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The Human Following Shopping Cart Assistance Robot ii




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2017-2021 2017-2021


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A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the award of the degree of





Department of Information Sciences, University of Education Lahore (Multan Campus)

The Human Following Shopping Cart Assistance Robot iii


This is to certify that the research work presented in this thesis, entitled “THE
completed under the supervision of Dr.Sajid Ali at Department of Information
Sciences, University of Education Lahore, Multan Campus in partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology under
my guidance and supervision.

In our opinion, it is satisfactory and up to the mark and therefore fulfills the
requirements of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Degree.

Signature: Signature:

Student Name: Student Name:

Date: Date:

Signature: Signature:

Student Name: Student Name:

Date: Date:

Project Supervisor Convener (Project Evaluation Committee)

Name: Dr. Sajid Ali Name: Dr. Muhammad AsadMeraj

Designation: Associate Professor Designation: Principal

University of Education, Multan campus University of Education, Multan campus

Member (Project Evaluation Committee) Member (Project Evaluation Committee)

Name: Dr. Sajid Ali Name: Designation: Associate

Designation: Professor Designation:

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The Human Following Shopping Cart Assistance Robot iv

―We hereby declare that I have read this thesis and in my opinion this thesis is

sufficient in terms of scope and quality for the award of the degree of

Bachelors in Information Technology.‖

Project SupervisorName: Dr. Sajid Ali

Designation: Associate Professor



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The Human Following Shopping Cart Assistance Robot v

We declare that this thesis entitled ―THE HUMAN FOLLOWING SHOPPING
CART ASSISTANCE ROBOT‖ is the result of our own research except as
cited in the references. The thesis has not been accepted for any degree and
is not concurrently submitted in candidature for any other degree. At any time
if my statement is found to be incorrect even after award of Bachelors in
Information Technology degree, the university has the right to withdraw my
degree of Information Technology.

Signature: Signature:

Student Name: Student Name:

Date: Date:

Signature: Signature:

Student Name: Student Name:

Date: Date:

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The Human Following Shopping Cart Assistance Robot vi

This work was somewhat upheld by BS IT 8th semester group No: 3, Group
Id‖ PID-BS IT-F17M03‖. We are thankful to ALLAH ALMIGHTY, who gave us
the strength and ability to understand this knowledge and stand where we are,
and to His beloved Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) who is the Holy Prophet
(PEACE BE UPON HIM) of Allah Almighty and symbol of guidance to all
mankind. We extend special thanks to our PARENTS and my teachers;
without their support we were unable to stand where we are now.

We express my heartiest respect and gratitude to my internship supervisor

who made me able to complete this Project to fulfill all the requirements Also
my special expression of gratitude to all working staff of saving center who
introduced me with required information to earn the professional work with
open heart.

Department of Information Sciences, University of Education Lahore (Multan Campus)

The Human Following Shopping Cart Assistance Robot vii


CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 1

CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF DEVELOPED SYSTEMS: ..................................... 4

2.1 Information and Help Systems: ...................................................... 5

2.2 Shopping Cart Robots: ................................................................... 5

2.3 Robot Person following Behavior: .................................................. 7


ASSISTANCE ROBOT ................................................................................. 10

3.1 The Mobile Platform: .................................................................... 11

3.2 Arduino UNO ................................................................................ 12

3.3 Motor Driver:................................................................................. 13

3.4 Gear Motor: .................................................................................. 14

3.5 Servo Motor.................................................................................. 16

3.6 Ultrasound Localization System: .................................................. 16

3.7 TDoA with RF and Ultrasound: ..................................................... 18

3.8 Trilateration for Position Determination: ....................................... 19

3.9 Trilateration Geometrical Error Study: .......................................... 21

3.10 Infrared Sensor:............................................................................ 22

3.11 Infrared Radiation Theory ............................................................. 22

CHAPTER 4 PERSON FOLLOWING FUNCTIONALITY ............................. 25

4.1 User Interface:.............................................................................. 26

4.2 The 4 states are portrayed as follows: .......................................... 27

CHAPTER 5 SIMULATION RESULTS ......................................................... 29

5.1 Small Grocery Store Simulation ................................................... 30

5.2 Large Grocery Store Simulation: .................................................. 31

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CHAPTER 6 FIELD EXPERIMENTS (I) ........................................................ 33

6.1 Person following Functionality in a Small Grocery Store .............. 34

CHAPTER 7 FIELD EXPERIMENTS (II) ....................................................... 36

7.1 Usability Tests with Two Robots in a Large Grocery Store ........... 37

CHAPTER 8 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK..................................... 39

REFERENCES .............................................................................................. 42

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Figure 3.1 Development Board Microcontroller for Project ....................................... 13

Figure 3.2 This shield is driven by 2 L293D chips, which are very strong 4-channel

drivers. Because of the power of these chips, this shield can control 4 DC Motors .. 14

Figure 3.3 This is a DC motor and wheel set for making robots! These motors are

light weight, high torque and low RPM. .................................................................... 15


MOTOR TOWER ..................................................................................................... 16

Figure 3.5 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor ..................................................................... 17

Figure 3.6 Infrared Sensor Module has built-in IR transmitter and IR receiver that

sends out IR rays and looks for reflected IR rays to detect presence of any object .. 23

Figure 3.7 Working Principle of IR sensor ................................................................ 23

Figure 4.1 Person following behaviour 4-state machine ........................................... 26

Figure 4.2 Person following behaviour: the person can be in one of the 3 shown

regions .................................................................................................................... 27

Figure 5.1 Simulation of five persons and robots on a small grocery, consisting of

three corridors with shelves on each side. ............................................................... 30

Figure 5.2 Simulation of five people shopping in a larger environment..................... 32

Figure 8.1 Future Vision Robotic Shopping cart ....................................................... 40

Department of Information Sciences, University of Education Lahore (Multan Campus)

The Human Following Shopping Cart Assistance Robot 1



Department of Information Sciences, University of Education Lahore (Multan Campus)

The Human Following Shopping Cart Assistance Robot 2

As of late, the expansion of enormous grocery stores and malls, added

to the fast improvement of robot innovation, has created automated

frameworks for aiding individuals in these specific conditions. Some particular

kinds of utilizations, for example, upgrading the actual capacities of the client,

helping in the vehicle of items by giving a versatile shopping bin, and

improving the data given to the client in a shrewder way, have been portrayed

in logical writing.

Helping senior individuals in their surroundings is a method of

fundamentally improving their personal satisfaction. For instance,

organizations of sensors and actuators inserted in structures (i.e., Ambient

Intelligence) can give valuable capacities. Indeed, a few European Union

ventures have zeroed in on this specific subject. Be that as it may, assisting

older with peopling outside their standard climate is likewise essential, to

assist them with doing day by day errands like shopping.

Populace maturing is a worry for most created nations and it is

conjecture that it will speed up in the years to come. The principle objective in

the field of help advanced mechanics is to help clients in their regular day to

day existences, in assignments, for example, moving around, taking care of

articles, or collaborating, conceivably distantly, with others, either companions

or family members, or experts. In this unique circumstance, robot gadgets are

pointed not just at helping individuals, rather than supplanting them, yet

additionally at embracing the part of associates. In this way, they should be

intended to cooperate with undeveloped individuals, and an incredible

exertion should be made to empower clients to acknowledge them without

any problem.

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The Human Following Shopping Cart Assistance Robot 3

Additionally, these help robots may need to work in unstructured

conditions that can't be redone, like homes, shops, or stops. This infers a

requirement for the robot that is aware of its environmental factors, which

requires the utilization of an assortment of sensors. Also, a large number of

the things that should be taken care of, like food, don't come in standard sizes

and shapes, as they regularly do in a modern setting.

In this paper we present an individual after shopping basket and help

robot named Advance Robo, the buddy robot prepared to do effectively

assisting old individuals with conveying items in a store. As a matter of first

importance, the paper presents an overview of related frameworks intended to

help individuals in grocery stores and business shopping centers and to help

individuals shopping and conveying their articles in a general store utilizing

various methodologies, like append able modules and PC vision. From that

point onward, the paper depicts exhaustively the proposed framework: a

versatile stage that carries out individual after conduct that utilizes ultrasound

and radio transmissions innovation to give strength and usability according to

the perspective of the client. At last, the paper dissects the versatility of this

framework for expanding the quantity of robots in a reenacted climate and its

ease of use in a little supermarket.

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The Human Following Shopping Cart Assistance Robot 4



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The Human Following Shopping Cart Assistance Robot 5

2.1 Information and Help Systems:

With regards to data and help frameworks, the administrations that

those frameworks give to the clients in shopping centers and huge stores are

chiefly focused on showing the area of specific shops and offering vague

notice data dependent on client distinguishing proof.

In a system is described that has the ability to accompany the user in

the search of a list of articles previously specified. The system does not carry

the food. Moreover, the robot performs navigation and obstacle detection by

using a camera and a laser range finder.

Using a Robot IIF platform with humanoid aspect, in a system is

described that interacts with the persons in a mall and is able to give them

directions about the localization of the products or even recognizing them

through RFID tags. The user input is provided by means of a speech

recognition system.

An intelligent multirobot system for big stores is proposed in , where

the robots may develop cooperative tasks in order to detect available space in

the shelves, checking the real location of the products by looking at their

barcodes, knowing the number of articles in a shelf by using RFID tags,

making an inventory of the available products, and helping customers to

localize specific articles.

2.2 Shopping Cart Robots:

As of late, a few examinations have tended to fostering a self-ruling

shopping basket. For instance, the chance of fostering a porting framework for

huge measured offices like a shopping center or an air terminal is

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The Human Following Shopping Cart Assistance Robot 6

concentrated in. To accomplish this reason, they have connected a drive

framework to a shopping basket, to communicate capacity to the truck

wheels. To play out the ideal individual after capacity, they utilize a sound

system camera introduced before the truck. One benefit of this framework is

that the individual doesn't need to wear any connected component.

Conversely, as they are utilizing acknowledgment by shading division, the

individual needs to wear

garments of a particular tone. Also, they need to deal with every one of

the issues identified with PC vision: high computational expense, light

fluctuation issues, foundation shading obstruction issues, etc.

A more complete model is proposed in, made out of two robots, a

friend and a transporter. To restrict the situation of the friend, a bunch of

cameras is utilized, which permits the identification of robots and people

present in the situation. The transporter robot can follow the buddy one, which

can control the client to the ideal situation, just as follow him while trusting that

the following activity will be performed. A framework for following shopping

baskets in indoor conditions is created in. This framework comprises of the

establishment of a PC and a camcorder on the shopping baskets, for them to

have the option to self-limit and send their situation to an incorporated

framework. We discover this framework fascinating, as it could likewise be an

initial step to having an independent truck with individual after capacities, yet

as a weakness, it requires an unpredictable framework to be introduced on

the truck, and a structure with prior foundation.

The examination completed in infers that senior individual’s interface in

a superior manner with robots conveying the shopping bin when they have a

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The Human Following Shopping Cart Assistance Robot 7

humanoid viewpoint and give conversational abilities, albeit this reality infers a

significant expense and complex framework. In a shopping help framework is

created, ready to get the shopping list from a cell phone through a QR code,

convey the shopping crate and show at every second which articles are on it,

and speak with the store PC framework to educate about the area of articles.

It utilizes a laser range locater, sonar, and contact sensors (guards) to

explore. Then again, some older individuals lean toward being available in the

general store to contact the items and make a more itemized choice.

2.3 Robot Person following Behavior:

Individual after performed by a robothas generally been a significant

exploration theme in the machine vision region. It is normal to envision that

portable robot of things to come, particularly those working openly puts, will

be required to have this ability. For instance, in two distinctive effective

individual following calculations for a dream based versatile robot utilizing two

freely moving cameras are introduced. With this methodology it is feasible to

complete ongoing individual continuing in indoor conditions. In the creators

portray a robot with following capacity and returning capacity utilizing a

monocular camera.

An alternate human following technique utilizing layout coordinating in

range information got from a laser range locater (LRF) is portrayed in. The

square coordinating is performed utilizing put away formats, which compare to

appearances of human legs. The creators use laser examines and separating

procedures for following moving items and people. In the creators utilize a

laser-based individual following technique and two distinct ways to deal with

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The Human Following Shopping Cart Assistance Robot 8

individual after, bearing after and way following, and a mix of the two

strategies is proposed, a mixture approach, with the robot consequently

choosing which strategy to utilize. In the laser-based leg indicator is joined

with a Kinect framework to distinguish the client position, anticipate its

direction, and cause the vehicle to follow it. Inthe laser range locater is joined

with two cameras to distinguish the client position and the presence of

deterrents, while the primary objective of the paper is to furnish the robot with

various conduct techniques (e.g., Go To User, Follow User, Local Search, and

Global Search) and movement ways (Free Space and Cluttered Space)

choosing the suitable one in each circumstance.

A robot global positioning framework dependent on a camera and a

light-radiating gadget is utilized. Their motivation is to foster a self-ruling

versatile robot which can follow a person. The robot with a camera takes a

gander at a human having a light-transmitting gadget. The gadget comprises

of two LEDs. The robot can gauge the situation of the human from the

distance between two LEDs, and the heading, from the situation of the LED

on the caught picture.

In a twofold sensor framework is utilized to perform individual after by a

robot. The robot can go with an individual utilizing vision-based objective

location and keep away from obstructions with ultrasonic sensors while

following the individual. Ina camera is utilized to identify both the individual to

be followed and the natural hindrances, while RFID labels are utilized to get

the robot's restriction.

A shopping help robot is proposed for outwardly debilitated individuals,

utilizing RFID labels for item recognizable proof and a laser range locater for

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The Human Following Shopping Cart Assistance Robot 9

limitation and route, while, in, RFID is blended in with vision methods to

distinguish the client in a group and track their situation to make it conceivable

to follow him.

The framework proposed in this paper is a shopping basket robot that

executes an individual after conduct. The goal is to have a straightforward and

hearty framework, simple to utilize, uniquely for more established individuals,

and that addresses a generally minimal expense arrangement contrasted with

different methodologies. The proposed individual after framework depends on

a mix of radio and ultrasound signs to perform estimations between the

individual and the robot. When the framework takes a couple of estimations, a

straightforward activity gauges the situation of the human to be followed. The

execution two or three estimation gadgets introduced on the robot and a

ultrasound ring connected to the individual's leg. This location strategy, as

various to different executions, maintains a strategic distance from the

utilization of cameras and the huge measure of calculation important to

picture preparing.

This framework has effectively demonstrated its effectiveness with

regards to the EU GUARDIANS project, where the hazardous and low

perceivability conditions required a vigorous and solid framework. Its solid

focuses are the effortlessness, power, and its autonomy to changes in

perceivability conditions.

Contrasted with other proposed techniques, computational necessities

are low, so it is feasible to carry out the entire framework in a practical

programmable board.

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The Human Following Shopping Cart Assistance Robot 11

In this part, the proposed shopping basket help robot named Advance

Robo is introduced. The worldly improvement of the framework and the

accomplished achievements are addressed. To the best of the creators'

information, it is the main shopping help robot that consolidates seclusion,

straightforwardness, and usability at a sensible expense that is particularly

focused to help the old individuals in a particularly regular action like doing

shopping. As it will be portrayed beneath, it depends on a business

mechanical stage and a few frill like a RFID label peruse that gives extra

control of the items that are being added to the truck. Also, when the

framework is associated with a cell phone like a tablet PC or cell phone, it

gives extra data to the client and permits the change of various individual after


3.1 The Mobile Platform:

The Advance Robo depends on the Erratic-Videre portable robot

stage, a stage which has been furnished with a shopping crate. It is a

conservative and amazing stage and is fit for conveying a full heap of

mechanical technology hardware, including an incorporated PC, laser range

locater, and different sensors. The choice was persuaded in light of the fact

that it is a straightforward stage, sensibly valued, profoundly expandable, and

powerful. Also, this stage is truly adaptable, as it has been intended to work

either with an on-board PC, utilizing the force supply from the robot batteries,

or with a PC, with its own battery. Furthermore, the equipment is viable with

Player/Stage and ROS (Robot Operating System), both open-source and

generally utilized in the mechanical technology local area. The stage is

furnished with three 12V 7AH lead-corrosive batteries, giving a sensible self-

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The Human Following Shopping Cart Assistance Robot 12

governance to the depicted reason (around 1 hour for an ordinary shopping

use). The stage weighs 2 Kg including the base, batteries, and frill. The

upheld payload is 5 Kg.

3.2 Arduino UNO

Arduino is an open-source gadgets stage dependent on simple to-

utilize equipment and programming. Arduino sheets can understand inputs -

light on a sensor, a finger on a catch, or a Twitter message - and transform it

into a yield - initiating an engine, turning on a LED, distributing something on

the web. You can guide your board by sending a bunch of guidelines to the

microcontroller on the board. To do so you utilize the Arduino programming

language (in view of Wiring), and the Arduino Software (IDE), in light of


Throughout the long term Arduino has been the cerebrum of thousands

of ventures, from regular items to complex logical instruments. An overall local

area of creators - understudies, specialists, craftsmen, software engineers,

and experts - has assembled around this open-source stage, their

commitments have amounted to an amazing measure of available information

that can be of incredible assistance to fledglings and specialiststhe same.

Arduino was brought into the world at the Ivrea Interaction Design

Institute as a simple apparatus for quick prototyping, focused on understudies

without a foundation in gadgets and programming. When it arrived at a more

extensive local area, the Arduino board began changing to adjust to new

requirements and difficulties, separating its proposal from straightforward 8-bit

sheets to items for IoT applications, wearable, 3D printing, and installed

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The Human Following Shopping Cart Assistance Robot 13

conditions. All Arduino sheets are totally open-source, engaging clients to

construct them freely and in the long run adjust them to their specific

requirements. The product, as well, is open-source, and it is developing

through the commitments of clients around the world.

Figure 3.1 Development Board Microcontroller for Project

3.3 Motor Driver:

The most commonly used actuator in any electronic device/machine

will be motors next to solenoids, pneumatics and hydraulics. From a simple

vibration motor inside a mobile phone to complex stepper motors in CNC

machines, these DC machines can be found everywhere. To control a motor

using a Microcontroller or processors we need something called a Motor

Driver or Motor Controller. Depending upon the type of motor and type of

control required the type of Motor Drivers will also change. In this article we

will focus only of DC motors and how to control a DC motor using a Motor

Driver with the most popular H-bridge Topology. This technique will help us

drive small or large DC Motors and also control its direction.

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The Human Following Shopping Cart Assistance Robot 14

Figure 3.2 This shield is driven by 2 L293D chips, which are very strong 4-channel drivers.

Because of the power of these chips, this shield can control 4 DC Motors

The motor driver IC is an integrated circuit chip used as a motor

controlling device in autonomous robots and embedded circuits. L293D and

ULN2003 are the most commonly used motor Driver IC that is used in simple

robots and RC cars. A motor driver is undoubtedly something that makes the

motor move as per the given instructions or the inputs (high and low). It listens

to the low voltage from the controller/processor and control an actual motor

which needs high input voltage. In simple words, a motor driver IC controls

the direction of the motor based on the commands or instructions it receives

from the controller. Many motor drivers follow different topology, in this article

we will focus on the popular H-bridge topology which is used in the L293D

motor driver IC.

3.4 Gear Motor:

Essentially, a gear motor is a pairing of gear reducer and ac or dc

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The Human Following Shopping Cart Assistance Robot 15

electrical motor. The gear and the motors are combined into one unit.

A gear motor delivers high torque at low horsepower or low speed. The

speed specifications for these motors are normal speed and stall-speed

torque. These motors use gears, typically assembled as a gearbox, to reduce

speed, which makes more torque available. Gear motors are most often used

in applications that need a lot of force to move heavy objects.

Figure 3.3 This is a DC motor and wheel set for making robots! These motors are light weight,

high torque and low RPM.

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The Human Following Shopping Cart Assistance Robot 16

3.5 Servo Motor

A servo motor is a self-contained electrical device, that rotate parts of a

machine with high efficiency and with great precision. The output shaft of this

motor can be moved to a particular angle, position and velocity that a regular

motor does not have.The Servo Motor utilizes a regular motor and couples it

with a sensor for positional feedback. The controller is the most important part

of the Servo Motor designed and used specifically for this purpose.


3.6 Ultrasound Localization System:

The limitation framework utilized in the shopping basket robot has been

adjusted from the past outcomes got in the field of individual after under crisis

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The Human Following Shopping Cart Assistance Robot 17

circumstances and low perceivability conditions. This framework utilizes

ultrasound-based signs to make estimations between two focuses. It

additionally utilizes radio signs for synchronization purposes. The created

ultrasonic limitation framework includes the accompanying gadgets:

Hagisonic sonar’s (transmitters/beneficiaries): two unique models of

9ultrasonic sonar have been read and utilized for executing time contrast of

appearance (TDoA) to infer position data. Those sensors (HG-M40DAI and

HG-M40DAII) are ultrasonic item identifiers and reach locaters that offer

extremely short-to-medium-range recognition. The AII model offers an

uncommon restricted directional reaction, degrees in vertical heading to limit

the impression of undesirable sound waves.

Radio modules, standard radio transmitter/beneficiary working at

433 MHz: those modules permit the regulation of computerized flags up to

1 KHz at greatest distances of around 20–30 inch. Those remote modules are

planned to give a synchronization instrument, by conveying constant

messages between the various robots that could be available.

Figure 3.5 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor

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3.7 TDoA with RF and Ultrasound:

With this estimation, we attempt to decide the 2D situation of an actual

objective (i.e., an individual) concerning a portable robot by utilizing the time

distinction of appearance of two changed signals every one with a realized

proliferation speed (i.e., radio and ultrasound)

The initial step was to decide the attainability of the utilization of

ultrasound signs to get distances. To do that, few research center trials have

been done to assess some accessible ultrasound transmitters/collectors

utilizing wires to associate both transmitter and beneficiary. Those sensors

(HG-M40DAI and HG-M40DAII) are ultrasonic item locators and reach

locaters that offer extremely short-to-medium-range identification. The AII

model offers an exceptional restricted directional reaction, 25–30

degrees vertical way to limit the impression of undesirable sound waves. We

acquire bigger transmission separates by eliminating the front facing front of

the sensors that goes about as an anisotropic channel.

In the wake of playing out those experimentations, we presumed that

the estimation of the hour of trip of ultrasound waves could be a plausible

method of assessing distances. The assessment of distances by estimating

the hour of spread of ultrasonic waves can be helpful for a few limitation

strategies dependent on the information on certain distances. Further

experimentation showed that this strategy offered a decent execution of the

sensors for distances up to 7-8 meters.

The following stage was to present synchronization radio signs to

gauge distances between two free hubs (i.e., a robot and the individual or two

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The Human Following Shopping Cart Assistance Robot 19

robots). To accomplish this reason, the hypothetical thought of the time

contrast of appearance (TDoA) was executed. The thought is to quantify the

hour of trip of the ultrasound signals utilizing the radio sign as synchronization

technique. The hour of trip of the radio sign is viewed as consistent for the

scope of distances that we will quantify (from 0 to a limit of 8 meters).

The most difficult errand for executing the TDoA was to discover an

equipment stage that could take those estimations, having the option to

control both, radio and ultrasound sensors. After thorough examination about

its capacities, the Handy Board, broadly utilized for showing purposes in

Jaume I University, was utilized. Some extra gadgets were vital for coupling

those segments to the board. The programming of the load up was finished

with a combination of C programming language for the worldwide daily

practice and low level computing construct for the continuous perusing and

composing of signs.

The estimation abilities of the sheets were tried, and the outcome is

that the got estimations were very exact, having the option to compare 8

meters with a most extreme blunder of around 3 cm

3.8 Trilateration for Position Determination:

The model introduced in this paper a few estimation sheets to decide

the 2D situation of the individual. The two radio/ultrasound estimation

frameworks are isolated by a known distance.

With this setup and utilizing a mathematical trilateration technique for a

no algebraic approach dependent on valuable mathematical contentions), we

can gauge the good ways from a producer situated at P point. The P point is

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The Human Following Shopping Cart Assistance Robot 20

the situation of the individual that we need to find.

To get the (x,y)(x,y) directions of the P point we continue as follows:

the P point is in the convergence of the two circuits C 1C1 and C2C2. Leave the

condition of the circuit alone (x−a)2+(y−b)2=r2(x-a)2+(y-b)2=r2, where (a,b)(a,b)

is the middle, r is the span, and (x,y)(x,y) are the marks of the outline.

Knowing both focuses (−dr/2,0)(- dr/2,0) and (dr/2,0)(dr/2,0), and the

distances d1d1, d2d2 from the item situated at P(x,y)P(x,y), we can compose

the accompanying arrangement of conditions:

Equation 3.1

Solving this system of equations, we obtain the point P(x,y)P(x,y)

where the emitter is located:

Equation 3.2

The condition for the y arranges gives two arrangements (positive and

negative), however we just utilize the positive arrangement since ultrasound

sensors are just accepting signs from both y positive quadrants, as they are

mounted in sure y heading and not in regrettable y bearing. When we know

the general situation of the P point concerning the robot, a control calculation

registers the resultant straight and rakish velocities for controlling the robot.

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3.9 Trilateration Geometrical Error Study:

To evaluate the blunder delivered by singular estimations when utilizing

the above trilateration technique, a mathematical report was made for the

most widely recognized arrangements.

When utilizing the carried out trilateration procedure, two autonomous

estimations d1d1 and d2d2 are taken by two estimating gadgetsfrom the

getting focuses (−dr/2,0)(- dr/2,0) and (dr/2,0)(dr/2,0) to the item situated at

P(x,y)P(x,y), outfitted with a transmission gadget. Singular estimation

mistakes in d1d1 and d2d2 produce a vulnerability region while computing

P(x,y)P(x,y) by trilateration.

For instance, in, we present a mathematical portrayal of the

vulnerability regions in which the point P(x,y)P(x,y) could be on the off chance

that we consider an individual mistake for every estimation of ±5 cm (an upper

bound, regular blunder is around ±1 cm). The vulnerability region is addressed

for expanding good ways from the producer to the collectors (from 1 to 8

meters).the producer is arranged at 40° from the opposite to the section that

associates the two beneficiaries. While expanding the distance, the

vulnerability region increases for the level facilitate (gets more extensive)

however stays little for the upward organize. The flat vulnerability is hilter kilter

because of the rakish removal of the producer. The mistake area increments

with the separation from the transmitter to the beneficiaries however it very

well may be decreased by expanding the partition distance (dr) between

recipients that, practically speaking, is restricted by the robot measurements.

Indeed, even this hypothetical blunder study uncovers that the position

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dictated by the strategy can be influenced by a significant level mistake; by

and by, the individual measures acquired from the gadgets are a lot more

modest than the hypothetical greatest, so the situation of the individual can be

precisely decided and followed by utilizing a basic sifting procedure.

3.10 Infrared Sensor:

An infrared sensor is an electronic instrument that is used to sense

certain characteristics of its surroundings. It does this by either emitting or

detecting infrared radiation. Infrared sensors are also capable of measuring

the heat being emitted by an object and detecting motion.

An IR sensor can measure the heat of an object as well as detects the

motion. These types of sensors measure only infrared radiation, rather than

emitting it that is called a passive IR Sensor.

3.11 Infrared Radiation Theory

Infrared waves are not visible to the human eye. In the electromagnetic

spectrum, infrared radiation can be found between the visible and microwave

regions. The infrared waves typically have wavelengths between 0.75 and


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Figure 3.6 Infrared Sensor Module has built-in IR transmitter and IR receiver that sends out IR

rays and looks for reflected IR rays to detect presence of any object

The infrared spectrum can be split into near IR, mid IR and far IR. The

wavelength region from 0.75 to 3µm is known as the near infrared region. The

region between 3 and 6µm is known as the mid-infrared region, and infrared

radiation which has a wavelength greater higher than 6µm is known as far


Figure 3.7 Working Principle of IR sensor

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The product engineering incorporates a C++ worker running in the

robot's ready PC, which gives a TCP/IP interface to an Android gadget. Right

now of composing the worker is running on a Windows Virtual Machine,

because of certain drivers issues, which made it difficult to run the worker

straightforwardly on the Linux working framework and ROS stage.

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4.1 User Interface:

In this unique circumstance, the client can, for instance, change the

accompanying distance, just as adjusting the accompanying velocity and the

robot turn delay. This will permit the client to tune the way he/she needs the

robot to perform. Also, by utilizing this interface, the client can know other

robot boundaries, similar to the battery status, etc.

Figure 4.1 Person following behaviour 4-state machine

The individual after usefulness is executed in a PC program designated

on the on-board PC of the robot. The PC runs a Ubuntu 12.04 LTS dispersion,

and the robot is controlled utilizing ROS, because of the erratic_player hub

that wraps the Erratic driver found in Player project. The framework

usefulness is halfway executed in C++ to carry out the individual after

usefulness and to interface with ROS and the equipment stage regulator.

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The Human Following Shopping Cart Assistance Robot 27

The individual after usefulness is executed utilizing a 4-state machine.

Each state addresses one diverse situation of the followed individual as for

the robot .

4.2 The 4 states are portrayed as follows:

Follow: the current position P(x,y)P(x,y) of the followed individual is into

the functioning region labeled as Follow. The control program registers the

robot speed such that the situation of the individual P(x,y)P(x,y) merges to the

ideal position P(x′,y′)P(x′,y′). To accomplish this objective, the turn paces of

both robot wheels are processed utilizing a corresponding regulator.

Figure 4.2 Person following behaviour: the person can be in one of the 3 shown regions

Wait_1: the current position P(x,y)P(x,y) of the followed individual is

into the closest region, labeled as Wait_1, a ways off from the robot that is not

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The Human Following Shopping Cart Assistance Robot 28

exactly that ideal. The present circumstance occurs, for instance, when the

individual returns to take something different from the racks, or when the

individual places something into the truck. In this express, the robot can act in

two unique manners relying upon the client setup: to quit moving, with the

goal that the individual can move toward the robot to put something on the

container or to somewhat move in reverse, giving more opportunity to the

client when moving advances and in reverse. In this last case, the client can

leave things in the crate by drawing nearer to the robot from the side (Wait_2


Wait_2: in this express, the individual has shifted aside from the robot

and leaves the inclusion space of ultrasound collectors. The present

circumstance occurs, for instance, when the individual needs to leave

something on the crate, or when the individual shifts course. For this situation

the robot sits tight for a configurable timeframe (turn delay), simply on

the off chance that the individual returns to the inclusion region. In the event

that the individual returns to the inclusion region, the new state will be Wait_1

or Follow. Something else, in the wake of holding up a measure of time, the

program will progress to the Search state.

Search: the robot begins turning gradually to look for the individual.

The present circumstance occurs, for instance, after the individual has

adjusted course. When the individual has been found, the conceivable next

states will be Follow or Wait_1.

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A few 2D reproductions of the robots utilizing Player/Stage and ROS

have been completed to test the practicality and versatility of the introduced

framework and are portrayed beneath. The recordings of the reproductions

are accessible online.

5.1 Small Grocery Store Simulation

The principal reenactment reproduces a little supermarket in which

there are five individuals doing shopping and five robots every one after one

of the five people. The climate depends on a little basic food item, comprising

of three passageways with racks on each side. The clients move along the

halls and stop before the racks to pick an item.

We were especially keen on the versatility of our framework; that is,

how might the framework proceed as the quantity of robots increments?
Because of the impedances between the sonar sensors of various robots, the
recurrence of the beats is diminished. In this recreation the situating
framework gives new estimations at a pace of only 2 Hz. Such low recurrence
permits the gathering of robots to make estimations of every individual thusly,
without covering.

Figure 5.1 Simulation of five persons and robots on a small grocery, consisting of three

corridors with shelves on each side.

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Robots are customized to follow the people at an objective distance of

1 m. Every robot follows the individual portrayed in a similar shading. Figure

16 presents the distances between every individual and the relating supporter

robot, during a time frame seconds. In such a stretch, a typical individual

performs somewhere in the range of three and five stops and movements.

At the point when an individual begins to move, the distance to the

robot increments immediately, with tops at about 2.2–2.4 m, since the speeds

of robots are restricted, and the input control circle is absolutely relative. Be

that as it may, the situating framework directs the robot towards the individual,

following the fitting way until the individual stops again before a rack.

Upon the individual moving toward the robot under a given limit, it will

move gradually in reverse to keep the preselected distance (e.g., see the

distance of the robot r_5 in the plot between seconds 60 and 70), as indicated

by the individual after usefulness portrayed in Section 4.

5.2 Large Grocery Store Simulation:

The past devotee calculation turns out just for little distances. We have

tried a more perplexing adherent conduct in a bigger shopping climate.

Portrays the new recreation climate, comprising of a bigger shop with a higher

number of hallways and racks. The robots are customized to compute a

direction towards the situation of the individual, given the guide of the climate,

and a legitimate self-situating framework. We have run a reproduction of the

five individuals doing shopping over a time of six minutes. Distances between

every individual and the relating supporter robot are appeared. Every robot

refreshes the situation of the followed individual at 1 Hz. The prearranged

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The Human Following Shopping Cart Assistance Robot 32

distance is 1 m and more often than not the robots stay inside a distance to

the individual more diminutive than 2.5 m. Yet, the distance may increment

because of the postponement in the update, and the moving obstructions

(different people or potentially robots). With our accessible sensors, the

situating of the individual can be dependably decided up to a distance of 8 m

(limit appeared in the figure). Two robots (r_1 and r_4) approach such

distance in two moments of the reproduction. In such cases, the robot

should pause and trust that the individual will go in close vicinity to the

locationdistance again.

Figure 5.2 Simulation of five people shopping in a larger environment

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6.1 Person following Functionality in a Small Grocery Store

To assess the convenience, possibility, and most helpful robot

following boundaries in a genuine climate, a few tests were done in a little

supermarket. The framework was tried with a little pilot gathering of old

individuals, with the plan to get some input identified with ease of use and

sufficient robot boundaries. Every one of them were needed to do their typical

shopping, following around the direction appeared.

Two diverse direct after speeds were chosen, first at 0.2 m/s and

afterward at 0.3 m/s, following the inclinations of the clients. For each chose

speed, the separation from the robot to the individual was recorded during a

time frame seconds, as in the principal recreation try. The point presently is to

test the vigor of the proposed following technique at low estimating rates (i.e.,

2 Hz) coming from the situating framework. Likewise, unique after distances

were tried d={0.2,0.5,1.0}d={0.2,0.5,1.0}, to notice the conduct at various

straight rates. As can be found in (direct speed 0.2 m/s), when the individual

begins to move, the distance to the robot increments and the robot attempts

to limit it (utilizing a straightforward relative regulator) to the preselected

following distances portrayed in level lines. The little wave design that can be

seen in every one of the diagrams compares to the strolling design, as the

ultrasonic ring was appended to the individual's leg. This example doesn't

influence the devotee usefulness in any capacity.

As can likewise be noticed, when the individual does a stop to get

something, the distance diminishes as the robot moves toward the individual.

This happens quicker in as the direct speed is 0.3 m/s, marginally more

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The Human Following Shopping Cart Assistance Robot 35

prominent than in the tests portrayed in (0.2 m/s). At the point when the

individual methodologies the robot, for instance, to place something into the

bushel, the robot stays static if the client comes closer from the side, as

indicated by the state machine clarified in Section 4. Oppositely, if the client

comes closer from the front, the robot starts to move gradually in reverse to

keep the predefined distance, giving more opportunity to the client while

moving along the hall.

For the tried after distances, the robot acts satisfactorily, yet on the off

chance that more noteworthy distances were required (i.e., a client that

inclines toward a more prominent robot distance), an impediment aversion

framework ought to be utilized to stay away from crashes. To handle this

issue, the stage is likewise outfitted with a Hokuyo URG-04LX Scanning laser

range locater (LRF) and utilizes a nearby organizer for snag evasion, in light

of the Dynamic Window Approach to neighborhood route on a plane. Given

the reference position of the individual to follow and a costmap got by a laser

range locater, the nearby organizer produces speed orders to ship off the

portable base. The data for the sonar should be joined with the laser

estimations all together for the distinguished individual not to be treated as a

hindrance. By the by, with the utilization of a LRF this gadget increments

essentially the expense of the stage, so as another option, a lot less

expensive optical triangulation-based distance sensor (like the Sharp GP2D12

distance estimating sensor) could be utilized all things being equal.

Further subtleties, similar to a video with the individual after framework

in real life and some fundamental ease of use results can likewise be seen


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7.1 Usability Tests with Two Robots in a Large Grocery


In light of the main client investigations and ideas, an improved

rendition of the robot has been planned, and a first model was tried in a bigger

supermarket. In the advanced adaptation, a standard shopping basket pack

was fitted to the robot through a PVC structure, improving the ergonomics and

the feel. The past model had a 22 × 25 × 40 cm (H×L×WH×L×W) sack, while

the improved one is 65 × 29 × 44 cm. The upper piece of the PVC design can

be utilized as a handle both to somewhat incline toward it and to move the

truck. Likewise, the tallness of the sack has been expanded, making it simpler

to put articles inside and expanding also the limit of the truck. Beneath the

sack, a particular ensured space has been empowered to hold the PC and


In this subsequent examination, the new stage was teleoperated,

utilizing a distant PC associated remotely to the PC on board the robot, and

utilizing the ROS teleop bundle. The target at this prototyping stage was to get

however much input as could reasonably be expected from clients before the

plan and advancement of an improved individual after usefulness. Five unique

individuals were approached to do typical shopping in a supermarket, going

about as regular as could really be expected and disregarding pushing the

shopping basket.

The client encounters were gathered in a progression of meetings.

Every one of them showed that this new form is more agreeable than the past

one, basically with the new plan of the sack. A rundown of the primary

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The Human Following Shopping Cart Assistance Robot 38

thoughts brought by the clients to improve the framework is the


Make the robot considerably lighter, to permit the client to move it

physically in the event of need.

Plan a device or lift that assists senior with peopling to remove the

merchandise in a basic and simple way.

The utilization of a clever arm watch rather than an appendable belt to

the leg.

Also, a bunch of four inquiries was posed to the four individuals that

tried the robots. Their reactions to a Likert 1–5 scale are summed up in a

graph. As can be seen, every one of them are exceptionally happy with the

new plan, and they principally propose the utilization of an insightful arm

watch as a collaboration gadget with the robot.

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In this paper we have introduced an individual after framework for a

portable help robot that depends on a blend of radio and ultrasound signs to

perform estimations between the individual and the robot. One of the

destinations of the work was to foster a straightforward, dependable, and

simple to utilize framework that could give opportunity of developments to the

older individuals. To do as such, the versatile robot follows the individual by

perusing the signs from a ultrasound ring connected to the individual's leg.

A second significant goal was the client agreeableness. In the wake of

testing the framework for certain expected clients, we had the option to

presume that this shopping basket robot is very much acknowledged among

old individuals, since they comprehend that it is an improvement in their lives,

a mechanical development, rather than something that replaces their actual


Figure 8.1 Future Vision Robotic Shopping cart

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The Human Following Shopping Cart Assistance Robot 41

As future work, we are wanting to incorporate the as of late proposed

indoor radio-based confinement framework into the shopping basket. This

framework depends on fingerprinting methods and can be applied to robot

and individual confinement to know their situation in a specific climate, simply

utilizing just the WiFi/ZigBee handset data, and giving a 1.5 m limitation

mistake. This could improve the robot route inside a mall, and the robot could

likewise show the individual where to go to track down a specific item.

Consolidating the radio/sonar restriction for route and the fingerprinting

worldwide methodology, more modern applications will be conceivable.

Indeed, further work can, for instance, give a more natural UI by giving the

chance of looking to the accessible items in the store, making a list of things

to get, and allow the robot to direct the client to the appropriate spot in a

proficient and independent way. This would require a superior mix of the robot

interface with the store information base. Then again, if the client needs to

lead the route, the cell phone can give directions to discover the items

identified with the real situation of the robot and the client.

In addition, a few trials are being performed to improve the worldwide

confinement arrangement of the individual by utilizing the eZ430-Chronos

watch, a gadget that empowers the incorporation of a complex radio-based

limitation framework and gives a bidirectional correspondence connect among

client and the robot.

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