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EEE 3153-Control System

Lecture-on Root Locus

Dr. Tushar Kanti Roy

Assistant Professor
Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology, Rajshahi-6204, Bangladesh

• Consider a unity feedback control system as shown
in the following:
R (s ) C (s)
s 1

• The open loop transfer function G(s) of the system

is G(s)  K
s 1

• And the closed transfer function is

C ( s) G( s) K
 
R( s ) 1  G ( s ) s  1  K
• It can be seen that the open loop stability does not
depend upon gain K. K
G( s) 
s 1

• Whereas, it can be seen that the location of closed

loop poles vary with the variation in gain.

C ( s) K

R( s ) s  1  K
• Location of closed loop Pole for different values of K
(remember K>0). C (s) K

R( s ) s  1Pole-Zero
 K Map
K Pole 1

0.5 -1.5
1 -2 0.5
Imaginary Axis

2 -3
3 -4 K 0
5 -6 K 
10 -11
15 -16
-16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2
How to Sketch root locus?
• One way is to compute the roots of the
characteristic equation for all possible values
of K. K Pole
C ( s) K

R( s ) s  1  K 0.5 -1.5
1 -2
2 -3
3 -4
5 -6
10 -11
15 -16
How to Sketch root locus?
• Computing the roots for all values of K might
be tedious for higher order systems.
K Pole
0.5 ?
1 ?
C ( s) K
 2 ?
R(s) s(s  1)( s  10)( s  20)  K
3 ?
5 ?
10 ?
15 ?
Construction of Root Loci
• Finding the roots of the characteristic equation of a
higher degree than 3 is laborious and will need computer

• A simple method for finding the roots of the

characteristic equation has been developed by W. R.
Evans and used extensively in control engineering.

• This method, called the root-locus method, is one in

which the roots of the characteristic equation are plotted
for all values of a system parameter.
What is Root Locus?
• The root locus is a graphical method in which
roots of the characteristic equation are plotted in
the s-plane for different values of a system
parameter which is varied from zero to infinity.

• Based on root locus graph, the value of the

parameter can be chosen for the system stability
and desired transient response.
Construction of Root Loci
• The roots corresponding to a particular value of this
parameter can then be located on the resulting

• Note that the parameter is usually the gain, but any

other variable of the open-loop transfer function
may be used.

• By using the root-locus method the designer can

predict the effects on the location of the closed-loop
poles of varying the gain value or adding open-loop
poles and/or open-loop zeros.
Angle & Magnitude Conditions
• In constructing the root loci angle and magnitude
conditions are important.
• Consider the following closed loop system:

• The closed loop transfer function is

C ( s) G( s)

R( s ) 1  G ( s ) H ( s )
Construction of Root Loci
• The characteristic equation can be obtained by
setting the denominator polynomial equal to zero.

1  G( s) H ( s)  0
• Or
G(s) H (s)  1

• Since G(s)H(s) is a complex quantity it can be split

into angle and magnitude parts.
Angle & Magnitude Conditions
• The angle of G(s)H(s)=-1 is
G ( s ) H ( s )    1
G ( s ) H ( s )  180 (2m  1)
where m=0,1,2,3…
• The magnitude of G(s)H(s)=-1 is
G( s) H ( s)   1
G( s) H ( s)  1
The values of s that fulfill both the angle and magnitude
conditions are the roots of the characteristic equation,
or the closed-loop poles.
Angle and Magnitude Conditions (Graphically)
• To apply angle and magnitude conditions graphically, first
it is essential to draw the poles and zeros of G(s)H(s) in the
• For example if G(s)H(s) is given by Pole-Zero Map


s 1
G( s) H ( s)  Imaginary Axis

s( s  3)( s  4)


-4 -3.5 -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0
Real Axis
Illustrative Example#1
• Apply the angle and magnitude conditions
(Analytically as well as graphically) on the
following unity feedback system.
Illustrative Example#1
• Here G( s) H ( s) 
s( s  1)( s  2)

• For the given system, the angle condition becomes

G( s) H ( s)  
s( s  1)( s  2)

G(s) H (s)  K  s  ( s  1)  (s  2)

K  s  ( s  1)  ( s  2)  180(2m  1)
Illustrative Example#1
• For example to check whether s=-0.25 is on the root
locus or not. To do that the angle condition can be
applied as follows.
G ( s ) H ( s ) s  0.25   K s  0.25  s s  0.25  ( s  1) s  0.25  ( s  2) s  0.25

G ( s ) H ( s ) s  0.25  (0.25  j 0)  (0.75  j 0)  (1.75  j 0)

G ( s ) H ( s ) s  0.25  180  0  0

G ( s ) H ( s ) s  0.25  180(2m  1)
Illustrative Example#1
• Home work: For the following system
– check whether s=-0.2+j0.937 is on the root
locus or not ?
– check whether s=-1+j2 is on the root locus
or not?
Illustrative Example#1
• Here G( s) H ( s) 
s( s  1)( s  2)

• And the Magnitude condition becomes

G( s) H ( s)  1
s( s  1)( s  2)
Illustrative Example#1
• Now it is known from the angle condition that the point
s=-0.25 is on the rot locus. But the value of K at that
specific point is not known.

• To determine the value of K at that particular point on

the root locus, the magnitude condition can be used
which can be expressed as:
s( s  1)( s  2) s 0.25

(0.25)(0.25  1)(0.25  2) s 0.25
Illustrative Example#1
(0.25)(0.25  1)(0.25  2) s 0.25


 0.3285

K  0.328
Illustrative Example#1
• Home work: For the following system:
– If s=-0.2+j0.937 is on the root locus
determine the value of gain K at that point.
– If s=-1+j2 is on the root locus determine the
value of gain K at that point.
General Steps to Construct the Root locus

• Step-1: The first step in constructing a root-locus plot

is to locate the open-loop poles and zeros in s-plane.
Pole-Zero Map


Imaginary Axis

G( s) H ( s)  -0.5

s( s  1)( s  2)
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
Real Axis
General Steps to Construct the Root locus
Step-2: Starting and Ending Point
The root locus starts from the open loop poles or k=0
and terminates on either finite open loop zeros or

Step-3: Number of branches of Root Locus

• If P>Z then the number of branches of root locus
equal to the number of poles.
• If Z>P then the number of branches of root locus
equal to the number of zeros.
General Steps to Construct the Root locus
• Step-4: Determine the root loci on the real axis.
• To determine the root loci Pole-Zero Map
on real axis we select some 1
test points.
• e.g: p1 (on positive real

Imaginary Axis

• The angle condition is not

satisfied. -0.5

• Hence, there is no root

locus on the positive real -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
axis. Real Axis
General Steps to Construct the Root locus
• Step-4: Determine the root loci on the real axis.
• Next, select a test point on the
negative real axis between 0 and Pole-Zero Map
–1. 1

• Then

Imaginary Axis
• Thus p2

• The angle condition is satisfied. -0.5

Therefore, the portion of the
negative real axis between 0 and
–1 forms a portion of the root -1
locus. -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
Real Axis
General Steps to Construct the Root locus
• Step-4: Determine the root loci on the real axis.
• Now, select a test point on the
negative real axis between -1 and Pole-Zero Map
• Then

Imaginary Axis
• Thus 0

• The angle condition is not
satisfied. Therefore, the negative
real axis between -1 and –2 is not -1
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
a part of the root locus. Real Axis
General Steps to Construct the Root locus
• Step-4: Determine the root loci on the real axis.

Pole-Zero Map
• Similarly, test point on the 1

negative real axis between -2

and – ∞ satisfies the angle 0.5

Imaginary Axis
• Therefore, the negative real
axis between -2 and – ∞ is part
of the root locus. -0.5

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
Real Axis
General Steps to Construct the Root locus
• Step-4: Determine the root loci on the real axis.
Pole-Zero Map

Imaginary Axis


-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
Real Axis

Alternative Rule: If the total number of open loop poles

and zeros on the right of a point is odd then that point is a
part of root locus.
General Steps to Construct the Root locus
• Step-5: Determine the asymptotes (The branches of root
locus tend to infinity along a set of straight line is called
asymptotes) of the root loci. These asymptotes making
an angle with real axis which is given by
 180(2m  1)
Angle of asymptotes   
• P-----> number of poles, Z-----> number of zeros, and
m  0,1,2..P  Z  1
• For G(s) H (s)  K angle of asymptotes
s( s  1)( s  2)
 180(2m  1)
General Steps to Construct the Root locus
• Step-5: Determine the asymptotes of the root loci.

  60 when m  0
 180 when m  1
 300 when m  2
 420 when m  3

• Since the angle repeats itself as m is varied, the distinct angles

for the asymptotes are determined as 60°, –60°, -180°and
• Thus, there are three asymptotes having angles 60°, –60°,
General Steps to Construct the Root Locus
• Step-5: Determine the asymptotes of the root loci.

• Before we can draw these asymptotes in the s-plane, it is

essential to find the point where they intersect on the
real axis.

• Point of intersection of asymptotes on the real axis (or

centroid of asymptotes) can be found as follows:
 poles   zeros
General Steps to Construct the Root Locus
• Step-5: Determine the asymptotes of the root loci.

• For G(s) H (s) 
s( s  1)( s  2)

(0  1  2)  0

  1
General Steps to Construct the Root Locus
• Step-5: Determine the asymptotesPole-Zero
of theMaproot loci.


  60 ,60 , 180

Imaginary Axis

180  60

  1
  60


-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
Real Axis
Home Work
• Consider the following unity feedback system.

• Determine
– Root loci on real axis
– Angle of asymptotes
– Centroid of asymptotes
General Steps to Construct the Root Locus
• Step-6: Determine the break-away point or break-in
Pole-Zero Map
point. 1

• The break-away or break-in point

corresponds to a point in the s- 0.5

plane where multiple roots of the

Imaginary Axis
characteristic equation occur. 0

• Break-away point: It is the point

from where the root locus branches
leaves the real axis.
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
• Break-in point: It is the point from Real Axis

where the root locus branches

enter the real axis.
Construction of root loci
• Step-6: Determine the breakaway point or break-in point.

• The break-away or break-in points can be determined from the

roots of
• It should be noted that not all the solutions of dK/ds=0
correspond to actual break-away or break-in points.
General Steps to Construct the Root Locus
• Step-6: Determine the breakaway point or break-in point.
G( s) H ( s) 
s( s  1)( s  2)
• The characteristic equation of the system is
1  G( s) H ( s)  1  0
s( s  1)( s  2)
 1
s( s  1)( s  2)

K  s(s  1)(s  2)

• The break-away point can now be determined as follows:
  s(s  1)( s  2)
dK d
ds ds
General Steps to Construct the Root Locus
• Step-6: Determine the break-away point or break-in
point. dK d
 s(s  1)(s  2)
ds ds
d 3

s  3s 2  2s 
 3s 2  6s  2
Set dK/ds=0 in order to determine the break-away point.
 3s 2  6s  2  0
3s 2  6s  2  0

s  0.4226
 1.5774
General Steps to Construct the Root Locus
• Step-6: Determine the break-away point or break-in
point. s  0.4226
 1.5774
• Since the break-away point must lie on a root locus between
0 and –1, it is clear that s=–0.4226 corresponds to the actual
break-away point.
• Point s=–1.5774 is not on the root locus. Hence, this point is
not an actual break-away point.
• In fact, evaluation of the values of K corresponding to s=–
0.4226 and s=–1.5774 yields
General Steps to Construct the Root Locus
• Step-6: Determine the break-away point.
Pole-Zero Map


s  0.4226
Imaginary Axis

180  60
  60


-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
Real Axis
Home Work
• Determine the Break-away and break-in points
for the following system.
𝐾𝐺 𝑠 𝐻 𝑠 =

K ( s 2  8s  15)
 1
s  3s  2

( s 2  3s  2)
K  2
( s  8s  15)
• Differentiating K with respect to s and setting the derivative equal to zero yields;
dK [( s 2  8s  15)(2s  3)  ( s 2  3s  2)(2s  8)]
 0
ds ( s  8s  15)
2 2

11s 2  26 s  61  0
Hence, solving for s, we find the
break-away and break-in points; s = -1.45 and 3.82
General Steps to Construct the Root Locus
• Step-7: Determine the points where root loci cross the
imaginary axis.
Pole-Zero Map

Imaginary Axis

180  60
  60


-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
General Steps to Construct the Root Locus
• Step-7: Determine the points where root loci cross the
imaginary axis.
o These imaginary crossing points can be found by using the Routh stability
o When we have the imaginary crossing point, the Routh-table has all zeros at
a row.
o Thus, find the K value for which a row of zeros is achieved in the Routh-
– Since the characteristic equation for the present system is

– The Routh-table becomes

General Steps to Construct the Root Locus
Step-7: Determine the points where root loci cross the
imaginary axis.
• The value(s) of K that makes the system
marginally stable is 6.

• Then the crossing points on the

imaginary axis can be found by solving
the auxiliary equation obtained from
the s2 row, that is,

• Which yields
General Steps to Construct the Root Locus
• Step-7: Determine the points where root loci cross the
imaginary axis.
• An alternative approach is to let s=jω in the characteristic
equation, equate both the real part and the imaginary part to
zero, and then solve for ω and K.

• For present system the characteristic equation is

s 3  3s 2  2s  K  0

( j )3  3( j ) 2  2 j  K  0

( K  3 2 )  j (2   3 )  0
General Steps to Construct the Root Locus
• Step-7: Determine the points where root loci cross the
imaginary axis.
( K  3 2 )  j (2   3 )  0
• Equating both real and imaginary parts of this equation
to zero
(2   3 )  0

( K  3 2 )  0
• Which yields
General Steps to Construct the Root Locus
Step-8: Angle of departure and angle of arrival of the root
o The angle of departure of the root locus from a complex pole can be determined
as follows:
𝜑𝑑 = 1800 − 𝜑
where 𝜑 = 𝜑𝑃 − 𝜑𝑍
𝜑𝑃 =Sum of all angles contributed by remaining poles
𝜑𝑍 = Sum of all angles contributed by all zeros

o The angle of arrival of the root locus from a complex zero can be determined as
𝜑𝑎 = 1800 + 𝜑
where 𝜑 = 𝜑𝑃 − 𝜑𝑍
𝜑𝑃 =Sum of all angles contributed by all poles
𝜑𝑍 = Sum of all angles contributed by remaining zeros
General Steps to Construct the Root Locus
Step-8: Angle of departure and angle of arrival of the root loci
Consider the following open loop transfer function
𝐺 𝑠 =
𝑠 2 +2𝑠+2
oThe angle of departure of the root locus from a
complex pole can be determined as follows:
𝜑𝑑 = 1800 − 𝜑
where 𝜑 = 𝜑𝑃 − 𝜑𝑍
𝜑𝑃 = 900
1 1
𝜑𝑍 = tan−1 + tan−1 = 450 + 18.430 = 63.430
1 3
Then 𝜑 = 90 − 63.43 = 26.570
0 0

Therefore, angle of departure at (-1+j1),

𝜑𝑑 = 1800 − 26.570 = 153.430
Therefore, angle of departure at (-1-j1), 𝜑𝑑 = −153.430
General Steps to Construct the Root Locus
Angle of departure of the root loci
General Steps to Construct the Root Locus
Step-8: Angle of departure and angle of arrival of the root loci
Consider the following open loop transfer function
𝐾(𝑠 2 +2𝑠+2)
𝐺 𝑠 = (𝑠+2)(𝑠+4)

oThe angle of arrival of the root locus from a complex

pole can be determined as follows:
𝜑𝑎 = 1800 + 𝜑
where 𝜑 = 𝜑𝑃 − 𝜑𝑍
𝜑𝑍 = 900
1 1
𝜑𝑃 = tan−1 + tan−1 = 450 + 18.430 = 63.430
1 3
Then 𝜑 = 63.43 − 90 = −26.570
0 0

Therefore, angle of arrival at (-1+j1),

𝜑𝑎 = 1800 − 26.570 = 153.430
Therefore, angle of departure at (-1-j1), 𝜑𝑎 = −153.430
General Steps to Construct the Root Locus
Angle of arrival of the root loci

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