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Literary Techniques

1. Simile
This is a method of comparison of one thing with another thing of a
different kind.
Eg : as brave as a lion
fight like a tiger
as black as coal

2. Metaphor
Here, one thing is regarded as representative or symbolic of something


Eg : He is a Shakespeare in the English class.

He was a roaring lion in anger.

3. Personification

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Human thoughts, actions and perceptions are directly attributed to

inanimate objects or abstract ideas.

Eg : My alarm yells at me in the morning.

Lightening danced across the sky.

4. Onomatopoeia

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Sounds are spelled out as words.
Eg : Bang , beep, splash, hahaa

5. Oxymoron
Here the given terms contradict to each other.
Eg : bittersweet, pretty ugly, only choice, same difference

6. Hyperbole / Exaggeration
Overstatement ; gives an emphasis
Eg : as tall as a house
He is faster than the wind
7. Paradox
This is where a situation is created, which cannot possibly exist, because
different elements of it cancel each other out.
Eg : Deep down, you’re really shallow.

8. Repetition
A specific word, phrase or structure is repeated several times, to
emphasize a particular idea.
Eg : Deep down, you’re really shallow.

9. Allusion

When the author or poet makes an indirect reference to some idea,

figure, place, event or other texts that are outside the text. This way the

writer intends to not mention the name directly of what is being

referred to.
Eg : Don’t act like a Romeo for her.

10. Symbolism

Use of symbols to signify ideas and qualities, by giving them symbolic

meanings that are different from their literal sense.

Eg : owl is a symbol of wisdom
rose is a symbol of love

11. Alliteration
Repetition of consonant sounds within a group of words.
Eg : Betty Botter bought some butter.
I need not your needs, they are needless to me.

12. Euphemism
Euphemism consists in the description of a disagreeable thing by an
agreeable name.
Eg : He has fallen asleep. (i.e., he is dead)
You are telling me a fairy tale. (i.e., a lie)
13. Imagery
Imagery is the author’s use of language that appeals to the five senses
in order to help the readers imagine exactly what is being described.
1. Visual imagery : describes what we see
Eg: • color: burnt red, bright orange, dull yellow
• shapes: squares, circular, tabular, rectangular
• size : tiny, small, large
• pattern : polka-dotted, striped, straight, zig-zagged
2. Auditory imagery : describes what we hear

Eg: • enjoyable sounds : beautiful music, bird song

• noises : bang of a gun, sound of glass breaking

• lack of noise : a peaceful calm or eerie silence

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3. Olfactory imagery : describes what we smell
Eg: • fragrance : perfumes, blooming flowers

• Odors : rotting trash, body odor

4. Gustatory imagery : describes what we taste

Eg: • sweetness : candies, cookies, desserts

• sourness : lemons, limes etc.

5. Tactile imagery : describes what we touch

Eg: • temperature : cold, heat
• texture : rough, smooth, ragged
• touch : holding hands, feel of a soft cloth
• movement : swimming in cold water, kicking a ball
14. Irony
A contrast between what is expected and what actually happens.
1. Verbal irony : What is said is different than what is done.
Eg: To say that you’re doing great, when you actually don’t.
2. Situational irony : Something happens that we wouldn’t expect
to happen.
Eg: a fire station burns down

3. Dramatic irony : The readers know something that the

characters do not.

Eg: In the movie Home Alone, we know that Kevin has

planted traps all over the house even though the thieves do not.

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