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Geothermics 39 (2010) 207–219

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Effect of tectonics and earthquakes on geothermal activity near plate boundaries:

A case study from South Iceland
Maryam Khodayar a,∗ , Sveinbjörn Björnsson b , Páll Einarsson c , Hjalti Franzson a
Iceland GeoSurvey (ÍSOR), Grensásvegur 9, 108 Reykjavík, Iceland
National Energy Authority of Iceland (Orkustofnun), Grensásvegur 9, 108 Reykjavík, Iceland
Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland, Askja, Sturlugata 7, 107 Reykjavík, Iceland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: We studied fracture-controlled geothermal fields in the Hreppar Rift-Jump Block (HRJB), a micro-plate
Received 29 January 2010 bounded by two NNE rifts and the E–W transform zone of the South Iceland Seismic Zone (SISZ). Distin-
Accepted 8 June 2010 guishing whether the extensional rift swarm or the transform zone shear fractures host the geothermal
Available online 16 July 2010
activity is challenging. GPS mapping of 208 springs and tectonic analysis indicate that six Riedel shear
fracture sets of an older transform zone in the HRJB are permeable. Northerly dextral strike-slip faults are
the principal permeable faults, although the highest discharge and temperature are found at their inter-
Hot springs
sections with other fracture sets. Two northerly faults from the HRJB connect to the source faults of the
Geothermal manifestations
Upflow zones
major 1784 and 1896 earthquakes within the active SISZ. The 1784 earthquake caused pressure changes
Permeable faults as far north as the studied springs, indicating that earthquakes keep faults permeable over hundreds of
Tectonics years.
Plate boundaries © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Transform zone earthquakes
South Iceland Seismic Zone
Hreppar micro-plate

1. Introduction their cooling and extinction of the magma heat source; and (d)
magma intrusion into Quaternary or Tertiary crust adjacent to the
Geothermal activity in Iceland is found in areas where the active rifts.
underlying crustal geothermal gradient is abnormally high, and In many geothermal systems convective movement of the reser-
the rock and fracture permeability is suitable. Based on their loca- voir water mines the heat from the deeper regions and deposits it in
tions and temperatures, Icelandic geothermal fields are classified the uppermost rocks of the reservoir (Björnsson, 1980; Bodvarsson,
into two groups by the type of their reservoirs (Fig. 1). High- 1983). There, vertical permeability due to tectonic activity becomes
temperature fields with temperatures exceeding 230 ◦ C at 1000 m essential. As examples, present-day seismicity indicates non-rift-
depth are found in the active rift zones. These fields mine their parallel faults extending either from the Western Rift Zone (WRZ)
heat from underlying magmatic sources. Dyke injection at depth or the transform zone of the South Iceland Seismic Zone (SISZ) into
or fissure eruption facilitates hydrothermal circulation along rift- the low-temperature fields of Hreppar Rift-Jump Block (HRJB) or
parallel fractures and normal faults. Low-temperature fields have micro-plate (Jakobsdóttir, 2008; Einarsson, 2008). Earthquakes also
temperatures up to 150 ◦ C at 1000 m depth. They are mostly located cause pressure changes in geothermal springs and boreholes within
on the flanks of rift zones, or within transform zones, and even in and adjacent to the SISZ (Thoroddsen, 1899; Björnsson et al., 2001;
older and cooling crust (Fig. 1). No single conceptual model explains Þorbjörnsson et al., 2009).
satisfactorily the characteristics of all low-temperature fields. Nev- Despite the importance of tectonics and earthquakes in control-
ertheless, four processes are suggested (Arnórsson, 1995): (a) deep ling geothermal activity worldwide, relatively few detailed studies
groundwater flows from highlands to lowlands through permeable have yet been published on this relationship. In this paper, we anal-
structures; (b) convection in young fractures formed by tectonic yse selected low-temperature areas of the HRJB (Figs. 1, 2a and c).
movements in relatively impermeable older bedrock; (c) drift of We selected these areas because they contain: (a) some of the most
high-temperature fields out of the active rifts in conjunction with powerful hot springs of South Iceland; (b) source faults of large his-
toric and present-day earthquakes (Figs. 2b and 3a). We present
GPS maps of the leakages, deduce their tectonic settings from field
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +354 528 15 22; fax: +354 528 16 99. and aerial photograph observations, and correlate these settings
E-mail addresses: mak@isor.is, maryamkhodayar@gmail.com (M. Khodayar). with earthquakes and faults in the adjacent SISZ. Our contribution

0375-6505/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
208 M. Khodayar et al. / Geothermics 39 (2010) 207–219

Fig. 1. Main tectonic elements (modified from Khodayar and Einarsson, 2002a), the spreading rate (DeMets et al., 1990), and the distribution of geothermal fields (modified
from Sæmundsson and Jóhannesson, 2003) in Iceland.

demonstrates how a multidisciplinary tectonic study sheds light migrates (Einarsson, 1991; Khodayar and Franzson, 2007). Dur-
on host fractures of geothermal activity in a complex tectonic set- ing such shifts of plate boundaries, blocks of crust (Rift-Jump
ting where rifting co-exists with transform faulting. This approach Blocks) are transferred from one plate to the other. While
could be applied to geothermal exploration and drilling worldwide caught between rift segments, they get heavily fractured (Fig. 4).
in areas undergoing similar plate tectonics. Such a transfer is in progress in our study area of the HRJB
In the following sections, we define faults that have moved dur- (Figs. 1 and 2a).
ing Holocene as active faults.
2.1. The SISZ
2. Geological context
Under the spreading direction at N104◦ E, the NNE rift-parallel
In order to understand the permeable fractures hosting the fissure swarms act as normal faults and extensional eruptive fis-
studied geothermal activity, it is essential to briefly review the sures, while the sinistral motion along the SISZ is achieved by
features and history of the main geological elements in Ice- bookshelf faulting, mainly on dextral N–S faults (Figs. 1, 2a, and 3a)
land shown in Figs. 1–5. Several segments of active rifts and (Einarsson et al., 1981; Einarsson, 1991). Major earthquake
transform zones traverse Iceland and are the loci of present- sequences occur within the SISZ on average every 80 years. The
day seismicity (Figs. 1 and 2a). The geometry and history of epicentres are confined to the SISZ (Fig. 3a), but the damage zones
these segments are influenced by the Iceland hotspot leading have extended into the HRJB (Fig. 2b). Examples are the damage
to a relocation of rift and transform zones over time. Shift of zones of the major 1784 earthquake and one of the 1896 earth-
plate boundaries similar to the slow-spreading centre of Ice- quakes. The former contains and the latter extends into our study
land (Einarsson, 1991; Khodayar and Franzson, 2007) do occur area (Fig. 2b).
also in the fast-spreading centres (Shih and Molnar, 1975; Hey In addition to the main N–S faults of the SISZ, there is also a
et al., 1980; Phipps Morgan and Kleinrock, 1991). As an exam- subordinate set of conjugate ENE active sinistral faults (Einarsson
ple, rifting in Iceland shifted around 6/7 Ma ago (McDougall et and Eiríksson, 1982; Einarsson et al., 2005; Clifton and Einarsson,
al., 1977; Jóhannesson, 1980) from the Snæfellsnes Rift Zone 2005) (Fig. 3b). To a lesser degree, fault segments strike also
(SRZ; 15–5 Ma) (Jóhannesson, 1980; Kristjánsson and Jóhannesson, E–W, WNW, and NNW. Such a fracture pattern is best explained
1999) to the Western Rift Zone (WRZ; 6/7 Ma-present). A Ter- by a Riedel shear model (Fig. 3c). Surface ruptures of the deep
tiary transform zone may have connected these rift segments source faults are marked by sink-holes (Fig. 5e), tension gashes
(Sigurðsson, 1970; Jancin et al., 1985; Khodayar and Einarsson, and push-ups organised respectively, in left- and right-stepping
2002a). A younger rift-jump has occurred since 3 Ma (Jóhannesson en échelon arrays (Figs. 3b and 5a). The maximum lengths of the
and Sæmundsson, 1998) as the WRZ recedes, the Eastern Rift northerly and the ENE faults are 16 km and 2.7 km, respectively.
Zone (ERZ) propagates, and the SISZ connecting these segments The maximum displacements are on northerly faults and reach
M. Khodayar et al. / Geothermics 39 (2010) 207–219 209

Fig. 2. (a) Schematic map of tectonic structures, focal mechanism of earthquakes, hot springs (modified from Sæmundsson and Jóhannesson, 2003), geothermal gradient
(modified from Flóvenz and Steingrímsson, 2009), and the study area in South Iceland. (b) Contour lines of damage zones (50%) and year of historical earthquakes (Einarsson
and Björnsson, 1979; Björnsson, in press). (c) Detailed location of the mapped geothermal sites in the HRJB. Temperatures and natural discharges of springs are after Pálmason
et al. (1985).

2 m horizontal offset and 0.5 m vertical slip during a single earth- form faulting, leading to strike-slip faulting (Fig. 3c). The Riedel
quake. shears formed within an E–W transform zone farther north in the
HRJB, which then migrated in time southwestward to become the
presently active SISZ (Khodayar and Franzson, 2007).
2.2. The HRJB

The late Tertiary-Pleistocene crust (3.1–0.7 Ma) consists

of basaltic lavas, hyaloclastites, acidic intrusions within the 2.3. Geothermal activity
Stóra-Laxá and Þjórsárdalur central volcanoes (Aronson and
Sæmundsson, 1975), and sills and dykes (Khodayar and Einarsson, The geothermal gradient in the western half of the HRJB and
2002b). The crust is eroded down to a maximum paleo-burial depth the SISZ is between 100 ◦ C/km and 125 ◦ C/km (Fig. 2a). Within the
of 500–700 m, and covered in places by interglacial lavas younger SISZ, geothermal activity is mainly associated with the N–S and ENE
than 0.7 m.y. (Sæmundsson, 1970), the 8000-year-old Þjórsá lava source faults of recent earthquakes, and influenced by present-day
(Hjartarson, 1988), and the Holocene soil and fluvio-glacial sedi- seismicity (Björnsson et al., 2001).
ments. In the HRJB, traces of older geothermal activity are found in
The two main tectonic elements are (Fig. 2a): (a) A NNE–NE fault zones of all the fracture sets, particularly the ENE faults, or
striking anticline (Friðleifsson et al., 1980; Jóhannesson and in association with dykes especially those injected into N–S faults
Sæmundsson, 1998), bending to N–S (Friðleifsson et al., 1980) or (Khodayar and Einarsson, 2002a; Khodayar and Franzson, 2004)
to NNW at its southern end (Khodayar and Einarsson, 2002b). (Fig. 5c). The hydrothermal alteration in the older crust gener-
Such anticlines result from loading and extension, due first to the ally consists of amorphous silica and zeolite assemblages. Active
lava tilt towards the active rift zone creating flexures and regional geothermal manifestations appear in different parts of the HRJB,
discordances, and then from the re-tilt of the crust towards the essentially to the west of the anticline. In our study area, the highest
new rift zone (Walker, 1963; Pálmason, 1973). (b) Intense fractur- natural discharge and temperatures of the springs are at Syðri-
ing (Fig. 4a and b), striking dominantly NNE and N–S, then ENE, Reykir, Reykholt, and Laugarás (Fig. 2c). The trend in geochemical
E–W, WNW, and NNW (Khodayar and Einarsson, 2006). These temperatures and geothermal gradient is interpreted as evidence
fractures are faults, dykes (some injected into faults), prominent of a flow from the northwest, where the heat source could be intru-
mineral veins, and tectonic joints (Fig. 5a–d). Field structural analy- sions from the WRZ into the HRJB (Arnórsson and Ólafsson, 1986).
sis (Khodayar and Einarsson, 2002b; Khodayar and Franzson, 2004) Hydrothermal alteration fills the pores and leads to low perme-
indicates extension along all sets and horizontal shear along all ability (Arnórsson, 1995). Therefore, major faults and associated
but the NNE set (Fig. 4c). Such a fracture pattern resulted from secondary fractures are necessary for the lateral flow and the ascent
both rifting, leading to the NNE extensional fractures, and trans- of the hot water, especially in the older rocks.
210 M. Khodayar et al. / Geothermics 39 (2010) 207–219

Fig. 3. Deformation in the SISZ. (a) Present-day seismicity and the N–S source faults of earthquakes in the SISZ. The epicentres of present-day seismicity are deduced by the
South Iceland Lowland (SIL) seismic network at the Icelandic Meteorological Office; those of historical earthquakes are based on surface ruptures (Einarsson and Eiríksson,
1982; Einarsson et al., 2005) within the 50% damage zones (Einarsson and Björnsson, 1979; Björnsson, in press). (b) Schematic map of the en échelon northerly dextral and
the ENE sinistral strike-slip source faults in the SISZ. Other minor fracture sets strike E–W, WNW, and NNW. (c) Interpretation of the six fracture sets in the SISZ in terms of
the Riedel shear model within an E–W shear zone (modified from Khodayar and Franzson, 2007).

3. Analysis of collected data tures with steam and leakage of hot water, and a few cold springs
(Fig. 6a and b). Some 24 of these features are boreholes drilled
We mapped 208 geothermal features with a hand-held GPS both for exploration and production, for space heating, bathing,
device in fifteen locales (Khodayar et al., 2004, 2005), namely horticulture and generation of electricity. These surface geother-
at Laugarás, Reykjavellir, Reykjanes/Þorlákshver/Hvítá, and other mal manifestations were mapped in Holocene soil and sediments,
locales shown in Figs. 2c and 6–8. The mapped features are mostly making it difficult to directly identify the underlying major host
hot springs (centimetre-scale eyes to metre-scale pools), a few frac- fractures. The features associated with the springs are alteration,
M. Khodayar et al. / Geothermics 39 (2010) 207–219 211

Fig. 4. (a) Tectonic lineaments in the HRJB and the SISZ as observed on aerial photographs (modified from Khodayar and Einarsson, 2006). (b) Close-up on the six fracture
sets within the HRJB. (c) Fault motions observed in the field along the six fracture sets of the HRJB (Khodayar and Einarsson, 2002b; Khodayar and Franzson, 2004).

Fig. 5. Examples of tectonic structures. (a) Schematic block diagrams of basement structures and dextral strike-slip surface ruptures and leakages on underlying active faults.
(b) WNW-striking dyke in the HRJB. (c) Dykes injected into the fault zone of a northerly fault in the HRJB. (d) Mineral veins in Þjórsárdalur central volcano. (e) Sink-hole of
a Holocene surface rupture of earthquake in the SISZ.
212 M. Khodayar et al. / Geothermics 39 (2010) 207–219

Fig. 6. Examples of geothermal activity in the field. (a) Right-stepping en échelon arrangement of geothermal manifestations at Laugarás (black circles and arrows). Houses
show the scale. (b) Northerly secondary host fractures to geothermal manifestations at Þorlákshver field.

Fig. 7. (a) and (b) Locations, temperatures, and regional and local alignments of hot springs at Laugarás. (c) and (d) Locations, temperatures, and regional and local alignments
of hot springs and a borehole at Reykjavellir. Note: due to their small size, not all mapped springs and boreholes are presented on the maps. The interval in rose diagrams is
10◦ . (N) is the total number of measurements, and (Max.) is the maximum measured value.
M. Khodayar et al. / Geothermics 39 (2010) 207–219 213

Fig. 8. (a) Locations, temperatures, regional and local alignments of hot springs and boreholes at Reykjanes and Þorlákshver. (b) and (c) Interpretation of the local tectonic
alignments of geothermal features at Reykjanes and Þorlákshver fields.

mineral deposition (generally silica), bright-green moss and vege- tuations is the mixing of the upflowing hot water with colder
tation even during winter time, algae, swamp, steam, bubbles and surface or groundwater. Though lower than the real base tem-
oxidation. perature, the highest measured temperature is the best indicator
We measured the temperatures of the springs and boreholes for the geothermal system located at depth. While the silica con-
at the surface with a hand-held thermometer (Figs. 7 and 8). tent of the hottest springs indicates sub-surface temperatures of
Where the springs clustered, we also made a number of measure- 120–140 ◦ C (Stefánsson and Arnórsson, 1975), the boiling springs
ments to identify the geometry of the hottest zones. Therefore, are slightly below 100 ◦ C at the surface due to altitude and dissolved
the figures show both the highest temperatures, the fluctuations gas.
in the temperatures of the hottest zones (sometimes tens of Note that the temperatures and natural discharges shown on
degrees) and their average temperatures. The reason for these fluc- Figs. 2b, 9a, and 10a are from Pálmason et al. (1985). We used
214 M. Khodayar et al. / Geothermics 39 (2010) 207–219

Fig. 9. Summary map and interpretation of the results. (a) Leakages, boreholes, fractures observed in the field (black lines), and fractures inferred from aerial photographs
(grey lines). The temperature and natural discharges of springs are from Pálmason et al. (1985). (b) Tectonic lineament map as observed from aerial photographs (modified
from Khodayar and Einarsson, 2006).

Fig. 10. Block diagrams summarising the results and interpretations. (a) Host fractures and upflow zones from Efri-Reykir to Reykjanes/Þorlákshver/Hvítá. Temperatures
and natural discharges of springs are from Pálmason et al. (1985). (b) Host fractures and upflow zones at Reykjavellir/Laugarás.
M. Khodayar et al. / Geothermics 39 (2010) 207–219 215

Fig. 11. Correlation of our results with earthquakes in the SISZ. (a) Permeable faults in the HRJB and the SISZ, some source faults of earthquakes (Einarsson et al., 2005; Clifton
and Einarsson, 2005), epicentre of June 21, 2000 earthquake (Stefánsson et al., 2006), epicentres and damage zones of historical earthquakes (Björnsson, 1976; Einarsson and
Björnsson, 1979; Björnsson, in press; Einarsson and Eiríksson, 1982), and hot springs (Iceland Geosurvey-ÍSOR) in the SISZ. (b) Riedel shear model and schematic location of
geothermal manifestations.

these data as they show a regional distribution before drilling in manifestations are organised into dominantly northerly short seg-
the studied sites. ments, and then into ENE and NNW segments. The northerly
segments have a distinct left-stepping en échelon arrangement
3.1. Laugarás (Figs. 6a and 7a), identical to the segmentation of N–S dex-
tral source faults in the adjacent SISZ, while the ENE segments
We mapped 46 hot springs in Laugarás (Fig. 7a). The high- are parallel to the ENE sinistral conjugate faults within the SISZ
est measured temperature is 96.4 ◦ C and the average temperature (Fig. 4a). The NNW segments strike parallel to fractures commonly
of the hottest zone is 88 ◦ C (Fig. 7a). Regionally, the mapped observed in the HRJB but also within the SISZ (Figs. 3b and 4).
216 M. Khodayar et al. / Geothermics 39 (2010) 207–219

Fig. 12. Suggested source fault of the 1784 earthquake and water level changes: The epicentre of the major 1784 earthquake, dextral strike-slip fault plane solution of the
Reykjavellir/Laugarás/Gíslholtsvatn Fault, and correlation with historical reports of co-seismic water level changes in the springs.

These three sets also appear in the local alignments of the springs also dominantly aligned NNE then E–W. In fact, the hottest part
(Fig. 7b). of the “largest spring” strikes N20◦ E reflecting the underlying host
The presence of a conspicuous N–S structure hosting the springs fracture. Only the southernmost springs are aligned ENE and WNW
can be deduced from nearby outcrops. This deduction is based on (Fig. 7d). The en échelon arrangement of the main NNE segments
≥10 m vertical displacement of the lava and hyaloclastites, with a is identical to that of Laugarás and to the dextral strike-slip source
throw down to the east (Franzson, 1994; Khodayar et al., 2005). faults in the SISZ (Figs. 3b and 7a).
There are also two geothermal features to the east of Laugarás
(Fig. 2c). One of them is narrow snow-free aligned E–W with 5–7 ◦ C,
3.3. Reykjanes, Þorlákshver, and Hvítá
and the other one is an isolated hot spring with 40.2 ◦ C.
Twelve springs and one borehole were mapped in Reykjanes,
3.2. Reykjavellir and 75 geothermal features and one borehole in the Þorlákshver
field (Fig. 8a). Most of the features at Þorlákshver are hot springs,
We mapped 19 hot springs, 10 cold springs, and 1 borehole but a few are small fractures with steam and alteration (Fig. 6b).
(Fig. 7c). The average temperature of the hottest zones is 62.8 ◦ C, Based on a characteristic algae and an elevated temperature, a sin-
somewhat colder than the Laugarás field (Fig. 7). On a regional scale, gle 54.3 ◦ C spring was mapped east of Þorlákshver under water on
the manifestations form three NNE striking segments with a left- the western shore of Hvítá (Fig. 2c).
stepping en échelon arrangement (Fig. 7c). Some hot springs to the In Reykjanes and Þorlákshver fields, the highest measured tem-
north, however, are also aligned E–W. An earlier modelling of tem- peratures are respectively 86.8 ◦ C and 94.9 ◦ C, and the average
peratures measured at 50 cm depth also reflects the NNE and E–W temperatures of the hottest zones 63.1 ◦ C and 81.3 ◦ C. In Reykjanes
segmentations (Abouriche, 1989). On a local scale, the springs are the regional tectonic alignments of geothermal manifestations are
M. Khodayar et al. / Geothermics 39 (2010) 207–219 217

dominantly NNE, then ENE and N–S (Fig. 8a). Their local alignments evidence of strike-slip motion. Geothermal manifestations at Fell
are similar, except that the ENE strike is more prominent (Fig. 8b). are associated with this fault. The third fault observed (Franzson,
In the Þorlákshver field, all manifestations are contained in an area 1994) strikes N30◦ E. It may have some 80 m throw towards the east
with a vague northerly strike (Fig. 8a). At a local scale, several short and lodges the minor geothermal manifestations of Fellskot. Both
open host fractures and numerous alignments were observed in these faults extend south and likely merge at Reykholt to contribute
the arrangement of the springs, which strike dominantly northerly, to the geothermal manifestations there (Fig. 9a).
ENE and NNW, and to a lesser degree ENE and E–W (Fig. 8c).
Despite the proximity of the Reykjanes and Þorlákshver 4.2. Host fractures inferred from aerial photographs
geothermal fields, their tectonic settings and temperatures differ
slightly. Þorlákshver field is hotter, and there the underlying host Lacking more outcrops, we used aerial photographs to iden-
fractures strike dominantly northerly and ENE parallel to the con- tify additional regional fractures that host the geothermal activity
jugate set of source faults of earthquakes, while in Reykjanes the (Fig. 9b). Three tightly spaced northerly fracture systems may
NNE rift-parallel host fractures seem to predominate (Fig. 8a–c). stretch from Efri-Reykir to Mosfell, from Miklaholt to Reykjanes,
and from Þorlákshver possibly towards the south (Fig. 9a and b).
They are at least 15 km, 10 km and 4 km long respectively. Another
3.4. Other areas
set of tightly spaced ENE striking fractures stretches over at least
10 km from north of Fellsfjall to Böðmóðsstaðir. A third fracture set
We mapped 15 hot and cold springs and 21 boreholes at nine
strikes NE and crops out over 11 km from east of Efri-Reykir to Hagi
other nearby sites (Fig. 2c). At Efri-Reykir, we mapped two springs
(Fig. 9b).
(77.1 ◦ C, and 29.8 ◦ C). Currently, the deepest well delivers 50 l/s of
Geothermal manifestations at Efri-Reykir/Syðri-Reykir,
146 ◦ C water and steam (Orkustofnun data base). The hot spring
Miklaholt/Spóastaðir and Þorlákshver could be aligned on
at Syðri-Reykir is boiling (96.8 ◦ C) and erupts every 10 minutes
northerly left-stepping en échelon fault segments similar to the
with an estimated discharge of 40 l/s. At Böðmóðsstaðir, one warm
dextral strike-slip faults within the SISZ (Figs. 3b, 5a, and 9a).
spring (26 ◦ C) was mapped. More springs were active there in the
Böðmóðsstaðir and Syðri-Reykir are on the trace of ENE faults
past but they disappeared following intensive drilling. The high-
parallel to the sinistral strike-slip conjugate faults of the SISZ
est discharge temperature we measured from the boreholes was
(Figs. 3a and b and 9a). The isolated pool at Hagi is near the
91.6 ◦ C. At Miklaholt, we measured 88.1 ◦ C in the discharge from
southwestern tip of the NE fracture set, which is parallel to the
two wells. At Reykholt, one spring is 57.2 ◦ C, but the larger spring
normal faults and eruptive fissures of the rift zone (Fig. 9a). The
is boiling, erupts every 10 minutes, and yields 14 l/s. We measured
high temperature and discharge at Syðri-Reykir can be explained
85.2 ◦ C in the discharge water from that spring. Two production
by the location of this isolated spring at the intersection of fracture
wells deliver 13 l/s and 12 l/s, respectively of water and steam, at
sets similar to those of the transform (northerly and ENE) and
125 ◦ C (Orkustofnun data base).
rift (NE) zones (Fig. 9a and b). The great number of hot springs at
At other sites the manifestations are colder. Hagi has an isolated
Reykjanes and Þorlákshver fields, and the single spring at Hvitá,
warm pool of 20.5 ◦ C. At Spóastaðir, a natural spring has a tem-
cluster at the intersection of several host fractures. These fracture
perature of 29 ◦ C, but the well discharge is 74.7 ◦ C hot. The natural
sets strike northerly and ENE at Reykjanes, northerly and E–W
springs at Fell are 13.8 ◦ C and 7 ◦ C. At Fellskot the spring is 35 ◦ C, but
at Þorlákshver, and E–W at Hvítá (Fig. 9a and b). The ENE and
a borehole has a temperature of 44.9 ◦ C at the surface. Additional
E–W fractures are respectively 5.5 km and 10.5 km long. They are
springs exist opposite Hagi, on the eastern shore of Brúará, but we
parallel to the sinistral strike-slip faults of the SISZ, and to the
did not map them for this study. As the mapping was done during
boundaries of the SISZ itself (Fig. 3a and c). The local alignments
the winter time, we also observed a few snow-free areas, gener-
of the springs and the presence of secondary host fractures are
ally a few metres in size, but up to several hundred square meters
consistent with the strikes of the three regional host fracture sets
around Miklaholt. They imply underlying thermal anomalies.
described above.

4. Interpretation 4.3. Geomorphological evidence

4.1. Observed host fractures The influence of the described fracture sets is visible in the mor-
phology and the drainage system (Fig. 9a and b). For instance, the
Host fractures were observed on two scales, i.e. secondary small hills surrounding Reykjavellir/Laugarás and several small ponds
fractures within the mapped sites and three major faults. The sec- strike northerly adjacent to the northerly host faults to geother-
ondary fractures strike dominantly northerly (Fig. 6b), then ENE mal activity. Fellsfjall strikes NNE and is bounded by a N22◦ E and a
and NNW, and to a lesser degree NNE and E–W (Figs. 7 and 8). N30◦ E fault. East of Efri-Reykir, the Fullsæll River bends sharply to
One of the faults stretches from Laugarás northwards to Reykjavel- NE on the trace of the NE fracture set (Fig. 9a). Portions of Brúará
lir connecting the two geothermal sites (Fig. 9a). This fault strikes River strike northerly adjacent to the northerly fracture segments.
N10◦ E, and has a minimum length of 12.5 km. The left-stepping en Locally, the meandering of the river around Böðmóðsstaðir, as well
échelon segmentation of geothermal manifestations (Fig. 7a and c) as a group of ponds east of Fullsæll River, coincide with the trace of
indicates that the fault also has a dextral strike-slip motion (Fig. 9a). the ENE fractures (Fig. 9a). The most spectacular influence of frac-
The strike, geometry, length and motions of this fault are identical turing in the drainage system are, however, the local bends of the
to the source faults in the SISZ (Fig. 3b). However, the vertical slip Brúará and the Hvítá Rivers from northerly to E–W at the latitude
along such an active fault does not exceed 0.5 m within the SISZ. The of the suggested E–W fracture at the Reykjanes-Hvítá geothermal
fact that the Reykjavellir/Laugarás Fault has ≥10 m apparent ver- sites (Fig. 9a).
tical displacement may indicate that this cumulative slip is older
than the dextral strike-slip along the fault, hence the conservation 5. Correlation with faults and earthquakes of the SISZ
of the en échelon segmentation.
The second regional fault observed bounds the western flank of We present a model in Fig. 10 summarising the host faults to
the mountain Fellsfjall (Fig. 9a). It strikes N22◦ E, has a minimum geothermal activity. The model shows the geometry, complex block
length of 8 km, and an apparent throw ≥25 m to the west with no partitioning, as well as the upflow zones along northerly, ENE, and
218 M. Khodayar et al. / Geothermics 39 (2010) 207–219

E–W fractures. There are several analogies between the host frac- earthquake. We suggest that the activity of this fault induced a
tures and leakages in the HRJB and the faults and earthquake data water level drop in the quadrant of co-seismic extension and a
within the SISZ (Fig. 11a) as demonstrated in Section 5.1. rise in the quadrant of co-seismic compression separated by the
fault planes (Fig. 12). The radius of the area where these changes
5.1. The active faults of SISZ occurred is similar to those suggested for the 2000 and 2008 earth-
All our studied fractures and leakages fall within the damage The 1896 earthquake sequence also greatly affected geother-
zone of the first earthquake of 1784 (Fig. 11a), the source fault of mal activity in the HRJB. The hot spring at Reykholt began erupting
which has been identified near the Eastern Lake Gíslholt (Gíslholts- up to 7 m soon after the first two events, which occurred farther
vatn). The Reykjavellir/Laugarás Fault is a dextral strike-slip fault east. The Great Geysir was dormant but erupted several times a day
with a normal-slip component. It is on strike with, and could be after the earthquake sequence. The short time interval between the
connected to, the source fault of the 1784 earthquake. No clear six events of the 1896 earthquake sequences and their geographi-
relationship appears between the Fellskot/Reykholt Fault and the cal distribution make, however, a correlation with the geothermal
source faults within the SISZ, indicating that this fault could be pressure changes difficult.
either a splay of the Reykjavellir/Laugarás Fault or a rift-parallel
fault taking into account its high magnitude of throw. 6. Summary and concluding remarks
The left-stepping en échelon arrangement of the northerly fault
segments stretching from Efri-Reykir to Þorlákshver indicates a Geothermal activity, cold springs, and leakages in the Hreppar
dextral motion. These segments could extend southwards along Rift-Jump Block (HRJB) are fracture-controlled. They break through
the Hvítá River and be connected either to the Lón or the Skeið a heavily fractured crust (Fig. 4a), which is caught between the
Fault in the SISZ (Fig. 11a). The Skeið Fault is the source fault of the receding WRZ, the propagating ERZ and the transform zone of SISZ
fourth event in the 1896 earthquake sequence, but the 90% damage (Fig. 1). The crust in the HRJB was initially formed at the rift zones
zone of that earthquake does not reach the HRJB. The 70% damage but shifted away from the plate boundary to its present location.
zone of the 1896 Skeið earthquake, on the other hand, extends into One might therefore expect dominantly NNE rift-parallel exten-
our study area, suggesting that some slip may have occurred on the sional fractures as the main host to geothermal manifestations.
Reykjavellir/Laugarás Fault during that earthquake, even though Results of our study show, however, that:
the main source fault lies farther west (Fig. 11a).
As to the other fracture sets, the suggested E–W fault at 1. The host fractures strike dominantly northerly, ENE, E–W, and
Reykjanes/Þorlákshver/Hvítá may extend eastwards to Laugarás. to lesser degree WNW, NNW and NNE (Figs. 4a, 7–10). All sets in
The bend in the paths of the Brúará and Hvítá Rivers from a the HRJB present extension, and horizontal shear occurs along
northerly strike to E–W coincides with the trace of this fault, all sets but the NNE. In our study area, we found dextral motion
which is parallel and lies very near the northern boundary of along the northerly set (Figs. 3c and 4c). The six fracture sets of
the SISZ (Fig. 11a). The ENE fault segments hosting the geother- the HRJB are also present within the SISZ where the main source
mal manifestations of Böðmóðsstaðir, Syðri-Reykir, and those of faults of earthquakes are northerly dextral strike-slip faults and
Reykjanes/Þorlákshver are parallel to the conjugate source faults sub-ordinate conjugate ENE sinistral faults (Fig. 3). Both fracture
within the SISZ, but the NE striking fault stretching from Efri-Reykir patterns conform to the Riedel shear model of an E–W shear zone
to Hagi could be extensional and a rift-parallel fault. (Figs. 3c and 11b), where an older transform zone in the HRJB
The above correlation shows that the fractures studied in the migrated southwestward to become the present SISZ (Einarsson,
HRJB and the fractures within the SISZ can be explained by the 1991; Khodayar and Franzson, 2007). The transform zone frac-
same Riedel shear model (Fig. 11b). Though the six fracture sets tures are therefore younger than the rift-parallel ones and thus
may be permeable, the main upflow zones in both contexts are the host the geothermal activity in the HRJB.
northerly faults. Not only are the fault segments within the SISZ 2. In our study area, the main permeability is associated with
active during earthquakes but also the older portions of the same northerly as much as with rift-parallel faults. However, the high-
faults in the HRJB are open, creating vertical permeability. est discharges and temperatures in the HRJB are also found at the
intersection of the northerly and the fractures of the other five
5.2. Effects of earthquakes on geothermal activity sets (Figs. 9–12).
3. The Reykjavellir/Laugarás Fault extends from the HRJB into the
Hot springs are present within the SISZ on portions of the Lón, SISZ, and is likely connected to the Gíslholtsvatn Fault, which
Skeið and Gíslholtsvatn source faults (Fig. 11a). Earthquakes are was the source fault of the major 1784 earthquake. Changes in
known to influence geothermal reservoirs primarily within the the water level of hot springs at Reykjavellir/Laugarás/Reykjanes
SISZ where source faults of earthquakes rupture. After both the demonstrate the activity of this section of the fault with
June 2000 (Björnsson et al., 2001) and the May 2008 earthquakes a dextral motion during the earthquake (Fig. 12). The Efri-
(Þorbjörnsson et al., 2009), geothermal reservoir pressure changes Reykir/Þorlákshver Fault likely extends southwards and could
were observed extending to a radius of at least 16 km from the epi- be connected to the Lón or Skeið Faults. The latter was the source
centres. The water level of boreholes and springs fell in the quadrant fault of one of the 1896 earthquakes (Figs. 3a and 11a).
of co-seismic extension and rose in the quadrant of co-seismic com- 4. The maximum vertical and horizontal slips along the northerly
pression conformable with the dextral motion along the N–S fault active faults of the SISZ are respectively 0.5 m and 2 m, but these
plane. magnitudes are greater in the HRJB, indicating cumulative slips.
Historical accounts report that the 1784 and the 1896 earth- Permeability depends more on whether a fault is activated dur-
quakes greatly affected the hot springs outside the SISZ in our study ing earthquakes than the length and slip magnitude of the fault.
area in the HRJB, and even as far as Geysir (Thoroddsen, 1899), 5. Geothermal manifestations at Fell/Fellskot/Reykholt are found
which is located some 40 km away from the epicentre. After the on N22◦ E and N30◦ E faults that could either be a splay of the
1784 earthquake the hot springs at Reykjavellir disappeared, but Reykjavellir/Laugarás Fault or rift-parallel faults.
those near Skálholt (Laugarás or Þorlákshver) boiled vigorously 6. In addition to the high regional geothermal gradient providing
(Thoroddsen, 1899). This supports the idea that the Reykjavellir- the heat, we suggest that other heat sources could be a cool-
Laugarás Fault was active as a dextral strike-slip fault during that ing intrusion such as a sill at depth, or dykes injected at depth
M. Khodayar et al. / Geothermics 39 (2010) 207–219 219

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