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1) Classic Dilemma
 Choose between two or more alternatives.
 In which the outcomes are equally undesirable, or equally favorable
 The dilemma does not typically involve a moral or ethical crisis, but the person or character’s life may
change as a result of their decision.
 Classic dilemmas are more than simple choices.
 Because they usually prompt the person to think about the outcomes of the choices.
o As a result, a character in a story may find themselves on an adventure, in fear for their
lives, or instituting change because of the choice they made in their dilemma.
 Examples:
 Deciding where to go for dinner on a first date.
 Uncertainty about which job offer to apply to.
 Wondering whether or not to make the move to a new house.
2) Ethical Dilemma
 Arises when a person is forced to decide between two morally sound options, but they may conflict with
the established boundaries of a business, a governmental agency, or the law.
 Areas where Ethical Dilemma is important – Medicine, Law, Social Work, Psychology
 Some ethical dilemmas may involve:
 Following the truth versus being loyal to a friend
 Following the laws or rules versus having compassion for an individual’s plight
 Concerns about an individual person versus the larger impact on a community
 An ethical dilemma differs from a moral dilemma because it very much involves following rules rather
than one’s conscience, although one’s conscience can certainly move an individual to consider
breaking the rules.
 Examples:
 A secretary discovers her boss has been laundering money, and she must decide whether or
not to turn him in.
 A doctor refuses to give a terminal patient morphine, but the nurse can see the patient is in
 A teacher, who is also the volleyball coach, asks her athletes to give her their cell phone
numbers so she can get in touch with them quickly; however, according to district policy,
teachers are not supposed to have contact with students on their phones.
 While responding to a domestic violence call, a police officer finds out that the assailant is the
brother of the police chief, and the police chief tells the officer to “make it go away”.
 A government contractor discovers that intelligence agencies have been spying on its citizens
illegally, but is bound by contract and legalities to keep his confidentiality about the discovery.
 Examples of Ethical Dilemmas in Literature:
 To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee
 Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
3) Moral Dilemma
 A situation in which a person is torn between right and wrong.
 Involves a conflict with the very core of a person’s principles and values.
 Choice the person makes may leave them feeling burdened, guilty, relieved, or questioning their
 Often forces the individual to decide which option he or she can live with, but any outcomes are
extremely unpleasant no matter what.
 Moral dilemmas are often used to help people think through the reasoning for their beliefs and actions,
and are common in psychology and philosophy classes.
 Examples:
 There are only 10 spaces in the lifeboat, but there are 11 passengers on the sinking ship. A
decision must be made as to who will stay behind.
 A train with broken brakes is speeding towards a fork in the tracks. On the left, there is a woman
crossing with her two children; on the right, there is a man doing routine maintenance on the
tracks. The engineer must decide which side to aim the speeding train towards.
 A husband learns he has a terminal illness and he decides to ask his wife for assistance in
ending the pain before it gets too bad.
 A friend discovers her best friend’s boyfriend is cheating. She must decide whether to tell her
friend or keep it a secret.
 Examples of Moral Dilemma in Literature:
 The Kite Runner
o When Amir comes upon Hassan and Assef in the alley, he sees that Assef is about to
assault Hassan. He has to decide whether or not to help Hassan, or let his fear rule his
 The Once and Future King

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o Lancelot is in love with Guenever, but Guenever is married to King Arthur, who is
Lancelot’s master and friend. To make matters worse, Guenever returns Lancelot’s
affections, and Lancelot needs to decide between his King and his love.

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