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Penelitian Tindakan

Kelas: Teacher as
Compiled by

Action Research - Power Point by:

Dr. Tarek Chebbi, FIU
• Peningkatan kemampuan guru dalam
menyusun karya pengembangan profesi;
• Peningkatan kepekaan guru terhadap
masalah-masalah yang perlu segera
• Peningkatan kapasitas riset guru untuk
mengembangkan solusi kreatif terhadap
• Peningkatan keterampilan guru dalam
menyusun proposal penelitian tindakan;
• Peningkatan pengetahuan guru dalam
menyusun laporan penelitian tindakan.
• Teridentifikasi 1 masalah yang dapat
diselesaikan melalui PTK;
• Teridentifikasi satu
del/prosedur yang dinilai tepat untuk
menyelesaikan masalah;
• Tersusun rancangan awal proposal PTK
(Zero Draft).
Ways of Knowing
Origin of the Word “Research”
• From the French word
"recherche" which means to
travel through or survey
What is research
“a systematic process of critical inquiry leading to valid
proposition and conclusions that are communicated to
interested others (McLeod, 2003)”
“ scientific research is systematic, controlled, empirical,
and critical investigation of hypothetical propositions
about the presumed relations among natural
phenomena (Kerlinger, 1973)”
“ a process of steps used to collect and analyze
information to increase our understanding of topic or
issue (Creswell, 2008)”
Why Conduct Research?
1. Fills in blanks in knowledge
2. Expands understanding
3. Reproduce knowledge
4. Add other perspectives
5. Improves Practice
• Learn about new practices
• Evaluate existing practices
• Informs about important policy issues
The Process of Research
Identify the
Research Problem
and Review the
Evaluate Research Literature

Analyze and Specify a

Interpret Research
Collect Data

John W. Creswell
Educational Research: Planning, 1.8
Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative
and Qualitative Research, third edition
Skills Needed for Research
• Curiosity to solve puzzles
• Long attention span
• Library and computer resource skills
• Writing and editing skills

Ethical Considerations in Research

• Respect the rights of the participants

• Honor the requests and restrictions of
the research site
• Report the research fully and honestly

1. Tidak sadar / tidak peduli terhadap perkembangan
konsep, pendekatan dan inovasi mutakhir.
2. Tidak kompetitif
3. Tidak familier terhadap perangkat dan alat mutakhir
dalam menjalankan kerjanya
4. Tidak memahami literatur teknis dalam bidangnya
5. Tidak dapat menerapkan konsep-konsep dalam
6. Tidak lagi menjadi tempat konsultasi kolega dalam bidang
7. Menurunnya respek dan kredibilitas diantara mitranya
8. Kurang memiliki peluang untuk dipilih dalam penempatan
9. Partisipasinya minimal dalam pengambilan keputusan
Effective/reflective teachers
“If we are to become more effective
teachers, we need to become more
reflective teachers. To be reflective we
need to articulate our theories of
learning, critically examine them and
replace those parts which, we suspect or,
better still, can show do not work.
J.Webb, 1996
What is Reflective Teaching?
Three attitudes are necessary for us
to become reflective teachers:
 Wholeheartedness.
(J. Dewey, A Handbook for Reflective Teaching)
Reflective teaching cont…..
• Exploring underlying beliefs;
• Self-observation, evaluation;
• Process of observing and collecting
-- our own behaviors
-- those of others.
• A means to institute meaningful changes and
improvements in our teaching.
• A beneficial form of professional development.
Reflective practice
"the capacity to reflect on
action so as to engage in a
process of continuous
learning", which is "one of
the defining characteristics of
professional practice"
Posisi riset

We must find a way of bridging the

traditional divide between educational
theory and professional practice.
McNiff, 1988
Mengapa PTK
Topic Formal Research Action Research

Training needed by Extensive On own or with

researcher consultation
Goal of research Knowledge that is Knowledge to apply to
generalizable the local situation
Method of Review of previous Problems or goals
identifying the research currently faced
problem to be
Procedure for Extensive, using primary More cursory, using
literature review secondary sources
Sampling approach Random Students or clients
within whom they
Mengapa PTK
Topic Formal Research Action Research

Research design Rigorous control, long Looser procedures,

time frame change during study,
quick time frame,
control through
Measurement Evaluate and pretest Convenient measures
procedures measures or standardized test
Data analysis Statistical test, qualitative Focus on practical, not
techniques statistical significance;
present raw data

Application of result Emphasis on theoretical Emphasis on practical

significance significance
Definisi PTK....
Action research is systematic inquiry done by
teachers (or other individuals in an
educational setting) to gather information
about, and subsequently improve, the ways
their particular educational setting
operates, how they teach, and how well their
students learn (Mills, 2000).

Research 2e:
Definisi PTK
A group of people identified a
problem, does something to resolve it,
see how successful their efforts were,
and if not satisfied, tries again (Rory
O‟Brien, 1998)
ACTION RESEARCH is a form of collective
self-reflective inquiry undertaken by participants in
social situations in order to improve the rationality
and justice of their own social or educational
practices, as well as their understanding of those
practices and the situations in which the practices
are carried out.
o The approach is only action research when it is
collaborative, though it is important to realise
that action research of the group is achieved
through the critically examined action of
individual group members (Kemmis and
McTaggart 1988)
‘Action research is not a ‘method’ or a ‘procedure’ for
research but a series of commitments to observe and
problematize through practice a series of principles for
conducting social enquiry’.
The notion of a spiral may be a useful teaching device –
but it is all too easily to slip into using it as the template
for practice
McTaggart 1996, 249
Action research express explicitly both the aim and the
method. It is about changing peoples ways of thinking and
acting or changing the social and material conditions.
Tiller 1999, 53
Mengapa Penelitian Tindakan?
 Ada masalah spesifik yang harus diselesaikan;
 PT memberikan kesempatan bagi guru
merenung tindakannya;
 Mendorong perubahan di sekolah
 Mendorong pendekatan demokratis dalam
karena melibatkan banyak pihak;
 Pemberdayaan guru melalui proyek kolaboratif;
 Mengurangi kesenjangan antara teori dan
 Memberikan peluang menguji gagasan baru.
• Provides a framework for
trying out different
approaches and ideas
What are the • Helps develop reflective
benefits • Enables teachers to make
choices and decisions about
their teaching styles
• Helps develop confidence
• Helps teachers improve
student learning
Fungsi Penelitian Tindakan
 Mengubah perilaku peneliti, perilaku orang lain
atau kerangka kerja organisasi melalui
pengembangan keterampilan atau pendekatan
baru yang dapat diterapkan langsung pada target
 Sebagai alat untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah
 Sebagai alat untuk lahirnya kesadaran baru
melalui pemilikan keterampilan dan metode baru;
 Sebagai alat untuk meningkatkan komunikasi
antar kolega;
 Sebagai alternatif bagi pendekatan yang subyektif
dan impresionistik terhadap penyelesaian masalah
Ciri-Ciri Penelitian Tindakan
• Situasional, kontekstual, berskala kecil,
praktis, terlokalisasi dan relevan dengan
situasi nyata dalam wilayah garapan;
• Memberikan kerangka kerja bagi penyelesaian
masalah praktis dan berbasis praktisi;
• Fleksibel dan adaptif yang memungkinkan
perubahan selama intervensi berlangsung;
• Bersifat partisipatif karena peneliti atau
anggota penelitian terlibat secara langsung;
• Menekankan pada „self-evaluative‟ untuk
terjadinya perubahan.
When do you use action
1. To solve an educational problem;
2. To help educators reflect on their own
3. To address school-wide problems
4. When teachers want to improve their
How did action research
Teacher and school inquiries
2000s (e.g. teacher-initiated
research studies)
1990s School-based Professional inquiry by
site councils teachers (e.g. self-study)
(e.g. School

1970s In-service days (e.g. teacher

staff development activities)

Toward Action Research in the USA

Action research designs
Action Research

Practical Participatory

•Studying local practices •Studying social issues

Involving individual or team- that constrain individual lives
based inquiry •Emphasizing equal
•Focusing on teacher development and collaboration
student learning •Focusing on “life-enhancing
•Implementing a plan of action changes”
•Leading to the teacher-as-researcher •Resulting in the emancipated
Participatory action research
• Participatory: people conduct studies on
• Practical and collaborative
• Emancipatory (Challenges procedures)
• Helps individuals free themselves from
constraints found in media, language, work
procedures, and power relationships
• Reflexive focused on bringing about change in
Practical action research:
The Research Spiral
(Mills, 2000)
Identify an
Area of Focus

Develop an
Collect Data
Action Plan

Analyze and
Interpret Data
Action Research
Interacting Spiral

Refleksi SIKLUS 1 Tindakan



Refleksi SIKLUS 2 Tindakan


Key characteristics of
Action Research
• A practical focus
• The educator-researcher‟s own practices
• Collaboration
• Dynamic process
• A plan of action
• Sharing research
Practical focus
• A problem that will have immediate
benefits for
– Single teacher
– Schools
– Communities

Action Research - Power Point by:

Dr. Tarek Chebbi, FIU
Study of the educator-
researcher’s own practices
• Self-reflective research by the educator-
researchers turns the lens on their own
educational classroom, school, or
Teachers Stakeholders



A dynamic process
• Dynamic process of spiraling back and
forth among reflection, data collection,
and action
• Does not follow a linear pattern
• Does not follow a causal sequence from
problem to action
A plan of action
• The action researcher develops a plan of
• Formal or informal; involve a few
individuals or an entire community
• May be presenting data to stakeholders,
establishing a pilot program, or exploring
new practices
Sharing research
• Groups of stakeholders
• Local schools, educational personnel
• Local or state individuals
• Not specifically interested in publication
but in sharing with individuals or groups
who can promote change
The problem is only one
phase in which to enter
Identifying Collecting Taking
“Problem” Data Action

Point of Point of Point of Point of

Entry Entry Entry Entry
What are the steps in
conducting action research?

• Determine if action research is the best

design to use.
• Identify the problem to study
• Locate resources to help address the
• Identify the information you will need
Taxonomy of action research
data collection techniques
Action Research
Data Collection Techniques
(The Three E‟s)
Experiencing Enquiring (by using records)
(By observing) (By asking)
Participant Observation Archival documents
(Active participant) Informal Interview Journals
Structured formal Maps
Interview Audio and
Passive Observer Questionnaires Videotapes
Attitude Scales Artifacts
Standardized Tests Fieldnotes
What are the steps in
conducting action research?
• Implement the data collection
• Analyze the data
• Develop a plan for action
• Implement the plan and reflect
How do you evaluate action
• Does the project clearly address a problem or
issue in practice that needs to be solved?
• Did the action researcher collect sufficient data
to address the problem?
• Did the action researcher collaborate with
others during the study? Was there respect for
all collaborators?
How do you evaluate action
• Did the plan of action advanced by the
researcher build logically from the data?
• Is there evidence that the plan of action
contributed to the researcher‟s reflection as a
• Has the research enhanced the lives of the
participants by empowering them, changing
them, or providing them with new
How do you evaluate action

• Did the action research actually lead to change

or did a solution to a problem make the
• Was the action research reported to audiences
who might use the information?
Judul: singkat (12-16 kata), ada target, tindakan, konteks,
A. Latar Belakang Masalah
 Kondisi kesenjangan (gap), baik teori maupun fakta
untuk menegaskan masalah;
 Bentuk pilihan tindakan dengan alasannya
 Teori utama yang melandasi tindakan
 Prinsip utama penulisan latar belakang
adalah tidak bertele-tele (3-5 hlm)

B. Sasaran Tindakan
 Siswa yang subjek pelaku tindakan
(jelaskan karakteristik dan settingnya)
C. Rumusan Masalah
 Mencakup unsur proses, situasi, dan hasil
o Seperti apa rancangan teknik…
o Bagaimana tanggapan siswa terhadap penggunaan teknik
o Bagaimana dampak penerapan teknik ….terhadap …

D. Tujuan Penelitian
 Dikaitkan dengan tujuan penelitian tindakan dan rumusan
o merumuskan teknik…yang tepat untuk mengurangi perilaku…
o Mendeskripsikan persepsi siswa terhadap
o Mengetahui dampak

E. Manfaat penelitian
 Terkait dengan siswa dan guru (dihubungkan dengan
peningkatan kinerja profesional
 Teori perkembangan untuk subyek penelitian;
 Kesesuaian karakteristik perkembangan
dengan pilihan tindakan;
 Teori yang menjembatani antara pilihan
tindakan dengan perilaku target;
 Terdapat gambaran relasi sebab-akibat;
 Hindari menulis hal-hal yang tidak perlu.


A.Setting Penelitian
Penjelasan tentang lokasi dan kelompok siswa yang dikenai tindakan
B. Sasaran Penelitian
Perubahan yang diharapkan dari subjek yang dikenai tindakan
C. Rencana Tindakan
 Langkah-langkah riil yang akan dilakukan yang mencerminkan
keunggulan tindakan
D. Data dan Cara Pengambilan
Menyangkut cara untuk mengumpulkan data tentang proses, refleksi dan
E. Analisis Data
Laporan Penelitian Tindakan

• Jilid
• Lembar Identitas dan Pengesahan
• Abstrak
• Daftar isi
• Daftar tabel
• Daftar lampiran
• Pendahuluan
• Kajian pustaka
• Pelaksanaan penelitian
• Hasil penelitian dan pembahasan
• Simpulan dan saran
• Daftar pustaka
Komponen Laporan
• Abstrak (tulisan ringkas tentang permasalahan,
tujuan, prosedur, hasil)
• Pendahuluan (latar belakang masalah, data awal
tentang pentingnya masalah dipecahkan, identifikasi
masalah, rumusan masalah, tujuan dan manfaat
penelitian, definisi istilah;
• Kajian pustaka (teori terkait, riset relevan yang
memberi arah pada pelaksanaan action research,
argument teoretis bahwa riset dapat meningkatkan
mutu perilaku siswa/kinerja guru pembimbing,
pertanyaan penelitian/hipotesis;
Komponen Laporan
• Pelaksanaan Penelitian (deskripsi lokasi, waktu, karakteristik
siswa, kejelasan setiap siklus yang mencakup rancangan,
pelaksanaan, cara pemantauan dan instrument, usaha validasi
hipotesis, dan cara refleksi)
• Hasil penelitian dan pembahasan (uraian siklus dengan data
lengkap yang mencakup perencanaan, pelaksanaan,
pengamatan, refleksi; perubahan pada siswa dan guru;
sajikan hasil dengan grafik atau tabel; analisis dan
pembahasan secara sistematis)
• Simpulan dan saran (menyajikan potret kemajuan sesuai
dengan tujuan penelitian)
• Daftar pustaka (sumber yang digunakan secara alfabetis)
• Lampiran-lampiran (instrument, riwayat hidup, data
penelitian, bukti lain pelaksanaan)
Action plan
• Identifikasi masalah guru/siswa yang riil
terjadi di kelas secara berkelompok;
• Pilih satu masalah yang perlu segera
• Kumpulkan data sekunder atau primer
untuk mendukung urgensi masalah
Action plan
• Lakukan kajian literatur untuk menemukan faktor
determinan topik yang telah dipilih;
• Tentukan faktor yang dapat diintervensi
• Lakukan kajian literatur untuk menemukan tindakan (action)
yang paling memungkinkan untuk menyelesaikan masalah
• Lakukan kajian literatur untuk menjelaskan dinamika
perkembangan psikologis dari peserta didik yang menjadi
sasaran tindakan (tergantung pada sekolah masing-masing
• Rumuskan hasil penelusuran terhadap tiga aspek di atas
kedalam struktur proposal penelitian tindakan.

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