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CLP Lesson Plan Template

Teacher/s: _________Yiwen ____________________________________________

Level: __LI1_________ Date/Time: _______60 min_____________________

Students Will Be Able To…
1.discuss common ways to cook various foods
2.identify sequence adverbs in listening material
3.describe a recipe using sequence adverbs
Theme: _____How do you make it?___________________________

Aim/Skill/Microskill Activity/Procedure/Stage Interaction Time

Purpose/objective/focus: ‘have you ever’ 35mi
Activity 1: question formation and discuss cooking n
1.1 Pre-Stage:
T: Let’s review the cooking methods we
talked about yesterday really quickly. T-SS 5 min
Word power and the Go through the pictures with them again and
review of ‘have you add three new cooking methods.
ever’ T: Hey guys, I know all of you have good
memories so it’s time to check on whether
you can still remember these pictures! Let’s
look at this first one, what do you think is
Transition to #2:_We the cooking method?
have learned a lot about Pronunciation drill for each cooking method,
how you guys often cook ask SS to repeat after me.
something. I notice that
you are using different T: Wonderful! I know you guys can do it!
cooking methods to cook Now, let’s look at these three pictures,
the same food. For because I want to challenge you a little bit.
instance, there are What do you think about this picture? Any
different ways to cook ideas?
pasta. Let’s look at this Details of the cooking methods would be T-S 8-10
picture, can you included in the google slide. min
recognize what type of T: When you are cooking, what kind of
pasta dish it is? cooking method do you often use when you
________________ cook dinner? For instance, I prefer steaming
because it is easy and it saves the nutritions
in the food. What about you guys?
Follow up Q: Can you tell when was the last
time you (steam/bake/roast… based on SS
answers) something? Tell me about the
1.2. During Stage: 12
Take a look at all these different foods in the T-SS min
textbook, I will give you 2 minutes to finish
the chart. How do you often cook these
foods? Check the methods that are most
common. Ask each other using ‘have you
ever baked fish?/have you ever fried
Model the activity if students are not
familiar with ‘have you ever’ by asking one T-S
student using ‘have you ever’ and then guide
the students to use ‘Yes, I have or No, I
T: Have you ever baked potatoes?
S: Yes.
T: Yes, I ? What’s the full sentence?
S: Yes, I have.
T: Wonderful, remember to answer these
questions with the full sentence.
T: I will put you guys in the breakout room.
(7 Min) Please introduce your way of
cooking these foods or your family’s
methods. Ask follow-up questions about the
dish or the steps of cooking as we did before.
Ask a student to ask the teacher first to
model. Then ask all students to have at least T-S, S-S
one follow up question to ask the teacher.
S:Have you ever fried a fish?
T:Yes, I have.
S: What was the dish?/How was it?/Do you
like it?
T: It was a spicy dish, I had to fry the fish S-SS
and then make a spicy sauce on top… T-SS
8 min
1.3 Post-Stage:
SS back and report, ask follow up questions.
The other group of students has to ask at
least one follow up question. Share the story
with this dish (1 to 2 sentences).

Oral presentation about cooking different
foods with different methods

Purpose/objective/focus: identify sequence 25

Activity 2: adv in the listening, then discuss recipe min
using them

2.1 Pre-Stage:
Are you guys familiar with cooking pasta?
Listening and speaking What are the steps to make delicious pasta? T-SS 8 min
Eg: boil pasta, make sauce, mix them
together, serve.
When was the last time you had pasta?
(Where did you taste it? Who made it? Was
it good?) S-S
Ask one student to ask one follow up
question to another student’s answer of pasta
experience. Try to have every student ask at
least one follow-up question.
If students use past tense, provide corrective

2.2. During Stage:

T-SS, S-SS 6 min
T: Alright, let’s listen to a short passage
which is talking about how to cook pasta.
Pay attention to the different cooking
methods. Let's check what we have heard.
What are the main steps? Does anyone have
anything to add?
Write down the steps in the chat box/google

T: Listen again, do you notice what adverbs 11

were used to describe sequences? min
Write the words in the chatbox

2.3 Post-Stage:
T: Now, can you repeat the cooking process
based on your memory?
Report and give corrective feedback.
We were talking about how to make pasta in
your way at the beginning. After listening to
her way of cooking and how to use sequence
adverbs to organize our steps. I want you
guys to spend 4 minutes to prepare and then
try to use sequence adverbs to describe your
way of cooking pasta.
Report and give corrective feedback


A short written recipe using the sequence

adverbs and appropriate cooking methods

1. Materials:

2. Anticipated Problems & Suggested Solutions:

Students might already know the sequence adverbs but they might not be familiar with using
them to describe a recipe so I will give them some time to prepare before speaking. It is even
possible to let them write down the steps before speaking up.

3. Contingency Plans (what you will do if you finish early? need to cut LP? etc.):
If I have more time, I might ask students to discuss one more dish, maybe french toast, because it
is popular and doesn’t have many steps.
Possible ingredients:
● 3 eggs
● 1/8-1/4 cup sugar of choice
● 1/2 cup of milk/soy milk
● six slices of hearty bread (we like sourdough)
● 1/2 tsp vanilla
● cinnamon to taste - we used about 1/4 tsp

● Beat the eggs and then add the milk and whisk a little more
● Add whatever sugar you like, some cinnamon and a bit of vanilla. Whisk it together so
you don't have any clumps of sugar or cinnamon floating around.
● Pour the egg/milk/awesome mixture into a shallow, wide pan. Soak the bread for about
30 seconds per side. (You just don't want to see any dry spots on the bread.)
● Place the soaked slices of bread on a plate and let them rest while you warm up a pan on
the stove.
● Heat a nonstick pan (or something non-stick with a little butter in it) over medium heat.
● Cook them for about two minutes per side, depending on how dark you like them.

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