentage of the original mass of the test sample. Report this value as the percent loss.

Data observed and calculation;

Table 15 Data sheet for Los Angeles Abrasion test

Sieve size (mm) Mass of sample before test

Sample (gm)
37.5 1251
25 1250
19 1250
12.5 1250
Total m1=5001

Sample calculation:

 Expresstheloss(differencebetweentheoriginalmass(m1)andthefinalmass(m2)ofthetestsampl
easapercentageoftheoriginalmassofthetestsample, from the equation:

𝑚1 − 𝑚2
𝐿𝐴𝐴 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = ( ) ∗ 100(%)

Mass of sample before test (m1) = 5001gm

After test mass retained on sieve size 1.70 mm (m2) = 3992gm

Mass passing sieve size 1.70mm (m1-m2) = 1009 gm

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HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

𝐿𝐴𝐴 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = ( ) ∗ 100(%)

= 20.18%


 The LAA value of the test sample 20.01%.


 The result indicate from the experiment value is relatively near to the LAA value which is
getting in theoretical. The test is important for determination of degradation of mineral
aggregates of standard grading.


We have learned how to the Los Angeles abrasion test is determined. The result is good for high
vehicle load, because large resisting value to crush.

Engineering significance of the test:

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
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Experiment-4 Aggregate Shape Test

A. Flakiness index test

 To determine the flakiness indexes of coarse aggregate.


 The particle shape of the aggregate mass is determined by the percentage of flaky and
elongated particles in it. Aggregate which are flaky or elongated are detrimental to higher
workability and stability of mixes. The flakiness index of an aggregate is the percentage
by weight of particles whose least thickness is less than 3/5 of their mean dimension. The
mean dimension is the average of the two adjacent sieve sizes between which the particles
being measured are retained during sieving.


BS 812: Section 105.1: 1989


 Metal tray
 Oven
 Flakiness gauge
 Balance
 Test sieves
 Balance
 Sample divider
 Mechanical sieve shaker


1. The nominal size of the aggregates was determined which is 20mm and for 20mm nominal
size the weight of the sample to take was 3kg.
2. 3kg sample aggregate was taken by sieving through 20mm sieve size.
3. The sample was sieved through a series of test sieves.
4. The retained aggregate on each sieve was weighed separately on a metal tray.

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5. The fractions on the tray were calculated in percent and the fraction less than 5% was
removed for the next step. The remaining mass was recorded.
6. 37.5-28, 28-20, 20-14, 14-10 and 10-6.3 thickness gauges were selected and the retained
sample on sieve size (mm) 14, 10 and 6.3 were added respectively and shake.
7. The aggregate particles that passed the gauge was weighed and added.

Table 16 Minimum mass of test portion for FI

Nominal size of 50 40 28 20 14 10
material (mm)
Test sample (kg) 35 15 5 2 1 0.5

 The value of the flakiness index is calculated from the expression.

𝑓𝑙𝑎𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑥 = ∗ 100

 Sample wt. = 5000gm and M2 is 95% of sample weight

Table 17 Data sheet and calculation result table for FI

Aggregate Size fraction Test Fraction wt.(gm) Weight of aggregate pass

sieve size(mm) thickness gauge (gm)
100%passing 100%retained
37.5 28 1483.9 472.2
28 20 1323 422.3
20 14 433.6 122.3
14 10 62.2 10.3
10 6.3 261 120.5
Total M=3563.7 M3=1147.6

= ∗ 𝟏𝟎𝟎 =24.16%

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
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 The calculated flakiness index of our sample is 24.16%. This means 24.16% of the
aggregate materials thickness is less than 3/5 of their mean dimension. The mean
dimension is the average two sieve adjacent sieve sizes between which the particles being
measured are retained by sieving. As an aggregate is flaky, it is susceptible to break and
loss strength easily by wheel load. That is why we determine the FI of our sample. To come
up with the exact value of the FI of the sample aggregate sieving and other calculation
carried out sensitively.
 In usual practice, maximum permissible FI value for road construction is taken to be 25%.
Since the test resulted in FI value marginally within this specification, it is possible to use
the aggregate. But value less than 15% are more desirable. In undertaking this test, we
learned that -Flaky aggregates have low strength for wheel loads. -Flakiness Index test is
necessary for aggregate having size more than 6.3 mm and for specification of aggregate
size for road construction.

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B. Elongation index test

 To determine the sample aggregate whether elongate or not.
 The particle shape of the aggregate mass is determined by the percentage of flaky and
elongated particles in it. Aggregate which are flaky or elongated are detrimental to higher
workability and stability of mixes. The elongation index of an aggregate is the percentage
by weight of particles whose greatest length is greater than 1.8 times their mean dimension.
The test is carried out by separating elongated particles and expressing their mass as the
percentage of the mass of the sample tested.
BS 812: Section 105.2: 1990
 Metal tray
 Oven
 Balance
 Test sieves
 Elongation gauge
1. The nominal size of the aggregates was determined which is 20mm and for 20mm nominal
size the weight of the sample to take was 3kg.
2. 3kg sample aggregate was taken by sieving through 20mm sieve size.
3. The sample was sieved through a series of test sieves.
4. The retained aggregate on each sieve was weighed separately on a metal tray.
5. A length gauge was selected for each fraction retained on the sieve by passing the upper
limit sieve size.
6. Each particle was gauged to pass through the metal length gauge with its respective length
7. Elongated particles, prevented from passing through the gauge length, collected and
weighted manually.

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Table 18 Minimum mass of the test portion for EI

Nominal size of materials (mm)*20 Minimum mass of the test portion after
rejection of over size and under size

40 15

28 5

14 1

10 0.5

The value of the elongation index is calculated from the expression.
𝑊𝑡. 𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑
𝐸𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐼𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑥 = ∗ 100
𝑊𝑡. 𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑 + 𝑊𝑡. 𝑝𝑎𝑠𝑠
Table 19 Data sheet and calculation result table for EI

Sieve size Wt. retained % retained

(mm) (gm) (gm)
63 - -
50 - - Gauging
37.5 - - Wt. retained Wt. pass
(gm) (gm)
28 941 11.766 122.2 818.6
20 3110.9 38.899 622.2 2488
14 3708.9 46.376 1222.1 719.3
10 233.2 2.915 -
6.3 3.4 0.043 - -
Total 7997.4 1966.5 4025.9

𝑊𝑡. 𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑
𝐸𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐼𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑥 = ∗ 100
𝑊𝑡. 𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑 + 𝑊𝑡. 𝑝𝑎𝑠𝑠
= ∗ 100
1966.5 + 4025.9

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
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= 32.82%
 The EI of the sample aggregate was determined to be 32.82%. This means that 32.82% of
the materials have greatest length which is greater than 1.8 times their mean dimension in
our case.
 The outcome of the test shows that the EI of the aggregate sample is 32.82%. An aggregate
sample up to 35% EI can be used for road construction as an aggregate. Therefore, the
sample we carried for test can be used for road construction. In carrying out this test, we
were able to learn the following. Since long aggregate particles result in deterioration of the
strength of a pavement, their use for road construction as an aggregate should be limited.
 An aggregate should be tested for EI before it is to be used as base or sub base course for
road construction.
Engineering significance of the test:

 The shape of the aggregate particles plays an important role in the strength of the pavement.
Aggregate particles may have rounded cubical, angular, flaky or elongated shapes. Flaky
and elongated shaped particles of the same source. Hence as much as possible flaky and
elongated shaped aggregate should be avoided

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Experiment-5 Aggregate Crushing Value – ACV

 To determine the aggregate crushing value by compressive testing machine.
 The Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV) gives a relative measure of the resistance of an
aggregate to crushing under a gradually applied load. The Aggregate Crushing Value
(ACV) is determined by measuring the material passing a specified sieve after crushing
under a load of 400 kN. The test is applicable to a standard fraction aggregates passing a
14 mm sieve and retained on a 10 mm sieve. In generally to achieve a high quality of
pavement; aggregate possessing high resistance to crushing or low aggregate crushing
values are preferred.
BS 812: Part 110: 1990
Required equipment:
 A Steel Cylinder, open ended of nominal 150 mm internal diameter with Plunger and
Baseplate, ref. figure 1.
 Test sieves – square-hole perforated-plate type of sizes 14 mm and 10 mm, and a woven
wire 2.36 mm sieve.
 Tamping rod, steel bar 16 mm diameter and 600 mm long with both ends hemispherical
 Compression Testing Machine, 500 kN capacity
 Cylindrical Metal Measure, with internal diameter of 115 mm and internal depth of 180
 A sample divider, e.g. a riffle box
 Drying oven - with temperature of 105 °C ± 5 °C.
 Balance – min. 3 kg capacity readable to 1 g.
 Rubber mallet
 Metal tray of known mass
 Brush with stiff bristles.

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1. Prepare oven dried sample pass through 14mm and retain on 10mm sieve.
2. Weight empty measuring cylinder.
3. Put prepared sample in measuring cylinder in three layer tamping 25 times each.
Note tamping height I approximately 50mm above the surface of the aggregate.
4. Take weight of measuring and aggregate.
5. Transfer the sample from the measuring cylinder to open ended testing cylinder on base
plate in three layer tamping 25 times each layer.
6. Put the sample in open ended testing cylinder on base plate of compressive test machine.
7. Adjust the machine to apply 400KN load gradually on aggregate in 10min.
8. Finally remove the sample from the machine and separate crushed fine using 2.36mm
The ratio of the mass of the fines formed to the total mass of the sample in each test shall be
expressed as a percentage, the result being recorded to the first decimal place.
𝐴𝐶𝑉 = ∗ 100
Where M1 = the mass of the sample (gm)
M2 = the mass of the fraction passing the 2.36mm BS testing sieves (gm)
Wt. of aggregate taken for test, M1=2500gm
Wt. of aggregate passed on sieve size 2.36mm, M2=379.2gm
Wt. of aggregate retained on sieve size 2.36mm, M3=2114.3gm
𝐴𝐶𝑉 = ∗ 100
= ∗ 100 = 15.17%

 As the result indicates the aggregate is satisfied the specification of aggregate for base and
surface coarse of asphalt concrete. To determination of the aggregate crushing value (ACV)
which gives relative measure of the resistance of an aggregate to crushing under gradually

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

applied compressive load.

 We have learnt how to crushing value of aggregate is determined. The aggregate is used
for base and surface coarse asphalt concrete from the result. So that it is recommend in the
road construction.
 
Engineering significance of the test:

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Experiment-6 Determination of aggregate impact value


 To evaluate the resistance of aggregate to sudden impact loading.


 The aggregate impact value gives a relative measure of the resistance of an aggregate to
sudden shock or impact, which in some aggregates differs from its resistance to a slowly
applied compressive load. With aggregate of aggregate impact value higher than 30 the
result may be anomalous. Also, aggregate sizes larger than 14mm BS are not appropriate
to the aggregate impact test. The standard aggregate impact test shall be made on
aggregate passing a 14.0mm BS (12.5mmASTM) test sieve and retained on a 10.0mm BS
(10.0mm ASTM) test sieve.


BS812: Part 112:1990


 Impact testing machine

 Sieves
 Straight metal stamping rod
 Balance accurate to 0.1g


1. Place the whole of the test sample in the impact machine

2. Adjust the hammer so that its lower face is 380±5mm BS (380mm ASTM) above the
upper surface of the aggregate in the cup and then allow it to fall freely on to the
aggregate. Subject the sample to a total of 15BS such blows.
Note: weight of the hammer is 13.5-14 kg BS (14kg ASTM)
3. Then remove the crushed aggregate, by holding the cup and hammering on the outside, in
to a clean tray.
4. Sieve the whole of the sample in the tray on the 2.36mm BS (ASTM) test sieve until no
further significant amount passes in 1mi.

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5. Weigh the fractions passing and retained on the sieve to an accuracy of 0.1g.
(mass B and mass C respectively), and if the total mass B+C is less than the initial mass
(mass A) by more than 1g, discard the result and make a fresh test.


The ratio of the mass of fines formed to the total sample mass in each test shall be expressed as a
percentage, the result being recorded to the first decimal place,

𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠 = ∗ 100
A = the mass of surface-dry sample (g)
B = the mass of the fraction passing the sieve for separating the fines (g)
Table 20 Data sheet and calculation result table for AIV

Test no. 1 2 3 Average

Mass of aggregate before test, passing 347 337.5 339.5 1024
14mm and retained 10mm sieves
Mass of aggregate after compression, 59 64.59 63 186.59
passing 2.36mm sieve M2(g)
𝑀2 17 19.14 18.56 18.22
𝐴𝐼𝑉(%) = ∗ 100


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HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

Experiment-7 Ten Percent Fines Value - TFV (10% FACT)


The strength of the aggregates may be measured in a crushing test. The Ten Percent Fines Value
(TFV) gives a relative measure of the resistance of an aggregate to crushing under a gradually
applied load. In Pavement design there are specific requirements for the TFV of materials, tested
both dry and soaked. Aggregates used in road construction should be strong enough to resist
crushing under traffic wheel loads. If the aggregates are weak, the integrity of the pavement
structure may be adversely affected.

Main Principles

The 10 % Fines Value (TFV) is determined by measuring the load required to crush a prepared
aggregate sample to give 10 % material passing a specified sieve after crushing. The test is also
known as the 10% Fines Aggregate Crushing Test - 10 % FACT.

The test can be performed in both a dry condition and in a soaked condition.

The test is applicable to both weak and strong aggregates. The standard size fraction is passing a
14 mm sieve and retained on a 10 mm sieve.

(The TFV test resembles the determination of the Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV), which
requires a force equal to 400KN to be applied on the test sample).


 BS 812: Part 111: 1990

Required equipment:

 A Steel Cylinder, open ended of nominal 150 mm internal diameter with Plunger and
Baseplate, ref. figure 1.
 Test sieves – square-hole perforated-plate type of sizes 14 mm and 10 mm, and a woven
wire 2.36 mm sieve.
 Tamping rod, steel bar 16 mm diameter and 600 mm long with both ends hemispherical
 Compression Testing Machine, 500 kN capacity

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HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

 Cylindrical Metal Measure, with internal diameter of 115 mm and internal depth of 180
 A sample divider, e.g. a riffle box
 Drying oven - with temperature of 105 °C ± 5 °C.
 Balance – min. 3 kg capacity readable to 1 g.
 Rubber mallet
 Metal tray of known mass
 Brush with stiff bristles.

Sample preparation:

1. Reduce the sample to produce a test portion of sufficient mass to produce three test
specimens of 14 mm to 10 mm size fraction, ref. Table 1 below.

Table 21 Guide to minimum mass of test portions required to obtain a suitable mass of material
to determine the TFV

Grade of the aggregate Minimum mass of the test portion*

mm kg
All-in aggregate 0-40 mm max. size 60
All-in aggregate 0-20 mm max. size 45
Graded aggregate 40 to 5 mm 40
Graded aggregate 20 to 5 mm 25
Graded aggregate 14 to 5mm 15

*For normal density aggregate

2. Sieve the entire surface dry test portion on the 14 mm and 10mm sieves to remove the
oversize and undersize fractions.
3. Divide the resulting 14 mm – 10 mm fraction to produce three test specimens each of
sufficient mass such that the depth of the material in the Cylinder is approximately 100
mm after tamping.
4. The test specimens shall be oven-dried at 105 ± 5°C for not more than 4 hours. Allow to
cool before testing. Record the mass of material comprising the test specimens.

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Test Procedure

Dry condition:

1. Place the cylinder of the test apparatus in position on the base-plate. Place the test specimen
in it in thirds, each third being compacted by 25 strokes of the tamping rod evenly
distributed over the surface of the layer. The tamping rod shall be dropped from a height
of about 50 mm above the surface of the aggregate.
2. Carefully level the surface of the aggregate and insert the plunger so that it rests
horizontally on this surface.
3. Place the apparatus with the specimen and plunger in position, between the platens of the
compression testing machine. Apply force at a uniform rate so as to cause a total
penetration of the plunger in 10 min ± 30 s of approximately:
a) 15 mm for rounded or partially rounded aggregates, e.g. Uncrushed grave
b) 20 mm for normal crushed aggregates
c) 24 mm for honeycombed aggregates, e.g. some slags
4. Record the maximum force (f) applied to produce the required penetration. Release the
force and remove the crushed material aggregate by holding the cylinder over a clean tray
of known mass and hammering on the outside with the rubber mallet until the particles are
sufficiently loose to enable the specimen to fall freely on to the tray. Use a brush to remove
the fine particles adhering to the inside of the cylinder, the baseplate and the underside of
the plunger.
5. Weigh the tray and the aggregate and record the mass of aggregate used (M1) to the nearest
1 g.
6. Sieve the whole specimen in the tray on the 2.36 mm sieve until no further significant
amount passes. Weigh and record the masses of the fraction passing and retained on the
sieve to the nearest 1 g (M2 + M3 respectively). If the total mass (M2 + M3) differs from the
initial mass (M1) by more than 10 g, discard the result and test a further specimen.

If the percentage of the material (m) passing the sieve calculated from

𝑚= ∗ 100

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

Does not fall within the range 7.5 % - 12.5 %, test a further specimen using an adjusted maximum
test loading to bring the percentage of fines within the range and record the value of (m) obtained?

7. Repeat the complete test procedure using a second specimen of the same mass as the first
specimen at the same force that gave a percentage fines value within the range 7.5 % - 12.5

Data observed:

Weight retained (I) = 2667.3gm

Weight passed (L) = 294.5gm

Total weight=2961.8gm





f =is the maximum force (in KN)

m= is the percentage of material passing the 2.36 mm sieve at the maximum force

𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑠 𝑊𝑡. (𝑝𝑎𝑠𝑠)

𝑚= ∗ 100
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑊𝑡.

Weight retained (I) = 2667.3gm

Weight passed (L) = 294.5gm

Total weight=2961.8gm

2965.1 − 2667.3
%𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑠(𝑚) = ∗ 100 = 10.04%

14𝑓 14 ∗ 256
𝐹= = = 255.27𝐾𝑁 ≅ 255𝐾𝑁
𝑚 + 4 10.04 + 4

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
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Therefore ten percent fine value (TFV) of dry aggregate is 255 KN.


Recommended TFV for dry aggregate >110 KN under ERA manual therefore our result is 255
KN which is safe.
Engineering significance of the test:

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Tests on bitumen
Experiment-1 penetration test
 To measure the consistency test used to designate grades of bitumen

 The consistency of bitumen is determined by penetration test which is a very simple test.
Various types’ and grades of bituminous materials are available depending on their origin
and refining process.
 The penetration test determines the consistency of these materials for the purpose of
grading them indirectly; by measuring the depth (in units of one tenth of millimeter or
one hundredth of a centimeter) to which a standard needle will penetrate vertically under
specified conditions of standard load, duration and temperature.


 ASTM D5- 2006 and AASHTO T 49-2010:

Apparatus Required:
 Cylindrical metallic Container having 55mm in diameter and 35mm to 57mm height
 Steel Needle having diameter 3mm with conical end
 Water Bath
 Penetrometer
 Transfer Tray
1. The bitumen is softened to a pouring consistency between 75 ºC - 100 ºC above the
approximate temperature at which bitumen softens.
2. The sample material is thoroughly stirred to make it homogeneous and free from air
bubbles and water.
3. The sample containers are cooled in atmosphere of temperature not lower than13 ºC for
one hour. Then they are placed in temperature controlled water bath at a temperature of
25 ºC for a period of one hour.

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4. The weight of needle, shaft and additional weight are checked. The total weight of this
assembly should be 100 gm.
5. Using the adjusting screw, the needle assembly is lowered and the tip of the needle is
made to just touch the top surface of the sample.
6. The needle assembly is clamped in this position. The contact of the tip of the needle is
checked using the mirror placed on the rear of the needle.
7. The initial reading of the penetrometer dial is either adjusted to zero or the initial reading
is noted. Then the needle is released by pressing a button and a stop watch is started.
8. The needle is released exactly for a period of 5.0 sec.
9. At least 3 measurements are made on this sample by testing at distance of not less than 10
mm apart. The difference between the initial and final penetration readings are taken as
the penetration value.

Table 22 Observation and calculation table for penetration test

Item NO. Penetration(cm)

1 67
Result 2 68
3 68
AVE 68
Penetration 68

 The average penetration value of a given bitumen sample is 68mm and therefore the
grade of bitumen is 67/68 bitumen.


 When the test temperature increase the penetration value also increase. And also, if the
specimen is heated above 110⁰c it loss it’s carbon composition which results less binder
material and error in penetration reading.


 The experiment helped to determine the standard penetration value of the bitumen material
so that it can assist as to measure the hardness or softness of bituminous material under a
selected load condition, time and temperature.

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Experiment-2 Flash and fire point test

 To determine the flash and fire points of all petroleum products, except fuel oils and
materials having an expected flash point below 79 ᵒC.

 Flash and Fire point test is a safety test conducted on a bituminous material so that it
gives an indication of the critical temperature at and above where precautions should be
taken to eliminate fire hazards during its applications. Bituminous materials leave out
volatiles at high temperature depending upon their grade. These volatile vapors catch fire
causing a flash.
 This condition is very hazardous and it is therefore essential to qualify this temperature
for each bitumen grade, so that the paving engineers may restrict the mixing or
application temperature well within the limits.


 ASTM D92-99 and AASHTO T 48-96:

Apparatus Required:
 Pen sky-Martens closed cup tester
 Thermometer
 Heating source
1. All parts of the cup are cleaned and dried thoroughly before the test is started.
2. The material is filled in the cup up to a mark.
3. The lid is placed to close the cup in a closed system. All accessories including
thermometer of the specified range are suitably fixed.
4. The bitumen sample is then heated. The test flame is lit and adjusted in such a way that
the size of a bed is of 4mm diameter. The heating of sample is done at a rate of 5 º C to 6
ºC per minute. During heating the sample the stirring is done at a rate of approximately
60 revolutions per minute.

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HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

5. The test flame is applied at intervals depending upon the expected flash and fire points
and corresponding temperatures at which the material shows the sign of flash and fire are

Table 23 Observation table for flash and fire point

Item Temperature (ºc)

Flash point 335

Fire point 367

The temperature at which the flame application that causes a bright flash 335ºC and temperature
at which the sample catches fire 367ºC.

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HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

Experiment-3 Softening point of bitumen

 The softening point test is used to measure and specify the temperature at which
bituminous binders begin to show fluidity.
 The softening point is also an indicative of the tendency of the material to flow at
elevated temperatures encountered in service.
 For calculating the penetration index (PI) of the grade asphalt.

 Softening point denotes the temperature at which the bitumen attains a particular degree of
softening under the specifications of test. The test is conducted by using Ring and Ball
apparatus. A brass ring containing test sample of bitumen is suspended in liquid like water
at a given temperature. A steel ball is placed upon the bitumen sample and the liquid
medium is heated at a rate of 5oC per minute. Temperature is noted when the softened
bitumen touches the metal plate which is at a specified distance (25 mm) below. Generally,
higher softening point indicates lower temperature susceptibility and is preferred in hot


 ASTM D36-95 and AASHTO T53-06

Apparatus Required:
 Ring and Ball apparatus

 Water bath with stirrer

 Thermometer.

 Steel balls each of 9.5 mm and weight of 2.5±0.05 gm.

1. Sample material is heated to a temperature between 75 ºC and 100 ºC above the
approximate softening point until it is completely fluid and is poured in heated rings
placed on the metal plate.

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HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

2. To avoid sticking of the bitumen to metal plate, coating is done to this with a solution of
glycerin and dextrin.
3. After cooling the rings in air for 30 minutes, the excess bitumen is trimmed and rings are
placed in the support.
4. At this time the temperature of distilled water is kept at 5 ºC. This temperature is
maintained for 15 minutes after which the balls are placed in position.
5. Then the temperature of water is raised at uniform rate of 5 ºC per minute with a
controlled heating unit, until the bitumen softens and touches the bottom plate by sinking
of balls. At least two observations are made. For material whose softening point is above
80 ºC, glycerin is used for heating medium and the starting temperature is 35 ºC instead
of 5 ºC.
6. The temperature at the instant when each of the ball and sample touches the bottom plate
of support is recorded as softening point value.
7. Two tests are conducted and the mean value is reported as softening point.

Table 24 Observation and calculation table for softening point

Item No. Softening point(ºc)

1 50.6
Result 2 50.7
Ave 50.7
Softening point(ºc) 50.7

 The softening point value of given bitumen sample is 50.7 ºC.

 The result of this experiment 50.7oc the softening point of the given bituminous sample
which is with the range of the expected softening point when distilled boiling water used
I.e. 30 -80⁰c. The result may be affect slightly by initial temperature and thermometer
raise is not uniform i.e. 5⁰c/ minutes may not satisfy.


Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

 We have learnt how to determine softening point as the test standard specify the limiting
value of softening point for bitumen tested in distill water from 30 -80⁰c and our test result
shows softening point of 36⁰c that is within the limit therefore our bitumen can achieve the
required flow and viscosity at the temperature if encountered in service.

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

Experiment-4 Specific gravity of bitumen

 To determine the specific gravity of given Bituminous material.

 In paving jobs, to classify a binder, density property is of great use. In most cases
bitumen is weighed, but when used with aggregates, the bitumen is converted to volume
using density values. The density of bitumen is greatly influenced by its chemical
composition. Increase in aromatic type mineral impurities cause an increase in specific
gravity. The specific gravity of bitumen is defined as the ratio of mass of given volume of
bitumen of known content to the mass of equal volume of water at 27 oc. The specific
gravity of bitumen varies from 0.99 to1.02.

Apparatus required:

 Specific gravity bottle,

 Weighing balance

 Distilled water.

1. The clean, dried specific gravity bottle is weighed let that be W1 gm
2. Than it is filled with fresh distilled water and then kept in water bath for at least half an
hour at temperature 27 oC±0.1 oc.
3. The bottle is then removed and cleaned from outside. The specific gravity bottle
containing distilled water is now weighed. Let this be W2gm.
4. Then the specific gravity bottle is emptied and cleaned. The bituminous material is heated
to a pouring temperature and the material is poured half the bottle; by taking care to
prevent entry of air bubbles. Then it is weighed. Let this be W3 gm.
5. The remaining space in specific gravity bottle is filled with distilled water at27 oc and is
weighed. Let this be W4 gm. Then specific gravity of bituminous material is given by the
following formula (W3 - W1) / [(W2-W1) - (W4-W3)].
6. Three tests are conducted and the mean value is reported as specific gravity of the

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material


Specific gravity= (W3-W1) / [(W2-W1) - (W4-W3)]

Table 25 Observation and calculation table for specific gravity of bitumen

SN Details of sample No. of observations

NO.37 NO.39
1 Weight of the empty specific gravity 32.32 32.88
bottle=W1 gm
2 Weight of the specific gravity bottle 55.72 56.83
filled with water=W2 gm
3 Weight of the specific gravity bottle 49.33 49.62
half filled with bitumen=W3 gm
4 Weight of specific gravity bottle half 56.14 57.29
filled with bitumen & remaining
part filled with water=W4 gm
5 Specific gravity 1.025 1.028
6 Mean Specific gravity 1.026

 The specific gravity of given bituminous binder is 1.026.
 The bituminous material by nature sensitive for temperature and other factors, So that the
result of the experiment is 1.026 affected by the above reason i.e. it is out of the limit
specific gravity of the bitumen (0.97 – 1.02). To avoid this experiment error the sample
heated with care i.e. the temperature should not more than 110⁰c and distraction of the time
to heat also not more than 60 min otherwise, it loses its carbon content the incorporating
air bubbles of the sample should also avoided to minimize error.

Generally from the experiment we have learnt the following.

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

 The bitumen specific gravity affected by temperature

 The density of sample can be determined from its specific gravity, which is used to
convert in volume.
 The density of binder influenced by the chemical composition.
 When the amount of mineral impurity increase in the binder it’s specific gravity also

The outcomes of this test shows that the specific gravity of the bitumen that we took for test is
1.026.since the value is below the recommended value of bitumen 0.97-1.02,so that it will not
recommended to use as an asphalt for road rater it is better if it used for prim coting.

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

Experiment-5 Ductility test of the bitumen

 To determine the ductility value of a given sample of bitumen.
 Ductility is the property of bitumen that permits it to undergo great deformation or
elongation. Ductility is defined as the distance in cm, to which a standard sample or
briquette of the material will be elongated without breaking. Dimension of the briquette
thus formed is exactly 1 cm square. The bitumen sample is heated he air and then in water
bath at 27o C temperature. The excess bitumen is cut and the surface is leveled using a hot
knife. Then the mould with assembly containing sample is kept in water bath of the ductility
machine for about 90 minutes. The sides of the mould are removed, the clips are hooked
on the machine and the machine is operated.


 ASTM D 113- 99 and AASHTOT 51-2006:

Apparatus required:
 Briquette mould having (length – 75mm, distance between clips – 30mm, width at mouth
of clips – 20mm, cross section at minimum width – 10mm x10mm),

 Ductility machine with water bath and a pulling device at a pre calibrated (ºC) rate,

 Knife,

 Thermometer.

1. Melt the bituminous test material completely at a temperature of 75 oC to 100oC above
the approximate softening point until it becomes thoroughly fluid.
2. Strain the fluid through IS sieve 30.
3. After stirring the fluid, pour it in the mould assembly and place it on a brass plate.
4. In order to prevent the material under test from sticking, coat the surface of the plate and
interior surface of the sides of the mould with mercury or by a mixture of equal parts of
glycerin and dextrin.

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

5. After about 30 – 40 minutes, keep the plate assembly along with the sample in a water
bath. Maintain the temperature of the water bath at 27 oC for half an hour.
6. Remove the sample and mould assembly from the water bath and trim the specimen by
leveling the surface using a hot knife.
7. Replace the mould assembly in water bath maintained at 27 oC for 80 to 90minutes.
8. Remove the sides of the mould.
9. Hook the clips carefully on the machine without causing any initial strain.
10. Adjust the pointer to read zero.
11. Start the machine and pull two clips horizontally at a speed of 50 mm per minute.
12. Note the distance at which the bitumen thread of specimen breaks. Two or more tests
conducted and the mean of three observations, rounded to nearest whole number recorded
as the Ductility Value.

Table 26 Observation and calculation for ductility of bitumen

Item No. Ductility(cm)

1 100+
Result 2 100+
Ave 100+
Ductility(cm) 100+

The Ductility value of given bitumen sample is 100+ (cm).

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

Experiment-6 Saybolt furol viscosity test of bituminous material

 To determine the viscosity of a given bituminous binder.
Theory and Scope:
 Viscosity denotes the fluid property of bituminous material and it is a measure of
resistance to flow. At the application temperature, this characteristic greatly influences
the strength of resulting paving mixes. Low or high viscosity during compaction or
mixing has been observed to result in lower stability values.
 Orifice type viscometers are used to indirectly find the viscosity of liquid binders like
cutbacks and emulsions. The viscosity expressed in seconds is the time taken by the 50
ml bitumen material to pass through the orifice of a cup, under standard test conditions
and specified temperature. Viscosity of a cutback can be measured with either 4.0 mm
orifice at25 oC or 10 mm orifice at 25 0C or 40 oC.


 ASTM D88-99:

Apparatus required:
 A orifice viscometer (one of 4.0mm diameter used to test cut back grades 0 and 1 and 10
mm orifice to test all other grades),

 water bath,

 Stirrer

 Thermo meter.

1. Adjust the tar viscometer so that the top of the tar cup is leveled
2. Select the test temperature Heat the water in water bath to the temperature specified for
the test and maintains it within ±0.10C of the specified temperature throughout the
duration of test. Rotate the stirrer gently at frequent intervals or perfectly continuously
3. Clean the tar cup orifice of the viscometer with a suitable solvent and dry thoroughly

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

4. Warm and stir the material under examination to 20 0C above the temperature specified
for test and cool, while continuing the stirring. When the temperature falls slightly above
the specified temperature pour the tar into the cup until the leveling peg on the valve rod
is just immersed when the latter is vertical.
5. Pour into the graduated receiver 20 ml of mineral oil, or one percent by weight solution
of soft soap, and place it under the orifice of the tar cup.
6. Place the other thermometer in the tar and stir until the temperature is within ±0.1 0Cof
the specified temperature. When this temperature has been reached, suspend the thermo
meter coaxially with the cup and with its bulb approximately at the geometric center of
the tar.
7. Allow the assembled apparatus to stand for five minutes during which period the
thermometer reading should remain within 0.05 0C of the specified temperature.
8. Remove the thermometer and quickly remove any excess of tar so that the final level son
the central line of the leveling peg when the valve is in vertical position.
9. Lift the valve and suspend it on valve support
10. Start the stop watch when the reading in the cylinder is 25 ml and stop it when it is 75ml.
Note the time in seconds
11. Report the viscosity as the time taken in seconds by 50 ml of tar to flow out at the
temperature specified for the test.
12. Three tests are conducted and mean of the three observations recorded as viscosity of
bituminous material.

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HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

Table 27 Observation and calculation table for viscosity

Test number Temperature ᵒC Efflux time (viscosity)sec.

131 260

140 222
150 104

172 42

Temperature Vs Saybolt furol


Saybolt furol (sec)





100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180
Temperature o C

Figure 8 Say bolt Furol vs. temperature

Calculation for Optimum mixing temperature and Optimum compaction temperature
 Optimum mixing temperature 154-1590C
 Optimum compaction temperature (142-147)0C

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

Experiment-7 Bituminous mix design by Marshall Method


 To determine optimum binder content of given bituminous mix by Marshall Method of

mix design.

 In this method, the resistance to plastic deformation of cylindrical specimen of bituminous

mixture is measured when the same is loaded at the periphery at 5 cm per minute. This test
procedure is used in designing and evaluating bituminous paving mixes. There are two
major features of the Marshall method of designing mixes (i) density-void analysis (ii)
stability-flow test. The Marshall stability of the mix is defined as a maximum load carried
by a compacted specimen at a standard test temperature at 60 oC. The flow value is the
deformation at which the Marshall Test specimen undergoes during the loading up to the
maximum load, in 0.25 mm unit.

 ASTM D 6926 -10:

Apparatus required:

 Mould assembly
 sample extractor
 compaction pedestal and hammer
 breaking head
 loading machine flow meter
 thermometers
 water bath
 oven

Preparation of test specimen

1. The grain size analysis of different aggregates which are named as aggregate A, B, and C
respectively was undertaken (See Table 1.1, 1.2, 1.3).

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

2. Since individual aggregate A, B and C fail to meet the marshal aggregate specification,
aggregates were combined together by percentage.

3. The specific gravity of each different size group aggregate was determined.
 Aggregate Blending formula:
aA + bB+ cC + dD = Pass

 A, B, C and D are percentage of individual aggregate respectively for blending

 a, b, c, and d is percentage of retained on each sieve.

Table 28 the blending of aggregate A, B, C and D

Percentage of Aggreg Aggregate

individual ate ‘A’ ‘B’ Aggregate Aggregate
aggregate (8.70%) (37.30%) ‘C’ (42%) ‘D’ (12%)
% Pass
Sieve of Agg. % Pass of % Pass of % Pass of
designation A Agg. B Agg. C Agg. D Combined Specification
1"(25m) 6.2 37.3 42 12 97.72 100
3/4"(19mm) 3.69 37.3 42 12 94.99 90-100
3/8" (9.5mm) 0.1 21.12 42 12 75.22 55-80
No 4 (4.75mm) 0.04 3.41 40.55 12 56 45-65
No 8 (2.36mm) 0.03 0.53 16.81 12 29.37 35-50
No 40 (0.3mm) 0.003 0.28 5.05 11.91 17.243 5-20
No 200(0.075mm) 0.12 0.09 1.63 4.81 6.65 4-8
Pan 0 0 0 0

4. The test specimen mould needed to have a total blend mass of 1200gm with percentage
proportion of aggregate and asphalt. The aggregate and asphalt is adjusted in such way
that a specimen to have height of 63.5±1.3mm and diameter of 102mm.
5. A series set of specimen is prepared for a range of different asphalt and aggregate
contents so the test data curves shows a well-defined optimum value.

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HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

Table 29 Aggregate proportions for different asphalt content

Asphalt content Weight of aggregate Weight of Asphalt

1200kgx0.96 = 1152kg 1200kgx0.04 = 48kg
A = 1152x0.087 =100.22kg
B = 1152x0.373 = 429.70kg
C = 1152x0.42 = 483.84kg
D = 1152x0.12 = 136.24kg
4.5% 1200kgx94.5 = 1146kg 1200kgx0.045= 54kg
A=1146kgx0.087= 99.7kg
B = 1146kg0.373=427.46kg
C= 1146kgx0.42= 481.32kg
5% Similar to the above 1200kgx0.05 = 60kg
5.5%  1200kgx0.055 = 66kg
6%  1200kgx0.06 = 72kg
6.5%  1200kgx0.065 = 78kg
7% 1200kgx0.93 = 1116kg 1200kgx0.07 = 84kg
1116kgx0.087 = 97.353kg
1116kgx0.373 = 416.26kg
1116kgx0.42 = 468.72kg
1116kgx0.12 = 133.93kg

6. The required amount of each size aggregate fraction is weighted.

7. Thoroughly clean the specimen mold assembly and the face of the compaction hammer
and heat them on the hot plate or oven to a temperature between 93oC and 149oC.
8. The mixing and compacting temperature was determined from viscosity test to be:-
 Optimum mixing temperature 149oC -159oC
 Optimum Compacting temperature 142oC- 147oC
9. Different size aggregates ( Aggregate A, B, C and D) were blended together and heated
to a temperature above the mixing temperature by 28oC(i.e. = 178oC)

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

10. The bitumen was heated to a temperature of 150oC and the required amount of bitumen is
weighted and added to the aggregates. The aggregate and asphalt is mixed quickly until
all aggregate particles are thoroughly and uniformly coated with asphalt.
11. A filter paper is placed in the bottom of the mold before the mixture is placed in the
12. The mixture was poured to the first mold and speeded by trowel. Paper discs was placed
on the top of the mix of the mold assemble.
13. The temperature of mixture is checked to be within the limits of compaction temperature.
14. The specimen mold assembly was placed in to the compaction mold holder and the
compaction hammer mold .Since our specimen was intended for heavy traffic a 75 blows
were applied on both face of the specimen.
15. After the compaction, the base plate and collar was removed, the specimens are allowed
to cool down in room temperature.
16. After all the samples cooled enough, the specimen is removed from their mold by sample
extruder then,
 The air dried of each specimen weight is taken
 The weight of each specimen in water is taken
17. The specimen is dried with dry cloth and saturated surface dry weight is taken.
Stability and Flow Test

1. Eight specimens were immersed into water bath which is heated at temperature of
60oC and stay in bath for 20 minutes.
2. All apparatus used to the stability and flow test was seated, cleaned and arranged in
accordance to suitable for the test as it is required.
3. Then the first specimen removed from the bath and dried. The specimen placed in the
center of the lower testing head and the upper testing head fitted in position. The
completed assembly of the specimen centered in the loading device.
4. The flow meter placed in guide road and held by pressed.
5. A load applied to the specimen approximately at a constant deformation of
51mm/min, until failure occurred. The flow meter was also held pressed.
6. When the load reading back, the flow meter was removed and the reading was

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

7. For the rest specimen procedure above was applied to the stability and flow test.
Specific Gravity of Bitumen and Aggregate

 𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 = 𝑃𝑎𝑐 𝑃𝑎𝑔
𝐺𝑎𝑐 𝐺𝑎𝑔
 𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑔𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑔𝑎𝑡𝑒 = 𝑃1 𝑃2 𝑃𝑛
+ +...+
𝐺1 𝐺2 𝐺𝑛
 𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑔𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑔𝑎𝑡𝑒 = 8.7 37.3 42 12 = 2.586g/cm3
+ + +
2.604 2.534 2.596 2.713
 𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 = 𝑃𝑎𝑐 𝑃𝑎𝑔
𝐺𝑎𝑐 𝐺𝑎𝑔
 At 4% Bitumen content 𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 = 4 96 =
1.025 2.586
 At 4.5% Bitumen content 𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 = 4.5 95.5 =
1.025 2.586
2.42 g/cm3
 At 5% Bitumen content 𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 = 5 95 =
1.025 2.586
2.403 g/cm3
 At 5.5% Bitumen content 𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 = 5.5 94.5 =
1.025 2.586
2.386 g/cm3

Bitumen Stability Flow Air void % VMA % VFA % Density

content KN (1/100cm) g/cm3
4 12.79 3.9 5.41 14.4 62.43 2.294
4.5 9.408 5.5 2.81 13.11 78.57 2.342
5 6.63 5.6 2.95 14.31 79.39 2.324
5.5 7.05 3.25 2.85 15.27 81.34 2.314

Density g/cm3

3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6
Bitumen content %

Figure 9 Bitumen content vs. density

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

From the above graph of Bitumen content Vs. Density the optimum bitumen content is 4.5%

Air void %

3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6
Bitumen content %

Figure 10 Bitumen content vs. air void

From the above graph of Bitumen content vs. Air void the optimum Bitumen content when Air
void is 4% is 4.25%



Stability KN

3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6
Bitumen content %

Figure 11 Bitumen content vs. stability

From the above graph of bitumen content vs. stability the optimum bitumen content is 4%

Taking the average of the above three values

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

4 + 4.25 + 4.5
Optimum bitumen content = = 4.25%

The optimum binder content is 4.25 % (the average of the three above values). Let’s now check if
requirements for Marshall Stability, flow etc. are not met at this binder content

 Flow (1/100cm) = 4.7

 VMA = 13.76%
 VFA = 70.5%

Density = 2.318 g/cm3
 Air Void = 4.11%
 Stability = 10.099 KN

Recommended value for marshal mix design

1. Strength criteria
 Stability = 8KN
 Flow 2 - 4mm
2. Volume Criteria
 Air Void = 3-6
 VFA = 65-75
 VMA > 14

NB:-This mixture meets all the requirements of asphalt institute requirements for stability, flow
and voids.

From this test we can conclude that the properties of the mixture is highly dependent of the
properties of the ingredients and percentage of each ingredients. Consequently, the aggregate
properties are considered to be the same and the variation is for only asphalt content. Variation
of the asphalt content makes a change for all properties of the mixture.

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

Conclusion and Recommendation:

 Pavement material testing is a major key component of highway projects. If properly
undertaken one can save a considerable amount of expenses thereby reducing the overall
project cost.
 In carrying out these tests, we were able to develop technical skills in doing so, along with
team cooperation experiences. And we are grateful for such a wonderful experience.
 In spite of all the promising importance and advantage of pavement tests, a lot of revising
is needed in the area of necessity of tests and also the specifications for most of the tests.
This is so because the tests were initially developed for the specific geographical, climate
and geological experiment set up of the countries of origin majorly the US and Britain. We
highly recommend national level extensive studies, researches and revision so as to develop
the most suitable and appropriate standardized laboratory manual for our country,

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

Reference and Bibliography:

 ASTM Manual
 AASHTO Manual
 ERA Manual
 BS British Standards

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report
HU; IOT, MSc. In Road and Transport Engineering Pavement Material

Pavement Materials Testing Lab Report

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