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Revue de micropaléontologie 60 (2017) 449–467

Original article

Palynofacies analysis and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Upper

Cretaceous sequence drilled by the Salam-60 well, Shushan Basin:
Implications on the regional depositional environments and hydrocarbon
exploration potential of north-western Egypt
Magdy S. Mahmoud a , Amr S. Deaf a,∗ , Mohamed A. Tamam b , Miran M. Khalaf b
a Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt
b Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Sohag University, Sohag, Egypt

A palynofacies analysis was carried out on thirty ditch-cuttings from the Upper Cretaceous sequences drilled by the Salam-60 well in the Shushan
Basin, north-western Egypt. Quantitative vertical distributions of palynomorphs and particulate organic matter exhibit two palynofacies (PF) types.
PF-1 suggests deposition of the clastic-carbonate section of upper Bahariya and the lowermost “G” Member of Abu Roash in a brackish, proximal
inner shelf environment of prevailing reducing (suboxic-anoxic) conditions that witnessed occasional local oxic-dysoxic conditions. A slight shift
from a proximal to a distal inner shelf environment that witnessed notable fluctuations resulted in deposition of the mainly carbonate section of the
uppermost “G” and “F” to “C” members, during a late Cenomanian-Turonian marine transgression, under the same suboxic-anoxic conditions. This
relative sea level rise was mostly connected to the global late Cenomanian marine transgression. PF-2 represents the rest of the carbonate section
(“B” and “A” members) of Abu Roash and Khoman formations, which was deposited in middle shelf environments of prominent suboxic-anoxic
conditions during a major regional marine transgression that was mostly connected to the global Turonian-Maastrichtian eustatic sea level rise.
Nevertheless, minor fluctuations in the local Turonian sea level may have occurred. Regional comparison indicates Bahariya and the “G” Member
of Abu Roash formations have similar marginal to inner shelf depositional settings across most of the northern Western Desert. Except at western
Matruh Basin, where they have a deeper open marine, middle shelf setting. The “F” to “C” members have an outer inner shelf setting in the coastal
basins (Shushan and Matruh basins) and a deeper, inner middle shelf setting at the central basinal area (Abu Gharadig Basin). This interbasinal
difference in their depositional settings is mostly related to the late Cretaceous tectonic differentiation of Abu Gharadig Basin. The “B” and “A”
members of Abu Roash and Khoman formations were deposited in central Abu Gharadig and at southern Matruh basins in deeper, outer shelf and
upper to middle slope settings in comparison to their suggested inner middle and outer middle shelf settings in Shushan Basin. This was due to
the progressive late Cretaceous tectonic development of Abu Gharadig and Matruh basins. Local pteridophytes on wet lowlands and conifers on
elevated hinterlands were growing near Salam-60 under a regional warm and relatively dry palaeoclimate.
© 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Palynofacies; Palaeoenvironment; Upper Cretaceous; Western Desert; Egypt

1. Introduction generated hydrocarbons were sourced from the Middle Juras-

sic Khatatba Formation, the Lower Cretaceous Alam El Bueib
The northern Western Desert of Egypt represents one of the and Alamein formations, and the Upper Cretaceous Abu Roash
main oil producing regions of hydrocarbons, where most of the Formation (Meshref, 1996; Metwalli and Pigott, 2005; Shalaby
et al., 2012). More recently, national and international hydrocar-
bon exploration companies paid attention to some underexplored
∗ Corresponding author. areas of the northern Western Desert, which were deemed in
E-mail address: (A.S. Deaf). the late 1960’s and during much of 1970’s as non productive
0035-1598/© 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
450 M.S. Mahmoud et al. / Revue de micropaléontologie 60 (2017) 449–467

areas of hydrocarbons (cf. Meshref, 1996). Certain northern of Salam Ridge, where the later intersects the Shushan and the
basinal areas such as the Matruh and Shushan basins showed neighbouring Matruh graben (Lotfy, 1994).
lately good potential Upper Cretaceous source rocks. For exam- During much of the geological history of the Shushan Basin,
ple, a good to excellent Kharita Formation source rock (Tahoun sedimentation was largely affected by tectonics, where four
et al., 2017) and a good to very good Abu Roash Formation major sedimentary cycles separated by regional unconformities
source rock (Tahoun and Deaf, 2016) in the Matruh Basin. In are recognised. These cycles resulted in deposition of the Lower-
the neighboring Shushan Basin, the Abu Roash “G” Member Middle Jurassic fluvio-lacustrine to deltaic and shallow marine
also shows a very good to excellent source rock potential (El sediments, the Lower-Upper Cretaceous fluviatile and shallow
Diasty et al., 2016). However, much information is still unknown marine to deltaic and shallow marine sediments, and the upper-
regarding the depositional settings of the Upper Cretaceous in most Cretaceous open marine carbonates (Fig. 3). The forth
the Shushan Basin, which shows promising potential as good to cycle resulted in deposition of the upper Paleogene-lower Neo-
excellent source rocks. Consequently, national and international gene (Eocene-Miocene) open marine shale and carbonates (e.g.
exploration companies are now looking for detailed palaeoenvi- Shalaby et al., 2011). Generally, deposition of the Upper Cre-
ronmental investigations to understand nature of the depositional taceous in the northern Western Desert including the Shushan
environments that were responsible for the accumulation and Basin reflects a remarkable development of a continuous trans-
preservation of large quantities of organic matter in the Shushan gressive period (Hantar, 1990; Kerdany and Cherif, 1990; Said,
Basin. This research is therefore focused mainly on presenting a 1990; Guiraud and Bosworth, 1999; Guiraud et al., 2001). This
palynologically based palaeoenvironmental investigation of the is seen from sedimentation of the fluvio-deltaic to shallow
Upper Cretaceous of the Salam-60 well to shed some light on this marine coarse clastics (mainly sandstones) of the Cenomanian
subject. This work is also interested in revealing the palaeocli- Bahariya Formation, which grades upward into deltaic to shal-
matic conditions and reconstructing the palaeovegetation covers low marine alternating fine clastics (mainly shale) and limestone
that thrived near/at the study area. (e.g. Hantar, 1990; Kerdany and Cherif, 1990; Guiraud et al.,
2001) of the late Cenomanian-Turonian Abu Roash Formation
2. Geologic setting and lithostratigraphy (Figs. 3 and 4a). Yet, this marine transgression accentuated dur-
ing the latest Cretaceous and is represented by deposition of the
The Western Desert of Egypt covers an area of approximately thick Coniacian-Maastrichtian chalky limestone of the Khoman
700,000 km2 , which represents about two thirds of the total area Formation in open marine environments (Figs. 3 and 4b and
of the country. Structurally, the northern Western Desert belongs c). In the Salam-60 well, the Upper Cretaceous section is rep-
to the “Unstable Shelf” of Said (1962), which was tectonically resented from the base to the top by the upper Bahariya, Abu
active during most of the Paleozoic to early Cenozoic, where Roash, and Khoman formations (Fig. 5).
basin reconfigurations (subsidence to uplift and basin inversion) General description of the formations in the northern Western
occurred (Hantar, 1990). In this area, several coastal marine Desert and in the Salam-60 well (Table 1) is as follows.
basins namely the Matruh, Shushan, Dahab-Mireir (= Alamein),
and Natrun were developed (Fig. 1) during the late Cimmerian 2.1. Bahariya Formation
Orogeny as pull-apart basins as a result of the rifting and sepa-
ration of the North African plate from European plate (Moussa, This unit was introduced by Said (1962) and was ranked
1986; Meshref, 1996; Shalaby et al., 2012). However, the Matruh as a formation by Norton (1967). It is composed of sandstones
and Shushan basins probably formed at their earliest stage during alternating with variegated shales and limestones in parts
the Permo-Triassic as one large, NE-SW trending, continen- (Said, 1990). In the Salam-60 well, the upper Bahariya mainly
tal rift basin receiving only continental and fluvio-lacustrine consists of a main sandstone unit that is intercalated with thin
sediments (Meshref and Hammouda, 1990; Abdel Halim and calcareous mudstone and argillaceous limestone units (Table 1).
Moussad, 1992), and during the late Cretaceous, a regional The type locality of Bahariya Formation is the Gabel El Dist
uplift separated this basin into smaller basins (Meshref, 1996). at the Bahariya Oasis, and it attains a maximum thickness of
In the central northern Western Desert, located the Abu Gharadig about 1143 m in the Kattaniya-1 well, situated at 29◦ 49’N
Basin, which is separated from the coastal basins by the E-W and 30◦ 10’E (Said, 1990). Bahariya Formation is conformably
to ENE trending Sharib-Sheiba ridge because of the Hercynian overlain by Abu Roash Formation and conformably underlain
Orogeny (EGPC, 1992). The Abu Gharadig Basin was probably by Kharita Formation. It is Cenomanian in age based on
developed during the late Cretaceous-early Tertiary (Metwalli foraminifera (Schlumberger, 1984; Abdel-Kireem and Ibrahim,
et al., 1979; Meshref, 1996). 1987) or more precisely late Cenomanian (Dominick, 1985;
Structurally wise, the late Jurassic Cimmerian Orogeny was Hantar, 1990). Yet, the palynological data indicate mid-late
translated in the Shushan Basin into uplifting, block tilting, Albian to early Cenomanian (El Beialy, 1993a, 1993b, 1993c,
and slight folding (Keeley and Wallis, 1991), where parallel, 1994a, 1994b), early Cenomanian (Tahoun and Mohamed,
elongated, titled fault blocks made the present-day, Shushan 2013; Tahoun et al., 2013), and/or early-middle Cenomanian
half-graben (El Shazly, 1977; Hantar, 1990; Fig. 2). This basin ages (Schrank and Ibrahim, 1995; Ibrahim, 2002; Ibrahim
attains a thickness over 7.5 km and is made of Paleozoic, Juras- et al., 2009; El Beialy et al., 2011; Tahoun, 2012; Deaf et al.,
sic, Cretaceous, and Paleogene rocks (Fig. 3). In the studied 2014; El-Soughier et al., 2014). Sedimentological characters
area of the Shushan Basin, the Salam-60 well lies to the north suggest that this formation was deposited in transitional, fluvial
M.S. Mahmoud et al. / Revue de micropaléontologie 60 (2017) 449–467 451

Fig. 1. Location map showing different Mesozoic basins in northern western Egypt, including the studied Shushan Basin (Map after Shalaby et al., 2012). Stars
point to name and location of the studied Salam-60 well and the other wells used in the regional correlation of depositional environments.

Fig. 2. Simplified structural map of the Shushan Basin (after Shalaby et al., 2014), including location of the Salam-60 drilling hole.
452 M.S. Mahmoud et al. / Revue de micropaléontologie 60 (2017) 449–467

Fig. 3. General stratigraphic column of the Shushan and Matruh basins (after Aram et al., 1988).

Table 1
Abridged lithology description of the studied formations in the Salam-60 well.
Formation Member Lithology description

Khoman Milky white, moderately hard, chalky limestone with occasional pyrite and glauconite in some parts
Abu Rosh “A” Light grey calcareous shale to grey limestone
“B” Off white to creamy white, soft to moderately hard limestone, with traces of occasional pyrite and glauconite in some parts
“C” Dark to medium grey shale with traces of free pyrite and thin intercalations of off white to greyish white, soft to moderately
hard limestone
“D” Tanish white to creamy white, moderately hard limestone with traces of free pyrite
“E” Off white to greyish white, soft to moderately hard, limestone and brownish grey to greyish white siltstones with traces of
occasional pyrite
“F” Off white to tanish white, soft to moderately hard limestone with free pyrite at the base and dark to medium grey shale with
free pyrite at the top
“G” Brownish grey to greyish white siltstone with traces of free pyrite at the base grading upward into medium to dark grey
calcareous mudstone and off white to creamy white, soft to moderately hard limestone intercalations
Upper Bahariya Brownish grey to greyish white siltstone and off white to tanish white sandstone intercalated with thin, medium dark to
brownish grey calcareous mudstone and off white to creamy white, soft to moderately hard, argillaceous limestone with
frequent free pyrite and rare glauconite in almost all parts

to shallow marine (tidal flat to estuarine) settings (Dominick, 2.2. Abu Roash Formation
1985; Said, 1990; Catuneanu et al., 2006). However, several
palynological studies suggest fluvio-deltaic to shallow marine This formation is subdivided into seven lithostratigraphic
shelf setting (Schrank and Ibrahim, 1995; Mahmoud and Deaf, members, designated from the top to the bottom as “A”, “B”,
2007; Ibrahim et al., 2009; El-Soughier et al., 2014). “C”, “D”, “E”, “F”, and “G”, which extend from the Turonian
M.S. Mahmoud et al. / Revue de micropaléontologie 60 (2017) 449–467 453

Fig. 4. Late Cenomanian (A), Early Campanian (B) and Late Maastrichtian (C)
regional paleogeographic and paleotectonic maps showing depositional envi-
ronments and distribution of main lithologic facies across northern Egypt (after
Guiraud et al., 2001). 1. deep basin; 2. carbonate platform; 3. mixed plat-
form (carbonate and siliciclastic facies); 4. fluviatile-lacustrine environment;
5. fluviatile-deltaic environment 6. exposed land; 7. uplifted arch (axes of anti-
clines); 8. active normal fault; 9. other faults. Fig. 5. Percentage abundances of some selected palynomorphs and particulate
organic matter of the Salam-60 well, northern Western Desert, Egypt.
454 M.S. Mahmoud et al. / Revue de micropaléontologie 60 (2017) 449–467

to the upper Cenomanian (Schlumberger, 1984; Wever, 2000). to cover different lithologies and formations under investiga-
It was first described by Beadnell (1902) and was ranked as a tion (Fig. 5). The investigated samples cover a depth from
formation by Norton (1967). This unit consists mostly of chalky 2880 ft to 6020 ft (698–1655 m). A standard HCl/HF palynolog-
limestone interbedded with shale and sandstone horizons. More ical processing technique (Phipps and Playford, 1984; Green,
details about the lithological description of its members in the 2001) of 20 grams of each sample was followed. No oxida-
Salam-60 well can be found in Table 1. At its type locality at tion or ultrasonic treatments were done in order to keep the
Abu Roash-1 well, northern Western Desert, it is 217 m (712 ft) organic matter intact for the palynofacies investigation. Three
thick (Hantar, 1990). This formation is almost conformable over to five slides from each sample were prepared using glycerin
the Khoman Formation and it lies over the Bahariya forma- jelly as a mounting medium. All slides and residues used in
tion. The latter was dated by foraminifera as Turonian-early the present study were stored in the Geological Museum of the
Santonian in age (Abdel-Kireem and Ibrahim, 1987) and late Geology Department at the Faculty of Science, Sohag Univer-
Cenomanian-Coniacian/Santonian (Schlumberger, 1984). Paly- sity, Egypt. Slides were examined using the transmitted light
nology suggests early Cenomanian-Santonian (Schrank and microscopy Axiolab Zeiss at Sohag University, while micropho-
Ibrahim, 1995) and late Cenomanian-Turonian age for the Abu tographing was carried out using an Olympus light microscope
Roash Formation (El Beialy et al., 2010a; El-Soughier et al., BX41 equipped with an Infinity-1 digital camera at Assiut Uni-
2014). Most of the facies were deposited in neritic to open marine versity. In order to obtain a good record of palynomorphs, a
conditions, except for the “G” Member that was deposited in count of about 150 palynomorph grains was carried out from
lagoonal to middle shelf conditions (Hantar, 1990). Palynologi- each sample to counter the dilution effect of AOM (Tyson, 1995).
cal work suggests “G” to “C” members of Abu Roash formation A separate count of 200 of AOM particles and phytoclasts was
as have been deposited in inner shelf settings (El Beialy et al., done from each sample. Counted particles and/or palynomorphs
2010a; El Beialy et al., 2011; El-Soughier et al., 2014). How- were categorized as very abundant > 50%, abundant 36–50%,
ever, at the extreme northern Western Desert, the “G” Member frequent 16–35%, common 5–15%, and rare < 5%. The palyno-
was deposited in the deeper, middle shelf setting (Deaf, 2009; facies analysis is based on the percentage frequency of different
Tahoun and Deaf, 2016). palynological organic matter (POM) constituents categorized by
Tyson (1995). Relative abundances are known to suffer from the
2.3. Khoman Formation data closure. However, to minimise this effect, we used relative
abundances derived from two separate subsets namely a paly-
It was described by Akkad and Issawi (1963) and was pro- nomorphs group and a kerogen (i.e. AOM, brown phytoclasts,
moted as a formation by Norton (1967). Lithologically, this and black phytoclasts) group as suggested by Tyson (1995). Nev-
formation consists of two main units, a lower unit known as ertheless, the relative abundances used here enjoy the merit of
Khoman “B” that is mostly made up of a limestone interbedded being widely correlatable with other vast published palaeoenvi-
with shale, and an upper unit known as Khoman “A”, which is ronmental investigations locally and worldwide that were based
made up of fine-grained, white chalky limestone and dolomite on palynological relative abundance data and provided key infor-
(Said, 1990). In the current well, Khoman Formation was rec- mation in inner shelf palaeoenvironmental reconstructions (e.g.
ognized by Khalda Petroleum Company (KPC, 2010) as being Olayiwola and Bamford, 2016). Recently, similar investigations
entirely made of chalky limestone (Table 1). Its type section is were based on the relative abundances of palynological organic
located at Ain Khoman, southwest of the Bahariya Oasis, and matter (e.g. Prauss, 2001; Dybkjær, 2004; Carvalho et al., 2006)
it rests unconformably in some areas over Abu Roash Forma- and showed good results. Thus, the percentage of each paly-
tion, particularly in the structurally highest areas (Hantar, 1990). nomorph category was derived from the total palynomorphs
Khoman “B” has a Coniacian to early Santonian age, while counted, whereas the percentage of AOM particles and phyto-
Khoman “A” has a late Santonian to Campanian-Maastrichtian clast types was derived from the total of the last two categories.
age. This formation represents an open marine, shelfal to deeper
upper to middle slope settings (Kerdany and Cherif, 1990). Paly- 4. Results and discussion
nological and foraminiferal data indicate open marine, upper
to middle slope depositional settings of the formation (Abdel- As seen above in section 2, most of the Upper Cretaceous for-
Kireem et al., 1996). mations are of marine origin, where sedimentological and micro-
and/or macro-faunal tools (e.g. Beadnell, 1902; Dominick, 1985;
3. Material and methods Catuneanu et al., 2006) have been traditionally used to infer
their depositional environments. The use of the palynofacies
For the current palynological analysis, thirty ditch-cutting analysis that is integrated with lithologic facies and their accom-
samples were collected from the upper Bahariya, Abu Roash, panying minerals (e.g. pyrite and glauconite) proved to help in
and Khoman formations of the Salam-60 well, northern West- adding valuable information in this sense (e.g. Deaf, 2009; El-
ern Desert, Egypt (30◦ 42’ 15.762 N and 26◦ 59’ 44.089 Soughier et al., 2014; Alaug et al., 2014; Tahoun and Deaf,
E). This well was drilled in the Salam Oil Field by KPC in 2016). The palynofacies analysis is defined as the study of par-
2010. Because of the limited sample availability, where only ticulate organic matter assemblages (Boulter and Riddick, 1986)
30 ditch-cutting samples were allowed to be taken from the in terms of changes in the relative abundance of various types
studied section, we thus selected samples at specific intervals of organic matter (e.g. palynomorphs, bioclasts, phytoclasts,
M.S. Mahmoud et al. / Revue de micropaléontologie 60 (2017) 449–467 455

amorphous organic matter (AOM)). These changes represent et al., 1992). These shallow conditions are also supported by
different palynofacies types, where each type may reflect a par- the frequent occurrence of MFTLs, which are also known to
ticular environmental setting (Tyson, 1995). The very limited decrease in abundance in marginal marine conditions and to
samples across most of the two major carbonate units (Abu increase in normal marine conditions (Lister and Batten, 1988;
Roash “B” Member and Khoman Formation) hampered carrying Stancliffe, 1989). The persistent occurrences of free pyrite traces
out a sequence stratigraphic analysis, because positioning of the and rare glauconite accompanied with high accumulations of
sequence stratigraphic surfaces in these carbonate units relies AOM in shale and limestone (Fig. 5) and in body of MFTLs
mainly on the palynological parameters rather than the gamma (Fig. 7B) of PF-1 indicate a proximal reducing (suboxic-anoxic)
ray profile. setting that was slightly removed from strong terrestrial inputs
and has a low rate of sedimentation (Einsele, 1992; Tyson,
4.1. Palynofacies analysis and palaeoenvironmental 1995). The APP ternary diagram of Tyson (1995) and TPOM
interpretations ternary diagram of Roncaglia and Kuijpers (2006) also sup-
ports these reducing (suboxic-anoxic) conditions (Fig. 8A and
The samples analyzed indicate that palynomorphs are highly B; Table 3). Glauconite mineral is known to be formed in
diluted with AOM, which occasionally attains up to 85% of marine waters at the sediment-water interface and is associ-
the total POM. Recovered terrestrial sporomorphs are of low ated with very low rate of sedimentation and non-deposition
to moderate frequencies and show fair diversity (Table 2) and (e.g. Dooley, 2006). The suggested proximal setting is also
fair to moderate preservation (Fig. 6). Likewise, the dinoflagel- supported by the notable terrestrial influx (i.e. frequent phy-
late cysts are of very low frequency and show the least diversity toclasts and very abundant sporomorphs) in general (e.g. Tyson,
and preservation patterns. In contrast, phytoclasts are common 1995, Al-Ameri et al., 2001), and by the frequent abundance
constituents in most of the samples and show moderate preser- of Elaterosporites (7–29%, avg. 18%) and Afropollis (3–23%,
vation (Fig. 7A) than that of the palynomorphs. Generally, the avg. 11%) pollen grains in particular. High percentages of
frequency distribution of different POM is found to be suffi- these genera are indicative of nearshore (coastal) conditions
cient for the current palynofacies analysis (e.g. El Beialy et al., (Schrank, 2001). A brackish condition is suggested to prevail
2010b). The palaeoenvironmental interpretation is mainly based in the inner shelf setting, based on the presence of the brackish
on selected palynofacies constituents of known palaeoenviron- water dinoflagellate cysts Subtilisphaera and Cyclonephelium
mental significance. Different categories of POM are illustrated (e.g. Piasecki, 1984; Harding, 1986). The predominant reducing
in Fig. 6. The vertical changes in the palynofacies composition in (suboxic-anoxic) conditions may have been temporally inter-
the Upper Cretaceous of the Salam-60 well, especially the black rupted by local oxic-dysoxic conditions (Fig. 8A and B; Table 3),
wood and the microforaminiferal test linings (MFTLs) indicate which is represented here by sporadic occurrences of fungal
two palynofacies types (Fig. 5) as follows. spores (1–8%, avg. 13%) in samples 1, 4, and 15–17 (e.g.
Tyson, 1995; Hofmann and Zetter, 2005). The alternating clastic-
4.1.1. Palynofacies PF-1: Inner Shelf carbonate sedimentation of PF-1 samples, which is also reflected
This palynofacies corresponds to the upper Bahariya and the here in strong alternations of terrestrial and marine palynomorph
“G” to “C” members of Abu Roash formations (samples 1–20, at signals, indicates that strong fluctuations in the regional sea level
depths 6020–4500 ft/1655–1192 m). It is characterized by very took place. The slight upward increase in the abundance of the
abundant AOM (avg. 70%), frequent phytoclasts (avg. 30%), dinoflagellate cysts and MFTLs associated with the decrease in
very abundant sporomorphs (avg. 63.5%), common dinoflag- terrestrial palynomorphs (pteridophytes and sphaeroidal pollen
ellate cysts (avg. 13%), and frequent MFTLs (avg. 19.6%) grains) and brown woods, and increases in black woods in the
occurrences (Fig. 5, Table 2). upper part (samples 11–20) of PF-1 (Fig. 7C) indicates a minor
The dinoflagellate cyst assemblage of this palynofacies shows marine transgression (e.g. Lister and Batten, 1988; Tyson, 1995;
a slight dominance (6–23%, avg. 10%) of the restricted-inner Batten, 1999).
shelf Subtilisphaera cysts (e.g. Harding, 1986; Lister and Batten, The frequent abundances (12–27%, avg. 16.6%) of the
1988) and sporadic occurrences (2–10%, avg. 8.2%) of the open large sphaeroidal pollen grains (63–72 ␮m) represented by Aru-
marine (middle shelf) chorate cysts Florentinia (e.g. Davey and cariacites in the silty sandstone and siltstone of the lower PF-1
Rogers, 1975; Dale, 1983). Single rare occurrences of other and their minor upward decline (Fig. 5) also infer a slight deep-
middle shelf chorate cysts of Oligosphaeridium, Coronifera, ening in the depositional environment. This is based on the
and Downiesphaeridium appear in the lower part of PF-1 in interaction between the changes in the sea level and the sorting
Sample 3 (Table 2). The nature of this assemblage implies effect of the flow regime on sporomorphs (e.g. Tyson, 1995).
restricted to inner shelf conditions. The common abundance Hughes and Moody-Stuart (1967) and Batten (1974) found that
and stressed diversity (only 8 species) of the dinoflagellate sporomorphs larger than 50 ␮m occur abundantly in fine sands,
cyst and frequent MFTLs also indicate restricted marginal to while smaller sporomorphs are abundant in finer siltstone lithol-
inner shelf marine settings. Because abundance and diversity ogy. In the same context, the upward increase in Classopollis
of the dinoflagellate cycts are found to be low in marginal pollen grains (31–35 ␮m) in the siltstone and shale of the upper
water conditions (e.g. Batten, 1983; Leckie and Singh, 1991) PF-1 reinforces the slight marine transgression, where Hughes
and to increase in offshore settings of normal salinity (e.g. and Moody-Stuart (1967) noted that these pollen grains increase
Mutterlose and Harding, 1987; Lister and Batten, 1988; Habib distally in siltstones and other finer sediments.
Table 2
Semi-quantitative distribution chart of palynomorphs recovered from the Salam-60 well.
Sample Depth Depth Formations Spores
no. (ft) (m)
1- Deltoidospora 2- Triplanosporites 3- Cicatricosisporites 4- Deltoidospora 5- Microfoveo- 6- Deltoidospora 7- Dictyophyllidits 8- Crybelosporites
spp. sp. spp. psilostomata latisporites australis sp. pannucaus

30 2880 698.3 Khoman

29 2890 701.3 Barren
28 3790 975.7 15 3
27 3800 978.7 Abu Roash 5

M.S. Mahmoud et al. / Revue de micropaléontologie 60 (2017) 449–467

26 3810 981.8 20 7
25 3840 990.9 15 1
24 3900 1009.2 14
23 3920 1015.3 Abu Roash 13
22 4420 1167.7 15 2
21 4430 1170.7 Abu Roash 13
20 4500 1192.1 Barren
19 4540 1204.3
18 4550 1207.3 Abu Roash
17 4800 1283.5 24
16 4830 1292.7 9 10
15 4850 1298.8 Abu Roash 5 6 3
14 4900 1314.0 17 7
13 4910 1317.0 Barren
12 4930 1323.1 Abu Roash
11 5050 1359.7 20 17
10 5160 1393.2 Abu Roash Barren
9 5180 1399.3
8 5330 1445.1
7 5350 1451.2 Abu Roash
6 5450 1481.6
5 5670 1548.7 14 17 2
4 5830 1597.5 18 7
3 5850 1603.6 Upper 13 9 3
2 5990 1646.2 13 17
1 6020 1655.4 7 3 8 5 25
Table 2 (Continued )
Sample no. Depth (ft) Depth (m) Formations Gymnosperms
9- Araucariacites australis 10- Ephedripites sp. 11- Classopollis 12- Classopollis sp. 13- Cycadopites spp. 14- Exesipollenites sp.

30 2880 698.3 Khoman 10 8 20

29 2890 701.3 Barren

M.S. Mahmoud et al. / Revue de micropaléontologie 60 (2017) 449–467

28 3790 975.7 15 3 6
27 3800 978.7 Abu Roash “A” 10 10
26 3810 981.8 10 8
25 3840 990.9 7
24 3900 1009.2 10 8
23 3920 1015.3 Abu Roash “B” 13 13 7
22 4420 1167.7 10 11 9
21 4430 1170.7 Abu Roash “C” 7 10 10
20 4500 1192.1
19 4540 1204.3 Barren
18 4550 1207.3 Abu Roash “D”
17 4800 1283.5 15 5
16 4830 1292.7 20
15 4850 1298.8 Abu Roash “E” 15 10 10
14 4900 1314.0 17 15 3
13 4910 1317.0 Barren
12 4930 1323.1 Abu Roash “F1”
11 5050 1359.7 15 7
10 5160 1393.2 Abu Roash “F2” Barren
9 5180 1399.3
8 5330 1445.1
7 5350 1451.2 Abu Roash “G”
6 5450 1481.6
5 5670 1548.7 15 4
4 5830 1597.5 27 3 2 3
3 5850 1603.6 Upper Bahariya 13 3
2 5990 1646.2 12 5 3
1 6020 1655.4 17 5 10

Table 2 (Continued )
Sample no. Depth (ft) Depth (m) Formations Angiosperms Elaterate pollen Fungal spores

15- Foveotricolpites gigantoreticulatus 16- Afropollis jardinus 17- Elaterosporites klaszii 18- Indetermin. Pollen grains

30 2880 698.3 Khoman 42

29 2890 701.3 Barren

M.S. Mahmoud et al. / Revue de micropaléontologie 60 (2017) 449–467

28 3790 975.7 2 15
27 3800 978.7 Abu Roash “A” 2
26 3810 981.8
25 3840 990.9 10
24 3900 1009.2 11
23 3920 1015.3 Abu Roash “B” 1
22 4420 1167.7 12 4
21 4430 1170.7 Abu Roash “C” 7
20 4500 1192.1
19 4540 1204.3 Barren
18 4550 1207.3 Abu Roash “D”
17 4800 1283.5 21 3
16 4830 1292.7 8
15 4850 1298.8 Abu Roash “E” 7
14 4900 1314.0
13 4910 1317.0 Barren
12 4930 1323.1 Abu Roash “F1”
11 5050 1359.7
10 5160 1393.2 Abu Roash “F2” Barren
9 5180 1399.3
8 5330 1445.1
7 5350 1451.2 Abu Roash “G”
6 5450 1481.6
5 5670 1548.7 9 1
4 5830 1597.5 3 7
3 5850 1603.6 Upper Bahariya 2 23
2 5990 1646.2 7 29
1 6020 1655.4 7 1
Table 2 (Continued )
SampleDepth Depth Formations Dinoflagellate 27- Micro-
no. (ft) (m) cysts foraminiferal
test linings
19- Spiniferites sp. 20- Subtilisphaera 21- Florentinia 22- Florentinia 23- Oligosphaeridium 24- Cyclonephelium 25- Downiesphaer- 26- Coronifera
scabrata berran laciniata complex sp. idium sp. albertii

30 2880 698.3 Khoman 20

29 2890 701.3 Barren
28 3790 975.7 5 3 33
27 3800 978.7 Abu Roash 30 43

M.S. Mahmoud et al. / Revue de micropaléontologie 60 (2017) 449–467

26 3810 981.8 15 40
25 3840 990.9 3 64
24 3900 1009.2 7 11 39
23 3920 1015.3 Abu Roash 10 43
22 4420 1167.7 1 36
21 4430 1170.7 Abu Roash 53
20 4500 1192.1
19 4540 1204.3 Barren
18 4550 1207.3 Abu Roash
17 4800 1283.5 3 29
16 4830 1292.7 23 10 20
15 4850 1298.8 Abu Roash 6 4 34
14 4900 1314.0 5 3 33
13 4910 1317.0 Barren
12 4930 1323.1 Abu Roash
11 5050 1359.7 13 28
10 5160 1393.2 Abu Roash Barren
9 5180 1399.3
8 5330 1445.1
7 5350 1451.2 Abu Roash
6 5450 1481.6
5 5670 1548.7 19 5 7 7
4 5830 1597.5 7 23
3 5850 1603.6 Upper 3 8 2 3 3 2 5 8
2 5990 1646.2 9 5
1 6020 1655.4 3 9

460 M.S. Mahmoud et al. / Revue de micropaléontologie 60 (2017) 449–467

Fig. 6. Examples of different POM recovered from the Salam-60 well, northern Western Desert, Egypt. Scale bar represents 20 ␮m. A. Deltoidospora sp., Depth:
5990A, Sample no: 2, Indices: 15/140. B. Deltoidospora sp., Depth: 5990A, Sample no: 2, Indices: 13.9/131.8. C. Deltoidospora sp., Depth: 5990 B, Sample no:
2, Indices: 11/133.5. D. Arucariacites australis Cookson ex Couper, 1953, Depth: 5990 A, Sample no: 2, Indices: 5/127.5. E. Elaterosporites klaszii (Jardine and
Magloire) Jardine, 1967, Depth: 5990 A, Sample no: 2, Indices: 5/139. F. Elaterosporites klaszii (Jardine and Magloire) Jardine, 1967, Depth: 5990 A, Sample no: 2,
Indices: 10.5/142.5. G. Ephedripites sp., Depth: 5990 A, Sample no: 2, Indices: 16.7/122.5. H. Ephedripites sp., Depth: 5990 A, Sample no: 2, Indices: 21.5/138.8.
I. Fungal spore, Depth: 4850 A, Sample no: 3, Indices: 17.3/130. J. Cyclonephelium sp, Depth: 5850 A, Sample no: 7, Indices: 16/126.7. K. Elaterocolpites castelainii
Jardine and Magloire, 1965, Depth: 5990 A, Sample no: 2, Indices: 5.4/127.8. L. Subtilisphaera scabrata Jain and Millepied, 1973, Depth: 5670 A, Sample no:
5, Indices: 8.4/120. M. MFTL, Depth: 4850 A, Sample no: 3, Indices: 12/134.4. N. Afropollis jardinus Doyle et al., 1982, Depth: 5990 A, Sample no: 2, Indices:
12.5/123. O. Afropollis jardinus Doyle et al., 1982, Depth: 5990 A, Sample no: 2, Indices: 20.2/127.5. P. Afropollis jardinus Doyle et al., 1982, Depth: 5990 A,
Sample no: 2, Indices: 8.9/126.4. Q. AOM particle, Depth: 5990 A, Sample no: 2 Indices: 7.4/141.5. R. Black Wood, Depth: 5990 A, Sample no: 2 Indices: 6.6/145.6.
S. Brown wood, Depth: 5990 A, Sample no: 2 Indices: 9.3/132.

The sequence upward increase in the black wood fragments transport into smaller particles and to concentrate in finer
also indicates more offshore setting for the upper PF-1 and sediments of deeper depositional settings (Habib, 1982; Tyson,
supports the distal inner shelf environment for that part of the 1995). Furthermore, the upward change in sedimentation from
palynofacies. This can be explained by the size and percentage coarse clastics (sandstones and siltstones) to fine clastics (shale)
frequency distribution of black wood. As brittle, large black and carbonate also denotes a slight deepening in the depositional
wood particles tend to be fragmented with long distance settings (e.g. Vallejo et al., 2002; Carvalho et al., 2006; Tahoun
M.S. Mahmoud et al. / Revue de micropaléontologie 60 (2017) 449–467 461

Fig. 7. Palynofacies types of the Salam-60 well, northern Western Desert, Egypt. Scale bar represents 100 ␮m. A. Lower PF-1 showing high dominance of AOM
and frequent large, biodegraded phytoclast, Sample 2a (5990 ft). B. Lower PF-1 showing high dominance of AOM and a badly preserved MFTL filled in with pyrite,
Sample 2a (5990 ft). C. Upper PF-1 showing high dominance of AOM and frequent fragmented black wood, Sample 7a (5350 ft). D. PF-2 showing overwhelming
abundance of AOM, Sample 28a (3790 ft).

Fig. 8. A. The Salam-60 well palynofacies plot in the ternary APP diagram of Tyson (1995), A: amorphous organic matter; P: phytoclasts; P: palynomorphs.
B. Percentage frequency of total sedimentary organic matter (% TPOM) of the Salam 60 well (Roncaglia and Kuijpers, 2006), PS: phytoclasts + sporomorphs; AOM:
amorphous organic matter; FDAO: microforaminiferal test linings + dinoflagellate cysts + acritarchs + other marine algae.

and Deaf, 2016). All palynological and lithologic criteria Guiraud et al., 2001). As the sea level advanced during the
mentioned above point to a shift in the depositional setting from late Cenomanian and onward, the site of the Salam-60 became
the proximal to a distal inner shelf environment. The progressive relatively deeper, in a more distal position, where it received
upward sedimentation of the mainly limestone unit of upper little terrigenous material that carry essential nutrient supply
PF-1 with no break in sedimentation suggests this relative rise to the marine water. This is suggested to result in diminishing
in sea level was not due to local tectonics. This rise was mostly in the dinoflagellate diversity and abundance (e.g. Uwins and
connected to the global late Cenomanian marine transgression Batten, 1988), which could in part explain the remarkable
(Fig. 9), which covered most of northern Egypt during that time low abundance of fossil dinoflagellate in the upper part
(Vail et al., 1977; Said, 1990; Guiraud and Bosworth, 1999; of PF-1.
462 M.S. Mahmoud et al. / Revue de micropaléontologie 60 (2017) 449–467

Table 3
Key to palynofacies fields indicated in the ternary APP diagram (Simplified from Tyson, 1995).
Palynofacies field and environment Comments Spores: Bisaccate Microplankton Kerogen type

VI Proximal suboxic-anoxic High AOM preservation due to reducing Variable low to Low to common dinocysts II (oil prone)
shelf basin conditions. Absolute phytoclast moderate dominant
content may be moderate to high due to
turbiditic input and/or general proximity to
IX Distal suboxic-anoxic basin AOM-dominant assemblages. Low Low Generally low, prasinophyte II ≥ I (highly
abundances of palynomorphs partly due to often dominant oil prone)
masking. Frequently alginate-rich. Deep
basin or stratified shelf sea deposits,
especially sediments starved basins

mostly related to the global sea level rise resulted in deposition

of the mainly carbonate section (samples 6–20) of the upper “G”
and the “F” to “C” members in a distal part of the inner shelf envi-
ronment under the same reducing (suboxic-anoxic) conditions.
In other areas of the northern Western Desert of Egypt,
the Bahariya and the “G” Member of Abu Roash formations
were suggested by palynology to have been deposited in rather
similar settings. They were deposited in marginal (fluvio-
deltaic) to shallow marine (inner shelf) at the central (AG-18
well: Abdel-Kireem et al., 1996) and the southern margin
of the Abu Gharadig Basin under oxic-dysoxic conditions
(GPTSW-7 well: El Beialy et al., 2010a, 2010b). Similarly,
these rock units were deposited in inner shelf settings under
oxic to suboxic-anoxic conditions at the southern eastern
(Gebel Rissu-1 well: El Beialy et al., 2011) and central part
(Qattara Rim-1: El-Soughier et al., 2014) of the Dahab-Mireir
Basin (Fig. 1). At the southern Matruh Basin, the Bahariya
and the lower Abu Roash were also deposited in a shallow
inner shelf setting (KRM-1 well: Abdel-Kireem et al., 1996)
similar to that noted in the neighbouring Shushan Basin at the
Salam-60 well. However, at western Matruh Basin (Nest-1A
well: Tahoun and Deaf, 2016), the “G” Member was deposited
in deeper shelfal settings, in the middle shelf environment under
reducing suboxic-anoxic conditions. The middle part of Abu
Roash in KRM-1 and AG-18 wells, which could be tentatively
equated to the “F” to “C” members were deposited in outer
inner shelf and inner middle shelf environments in the Matruh
and Abu Gharadig basins, respectively (Abdel-Kireem et al.,
1996). This interbasinal difference in the depositional setting of
“F” to “C” members between the Abu Gharadig Basin and the
Shushan and Matruh basins is mostly related to the continued
late Cretaceous tectonic differentiation of the Abu Gharadig
Fig. 9. Global and Egyptian Cretaceous eustatic sea level cycles (after Vail et al.,
Basin (Kerdany and Cherif, 1990; Guiraud and Bosworth, 1999;
1977; Said, 1990). Guiraud et al., 2001). This comparison clearly indicates that
deposition of the upper “G” and “F” to “C” members in slightly
Based on the above discussion, it can be concluded that deep (outer inner to middle) shelfal settings of good reducing
the mixed clastic-carbonate section (samples 1–5) of the upper (suboxic-anoxic) conditions supported the preservation of good
Bahariya and the lowermost part of the “G” Member of Abu amounts of organic matter (AOM 60–95%). This makes these
Roash formations were deposited in a brackish proximal inner members fair to very good potential source rocks in different
shelf environment that witnessed strong fluctuations in the areas of the northern Western Desert (e.g. “G” to “E” members
regional sea level. Reducing (suboxic-anoxic) conditions were in Razzak-7 well: avg. AOM 70%, avg. TOC: 0.8%; “G” to “A”
predominant but were temporarily interrupted by local oxic- members in GPTSW-7 well: avg. AOM 13%, avg. TOC: 0.7%;
dysoxic conditions. A minor marine transgression that was “G” Member in Nest-1A well: avg. AOM 80%, TOC: 2.2%).
M.S. Mahmoud et al. / Revue de micropaléontologie 60 (2017) 449–467 463

4.1.2. Palynofacies PF-2: Middle Shelf system, where strong terrestrial influx reached the depositional
This palynofacies corresponds to the upper Abu Roash site during short periods of relative sea level fall (Tyson, 1993,
Formation (“B” and “A” members) and the whole Khoman For- 1995). This may be related to the Egyptian minor oscillation in
mation, and it covers samples from 21 to 30 that are located at the sea level during the late Turonian time (Vail et al., 1977;
depths from 4430 to 2880 ft (1170.7–698 m). The palynological Said, 1990). These depositional fluctuations are also supported
matter is characterized by very abundant AOM (avg. 73%), fre- by occurrence of the sphaeroidal pollen grains in the same shale
quent phytoclasts (avg. 27%) and frequent sporomorphs (avg. samples. Sphaeroidal pollen grains are known to relatively travel
35.4%). The dinoflagellate cysts show frequent occurrences more in a basinward direction due to their high buoyancy (e.g.
(12%) similar to that noted in the underlying PF-1. Here, MFTLs Tyson, 1993). This explains their slightly higher abundances in
are abundant and show an increase from an average of 19.6% comparison to their associated spores. As with upper PF-1, the
in PF-1 to an average of 45.4% in PF-2, and are used here to persistent very high percentages of AOM (Figs. 5 and 7D) sug-
differentiate between PF-1 and PF-2 (Fig. 5). gest deposition in a far shore, reducing (suboxic-anoxic) setting
In this palynofacies, the dinoflagellate cysts are character- (Fig. 8A and B) that was mostly suffering from weak terrigenous
ized by a very high dominance and a lower species diversity influxes (Tyson, 1993, 1995).
(5 species), where the open marine, middle shelf cysts of Flo- By combining the aforementioned discussions, it is suggested
rentinia occur (Table 2). This may point to the development that the “B” and “A” members of Abu Roash Formation and the
of a slightly deeper shelfal setting. The significant increase in Khoman Formation were deposited in open marine, inner and
abundance of MFTLs that is coupled with slight decreases in outer middle shelf environments respectively, under prevailing
terrestrial organic matter (especially brown woods and pterido- reducing (suboxic-anoxic) conditions. Deposition of these rock
phyte spores) also suggests a shelf environment that is deeper units took place during a major regional marine transgression
than that postulated for PF-1; probably a proximal middle shelf that was mostly connected to the global Turonian-Maastrichtian
environment. As has been mentioned before, the relative abun- eustatic sea level rise (Fig. 9). However, minor fluctuations in
dances of MFTLs show an offshore increase and are used to the local Turonian sea level may have occurred. In central Abu
indicate depositional settings of normal marine conditions. This Gharadig Basin (AG-18 well) and at southern Matruh Basin
outer marine setting is also evidenced by the occurrence of lower (KRM-1 well), the “B” and “A” members and the Khoman For-
terrestrial palynomorphs frequency (35.4%) in PF-2 in com- mation were deposited in outer shelf and upper to middle slope
parison to that recorded in PF-1 (63.5%), where inversely high settings, respectively (Abdel-Kireem et al., 1996). These deeper
abundances of terrestrial palynomorphs are known to indicate a conditions in comparison to those noted in the Shushan Basin
proximal depositional setting that is close to land vegetation are also related to the progressive late Cretaceous tectonic devel-
(e.g. Tyson, 1993, 1995; Al-Ameri et al., 2001). The sparse opment of the Abu Gharadig and Matruh basins (Kerdany and
sampling across most of the Khoman Formation chalk does not Cherif, 1990; Abdel-Kireem et al., 1996; Guiraud and Bosworth,
enable a proper interpretation of its depositional environment. 1999; Guiraud et al., 2001). Information on the organic matter
Probably lithology could add some information in this regard. in terms of quality and quantity is still fragmentary regarding
Deposition of chalk and chalky limestone are known to take the “B” and “A” members. Very low AOM (3–28%) and TOC
place in both shallow and deep shelfal settings (e.g. Einsele, (0.6–1%) in the “A” Member in GPTSW-7 well, and conversely
1992; Nichols, 2009). However, the occasional occurrences of the very high AOM in the Salam-60 (66–81%), indicates a strong
pyrite exclude outer shelf conditions and suggest middle shelf variation in its source rock potential across different parts of
settings. Iron is usually brought to the marine waters by the river the northern Western Desert. The Khoman Formation is widely
discharge of detrital sediments and by volcanic activity at mid- known as a thick, organic-poor carbonate unit of no hydrocarbon
oceanic ridges (e.g. Einsele, 1992). In the current study, iron was potential (cf. El Ayouty, 1990; Meshref, 1996).
confidently delivered by the nearby fluvial system that brought
most of the clastics of the studied sequence. Thus, iron must 4.2. Palaeovegetation and palaeoclimate
have been transported by water currents into a deeper, reduc-
ing middle shelf environment that clearly lacks any clastic input The occurrence of the fern spores represented by pterido-
(Fig. 5). In the meantime, the continuous sedimentation of the phytes (e.g. mainly Deltoidospora) in all studied samples of the
thick limestone sequence with no hiatus or missed units ends Salam-60 well probably reflects local pteridophyte vegetation on
up with a distinct fining upward sequence represented by the wet lowlands (Playford, 1971; Schrank and Mahmoud, 1998).
chalk unit. Integration of the sedimentilogical characters with However, on the relatively dry hinterlands, conifer forests are
the palynological analysis provided above indicates a regional, thought to develop based on the presence of the araucariacean
upward increase in the water depth at the Shushan Basin that pollen grains Arucariacites spp. (Schrank and Mahmoud, 1998;
was not connected to local tectonics. This notable sea level rise Mahmoud and Moawad, 2002). A regional warm and arid to
was mostly related to the major global Turonian-Maastrichtian semi-arid climate palaeoclimate is suggested to prevail based
marine transgression, which inundated much of northern Egypt on the constant occurrences of Classopollis pollen grains in
during the late Cretaceous time (Vail et al., 1977; Said, 1990; most of the studied section (Fig. 5, Table 3). Classopollis pollen
Guiraud and Bosworth, 1999; Guiraud et al., 2001). On the other grains are known to be produced by xerophyte plants; their
hand, the occurrence of the pteridophytic spores mostly in the high abundances are taken to indicate arid climatic conditions
shale samples indicates minor fluctuations in the depositional (Watson, 1988; Doyle, 1999). Thus, their common frequency
464 M.S. Mahmoud et al. / Revue de micropaléontologie 60 (2017) 449–467

here (3–15%, avg. 8%) suggests a rather semi-arid climate (southern Matruh, Dahab-Mireir, and Abu Gharadig basins)
(Doyle et al., 1982; Schrank, 1990; Brenner, 1996; El-Soughier of the northern Western Desert. However, at western Matruh
et al., 2014). The single rare occurrence of the other xero- Basin, the “G” Member has a deeper open marine (middle
phytic pollen Ephedripites (Schrank and Ibrahim, 1995; Schrank shelf) setting. The “F” to “C” members have an outer inner shelf
and Mahmoud, 1998) also supports the semi-arid conditions. depositional environment in the northern basinal area (Shushan
In addition, the occurrence of Afropollis and Elaterosporites and Matruh basins) of the Western Desert. However, at the
pollen grains in samples of the upper Bahariya and the “G” central basinal area (Abu Gharadig Basin), these members are of
Member of the Abu Roash formations suggests a prevalence deeper, inner middle shelf settings. This interbasinal difference
of a regional subtropical palaeoclimate during the late Ceno- in the depositional settings of the “F” to “C” is mostly related to
manian (Herngreen et al., 1996; Schrank, 2001; Deaf, 2009). the late Cretaceous tectonic differentiation of the Abu Gharadig
These pollen grains belong to the Albian-Cenomanian Elat- Basin. The upper (“B” and “A” members) Abu Roash and the
erate Phytogeographic Province of Herngreen et al. (1996) of Khoman formations also show different interbasinal deposi-
the palaeosubtropical to palaeotropical African and north South tional settings across different northern and central basinal areas
American regions. This province is characterized by a warm, of the Western Desert due to the progressive late Cretaceous
arid to semi-arid climate (e.g. Aboul Ela et al., 1996; Herngreen tectonic development of the Abu Gharadig and Matruh basins.
et al., 1996, Deaf, 2009). The Senonian Palmae Phytogeographic The upper Abu Roash and the Khoman formations were
Province of Herngreen et al. (1996) is not represented here due deposited in central Abu Gharadig and at southern Matruh
to the limited Turonian samples and to the poor sporomorphs basins in deeper, outer shelf and upper to middle slope settings,
frequency. respectively, in comparison to their suggested inner middle
shelf and outer middle shelf settings in the Shushan Basin.
5. Conclusions In conclusion, deposition of the Upper Cretaceous rocks in
the above-mentioned basinal areas reflects the development of a
A detailed palynofacies analysis was carried out on a major marine transgression, which undated the northern Western
Cenomanian-Maastrichtian sequence of the Salam-60 well to Desert during the late Cenomanian-Maastrichtian as a response
recognize its possible depositional environments, which affect to the major global eustatic sea level rise. However, effect of the
its hydrocarbon characteristics and to identify the palaeoeco- local tectonics was superimposed on the depositional settings in
logical conditions prevailed during deposition of the studied some basins. Generally, this brought a shallow to relatively deep
sequence. Two palynofacies types were identified. PF-1 repre- shelf sea to northern western Egypt including the Shushan Basin,
sents the upper Baharyia and the “G” to “C” members of Abu where remarkable reducing conditions promoted the preser-
Roash formations (samples 1–20). The mixed clastic-carbonate vation of substantial amounts of organic matter in the upper
section (samples 1–5) of the upper Bahariya and the lowermost Cretaceous Abu Roash Formation, but with variable organic
“G” Member were deposited in a brackish, proximal inner shelf richness in different basins. This shows the eminent need to
environment of prevailing reducing (suboxic-anoxic) conditions carry out detailed palaeoenvironmental and organic geochemical
that witnessed occasional local oxic-dysoxic conditions. Yet, studies on each basin to understand its petroliferous characteris-
a minor shift in the depositional setting from a proximal to a tics. Local pteridophyte vegetation on wet lowland habitats and
distal inner shelf environment is represented by deposition of conifer vegetation on relatively dry hinterlands were growing
the mainly carbonate section (samples 6–20) of the uppermost near the Salam-60 well under a regional warm and relatively
“G” and the “F” to “C” members during a late Cenomanian- dry subtropical palaeoclimate.
Turonian marine transgression, which is mostly related to the
global eustatic sea level rise. The same reducing (suboxic-
Disclosure of interest
anoxic) conditions were also prevailing. PF-2 represents the
upper (“B” and “A” members) Abu Roash and the Khoman for-
The authors declare that they have no competing interest.
mations (samples 21–30). The rocks of this palynofacies were
mostly deposited during a major global Turonian-Maastrichtian
marine transgression in inner and outer middle shelf environ- Acknowledgements
ments respectively, that may witnessed some fluctuations in the
local Turonian sea level. Reducing (suboxic-anoxic) conditions We are grateful to the Egyptian General Petroleum Corpora-
were also persistent during deposition of PF-2. The develop- tion (EGPC) for providing the samples and well log used in this
ment of rather good reducing (suboxic-anoxic) conditions in the study. Special thanks are also due to the editor Prof. Dr. Taniel
relatively deep, outer inner shelf and middle shelf settings sup- Danelian, associate editor Dr. Frédérique Eynaud, and the two
ported good preservation of organic matter in the upper “G” to reviewers Dr. Kaya Ertug and Dr. Daid Haig for the constructive
“A” members of Abu Roash Formation. comments that helped us to improve the manuscript.
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