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Aesirian Code of Nine!

1). The Code is to Honor- Honor your self with truth & fairness. Your word is your bond,
give you word power by adhering to it. Honor your family & friends with reverence &
respect. Honor your love & the Way above all else. Honor is the mark of strength &
nobility. Honor is a big encompassing theology all of its own. Here we find the axiom of
“be true to oneself” is quite appropriate. One should be honest & truthful with them
selves before they can be honorable to others. Discipline & self-control are key attributes
to this.

2). The Code is to Protect- Protect with savagery your blood & kin. Let no one or nothing
violate your love or Way. Let there always be inequity in defense. Always protect thrice
as fiercely as one is attacked. Protection is the mark of a warrior spirit. Does not mean
that one goes out & beats people to death. No, this section calls for intelligence, self-
control & wit. There are many ways to protect one’s own, & working to bring prosperity
& safety to one’s home is only one way of accomplishing this. You cannot protect your
family adequately if you are locked up, or dead.

3). The Code is to Flourish- Prosperity & growth are key to the survival & the Way. Such
is the mark of intelligence. Here we find a section, which supports the prior. Hard work
as well as smart-work, are key aspects here. By working to bring prosperity to the home
& family, we find that we are better equipped to nurture & protect them. This also
ensures, continuity, at a very basic level.

4). The Code is Knowledge- Knowledge is power. Seek ever to expand the mind. Never
stagnate, for knowledge is a gift from the Gods. For those who think they know it all,
they are not being true to themselves or their kin. For those who are true, you will hear
them say, “I find out, everyday, how little I know.” Do not let pride stop you from
learning. This aspect of the code fully supports the others.

5). The Code is Change- Adapting & changing are important for growth & survival. That
which cannot adapt or change is doomed to perish. Change is the mark of insight. It is
human nature, in our present form, to resist change. However change is usually for the
better, & a part of the natural cycle. Be open to any changes, which might improve your
lot, or that of your family & kin. Sacrifice may be needed, & such should be faced
heroically. Change which seems daunting; always look to discover what positive benefits
may be hidden initially.

6). The Code of Fairness- Pay all debts, pull your own weight, always hear & consider all
sides. Treat all others with equity & fairness. Expect the same. This is, perhaps the most
noble of the code, as seems to portray the most basic of our personal responsibilities
which extend & affect our families & communities in a very direct manner. This is also
the big Gebo aspect of the Code.
7). The Code is Balance- Remember the law of balance; All that which you do or wish
for, good or ill, shall return to you one day. Strive for the good. A fundamental part of a
healthy life is balance, in all things. While always striving for the good or positive in
everything, face the negative with bravery & fairness, being open to find the good within
the seemingly bad.

8). The Code is Control- Never loose control to anger or be baited by hostility. Never
strike a woman unless your life hangs in the balance. Never violate the weak or innocent.
Never tolerate those who do. Control is the mark of a disciplined mind, a sign of the
greatest of warriors. Self-control walks hand in hand with self-discipline, & therefore
honor. Whether one aspires to the warrior level of existence or not, this is one of the more
important parts of the Code. One must decide if they wish to be an asset of their family,
faith & folk, or a burdensome lesser being.

9). The Code of Conflict- Those of our way, the “Old Way”, must know the art of combat,
weapons & vengeance. War is part of the path. Always be prepared for hostility. It is a
destiny woven into the fibers of our people. Keep body, mind & training up at all times.
Have no remorse in the savagery of conflict. Win, prevail & survive. In this modern era,
with what are perceived to be liberal values, we find that such are, in actuality, eroding
honesty & truthfulness. These alien ideologies have us running around avoiding direct
confrontation on all levels of otherwise (fretful) communications. Instead of bringing
peace & coexistence, the opposite occurs. This part of the Code does not necessarily call
us to arms, but seeks to open communication & dialogue; to reinstall bravery at its most
basic level. Do not be afraid to confront the one whom you feel slighted by; do not be
afraid to confront your own fears.

Ves Heill! Farr Heill!

Hail Odin!
Hail the Goddesses and Gods of the North!
Hail To Our Folk!

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