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Vertical Tracking Angle

Updated from an original article by Noel Keywood in Hi-Fi Answers, 1979

(Reprinted with the best intentions, but totally without permission, from the Rohde & Schwarz Website, HI-FI WORLD)

High levels of distortion are produced on ste- cutter was expected to move up and down as well
reo recordings from errors of what is known as as sideways when cutting a lacquer. Now look at
Vertical Tracking Angle in a cartridge, and precisely Fig 3 to see what you get on a record when feeding
what is shown in Fig 1. You can roughly visualize it a nice clean sine wave into this system in the verti-
as the angle a stylus cantilever makes with a disc's cal direction. The actual cut in a disc looks very
surface, although to be more precise it is the angle different from the original, 'distorted' in fact, and
between a line drawn from the stylus pivot to the so you can see that there is a mechanical transla-
stylus point of contact with a disc and the disc's tion process at work here due solely to the pres-
surface, denoted by Ø in the diagram. Sometimes, ence of this inclined plane movement in the stylus
and for good reason, the vertical tracking angle Ø cutter. Using a replay stylus at the same angle
is seen in the other position shown, transposed 90° does, as you might well imagine, translate the me-
anti-clockwise. This shows that the plane of motion chanical disc signal back into a clean sine wave
of the stylus is in fact tilted over relative to the ver- again so the final outcome is, all things being'
tical by an amount equivalent to the vertical track- equal, which they aren't, zero distortion on play-
ing angle. Note that the actual angle of the stylus back with a pickup cartridge.
on its cantilever may be entirely different from the
vertical tracking angle and is known as Stylus Rake
Angle. The two are however often confused.

Figure 1
So what's the significance of this angle? Its or-
igins lie in the mechanics of the disc cutting system
shown in Fig 2 where you can see that the cutting
stylus must itself have a pivot above the disc's sur- Figure 3
face and therefore a vertical disc cutting angle of I should point out perhaps that the shape of
some sort or another. the signal on the disc is in itself of no consequence.
What does matter is that the playback stylus must
move in the same plane as the cutting stylus or dis-
tortion will result. Some of you may already be
mentally protesting that the stylus does in fact
move in an arc and so the plane of motion varies
its angle. Although this is true, maximum vertical
movement of a stylus rarely reaches 100µm (peak-
to-peak) or 1/10mm due to imprinted modulation
(as opposed to warps etc.) and with a typical canti-
lever length of around 5mm change of vertical
Figure 2 tracking angle will be about 1° maximum, which is
This was of little consequence until the intro- insignificant in practical situations.
duction of stereo in the 'Fifties when suddenly the To ensure that everybody used the same angle
and distortion was avoided on vertical cuts or
modulation a common cutting/playback angle had needed to be increased by about another 14° in or-
to be adopted, and after a spell of technical anar- der that final modulation slant on the disc sprang
chy this became 15° in the United States and 20° in back to 15°.
Europe, a tolerance of plus or minus 5° being al-
lowed on the European figure. In fact it does ap- STANDARDS
pear that Britain standardized on 15° according to
BS1928:1965 but this is of little practical conse- Although this discovery was presented at an
quence now since most of the cutting lathes in this IEEE meeting in February 1963 I have not been en-
country (and there are a lot) come from Europe and tirely happy that it got much further since the topic
are aligned to IEC/DIN standards, which we tacitly seems rarely to be mentioned compared with say,
acknowledge. This standardization would appear to lateral tracking error, where enormous amounts of
have solved matters with the outcome being distor- energy and time are devoted to the removal of its
tion free stereo reproduction, but as I said earlier, last effects. Measuring vertical tracking angle on
all things aren't equal in the cutting/playback pro- cartridges tends to enforce this feeling since signif-
cess and there was one further complicating factor icant errors often exist. However, London's thriving
to be discovered before the ideal could be ap- cutting industry is probably responsible for a ma-
proached in practice. jority of the records we listen to in the UK and
most studio cutters seem to be compensated for
SPRING-BACK the effects of lacquer spring-back, as far as my
casual enquiries over the last few years can ascer-
In the early 'Sixties it was discovered by CBS tain. Neumann, whose lathes and cutters seem
Laboratories in the United States that although cut- most popular by far, include this paragraph in their
ters worked correctly in the 15° cutting plane as literature for the SX-74 head, for instance - 'Care
recommended by the Recording Industries Associa- was taken with regard to the vertical tracking angle
tion of America (RIAA), replay fidelity of test sig- to assure, on the one hand, a 15° angle to meet the
nals nevertheless appeared incorrect1. It was even- DIN 45 542 standard and, on the other hand the
tually deduced that the soft lacquer in which a cut- desire of the International Electrotechnical Com-
ting stylus records the electrical signal fed to it was mission (in IEC Publication 98) to standardize an
in fact deforming under the strain of cutting and angle of 20° ±5°. For this reason the cutter was con-
then springing back after the cutter had passed as structed to cut an 18° angle when correctly mount-
shown in Fig 4. ed. Lacquer spring-back is included in this calcula-
tion.' I haven't yet found the time to sort out the
discrepancy between Neumann's quoted DIN spec
of 15° vertical tracking angle against that published
in DIN 45 500 where an angle of 20° ±5° is quoted
as per IEC 98 for cartridge vertical tracking angle,
except that allusions are made in the latter docu-
ment to inevitable assessment errors and the need
for tolerances to be kept in mind. It would appear
that the cutting world is now achieving an effective
modulation slant on disc of around 15° in the Unit-
ed States and 18° in Europe and that for minimum
distortion we should therefore be aiming for these
figures in pickup cartridge vertical tracking angle.
As you might have guessed, the point I am about to
make is that in spite of adequate passage of time
Figure 4 too many cartridges do not appear to approach this
With different amounts of spring-back, accord- Both CBS Laboratories in the United States and
ing to cutter depth and hence stress on both the Germany's technical standards institute Deutsche
lacquer and cutter itself this lead to the final Industrie Normen issue test discs suitable for as-
groove shape being equivalent to that theoretically sessment of vertical tracking angle or distortion
produced by a cutter with a vertical cutting angle due to error in this parameter on a pickup car-
of about 0°. This would require a cartridge with its tridge. Although from entirely different sources,
stylus pivot lying on the disc surface to be de- results obtained from these discs tally well, correct
signed if minimum distortion was to be achieved as indicated by the DIN 45542 disc consistently
on playback, and so it was incumbent on cutting leading to low distortion on vertical modulation
lathe manufacturers to increase the actual physical from CBS STR-112, optimized to possess a 15°
working plane of their cutters by a substantial modulation slant. All measurements referred to
amount in order to realize ideal playback condi- here have been taken from these two sources.
tions. In practice CBS found that their cutting angle
Because the practical subjective consequence tridges measure within IEC 98° limits too, of 20 ±5°
of vertical tracking angle errors on sound repro- and this leaves Shure, Empire and ADC out in the
duction are really of most significance I don't in- cold. The only possible excuse these three large
tend to dwell too long upon measurement techni- manufacturers of cartridges can make concerns
calities, but a few consequences of incorrect verti- accuracy of the CBS and DIN test discs, for in any
cal tracking angle are presented for illustrative measurement work concerning the use of discs ac-
purposes. Classic in measurement terms is what is curacy of the disc itself must always be kept in
seen in a playback waveform, showing rounded and mind. However, if the discs are both wrong, then a
sharp peaks of significant second harmonic distor- majority of cartridge manufacturers are also wrong
tion; a spectrum plot shows the harmonic struc- too, and I think both these possibilities unlikely.
ture. From the same disc can be seen significant The subjective effects upon music of incorrect
intermodulation distortion due to this cause. Two vertical tracking angle are known but little talked
signals, one of 4kHz and one of 200Hz, are repro- about. You may have wondered by now why, if they
duced from the disc. The 4kHz component is fil- generate so much distortion, expensive cartridges
tered out, and the change in level is due to pres- can sound any good at all when suffering this fault.
ence of distortion sidebands from amplitude mod- I have purposefully left this point to the end in or-
ulation which, in more straightforward terms, der that a sense of perspective can be obtained.
means that the 4kHz tone is now accompanied by Needless to say, such distortion levels are not gen-
other tones of significant level that weren't there in erated all the time on all signals. If they were ADC,
the first place and wouldn't be there either but for Shure and Empire cartridges would, for instance,
a vertical tracking angle of just over 30°. sound as awful as you might imagine, but this is
Actual level of intermodulation distortion here not the case. The contribution made to fidelity by
reaches around 14%, no less, and can be heard as a achieving correct angle is minor relative to many
wavering grating buzz behind the 4kHz tone. In other design factors but nevertheless important
fact the ear can pick up about four to six distortion and easy to achieve. Pure centre images in the ste-
sidebands at this level, and they are spaced at mul- reo stage are produced by lateral stylus movements
tiples of 200Hz above and below the 4kHz tone. It and remain unaffected by vertical tracking angle
is sometimes argued that changes in tracking force errors. Full left or right images in one speaker or
and stylus movement over warps introduce too the other are produced by the stylus moving both
much variation into the vertical tracking angle to sideways and upwards (or at 45° upward from the
make any one figure valid, but this is not true. An horizontal) and the upward component will be dis-
oscillogram shows, for instance, that the 10% dis- torted. Pure out-of-phase signals resulting from
tortion component varies by about ±5% of its own vertical only movements will also be distorted.
value once every disc revolution (1.66 secs or 1.6 By connecting a high quality speaker across
divisions on the x axis) over a common dish warp, the positive terminals of an amplifier's left and
or by about 1% of the total signal level. My own right output channels vertical components within a
measurements are made on cartridges at or near music signal can be listened to, and with this tech-
the recommended tracking force where any error nique the advantages of getting the vertical track-
will be at a minimum but even so I find that verti- ing angle right become obvious. I have noticed in
cal tracking angles commonly extend upward from particular that cymbals possess less of a grey rasp
18° to around 30° on modern cartridges. A graph and become better defined and natural whilst
shows the results of measurement on a Shure VI5- spread choral works also show less edginess and
III using the DIN 45542 disc. The purpose of this considerably greater freedom from what can only
disc is to determine vertical tracking angle rather be termed raucous background muddle. In general
than measure its effects. The VI5-III shows an ef- left and right images are cleaned up and become
fective angle of 26° which is too high. Distortion aurally more palatable. The amount of distortion
when tracking vertical modulations on STR-112 generated rises considerably with recorded level
was as a result 6-7%, whereas a properly engineered and these effects are not pronounced at low levels.
cartridge will manage typically 3% or less on this Others have noted the same effects2. Raising or
disc. From experience I notice that in general Shure lowering the pickup arm so that it is angled makes
cartridges hover around this vertical tracking angle little difference since it will change matters by a
figure of 26° whilst ADC and Empire designs gener- few degrees at the most, by the way.
ally display angles of 26° plus, often reaching 30°.
Such angles yield harmonic distortion figures of 6% REFERENCES
to 8% from the STR-112 test disc and are not con-
fined to budget designs. I have measured two ADC 1. 'The Vertical Tracking Angle Problem in Stereo-
XLMs at 30° and two Empire 2000s at 30°, neither phonic Record Reproduction' B.B. Bauer, CBS
design being exactly cheap to buy. Stanton general- Laboratories
ly manages 22° and so does Pickering, since they
are associated with Stanton, this figure being with-
in IEC limits. Generally, European and Japanese car-
2. 'How we Judge Stereo Cartridges'. High Fidelity STANDARDS
Magazine, Vol 19, No 2, Feb 69. Daniel
Gravereaux (CBS Laboratories) 1. BS 1928:1965 Specification for Processed Disc
Records and reproducing equipment. ¶4.3.21.
3. 'A Study of Tracking Angle Errors in Stereo Disc
Recording' Woodward and Fox, RCA Labs. 2. DIN 45500, sheet 3. Requirements for Disc
Record Reproducing Equipment. ¶3.9, IEC
4. 'Measurement of Distortion Due to Vertical Publication 98.
Tracking Angle Errors in Stereo Disc Systems'
Halter and Woodward, RCA Labs.
5. 'The Design of High Quality Stereophonic
Gramophone Pickups for Minimum Wear and
Distortion' D. Jaquess, Decca Record Co.
6. 'Pickups - The key to Hi-Fi' J. Walton

‘Recompiled’ 11/24/2016


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