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Pag 173

Dr. Alfred Becker -July 21-


Dr. Alfred Becker- page 2

– July 21,2012

Dr. Alfred Becker -2-

July 21,2012

Dr. Alfred Becker

page 2 July
Ms. Davis: Hello Dr. Becker. it is nice to hear you.

Dr. Becker: Hello Ms. Davis. How are you? I was awaiting your call.

Ms. Davis: I am very well. I called you yesterday but nobody answered the
I wanted to tell you that I am going to send you a letter using the
Full blocked form.

Dr. Becker it will be very interesting for me to receive your letter.

Ms. Davis: I will appreciate that you send me your comments on this letter.

Dr. Becker: I will send them to you as soon as I can.

Ms. Davis: thank you very much for your cooperation

Ms. Davis:
hello. Who is
speaking please?

A voice answers - This

is Dr. Becker’s secretary.
What can I do for you?

Ms. Davis:
Listen I am
interested in talking to Dr.
Becker concerning a letter
sent him using the semi-
blocked form.
February 28 , 2020
The secretary: I am
very sorry, but Dr. Becker
is not in the city
Dr. Alfred Becker
508 Lawrence Street
Ms. Davis: Ann Arbor, Michigan 63106
When do you
except him back in the
Dear Dr. Becker:
The secretary:
He left me a note
saying that he will be back This letter is a sample of the “full-blocked style.
in one week

Ms. Davis: I As you can see the message is typed single space with
see. In other words he will doble Spacing between paragraphs and after the greeting.
be returning the 11 of The paragraphsStart at the left maroquins the same as the
April. date the closing and The dresses without any indention.
Is The full- blocked form help To save time to last typist.
not that so?

Open or closed punctuation can be used. This style is used

The secretary: You especially when the message in long
are correct.
Very truly,

Ms. Davis: In
that case I will call him
Joyce Davis

March 10 , 2020

Dr. Alfred Becker

508 Lawrence street
Ann Arbor , Michigan 63106

Dear Dr. Becker:

This letter is typed in the “ semi-blocked” style that isPreferred by many business

The body of the letter is typed single spaced with double Spacing between
paragraphs. The first line of each paragraphs isIndented five spaces from the left margin.

The date ,the closing and the signature are indented. They Usually start at the
center of the sheet.

This indention is very familiar to the reader since it is Used in books , magazines
and newspapers
Sincerely yours

Joyce Davis
Joyce Davis

April 15, 2020

Dr. Alfred Becker

508 Lawrence street
Ann Arbor; Michigan 63106

Dear Dr. Becker:

As you requested in your letter, here is a sample of the“ indented style” .

It is usually used for short letters. The lines are Single or doble- spaced according
to the length of the message.

As you can observe, the first line of each paragraph, the lines of the inside address
the date, her closing and the Signature are indented.

It is considered a little obsolete but used by certain business firms.

sincerely yours,

Joyce Davis
Joyce Davis

May 19, 2020

Dr. Alfred. Becker

508 Lawrence street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 63106

Dear Dr. Becker

This is the last sample of the styles of business letters used in Commercial correspondence
in English.

Its usage is not as common as the semi- blocked style

The spacing and the punctuation style are the same as for the Other forms, but it differs
from the others because all the lines Are blocked with the exception of the date, the
closing and the Signature. These elements are typed with an invention, usually
Beginning at the center of the sheet

Sincerely yours,
Joyce Davis
Joyce Davis

































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