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IEEE Stuudent member,, Embedded Syystem Technoloogies
Assistant Proffessor, EEE Deepartment4PG Scholar,
S ECE Department,
TechMultiTechh DR.Rangarajan DR.Sakunthhala Engg.Colllege, Chennai.

Abbstract—Solar energy is a renewable energyy resource whiich anotherr level and alsoo produce reguulated output vooltage from thee
widelly used now dayys. Photovoltaic is the processs of converting thet unregullated source [33]. The output from
f solar paneel is non linearr,
light source into eleectrical since th
hey produce a nonlinear outp put. rapidly varying accoording to lightt intensity. Thhe converter is
Thesee solar panels are
a high cost bu ut low efficient during changee in controlled by pulse applied
a to gatee of MOSFET T which acts as
ambieent conditions. Hence by usiing LABVIEW W as software the t switch, by controllingg the switch onn and off periood the output is
maximmum power point of a solar pa anel is tracked by using a simp ple boostedd to another level or outtput maintaineed at constannt
and fast
f perturb annd observation (P&O) algorithm also varyiing level[7]][8].The maxim mum power point
p tracking is achieved byy
duty cycle to boost converter
c for ra
apidly variationn in input voltaage differennt algorithms the existed area incrementaal conductancee,
accorrding to ambiient conditionss to deliver a regulated and a
fuzzy loogic control, neural
n networkk which is morre complex andd
maximmum voltage toowards the load or battery efficciently.
slow inn process[9][100].
Keeywords—boostt converter; duty cycle; maxim
mum power pooint II. PROPOSED SYSTEM
trackiing (MPPT); P&
Thee block diagramm of system is shown in the figure.
fi By usingg
DUCTION the LA ABVIEW as software thee program iss written, thee
Due to rapidlly decreasing non renewaable sourcesaand programmming methodd of labview is in graphical foorm hence easyy
pollution associatedd with their combustion
c inn the world, the
t to proggram and savves the time. The maximum m power poinnt
peoplle are migratinng towards the renewable energy e resourcces. trackingg for the system is designned in LABVIEW using ann
The renewable
r enerrgy are sunligh
ht, wind, etc. thhey are clean and
a simple,, efficient and fast technique algorithm callled perturb andd
produuce energy wiithout harmful for society. The solar pannel observaation algorithm
m (P&O). Usinng P&O maxim mum voltage is
generrates electric power
p using phhotovoltaic proocess; the proceess and useed for calculating the duty cyccle (PWM) givven to the boosst
of converting
c thee sunlight in nto electric power
p is callled convertter that too dessigned in LABVIEW. Hence by varying thee
photoovoltaic processs. Even thou ugh the solar panel has maany duty cyycle of boost coonverter the ouutput from the boost
b converteer
advanntages, also it i has some disadvantagess of high coost, is regullated.
ineffiicient power conversion
c at partial
p shadingg also the pow wer
generrated by the soolar panel is non
n linear, sinnce they generaate
poweer according to the ambient co onditions such as light intensiity,
tempeerature, etc[2].
Hence to get a regulated poower from thee solar panels at
partiaal shadings a method called MPPT is i implementeed.
Maxiimum power pointp tracking(MMPPT) that iss tracking a soolar
panell unique point were the maxiimum power iss generated. The T
existeed system for MPPT
M isdesign
ned in LabVIEWW using differeent
algorrithm techniquees such as Neewton raphsonm method whichh is
more complex [5]. Also for meassuring physicall parameters thhey
use NI
N DAQ to acqquire the real tiime data’s whiich more difficcult
[1] iss. The MPPT can evendesig gn in Matlab simulationswhi
s ich
m also includes a
cannoot implementedd in real time [4]. The system Fig. 1. Proposed System
m Block Diagram
DC to t DC boost converter
c by converting one voltage level to
Veltech Mulltitech Dr.Rang
garajan Dr.Sakkunthala
Engineering College,
C Avadi, Chennai (Sponsors)

International Conference
C onn Science, Engiineering and Management
M Reesearch (ICSEM
MR 2014)
978-1-4799-76133-3/14/$31.00 ©2014

Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidad del Valle. Downloaded on July 20,2020 at 04:37:56 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Here the purposse of maximumm power pointt is measured for
calcuulating the dutyy cycle given to the boost converter to get
stablee output. Thee voltage and current of thhe solar panel is
measuured using ann arduino interrfaced with LAABVIEW. Usiing
Arduiino toolkitfor LABVIEW is used for intterfacing arduiino
microo-controller wiith LABVIEW W, hence the panel
p voltage or
currennt is directly measured
m and viewed
v in LAB
BVIEW. Now thet
maxim mum voltage or current of a solar panel is calculated by
P&O method whichh shown in flow wchart.
B measuring thhe value voltag
By ge or current of
o panel powerr is
calcuulated. The measured poweer is now com mpared with thet
refereence power or previous pow wer, when the instant
i calculatted
poweer is greater than
t the refereence power cooncluded it iss a
maxim mum power, and
a the maximu um value replaaces the referennce
poweer value as prrogrammed. Th he same process is continuued
repeaatedly. Hence whenever the maximum power measuredd is
alwayys replaced by reference power value. Fig. 3. Proposedd System Block diaagram design in LA

Now wheneveer maximum power is calculated thhen
corresponding voltaage or currentt value of pow wer is measurred
conclluded that is maximum
m voltage or current of
o panel and keept
as ouutput voltage also
a used for calculating
c dutty ratio given to
boostt converter. Thhis output voltage is maintaineed constant at the
outpuut of boost connvert during ch hange in ambieent conditions or
partiaal shadings withh respect to tim

Fig. 4. Front panel of


DC to DC converrter is a voltagge converter by b converting a
one volltage level intoo another voltaage level. Boosst converter aree
widely used in PV appplications. Thhe input often given to boosst
convertter is unregullated and outtput is regulaated, the boosst
convertter output vooltage is alwaays greater thhan the inpuut
voltagee.The boost connverter circuit is
i shown in thee figure.

Fig. 2. Perturb and Obsservation Flow Chhart

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Fig. 5. Boost converter circuit Fig. 7. Boost converter Mode 2 Operation

The boost converter consists of MOSFET switch controlled The ON and OFF period that is duty ratio is calculated by
by square pulse Ton and Toff. The circuit operates in two formula
modes. During mode 1 Ton period the MOSFET is switched ON. ܸ݅݊
Hence the inductor starts storing energy from the panel until Ton ‫ܦ‬Ψ ൌ ͳ െ ൈ ͳͲͲ
period. Now the diode act in reverse bias, hence current is
flowing through the transistor. So the output is isolated from Where
circuit and capacitor supplies the load current at Ton period. Vin – input instant voltage from panel
The mode 1 operation is shown in the figure Vout – output voltage or maximum voltage measure

The switching frequency should be very high in the range of

>25 Khz. Here the frequency generated by arduino is 1 Khz, so to
compensate this high value of inductance is used. To know the
minimum inductance value required for circuit is calculated by
ሺͳ െ ‫ܦ‬ሻଶ Ǥ ‫ܦ‬Ǥ ܴ
‫ ݊݅݉ܮ‬ൌ
ʹǤ ‫ݏܨ‬
Lmin = minimum inductance
D = Duty ratio
R= Load resistance
Fig. 6. Boost converter Mode 1 Operation
Fs= Switching frequency
In mode 2 operation Toff period the MOSFET is switched off The cylindrical typemulti layer inductor is used in the circuit
and the diode is forward biased. Hence the current flowing to calculate the inductance for designing practically the equation
through the transistor will now flow through the inductor, diode used is
and capacitor to load.
Ͷ ሺ‫ ݎ‬ଶ ݊ଶ ሻ
The inductor starts discharging the energy at Toff period ‫ܮ‬ൌ
therefore now the panel instant voltage and inductor discharged ͷ ሺ͸‫ ݎ‬൅ ͻ݈ ൅ ͳͲ݀ሻ
voltage combined together so the output voltage of boost Where
converter is always greater than the input.So the output voltage of
boost converter is controlled by varying the On and OFF period L = Inductance
of MOSFET. The mode 2 operation is shown in the figure d= depth of coil
n= No of turns

Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidad del Valle. Downloaded on July 20,2020 at 04:37:56 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
r-radius The authors acknowledge the Department of Science and
Technology; India for sponsoring FIST project (SR/FST/College-
Components Range
Inductance 30 mH
Diode IN5822
[1] H.Bala Murugan, S.V.Siva Nagaraju, “PV Solar Cell Real Time Data
Capacitor 1000uf Monitoring Using LAB VIEW and DAQ”- International Journal of
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[2] M. Abdulkadir, A. S. Samosir, A. H. M. Yatim, “Modeling and Simulation
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‫ܦ‬ [3] P.Sathya, Dr.R.Natarajan, “ Design and Implementation of 12V/24V
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‫ݏܨ‬Ǥ ܴǤ ܸ‫ݎ‬
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[4] Samer Alsadi, Basim Alsayid, “Maximum Power Point Tracking
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R= Load resistance [5] Dr. J. Abdul Jaleel, Nazar. A, Omega A R, “Simulation on Maximum
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[6] Sonali Surawdhaniwar and Ritesh Diwan, “Study of Maximum Power
By choosing the MOSFET the voltage and current rating Point Tracking Using Perturb Aand Observe Method”- International
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TABLE II. OUTPUT VOLTAGE [8] Asmarashid Ponniran and Abdul Fatah Mat Said.,“DC-DC Boost
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Sl.No Input voltage Duty ratio (%) Output voltage [9] Trishan Esram and Patrick L. Chapman, “Comparison of Photovoltaic
(Vin) (Vout) Array Maximum Power Point Tracking Techniques” - IEEE Transactions
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2 16.2 9.477% 17.1 [10] J.M Enrique, E.Duran, “Theoritical assessment of maximum power point
3 15.3 14.77% 17.2 tracking efficiency of photovoltaic facility with different converter
4 14.1 21.13% 17.2 topologies”, - Science direct Solar Energy 81(2007) 31-38.
5 13.132 27.015% 17.1
6 12.5 30.50% 17.4
7 11.04 36.60 17.3
8 9.2 48.5% 17.6
9 8.4 52.94% 17.2

In this paper it has been shown that for particular
intensity maximum power delivered to load and the same is
carried out under variation in intensity by varying the duty cycle
given to boost converter. A simple, low cost and efficient
maximum power point tracker and boost converter system is
proposed for PV applications. Thus for solar applications a low
cost MPPT with boost converter can be used efficiently, Hence
the renewable energy from the sun is utilized more efficiently.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidad del Valle. Downloaded on July 20,2020 at 04:37:56 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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