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MOOC Approval Form For Credit Transfer

Name of the Faculty : Dr. Vivak Ujjwal

Name of the School : School of Agriulture
Name and code of MOOC course : Introduction to Poultry Farming
Course offering platform (National : NPTEL/Other SWAYAM national coordinators/others
coordinator) If others mention the name:

Name of the collaborating institutions : Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)
Course instructor –on MOOC Platform :  Dr. P. Vijayakumar
No. Of credits : 03
No. Of weeks : 10
Is there a proctored exam : yes /no : No
Proposed date of start of course in MOOC : 01 Jul 2020
Proposed date of examination : Not Decclared
Course mentor/CC name at GU : Dr. Vivak Ujjwal
Mentor’s mail ID and phone number :
GU Course Name Opted For Credit : Livestock and Poultry Management
GU Course code : AGRI3004
Program in which the course is of Semester : B.Sc. in Agriculture
Year : Semester : V
No of Students : 52

With reference to the above mentioned subject, I Dr. Vivak Ujjwakl wish to inform that I am willing
and accepting to offer the above mentioned course as a credit transfer course and I hereby inform that I
have read and understood completely the credit transfer norms of Galgotias University.

Signature of Mentor School SPOC Program Chair Dean

1. Syllabus of GU course along with COs and the percentage mapping chosen for credit transfer.
2. Syllabus of NPTEL course selected.

University Coordinator Recommended by Approved by

Dean Academics Vice Chancellor
Unit 1 8 Hours
Role of live-stock in the national economy.Important Indian and exotic breeds of cattle,
buffalo, sheep, goat, swine and poultry.

Unit 1I 6 Hours
Management of calves, growing heifers and milch animals. Digestion in livestock
.Classification of feedstuffs.Proximate principles of feed. Nutrients and their functions.
Feeding of live-stock.

Unit 1II 6 Hours

Incubation, hatching and brooding.Management of growers and layers. Digestion in poultry.
Classification of feedstuffs.Proximate principles of feed.Nutrients and their functions.. Feeding
of poultry.

Unit 1V 5 Hours
Housing principles, space requirements for different species of livestock and poultry.

Unit V 4 Hours
Introduction of live-stock and poultry diseases. Prevention (including vaccination schedule)
and control of important diseases of livestock and poultry.
Unit VI 4 Hours
Feed ingredients for ration for livestock. Feed supplements and feed additives. Feed
ingredients for ration for poultry.

Course Outcomes:
CO1 Understanding the role of live-stock in the national economy.
CO2 Different types of distribution.
CO3 Learning about management of calves, growing heifers and milch animals.
CO4 Incubation, hatching and brooding.
CO5 Housing principles.
CO6 Effect of feed ingredients on livestock and poultry production

NPTEL Syllabus

Introduction to Poultry Farming: Layout
Week 1: Lesson 1: Indian Poultry Industry - Brief View
Indian Poultry Industry
Lesson 2: Indian Poultry Industry - Growing Trends

Week 2: Lesson 3: Common Technical Terms in Poultry

Technical Terms Used in Poultry Production
Farming Lesson 4: Poultry Body System and Functions

Week 3: Lesson 5: Poultry Farming in India

Poultry Farming in India
Lesson 6:Poultry Development Programmes in

Week 4: Lesson 7: Various Types of Poultry Farms

Types of Poultry Farms
Lesson 8:Rural Backyard Poultry Farming

Lesson 9: Small Scale Broiler Farming for Meat

Week 5:
Small Scale and Commercial Broiler
Lesson 10:Commercial Intensive Broiler Farming
for Meat Production

Lesson 11: Small Scale Layer Farming for Eggs

Week 6:
Small Scale and Commercial Layer
Lesson 12:Commercial Layer Farming for Eggs

Lesson 13: Duck Farming for Eggs and Meat

Week 7:
Duck and Quail Farming
Lesson 14:Quail Farming for Eggs and Meat

Lesson 15: Turkey Farming for Eggs and Meat

Week 8:
Turkey and Mixed Farming
Lesson 16:Poultry Breeder Farms and Integrated
Mixed Farming

Week 9: Lesson 17: Breeds, Varieties and Strains of Poultry

Poultry Breeds and Breeding
Lesson 18:Systems of Poultry Breeding
Week 10: Lesson 19: Culling of Birds for Profitable Poultry
Culling and Judging of Poultry Farming
Lesson 20:Judging of Poultry for Better


Course OLP-001: Introduction to Poultry Farming of “Certificate in Poultry Farming” programme being offered
by School of Agriculture, IGNOU.

Narahari, D. 1996. Commercial Broiler Production, Emkay Publishers, East Krishna Nagar, Delhi.

Jadhav, N.V. and Siddiqui, M.F. 2007. Handbook of Poultry Production andManagement, 2ndEdn, New Delhi.

Sreenivasaiah, P.V. 2006. Scientific Poultry Production - A UniqueEncyclopaedia, 3rd Edn., International Book
Distributing Co., Lucknow (UP).

Das, S.K. 2006. Poultry Production, CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi.

GU course (AGRI3004) mapping with MOOC course (Introduction to Poultry


Unit I:Role of live-stock in the national economy.Important Indian and exotic
breeds of cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, swine and poultry.
Unit II:Digestion in livestock .Classification of feedstuffs. Management of WEEK 3, WEEK 4,
calves, growing heifers and milch animals. Digestion in livestock WEEK 5 and WEEK
Unit III: Incubation, hatching and brooding.Management of growers and layers.
Digestion in poultry. Classification of feedstuffs.Proximate principles of
feed.Nutrients and their functions. Feeding of poultry.
Unit IV and Unit V: Housing principles, space requirements for different species
of livestock and poultry.
9 and WEEK 10
Unit VI: Feed ingredients for ration for livestock. Feed supplements and feed
additives. Feed ingredients for ration for poultry
Nearly 70 % course are mapping

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