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In the preparation of this report, I acknowledge the encouragement and assistance

given by a number of people from IPE.
I sincerely thank Dr. Reshmi Ann Thomas for providing assistance and guiding me in doing
this project. I thank her once again for exposing me to research methodology and also
exposing me to software package SPSS.
I want to show my gratefulness to all the respondents who spared their precious time in
answering my questionnaires.


This research intends to investigate the relationships between the independent variables
(offers,affordability,customer service, connectivity) and the dependent variable (customer
satisfaction in Vodafone). It is a correlational study that measures the relationship by showing
offers,affordability,customer service, connectivity as the independent variables and consumer
preference as the dependent variable. The sample for this study was the IPE postgraduate
students who use Vodafone as their service providers. Total 43 questionnaires were
distributed among the undergraduate students and each questionnaireconsists of 14 questions.
therefore 602 questions were used for data analysis. SPSS 15.0 was used to analyze the
collected data. Reliability analysis and stepwise regression analysis were performed for
testing hypothesis. Finally, considering the time and resource constraints, the researcher tried
to follow every possible guideline to establish the relationship between the variables.

Research Objective ! „ 

Mobiles places a vital role in our life these days. There are many network providers in the
market. Vodafone is one of the major player in the telecom sector. This research is all about
customers using Vodafone as their serivce providers.
The customer has wide choice of selecting the network, among them
Vodafone stands the first to be choosen and that is the reson why it is said to be worlds
largest network.
The main objective of this research is to find out whether the customers using Vodafone as
their service providers are satisfied with its service or not. Satisfaction of the customer is the
main priority of a service. More than 70% of its users are satisfied with its service (according
to the researcher).

Problem Statment :
In today¶s competitive environment, the pursuit of enhancing consumers preference to
choose the service provider and their satisfaction is now considered as an essential strategy.
Preference to buy in fact, the behavior intention of the customer to choose vodafone .
Adopting effective strategies to make the customers choose vodafone is going to be a
profitable strategy and this kind of profitable strategy results in more new customers, more
business with existing customers, more insulation from price competition and fewer mistakes
regarding service.

Limitations of the study :

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The study was limited by a number of factors. Firstly, the study was confined only to IPE
Students. Secondly, sample size was too small to represent the proposed scenario. Thirdly
time constraint led to get narrower outcomes, and finally the knowledge constraint of the
researcher was another limitation for the study


In 1982 Racal Electronics plc's subsidiary Racal Strategic Radio Ltd. won one of two UKcellular

telephone network licenses. The network, known as Racal Vodafone was 80%owned by Racal, with

Millicom and the Hambros Technology Trust owning 15% and 5%respectively. Vodafone was

launched on 1 January 1985. Racal Strategic Radio wasrenamed Racal Telecommunications Group
Limited in 1985. On 29 December 1986Racal Electronics bought out the minority shareholders of

Vodafone for GB£110 million.

In September 1988 the company was again renamed Racal Telecom and on 26 October1988 Racal

Electronics floated 20% of the company. The flotation valued Racal Telecomat GB£1.7 billion On 16

September 1991 Racal Telecom was demerged from RacalElectronics as Vodafone Group.

In July 1996 Vodafone acquired the two thirds of Talkland it did not already own for£30.6 million.

On 19 November 1996, in a defensive move, Vodafone purchased PeoplesPhone for £77 million, a

181 store chain whose customers were overwhelmingly usingVodafone's network. In a similar move

the company acquired the 80% of AstecCommunications that it did not own, a service provider with

21 stores.

In 1997 Vodafone introduced its Speech mark logo, as it is a quotation mark in a circle;the O's in the

Vodafone logotype are opening and closing quotation marks, suggestingconversation.

Vodafone Essar is owned by Vodafone 52%, Essar Group 33%, and other Indian
nationals, 15%.

On February 11, 2007, Vodafone agreed to acquire the controlling interest of 67% held byLi Ka Shing

Holdings in Hutch-Essar for US$11.1 billion, pipping RelianceCommunications, Hinduja Group, and

Essar Group, which is the owner of the remaining33%. The whole company was valued at USD 18.8

billion. The transaction closed onMay 8, 2007.

Vodafone had highest customer satisfaction index in 2007
Lisbon, 25 August 2008 - Vodafone obtained the highest customer satisfaction index inthe
telecommunications sector in 2007, according to annual results published by
Anacom.Vodafone achieved a satisfaction index of 74.4 (on a scale of 0 to 100), the highest
scoreof all the companies in the Portuguese telecommunications market and
considerablyabove the sector average of 67.6.

In the report published by Anacom, Vodafone is ranked in first place in all the
indicatorsincluded in the survey: Satisfaction with the operator, Image that customers have of
theoperator, Customer Expectations, Perceived Quality of the operator's network and

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(‘ Is there a significant relationship between offers as a factor to influence consumer

preference to vodafone?‘
(‘ Is there a significant relationship between Affordability as a factor to influence consumer
preference to vodafone?
(‘ Is there a significant relationship between Customer care as a factor to influence
consumer preference to vodafone?
(‘ Is there a significant relationship between connectivity as a factor to influence consumer
preference to vodafone?

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The preference of vodafone as service provider is dependent upon various factors.

The dependent variable here is preference and independent variables which were taken into
consideration while designing this conceptual model are as follows

The main attractive thing for the customers in choosing their serivce provider is
india is a economical country preference should be give to the offers inorder to attract the
As the connectivity of any service provider is an important aspect in choosing the network by
the customer.if the connectivity of the service provider is not good the preference will be low.
Since the research is being conducted in on basis of customer satisfaction,Affordability plays
a key role.Now a days the competation in the market is becoming very rigid ,customers
choose their service provider acording to their economy.
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When a customer call their service provider for any assitance or complaint regarding the
inconvience caused ,will definatly influence the customer in choosing the vodafone as their
service provider.
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Research Design
The relationship between the independent variables (Connectivity,Customer
care,Afforadability,Offers) and the dependent variable (Customer satisfaction) has been
portrayed by the conceptual model. As a result, the model specifically supports the research
questions and hypotheses.

The study of the relationship between two or more variables is referred to as a correlational
study. Here in this study, a correlational research design was selected in order to find out the
appropriate answers of the research questions which are, in fact,
the hypotheses that the researcher wanted to prove. The variable relationship shown in the
model also suggested the correlational design.
To gather data on the research questions, the researchers used questionnaire. The rationale
behind using questionnaire to collect data is:
1) It takes less time to fill up a questionnaire.
2) Personal interview is not considered due to the shortage of time and cost.
3) The data gathered through questionnaire is easy to analyze.
In the long run, questionnaire seemed to be the most appropriate method to collect data for
this study.

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The sample was the IPE postgraduate students. The sample was believed to provide adequate
findings about this study. In this non-probability convenience sampling technique and
decided to gather data by distribution questionnaires.

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The questionnaire method had been used for data collection for this study, the
questionnaires distributed among the IPE students. Few reasons to choose this research
method. These are as follows:
1. It allows large amounts of information to be obtained at a relatively low cost.
2. More accurate responses are expected to be obtained because interviewer bias is avoided.
Since this study intended to measure the factors which influence the customers satisfaction
willingness to choose vodafone as their service provider.

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Pearson¶s Correlation analysis had been 
used to find out the relationship between the
independent and dependent variables. Correlation analysis is the statistical tool that can be
used to describe the degree to which one variable is linearly related to another
After collecting the data, Pearson¶s correlational matrix for the variables was prepared and
the researcher looked for significant correlations. The researchers used descriptives,
correlations, and regressions to test the strength of associations between the studied variables.
The Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 15 software was installed to
analyze the data collected from the actual survey.

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The marketers cannot take the customers lightly so they should promote and place new offer
inorder to attract customers and also improving connectivity and a quick response from the
customer care if problem arises. So the reasons and insight into the psychology of the Indian
customer and the preferences of vodafone.
Therefore, proves the relationship between customer satisfaction (dependent variable) and
offers,connectivity,affordability,customer support (independent variables).
In the long run, we can say that the above relationship provides significant insight to the
preferance of vodafone.

c:  S P S S
(‘ Naresh Malhotra 5th (2008) Marketing Research
(‘ Bennett, P.D. (1988). 2  ‘‘ 
  ‘ , American Marketing
Association. Chicago: IL.
(‘ McCarthy, E.J. and Perault, W.D. (1990). @ ‘ 
  ‘(10th ed.), IL: Richard D.
Irwin & Homewood.
(‘ Vodafone official wesite (

cü  S P S S

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