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They like to control the environment surrounding them

They have tunnel vision, tendency to focus on a single goal or point of view. The more important the
goal or the more threatening a stimulus is perceived to be, the more likely a person is to focus
attention on it.

They like to overcome challenges. They sometimes create a challenge and overcome it.

They are likely to get into a task quickly… they would literally jump in.

For them everything in winning and achievements.

They like multitasking, since its challenging.

One of their biggest highlights is speed. For them time is precious and is important in everything
they do.

They love arrangements as it gives them control of the environment surrounding them.

They work under stress…………because time is important to them and everything is achievement for


They like to control the environment by influencing the people.

They want people to approve them.

Very talkative …...even without any reason.

They are very charming, so other people like them easily.

Very charismatic. They are able to attract, charm and influence they people around them. Hence,
they have an aura around people.

They are always high spirited.

Their mantra is having fun.

They live for the moment and there’s no tomorrow.

Emotionally their Happiness, sadness, anger…...etc. are not constant.

Due to their charismatic nature, they have lot of friends.

For them others happiness is more important than their own happiness.


They are generally introvert.

They want their whole life to be steady and stable.

They love monotony. There is a Lack of variety and interest.

They love to have a routine and tedious repetition without which they get bored.

One of their biggest highlights is, they cooperate with others.

They can’t say no to anyone and as a result people take advantage of them.

As a result of this they may not complete their own work on time.

They are good team player.

They don’t like limelight and loves to remain in a group.

They are loyal, humble and submissive.


Its difficult to convince them.

They are calm and silent ……will talk sometimes when they need to cooperate with you.

They like justice.

They are very logical and need solid reasons for everything. As a result, it becomes difficult for others
to answer their questions and convince them.

In short, they are very analytical.

They won’t notice and can’t connect to others emotions.

They are perfectionists.




They are very brand conscious. They will always buy the best brands. One of the reasons they love
branded things is because that brings up their position around people surrounding them.

They need less time to shop because they would have already decided what to buy and which design
to buy.

These people are generally not interested in warranty and longevity of things they buy.


Will ask opinions before buying.

They will go to various shops before buying anything………. they are the people who generally have
the experience of going to various places. They may not buy from the first place they go.

They will become friends with the shopkeeper.

Will ask opinions whether other people also like it or not.

They like buying eye-catching things.

They are absent minded and won’t remember about warranty and all.

They will spend a lot of time thinking. They will keep on thinking and wont buy.

They themselves wont go to buy because they will think let the old one run as long as it can.

Will buy similar to the old one they have as they don’t like changes.

They want warranty cards because they want longevity of the products they buy. They would be the
kind of people who will keep the warranty cards for the whole lifetime.


They will do a detailed analysis. Without analysis they won’t be buying anything.

They will have data regarding everything.

They would be the people keeping the warranty cards. In fact, they would the people having
different sections for different warranty cards… home appliances, watches etc.

They sometimes even won’t buy a watch as they may say they have a smart phone to see time

They are born minimalists.

In short, they think a lot before spending money. Born miser



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