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Eid Ul Adha is a Muslim festival that basically marks the

end of Hajj or Pilgrimage to Makkah. This Eid is also

known as the Eid of sacrifice, and it basically
commemorates the faith of Abraham and devotion to
Allah. According to the Belief of the Muslims, Allah asked
Abraham to sacrifice his son for Allah’s sake, and even
though he was a good man and loved his son very much,
his devotion and faith to God was so strong that he did
not hesitate to take this bold step and agreed to sacrifice
his son (Huda, 2011). The willingness of Abraham to
sacrifice his son for the sake of Allah caused Allah to spare
his son’s life, and therefore a lamb was sacrificed in his
place. This was a miracle of Allah and it proved that he has
command over all things and the known and the unknown.
It is because of this holy incident in the History of Islam
that the Muslims now celebrate Eid ul Adha every year to
earn Allah’s blessings and forgiveness.

Eid ul Adha is a sacred Muslim event that is celebrated

every year around the world with sacrifice, prayer and

Taking a vacation can do wonders for you and your family. In

addition to this, a quick getaway can give you a much-needed
break from the demands of work and school, a vacation can be a
special chance for the members of your family to bond together.
So the eid vacation and eid days are one of the essential days to
be celebrated with family and friends.
As soon as my University was closed, and the vacation started,
the essence of eid fiiled the days as it passed. The family
members who lives abroad or away from us, all came at our
place to celebrate together. The preparation for Eid day was at
its peak. Shopping began, with new dress, shoes and other new
accessories to be worn myself and to gift the other members of
the family for this festival. Being the only' young' man of my
family-- all the hassles were over me ofcourse. But seeing the
smile out of joy of my parents, siblings, gandparents, cousins,
aunties and uncles -- the pain vanishes at a glance. Life can be so
much beautiful and peaceful with these small precious things.
Now comes the most difficult part yet the most enjoyable part
of Eid Ul Adha, and that is, buying a bull for sacrifice. The hut
was so crowded with people and animals.

Allah has given us power over animals and allowed us

to eat meat, but only if we pronounce His name at the
solemn act of taking life.
 By saying the name of Allah at the time of slaughter, we
are reminded that life is sacred.

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