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Practice sheet
Std : X Topic: 2.1 Acids, Bases and Salts
Subject :Chemistry
Mahesh Sunil Chavhan
Roll No. 20
Class - 10
Q. no.
Q.1 Define the following terms
i. Strong acid ; The acid which dissociates completely in water are called as strong acids. Eg -HCl
, H2SO4 , etc.
ii. Antacid ; Antacid is a base which neutralizes HCl acid in the stomach.
iii. Base ; Bases are the substances which are bitter in taste and soapy in touch. Eg - Na-OH , KOH
, etc.

Q.2 “Sulphuric acid is a dibasic acid“. What do you understand by this statement?
 It means that when Sulphuric acid dissolved in water it will give two protons which will
replace two -OH ions in the solution.

Q.3 State whether the given acids exist as ions, molecules, both ions and molecules
i. HCl ; molecule
ii. H2CO3 ; ions

iii. Oxalic acid ; both ions and molecules

iv. Vinegar ; ions
v. Nitrous acid ; ions
vi. Phosphoric acid ; ions

Q.4 Name the gas produced in each of the following cases

i. A compound X reacts with an acid to produce a gas which is responsible for global warming.
 CO2
ii. An element reacts with an acid and produces a gas which puts off a burning splint with a pop
 H2

Q.5 Write equations for the following

i. Sodium sulphide reacts with nitric acid.
 Na2S + 4HNO3 → 2NaNO3 + 2NO2 + S + 2H2O
ii. Potassium carbonate and sulphuric acid are mixed together in a test tube.
 H2SO4 + K2CO3 → K2SO4 + CO2 + H2O
iii. Magnesium metal is dropped in a test tube of hydrochloric acid.
 Mg + 2HCl → MgCl2 + H2
iv. Zinc sulphide and hydrochloric acid interact.
 HCl + Zn S → H2S + ZnCl2

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