Chapter III

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This chapter shows the description of the research

subject and population, procedure in gathering and analyzing

the data and statistical treatment of the study.


The researcher used the descriptive-correlational

reseach design.

The descriptive design was used to find out the level

of digital literacy skills of the teachers and students, and

to determine the level of effectiveness of the use of

digital technology in the teaching-learning. It was also

used to determine the significant differences in the level

of effectiveness of the use of digital technology in the

teaching-learning and digital literacy skills of students

and teachers among aspects and among group of respondents.

The correlational design was used to detemine the

relationship between digital learning environment and level

of effectiveness of the use of digital technology in

teaching and the relationship between digital literacy of

students and teachers to level of effectiveness of the use

of digital technology in teaching.

This study utilized quantitative and qualitative


methods. Quantitative techniques in gathering data through

surveys and the results were interpreted using statistical

methods. Qualitative technique was used to validate the

results based on the survey questionnaires.


The teacher and student respondents were provided with

survey questionnaires in which the results were computed to

determine the level of digital literacy skills and level of

effectiveness in utilizing ICT in the teaching and learning.

Analysis of variance (ANNOVA) was used in determining

the significant difference in the level of effectiveness of

the use of digital technology in the teaching-learning and

digital literacy skills of students and teachers among

groups and among respondents. In determining the significant

relationship between digital learning environment and level

of effectiveness of the use of digital technology in

teaching, the Point Biserial Correlation was computed.

Pearsons Product Moment Correlation was used to determine

the significant relationship between digital literacy of

students and teachers to the level of effectiveness of the

use of digital technology in teaching.



The main tool used in this study was a researcher’s-

made questionnaire and an adopted and modified tool from the

questionnaire designed by Simin Ghavifekr, Wan Athirah Wan

Rosdy (2015). The survey questionnaire consist of three

parts, Part 1 deals with listing down Digital Learning

Environment present in the school along digital resources,

support and software, hardware, system. Part 2 is composed

of 30 items which deals with the level of digital literacy

skills of teachers and students and can be answered through

the six-point Likert Scale ranged from 6(Expert),

5(Advanced), 4(Intermediate}, 3(Basic), 2(Aware) and

1(Unaware). Part 3 focuses on the level of effectiveness

with 35 items about in the perception of teachers and the

students in the level of effectiveness of the use of digital

technology in teaching and learning and the 4-Likert scale

was used ranged from 4(Strongly Agree), 3(Agree),

2(Disagree), and 1(Strongly Disagree).

Validity and reliability test of the questionnnaire

were conducted and resulted to 0.9 and 0.8 respectively. The

questionnaire were valid and reliable in the corresponding

scale. It was similar to the rating of the adopted

questionnaire which was 0.8.



The respondents of the study were the teachers and the

students of Milaor Central School specifically the

intermediate group comprised of Grades 4, 5, and 6. It

involves 18 teachers and 87 students. The simple random

sampling design was used in the selection of the sample


Yamane’s formula for computing the sample size was used

in the selection of the respondents for students with a 10%

margin of error.


This study utilized the following statistical


1. Frequency, mean, and rank for the digital literacy

skills and level of effectiveness.

2. Analysis of Variance (ANNOVA) to determine the

significant difference in the level of effectiveness

of the use of digital technology in the teaching-

learning and digital literacy skills of students and

teachers among groups and among respondents.

3. Point Biserial Correlation to determinine the

significant relationship between digital learning


environment and level of effectiveness of the use of

digital technology in teaching; and

4. Pearsons Product Moment Correlation to determine the

significant relationship between digital literacy of

students and teachers to level of effectiveness of

the use of digital technology in teaching.

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