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6 Natural Fat Burners That Work

Want to lose weight fast? You will find numerous ways to do in your search for the
solution. You will find natural herbs or supplements made of natural herbs. The
Supplements made of natural or organic herbs can really be effective as immunity
booster thus helping in fat loss quickly without physical exercise also.
Immunity has significant contribution in fighting against different diseases. The
current pandemic Corona or Covid is no different.

Factors affecting
Immunity & Belly Fat

The immune system of body is a mechanism designed to fight off viruses and

The physical fitness only is not enough to define immunity; it plays only a role in
improving it.

The immune system can further be affected by many things, which in result affects
body ability to fight against diseases.

The one of the factor that severely affects your immunity is your belly fat. Burn
your belly fat is always a major concern.

Following are some fat burners:

It is a kind of sugar that is obtained from hard outer shells of crabs, lobsters and
shrimp. It is also said that it blocks the absorption of cholesterol and fats by the
body, thereby helps in reducing belly fat.
Caffeine comes from the coffee, cocoa, green tea. It is among the very popular
ingredient in the fat burning supplements available commercially.
It is considered as natural immunity booster and improves metabolism, thereby
burn body fat quickly naturally. Research shows that caffeine can boot metabolism
by up to 16% for one to two hours. Study shows that caffeine can burn body fat as


It is a concentrated form of green tea. It is good enough to provide all the benefits
of green tea, be in the form of powder or capsule supplements. The extract of green
tea is also rich in polyphenol epigallocatechin gallate and caffeine, these both
compounds can help you in burning your fat quickly.
Study shows a combination of caffeine and green tea extract burns fat 16% faster
than a placebo. Study also shows that combination of green tea extract and caffeine
burns your fat quickly as it burn calories per day by an amount of 65 that when
caffeine is consumed alone. Its maximum benefit can be obtained if it is
consumption per day is kept around 250-500 mg.
Protein is an incredible thing when it comes to burn fat. It helps in fat burn quickly
by boosting immunity and metabolism naturally. It also helps in improving body
A study on obese people shows high protein diet was two times effective than an
average protein diet at burning the body fat.
Protein powder supplements are easy and very convenient method to have protein
rich intake for the body. The natural protein supplements sources are soy, whey,
hemp and egg protein powder.
Soluble fibre are capable of absorbing water in your digestive tract, thereby a gel
like compound is formed. The research shows these water soluble fibre helps in
reducing your body fat by quick fat burning process through appetite curbing.
It slows down the nutrients delivery to the gut, as a result your body takes more
time for absorbing and in digesting the nutrients, leaving a feel of full for longer
duration. The soluble fibre natural sources are husk of psyllium or glucomannan.

It is a substance obtained from Pausinystalia yohimbe bark, a tree that grows in
Western and Central Africa. It has fanatastic quick fat burn properties. It blocks the
alpha-2 adrenergic receptors, which suppresses the adrenaline effect by bind it. The
effect of this comes in the form of stimulating your body to burn fat quickly as
A study on soccer players revealed that consumption of yohimbine in an amount of
10 mg twice in a day helped in reducing 2.2% of their body fat in just three weeks.

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