Answer To The Question No. 1: Tashfiq Ahmed 1811828630

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Answer to the question no. 1

Opportunity cost is the advantage of the following most ideal alternative that is forfeited when we settle
on a decision. For instance, on the off chance that we consider the lockdown that is forced by
Bangladesh government from first of July, individuals will not have the option to go outside from their
home. We should consider a CNG driver. Essentially, a CNG driver has 2 choices. It is possible that he can
be in home and bring in no cash or he can go out with his CNG, assume travelers starting with one
position then onto the next and acquire sit in home and relinquish themselves from going to work.
Notwithstanding, during the lockdown, he can't go out and bring in cash, accordingly, he should be in
home and bring in no cash. Along these lines, the opportunity cost of a CNG driver here is fundamentally
bringing in no cash.

Answer to the question no. 2

A rationing device is fundamentally choosing who gets what of accessible assets and products. Then
again, negative incentives are anything debilitate or demotivates us.

To make our general public more talented and genuine by utilizing the idea of rationing device and
negative incentives, we can begin this framework from the scratch. In the vast majority of the work area,
the unparalleled rationing device to enroll another worker is have a fundamental ability of
accomplishing the work. This will assist them with being more gifted individual inside an exceptionally
least time. Along these lines, the rationing device would be a base fundamental expertise. The applicant
who has the base expertise will land the position and the individuals who doesn't have, will not get it.

Presently comes negative incentives. Each organization which will enlist new individuals, the new
individuals will be advised that, if any kind of deceptive movement is seen on any of them, they will be
ended and the entirety of his/her significant records (academic, NID, Passport, NOC, Police Verification)
will be held onto everlastingly so he/she can't accept another position. This standard will debilitate
numerous individuals to take work and regardless of whether they accept the position, they will tackle
their job really constantly.

Answer to the question no. 3

Efficiency implies utilizing the base assets in delivering labor and products (most minimal measure of
assets). Furthermore, scarcity is when human needs are more prominent than accessible assets
Efficiency can be utilized to handle and diminish (step by step) the issue of Scarcity. How about we take
an illustration of rice that we eat each day. Some way or another there's a scarcity of rice on the
lookout. That implies human needs for rice > accessible assets of rice. On the off chance that the rice
plants begin creating rice efficiently, (the rice stock will develop slowly and it will eliminate the scarcity
too. nonetheless, it will set aside time. We should discuss another model. We as a whole know there's a
scarcity of COVID 19 antibody in our country at this moment. Individuals need to get inoculated to
forestall the infection yet there's no stockpile. On the off chance that the antibody creation
organizations begin making immunization efficiently, (utilize least assets that is expected to make an
antibody) the shortage will be decreased steadily.

Along these lines, finally we can say that, efficiency can be utilized to handle the issue of scarcity, yet to
lessen it will require some investment as the interest is higher than the stock.

As indicated by my perception, my family is efficient. My dad is a businessman and he gets a fixed

measure of cash each month. As my mom is a housewife, we need to carry on with our life just with my
dad's pay. My dad consistently attempts to spend in the necessities that are crucial to carry on with our
life. In the wake of satisfying every one of the necessities, he contemplates burning through cash on
least significant things. Along these lines, to live every day, there's no shortage or need in my family
(Alhamdulillah). In this way, that is the reason I can say, my family is effective.

Answer to the question no. 4

How will I build the model:

 Distinguish what I need to get it? (Number of violations submitted each day in Dhaka city).

 Distinguish the elements that influence the variable I need to contemplate (law authorization,
legal framework and so forth)

 Collect Data

 Study the connection between the factors.


The elements I have chosen that influence the variable is law enforcement, judicial system and so on

Presently if number of law enforcement (police, RAB, armed force) are more prominent on the
motivation behind security, then, at that point the crime percentage is lower than it is seen (judicial
system here is consistent - > ceteris paribus). Suppose there are 35 law enforcement individuals in a
space on the reason for security. Assuming the quantity of Law Enforcement individuals is 35,
wrongdoing carried out on that day in the space is 4. Also, assuming the law enforcement individuals are
reached out to 55, wrongdoing perpetrated on that space is 2. (Conversely related).



 Movement along the curve:

When there were 35 law authorization individuals, the quantity of violations submitted each day was
around 4. Notwithstanding, when the quantity of law implementation individuals increments to 60, the
quantity of violations submitted each day decreased to 2.

 Shift of curve:

Presently, we take an external factor (consistent) like judicial system into the investigation to perceive
the amount it influences in diminishing crime attempt. Keeping the quantity of law enforcement
individuals to consistent, if the judicial system turns out to be particularly exacting with respect to
wrongdoing, we can see, the crime percentage each day lessens significantly more. That is the reason
the entire curve shifted downwards.

The central matter of distinction between movement along the curve and shift of the curve is, in
movement along the curve, the direct moves from one highlight another yet stays similarly situated. Yet,
for shift of the curve, the entire curve shifts upwards or downwards (If the rate gets expanded then
upwards, whenever decreased then downwards)

Answer to the question no. 5

Scarcity implies when human needs are more noteworthy than accessible assets.

Presently we should consider the NGO. The NGO needs to circulate food things among the destitute
individuals of a town. The NGO may deal with an issue of scarcity in the event that they have assets of
2000 individuals however the town individuals is 3000.

The impacts of Scarcity for this situation:

Choice: they need to pick 3000 needy individuals among the 5000-town individuals.

Rationing Device: rationing device will assist the NGO with settling on the decision.
They should sort out which individuals really need the food. (Individuals who can't eat in light of the fact
that they have not a solitary measure of cash)

Or then again line (the early bird gets the worm type)

Or on the other hand individuals whom they see at the hour of wandering around the town. However
long they have the asset, they will appropriate.


Individuals will show they don't have cash and they can't eat food (if the rationing device is individuals
who can't accepting food)

Individuals will contend to be preferred choice (if the rational device is line)

Individuals will contend to remain on the excellent roads of the town (if the rationing device is see and

Answer to the question no. 6

The HR group's decision might not be right on the grounds that:

 The business was going to make a benefit at the time Mr. Adam joined.

 The HR group didn't go through the state of the business previously. They investigated the
benefit after Mr. Adam joined.

 The HR group may strongly make Mr. Adam the legend for this benefit.

In any case, we can really see if the benefit expanded due to Mr. Adam's commitment:
 By going through the advancement after Mr. Adam joined the business.

 By examining what sort of choice he changed or took in the wake of joining the business.

Answer to the question no. 7


Monthly income: 11,493 taka

CPI : 127

Real income 2013 = (nominal income 2013 / CPI 2013) x 100

= (11493 / 127) x 100



Monthly income: 13,258 taka

CPI : 161

Real income 2018 = (nominal income 2018 / CPI 2018) x 100

= (13258 / 161) x 100

= 8234

That means, the purchasing power of income in 2018 is decreased than the purchasing power of
income in 2013.

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