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A Survey to study the impact of National Programme for Health care of the Elderly (2010) on the Geriatric Population of the Urban Poor
and Rural areas in the state of Rajasthan.


Overall Objective : To study the impact of implementing the National Programme for Health Care of the Elderly (2010) which was
envisaged under the National Policy on Older People adopted by Government of India in the year 1999, on the Geriatric Population of
the Urban poor and Rural areas in the state of Rajasthan.

Specific Aims:

 Conduct an Empirical Research of Local Government websites and Government Officials to create a database of local Health Care
 To find out the state and district level constraints, both human and financial in the implementation of NPHCE Programme.
Review of Literature

S.No. Author Year Title Study Description Purpose Conclusion

1. T. Delsly 2017 Healthcare of the The study includes a description The purpose of the ● India is a country with an
(Global elderly in India of the NPHCE, its vision, study was to enormous population and the
journal for (National Program Objectives & Expected examine the number of people aged 60 or more
research for Healthcare of Outcome, the strategies to healthcare of the has increased 3 times in the last
analysis) the elderly) achieve the objectives of THE elderly in India. 50 years.
(NPHCE) NPHCE, package of services ● The features of the elderly in
under NPHCE, and Institutional India are- 1- Service delivery is a
framework for the challenge as about 80% of them
implementation of NPHCE. live in rural areas, 2- 51% of the
elderly population would be
women by the year 2016, 3-
Increase in the number of the
persons above 80 years, and 4-
30% of the elderly are below the
poverty line.
● The program focuses to provide
accessible, affordable, and high-
quality long-term, comprehensive,
and dedicated care services,
promote active and healthy
ageing, and new architecture to an
Ageing population.
● FMG of Program Management
support units at the state and
district level established under
NRHM will be responsible for the
maintenance of accounts, release
of funds, expenditure reports,
utilization certificates, and audit
● As stated the NPHCE requires
more attention in the
implementation and coordination.

2. Abhimanyu 2013 The Indian Elder: This research shows the To understand the The main idea of this discussion
Mahajan, factors affecting factors that affect the geriatric social issue revolves around the poor condition of
Anushree geriatric care in care of the elderly both in the concerning the geriatric care provided in India. There
Ray India rural and the urban areas. It elderly or geriatric is also a huge mismatch in the urban-
also focuses on the changing care in India with and rural healthcare system and in
demographics, changing social respect to changing geriatric healthcare system in these
structure and the near absence family structure and two. Since most of the facilities like
of specialized geriatric care. the gap in geriatric hospital care, elderly nursing homes,
care in India. recreation facilities and old age centres
are overwhelmingly present in urban
areas. Another very important social
issue that has been mentioned is
changing family structures concerning
elders and geriatric care. This article
concludes that the geriatric care centres
should be opened in the rural areas of
the country as majority of the elders
resides in that part. Skilled geriatric
nurses should be appointed. Knowledge
among the professionals about the
geriatric care and medicine should be
promoted through the means of
Some practical approaches such as
integrating the geriatric care with the
primary care levels could act as a boon
for elder care in the country.

3. Debasis 2015 “After the Caring for the Each of the three pillars of economic
Barik , Dividend Caring In India or in any other society Elderly in a support in old age—work and personal
Tushar for a Greying too, the economic security of Changing World savings, extended family and state—must
Agrawal, India” the aged is based on the three be prepared for increasing demands in the
Sonalde main sources: their own income decades to come. Some of the trends are
Desai. and savings, support from also examined under these pillars in the
extended family, particularly paper. Some issues are outlined in the
children, and support from the paper that deserve consideration-
government and their policies.
As India moves rapidly towards  Work and Savings
a demographic future in which
elderly form a large part of the  Learning to Live with Declining
population, the trends in three Familial Support
supports are examine in this
article. While doing so, it  Infrastructure for Public
identifies the policy challenges Transfers.
and lists suggestions to deal
with them. Government and its
policies play a vital role in the
economic security of the aged.
4. Nandita 2017 Health needs, 1. India’s elderly populace is 1. Main purpose was 1.This study examine recommends urgent
Bhan1*, access to rising at an unparalleled price, to recognize motion to bolster the health service
Pavitra healthcare, and with a majority dwelling in perceptions of health infrastructure in India, with specific
Madhira, perceptions of rural areas. Data shows that the needs of the elderly cognizance on outreach and lifestyle
Arundati ageing in an age composition of rural throughout three key counselling for the elderly people to
Muralidhara urbanizing regions is changing with an local stakeholder promote healthy ageing. The
n , Bharati community in increase in the share of the aged groups (community, multidimensional impacts of urbanization
Kulkarni , India: a qualitative living in rural areas. It will also health providers and for health and well-being of the aged
GVS study probably cause changes inside administrators) in an through in addition research may even
Murthy, the financial, social, and urbanizing rural provide effective techniques for social
Sanjay cultural existence of the area. They also policy interventions for the elderly.
Basu and community. assessed
Sanjay stakeholders’ view
Kinra 2. Author developed a of the effect of
conceptual-analytical urbanization on
framework which defined 5 health needs and
issues of cognizance that were demanding situations
of relevance to health of the confronted through
aged. These included household the aged.
issues, community factors,
physical and social
environments, economic aspects
and health and social services.

5. M Giri, 2011 National Policy The study focuses on the The purpose of this To sum up, this policy focuses on
MM On Senior elderly population (India) scheme is to protect housing, fruitful ageing,
sabharwal, Citizens 2011 which is 1/8 th of the world’s the elder from cross-generational bonding, income,
KR elderly population. physical, mental, healthcare,
Gangadhar It drives the focus towards the and social supernatural emergencies, media, safety
an et al. older women; the oldest-old challenges, and security.
population; rural poor focusing on “Age
(because of gender disunion, Integrated Society” By providing low-interest loans, mental
solitude, low savings) (Ageing in-home health vision, healing and comforting
focus), also care, increasing mobile health centres
providing shelter to and Public-private partnership for
abandoned seniors. enhanced elderly healthcare.
Keeping an eye on
policies already in
place (NPCB) to
check the progress
and update,
Ensuring safe,
equal, preventive
and faithful
ambience for
promoting elderly
rights and
penalising the

6. Subhojit 2012 Health of the Challenges to access health for To characterize and The goal is to create environments for
Dey, Elderly in India: the Indian elderly include social describe specific healthy lifestyles, early detection, and
Devaki Challenges of barriers. Physical barriers challenges in the routine screening among the aged and
Nambiar, J. Access and include reduced mobility, domains of access avoiding institutionalization. To ensure
K. Affordability declining social engagement, and affordability, these needs are met, a concomitant
Lakshmi, and the limited reach of the and the likely program of dedicated research is required
Kabir health system. Health determinants of such on how various UHC elements affect and
Sheikh, and affordability constraints include challenges that must may cater more appropriately to the
K. Srinath limitations in income, be addressed in the growing demographic of Indian elderly.
Reddy. employment, and assets, as well design and
as the limitations of financial implementation of
protection offered for health future health
expenditures in the Indian policymaking in
health system. India.

7. Ramesh 2013 National Program To review the National To evaluate the NPHCE addresses most of the health
Verma and of Health-Care for program of health-care for the vision, strategies problems in an institutional health-care
Pardeep the Elderly in elderly in India (NPHCE) and effectiveness system, and is a good initiative to take
Khanna India: A Hope for which includes its vision, of NPHCE care of the ageing population but it
Department Healthy Ageing objective, strategies to achieve requires more attention in the
of the objective, expected implementation and coordination so
Community outcomes, package of services that the program would not only be on
Medicine, under NPHCE a paper.
Pt. B D
8. Aparajita 2018 Quality of Life of The study was conducted to To find the The main problem which causes the
Dasgupta, Elderly People in a assess the association of various sociodemographic poor Quality of Life (QOL) is the lack
Tania Pan, Rural Area of West factors such as age, sex, loss of and lifestyle of effective strategies to promote and
Bobby Paul, Bengal: A spouse, level of education, characteristics of improve the overall health status among
Lina Community-Based financial dependence, and the elderly people the elderly. We need to emphasize
Bandopadhy Study presence of one or more co- in rural areas of more on the prevention and
ay, Shamita morbities on the Quality of Life WB. And assess the management of Chronic diseases. Also
Mandal among the elderly people (age Quality of Life counselling should be provided to
60 and above) in the Rural areas (QOL) of spread awareness regarding the
of West Bengal (W.B.), India. It participants and the available provisions and programme for
was conducted for 3 months factors associated the elderly.
(April – June 2017) and was an with it.
observational, community bases
cross-sectional study and the
data was analysed using the
SPSS version 16.
9. Prabha 2017 Geriatric healthcare 1. There are 112 million elderly Its purpose was to 1. To conclude, elderly people face
Adhikari in IndiaUnmet people in India and more than recognize the various various problem physically, mentally
needs and the way 85% of them face problems like problems faced by and financially and government has
forward. arthritis, diabetes, poor vision etc., elderly people and the taken initiative in this direction but
along with loneliness, elder abuse steps taken by there is still so much left to be done.
and many more. government about it Elderly people need to be not only
2. Author talks about the services and also the scope of physically and mentally healthy but
provided and the services that improvement in it. also financially independent. Many
should be given to the elderly NGOs including Help Age India has
people from the age group of 60 taken initiative but more NGOs need
years and above. to come forward and government
needs to provide more aid to NGOs
so that they can provide required
facilities at the lowest cost possible

10. N. Sherin 2016 Geriatric health This research paper mainly Purpose of the As per the research paper some of the
Susan Paul policy in India: focusses on the issues faced research is to sort issues are the youth are migrating for
and The need for by elderly and the out the issues by economic opportunities, for educational
Mathew scaling – up demographic pattern of elderly implementing the purpose, etc. So elderly people suffer a
Asirvatham implementation in India. policy of lot.
government to After the research government initiative
initiative toward toward elderly care are more in about
elderly care. the old age pension, good affordable
To provide the health services, development of health
public – private insurance to the elderly people.
partnership of There should be a timely
organizations. implementation and amendment of
existing policy.
More in focus, promotion of social
science research in geriatric care.

11. References 2011 Policy for the *Wasn’t a study* Opportunities and The article is a compilation of different
taken from aged challenges of the articles which focus on the policies and
different policy for the aged. laws which are being implemented for
articles and the elderly.
reports It talks about how the population of the
elderly will increase in the coming
years and what policies need to be
adopted for their care and well-being.
The article highlights steps taken by
different states of India for their elderly
The article also points out how
different countries across the world
implement policies for the elderly..

12. Arun N. 2017 Health problems This study focuses on the To find out the A major part of the discussion was the
Bhatt, and healthcare healthcare needs and problems community’s females not only as the elderly
Marina needs of elderly- faced by the elderly perspective on suffering with the issue but as well as
Rajan community specifically focusing on the various healthcare care givers where it was found there are
Joseph, Iby perspective from rural area needs and problems a greater number of female elderly in
Ann Xavier, a rural setting in faced by the elderly the country and female caregivers
Pinkutty India people. where as Local community perceived
Sagar, numerous manifestations of old age
Remadevi medical conditions yet were
S., Sherin unconscious of explicit wellbeing
Susan Paul issues in old age. There was an
inclination to minimize.
medical conditions in old age like
Psychological wellness issues were
misconstrued. Old age endures various
social issues locally including criticism
and misuse. Anyway, old age homes
were censured by the local area. The
felt needs were overall for palliative
Care administrations. Local area has
needs for parental figure support.
administrations and domiciliary visits
for homebound older furthermore, day
care focuses to improve social support.
Organized wellbeing schooling is vital
for bring issues to light. about medical
conditions in old age and to bestow
idea and understanding of
healthy ageing.


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