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Psychology is the science of mind and behavior.

Psychology includes the study of

conscious and unconscious phenomena, as well as feelings and thought. It is an

academic discipline of immense scope. Psychologists also seek an understanding

of the emergent properties of brains, linking the disciplPsychology is the study of

mind and behavior. It encompasses the biological influences, social pressures, and

environmental factors that affect how people think, act, and feel.ine to


What is Psychology?

Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior, according to the

American Psychological Association. Psychology is a multifaceted discipline and

includes many sub-fields of study such areas as human development, sports,

health, clinical, social behavior and cognitive processes.

Psychology is really a very new science, with most advances happening over the

past 150 years or so.  However, its origins can be traced back to ancient Greece,

400 – 500 years BC. The emphasis was a philosophical one, with great thinkers

such as Socrates (470 BC – 399 BC) influencing Plato (428/427 BC – 348/347

BC), who in turn influenced Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC).

Philosophers used to discuss many topics now studied by modern psychology, such

as memory, free will vs determinism, nature vs. nurture, attraction etc.

Psychologists today do not believe there is one “right” way to study the way

people think or behave. There are, however, various schools of thought that

evolved throughout the development of psychology that continue to shape the way

psychologists investigate human behavior. For example, some psychologists might

attribute a certain behavior to biological factors such as genetics while another

psychologist might consider early childhood experiences to be a more likely

explanation for the behavior. Because psychologists might emphasize various

points within psychology in their research and analysis of behavior, there are

different viewpoints in psychology. These schools of thought are known as

approaches, or perspectives

What is scientific about psychology?

The science of psychology benefits society and enhances our

lives. Psychologists examine the relationships between brain function and
behavior, and the environment and behavior, applying what they learn to illuminate
our understanding and improve the world around us.

A scientific approach, such as Behaviorism or cognitive psychology, tends to

ignore the subjective (i.e., personal) experiences that people have. The

humanistic perspective does recognize human experience, but largely at the

expense of being non-scientific in its methods and ability to provide evidence.

Psychology is the scientific study of mind and behavior. ... Psychologists use

the scientific method to collect, analyze, and interpret evidence. Employing

the scientific method allows the scientist to collect empirical data objectively,

which adds to the accumulation of scientific knowledge.

Science of Psychology

The science of psychology benefits society and enhances our lives. Psychologists
examine the relationships between brain function and behavior, and the
environment and behavior, applying what they learn to illuminate our
understanding and improve the world around us.
The Go-To Science
Curiosity is part of human nature. One of the first questions children learn to ask is
“why?” As adults, we continue to wonder. Using empirical methods, psychologists
apply that universal curiosity to collect and interpret research data to better
understand and solve some of society’s most challenging problems.
It’s difficult, if not impossible, to think of a facet of life where psychology is not
involved. Psychologists employ the scientific method — stating the question,
offering a theory and then constructing rigorous laboratory or field experiments to
test the hypothesis. Psychologists apply the understanding gleaned through
research to create evidence-based strategies that solve problems and improve lives.
The result is that psychological science unveils new and better ways for people to
exist and thrive in a complex world. What are the four historical perspectives of

There are four basic historical perspectives in psychology, the

structuralism perspective, the introspection perspective,
functionalism perspective and the Gestalt Perspective.

What are the 4 historical approaches of psychology?

Personality, social, and cross-cultural psychologists attempt to answer these classic

 Early Psychologists. ...

 Structuralism: Introspection and the Awareness of Subjective Experience. ...

 Functionalism and Evolutionary Psychology. ...
 Psychodynamic Psychology. ...
 Behaviourism
Many cultures throughout history have speculated on the nature of the mind, heart,
soul, spirit, and brain. Philosophical interest in behavior and the mind dates back to
the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Greece, China, and India, but psychology as a
discipline didn’t develop until the mid-1800s, when it evolved from the study of
philosophy and began in German and American labs. This section will teach you
more about the major founding psychologists and their contributions to the
development of psychology.

History of Developmental Psychology

Human development is the concern of many disciplines, including biology,

sociology, anthropologyeducation, and medicine. In addition, the topic cuts across
nations and cultures, adding to the diversity of subject matter and
approaches. Developmental psychology is concerned with constancy and change in
psychological functioning over the life span. As a discipline, it arose shortly after
the emergence of scientific psychology in the latter part of the nineteenth century.
Its antecedents were different from those that led to the founding of experimental
psychology.In its early years, developmental psychology was primarily concerned
with child and adolescent development. Later, adult development and aging began
to assume more importance. Developmental psychology began as a correlational
science, focusing on observation, not on experimentation, and thus differed from
traditional research psychology.

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