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It is for me the single hardest book in

the whole of the Scripture to fully
understand. Compared to Genesis,
Ezekiel, Daniel and Revelation are a
I know this because I spent far more time
on Genesis than I did these others and
honestly I have never been so
profoundly shaken as I was when the
Genesis Code was revealed to me. 2

Also more than any other book, Genesis

inflames our passions and excites
Battle lines are drawn between believers
and humanist skeptics as each side lays
claim to a truth from their fields that, as it
turns out, is overly simplistic and
inaccurate. It’s not that Genesis was
wrong--it was misinterpreted by those
who don’t know Hebrew. 3

But it is also the case that, even among

the most learned of Rabbis, they have a
vested interest in not discussing it
clearly, either amongst themselves or
among others.
According to The Stone Tanakh, an
Orthodox Jewish translation, Rambam
(Maimonides) said the following about
just one mystery of Genesis…

“Do not expect me to write anything about

[creation of the second day] since Scripture
itself does not elaborate on it…The verses in
their literal sense do not require such an
explanation. For those of us who do
understand the explanation are forbidden
to reveal it. And for those who do not
understand, it is forbidden to speculate.”

Rambam’s implication is clear: The

“firmament” and the “upper and lower
waters” are among the mysteries of
Creation that are either unknowable to
Man or must be limited to those qualified
to know them.-Stone Tanakh (Chumash),
p. 4
But is this true about mysteries being kept
from us, never to be understood or taught?
Well the Scripture says… 6

'For this Torah which I am laying down

for you today is neither unclear for you
nor beyond your reach. It is not in heaven,
so that you need to wonder, "Who will go up
to heaven for us and bring it down to us, so
that we can hear and perform it?“ Nor is it
beyond the seas, so that you need to
wonder, "Who will cross the seas for us and
bring it back to us, so that we can hear and
perform it?“ No, the word is very near to 7

it is in your mouth and in your heart for

you to hear it and perform it.”
(Deuteronomy 30:11-14 Matara)
Now I am going to reveal new things to
you, secrets that you do not know; they
have just been created, not long ago, and
until today you have heard nothing about
them, so that you cannot say, 'Yes, I knew
about this.' (Isaiah 48:6-7 NJB)

"Those who have insight will shine

brightly like the brightness of the
expanse of heaven, and those who lead
the many to righteousness, like the stars
forever and ever. "But as for you, Daniel,
conceal these words and seal up the book
until the end of time; many will go back and
forth, and knowledge will increase."
(Daniel 12:3-4 NAU)

All these things Y'shua spoke in parables to

the crowd, and he would not speak to them
without a parable. So might be fulfilled the
thing which was spoken through the prophet
who said, "I will open my mouth with
parables and will bring out secrets that
were from before the foundation of the
(Matthew 13:34-35-AENT)

But what about the other assertion Stone

makes—that other mysteries are the sole
province of the sages who are forbidden to
teach them or that for the common man he
is forbidden to speculate?
Is that really true? Is it actually the case
that the foundational place that reveals
our origins is off limits for all but the
sages to understand? Here’s what
Scripture says about that issue… 11

It is better to take refuge in Yahweh than to

rely on human beings; better to take
refuge in Yahweh than to rely on princes.
(Psalm 118:8-9 NJB)
For it is written: "I will destroy the wisdom
of the wise; and I will dissipate the
intelligence of the sagacious." Where is
the wise sage? Behold, has not Elohim
showed that the wisdom of this world is
folly? (1 Corinthians 1:19-20-AENT) 12

Trust wholeheartedly in Yahweh, put no

faith in your own perception;
acknowledge him in every course you
take, and he will see that your paths are
smooth. Do not congratulate yourself on
your own wisdom, fear Yahweh and turn
your back on evil: health-giving, this, to your
body, relief to your bones.
(Proverbs 3:5-8 NJB)

So what we have to do, in essence, is

re-examine everything we thought we
knew from our studies or assumptions that
have come down to us from the prisms of
Jewish and Christian traditions.
While much of those traditions comfort
us, they must be cast aside if they are
shown to contradict Scripture, which is
our final authority.

In other cases, sincere and open minded

inquiries seem to have been blocked
by the text itself—Genesis itself seems to
be working against us!
First, when dealing just with translations,
the most common “Creationist” text is
King James, a version fraught with many
errors and bad readings that arise from
using an archaic form of Shakespearean
English. 15

And the fact is also that many Creationist

and Intelligent Design advocates place a
high emphasis on their scientific
…but a low emphasis on their Biblical
scholarship in Hebrew, Aramaic and
Greek. The time has come to deal with
both sides of the equation and get to
the truth!

But before we can do that, a necessary

caveat is in order. We are faced with two
very uncomfortable alternatives.
We can either take refuge in shortcuts and
traditions that leave a nagging desire to
know more which seems forever out of
reach, or we can get real answers that
totally blow away our “conventional
understanding”. In pop culture terms it
comes down to this… 17

“You can take the blue pill and just wake up

in your home and believe whatever you
want. Or, you can take the red pill, and see
how far the rabbit hole goes. Remember, I
am offering the truth, nothing more.”
Paraphrase of “Morpheus” (or “change”)
from “The Matrix”-1999
Pop culture aside it’s a good metaphor.
Blue is comforting ignorance and red is
painful truth. Which will it be? 18

For those of you who are still with me, I

assume you have taken the red pill, so
for you let me tell you about the
questions I hope to completely clarify
and answer for you today. Questions
How old is the Universe and the earth?
When did time really begin?
Were there people on earth before Adam?

Does Genesis 1 really intend that each of

the 6 days are only 24 hours long?
How is there life on earth by day 3 without
the sun to warm it until day 4?
Is there a difference between change
Abba YHWH ordains and Darwinian
Who is Cain afraid of and where did he get
his wife?

Were the “Children/sons of Elohim” really

angels and who were the Nephilim that
they gave birth to by procreating with the
daughters of Adam or man?
Is it possible there were more than one
species of humans on the earth at the
same time? What about dinosaurs and
other primitive life?
What does Torah have to say about the
Big Bang, Dark Matter and so on? 21

These questions, and others, I will try to

answer completely, going strictly from
what the Hebrew says.
However, I need to also make a small
request to those of you who may be
hearing this in lecture form from me
right now…
The nature of a study like this is I have to
lay one foundation at a time and can’t skip
ahead. 22

Therefore, for the questions I just said I

would answer, please hold your queries on
these matters until the end of the talk.
Furthermore, I believe what the Hebrew
really says is the shocking mystery that
the Rabbis and others do not want to
get out to the masses, because if it does
and what I have seen is right, this will
change everything! Are you ready? If so,
our first step begins in part 2… 23
Next in Part 2…
Lessons on the Mysteries

Part 2: Lessons on the Mysteries

Lesson #1: Linear vs. Cyclical Time
The Toldot Code
It is a well known maxim in Scripture study
to use the Bible to interpret itself.
But because there are certain realities in
Genesis that are not present in any other
Biblical book the rule is refined further to:
Use parts of Genesis itself to interpret
other parts of Genesis!
And so, to begin to unravel the mysteries
of Genesis 1-6, we must first look at the
language in Genesis 10… 27
Lesson #1: Linear vs. Cyclical Time
The Toldot Code
Now these are the records of the
generations (toldot-- ‫ )ּתֹו ֵלדֹות‬of Shem,
Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah; and
sons were born to them after the flood.
(Genesis 10:1 NAU)
The sons of Japheth were Gomer and
Magog and Madai and Javan and Tubal and
Meshech and Tiras.
(Genesis 10:2 NAU)
Lesson #1: Linear vs. Cyclical Time
The Toldot Code
Now these are the records of the
generations (toldot-- ‫ )ּתֹו ֵלדֹות‬of Shem,
Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah; and
sons were born to them after the flood.
(Genesis 10:1 NAU)
These are the sons of Ham, according to
their families, according to their languages,
by their lands, by their nations.
(Genesis 10:20 NAU)
Lesson #1: Linear vs. Cyclical Time
The Toldot Code
These are the sons of Shem, according to
their families, according to their languages,
by their lands, according to their nations.
These are the families of the sons of Noah,
according to their genealogies (toldot--
‫ )ּתֹו ֵלדֹות‬by their nations; and out of these the
nations were separated on the earth after
the flood.
(Genesis 10:31-32 NAU)
Lesson #1: Linear vs. Cyclical Time
The Toldot Code
We need to focus on three areas. First,
notice that we begin with a fixed point
in time, after the Flood, when all of
Noah’s sons are still alive.
Second, we go through a linear
progression of generations (linear time)
for each son and then, when we get to the
last generation, we cycle back up to the
start point (cyclical time), just after the
flood. 31
Lesson #1: Linear vs. Cyclical Time
The Toldot Code
Third, before each cycle starts we are told
“These are the toldot, or “records of
generations”, for each son. The word
toldot even repeats at the end of the
account to confirm our understanding.
Nearly every place the word toldot
appears, both Jewish and Christian
translators render it as “records of
generations”---except for here, which we
will correct now… 32
Lesson #1: Linear vs. Cyclical Time
The Toldot Code
These are the records of the generations
(toldot-- ‫ )ּתֹו ֵלדֹות‬of the heavens and of the
earth when they were created in the day
(or time) that YHWH Elohim made earth
and heaven. (Genesis 2:4 Matara)
How can the heavens and the earth have
“generations”? The answer is secret #1:
There was more than one creation in
Genesis 1!
Lesson #1: Linear vs. Cyclical Time
The Toldot Code
Another key to seeing the plural “in the
beginnings’ comes from two separate
Hebrew words: bara and asah.
While both words share a meaning of “to
shape, form”, the difference between them
is that bara speaks to creating something
out of nothing (ex-nihilo) whereas asah is
about taking certain basic building blocks
and rearranging them into a final creation.
Lesson #1: Linear vs. Cyclical Time
The Toldot Code
In Genesis 1:26, Elohim says, “Let us
make (asah) in our Image”, because the
Image already exists.
Then in Genesis 1:27, when it happens for
the first time, male and female are created
(bara) out of nothing, but are conformed to
that Image.
These differences are subtle but very
important to advance our understanding.
Lesson #1: Linear vs. Cyclical Time
The Toldot Code
One more example: Light.
In Isaiah 45:7, Abba YHWH says “I form
the light and I create (bara) the darkness”.
This is because Abba YHWH separated
the light from the darkness!
The word yatzar for “form” is a synonym
for asah, so the darkness was not the
absence of light, but a separate creation
from which light was pulled out from! Kind
of like Eve from Adam…
Lesson #1: Linear vs. Cyclical Time
The Toldot Code
In any case, we will look at these separate
“generations” for the heavens and the
earth in a later topic heading called “Day
For now though, the “take away” is this:
The book of Genesis is filled with what we
can only call cyclical time, meaning
events that start, develop, end and then
recycle back to starting point.
Lesson #1: Linear vs. Cyclical Time
The Toldot Code
This is why we began our discussion with
those sons of Noah in Genesis 10.
Each one began his line from a fixed
point in time, had that line develop, end
and then cycle back to the next son all
over again.
The same is true for telling the stories of
Ishmael and Isaac, Jacob and Esau and in
fact the 12 tribes of Israel.
Lesson #1: Linear vs. Cyclical Time
The Toldot Code
In addition, the only time we have linear
time or human based sequential time is
when we are talking about the generations
or times within a specific cycle!
In other cases, prophets and seers who
normally live in linear time will enter into
cyclical time when they portray or see
future events as if they have already
Lesson #1: Linear vs. Cyclical Time
The Toldot Code
As a result, without a firm understanding
of the difference between cyclical (YHWH
based) and linear (human based) timing,
any attempt to understand Genesis will
by necessity fall short and lead to bad
assumptions. We also must apply this
understanding then to the times when only
YHWH, His Son Y’shua or the angels are
present and the times when Man is there.
Now on to Lesson #2… 40
Lesson #2: The Unique Count of Genesis 1

What if I told you that there is

terminology in Genesis 1 that is never,
ever repeated again in the rest of the
Scripture, would that get your attention?
What if I further told you that this unique
terminology is actually a completely alien
way of counting time?
For me, this is one of the most
astounding discoveries of them all…
Gen. 1:1-5
Day 1
Card. #, no HA
“a one day”
Light created
Gen. 1:6-8 Gen. 1:20-23
Day 2 Day 5
Ord. #, no HA Gen 2:1-4 Ord. #, no HA
“a second day” Day 7 “a fifth day”
Manipulate Proper Grammar: Manipulate
water “the seventh day” water
Gen. 1:9-13
ceases His work Gen. 1:24-31
Day 3
Day 6
Ord. #, no HA
“a third day” Genesis 1:14-19 grammar:
Life on land Day 4 “the sixth
(plants) Ord. #, no HA day”
“a fourth day” Life on land
Lights created (animals and
man) 42
Day 1

Gen. 1:1-5
Day 1
Card. #, no
“a one day”
Light created
Day 2

Gen. 1:6-8
Day 2
Ord. #, no HA
“a second day”
Manipulate water

Day 3

Gen. 1:9-13
Day 3
Ord. #, no
“a third day”
Life on land

Day 4

Gen. 1:14-19
Day 4
Ord. #, no HA
“a fourth day”
Lights created

Day 5

Gen. 1:20-
Day 5
Ord. #, no
“a fifth day”
Day 6

Gen. 1:24-
Day 6
“the sixth
Life on land
and man) 48
Day 7

Gen 2:1-4
Day 7
“the seventh
ceases His work

Lesson #2: The Unique Count of Genesis 1

The Accounting Code

It was evening and it was morning, a day

one (yom echad/‫) יֹום אֶ חָ ד‬.-Genesis 1:5

On the first day (be’yom ha rishown/ ‫ַבּיֹום‬

‫ )הָ ִראׁשֹון‬you will have a Set-Apart
assembly.-Exodus 12:16
Lesson #2: The Unique Count of Genesis 1

The phrase “a day one” (yom echad) in

Genesis 1:5 sounds awkward even in
English though it is a perfectly accurate
translation. Nevertheless, it is on the
surface bad Hebrew grammar.
By contrast the phrase in Exodus 12:16
“the first day” or yom ha rishown is
perfect Hebrew grammar. In order to
understand why, we need to understand
cardinal and ordinal numbers. 51
Lesson #2: The Unique Count of Genesis 1

A cardinal number (one, two, three, etc.)

indicates the possession or value of
something, such as saying, “I only have
one car to get to work.”
An ordinal number (first, second, third,
etc.) on the other hand indicates the
sequential order of something, such as
saying, “And that car I use to get to work is
the first new car I ever bought.”
Lesson #2: The Unique Count of Genesis 1

In Genesis 1:5, the proper Hebrew

grammar in all such sentences should be
an ordinal number (first day/rishown)
and never a cardinal number (a one
day/echad) which is how it is rendered.
In addition, all such sentences require a
HA or “the”, hence yom HA rishown
rather than yom echad (no HA). This is
totally unique in all the Scripture and
therefore, a clue! 53
Lesson #2: The Unique Count of Genesis 1

These rules are true whenever we are

grouping days together as either the first
day of a week or of an occasion, i.e. the
first of 8 days of Tabernacles.
The only “exception” is when dealing
with days of the month, because then a
different grammar rule applies. For
example, the first month will always be
rishown, but the first day that belongs
to that month is echad, such as here… 54
Lesson #2: The Unique Count of Genesis 1

The water decreased steadily until the tenth

month. On the first day of the month
(be’echad l’chodesh) the tops of the
mountains became visible.-Genesis 8:5
In these cases, the month itself has days
that it “owns”, and this is the first among
those days or echad (cardinal), but the
rest of the days the month has follow it
(ordinal). I know this sounds hard, but
we must get these terms straight. 55
Lesson #2: The Unique Count of Genesis 1

Let’s put it another way: The first time for

anything (first date, first movie, first car) is
sequential and will be rishown. But the
moment you “own” one of anything it’s
However, the next series of numbers is
even more bizarre, and it has to do with
how days 2 through 5 are characterized in
the text…
Lesson #2: The Unique Count of Genesis 1

It was evening and it was morning…

A second day (yom sheni) in Genesis 1:8
should be the second day (yom HA sheni).
A third day (yom shelishi) in Genesis 1:13
should be the third day (yom HA shelishi).
A fourth day (yom revi’i) in Genesis 1:19
should be the fourth day (yom HA revi’i).
A fifth day (yom chamishi) in Genesis 1:23
should be the fifth day (yom HA chamishi)57
Lesson #2: The Unique Count of Genesis 1

What all this means is simple: The lack of

a definite article (HA or the) in the Hebrew
here, again totally unique to Genesis 1,
has the net effect of turning these ordinal
references (2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th days) into
cardinal references, because the HA will
provide the sequence.
For example: “This is the second book I
bought this year” gives the sequence, but
“this is a second book” does NOT. 58
Lesson #2: The Unique Count of Genesis 1

In other words, if I tell you I bought four

books this year and I put them on a table
in front of you…
But I don’t tell you which of the four THE
first book I bought was, you won’t know
the sequence.
But if I say, “THE first book I bought was
‘War and Peace’ and THE second book
was ‘Moby Dick’” and so on, now you
know the sequence. 59
Lesson #2: The Unique Count of Genesis 1

Here’s the bottom line: We don’t have the

REAL sequence of “a second day” and
“a third day” in Genesis 1 either. These
4 days are NOT in chronological order
However, getting back to “a day one” we
still do know that is also the FIRST day
because it says, “in the beginning” and
beginning comes first! But in terms of
what comes after day one and how four
others are ordered, it is not given! 60
Lesson #2: The Unique Count of Genesis 1

But for the last 2 days in the 7 day

sequence, oddly enough, everything is
Day 6 is properly rendered yom HA
shishi and Day 7 is yom HA shevi’i.
Finally we have the proper ordinal
numbers married to the HA to give us the
sequence that day 6 is most definitely
followed by Day 7.
Lesson #2: The Unique Count of Genesis 1

If all this sounds then a bit odd—even kind

of painful—it’s understandable. This
count never, ever happens again, either
in Scripture or in life.
Day 1 is the first day, but we don’t
know what follows it.
Days 2-5 have no sequence at all.
And days 6-7, other than being the last
two adjacent ones, have no other info on
what is before day 6.
Lesson #2: The Unique Count of Genesis 1

At the end of the day though, none of this

should really be surprising.
We know that Genesis 1 is on “YHWH
Standard Time”.
We also know that Abba YHWH says
plainly that He doesn’t think like us,
judge like us and, most importantly, He
doesn’t count like us—as these
Scriptures clearly prove….
Lesson #2: The Unique Count of Genesis 1

I foretell the end from the beginning, and

from the start, things that had not
occurred. I say: My plan shall be fulfilled.
(Isaiah 46:10 JPS 1985)
For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways My ways, says
YHWH. For as the heavens are higher than
the earth, so are My ways higher than your
ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.
(Isaiah 55:8-9 Matara)
Lesson #2: The Unique Count of Genesis 1

But if the days in Genesis 1 are not given

in chronological order, how can we find out
with certainty what that original order was?
The answer has to do with understanding
that Genesis 1 is in thematic order, not
actual order.
How and why does thematic order work?
That will be the topic, along with other
lessons, as we get into Part 3…
Gen. 1:1-5
Next in Part 3: Day 1 Thematic
Card. #, no HA Order
“a one day”
Light created
Gen. 1:6-8 Gen. 1:20-23
Day 2 Day 5
Ord. #, no HA Gen 2:1-4 Ord. #, no HA
“a second day” Day 7 “a fifth day”
Manipulate Proper Grammar: Manipulate
water “the seventh day” water
Gen. 1:9-13
ceases His work Gen. 1:24-31
Day 3
Day 6
Ord. #, no HA
“a third day” Genesis 1:14-19 grammar:
Life on land Day 4 “the sixth
(plants) Ord. #, no HA day”
“a fourth day” Life on land
Lights created (animals and
man) 66
Gen. 1:1-5
Thematic Day 1 Order
Card. #, no HA
“a one day”
Light created
Gen. 1:6-8 Gen. 1:20-23
Day 2 Day 5
Ord. #, no HA Gen 2:1-4 Ord. #, no HA
“a second day” Day 7 “a fifth day”
Manipulate Proper Grammar: Manipulate
water “the seventh day” water
Gen. 1:9-13
ceases His work Gen. 1:24-31
Day 3
Day 6
Ord. #, no HA
“a third day” Genesis 1:14-19 grammar:
Life on land Day 4 “the sixth
(plants) Ord. #, no HA day”
“a fourth day” Life on land
Lights created (animals and
man) 68
Thematic Order: Days 1 & 4

Day 1- “Let there be light”

Day 4- “Let there be lights”

Gen. 1:1-5 Gen. 1:14-19

Day 1 Day 4
Card. #, no Ord. #, no
“a one day” “a fourth day”
Light Lights
created created 69
Thematic Order: Days 2 & 5

Day 2-Separate water from water.

Day 5-Let life teem in the waters.

Gen. 1:6-8 Gen. 1:20-23

Day 2 Day 5
Ord. #, no HA Ord. #, no HA
“a second day” “a fifth day”
Manipulate Manipulate
water water
Thematic Order: Days 3 & 6

Day 3-Let there be life on land.

Day 6-Let there be life on land.

Gen. 1:9-13 Gen. 1:24-31

Day 3 Day 6
Ord. #, no Proper
HA grammar:
“a third day” “the sixth day”
Life on land Life on land 71
(plants) (animals & man)
Thematic Order: Days 3 & 6

So thematic order basically tells the

same story (Light, Water, Land) in
separate yet complimentary ways, with
different details and emphases in each
“version” that still go with the whole.
The purpose of thematic order then is
in delivering profound truths in simple,
repetitive language which will aid in
memorizing the entire structure of His
creation. 72
Thematic Order: Days 3 & 6

So the way the days are given now in

Genesis 1 is meant to tell the story of
“First there was light in the sky, then there
was water and then there was land”.
When the “land” part is done on Day 3,
we cycle back up to the top (like with
Noah’s sons) and tell the story of the
next generation of lights, water and
Thematic Order: Days 3 & 6

Again also our Heavenly Father counts

differently than we do and is in cyclical
time as He lays this count down.
That means while we humans in linear
fashion would order the days as 1,2,3,4,5
and 6, the actual chronological order of
creation—proven to be correct by the
unique “accounting language”—is
really 1,4,2,5,3 and 6.
Thematic Order

Finally, what was interesting to me was

that after years of searching and trying to
figure this out on my own, I found that
some of the Rabbis did in fact see the
same thing I was seeing.
Once more let’s turn to the Stone Tanakh
Chumash and their commentary on
Thematic Order

“The Vilna Gaon notes that the creations of

the first three days and those of the next
three days paralleled and completed one
another. Light was created on the 1st day
and the luminaries were set in place on the
4th . The seas and the atmosphere were
created on the 2nd day and aquatic and bird
life were created on the 5th . The dry land
and vegetation were created on the 3rd and
populated on the 6th.” –p. 5. 76
Thematic Order

What this all means is that there is no

conflict really between life on land by
day 3 and no sun and moon before day
4, as days 1 and day 4 are now linked in
sequence, but were separated into
different cycles of the same theme.
Similarly, the waters separated on day 2
are followed by life in the waters on day 5,
and the vegetation on land on day 3 is
followed by animals on land on day 6. 77
Thematic Order

And all of this, not surprisingly, is in perfect

agreement with the order of life given to us
by science…
However, that does not mean the goal
is to have Scripture bow to science, but
to show that science was in the Scriptures
and is perfected by the Scriptures. Where
science is right, Scripture proves it and
where it is wrong (us coming from
apes) Scripture rebukes it. Next… 78
Lesson #4: Day Zero

We saw earlier how the Hebrew said there

were “generations” of the creation of the
heavens and the earth.
If so, we should also find further proof of
this fact throughout the rest of the
Not only is this the case, what we are
about to see is that, without these
separate creations, the Scripture itself
is broken! For example… 79
Lesson #4: Day Zero

And the earth was a waste land and empty

(tohu va’bohu/ ‫) ת ֹהּו ו ָב ֹהּו‬-Genesis 1:2
For thus says YHWH Who created the
heavens—He is the Elohim Who formed the
earth and made it—He established it and
did not create it a waste land (tohu/‫) ת ֹהּו‬,
but formed it to be inhabited.-Isaiah 45:18
Are we really going to have to choose
Moses’ testimony against Isaiah’s or vice
versa? And that’s not all… 80
Lesson #4: Day Zero

In Genesis 1:10, the earth which was

created in 1:1 is defined as “dry land”
in its original form. But, in Genesis 1:6
there are “waters” all over the place.
Furthermore, these “waters” are not said
to be created or formed at all—they are
simply there—where did they come from?
Where is the command, “Let there be
waters”? Where is, “And the waters
were good”? 81
Lesson #4: Day Zero

In fact, the Rabbis have long puzzled over

the fact that the second day is the only day
in the series where the phrase “and it was
good” does not appear.
But they also pointed out that when the
waters reach “final form’ and are gathered
into seas, that’s when they are called
“good”. However, if that’s true, then
these first waters were somehow bad!
Lesson #4: Day Zero

The only explanation is a shocking one:

There is a gap between Genesis 1:1—
when the earth is dry and not a waste—
and Genesis 1:2, where there are
waters and the earth is laid waste.
This also tells us there had be a flood that,
unlike the one with Noah, wicked man did
not provoke our Heavenly Father to wrath!
Here is the proof…
Lesson #4: Day Zero

Where were you when I laid the earth's

foundations? Tell me, since you are so well-
informed! Who decided its dimensions, do
you know? Or who stretched the measuring
line across it? What supports its pillars at
their bases? Who laid its cornerstone to
the joyful concert of the morning stars
and unanimous acclaim of the sons of
Elohim? Who pent up the sea behind
closed doors when I leapt 84
Lesson #4: Day Zero

tumultuous from the womb, when I wrapped

it in a robe of mist and made black clouds its
swaddling bands; when I cut out the place I
had decreed for it and imposed gates and a
bolt? 'Come so far,' I said, 'and no further;
here your proud waves must break!’ Have
you ever in your life given orders to the
morning or sent the dawn to its post, to
grasp the earth by its edges and shake the
wicked out of it? She turns as red as a 85
Lesson #4: Day Zero

clay seal, she tints it as though it were a

(Job 38:4-14 NJB)
(But) I (Satan) will also sit on the mount of
the congregation On the farthest sides of the
north; I will ascend above the heights of the
clouds, I will be like the Most High.‘ (But
YHWH said) Yet you shall be brought
down to Sheol, to the lowest depths of
the Pit. (Isaiah 14:12-15 NKJ) 86
Lesson #4: Day Zero

He (YHWH then) stretches out the north

over empty space; He hangs the earth on
nothing. He binds up the water in His thick
clouds, yet the clouds are not broken under
it. He covers the face of His throne, and
spreads His cloud over it. He drew a
circular horizon on the face of the waters,
at the boundary of light and darkness.
The pillars of heaven tremble, and are
astonished at His rebuke. 87
Lesson #4: Day Zero

He stirs up the sea with His power, and

by His understanding He breaks up the
storm. By His Spirit He adorned the
heavens; His hand pierced the fleeing
serpent. Indeed these are the mere edges
of His ways, And how small a whisper we
hear of Him! But the thunder of His power
who can understand?"
(Job 26:7-14 NKJ)
Lesson #4: Day Zero

So now, the flood waters receding, we

resume the account in 1:3, and in 1:6,
Abba YHWH must separate the waters
in order to restore what was damaged!
Then the fleeing serpent that was pierced
by His hand is cast to the earth, the threat
in Isaiah 14 now fulfilled, and so that
serpent has only one place to go—to
Eden to tempt Adam and Eve! But next
we need to go deep into Part 4 to see…89
Next in Part 4…
Lesson #5: The People of Genesis 1 & 2

Part 4:
Lesson #5: The People of Genesis 1 & 2

Genesis 1:27-31:
Male & Female
“Zakhar & Niqveh”
Children of Elohim
Made in His Image
at same time; not
Genesis 4 Genesis 5
breathed into
Adam, Eve Un-named
& Cain’s And on the (wicked) sons
Line Shabbat Abba & daughters
YHWH rested of Adam,
Seth, Enosh
from all He had
made (Genesis Genesis 6
Genesis 5
2:1-3) Children of
line of Genesis 2:4-25: (ch.1) mate
Adam Man and Woman with
through “Ish and Ishah” daughters
Seth to Adam & Eve of Adam;
Noah Made in His image Nephilim
separately and born 93
breathed into
Genesis 1:27-31:
Male & Female
“Zakhar & Niqveh”
Children of Elohim
Made in His Image
at same time; not
breathed into
And on the
Shabbat Abba
YHWH rested
from all He had
made (Genesis
Genesis 2:4-25:
Man and Woman
“Ish and Ishah”
Adam & Eve
Made in His image
separately and 94
breathed into
Lesson #5: The People of Genesis 1 & 2

It’s at this point that our studies take the

most shocking turn thus far.
I’ll just come right out and say it: Genesis
1 clearly tells us that the first humans
were not named Adam and Eve!
As we will soon see, the facts point to
nearly a dozen differences between the
people in Genesis 1 and Adam and Eve
in Genesis 2 and onwards.
Lesson #5: The People of Genesis 1 & 2

These differences also are far from

superficial and they defy all attempts to
harmonize into a unified whole.
The two groups are even referred to by
different classifications, with different
methods of creation, as if they were
two species of humans from the same
genus. Let’s begin by showcasing these
differences up close…
Lesson #5: The People of Genesis 1 & 2

Elohim said, 'Let us make man in our own

image, in the likeness of ourselves, and
let them be masters of the fish of the sea,
the birds of heaven, the cattle, all the wild
animals and all the creatures that creep
along the ground. Elohim created man in
the image of himself, in the image of
Himself He created him, male and female
he created them. (Genesis 1:26-27)
Lesson #5: The People of Genesis 1 & 2

So the “male and female” in Genesis 1

are created at the same time “in the
Image of Elohim”.
However, in Genesis 2 Adam was
created first, and then Eve came out of
his rib later.
Later, in Genesis 5:1, we are told Adam
was also made in the Image of Elohim,
but there is also an extra creation detail
that applies to him and not the “male”… 98
Lesson #5: The People of Genesis 1

Yahweh Elohim shaped man from the

soil of the ground and blew the breath of
life into his nostrils, and man became a
living being. (Genesis 2:7 NJB)
So this “man” in Genesis 2 was shaped
from the dust and breathed into by Abba
YHWH whereas the “man” in Genesis 1
was not. Furthermore the words for how
these “men” came to be also differ….
Lesson #5: The People of Genesis 1 & 2

Elohim created humanity (Adam) in His

Image. In the Image of Elohim He created
ָ him. (Genesis 1:27)
And YHWH Elohim formed (yatzar/ ‫)י ָ ַצר‬
man from the dust of the ground. (Genesis
In 1:27 “Adam” is used as a general
classification (humanity) with “male and
female” being adjectives of that type—but I
also believe these are proper names. 100
Lesson #5: The People of Genesis 1 & 2

Elohim created humanity (Adam) in His

Image. In the Image of Elohim He created
ָ him. (Genesis 1:27)
And YHWH Elohim formed (yatzar/ ‫)י ָ ַצר‬
man from the dust of the ground. (Genesis
Bara, as we saw earlier, means to shape
out of nothing. But yatzar, like the word
asah, means to make with existing
materials—yatzar also means “potter”. 101
Lesson #5: The People of Genesis 1 & 2

Elohim created humanity (Adam) in His

Image. In the Image of Elohim He created
ָ him. (Genesis 1:27)
And YHWH Elohim formed (yatzar/ ‫)י ָ ַצר‬
man from the dust of the ground. (Genesis
So the descriptions here clearly point to
different processes about the creation of
each “man”. And now, they are even
called by different names… 102
Lesson #5: The People of Genesis 1 & 2

Elohim created humanity (Adam) in His

Image. In the Image of Elohim He created
ָ him, male and female (zakhar
ve’niqevah/‫ ) ָזכָר ּונ ְֵקבָה‬He created them.
(Genesis 1:27)
Zakhar is a very odd Hebrew word which
actually means “to remember”. Except for
a generic reference in Genesis 5:2 as
“male human”, the word elsewhere seems
confined to describing animals… 103
Lesson #5: The People of Genesis 1 & 2

Elohim created humanity (Adam) in His

Image. In the Image of Elohim He created
ָ him, male and female (zakhar
ve’niqevah/‫ ) ָזכָר ּונ ְֵקבָה‬He created them.
(Genesis 1:27)
However, the next time zakhar appears
about humans is in Genesis 17:2
regarding “circumcising your males”
ironically as a way to remember (also
zakhar) the covenant! 104
Lesson #5: The People of Genesis 1 & 2

Elohim created humanity (Adam) in His

Image. In the Image of Elohim He created
ָ him, male and female (zakhar
ve’niqevah/‫ ) ָזכָר ּונ ְֵקבָה‬He created them.
(Genesis 1:27)
So the first human man was not called
“Adam” because “Adam” was only
reference to him as a human. Instead he
is called “Remembrance”!
Lesson #5: The People of Genesis 1 & 2

Elohim created humanity (Adam) in His

Image. In the Image of Elohim He created
ָ him, male and female (zakhar
ve’niqevah/‫ ) ָזכָר ּונ ְֵקבָה‬He created them.
(Genesis 1:27)
The same is true of the name or title we
call “female” or niqevah. Shockingly
enough, Eve is never called “female” and
Adam is never called zakhar!
Lesson #5: The People of Genesis 1 & 2

Elohim created humanity (Adam) in His

Image. In the Image of Elohim He created
ָ him, male and female (zakhar
ve’niqevah/‫ ) ָזכָר ּונ ְֵקבָה‬He created them.
(Genesis 1:27)
Also like zakhar, niqevah becomes more
restricted to animals, not people, most of
the time. It’s as if the Torah is saying these
“first people” are more animal like than the
generations of Adam and Eve that follow.107
Lesson #5: The People of Genesis 1 & 2

But when it comes to Adam and Eve,

they are called something else. Not
“male and female”—instead the terms
given are man and woman (ish,
ishah/‫)איׁש ִאשָ ה‬.
This is because, unlike Zakhar and
Niqevah, Eve is made from out of Adam’s
rib at a later time. “She was called
‘woman’, because she was taken out of
man.”-Genesis 2:23 108
Lesson #5: The People of Genesis 1 & 2

Another key difference is the fact that

Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 people have
radically different purposes for
Genesis 1 commands their humans “be
fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and
subdue it”.
But Genesis 2 isolates these other
humans in a garden so the man can
“guard and keep it”. 109
Lesson #5: The People of Genesis 1 & 2

More than that, the man is Genesis 1 is

created much earlier than the man in
Genesis 2. The Genesis 1 man was
created on day 6 and the language there
indicates many generations from this
man propagated before that “day”
ended. (More on this later.)
But the Genesis 2 man was “formed and
placed” in the garden after Abba YHWH
rested on the 7th day (Genesis 2:1-3). 110
Lesson #5: The People of Genesis 1 & 2

Then Genesis 2:4 says, as we saw before:

These are the records of the generations
(toldot-- ‫ )ּתֹו ֵלדֹות‬of the heavens and of the
earth when they were created in the day
(or time) that YHWH Elohim made earth
and heaven. (Genesis 2:4 Matara)
So when the history of Adam and Eve
begins, this is the second generation of
humans to come on the earth.
Lesson #5: The People of Genesis 1 & 2

That is also why Genesis 2:5-6 reads…

There was as yet no wild bush on the earth
nor had any wild plant yet sprung up, for
Yahweh Elohim had not sent rain on the
earth, nor was there any man to till the soil.
Instead, water flowed out of the ground and
watered all the surface of the soil.
The word for “earth” in Hebrew can
also mean “region of land” such as
Eden, where rain had not yet fallen. 112
Lesson #5: The People of Genesis 1 & 2

That is also why we get the wording “there

was no Adam to work the land” because
the man we call Adam had not been
And yet, as a general term for
“humanity”, the word “Adam” was
used in Genesis 1, thus accounting for
much of the confusion between these
“men”. It was the term “Adam” that led to
the proper name “Adam” later. 113
Lesson #5: The People of Genesis 1 & 2

And finally, the rest of the details in

Genesis 2:5-6 simply relate to the
formation of Eden itself, not to the
creation of the entire planet.
The word “Eden” is derived from the
Hebrew “to be pleasant”, so this is just the
creation of a zone or enclosure of
pleasantness—the same area that will
later draw the “fleeing serpent” to exact his
revenge on the Almighty! 114
Lesson #5: The People of Genesis 1 & 2

So now let’s recap…

The people in Genesis 1 are commanded
to be fruitful, multiply and fill the earth.
The people in Genesis 2 are commanded
to stay in a garden, keep it and avoid bad
The people in Genesis 1 are made at the
same time.
The people in Genesis 2 are made 115
Lesson #5: The People of Genesis 1 & 2

The people in Genesis 1 are made on Day

The people in Genesis 2 are made after
the Shabbat—Day 8!
The people in Genesis 1 are only made in
the Image of Elohim.
The people in Genesis 2 are also made in
the Image of Elohim, but Adam is also
formed from dust and breathed into by
Abba YHWH.
Lesson #5: The People of Genesis 1 & 2

The people in Genesis 1 are called “male

and female”—Zakhar and Niqevah.
The people in Genesis 2 are called “man
and woman”—Ish and Ishah.
“Adam” in Genesis 1 refers to a general
descriptor of the human race or “a man”.
“Adam” in Genesis 2 refers to a person
named Adam after Eve comes out of his
Lesson #5: The People of Genesis 1 & 2

The people in Genesis 1 are said to be

created or bara in Hebrew.
The people in Genesis 2 are said to have
been “formed” (yatzar) or “made” (asah)
but not created.
The man in Genesis 1 is named
The man in Genesis 2 is called “Human”—
but at this point our comparisons stop
as we move on to Part 5…
Lesson #6: The Other Peoples of Genesis

Part 5:
Lesson #6: The Other Peoples of Genesis

Lesson #6: The Other Peoples of Genesis

Genesis 4 Genesis 5
Adam, Eve Un-named
& Cain’s (wicked) sons
Line & daughters
of Adam,
And on the Seth, Enosh
Shabbat Abba
Genesis 6
Genesis 5 YHWH rested Children of
Righteous from all He had Elohim
line of made (Genesis (ch.1) mate
Adam with
through daughters
Seth to of Adam;
Noah Nephilim
born 122
Lesson #6: The Other Peoples of Genesis

Having just completed our analysis of

Genesis 1 and 2, the time has come to
start classifying the groups we have just
The people in Genesis 1 who are
descended from Zakhar and Niqevah are
made in the Image of Elohim and
therefore, they are properly called “the
sons or children of Elohim.
Lesson #6: The Other Peoples of Genesis

When it comes time though to deal with

the people in Genesis 2, Adam and Eve
actually have several lineages to
account for.
Of course initially they have two sons,
Cain and Abel. But when Abel is
murdered by Cain before he can have
children, his line is over before it can
even begin.
Lesson #6: The Other Peoples of Genesis

The surviving brother, Cain, gives birth to

a lineage that endures 16 centuries in
spite of being in exile and being cursed.
This line is given to us in Genesis 4 and
we will therefore call them the sons of
Then Adam and Eve have Seth, who will
give birth to righteous line which includes
Noah and Abraham. They are listed in in
Genesis 5, so we’ll call them Sethites. 125
Lesson #6: The Other Peoples of Genesis

But then we get a very obscure race that

almost goes completely unnoticed…
Then the days of Adam after he became the
father of Seth were 800 years, and he
(Adam) had other sons and daughters.
(Genesis 5:4 NAU)
Then Seth lived 807 years after he became
the father of Enosh, and he had other sons
and daughters. (Genesis 5:7 NAU)
Lesson #6: The Other Peoples of Genesis

Then Enosh lived 815 years after he

became the father of Kenan, and he had
other sons and daughters. (Genesis 5:10
Then Kenan lived 840 years after he
became the father of Mahalalel, and he had
other sons and daughters. (Genesis 5:13
Lesson #6: The Other Peoples of Genesis

Then Mahalalel lived 830 years after he

became the father of Jared, and he had
other sons and daughters. (Genesis 5:16
Then Jared lived 800 years after he
became the father of Enoch, and he had
other sons and daughters. (Genesis 5:19

Lesson #6: The Other Peoples of Genesis

Then Enoch walked with Elohim 300 years

after he became the father of Methuselah,
and he had other sons and daughters.
(Genesis 5:22 NAU)
Then Methuselah lived 782 years after he
became the father of Lamech, and he had
other sons and daughters. (Genesis 5:26

Lesson #6: The Other Peoples of Genesis

Then Lamech lived 595 years after he

became the father of Noah, and he had
other sons and daughters. (Genesis 5:30
So during the first 10 generations from
Adam, everyone except for Noah had
extra sons and daughters running around,
though not a single one them is ever
named! Who are these people who
have been multiplying all this time? 130
Lesson #6: The Other Peoples of Genesis

The Rabbis have a good teaching that

sheds some light on the matter. They have
noticed that every person in Tanakh who
is introduced with the phrase, “and there
was a man/woman named ___” always
turns out to be a righteous person.
If there is no name or intro, then these
people tend to be lumped into a kind of
“wicked house”—a place where all the
rebels live unnamed and unheralded. 131
Lesson #6: The Other Peoples of Genesis

Again, everyone directly from Seth’s line in

Genesis 5 up to Noah is at least
mentioned by name, even if they are not
outright praised as Noah is.
Therefore, these are descendants through
Adam and Seth and others that no one
wants to remember, so all that we can
call them with any certainty is the sons
or children of Adam (or man). But two
of these groups are about to merge… 132
Lesson #6: The Other Peoples of Genesis

Now it came about when the men (ha-

Adam/ ‫ ) הָ ָאדָ ם‬began to multiply on the face
of the earth…(Genesis 6:1)
The word HA functions as “the” of course
and the term “Adam” must be
understood as a PLURAL because
THEY began multiplying on the face of the
earth! In fact, you could translate this as
“when THE ADAMS began multiplying”,
implying a specific line. But watch this…133
Lesson #6: The Other Peoples of Genesis

Now it came about when the men (ha-

Adam/ ‫ ) הָ ָאדָ ם‬began to multiply on the face
of the earth (ha-adamah/
‫(…)הָ אֲ דָ מָ ה‬Genesis 6:1)
The normal word for “earth” is eretz in
But here Moses is making a distinction
with the word ha-adamah, a term only
used for the dust that formed Adam but
not used to form the earlier people! 134
Lesson #6: The Other Peoples of Genesis

Now it came about when the men (ha-

Adam/ ‫ ) הָ ָאדָ ם‬began to multiply on the face
of the earth (ha-adamah/
‫(…)הָ אֲ דָ מָ ה‬Genesis 6:1)
It’s as if this race of Adams (the men)
are linked to the native soil (ha-
adamah) that they originally came from!
So the unnamed people of Genesis 5 and
“the Adams” in Genesis 6 are one and the
same group! Let’s see the next move… 135
Lesson #6: The Other Peoples of Genesis

Now it came about when the men (ha-

Adam/ ‫ ) הָ ָאדָ ם‬began to multiply on the face
of the earth (ha-adamah/‫ ) הָ אֲ דָ מָ ה‬and
daughters were born to them, that the sons
of Elohim (benay ha-Elohim/ ‫ֹלהים‬ ִ ֱ‫) ְבנֵי־הָ א‬
saw that the daughters of Adam (banot
ha-Adam/ ‫ ) ּבְנֹות הָ ָאדָ ם‬were beautiful and
they took wives for themselves, whomever
they chose. (Genesis 6:1-3 Matara)
Lesson #6: The Other Peoples of Genesis

The text could not be clearer. The

daughters—unnamed from Genesis 5—
still came from the same form of dust (ha-
adamah) that formed their ancestor Adam.
These daughters of Adam then become
the wives of the “sons of Elohim”—who
can only be the people in Genesis 1
who were made in the Image of Elohim!
If they were Sethite or from Cain there
would be no reason for the different titles.137
Lesson #6: The Other Peoples of Genesis

And the result of their union is a hybrid

race widely speculated to be giants or
aliens or Atlanteans or any number of
fantastical beings…
But the text clearly tells us who these
people actually were, and they were not
giants or anything else exotic! Genesis
6:4 gives them two titles: Nephilim and
men of name, or renown. Let’s see what
the words mean… 138
Lesson #6: The Other Peoples of Genesis

Nefilim in Hebrew, literally 'fallen ones’. –
Over many centuries, Jewish and
Christian traditions attempted to supply the
legendary reason for their “fall”—that they
were the sons of fallen angels.
However, the Torah offers a much simpler
explanation: The Nephilim are fallen
because their parents mated with the
daughters of Adam and got his sin! 139
Lesson #6: The Other Peoples of Genesis

For as it was by Adam that all men die, so

also by the Mashiyach they all live.
(1 Corinthians 15:22-AENT)
So since we know we inherit the sin of
Adam and that “all men die”, why wouldn’t
the children of Elohim—the people of
Genesis 1—also inherit that same original
sin when they mated with Adam’s
daughters? That is why their offspring
are “fallen ones” (Nephilim)! 140
Lesson #6: The Other Peoples of Genesis

However, at this point another key

question must be answered, and it has to
do with this verse…
Now the man (or Adam) called his wife
Eve, for she was the mother of all living.
(Genesis 3:20-Matara)
Eve’s name in Hebrew, or Chavah literally
means “living”, so if she is the mother of
all living how can there be these other
races running around? 141
Lesson #6: The Other Peoples of Genesis

There are two possible answers to this

question. First, Genesis 6:4 says “the
Nephilim were on the earth in those days
and after”.
Since the full generations from Adam were
just given in Genesis 5, this means the
interbreeding had to happen in the
days of Adam himself—they are his
daughters after all.
Lesson #6: The Other Peoples of Genesis

Therefore, once this inter-breeding

happened, the sons of Elohim became
related to Adam and Eve through
marriage and therefore Eve was their
“mother” as well as the mother of Cain
and Seth’s line.
The other explanation is that it is not Adam
who says “for she was the mother of all
living” but Moses, who is making a
comment on how things are in his day. 143
Lesson #6: The Other Peoples of Genesis

In other words, Moses already knows that

only the line of Adam through Seth
survived the flood…
Therefore, from where Moses is during
his times, every human being on the
earth is descendant of Noah and
therefore a descendant of Noah’s
“mother”, Eve.
But then there is the other title for these
people, “men of renown” to deal with… 144
Lesson #6: The Other Peoples of Genesis

It seems that the Nephilim or their parents,

a.k.a. the sons of Elohim, were famous for
something, but what was it?
I believe the answer is simple: They built
all the early pre-Adamic civilizations
and followed in the footsteps of their
ancestor Zakhar.
The first man, Zakhar, as we saw was
named “Remembrance” and that’s what
his sons did for him! 145
Lesson #6: The Other Peoples of Genesis

But unlike Adam and Eve, Zakhar’s

children had this charge to fulfill:
Elohim created man in His own image, in the
image of Elohim He created him; male and
female He created them. Elohim blessed
them; and Elohim said to them, "Be
fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth,
and subdue it; and rule over the fish of
the sea and over the birds of the sky and
Lesson #6: The Other Peoples of Genesis

over every living thing that moves on the

earth.” Then Elohim said, "Behold, I have
given you every plant yielding seed that is
on the surface of all the earth, and every
tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be
food for you; and to every beast of the earth
and to every bird of the sky and to every
thing that moves on the earth which has life,
I have given every green plant for food"; and
it was so. Elohim saw all that He had 147
Lesson #6: The Other Peoples of Genesis

made, and behold, it was very good. And

there was evening and there was morning,
the sixth day. (Genesis 1:27-31)
So the children of Elohim and their
offspring the Nephilim are given the
charge of filling the earth and subduing it.
Then, with the phrase and it was so we
are told they succeeded in doing just
that, establishing civilizations and
becoming famous but also fallen! 148
Lesson #6: The Other Peoples of Genesis

And finally, these classifications and

understandings also help us clear up two
other issues…
Cain then said to Yahweh, 'My
punishment is greater than I can bear.
Look, today you drive me from the
surface of the earth. I must hide from
you, and be a restless wanderer on earth.
Why, whoever comes across me will kill
me!' 'Very well, then,' Yahweh replied, 149
Lesson #6: The Other Peoples of Genesis

'whoever kills Cain will suffer a sevenfold

vengeance.' So Yahweh put a mark on Cain,
so that no one coming across him would kill
him. (Genesis 4:13-15 NJB)
So who is Cain afraid of that could kill
him? Well, Cain says he is about to
wander the earth, so who is there to
meet him other than the Sons of Elohim
in Genesis 1 who have been spreading
on the land for some time? 150
Lesson #6: The Other Peoples of Genesis

It’s a simple process of elimination. Seth is

born after this time, so it can’t be either
him or his unknown sons and daughters.
Adam’s other sons and daughters don’t
seem likely either, because they are direct
kin and they probably have not wandered
far from their “garden home” at this time
and Cain is moving away from them.
So the Children of Elohim and/or
Nephilim are the only ones left! 151
Lesson #6: The Other Peoples of Genesis

It is the Children of Elohim who are the

clever ones, who have been around the
longest and who have already proven
themselves to be wicked.
No wonder Cain is afraid—they will kill
him because, in their eyes, Cain will be
a city builder coming into their territory
that they already built up. Only the mark
from Abba YHWH will warn them to back
off. But then we have this classic ?... 152
Lesson #6: The Other Peoples of Genesis

Cain left Yahweh's presence and settled in

the land of Nod, east of Eden. Cain had
intercourse with his wife, and she
conceived and gave birth to Enoch. He
became the founder of a city and gave the
city the name of his son Enoch. (Genesis
4:16-17 NJB)
It is the classic question of the Biblical
skeptic: Where did Cain’s wife come from?
But the answer has always been easy… 153
Lesson #6: The Other Peoples of Genesis

Cain is afraid of the Sons of

Elohim/Nephilim and so probably won’t
take from one of their women.
Seth’s line, once again, is not around to
contribute a wife. Therefore, the most
logical answer is that he married one of
his unnamed sisters that we know
Adam also had fathered with Eve. This
is why Cain’s line in steeped in sin, in
addition to the murder he did. 154
Lesson #6: The Other Peoples of Genesis

So now at this point, we are already far

enough along in this study to answer some
of the hardest questions about Genesis.
But of course, far more difficult questions
remain such as: How old is the earth and
the Universe? What is the truth about
evolution and science and Scripture? And,
does the Scripture tell us how the
Universe will ultimately end? Join me
then for Part 6 for… 155
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis

Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis

Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
So let’s recap our lessons thus far…
1) We’ve seen the differences between
linear and cyclical time and that the word
toldot pointed to more than one creation
of heaven, earth and man.
2) Next we saw the accounting language for
the days in Genesis 1 is utterly unique
and never repeated anywhere else,
pointing to a non-chronological order as it
is given. 159
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
3) We then delved into the reasons for the
kind of order the days were in. Called
Thematic Order, days 1 through 3 tell a story
that is paralleled in days 3 through 6 but in
actuality day 1 goes with day 4, day 2 goes
with day 5 and day 3 goes with day 6.
4) Next we saw the surprising story of Day
Zero, a time between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2
where Satan fell from heaven.
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
5) Then we began to see that the people
mentioned in Genesis 1 could not be the
same as Adam and Eve’s line in Genesis 2.
Many differences were mentioned, such as:
G-1 people were made at the same time
whereas Adam was made first and Eve
later; G-1 people were just made in His
image, but Adam and Eve were also formed
from the dust of the ground and breathed
into, and so on. 161
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
6) After that, we saw more amazing detail
with the different lineages of man: The
Children of Elohim in Genesis 1 mated with
the Daughters of Adam in Genesis 6,
making the Nephilim. After Cain and Seth’s
line are explained, we also see a “hidden”
race comprised of unnamed sons and
daughters starting with Adam and ending
with Noah’s father. And now we’ll answer
the hardest questions of them all, like… 162
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#1: How old are the heavens and the
In order to answer this question, we must
deal with another one: Where is time
counted from?
The answer is a bit shocking: We don’t get
any “historical time” counted before Adam
has Seth in his 130th year. Therefore, our
human time really begins when Adam is
created, not when the universe was. 163
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#1: How old are the heavens and the
So everything that happened before
Adam, the creation and re-creation of the
heavens and the earth, the rebellion of
Satan/the fleeing serpent and all the
stages of life that happen upon the earth
after—these are not counted in our
historical time.
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#1: How old are the heavens and the
In other words, Adam may be from 6,000
years ago but the earth and heaven are
much older than this. The Children of
Elohim in Genesis 1 are also much older
than this.
As for showing this Scripturally, we begin
to see this from the Psalms…
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#1: How old are the heavens and the
The Prayer Of Moses, man of Elohim: Lord
(Adonai), you have been our refuge from
age to age. Before the mountains were
born, before the earth and the world came to
birth, from eternity to eternity you are
Elohim. You bring human beings to the
dust, by saying, 'Return, children of
Adam.' A thousand years are to you like 166 a
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#1: How old are the heavens and the
yesterday which has passed, like a watch
of the night. (Psalm 90:1-4 NJB)
So it’s not just a full day that is like a
thousand years (2 Peter 3:8), but actually
“a watch of the night” that takes this
long to complete. Matthew 14:25 and
Mark 6:48 then clearly tell us there are
four watches in the night. 167
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis

Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#1: How old are the heavens and the
In Yochanan 11:9 Y’shua asked, “Are
there not 12 hours daylight?” rhetorically.
Therefore there must be 12 hours of
night as well.
The ancients divided both periods—
between sunrise and sunset and between
sunset and sunrise, into 12 equal portions,
or “hours”. 169
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#1: How old are the heavens and the
The actual length of those “hours” varied
with the seasons and was most like our
modern 60-minute version close to the
times of the spring and fall equinoxes.
Nevertheless, 60 minutes is still a good
average for the time an hour takes
throughout the year.
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#1: How old are the heavens and the
So for our purposes in interpreting Psalm
90, a “watch of the night” is equal to 1/4th
the time from sunset to sunrise, or 3
If 3 hours then = 1,000 years to Abba
YHWH, then each 24 hour “day” must =
at least 8,000 years.
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#1: How old are the heavens and the
Multiply 8,000 years by the number of
days in Genesis 1 (7) and we come to a
minimum number of 54,000 years for
the age of the earth—a far cry from the
usual 6,000 years that are offered in
conventional Creationism. This figure
doesn’t include the time of Satan’s war,
in between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. 172
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#1: How old are the heavens and the
Likewise, we know that Adam and Eve
are made after Abba YHWH rests on
that 7th day (Genesis 2:1-7), so the entire
time of Adam’s life is after the minimum
age of the earth at 54,000 years ago,
meaning from his time until now, the
heavens and the earth are at least
60,000 years old! 173
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#1: How old are the heavens and the
I believe however that the Torah gives us
strong clues that the heavens and the
earth are actually far older than this.
In order to see why, I need to dispel
another common misconception: The 6
days of creation are not each 24 hours
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#1: How old are the heavens and the
Elohim created man in His own image, in the
image of Elohim He created him; male and
female He created them. Elohim blessed
them; and Elohim said to them, "Be fruitful
and multiply, and fill the earth, and
subdue it; and rule over the fish of the
sea and over the birds of the sky and
over every living thing that moves 175
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#1: How old are the heavens and the
on the earth.” Then Elohim said, "Behold, I
have given you every plant yielding seed
that is on the surface of all the earth, and
every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it
shall be food for you; and to every beast of
the earth and to every bird of the sky and to
every thing that moves on the earth which
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#1: How old are the heavens and the
has life, I have given every green plant for
food"; and it was so. Elohim saw all that He
had made, and behold, it was very good.
And there was evening and there was
morning, the sixth day. (Genesis 1:27-31)
So there are two parts to this Scripture
that we need to clearly understand…
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#1: How old are the heavens and the
First, that early men and women were
commanded to be fruitful and multiply and
fill the earth.
This means that Zakhar and Niqevah
could have refused the command...for
had Abba YHWH not left it a choice He
could have made millions of humans
populate the earth at once. 178
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#1: How old are the heavens and the
I believe this also means that the first
humans had to fill the earth on their
own natural power—meaning through
the normal 9 month gestation period.
Their forms may have been made out of
nothing, but their ability to reproduce still
had to happen by natural law that Abba
YHWH also created! 179
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#1: How old are the heavens and the
I haven’t done the math on this, but it is
still a fair question to ask: How long
would it take for two people to have
their offspring fill every corner of planet
earth? How many generations of 40 years
each? 50? 100? 1,000? More? The point
is…probably more than a single 24
hour day! 180
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#1: How old are the heavens and the
And if each “day” as we saw before is at
least 8,000 years long, these hundreds or
thousands of generations of early man
must exceed that time limit as well.
This brings us to our second point: The
text says and it was so, meaning all those
generations did their thing on Day 6 and
before Day 7! 181
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#1: How old are the heavens and the
Now let’s apply this same logic to days 1
through 5.
In every case, from light, to water to plants
and animals, Abba YHWH specifically
blesses and commands them to also
multiply across the earth or the sea. He
speaks to them the same choice, to obey
or disobey the command. 182
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#1: How old are the heavens and the
If each of these things—and yes, I would
include the stars in this analysis as well—
technically had the right to say yes or no to
existence, then they too must be brought
about through the natural duration of their
“gestations”. So however long it takes
Leviathans to fill the seas, it must be
done on that natural cycle, for example. 183
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#1: How old are the heavens and the
And the same must then be true for the
stars, galaxies and planets throughout
the Cosmos. Abba YHWH controls their
lifecycles just as much as He does ours.
One of the key phrases that we discuss
later as well is after their kinds
ִ ‫ ) ל‬or species, and each
species has a normal lifecycle. 184
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#1: How old are the heavens and the
But if all that is true, why does Genesis 1
use the phrase “and it was evening and it
was morning”? Wouldn’t that point to a 24
hour period for each “day”?
Not necessarily…and here’s why. The
Hebrew reads vayehi erev vayehi boker,
or “evening came and morning came”.
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#1: How old are the heavens and the
Erev (evening) refers to a mixing of light
turning into darkness.
Boker (morning) refers to a shaft of light
piercing the darkness.
These terms can simply be referring to a
final act of having light go out and come
back in at the end of every creative
period—it is not only about the sun.
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#1: How old are the heavens and the
And then there is the word for “DAY”
Day as division of time: a. working-day
Ex 20:9, 20:10 (E) = Dt 5:18, Ex 16:26,
16:30; 16:30 (J), 23:12 (JE), 31:15 (P), Lv
23:3 (H); ‫ י ְֵמי ַה ַמעֲ שֶ ה‬Ez 46:1.-Brown Driver
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#1: How old are the heavens and the
Clearly all of Genesis 1 fits this definition
as Abba YHWH rests from “all the work He
had done”.
Abba YHWH is obviously “working” with
each thing He creates, so these are His 6
“work days” just like Shabbat is His “rest
day”—and when He “punches out” He
makes the darkness come and go! 188
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#1: How old are the heavens and the
So while I cannot give a specific answer to
this question, I can say that, generally
speaking, the Scripture is pointing
strongly to a period of many millions—
if not billions—of years for the age of
the heavens and the earth.
This leads us to our next question…
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#2: Was Darwin right about Evolution and
Natural Selection?
Charles Darwin is by far the most
controversial scientist who ever lived, and
nothing inflames the passionate hearts of
Biblical believers more than his Theory of
But we know it is only a theory, not a fact,
and that theory has deep flaws all over
the place… 190
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#2: Was Darwin right about Evolution and
Natural Selection?
The first of Darwin’s flaws was this:
Natural Selection is the “god” of
Evolution. It is natural selection that is the
mechanism that is supposed to elevate
species with the best chance to survive.
But what if our Creator was in fact the
architect of some form of “evolution”?
What then? 191
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#2: Was Darwin right about Evolution and
Natural Selection?
In that case we are talking about
something completely opposite:
Supernatural Selection!
All species of man and animals and plants
were divinely selected to reproduce after
their kinds or species, and programmed
within each species was the ability to
“change over time”—or “evolve”. 192
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#2: Was Darwin right about Evolution and
Natural Selection?
I believe these principles apply to all life in
the fossil record, including the dinosaurs
and other primitive species which are no
longer around today.
Dating issues aside, I do not see any
reason for Abba YHWH to “fake” the fossil
record as a complete red herring…it is
man who misunderstood that record. 193
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#2: Was Darwin right about Evolution and
Natural Selection?
Elohim is not a man that He should lie, nor a
son of man that He should change His mind.
(Numbers 23:19)
Further, the first command to man, “Fill the
earth and subdue it” is a command to do a
kosher form of science. You cannot
subdue anything without understanding
and observing it first! Paul also said… 194
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#2: Was Darwin right about Evolution and
Natural Selection?
Explore everything and hold fast to the good
and fly from everything evil.
(1 Thessalonians 5:21-22-AENT)
This is the heart of the scientific method.
You test everything, keep the good results
and throw out the bad. The difference is in
Kosher Science we accept YHWH’s
revealed truth from His Word first!
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#2: Was Darwin right about Evolution and
Natural Selection?
Explore everything and hold fast to the good
and fly from everything evil.
(1 Thessalonians 5:21-22-AENT)
So if Abba YHWH has commanded us to
use our intelligence to discern His divine
law, we must trust the senses He gave us,
and know He isn’t lying about what was on
the earth before, or when.
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#2: Was Darwin right about Evolution and
Natural Selection?
But Darwin wrongly proposes random
chance whereas Abba YHWH chooses a
destiny for each species to either thrive
and improve or decline and go extinct. As
long as each species lives on the earth,
their selection is a process of Divine
Law, or Physics and Biology as it was
always intended to be understood. 197
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#2: Was Darwin right about Evolution and
Natural Selection?
And finally the idea that we humans
came from monkeys is preposterous.
This is a classic example of shooting the
arrow and drawing the target after it lands.
Scientists will tell us that our DNA is about
97.5% similar to a chimpanzee’s and
therefore, they think chimps are our
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#2: Was Darwin right about Evolution and
Natural Selection?
However, it’s easy for them to forget that
Abba YHWH Himself invented DNA.
That DNA is a kind of blueprint—scientists’
terms, not mine—for all life on the earth.
So why not think of DNA as being like
an artist signing his paintings—this is
Abba YHWH’s signature—the one thing
that points back to Him!
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#2: Was Darwin right about Evolution and
Natural Selection?
I also like to think about the 2.5%
difference between our DNA and chimps.
It’s that small amount that is responsible
supposedly for all the huge differences
between these two species! 2.5% is the
difference between building pyramids or
wallowing in mud. Never has so little
commanded so much! 200
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#2: Was Darwin right about Evolution and
Natural Selection?
Or, might it just be the case that such a
tiny difference proves the opposite.
Maybe it proves that without His direct
intervention and approval, humanity would
never have gotten its start in the first
place! So yes, species change over
time—but everything else Darwin said
was wrong. Next… 201
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#3: Is modern Physics right?
According to what the Torah actually says
in the Hebrew, current theories of
modern physics fare much better than
the myths that comprise modern
Both agree that the Cosmos and the earth
are billions of years old, and both look at
titanic but unseen forces as holding the
whole structure together… 202
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#3: Is modern Physics right?
He stretches out the north over empty
space and hangs the earth on nothing.
(Job 26:7 NAU)
This is a perfect description—the nothing
that is something but unseen—of either
Gravity or Dark Matter. Either way it is this
same “stuff” that keeps the Universe from
flying apart.
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#3: Is modern Physics right?
It is He who sits above the circle of the
earth, and its inhabitants are like
grasshoppers, Who stretches out the
heavens like a curtain and spreads them out
like a tent to dwell in. (Isaiah 40:22 NAU)
Isaiah was the first man to say the earth is
a sphere or a choog in Hebrew. He also
describes space being “stretched like a
curtain” like a Big Bang with curved space. 204
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#3: Is modern Physics right?
It is He who sits above the circle of the
earth, and its inhabitants are like
grasshoppers, Who stretches out the
heavens like a curtain and spreads them out
like a tent to dwell in. (Isaiah 40:22 NAU)
The “spreading out like a tent” further
describes the warping of space under
extreme forces of gravity—and curved
space was unknown until Einstein. 205
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#3: Is modern Physics right?
'Clouds are a hiding place for Him, so that
He cannot see; and He walks on the vault
of heaven.' (Job 22:14 NAU)
The same word that said earth was a
sphere, choog, is used for the “vault” of
heaven, confirming that space is warped
and curved like a weave—again exactly
what Einstein proved thousands of years
later. 206
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#3: Is modern Physics right?
And all the host of heaven will wear
away, and the sky will be rolled up like a
scroll; All their hosts will also wither away
As a leaf withers from the vine, or as one
withers from the fig tree. (Isaiah 34:4 NAU)
A perfect description of the Big Bang in
reverse. If the heavens are rolled up like a
scroll at the end, they had to roll OUT like
a scroll at the start… 207
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#3: Is modern Physics right?
And all the host of heaven will wear
away, and the sky will be rolled up like a
scroll; All their hosts will also wither away
As a leaf withers from the vine, or as one
withers from the fig tree. (Isaiah 34:4 NAU)
If they rolled OUT that way from a central
point—a scroll opens from the center, not
from the left or right like a modern book
does—then it spread FROM that point out! 208
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#3: Is modern Physics right?
And the day of Master YHWH will come like
a thief; in which the heavens will
suddenly pass away; and the elements,
being ignited, will be dissolved; and the
earth and the works in it will not be found.
As therefore all these things are to be
dissolved, what persons should you be, in
Set Apart conduct and in the Fear of Elohim,
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#3: Is modern Physics right?
expecting and desiring the coming of the
day of Elohim in which the heavens being
tried by fire will be dissolved and the
elements being ignited will melt?
(2 Peter 3:10-12-AENT)
Peter says matter breaks down into
energy or fire, the basic meaning behind E
= MC2. The effect of this equation is a
nuclear explosion, also described above.
Lesson #7: Final Mysteries of Genesis
#3: Is modern Physics right?
 So yes, I believe much of modern physics
has correctly understood HOW the
heavens declare the glory of Abba YHWH
but not THAT they declare His glory as
their function!
And I could do a whole separate
presentation on Torah and Physics if I
wanted to, showing many more parallels
than just these. 211

And so, as we come to the end of this

massive study, I hope I have
accomplished a few things…
First, I hope that I have demonstrated the
need to follow the evidence in Scriptures
without the prism of traditions—just look at
what the Hebrew says—and see where
that evidence leads.
Second, I hope I have shown that science
and Scripture don’t conflict… 212

…But if it appears there is a conflict that

cannot be resolved, Scripture must always
trump science.
Science is something that is constantly
corrected by flawed men and
women…Scripture is revealed truth whose
core never changes.
And yet, our understanding of the Word
can also change as our studies into its
heart progress. 213

We must always put the Word above all

other considerations, but our respect for
the Word requires that we also follow its
commands on seeking Abba YHWH out
and leaning on Him, not our own human


Only then can we finally see the true

message that has been hiding in Genesis
for thousands of years.
It is a message about the love of our
Creator and how He labored so greatly to
make all of us—even if it meant starting
the whole Cosmos over from scratch—He
loved us enough to keep doing it until WE
got it right and WE found His Son Y’shua!
And with that I will just say this… 215

In wisdom, Yahweh laid the earth's

foundations, in understanding He spread
out the heavens. Through His knowledge
the depths were cleft open, and the
clouds distil the dew. My child, hold to
sound advice and prudence, never let them
out of sight; they will give life to your soul
and beauty to your neck.
(Proverbs 3:19-22 NJB)
abr hdwt
Todah Rabbah

Peace and blessings

Andrew Gabriel Roth


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