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Brief about the Tunes

The last of the Mohicans is a 1992 American historical

1 The last of the Mohicans
French and Indian war.' The Gael', the theme music was
drama set in 1757 during the
for the symphony. arranged
composed by Trevor John and it has been beautifully arranged
for Military Band by Maj Mahendra Das NK.

Deh Shiva Var Mohe "Deh Shiva Var Mohe" is an entreaty of Guru Gobind Singh
seeking the blessings from God not to deter from pious deeds and inspire him to fight as a
great warrior for religion. This song also got its popularity from the film "Nanak Naam
Hai". it is arranged for the Military Band by Major HB Brall (Retd).

3 Tagat Watan Ki Hum Se Hai- This patriotic song has been taken from an all time old
Hindi classic Prem Pujari. This movie was released in Jan 1970 and the patriotic song was
written by Mr Gopal Das Saxena and was originally sung by Manna De and Mohd Rafi. This
motivational and inspiring song has been arranged for Military Band by Maj Mahendra Das
4 Amazing Grace. The Methodist and Evangelical Church movements in the 18th Century
made enormous use of hymn singing. Many beautiful religious lyrics were penned, which, on
the whole, were of a high poetical standard during this period. This was indeed the great
flowering period of English hymnology. John Newton was an evangelical clergyman, a sea
Captain and the author of Olney Hymns'. This beautiful symphony will enthrall you.

5. Jaha Daal Daal Par The wonder that was indial Rafi Sahb moved an entire nation to
patriotic fervor with this classic number reminding us of our glorious heritage and immense
wealth. Set to beats and drums, It is a pride of days massed band tunes. This tune has been
arranged for the Military Band by Maj Mahendra Das NK.

6. Salam To The Soldier_- This group of stirring melodies expresses deep patriotic fervor
for the motherland and is dedicated to our countless soldiers whose
velour has consecrated
its soil. This collection of patriotic songs has been
the Military Band by Maj Vimal Joshi.
beautifully sequenced and arranged for

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