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Home Economics


I. Objectives:

Identifies family resources and needs (human, material, and nonmaterial)

II. Subject Matter:

A. Family Resources and Needs

B. K to 12 Curriculum Guide in EPP/TLE, TLE6HE-0a1
K to 12 Teacher and Learner’s Guide in H.E. 6
TLE 6 Home Economics pp. 119 – 120
Learning and Living in the 21st Century pp. 189 – 190
C. Chart, word cards, meta cards, pictures
D. Value focus: Wise use of family resources

III. Procedure:

A. Motivation

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

Class, Let us sing the song Planting Rice

“Planting Rice”. Planting rice is never fun
Bend from morn till set of sun
Cannot stand and cannot sit
Cannot rest a little bit.

Oh my back like to break

Oh my bones for heaven’s sake
And my legs are numb and set
From that soaking in the wet.

When the early sun are break

You will wonder as you make
In the muddy neighborhood
There is work and pleasant food

It is hard to be so poor
And such sorry pain endure
In the muddy neighborhood
There is work and pleasant food
( Repeat all )

After singing the song, the teacher

will ask: Yes, Maam!
1. Did you enjoy the song? ( Answers may vary)
2. How do you feel when you sing
the song?
3. Can you relate the song in your
present situation?
4. What lessons can we get from
the song “Planting Rice”?

B. Unlocking difficulties

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

Before we start our lesson, let us

unlock first the following words:
1. home management
Home Management - planning,
organizing, controlling, and evaluating
the use of family resources in order to
realize personal and family goals and to
satisfy needs and desires.

Resources – sources of supply or

2. resources
support in the form of tangibles (things)
and intangibles (ability, skills)
3. budget Budget – a plan to estimate income
and expenses

4. priority Priority- something that is given more


5. needs Needs – are basic or essential to living

C. Presentation

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

Show to the students a word card The students will arrange the jumbled
with jumbled letters and instruct them to letters
arrange the letters to reveal the words
which they will be learning by using the
pictures as clues.


What words are shown in the picture?



Do you think they are important in a (Answers may vary)
family? Why?

D. Discussion

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

Divide the class into three groups. “Cooperative Learning”

Ask them to choose their leader,
-Group Discussion
secretary and reporter.
-Reporting by group
Each group will be given a meta
cards (with assigned topics) for them to
discuss in class.

E. Generalization

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity


1. What are the types of family 1. The three types of family resources
resources? are: human, materials and nonmaterial

2. Give example from each of the family

resources. 2. a. Examples of Human resources are
skill, interest, knowledge and attitude
b. Examples of Material resources are
material goods, money and community

c. Example of nonmaterial resources

are time, energy and health

F. Application

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

Divide the class into three groups.

Each group will be given a meta card
containing a situation for them to plan
and dramatize some activities they do at “Role Playing”
(The students will present an activities
Group I – Household chores (human they do at home showing different
resources) resources through role playing.)

Group II – Selling different farm products

(material resources)

Group III- Health consciousness

(nonmaterial resources)

After group presentation, ask them to

tell what resources they acted out in the
role play.

IV- Evaluation:

Identify whether the family resources listed below are human, material or
nonmaterial resources.
savings in the bank brand new car Municipal Library call center agent

making assignments carrying heavy thingsone year vacationhopeful child

badminton player IT technician

Human resources Material resources Nonmaterial resources


V- Assignment:

1. List all the family resources and ask your parents if how much is the
total monthly income of your family.

Prepared by:

Mrs. Ma. Mirabelly Z. Morania, District Coordinator – District of Libacao

Mrs. Merlyn R. Chio, District Coordinator- District of New Washington

Mrs. Margie Z. Zaspa, Teacher II, Julita Elementary School

Mrs. Enrilyn N. Niñofranco, Teacher I, Agmailig Elementary School

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