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MOOC Approval Form For Credit Transfer

Name of the Faculty :

Name of the School :
Name and code of MOOC course :
Course offering platform (National : NPTEL/Other SWAYAM national coordinators/others
coordinator) If others mention the name:

Name of the collaborating institutions :

Course instructor –on MOOC Platform :
No. Of credits :
No. Of weeks :
Is there a proctored exam : yes /no :
Proposed date of start of course in MOOC :
Proposed date of examination :
Course mentor/CC name at GU :
Mentor’s mail ID and phone number :
GU Course Name Opted For Credit :
GU Course code :
Program in which the course is of Semester :
Year : Semester :
No of Students :

With reference to the above mentioned subject, I ……………. wish to inform that I am willing and
accepting to offer the above mentioned course as a credit transfer course and I hereby inform that I have
read and understood completely the credit transfer norms of Galgotias University.

Signature of Mentor School SPOC Program Chair Dean

1. Syllabus of GU course along with COs and the percentage mapping chosen for credit transfer.
2. Syllabus of NPTEL course selected.

University Coordinator Recommended by Approved by

Dean Academics Vice Chancellor

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