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Investigation of Changes in the Structure

of Clays During Hydrothermal Study

of Drilling Fluids

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Leroy L. Carney, SPE, Texas Tech U. and Concentrated Mud Chemicals Inc.
Necip Guven, Texas Tech U.

The need for a drilling fluid that will exhibit its basic solids in the drilling fluid. This new phase occurs as
requirements at temperature levels high enough to be laths elongation along the b axis, with lengths of 2 to
used for geothermal drilling has prompted studies of 3 microns (2 to 3 j-tm) and widths of 0.1 to 0.7
various systems. I The temperature range of some of microns (0.1 to 0.7 j-tm). The laths generally form
these studies has been between ambient temperature regular aggregates similar to cordwood. In many of
and 700°F (370°C). A system was developed that these stacks, individual laths are arranged in a
exhibited the desirable properties of a good drilling regular manner into single crystals or into
fluid system at elevated temperatures and pressures. polysynthetic twins; some of them exhibit a perfect
A fluid that exhibited these desirable properties after morphology with 60° interfacial angles. The selected
being subjected to high temperature and pressure was area electron diffraction patterns of the new
unusual as compared with presently used fluids. crystalline phase displays an A-centered lattice with
Therefore, investigation into why these fluids were the unit-cell parameters: b = 7.17 ± 0.05 A, c =
capable of exhibiting good rheology and fluid-loss 14.6 ± 0.1 A, and ex = 90° 10' ± 10'. These lattice
control was conducted. It was found that certain parameters and the morphological features of the
mineralogical components of the drilling fluid un- new crystalline phase are similar to those of
dergo transformation after being subjected to high xonotlite, a hydrated cement mineral.
temperatures and pressures. The conversion is After these tests were completed, further studies
temperature dependent but also is affected by the were conducted using sepiolite alone in water and
presence of various salts as well as the presence of sepiolite with various salts added under controlled
silica and calcium. conditions. The usefulness of sepiolite in drilling
The fluids under investigation contained the fluids under extreme conditions of temperature,
mineral sepiolite as the basic ingredient. The changes pressure, and pH during deep-well drilling now is
in the sepiolite are reported in this paper. recognized.
Commonly, these drilling fluids are contaminated
Introduction with salts of Na, Ca, and Mg from the formation.
A drilling fluid (350 mL) containing sepiolite (15 g), Sometimes the salts or hydroxides are added pur-
Wyoming bentonite (5 g), NaOH (0.5 g), and organic posely to the drilling fluids. Therefore, it is im-
polymers (2.5 g) was heated at 700°F (370°C) for 16 portant to evaluate the effects of these salts and
hours in a cement consistometer. In this system, after hydroxides on the sepiolite under hydrothermal
the same hydrothermal treatment, almost all the conditions.
sepiolite was destroyed along with the carbonates and
the 12.3- A Na-montmorillonite was converted to Methodology
13.3- A montmorillonite. A new crystalline phase Evaluation is based on the formulation of 100 mL of
was formed, constituting about 10 to 15070 of the fluids, containing 4 g sepiolite and 1 g salt (or hy-
droxide), subjected to hydrothermal treatments in a
high-temperature, high-pressure autoclave at tem-
Copyright 1980 Society of Petroleum Engineers peratures ranging from 300 to 600°F (150 to 316°C)
OCTOBER 1980 385
(all at 24 hours)
Amounts of
Temperature/Pressure in Reaction
Systems (OF/psi) (C/bars) (wt%)
Sepiolite/H 2O 300/475 149/33
300/10,000 149/690 5
400/500 204/35 20
500/1,000 260/69 40
600/20,000 316/1,379 80
Sepiolite/NaCI 300/475 149/33
300/10,000 149/690
400/1,000 204/69 60

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500/1,000 260/69 70
600/20,000 316/1,379 80
Sepiolite/NaOH '300/200 149/14
400/500 204/35 20
500/1,000 260/69 70
Sepiolite/CaCl 2 300/475 149/33
300/10,000 149/690
400/1,000 204/69 20
500/1,000 260/69 50
600/20,000 316/1,379 80
Sepiolite/Ca(OHb 300/200 149/14
400/500 204/35 10
500/1,000 260/69 30
Sepiolite/MgCl 2 300/475 149/33
300/10,000 149/690
400/1,000 204/69 5
500/1,000 260/69 40
600/20,000 316/1,379 60
Sepiolite/Mg(OH)2 300/200 149/14
400/500 204/35 10
400/1,000 260/69 70
'Not detectable with X-ray powder diffraction.
··Present but at a level below 5%.

for 24 hours under pressures ranging from 200 to products of the hydrothermal runs were examined by
20,000 psi (13.79 to l379 bar). After the a Philips Norelco X-ray diffractometer. Oriented
hydrothermal runs, these samples were washed with clay films were air-dried at room temperature and
water, centrifuged, and then dialyzed to remove the 40% relative humidity. They then were saturated
excess salts. Subsequently, oriented clay films were with ethylene glycol for 24 hours.
prepared. These oriented slides were X-rayed after The conversion rate of sepiolite to smectite in
having been air-dried at room temperature and at a various systems and under different temperatures
relative humidity of 40 to SOUTo. The same slides then and pressures is shown in Table 1. Some examples of
were saturated with ethylene glycol and X-rayed the conversion as determined by X-ray diffraction
again. On the X-ray diffraction patterns of the air- are shown in Fig. 1.2 These data were supported by
dried slides, the 011 reflection of sepiolite (about 12 observations using an electron microscope, where the
A) and the 011 reflection of smectite (12 to 15 A) needle-like structure of sepiolite can be seen con-
superimpose. This superposition leads to the ap- verting to the flaky particles of smectite. 2
pearance of a very strong composite reflection. Upon Electron-microscope grids (coated with Formvar)
glycol saturation of the sample, this composite also were prepared from the sample, which was
reflection resolves into the distinct reflections of washed and dialyzed. These grids subsequently were
sepiolite and smectite. coated with gold and carbon. A lEM-7 electron
The quantitative X-ray diffraction analysis of the microscope was operated at 80 kV. The results of
reaction products was performed by comparing the these mineralogical studies are discussed in the
intensity of the 17- A smectite (glycolated) reflection following.
with the intensity of the 12- A sepiolite reflection.
Mixtures of the sepiolite (used in these experiments) Reactions of Sepiolite in the Presence
and Cheto smectite (from Arizona) were prepared at of Salts and Hydroxides
10% intervals. The Cheto smectite was chosen
because of its morphological similarity with me Sepiolite and NaCI Systems
smectite formed in these experiments. Both the Hydrothermal treatment at 300°F (149°C) under
synthetic mixtures (sepiolite/Cheto smectite) and the pressure of 475 psi (33 bar) does not seem to cause


12.111". 12.2s1

149"C 149·


690 BARS

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1319 BARS 316·C _
1379 BARS i

12· 10· ~ •• 4· 28 12" 10· e· 6· 4· 28 12" 10" e· e· 4· 28 12· 10· e· 6· 4· 28


Fig. 1 - X·ray diffraction data.

any changes in sepiolite. The X-ray diffraction sepiolite. Before the glycolation, the 011 reflection of
pattern after this treatment displays a 12.11- A smectite and the 011 reflection of sepiolite
reflection for the air-dried sample. This 12.11- A superimpose and form a strong reflection at 14.05 A.
reflection (sepiolite 011) shows a slight expansion to Similar reactions take place in the system at 500°F
12.38 A upon glycol saturation. No smectite is (260°C) and under a pressure of 1,000 psi (69 bar) in
formed under these conditions. When the pressure is 24 hours. Smectite makes up about 70% of the
increased to 10,000 psi (690 bar) at 300°F (149°C), a sample after the hydrothermal reaction at 500°F
few (about 5070) smectite-like layers seem to develop. (260°C). The X-ray diffraction pattern of the sample
This is indicated on the X-ray diffraction pattern in after glycol saturation shows a strong 17.1- A
the form of a broad but weak reflection at 18.4 A. reflection of smectite and a distinct reflection at 12.7
On the same pattern, the sepiolite displays its 011 A (Fig. 1). Electron-microscopic examination of the
reflection at 12.11 A, which expands slightly to samples after 400 and 500°F (204 and 260°C)
about 12.3 A upon glycolation. Thus, the increase in treatments show the common sepiolite fibers and
the pressure from 475 to 10,000 psi (33 to 690 bar) smectite particles. These smectites display the
has only a small effect in promoting sepiolite-to- transition of fibrous units into flakes with an
smectite conversion. Sepiolite occurs in fibers or in irregular outline. In parts of these flakes the original
bundles of fibers after these hydrothermal reactions. fibers are still visible. 2
They do not seem to have been affected in their When the temperature is raised to 600°F (316°C)
morphology by the above hydrothermal conditions in and the pressure is increased to 20,000 psi (1,379
the sepiolite/NaCI system. bar), smectite makes up about 80% of the sample in
Major changes in sepiolite take place when the 24 hours. The X-ray diffraction pattern of the glycol-
temperature is raised to 400°F (204°C). Large saturated samples after this treatment shows distinct
amounts of smectite (about 70%) form at this 12.34- A reflection of sepiolite and 17.0- A reflection
temperature and under a pressure of 1,000 psi (69 of smectite.
bar). The X-ray diffraction pattern of the glycol-
saturated sample reveals a very strong 17.4- A Sepiolite and NaOH Systems
reflection of smectite and a 12.28-A reflection of Reactions in the system of sepiolite and NaOH were
OCTOBER 1980 387
carried out at 300, 400, and 500°F (149, 204, and which the inherent fibrous texture is almost disap-
260°C). At 300°F (149°C) and 200 psi (13.79 bar) no pearing. Only a little unaltered sepiolite is observed
changes were observed in sepiolite when the sample during the electron-microscope examination.
was examined subsequently with an electron
microscope. At 4()O°F (204°C), about 20070 smectite Sepiolite and Ca(OH)2 Systems
was formed. At 500°F (260°C) and 1,000 psi (69 During hydrothermal treatments at 300 and 400°F
bar), more smectite develops at the cost of sepiolite. (149 and 204°C), sepiolite undergoes reactions
The sample after the treatment consists of about 70070 similar to those of the previous system with CaCl 2 at
smectite. An intermediate phase (sepiolite/smectite the same temperatures. After the treatment at 300°F
mixed layering) is revealed by a distinct 12.83-A (149°C) and 200 psi (13.79 bar) for 24 hours,
reflection for the glycol-saturated sample. This sepiolite displays a strong 12.01- A reflection in the
intermediate phase is about 30070 of the sample. air-dried state. This reflection expands slightly to
12.28- A upon glycolation. No smectite is developed,
Sepiolite and CaCI 2 Systems but small quantities of newly formed calcite (5070) are

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observed. Appreciable amounts of smectite (about
The hydrothermal treatment at 300°F (149°C) and 30070) develop in this system when the temperature is
475 psi (33 bar) does not cause any visible changes in raised to 500°F (260°C). At this temperature, a
sepiolite's morphology or in its structure. The X-ray sepiolite/smectite mixed layer with a 12.77-A
diffraction pattern of the sample after treatment reflection makes up the rest of the sample. Electron-
gives 12.0-A spacing for sepiolite's 011 in the air- microscopic examination shows that sepiolite fibers
dried state. This 011 spacing shows a slight expansion and their bundles, with no visible alteration, are
to 12.28 A upon glycol saturation. When the about 50070 of the sample. Other sepiolite aggregates
pressure is increased to 10,000 psi (690 bar) at 300°F show alterations to a flaky phase.
(149°C), similar results are obtained as the lower-
pressure runs; the only difference is the appearance Sepiolite and MgCI2 Systems
of small quantities (5070) of smectite. This smectite is At 300°F (149°C) and 475 psi (33 bar), sepiolite does
revealed by a broad but weak reflection at 17.0 A not seem to alter to smectite in 24 hours. The X-ray
upon glycolation of the sample. No discrete smectite diffraction pattern of the sample after this treatment
particle is observed, but a few of the fibrous sepiolite displays the strong 12.14- A reflection of sepiolite in
aggregates show flaky transitional patches. Most of the air-dried state. This reflection shifts slightly upon
the sepiolite maintains its fibrous morphology at this glycol saturation to 12.28 A. Almost identical results
point. At 400°F (204°C) and 1,000 psi (69 bar), are obtained when the pressure is increased to 10,000
smectite develops and is about 20070 of the sample. psi (690 bar), but the temperature is kept at 300°F
This smectite has a broad reflection, with a peak (149°C). Smectite seems to develop first at 400°F
position at 17.3 A for the glycolated sample. The rest (204°C) in this system. Appreciable quantities of
of the sample (80070) consists of sepiolite, which does smectite (about 40070) are formed at 500°F (260°C).
not seem to be affected by this treatment. The X-ray The X-ray pattern of the glycol-saturated sample in
pattern displays a strong 12.11- A reflection for Fig. 1 displays strong reflections at 12.28 A for
sepiolite in the air-dried state after this treatment. sepiolite and 17.6 A for smectite. Before the glycol
The 12.11- A reflection of sepiolite expands slightly saturation, these two phases form a composite
to 12.24 A upon glycol saturation. reflection at 12.04 A in the air-dried state. After the
After the hydrothermal treatment at 500°F hydrothermal treatment at 600°F (316°C) and 20,000
(260°C) and 1,000 psi (69 bar) for 24 hours, the psi (1379 bar) for 24 hours, the sample consists of
sa,mple consists of 50070 sepiolite and 50070. smectite. about 60070 smectite and 40070 sepiolite. After this
Upon glycolation, the X-ray diffraction pattern of treatment, the X-ray patterns of glycol-saturated
the sample displays two distinct reflections at 12.28 samples display strong reflections at 12.27 A for
A sepiolite and 17.1 A for smectite. Before the sepiolite and 18.4 A for the smectite-like phase. The
glycol saturation, there appears only one reflection at 18.4- A basal spacing is unusually large for a glycol-
12.03 A, which represents the superposition of saturated smectite (Fig. 1).
sepiolite's 011 and smectite's 011 reflections. Similar
results are obtained in this system when the pressure
is raised to 20,000 psi (1,379 bar) and the temperature Sepiolite and Mg(OH)2 Systems
is kept at 500°F (260°C). This again shows that the Reactions in this system at 300 and 400°F (149 and
pressure has minor influence in converting sepiolite 204°C) are very similar to those in the previous
to smectite in these hydrothermal systems. MgCl 2 system. Some differences are observed
When the temperature is raised to 600°F (316°C), between these two systems at 500°F (260°C). The
most of the sepiolite converts into smectite. The X- presence of Mg(OHh instead of MgCl 2 seems to be
ray pattern displays a broad reflection, with peaks at more favorable for the formation of smectite. About
14.4 and 13.0 A for the air-dried sample. Upon 70070 smectite is observed after the hydrothermal run
glycol saturation, this broad reflection resolves into a at 500°F (260°C) [1,000 psi (69 bar) for 24 hours] in
strong 16.9-A reflection of smectite and a distinct the presence of Mg(OHh. The smectite, is charac-
12.81-A reflection of a mixed-layer phase between terized by a strong reflection of 16.6- A for the
sepiolite and smectite (Fig. 1). The smectite particles glycol-saturated sample. The rest of the sample
occur in the form of irregular, flaky aggregates in (about 30070) is made up of a sepiolite/smectite mixed
Test slurry: 24lbm/bbl (68.4 kg/m3) sepiolite in fresh water.
Time Viscosity Temperature Pressure
(minutes) (units of consistency) (OF) rC) (psi) (bar)
0 2 80 27 500 35
30 2 190 88 2,500 172
40 1 235 115 2,500 172
60 1 330 165 5,000 345
80 2 440 225 7,500 516
100 1 490 255 10,000 690
120 5 550 287 12,500 861
140 4 638 335 15,000 1,034
150 4 685 365 17,500 1,205
160 7 730 388 20,000 1,379
166 7 750 400 20,000 1,379

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188 7 750 400 20,000 1,379
200 6 750 400 20,000 1,379

layering with a 12.6-;\ interplanar spacing in the

glycol-saturated sample. Smectites occur as irregular
flaky aggregates in which the inherent fiber texture is
An example of the rheology and fluid-loss BEFORE AND AFTER AGING AT 750°F(400°C)
properties as measured by a high-temperature, high- Test slurry: 24Ibm/bbl(68.4 kg/m3) sepiolite in fresh water.
pressure consistometer and high-temperature, high-
pressure fluid-loss apparatus is shown in Tables 2 Initial Aged"
through 5. Apparent viscosity, cp (mPa.s) 37.5 (37.5) 65.5 (65.5)
Tables 2 and 3 show a sepiolite in freshwater slurry 600 reading 55 131
heated to 750°F (400°C) and up to 20,000 psi (1,379 300 reading 50 89
Plastic viscosity, cp (mPa.s) 5 (5) 42 (42)
bar). The units of consistency (Table 2) show an Yield point, Ibf/100 sq ft (Pa) 45 (21.5) 47 (22.5)
initial temperature thinning and then an increase in 200 reading 49 70
viscosity at about 550°F (287°C), which holds fairly 100 reading 44 46
level through 750°F (400°C) and 20,000 psi (1,379 6 reading 30 15
3 reading 20 12
'Sample taken from the ultrahigh-temperature, high-pressure thickening tester
The Fann data (Table 3) show an increase in after being heated to 750'F (400'C)_
viscosity after heat aging, but not unreasonable for
good mud rheology. The yield point has little change.
Tables 4 and 5 show a high-temperature mud
formula and its rheology and fluid loss after being
subjected to various temperatures at 10,000 psi (690
These data show good mud rheology and fluid-loss TABLE 4 - TYPICAL ULTRAHIGH·TEMPERATURE MUD
control through high-temperature treatments. The FORMULATION USING SEPIOLITE IN CONJUNCTION
conversion of sepiolite to smectite explains the ability WITH VARIOUS FLUID·LOSS CONTROL ADDITIVES
of the system to exhibit good rheology and fluid-loss 15 Ibm/bbl (42.75 kg/m 3 ) sepiolite
control. 5 Ibm/bbl (14.25 kg/m 3 ) Wyoming bentonite
2 Ibm/bbl (5.7 kg/m 3 ) Polymer A
Conclusions 0.5 Ibm/bbl (1.4 kg/m 3 ) Polymer B
0.5 Ibm/bbl (1.4 kg/m 3 ) NaOH
In systems where sepiolite is the only clay mineral, it
is converted to stevensite (a smectite) under
hydrothermal conditions.
1. The effect of pressure is rather negligible in the
conversion of sepiolite to stevensite. This was
demonstrated by the results at 300°F (149°C) for all
the systems, and by the hydrothermal runs at 500°F
(260°C) for the sepiolite/CaCl 2 system.
2. Temperature is the major factor in sepiolite-to-
stevensite conversion. Appreciable amounts of
smectite (i.e., more than 10%) first develop at 400°F
(204 °C) within 24 hours.
3. Chlorides of sodium and calcium are more
effective than hydroxides in converting sepiolite to
smectite in the temperature range up to 500°F
OCTOBER 1980 389
Test slurry: formulation outlined in Table 4.
Aging viscosity, cp (mPaos) 350 (175) 400 (204) 450 (235) 500 (260) 560 (295)
Aging time, hours 24 24 24 24 24
Plastic viscosity, cp (mPaos) 12 (12) 13 (13) 13 (13) 13 (13) 10 (10) 9 (9)
Yield point, Ibf/100 sq ft (Pa) 3 (1.4) 7 (3.4) 5 (2.4) 4 (1.9) 5 (2.4) 3 (1.4)
pH 11.8 9.5 9.3 9.2 8.6 9.2
API fluid loss, mL (cm 3 ) 8.2 (8.2) 8.5 (8.5) 8.8 (8.8) 8.7 (8.7) 8.4 (8.4) 12.7 (12.7)
High·temperature fluid·loss, mL (cm 3 )
300' F (149'C) at 500 psi (35 bar) 32 (32) 36 (36) 37.4 (37.4) 36.2 (36.2) 33.0 (33.0) 34.0 (34.0)
400' F (204 'c) at 500 psi (35 bar) 29.8 33.2
450'F (235'C) at 500 psi (35 bar) 31.6 37.4

(260°C). However, Mg(OHh promotes the con- supported by Sandia Laboratories of Albuquerque,

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version more than MgCI 2 . NaCI is the most efficient NM, under Contract No. 13-5104 and by the Center
agent in this conversion up to 500°F (260°C). for Energy Research of Texas Tech U.
4. In fresh water, sepiolite converts to smectite up
to 500°F (260°C) as easily as in the presence of References
calcium. 1. Carney, Leroy L. and Meyer, Robert L.: "A New Approach to
5. When the temperature is raised to 600°F High-Temperature Drilling Fluids," paper SPE 6025 presented
(316 ° C), most of the sepiolite converts to smectite, at the SPE 51st Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
regardless of whether salts are present. This again New Orleans, Oct. 3-6, 1976.
2. Carney, Leroy L. and Guven, Necip: "The Hydrothermal
shows the paramount importance of temperature in Transformation of Sepiolite to Stevensite and the Effect of
this conversion. Added Chlorides and Hydroxides," Clays and Clay Minerals,
In the systems containing additional silica and/or Clay Minerals Society (1979) 27, NO.4.
calcium, the conversion of smectite to cement
crystals was observed. These conversions can be of SI Metric Conversion Factors
paramount importance in drilling and cementing A x 1.0* E-Ol nm
wells, regardless of the primary purpose of the well. OF CF-32)/1.8 °C
Further studies should reveal how present practices
of drilling and cementing wellbores may be im- psi x 6.894 757 E - 02 == bar
proved. wt% x 1.0* E-02 kg/kg
·Conversion factor is exact.
Acknowledgments SPEJ
We express our appreciation to Texas Tech U. for
Original manuscript received in Society of Petroleum Engineers office Dec.
granting permission to publish this paper. Also 27, 1978. Paper accepted for publication April 14, 1980. Revised manuscript
gratefully acknowledged is the permission of the Clay received July 21, 1980. Paper (SPE 7896) first presented at the SPE 1979 In·
ternational Symposium on Oilfield and Geothermal Chemistry, held in Houston,
Minerals Society to reproduce Fig. 1. 2 This work was Jan. 22·24.


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