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Personal Reflection

After watching “News21: Hate in America”, my attention was drawn to Parham’s revelation of

the hate that exists in America. I now understand how the violence that existed since slavery

days has transformed and become the “manifestation of history” of USA. I am captivated by the

supposition that the relationship between blacks and whites is as a result of separation rather than

unification. This video attempts to explain the compromised relationship between blacks and

whites in America and how they deal with this currently as a result of the past ordeals.

I find Parham’s documentary insightful on the matters of racism. While trying to explain

the idea, for instance, the question of whether one sees themselves as human beings or by skin

color arises. It is through the perceptions that the relationship between blacks and whites is

determined. For this reason, Parham’s assumption that race matters because it shapes the country

can be asserted.

Throughout my life, I have always supposed other reasons which I attribute to the ‘hate’

that has existed in America. For instance, I ever considered slavery as the root cause of the

strained relationship. With Parham’s film on Hate in America, I can now reconsider the causes of

hate and racism

Therefore, the film made me to develop a different view of how to treat others without

showing hate or practice racism.

Surname 2

Work Cited

Parham, Justin. "Hate in America”: This documentary covers the legacy of hate, and how it

shaped America. InvestigateTV. 1.1 (2018).

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