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Week – 01

Introduction to Business Mathematics

The objective of this course is to enhance the analytical capability of the learners using business
mathematical concepts. At the end of this course learners will be able to apply their
mathematical skills to various business problems for the solutions. In this lecture I am going
to discuss you about Matrices.
Introduction to Matrix:
Why Matrix?
Matrices are one of the most important tools in Mathematics. . Matrix is used to represent large
amount of data into a simpler form. Matrix reduces complicated system of equations to simple
expressions. We use matrices to solve simultaneous equations. Matrices is the plural of Matrix.
Let us see how annual productions of three branches selling two types of items can be
represented as
Item A Item B
Branch 1 3000 4000
Branch 2 2876 3860
Branch 3 4899 2600

The above data can be expressed as

3000 4000
 2876 3860 
 
 4899 2600

In this arrangement, the numbers in the first row represents the sales of first branch, second
row represents the sales of second branch and third row represents the sales of third branch.
What is Matrix?
Matrix is an arrangement of numbers in horizontal rows (m) and vertical columns (n)
enclosed around square brackets [ ] (or) curved brackets ( ) and it is denoted by a capital letter

 a11 a12 ... a1n 

 
 a21 a22 ... a2n 
 
 
 am1 am 2 ... amn 
Each element in matrix A has two subscripts, first indicating the row and the second
indicating the column. So, a11 in matrix A is the element of first row and first column; a12 is
the element of first row and second column; a21 is the element of second row and first
column. amn is the element of mth row and nth column.
In a more simple manner we can represent matrix A as A   aij  for 1  i  m , 1  j  n .
m n

Here i in aij represents row index; i lies between 1 to m represents that, we can have a matrix
minimum with one row and maximum with m number or rows.

j in aij represents column index; j lies between 1 to n denotes that we can have a matrix
minimum with one column and maximum with n number or columns.
Number of rows by number of columns of a matrix called as dimension where dimension also
called as order. Always we represent a matrix by its dimension (or) order.
So, order of matrix A is m by n (or) it can be written a m  n
Total number of elements in a matrix are equal to the product of its rows and columns.

3 2 
 
Find the order of matrix A  0 1
 2 4 

Let we have a matrix A with elements 1, 2 in first row, 0, -1 in second row, 2, 4 in third row
then the order of matrix A is. So, we have 3 rows and 2 columns in matrix A. Therefore, the
order: 3  2 ; number of elements = 6.
What are the types of matrices?
Matrices are categorized on the basis of their order, elements and certain other conditions. Now
we can discuss the types of matrices

 Row matrix: A matrix is said to be a row matrix if it has only one row but any number
of columns.

For Example: A   1 5 0 414

In general, A   aij 
1 n

 Column matrix: A matrix is said to be a column matrix if it has only one column but
any number of rows.

 2 
For Example: A   
 
 4  41

In general, A   aij 

 Rectangular matrix: A matrix is said to be a rectangular matrix if the number of rows

is not equal to the number of columns.
3 0 2
For Example: A   
 2 1 4  23

In general, A   aij  where m  n


 Square matrix: A matrix is said to be a square matrix if the number of rows is equal
to the number of columns.

3 0 2
 
For Example: A   2 1 4 
 6 7 8 33

In general, A   aij  where mn


 Diagonal matrix: A square matrix A   aij  is said to be a diagonal matrix if all its
non-diagonal elements are zero.

3 0 0
 
For Example: A  0 1 0 
0 0 8 33

That is, aij  0 when i  j

 Scalar matrix: A diagonal matrix is said to be a scalar matrix if all of its diagonal
elements are same.

3 0 0
 
For Example: A  0 3 0 
0 0 3 33

That is, aij  0 when i  j

aij  k when i  j where k is any constant

 Unit (or) Identity matrix: A diagonal matrix is said to be a unit (or) identity matrix if
all of its diagonal elements are equal to one.

1 0 0 
 
For Example: A  0 1 0 
0 0 1 33

That is, aij  0 when i  j

aij  1 when i  j
 Null (or) Zero matrix: A matrix is said to be a null (or) zero matrix if all of its elements
are equal to zero.

0 0 0 
 
For Example: A  0 0 0 
0 0 0 33

In general, A   aij  where aij  0 for all i,j


 Upper triangular matrix: A square matrix is said to be an upper triangular matrix if

all the elements below the diagonal are zero.

1 2 3 
 
For Example: A  0 4 5 
0 0 6 33

That is, aij  0 for all i  j

 Lower triangular matrix: A square matrix is said to be a lower triangular matrix if all
the elements above the diagonal are zero.

1 0 0
 
For Example: A   2 4 0 
 3 5 6 33

That is, aij  0 for all i  j

 Transpose of a matrix: If A is a given matrix, then the matrix obtained by interchanging

its rows into columns and its columns into rows is called as transpose of matrix A. It
' T
is denoted by A (or) A .

1 4 
1 A   2 5 
2 3 T
For Example: If A   then
2 5 6  23
 3 6 32

then A  aij 
In general, If A   aij 
mn nm

 Equality of Matrices: Two matrices A and B are said to be equal A  B if

(i) They both are of the same order
(ii) The elements in the corresponding places of the two matrices are the same.

That is, if A  [aij ]mn and B  [bij ]mn then A  B if and only if aij  bij
 4 14   4 14 
1. Is the given matrices A    and B    are equal?
6 2  6 2 
Yes they are equal.
Given matrices A and B satisfies the conditions of equality of matrices.
Both A and B are of the same order.
The elements in the corresponding places of the two matrices A and B are the same.

1 1 1 1 1
Whether the matrices A    and B    are equal?
1 1 1 1 1
No, they are not equal.
Because the order of A and B are not same.

 a  b 2a  c   1 15
If    then the values of a, b, c and d equal to ………………
 2a  b 3c  d   0 13
a  b  1 (1)
2a  c  15 (2)
2a  b  0 (3)
3c  d  13 (4)
Solve equation (1) and (3), we get a  1
Substitute a  1 in equation (1) and (2), we get b  2 , c  13
Substitute c  13 in equation (4), we get d  26
Symmetric matrix

A square matrix A  [aij ] is said to be symmetric if its (i, j )th element is the same as its ( j, i)th
That is, aij  a ji for all i and j

 1 2 1
Is the given matrix A   2 3 1  is symmetric matrix?
 1 1 4 

Yes, it is symmetric matrix.

Because a12  a21  2 , a13  a31  1 , a23  a32  1 are same.
 1 2 1
We can also say that, matrix A   2 3 1  is said to be symmetric if transpose of matrix A
 
 1 1 4 
is equal to matrix A itself.

That is, AT  A where A is a symmetric matrix.

6 5 4 
Is the given matrix X  5 5 1 is symmetric matrix?
 
 4 3 3 

No, the given matrix is not symmetric because a23  a32 .

Transpose of matrix X is not equal to matrix X.

That is, X T  X
Skew-symmetric matrix

A square matrix A   aij  is said to be skew- symmetric if the (i, j )th element of A is the

negative of the ( j, i)th element of A.

That is, aij  a ji for all i and j

If we put j  i in aij  a ji then aii  aii

This implies that, 2aii  0

This implies that aii  0 for all i and j

Hence all the elements in the main diagonal of a skew-symmetric matrix is zero.

 0 1 2
Is the given matrix A   1 0 3 is a skew-symmetric matrix?
 
 2 3 0 

Yes, it is a skew-symmetric matrix.

a12  1; a21  1 which means a12  a21

a13  2; a31  2a which means a13  a31

a23  3; a32  3 which means a23  a32

 0 1 2
We can also say that matrix A   1 0 3 is said to be skew-symmetric if transpose of
 
 2 3 0 
matrix A is equal to negative of matrix A.

That is, AT   A

 0 10 8 
Is the given matrix X   10 0 2 is skew-symmetric?
 8 2 0 

No, the matrix X is not skew-symmetric.

Because X12   X 21

Trace of a matrix
Let A be a square matrix of order n. The sum of the elements of A lying along the principal
diagonal is called trace of A.
That is, trace (A) =  aii  a11  a22  ...  ann
i 1

1 2 2 1
4 3 2 1 
If A   then trace of matrix A is
2 1 4 1
 
1 3 2 4

Trace of A = 1+3+4+4 = 12
Let us now focus on how to perform the basic operation on matrices with matrix addition,
subtraction and multiplication

Addition of matrix: If A   aij  and B  bij  are two matrices then their sum
m n mn
A  B   aij  bij  .

**Two or more matrices can be added if and only if they have the same number of rows and
** Addition of two or more matrices is obtained by adding the corresponding entries in

(Two matrices A   aij  and B  bij  can be added if and only if they have the same
m n mn
number of rows and columns. If the additions matrix is named as matrix C, then dimension of
matrix C will be same to the dimension of A and B. That is  aij  bij   [cij ]mn
Matrix C is obtained by adding the corresponding entries in matrices A and B.
Addition of matrices is not defined for matrices of different sizes).

5 6 7  1 2 
1. If A    and B    is A  B defined?
8 9 10  23 3 4  22
A  B can not be defined as the order of matrices A and B are not same.

1 2  5 6
2. If A    and B  7 8  is A  B defined, if so A  B  ?
3 4  22   22
A  B can be defined as the order of matrices A and B are same.
A  B can be calculated by adding the elements of A to the corresponding elements of

1  5 2  6   6 8 
A B    .
3  7 4  8  10 12 

Subtraction of matrix: If A   aij  and B  bij  are two matrices then their
mn mn
difference A  B   aij  bij  .

**Two or more matrices are subtracted if and only if they have the same number of rows and
** Subtraction of two or more matrices is obtained by subtracting the corresponding entries in

1 4   2 3
Let A    and B   6 8 is A  B defined if so, find A  B .
7 4  22   22

A  B is defined as the order of matrices A and B are same.

1  2 4  3  1 1 
A B    .
7  6 4  8  1 4 
 Multiplication of Matrices: There are two forms of multiplication: scalar multiplication
and multiplication of a matrix by another matrix.

 Scalar multiplication: If A is a m  n matrix and k is a scalar then the matrix obtained

by multiplying every elements of A by k is called scalar multiplication. It is denoted
by kA .
If A   aij  then kA   kaij 
mn mn
1 4   3 1 3  4  3 12 
Let A    then 3 A     
7 4  22 3  7 3  4  22  21 12  22

 Multiplication of two matrices exist only when the number of columns in A is equal
to the number of rows in B.

If A has dimension m  n , B has dimension n  p then the product of A and B is the

matrix C which has the dimension m  p .
That is, If A   aij  and B  bij  are two matrices then C  A.B  cij  .
mn n p m p
 
1. Let A  1 2 313 and B   5  is AB defined?
 6 13
Yes, AB is defined as number of columns in A is equal to the number of rows in B
AB  (1 4)  (2  5)  (3  6)11  3211
1 2 1 4 5 6 
2. If A    and B    then AB   
3 1 2 1 1 11

 1 0 2 3
 find (i) 2 A  3B (ii) B  2 A
3. Let A    &B  
  4 3   1 6 

 2 0  6 9   4 9 
2 A  3B      
 8 6   3 18  5 24 

 2 3   2 8  4 5
(ii ) B  2 A'      
 1 6   0 6   1 0 

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