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Universidad Tecnológica de Santiago

Examen Final Ingle V

Name : -Claudia Pierristil--------- Reg. ---2-19-3692------------------ Sec.-002----

Write a synonym of the words written on the left colum.

Expressions Meanings
(be) absorbed into absorbido en
Move through moverse a travez
Push towards empujar hacia
Enzyme Enzima
take in Tomar en
break apart Romper
Secrete Secretar
Move along Supercar
(be) lined with Estar aliniado con
Pass through Pasar atravez

1. The blood ____pass through ___ the human body to provide oxygen to
all organs.
2. The tongue __take in___ the food __move along____ the teeth for
3. During the process of oxygenation, the blood __Push towards__ the
4. Carbohydrates __pass through_____ the body very quickly.
5. Certain _enzymes____ are needed to digest food.
6. The human stomach __secrets_____ pepsin to digest food.
7. Food ___absorb into_____ the walls of the esophagus and enters the
stomach for digestion.
8. The human tongue __is lined with__ the taste cells.
9. Chemical reactions ___break____ complex molecules into simple ones.
10. Human beings have to ___take in_____ food to get energy.

B. Read the passage and circle the appropriate answer. Circle a, b, c, or

d.(group work)
1.__a____ molecules are broken down to be absorbed into the blood stream.
a. Simple b. Small c. Large d. All a, b, & c
2. The body cells use simple molecules for __d_____.
a. growth b. energy c. repair d. all a, b, & c
3. Plants _c___- the digestive system.
a. may have b. have c. don’t have d. should have
4.___b___ animals, plants produce their own food by photosynthesis.
a. Like b. Unlike c. Similar to d. In addition to
5. The mechanical phase __d___ the chemical phase.
a. alters b. completes c. follows d. precedes
6. Digestion is a __b__ process.
a. single-phased b. bi-phased c. tri-phased d. multi-phased
7. Ptyalin means __d____.
a. saliva b. hydrolyze c. starch d. enzyme
8. The liver and pancreas are __a___ digestive organs.
a. supporting b. not important c. the most important d. basic
9. The chemical and mechanical digestion _____ occur(s) in mouth.
Write a paragraph using the following word.
Hospital- Anesteciologist- Body- lungs- meningitis- Ulcer-Virus-Yeast- Antiboby-
Coma-Diabetis- Covid-19.

A Hospital is a place where they care of the people to keep them in good
An Anesthesiologist: is a specialist who prepares and practice anesthesia.
The Body: is the part of an animal that compose with the organs and system.
The lung: is the important organ of respiratory of the body.
The Meningitis: Meningitis is an inflammation (swelling) of the protective
membranes covering the brain and spinal cord.
An Ulcer: an open sore on an external or internal surface of the body, caused
by a break in the skin or mucous membrane which fails to heal.
Virus: A virus is a sub microscopic infectious agent that replicates only inside
the living cells of an organism.
Yeast: is a single-cell organism, called Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which needs
food, warmth, and moisture to thrive.
An antibody: is a protein produced by the body's immune system when it
detects harmful substances, called antigens.
A coma: is a state of unconsciousness where a person is unresponsive and
cannot be woken.
Diabetis: is a chronic (long-lasting) health condition that affects how your body
turns food into energy.
COVID-19: is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus.

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