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There is good news for coffee lovers.

A new report claims that

regular coffee drinkers may live longer than those who do not drink coffee.
Researchers say there is growing evidence that coffee benefits the health,
makes you live longer, and reduces the risk of heart disease, type 2
diabetes, other life-threatening illnesses, and even suicide. The study was
published by the American Heart Association. It looked at the coffee-
drinking habits of over 200,000 people who drank between one and five cups
of coffee a day. Researcher Dr Frank Hu said: "This study provides further
evidence that moderate consumption of coffee may confer health benefits in
terms of reducing premature death due to several diseases."

Scientists have been working hard to analyse exactly what is in coffee

that provides so many benefits to the health. Dozens of reports in the past
few decades have highlighted the positive effects it can have on the body.
Dr Hu said it was still unclear precisely how elements within the coffee
bean interact with the body. He said: "Coffee is a complex beverage. It's
very difficult to pinpoint which component of coffee is responsible for
which benefit." Researchers did not include highly caffeinated drinks in
the study. They also pointed out that while coffee seems to have health
benefits, added ingredients, such as cream, sugar and certain types of
sweeteners, do not.

1. Who is there good news for?

There good news is for coffee lovers.

2. What type of diabetes can coffee reduce the risk of?

Type of diabetes that can be reduce by coffee is type 2 diabetes.

3. Who published the study?

The study published by American Heart Association.

4. How many coffee drinkers did the study look at?

The study look at over 200.000 coffee drinkers who drank between one
and five cups of coffee a day.

5. What kind of coffee consumption can lead to health benefits?

Kind of coffee consumption that can lead to health benefits is in
moderate consumption.

6. Who has been working hard on analysing the health benefits of coffee?

7. What kind of beverage did Dr Hu say coffee was?

A complex beverage.

8. What has no health benefits besides cream and sugar?

added ingredients, such as cream, sugar and certain types of sweeteners

New research suggests there is a simple and easy way that helps people
to stop over-eating. Researchers say there is an alternative to fancy
diets. They say that using smaller plates, knives, forks, glasses and other
tableware could reduce the amount of food we eat. Many of us tend to use
the size of the plate as a measure of how much we can eat. If we use a
large plate, we fill the plate with food, which often means we eat too
much. Research from Cambridge University in the U.K. suggests that smaller
plates could lower the amount of food we eat. British people could reduce
their calorie intake by up to 16 per cent, while Americans could see a
reduction of up to 29 per cent in calories.
The research team looked at data from 6,711 people who took part
in the eating trials. Dr Gareth Hollands, one of the leaders of the
research, said that many people think it is, "obvious that the larger the
portion size, the more people eat," but said that until now, there was
little research on this. He added that it was wrong to think people ate too
much because of a lack of self-control. He said: "Helping people to avoid
'over-serving' themselves or others with larger portions of food or drink
by reducing their size, availability and appeal in shops, restaurants and
in the home, is likely to be a good way of helping lots of people to reduce
their risk of overeating."

9. What do many people use to measure how much food we can eat?
Many of us tend to use the size of the plate as a measure of how much we
can eat

10. Which university conducted the research?

Cambridge University in the U.K.

11. Who could reduce their calorie intake by up to 16%?

British people

12. By how much could Americans see a reduction in their calorie intake?
Americans could see a reduction of up to 29 per cent in calories.

13. What did 6,711 people take part in?

the eating trials

14. Until when was there little research on plate size and eating amounts?
until now

15. What might many people think is the reason for over-eating?
obvious that the larger the portion size, the more people eat.

16. Where else could people reduce plate size besides shops and the home?

Doctors in Canada have called for a ban on the use of perfumes and
aftershaves in hospitals and clinics. They say the chemicals in the scents
can trigger asthma and allergies. Research shows that over half of asthma
attacks are caused by irritants such as powerful smells. Besides perfumes
and aftershaves, these can include cigarette smoke, cleaning fluids and
other strong fragrances and odours. Dr Ken Flegel and Dr James Martin of
McGill University in Canada wrote about the dangers of smells in hospital
in the Canadian Medical Association Journal. They said: "Hospital
environments free from artificial scents should become a uniform policy,
promoting the safety of patients, staff and visitors alike."

Strong smells affect many of us in one way or another. Around a third

of people say they are physically affected by artificial scents worn by
others. The doctors noted that this should be a serious concern in all
hospitals. They wrote: "While artificial scents are designed to make us
more attractive, they may result in unintended harm to those who are
vulnerable. There is emerging evidence that asthma, in some cases, is
primarily aggravated by artificial scents." They added that: "This is
particularly concerning in hospitals, where vulnerable patients with asthma
or other upper airway or skin sensitivities are concentrated." They warn
that scents in hospitals can make these patients' condition worse.

17. What else did doctors call for a ban on besides perfume?

18. What is it in perfumes that the doctors said could trigger asthma?
the chemicals

19. What kind of policy did the doctors say hospitals should have?
Uniform policy

20. Who did the doctors say artificial scents could harm?
To those who are vulnerable

21. What kind of sensitivities are mentioned at the end of the article?
skin sensitivities

Scientists in the USA say they are getting closer to developing a

vaccine that will provide life-long protection against any type of
influenza. This could be welcome news for millions of people around the
world who go to the doctor every year to get a flu jab. Two different
research teams have been testing new drugs on animals and both have had
promising results. Trials will soon begin on humans to determine if the
test vaccine has similar successes. Flu expert professor John Oxford told
the BBC that: "This is a leap forward compared to anything done recently.
They have good animal data, not just in mice but in ferrets and monkeys
too." He added that: "It's a very good stepping stone."

The flu virus kills up to half a million people every year. The problem
with finding a vaccine is the ever-changing nature of the flu virus. It is
in a constant state of mutation. Doctors have to predict which strains of
the virus are likely to cause the most infections and then create an
updated version of the vaccine accordingly. For this reason, the success
rate of most flu vaccines is very low because much of the process involves
a lot of guesswork. Scientists say that vaccines in the U.S. reduced the
risk of catching flu by just 23 per cent last year. The website
said the research could, "point to how we can go about making vaccines for
other viruses that mutate rapidly, like HIV or the common cold".

22. What do millions of people go to the doctor for every year for?
to get a flu jab

23. Who will trials begin on soon?

Trials will soon begin on humans

24. How many people a year does the flu virus kill?
up to half a million people

25. What does the process involve that makes the success rate low?
because much of the process involves a lot of guesswork

Many people feel safer in their own cars than risk getting germs while
travelling on public transport. The truth for many car drivers and
passengers is the opposite. A British survey discovered that most cars are
so dirty inside that they are a potential breeding ground for bacteria such
as the deadly E.Coli. The survey was carried out by the University of
Nottingham. Microbiologists analysed steering wheels, hand brakes, foot
wells and seats to find out what bacteria might be lurking there. They
found that most cars were dirty enough to harbour the deadly bacteria. They
also discovered that most car owners gave very little thought to the
importance of keeping their car interior hygienic.

Cars are an ideal place for germs to live. Over half of car owners have
dropped food onto seats, while a third have spilt drinks. Other owners
spoke of children's vomit and 'pet accidents'. Despite this, only a quarter
or owners cleaned the inside of their cars once every three months and most
drivers still eat and drink at the wheel. Common problems the researchers
found were drink bottles under seats, used tissues in storage areas and
rotting food on carpets and seat covers. A spokeswoman said: "It's really
worrying to see just how dirty people are letting their cars get. We were
expecting to find some bad stuff from the University of Nottingham's
testing but we didn't expect to find bacteria relating to E.coli in there."

26. What is a potential breeding ground for bacteria?

cars are so dirty inside

27. Who analysed steering wheels?

Microbiologists of the University of Nottingham

28. What did most car owners give little thought to the importance of?
keeping their car interior hygienic

29. What kind of bacteria did researchers not expect to find in cars?

It will come as no surprise to know that a lack of sleep isn't good for
us. A new report suggests sleep deprivation can result in long-term health
issues and even death. It also says that women are more likely to
experience difficulties sleeping than men. The report is based on a survey
of 4,100 British adults and is called 'Reclaim Your Sleep'. It is from a
British group called the Sleep Apnoea Trust Association. Apnoea is the
temporary cessation of breathing, especially during sleep. Almost half of
the women surveyed (43 per cent) said they did not get enough sleep. This
compared to 36 per cent of men who said they did not sleep well. Women were
also more prone than men to waking up during the night.

Health experts have warned that feeling exhausted due to a lack of

sleep could be a sign of a serious underlying medical condition. However,
many women are unaware of the dangers, with only a quarter seeing a doctor
about sleeplessness. Professor John Stradling of Oxford University said:
"Often women think that feeling exhausted is just part of modern life when
in fact it could be something more serious." He added that not treating
sleep deficiency, "leaves women at risk of reduced quality of life and
serious health conditions". In more severe cases, when left untreated,
conditions like sleep apnoea can kill people because it can bring on heart
attacks and strokes.

30. What percentage of men said they did not sleep well?

31. What could feeling exhausted be a sign of?

a serious underlying medical condition

32. How many women go to see a doctor about sleeplessness?

a quarter
33. What do many women think feeling exhausted is a part of?
of modern life

34. What does sleep deficiency leave women at risk of reducing?

reduced quality of life

35. What can sleep apnoea cause besides heart attacks?


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