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Answer to The Question Number-2

Question–a (1): Which entrepreneurial characteristics does Anwar have that

may be important to his success?

Answer- Anwar is good at his work and has good technical skills. These skills will
be helpful while establishing his own business and little technicalities are always
required when you are working. Also, as he has the experience of taking technical
decisions from always and also is aware of the quality the business gives to its
clients, all this information too will help him.

Question-a (2): Which characteristics could lead to Anwar’s failure?

Answer- The only thing that might lead to Anwar's failure is the little business
knowledge as he has. Despite being good at the technical side, it is important to
have strong business skills too. Lack of knowledge regarding that might be of a
little problem to Anwar.

Question-a (3): According to the case could Daud maintains the status of
active entrepreneurship if he handover his business to Anwar? If so, how?

Answer- Daud will be able to not maintain an active business. However, if he

wants to have active participation, he might give business suggestions to Anwar.
As there is a profit percentage that Daud is expecting from Anwar, he can make
suggestions for the business to flourish.

Question B: “Entrepreneurship is the process of creating value”- clarify the


Answer- Entrepreneurship is the art of creating value as well as mixing it with

business skills. With the art of creativity, you can produce quality and distinctive
work that will make other people interested in your product. However, to sell those
products a little business should be known by the people running it because it will
help them understand the people and know what would make someone buy the
products. Hence, along with the art of creativity, peoples' skill is also required by
the people.

Answer to The Question Number-3

Question-a (1): What aspects of this case demonstrate the entrepreneurial

mind and behavior of Mrs Villaviray?
Answer- Various farmers are usually ignorant about the overall produce they can
sell in the market and book profits. The farmers in the village of Duale were in
practice of cultivating and selling cashew nuts. They used to ignore the remaining
produce like the fruit and the resin of the cashew trees, which used to appear as a
by-product. Mrs. Rosario was different, however. She identified that she can make
money by selling the by-products as well. She had the entrepreneurial mindset and
focused on selling both nut as well as apple.

Question- a (2): What aspects of entrepreneurial mind and behavior would

make Mrs Villaviray think to approach the BPRE and not the bank first for
assistance and what is it about Mrs Villaviray that would give the BPRE
confidence to agree to assist and back Mrs Villaviray’s project?
Answer- The aspects of entrepreneurial mind and behavior which may have made
Mrs. Villaviray think to approach BPRE, rather than the bank are as follows:
Vision: Mrs. Villaviray had the vision that the technical assistance provided by
BPRE will be more fruitful for her produce in future, hence she resorted the help of
BPRE over bank.
Initiative: Mrs. Villaviray did not hesitate from taking initiatives. She had the zeal
to set an example in front of the other farmers that she can gain better returns from
her produce with the help of technical assistance of BPRE.
Risk tolerance: Mrs. Villaviray was ready to take risks and hence she did not
hesitate to opt for BPRE’s technical assistance
The traits and skills of Mrs. Villaviray, which may compel BPRE to assist her, are:
Confidence: Mrs. Villaviray had the confidence that her idea can prove to be quite
Resilience: Mrs. Villaviray seemed to be resilient and did not lack courage to face
Business mindset: Mrs. Villaviray was a visionary entrepreneur and her idea
could have cultivated gold

Question-a (3): Should Mrs Villaviray have found out more information
before approaching the BPRE and does she know enough to enter into this
venture? How does this behaviour match with the characteristics of an
Answer- In my views, Mrs. Villaviray needed to conduct thorough research about
BPRE. She needed to study the past projects handled and assisted by BPRE. This
way she could have gained better insight about the quality and quantity of work
handled by BPRE and hence could have shared her idea with the organization. A
true entrepreneur would have conducted thorough research as well as risk
management before approaching BPRE. A true entrepreneur may also have
conducted a cost benefit analysis to heck the feasibility of each idea and
accordingly make the choice.

Answer to The Question Number-4

Question-a (1): Isn’t “corporate entrepreneurship” an oxymoron? Do the
characteristics of an established organization, such as its routines and
structure, increase efficiency but at the same time kill any entrepreneurial
spirit? Is there any way that a company like Sony can have the best of both
Answer- I think Yes, corporate entrepreneurship is indeed an oxymoron.
Corporate means generally working under a boss, with fixed deadline to meet and
targets to achieve. In the process, the basic entrepreneurship spirit which is to find
opportunities in every problem or to think out of the box is killed by the fixed
corporate routines and schedules. Yes, there is a way in which a company can have
the best of both worlds, that is by giving the creative freedom to employees to
work upon their personal tasks which could help the company solve some complex
problems or find out some value to be given to customers, which they themselves
don't even know they want. Like, Sony which give the freedom to Ken to work on
his personal project.

Question-a (2): Is increasing the entrepreneurial orientation of a firm always a

good thing? Or are there circumstances or environments in which the further
pursuit of opportunities can diminish firm performance? You can consider
the above case for explaining in details.
Answer- To increase the entrepreneurship orientation of a firm depends on what
type of firm is it. Is it a simple production firm where basic skills are required or
some type of consulting or software firm where entrepreneurship is do needed to
be in employees so that new ideas can be developed. So, in this type of industry
which Sony belonged to that is electronic sector where they produced Walkman's
etc. They promoted entrepreneurship skills in their employees and then only Ken
could have worked alongside with the team and come up with PlayStation.

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