Xehilion Primer: The Dragon-Knights

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Xehilion Primer

ocated across a great expanse of ocean, far The Dragon-Knights
beyond the borders of the known world. It is a
land of ample islands, lush forests and valleys The Dragon-Knights were an order of heroic dragon-riders
occupy much of the central area, while wild who rode onto the lands shores upon great serpants of fire,
steppes in the far north are ill-explored save by ice, and lightning. They forged powerful dynasties that can
nomadic bands. Sprawling ruins, glittering still be felt to this day and rallied the mortal races to stand
lagoons, and massive statues dot the against Tarandu and his followers in what has become
landscape. Great beasts wander the plains, and fey creatures known as The Great War.
stalk the woods.
The Age of Peace
Oaths are a power of their own, swearing one is a serious The truce forged by the travelers has prevented open warfare
matter & the punishment for breaking one is severe. for nearly five-hundred years but the truce soon comes to a
close. The power of the five Travelers wanes as many mortals
Natives to this world include beings such as centaurs, satyrs have begun to flock to the worship of the Ancients. War
& nymphs. These people welcomed the settler races who threatens to wage upon the land once more.
washed ashore in mass one mysterious night.
Magic is a part of the world, the very winds themselves sing The Call for Heroes
with its hum. Many mages harvest and use natural crystals to Varissi the great oracle has forseen a great and terrifying
act as foci for magic and cannot cast without them. vision of the future and has sent out a call for heroes, those
whom can overcome one of the legendary golden beasts shall
The Ancients be granted an audience with her.
Senturus is the silent watcher, an apathetic guardian who Who are you?
exists to keep the heart of Xehilion safe from whovever would
dare try to abuse it. You are one of the heroes in making who has answered the
oracles call, be it out of desire for fame, the thrill of
Xehilion is named after the mother goddess who's very form adventure, or perhaps you seek the oracle's favor for your
makes up the continent. She has bore many children though own reasons.
only two still rule as gods.
Tarandu is the everlasting temptest, he once ruled over this
world. He seeks dominion over the lands again and for he and
his sister-wife to be the only beings worshipped. His storms
are only held off by daily sacrifice and if one wishes to sail the
waters of Xehilion without sinking to the oceans floor they
would be wise to beg for Tarandu's mercy.
Asterial is the sister-wife to Tarandu, she has dominion over
the underworld and though she once favored mortals she has
become unhinged and cruel in her treatment of them. She
now most delights in corrupting mortals and tormenting her
dreams. The only thing that keeps her torments away is to
pour a drink in her honor each night before sleep takes you.
The Travelers
Upon the twilight of the final battle the skies tore themselves
open and five figures descended from them. These five
beings, known as the traveling gods forced the ancients to
submit to a truce of peace.
Astor - Mother of Tranquility, Goddess of renewel
Anollo - All Seeing Artificer, God of the craft
Uldor - The Gallant Barrier, God of valor
Sarasune - The Eloquent Sage, Goddess of rhetoric
Marianna - The Melodious Merrymaker, Goddess of music

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