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CLP Lesson Plan Template

Teacher/s: _________Yiwen ____________________________________________

Level: __LI1_________ Time: _______60 min_____________________

Students Will Be Able To…
1. summarize the information form the reading
2. discuss topics related to the reading using expressions learned from the previous lessons
Theme: _________Have you ever tasted it?________________________________________

Aim/Skill/Microskill Activity/Procedure/Stage Interaction Time

Purpose/objective/focus: read for details 60 min
Activity 1: and summarize the main idea

Let’s take a look at this picture, do you think T-SS, S-SS 10min
this man is happy or not?
Where does he live? Can you describe the
Yiwen living environment?
reading Does he have a lot of money?
Yes/No - how did you find out? Is it because
Transition to #2: Now, of the clothes, the cabin?
we’re familiar with how Is it convenient to live here?
life without money looks Yes/No: provide your reasons. Do others
like. It’s a good thing agree with this? If not, can you provide some
that we don’t have to live reasons?
like that, one good thing
about having some 1.1 Pre-Stage: 15min
money is that you could Do you think money is important? Raise
eat whatever you want. your hand if you do. T-SS
Have you ever tried one Why do we need money?
of these? Ask each student.
_________________ Possible answers: for clothes, housing, etc.
Make a list together.
What are some of these items that can be
obtained without money or with little
For instance, we can grow our own
vegetables if we live in the countryside. S-S,S-SS,T-S
In the old times, people made their own
clothes. Nowadays, we might get clothes
from charity.
What would life be like if we had no money?
You could discuss based on our list.
Ss pair/ share report. 9 min
1.2. During Stage:
1. Read the passage for the first time. T-SS,S,S-SS
What was this passage about?
What’s the story here?
Who’s the main role?
Do you remember anything from the
reading? Do you guys have anything to add?

2. Let's read it for the second time. This

time, we will focus on the language.
Let’s start with paragraph one.
Ask one student to read the paragraph so I
could work on pronunciation. S, S-SS,T-S
Repeat this for the entire passage, make sure
that each student got at least one chance to
After reading aloud one paragraph, ask for
confusing vocabulary and useful
expressions. Ask SS to make a sentence with
the expression.
T: Are there any confusing words or
expressions in the text? Can each of you
circle one useful word or expression in this T-SS,
paragraph? What does XXX mean? Can you T-S,S-SS
make a sentence with it?
While students were talking, type down the
words and expressions mentioned by them in
a blank google doc or ask the students to do 10 min

3. After reading the entire passage, ask the T-S, S-SS

following questions.
What's Mark's wish? (first, SS have to locate
the wish which is in P2)
Do you think it is practical? Why or why
1 minute to prepare before presenting.

1.3 Post-Stage:
After reading, what kind of lifestyle does
Mark have? Can you think of some
adjectives to describe it?
Why do you like or don't like his lifestyle?
Would you like to try?
Do you think people are spending too much
money on things they don’t need?
Personally speaking, are you one of those
Oral discussion of this topic.

5 min
Wrap-up Lesson Evaluation Procedures:
- One thing you learn in today’s class.
- Any questions?

1. Materials:
Blank google doc
The picture of the main role(in a google doc or a slide)

2. Anticipated Problems & Suggested Solutions:

Students might have trouble with describing the picture, it is possible to switch questions from
referential to display.

3. Contingency Plans (what you will do if you finish early? need to cut LP? etc.)
If we have extra time, put students in the breakout room for the final discussion and ask them to
report back to class. Teachers could take notes of mistakes while listening in the breakout room.
As a result, the teacher could give a quick corrective feedback session after students’ sharing.
If we don’t have enough time, then just ask one to two questions in the final discussion session.

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