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• Additive Manufacturing Update

• Job Shop Management
• The American Welder:
Abrasives and Weld Finishing
February 2020 • Volume 99 • Number 2 CONTENTS
24 Developments in Metal Additive Manufacturing
Learn where research on additive manufacturing is 36
headed — C. Hawk et al.

31 Materials Challenges in the Additive

Manufacturing of Metals
New alloy systems should help additive
manufacturing find greater use — T. A. Palmer

36 Job Shop Perspectives

Industry leaders shared their insights on how
they run their job shops — K. Pacheco and
R. Pascal


76 Get to Know Your Abrasives Options
Knowing the properties of the various families 76
of abrasives will help you get the best results
P. Carroll

81 Fast, Easy Robotic Grinding

Two manufacturers teamed to help systems
integrators automate grinding and finishing
T. Record


39-s Quantitative Weld Quality Acceptance Criteria: The effects of welding methods, with and without
An Enabler for Structural Lightweighting and preheat conditions, on weld quality were
Additive Manufacturing investigated — C. Tippayasam and A. Kaewvilai
As the competition for achieving structural
lightweighting intensifies, more quantitative
quality acceptance criteria are called for — P. Dong 59-s Geometry Dependent Solidification Regimes
in Metal Additive Manufacturing
A simple analytical expression was shown to
52-s Steel-Reinforced Polyethylene Pipe: Extrusion accurately predict the transition between
Welding, Investigation, and Mechanical Testing solification regimes — A. Plotkowski


6 Editorial 44 Certification Schedule
8 Press Time News 45 Society News
9 Washington Watchword 53 Tech Topics
10 International Update 59 Section News
11 Business Briefs 72 Guide to AWS Services
12 News of the Industry 74 Personnel
16 Aluminum Q&A The American Welder
18 Brazing Q&A 84 Fact Sheet
20 Letter to the Editor 89 Classifieds
21 Product & Print Spotlight 89 Advertiser Index
42 Coming Events
On the cover: Close-up of a model
created in a laser sintering
machine and printed on a metal
3D printer.


President Robert W. Roth
RoMan Manufacturing Inc. Publisher/Editor Mary Ruth Johnsen
Vice President W. Richard Polanin Sr. Editor Cindy Weihl
WRP Associates Features Editor Kristin Campbell
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Vice President Dennis K. Eck Education Editor Roline Pascal (305) 443-9353 or (800) 443-9353
Praxair Distribution Inc. Peer Review Coord. Lea Owen
Publisher Emeritus Jeff Weber
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Mahany Welding Supply Co. Inc. Design and Production AWS values diversity, advocates equitable and inclusive
Production Manager Zaida Chavez practices, and engages its members and stakeholders in
Treasurer Carey Chen Assistant Production Manager Brenda Flores establishing a culture in the welding community that
Cincinnati Incorporated Manager of International Periodicals and welcomes, learns from, and celebrates differences
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Interim Executive Director Ray W. Shook diversity, equity, and inclusion is essential to achieving
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H. Record (Dist. 5), Record Tool & Die S. Smith, Weld-Aid Products copyright.
K. Shatell (At Large), Pacific Gas & Electric Co. D. Wilson, Wilson and Associates Copyright © 2020 by American Welding Society in both
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P. I. Temple (Dist. 11), Welding Consultant R. Polanin, Ex Officio, WRP Associates
H. W. Thompson (Dist. 2), Underwriters Laboratories Inc. R. Roth, Ex Officio, RoMan Mfg. Inc.
J. Thompson (Dist. 8), Wallace State Community College R. W. Shook, Ex Officio, American Welding Society



Accountability and Accreditation Matter

Accountability is a word that is bandied of accreditation requires a determination of
about in casual conversation and serious dis- compliance with general student outcomes
cussions. But, how is accountability meas- that ensure students are adequately pre-
ured, especially in education? The concept of pared to enter the welding industry.
accountability has led to major shifts in fed- In addition, the ABET process is prescrip-
eral education policy and in local school dis- tive in the number of credit hours required,
trict politics. One of the methods used to en- the qualifications of the faculty, and the
sure accountability in education is program quality of facilities and student services. As
accreditation. AWS faces the future, the Education and
Generally, accreditation is a nongovern- Training Committee will be seeking qualified
mental peer review process that complies faculty for curriculum guidance and to serve
with nationally recognized standards estab- as auditors.
lished for the practice of accreditation in the The AWS SENSE program (
United States. Often, the process has various began in 1993 with a grant award by the U.S.
objectives depending upon the organization Department of Education to develop a series
W. Richard Polanin or program seeking accreditation. For weld- of standards and a program for the recogni-
AWS Vice President ing programs, generally there are four objec- tion of welders based on welding perform-
tives for accreditation, as follows: ance and practical knowledge testing. Al-
1. To hold welding degree programs ac- though the SENSE program has a set of key
countable to the community of stakeholders, indicators (student learning outcomes), each
including the welding industry, higher and school may develop or use any curriculum
secondary education, and students, ensuring that covers the welding content and perform-
the programs have clearly defined and at- ance requirements. However, there is no
tainable mission statements, goals, and stu- oversight of program outcomes nor evalua-
dent outcomes appropriate to prepare indi- tion of preparation for required testing and
viduals for successful employment and con- data recording. Therefore, the purpose of the
tinued education. SENSE accreditation program is to ensure
2. To evaluate the success of the welding compliance of welding programs with the
“As funding program in achieving its mission, goals, and general objectives of accreditation.
becomes student outcomes. The Weld-Ed accreditation ( is
increasingly linked 3. To foster continuing improvement in focused on welding programs offering associ-
to accountability, welding programs. ate degrees in welding engineering technolo-
4. To implement and maintain a system of gy. Weld-Ed uses elements from both the
and as state boards self-evaluation for compliance to industry ABET and SENSE accreditation processes to
of education seek and institutional standards. ensure some commonality among programs.
national accredita- The American Welding Society (AWS) is The intent is to minimize the documenta-
tion for education currently directly involved in the development tion needed to complete one or more of the
programs, the process for two accreditation programs and accreditation processes.
accreditation serves as a partner for the development of the Cost is always an important consideration
Weld-Ed welding engineering technology ac- for all schools. AWS and Weld-Ed are sensi-
programs offered creditation program. Recently, AWS has be- tive to the restrictive welding budgets of es-
through AWS fill the come the lead welding society for ABET (for- pecially small schools. Site audit costs are of-
need for accounta- merly Accreditation Board for Engineering ten the largest expense of accreditation.
bility in welding and Technology), and it has been developing Both AWS and Weld-Ed are working on inno-
education.” the SENSE (Schools Excelling through Nation- vative methods to reduce site audit costs,
al Skills Standards Education) accreditation such as virtual audits or using the school’s
program for the past few years. advisory committees.
Both accreditation programs in which As funding becomes increasingly linked to
AWS is directly involved are intended to im- accountability, and as state boards of educa-
prove accountability in welding education. It tion seek national accreditation for educa-
is not the intention of AWS to dictate the tion programs, the accreditation programs
content or delivery methods but to assure offered through AWS fill the need for ac-
the stakeholders in welding education pro- countability in welding education.
grams have adequate input into the process. Partnerships among leading welding edu-
ABET, the largest accreditation organization cation organizations is the key to accounta-
in the world, has a long-standing accredita- bility in welding education. These relation-
tion process that includes a self-assessment, ships validate future welding professionals
document audit, and site visit. The process will be able to successfully join the world. WJ



AddUp, Oak Ridge National Laboratory multiaxis positioning

system that can manip-
to Advance Metal Additive ulate multiton vehicle
Manufacturing Tooling Applications structures into ideal
welding positions.
A $2.7-million A benefit of the ro-
cooperative re- botic weld cell includes
search and devel- reducing welding time
opment agree- by nearly 80%, which
ment between will help the Army meet
AddUp Group, its critical delivery
Greenville, S.C., Recently, the Army outlined a requirements.
a global machine concept for its next generation of “The system is opera-
combat vehicles. Enhanced sur-
and solutions vivability will be enabled by im-
tional and currently be-
provider for met- proved manufacturing processes, ing controlled manual-
Members of the Oak Ridge National Lab- al additive man- ly,” said Megan Lynch,
oratories and AddUp team collaborate to among other factors. (Credit:
target the advancement of materials
ufacturing (AM), Staff Sgt. Jacob Sawyer.) ManTech project officer.
processes for metal additive manufac- and the U.S. De- “We are still in the learn-
turing tooling applications. partment of En- ing and debugging
ergy’s (DOE) phase. Getting to full operational capability will be a process,
Oak Ridge Na- but we are on track to get there by FY21 [fiscal year 2021].”
tional Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, Tenn., aims to advance
laser powder bed fusion technology for the manufacturing of Snead State Receives Grant for
metal molds with complex geometries for the tooling industry.
AddUp’s involvement at DOE’s Manufacturing Demonstra- Workforce Development Training
tion Facility at ORNL centers on the development of industrial
laser powder bed fusion technology, with a focus on the ad- Snead State Community College, Boaz, Ala., has been
vancement of metal AM applications for tooling. Through im- awarded $97,931 from a Special Population Training grant
proving the deposition rate within powder bed technologies, for equipment purchases for workforce development train-
closely controlling the metallurgical processes, and managing ing. The new training will be integrated into the community
the qualification of steel tooling components, this project is college’s welding technology training program.
expected to advance metal 3D printing overall. The grant will be used for purchasing a robotic welding edu-
ORNL contributes an in-depth understanding of material cation cell, two Power Wave® C300 advanced process welding
properties and process parameters that leverages in-situ data machines, two virtual reality welding machine software up-
analytics and advanced machine learning tools. grades, and travel for two instructors to receive training. The
The agreement focuses on the development of solutions for class will provide an interactive approach to learning by emu-
the geometric constraints and limitations that impede metal lating the real-world use of robotics in production welding.
AM from becoming a widely adopted method of manufactur- “The robotic weld training provides students with advanced
ing for tooling and mass production environments. manufacturing skills. It’s an opportunity to teach robotics us-
This collaborative effort also aims to deliver a technology ing equipment implemented in manufacturing and fabrica-
capable of improving preexisting processes of manufacturing tions facilities. We hope to increase student participation and
conformally cooled molds with optimized mechanical proper- engagement with a hands-on training solution,” said Snead
ties, productivity, and quality for enhanced performance in State Workforce Development Director Teresa Walker.
high-volume production environments.
Entries Sought for Trade School
Army Introduces Weld Automation for Trade-Up Competition
Next-Generation Combat Vehicles
In its third year, the Trade School Trade-Up Competition
To prepare for the future battlefield, the Army, Aberdeen by Channellock Inc., Meadville, Pa., continues to help close
Proving Ground, Md., has defined a concept for its next gen- the national skills gap by funding initiatives and tools that
eration of combat vehicles. Enhanced survivability will be will largely impact America’s future tradesmen and women.
enabled by improved designs, materials, and manufacturing Students in plumbing, HVAC, welding, automotive, and
processes. electrical trades are eligible to participate. The challenge is
In addition, to improve the quality of combat vehicle to show why your program deserves a classroom makeover.
weldments and reduce fabrication time, the U.S. Army Com- To enter, get a group together to create a short film show-
bat Capabilities Development Command Manufacturing casing your skills, and submit it via
Technology program funded a project to develop a robotic tradeup. February 12 is the due date; February 19, the top
manufacturing cell to automate heavy weld operations for three will be announced; February 20–22, voting will take
combat vehicles. This cell is equipped with high energy place through Facebook; and February 23, the winners will
buried arc welding, which enables high-quality, thick-plate be announced. The cash prizes for first, second, and third
welds with minimal passes. It also contains a high-capacity, place are as follows: $5000, $2500, and $1000. WJ



Department of Labor Issues Regulatory Agenda services. The new service will have about 16,000 Air Force
personnel — active duty and civilian — to start. A chief of
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has issued its latest space operations will be created to lead the U.S. Space Force.
Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions. It While this position will report directly to the Air Force secre-
provides data on regulatory and deregulatory activities un- tary, it will also be a full member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
der development by all agencies under the DOL, including
the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Export-Import Bank Reauthorized
The activities included are primarily those currently planned
to have an advance notice of proposed rulemaking, a notice Legislation approved by Congress and signed by the Presi-
of proposed rulemaking, or a final rule issued within the dent has reauthorized the Export-Import Bank of the United
next 12 months. Among the items included in OSHA’s Uni- States (EXIM) for another seven years. As the official national
fied Agenda are the following: export credit agency, the EXIM helps finance exports from
• OSHA is planning to issue a proposed rule amending companies that have trouble accessing private markets for
the welding and cutting standard in construction to elimi- trade financing. Included in the legislation are two provisions
nate any perceived ambiguity about the definition of “con- that address trade with China. One will support U.S. exports
fined space” that applies to welding activities in construc- that compete directly with China’s exporters by providing fi-
tion. Although the confined spaces standard states that it nancing that is competitive with the rates and terms offered
encompasses welding activities, the welding standard itself by China’s export credit agencies. The second will require U.S.
does not expressly identify a definition of “confined space.” Trade Representative approval for any transaction over $25
OSHA will conduct a rulemaking to eliminate any perceived million that relates to a Chinese state-owned entity.
ambiguity about the definition of confined space that ap-
plies to welding activities in construction. Bill Aimed at STEM Education in Rural Areas
• OSHA is planning to issue a proposed rule revising its
standards for occupational exposure to beryllium and beryl- Introduced at the end of 2019, the Rural STEM Educa-
lium compounds in the construction and shipyards indus- tion Act (H.R. 4979) would authorize federal grants to sup-
tries. These proposed changes are designed to more closely port science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
align the shipyards and construction standards to the gener- (STEM) teachers and educators in rural areas of the United
al industry standard, where appropriate, as well as to clarify States. Subjects of these grants would include the following:
certain requirements with respect to materials containing • Online STEM education courses to advance innovative
only trace amounts of beryllium. approaches to support and sustain high-quality STEM
• Based on comments received in response to OSHA’s teaching in rural schools;
May 2019 Request for Information regarding two areas • Providing professional learning opportunities and train-
where modernizing its lockout/tagout standard might bet- ing for rural educators; and
ter promote worker safety without additional burdens to • Developing innovative STEM teaching practices in rural
employers (control circuit type devices and robotics), OSHA settings.
is planning to propose amendments to that standard. According to the National Center for Education Statistics,
nine million students in the United States — nearly 20% of
Fair Change Act Becomes Law the total K–12 population — attend rural schools, and for
reasons ranging from teacher quality to shortages of re-
Included in the National Defense Authorization Act for sources, these students often have fewer opportunities for
Fiscal Year 2020, the federal Fair Chance Act has been enact- high-quality STEM learning than their peers in urban and
ed. This new law prohibits the federal government and fed- suburban schools.
eral contractors from requesting criminal history informa-
tion from job applicants until they reach the conditional of- Bill Would Update Private Activity Bonds
fer stage. There are exceptions for positions related to law
enforcement and national security duties, positions requir- The Modernizing Agriculture and Manufacturing Bonds
ing access to classified information, and positions for which Act (H.R. 5422) is intended to update and improve private
access to criminal history information before the condition- activity bonds as a tool for financing by small- to mid-sized
al offer stage is required by law. manufacturers. In particular, this legislation would
• Enable small issue manufacturing bonds to support
New Space Force Established manufacturers that produce intangible property;
• Eliminate the restrictions on the use of small issue man-
The President has signed legislation recognizing space as ufacturing bonds for ancillary facilities, such as offices, lock-
a “warfighting domain” and establishing the U.S. Space Force er rooms, and cafeterias;
as the sixth armed service of the United States. It will be posi- • Increase the maximum bond size limitation from $10
tioned under the U.S. Air Force similar to the way the Marine million to $30 million; and
Corps is part of the U.S. Navy. Over time, the Space Force • Repeal the separate dollar limitation on the use of bond
should evolve to become a stand-alone branch of the armed proceeds for depreciable property. WJ

HUGH K. WEBSTER, AWS WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS OFFICE — Contact the AWS Washington Government Affairs Office at 1747
Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20006; email; fax (202) 835-0243.



PRI and EWF Join Forces to Address Skills “We congratulate Alcoa on their latest ASI certification in
Shortages in the Aerospace Industry Canada. . .The ASI certification of the Baie-Comeau facility
shows their commitment to supporting a responsible alu-
The Performance Review Insti- minum value chain,” said ASI’s Chief Executive Officer Fiona
tute, Warrendale, PA., through Solomon.
its personnel qualification pro-
gram (PRI QualificationSM) and NIMAK Supplies Manual Welding Guns to the
the European Welding Federa- Mercedes-Benz Assembly Plant in Russia
tion (EWF), Porto Salvo, Portu-
gal, have joined forces to facili-
tate high-quality training and
qualifications for professionals
working in aerospace manufac-
turing. Included will be not only
The Performance Review the traditional technologies like
Institute, a global welding and joining, but also
provider of customer- those becoming more relevant
focused solutions de- for the aerospace sector, such as
signed to improve additive manufacturing.
process and product This collaboration will allow a
quality, and the Euro- welding professional with an
pean Welding Federa- EWF diploma to transfer his or
tion, an organization her skills to work in the aero-
dedicated to education,
space industry by completing a
training, qualification,
and certification in the short, sector-specific training Pictured is NIMAK’s manual welding guns in production at the
session without a long training new Mercedes-Benz assembly plant near Moscow. (Courtesy
field of welding and re-
process. of Mercedes-Benz AG.)
lated technologies, have
partnered to combat Aerospace professionals al-
skills shortages in the ready equipped with an EWF Mercedes-Benz, Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, has se-
aerospace industry. Pic- qualification will only need to at- lected NIMAK, Wissen, Germany, to provide resistance
tured is an aerospace tend a training module, which welding technology to the automaker’s new assembly plant
professional inspecting will cover the additional aero-
an engine. (Courtesy of in Russia. NIMAK will supply manual welding guns for the
space-specific content. They can required spot welds. These will be used in the production of
Lufthansa Technik.)
then complete the PRI assess- E-Class sedans and, in the future, SUV models.
ment available through the PRI “We are naturally very pleased that we were able to con-
QualificationSM program. New vince our customer ‘Mercedes-Benz’ once again of our high
trainees with no prior EWF qualifications may need to do a product quality, reliability, and flexibility due to the long-
joint training module according to guidelines, followed by an standing and exceptional cooperation so far,” said Carsten
EWF and PRI assessment. If successful, they will receive a Demmer, NIMAK’s product manager responsible for manual
joint EWF and PRI eQualified diploma. welding guns.
The new EWF/PRI qualifications are expected to be avail- The resistance welding technology manufacturer has de-
able this year. livered manual welding guns to various Mercedes-Benz
plants around the world.
Alcoa’s Québec Smelter Receives
Certification from ASI Terves Completes Installation of a Magnesium
Extrusion Press from Italian Manufacturer
The Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI), a global sus-
tainability certification program for the aluminum industry, Terves Inc., Euclid, Ohio, a manufacturer of dissolvable
has certified Alcoa Corp. Baie-Comeau aluminum smelter in metals and elastomers, has completed installation of a
Québec, Canada. 3500-MT extrusion press at the company’s new 11,000-sq-
“From mine to metal, Alcoa is recognized as a sustainabil- ft, H3-classified magnesium metal processing facility. This
ity leader,” said Michelle O’Neill, Alcoa’s senior vice presi- extrusion press from Extral Technology SRL in Italy will ex-
dent of government affairs and sustainability. “This latest pand the company’s magnesium molten metal processing,
ASI certification demonstrates our ongoing commitment to heat treatment, machining, and storage capabilities.
operate in a responsible manner while bringing long-lasting The press, currently configured for 9-in. billets up to 48
value to our stakeholders.” in. in length, is designed to allow Terves to meet its needs
The company now has locations certified to ASI’s Per- for the production of its TervAlloy, a family of patented dis-
formance Standard in Brazil, Canada, and Spain. Additional- solvable magnesium alloys, as well as for full-scale develop-
ly, Alcoa was named the Aluminum Industry Leader in the ment services for new alloys and toll manufacturing of pri-
annual Dow Jones Sustainable Indices. vate label and materials that are difficult to process. WJ



Newport News Shipbuilding Christens Aircraft Pelican Chapter Announces Award-Winning

Carrier John F. Kennedy Construction Projects

The Pelican Chapter of Associated Builders and Contractors

awarded construction projects and more at its Excellence in
Caroline Kennedy, Former U.S. Ambassador and the ship’s
Construction Awards and Safety Training Evaluation. The
sponsor, christened the aircraft carrier John F. Kennedy (CVN
Nicholson Gateway Development construction project (pic-
79) during a ceremony at Newport News Shipbuilding division.
tured here) by the Lemoine Co. was awarded 1st place for the
Also pictured (left to right) are Charles Frank Bolden Jr., former
General Contractor > Mega-Projects > More Than $100 Million
NASA administrator; John Kerry, former Secretary of State;
Capt. Todd Marzano, the ship’s prospective commanding offi-
cer; Tatiana Schlossberg, sponsor’s daughter; Newport News
Shipbuilding President Jennifer Boykin; and Edwin Schloss- The Pelican Chapter of Associated Builders and Contrac-
berg, sponsor’s husband. (Photo by Matt Hildreth/HII.) tors, Baton Rouge, La., honored 25 construction projects, 40
companies’ safety practices, and local craft competition win-
ners at its annual Excellence in Construction (EIC) Awards
In a ceremony celebrating the U.S. Navy’s newest nuclear- and Safety Training Evaluation Process (STEP) banquet at
powered aircraft carrier and the American hero for whom the the L’Auberge Baton Rouge.
ship is named, Huntington Ingalls Industries, Newport News, The award-winning construction projects included the re-
Va., has christened John F. Kennedy (CVN 79) at the company’s design of the LSU Football Operations Facility, the Nichol-
Newport News Shipbuilding division. son Gateway Development, the Falgout Canal Flood Control
Former U.S. Ambassador Caroline Kennedy, the ship’s Structure, the Comeaux High School Performing Arts Acade-
sponsor and daughter of President Kennedy, smashed a bot- my, and the Phillips 66 Lake Charles Gasoline Isomerization
tle of sparkling wine across the bow to christen the ship. Project.
During her remarks, she reflected on the first aircraft carrier “These construction projects, safety practices, and talent-
named in her father’s honor. ed people exemplify the best of the best in the industry,”
“This ship will represent the ideals he lived by — courage, said David Helveston, president and CEO of the Pelican
sacrifice, and belief in freedom — and it will help make real Chapter. “Construction is one of Louisiana’s strong suits be-
his vision of a more just America and a more peaceful cause of the long-term career opportunities it offers, the
world,” Kennedy said. “I’m so proud to be the sponsor of this economic activity it invites, and the robust local resources it
ship and to join with all of you to bring her to life. I look for- utilizes. Each award we present symbolizes the countless
ward to being part of her odyssey and of her extended fami- hours and endless dedication that the men and women in
ly. Most of all, I hope she will carry my father’s spirit with our workforce commit to innovation, quality, safety, and ex-
her as she sails, his leadership in wartime, his courage in cri- cellence, ensuring that construction remains a pillar of this
sis, and his commitment to the hard and steady work of state.”
building peace.” To view the list of 1st (excellence) and 2nd place (merit)
More than 20,000 guests attended the ceremony, includ- winners, visit
ing Virginia congressional delegation members U.S. Sen.
Mark Warner and U.S. Rep. Robert C. Scott, who both of- Sutton-Garten Opens New Location in Indiana
fered remarks; and U.S. Rep. Elaine Luria. Other speakers in-
cluded former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Adm. Sutton-Garten Co., an Indianapolis distributor of welding
Frank Caldwell, director of the Naval Nuclear Propulsion supplies, gases, and dry ice, has opened a new branch loca-
Program. tion in Fort Wayne, Ind. The facility will manufacture dry ice
Since the first cut of steel in February 2011, more than on site as well as deliver bulk carbon dioxide for beverage
5000 shipbuilders have helped to construct Kennedy, and systems and industrial users.
suppliers from 46 states across the country have con- The facility includes a 150-sq-ft showroom of welding
tributed parts, services, and support to production. The car- and safety supplies and also rents welding, cutting, and dry
rier will be launched into the James River and moved to a ice blasting equipment. It will serve northern Indiana,
pier where outfitting and testing of the ship’s systems will Michigan, and northern Ohio. For more information, visit
continue until the ship is delivered to the U.S. Navy in 2022. WJ



Additive Manufacturing Assists in Achieving from NASA for AM research and education.
Guinness World Records and More Milestones Work on this grant is a collaboration between the Navajo
Technical University with the Marshall Space Flight Center
Advanced Manufacturing Center, University of Alabama
Over the past few months, appealing headlines involving
Huntsville, V&M Global Solutions, and Optomec.
additive manufacturing (AM) have included Guinness World
Records, bimetallic rocket engine parts, and additional
achievements. Read all about these news stories below.
• The University of Maine (UMaine) Advanced Struc-
tures and Composites Center received three Guinness
World Records during a ceremony on October 10, 2019, for
the world’s largest prototype polymer 3D printer, largest
solid 3D-printed object, and largest 3D-printed boat. The
event culminated with the 25-ft, 5000-lb 3D-printed boat,
named 3Dirigo, being tested in the Alfond W2 Ocean Engi-
neering Laboratory.

Monsuru Ramoni, assistant professor of industrial engineer-

ing at Navajo Technical University, and his team of students
will be investigating the benefits of additive manufacturing
for space exploration with the help of Optomec LENS for
NASA. Pictured (from left) are Adriane Tenequer, Ramoni,
Aaron Sansosie, Calsey Nez, Elliot Burns, Joshua Toddy, and
Leslie Notah.

The proposed research will focus on characterization of

the microstructure of AM Inconel®-Cu alloy bimetallic parts
in three conditions — as built, hot-isostatic pressing and
More than 250 federal and state officials, business execu- heat treatment, and after a combined hot-isostatic pressing
tives, University of Maine System leaders, and community and heat treatment — to establish the necessary linkages
members witnessed the UMaine Advanced Structures and between microstructure, post processing, dimensional accu-
Composites Center receive three Guinness World Records for racy, and mechanical properties.
the world’s largest prototype polymer 3D printer, largest solid • Pittsburgh International Airport in Pennsylvania
3D-printed object, and largest 3D-printed boat.
and Allegheny County officials have debuted Neighborhood
91, the first development of the Pittsburgh Airport Innova-
tion Campus, a 195-acre business park.
The new 3D printer is designed to print objects as long as
It’s claimed Neighborhood 91, which derives its name
100 ft, as wide as 22 ft, and as high as 10 ft, and can print at
from Pittsburgh’s 90 distinct neighborhoods, will be the
500 lb/h. The printer will support several initiatives, includ-
first site in the world to contain every element of the AM
ing development of biobased feedstocks using cellulose de-
supply chain, from design to production and distribution.
rived from wood resources, and rapid prototyping of civil-
Companies will share infrastructural efficiencies and re-
ian, defense, and infrastructure applications.
sources, including a communal supply of powder materials,
A $20-million collaboration with Oak Ridge National Lab-
oratory will advance efforts to produce new biobased mate-
rials conducive to 3D printing of large, structurally demand-
ing systems. The research will focus on cellulose nanofiber
production, drying, functionalization, and compounding
with thermoplastics.
“This 3D printer is an outgrowth of research we have
been doing for 15 years in combining cellulosic nano and mi-
cro fibers with thermoplastic materials,” said Habib Dagher,
executive director of UMaine’s Advanced Structures and
Composites Center. “Our goal is to print with 50% wood
products at 500 pounds per hour, and achieve properties
similar to aluminum. We thank our congressional delegation
for their support.”
• Optomec, Albuquerque, N.M., a global supplier of
production-grade AM equipment and software, recently Pittsburgh International Airport CEO Christina Cassotis hands
revealed its LENS® directed energy deposition 3D-printed Arencibia president Joe Arencibia a 3D-printed key at an
metal system will be used to print bimetallic rocket engine event announcing the firm as the first tenant of Neighbor-
parts. These will go to the moon in 2024 as part of a grant hood 91. (Photo by Brian Cook/Blue Sky News.)


such as stainless steel and aluminum. The site’s first tenant
will be Arencibia, an industrial gas management firm.
Additionally, the University of Pittsburgh is a partner in
the project, focusing on research and development as well as
workforce training for the AM and 3D-printing industries.
• As it reaches its conclusion, the OpenHybrid project
( coordinated by the Manufacturing Technolo-
gy Centre in England has shown the effectiveness of direct-
ed energy deposition AM in a broad set of usage scenarios.
A key aspect is the use of a standardized docking system.
This patented approach, developed by Hybrid Manufactur-
ing Technologies Ltd., provides flexibility and enables new
processing heads to be automatically changed during the hy-
brid AM process. The consortium has also developed two
hybrid platforms for medium and large parts. The flexibility
of the new approach allows powder and wire feedstock to be
processed and the system to be combined with machine tool
as well as large-scale automation platforms.
• Sintavia LLC, Frankfurt, Germany, is co-founding a
trade group for additive manufacturers on promoting envi-
ronmental benefits. The Additive Manufacturer Green Trade
Association will be a noncommercial, unaffiliated organiza-
tion open to any additive manufacturer that meets certain
criteria relating to sustainability of production. For more de-
tails, visit

Xiris Celebrates 30 Years

Xiris, located in Burlington, Ontario, Canada, has recent-
ly marked its 30th anniversary.


Over the years, Xiris has developed inspection systems for
many industries. The company has now reached another
milestone with three decades in business.

Founded by Cameron Serles, the business was initially set

up to commercialize the budding technology of machine vi-
sion. In 1989, most manufacturers were highly skeptical of
the success of using cameras to measure the size or shape of
their manufactured goods; as a result, the first few years
were tough until the technology slowly gained acceptance,
initially in the automotive and semiconductor industries,
then eventually embraced in applications across all forms of
manufacturing and materials processing.
Xiris has developed inspection systems for the automo-
tive, semiconductor, electronics, pharmaceutical, steel, plas-
tics, compact disc, and printing industries. It currently fo-
cuses on supplying fabricators with camera systems for in-
spection and monitoring welding processes.

WPI Researcher, National Labs Aim to Show

Friction Stir Welding can Reduce Vehicle

WPI Professor Adam Powell, Postdoctoral Fellow Kübra

Karayagiz (center), and PhD Student Qingli Ding prepare to
place welds inside the cyclic corrosion test chamber.

A professor at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) in

Massachusetts, with national laboratories and a global auto
parts supplier, is testing a new type of welding that may
make the joint between light metal alloys more resistant to
corrosion, including salt spray, leading to future designs of
durable, next-generation metal car joints used in ultralight
car doors and other vehicle body applications.
Adam Powell, associate professor of mechanical engineer-
ing, was awarded a three-year, $1.5-million grant from the
Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Re-
newable Energy’s Vehicle Technologies Office.


WPI is receiving $750,000 while Oak Ridge National Lab-
oratory (ORNL) and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
(PNNL) will split the remainder. Magna International will
also contribute in-kind time and materials.
Powell said the auto industry is seeking to reduce the
weight of cars and trucks while maintaining the lifespan of
a vehicle. One of the ways to do that, he noted, is to use ad-
vanced lightweight materials such as aluminum and magne-
sium alloys. The researchers are testing to determine if fric-
tion stir welding reduces corrosion in aluminum-magnesium
alloy joints. “We’re trying to show that corrosion can be much
less of a problem with this new type of welding,” said Powell. David and Donna Mahoney (left) of Noble Gas Solutions won
Magna provides aluminum and magnesium metals to the commissioned artwork “Warrior to Welder” during the
PNNL, which welds the materials. PNNL then ships the Workshops for Warriors live auction at the 25th anniversary
welded parts to WPI, which conducts corrosion and mechan- IWDC owners’ meeting. The painting was created by veteran
ical testing. WPI sends much of its tested samples to ORNL, and artist Gavin Goode (right).
which oversees advanced analysis on the welds.
In the first year, Powell and colleagues will seek to under- an art auction that generated more than $30,000 for Work-
stand corrosion behaviors of magnesium and aluminum shops for Warriors, San Diego, Calif. The nonprofit school
diffusion-bonded joints in the test chamber. In the second trains veterans, wounded warriors, and transitioning service
year, they plan to simulate on a computer the corrosion of men and women into advanced manufacturing careers.
friction stir welded joints and mechanical fracture. In the final “We wanted to do something special and, through gener-
year, they expect to make the models much more accurate. ous vendor partner support, we were able to commission an
artist [Gavin Goode] who crafted a one-of-a-kind oil paint-
ing on steel titled ‘Warrior to Welder,’” said Frank Kasnick,
IWDC Members Raise More Than $30,000 to president and CEO.
Support Workshops for Warriors “In addition to fundraising, we updated members on
IWDC’s strategic initiatives and received valuable feedback on
IWDC, Indianapolis, Ind., a cooperative leveraging the our programs during our October 22–24 owners’ meeting held
strengths of its independent welding distributor members at Eau Palm Beach Resort, Manalapan, Florida,” added Keith
across North America, celebrated its 25th anniversary with Werkley, IWDC director of sales and vendor management. WJ



make aluminum attractive for many ap- tions, such as heat exchangers and
Q: As a welding instructor, I have
plications. Below, I have highlighted the road signs.
been seeing more interest lately
most relevant to welding fabrication. The 6xxx series (Mg2Si) alloys,
in aluminum welding. I know
which are moderate strength, are of-
there are more manufacturers in
Weight (one third that ten used as extrusions in structural
my area using aluminum. Do you
of steel) applications.
know if there is more aluminum,
The 5xxx series (Mg) alloys range in
in general, being used in the
Weight is probably the most obvi- strength dependent on their magne-
welding industry? And if so, what
ous characteristic of aluminum that sium content. The 5xxx series alloys
may be driving this trend?
makes it appealing for many applica- are used in many structural applica-
tions. With the current drive to reduce tions from fuel tanks and float tubes
A: Often the increased use of alu- for pontoon boats to large ocean-going
the weight of transportation and, cor-
minum for welded components is re- ships, military vehicles, and liquid nat-
respondingly, improve fuel efficiency,
gional, and I suspect that is what you ural gas storage tanks.
aluminum is proving to be an excellent
are experiencing. A manufacturer es- Then there are the highest strength
replacement for steel in many light-
tablishes a line of aluminum-intensive 2xxx (Cu) and 7xxx (Zn) heat-treatable
weighting applications. The automo-
products, such as automotive parts, bi- alloys, which are used for high-perfor-
tive industry is consistently designing
cycle frames, boats of all shapes and mance sporting equipment, aircraft,
more aluminum components into
sizes, storage tanks, truck trailers, var- and aerospace applications.
their vehicles, and the aircraft and
ious types of sporting and recreational
aerospace industries continue to take
equipment, military and aerospace Good Corrosion Resistance
advantage of aluminum’s excellent
components, and numerous other
strength-to-weight ratio. Even the se- (when compared to steel)
lection of aluminum for its excellent Aluminum has outstanding corro-
Is there more aluminum being used
electrical conductivity is often driven sion resistance because of the oxide
in general? The trend for more alu-
by its light weight, as well as its low film that adheres strongly to its sur-
minum consumption is not new, as
cost, when compared to copper. face and, that if damaged, reforms im-
can be seen in Figs. 1 and 2. Alu-
minum usage has continually in- mediately in most environments. On a
creased over the last 60 years globally, Strength (wide range of surface freshly abraded and then ex-
with the most significant growth in strengths to select from) posed to air, the oxide film is only
the last 30 years. around 1 nm thick. The oxide film,
In addition, Table 1 lists some char- There are many aluminum alloys to even at this very limited thickness, is
acteristics of aluminum that may be choose from that range widely in highly effective in protecting the alu-
contributing to an increase usage of strength. minum from corrosion. The oxide film
the material in the welding fabrication The 1xxx series (commercially that develops on aluminum in ordi-
industry. pure) aluminums, the lowest strength nary atmospheres grows to thickness-
series, are generally not used for struc- es much greater than 1 nm and is com-
tural applications, but for their other posed of two layers. The inner oxide
Why are we seeing more characteristics like corrosion resist- next to the metal is a compact, amor-
aluminum being used? ance and electrical conductivity. phous barrier layer whose thickness is
The 3xxx series (Mn) alloys are determined entirely by the tempera-
Table 1 lists characteristics that used for some low-strength applica- ture of the environment. At any given

Fig. 1 — The usage of aluminum in the United States in thou-

sand metric tons from 1960 to 2016. (Courtesy of the Alu- Fig. 2 — The usage of aluminum globally from 2004 to 2018.
minum Association.) (Courtesy of the Aluminum Association.)


Table 1 — Trends for Aluminum Demand

Why is there an increase of aluminum being designed into products?

> Weight — 1⁄3 of steel

> Tensile strength range — 10–90 ksi
> High electrical conductivity — 60% of copper
> High thermal conductivity — 5 times steel
> Good corrosion resistance — adherent oxide
> Resistance to many chemicals — chemical storage
> Has no ductile-to-brittle transition — cryogenic applications
> Toughness — pound for pound will absorb 2x crash energy than typical automotive steel
> Easily extruded
> Weldable and workable — key to fabrication cost
> Priced by the pound — used by the foot
> Easily recyclable — environmentally friendly

temperature, the limiting barrier components can be custom designed

thickness is the same in oxygen, dry to assist with manufacturing and con-
air, or moist air. Covering this barrier struction. The designing of extruded
layer is a thicker, more permeable out- profiles to aid with fitup and assembly,
er layer of hydrated oxide. and the incorporation of preformed
welding joint preparations, can be very
No Ductile-to-Brittle cost effective if applied correctly.
Transition (low-temperature
applications) Conclusion
Aluminum alloys offer distinct ad- Aluminum has many characteristics
vantages over most steels when used that make it attractive for many weld-
as material for construction of cryo- ed applications. For this reason, I
genic equipment or for structures that believe we will see a continued in-
will experience cryogenic cold. crease in its usage within the welding
Many materials when subjected to fabrication industry. WJ
these very low temperatures undergo
changes in their physical structure TONY ANDERSON is director of aluminum
that severely limit their usefulness in technology, ITW Welding North America.
cryogenic applications. Some metals, He is a Fellow of the British Welding
like many steels for example, become Institute (TWI), a Registered Chartered
Engineer with the British Engineering
extremely brittle. Council, and holds numerous positions on
Aluminum alloys, however, have an AWS technical committees. He is chairman
unusual ability to maintain their duc- of the Aluminum Association Technical
tility and resistance to shock loading Advisory Committee for Welding and author
at extremely low temperatures ap- of the book Welding Aluminum —
Questions and Answers currently available
proaching absolute zero. As tempera- from AWS. Questions may be sent to Tony
ture decreases below room tempera- Anderson c/o Welding Journal, 8669 NW 36
ture, aluminum’s tensile and yield St., #130, Miami, FL 33166-6672, or via email
strength increases, and the ductility at
and toughness of most alloys increase
as well. Even at the lowest test tem-
peratures available, in liquid helium
at –452°F (–273°C), strength remains
high, and ductility and toughness re-
main well above values at room tem-
perature for most alloys. Change of Address?
Extruded Shapes Moving?
(manufacturing versatility) Make sure delivery of your
Welding Journal is not interrupted.
Aluminum alloys can be easily ex- Contact Kim Hugley in the
truded into complex shapes. Some al- Membership Department
loys, like the 6xxx series, have been with your new address at
specifically designed to provide high- (800) 443-9353, ext. 262, or by
quality standard profile extrusions at email to
minimum cost. Extruded aluminum



Q: What filler metal should I use Table 1 — Comparison of Typical Stainless Steel Compositions (wt-%) [Refs. 4, 5]
to braze 2205 duplex stainless
steel? Alloy C Cr Ni Mo Mn Si N

2205 0.020 22.1 5.6 3.1 1.45 0.45 0.18

A: Selecting a filler metal for brazing 316L 0.019 16.7 10.3 2.1 1.59 0.38 0.05
requires the consideration of a number
of factors, including the specific braz-
ing process that will be used, compati- with stainless steels. Nickel-based tors, nickel-based filler metals with
bility with the base metal(s), metallur- filler metals are reasonable in cost and boron should be avoided.
gy of the base metal(s), joint clearance in most cases have good availability. Figure 1 shows the AWS standard-
requirements, brazement service con- To further limit the filler metal selec- ized nickel-based brazing alloys or-
ditions, cost, and availability. tion, the braze temperature should be dered by recommended brazing tem-
2205 is a duplex (austenitic-ferritic) defined based on the metallurgy of the perature range and the elements used
stainless steel that is highly alloyed steel. 2205 duplex is heat treated (solu- for melt point suppression. Limiting
and processed to produce a balanced tion annealed) at 1900°–1975°F the brazing temperature to 1975°F
microstructure of approximately 50% (1040°–1080°C), followed by water (1080°C) or below and omitting any
austenite and 50% ferrite. Typical quenching. It is desirable to have the selections that contain boron narrows
composition of 2205 compared with brazing temperature in this range as it the list to five candidates.
316L is shown in Table 1. This alloy is aligns with the standard heat treatment The relatively low solidus tempera-
selected where resistance to corrosion, practices, thus minimizing potential tures of BNi-6, 7, and 12 must be tak-
specifically pitting and stress corro- deleterious metallurgical effects from en into consideration, as the rapid
sion cracking, are required. The steel the brazing. Heating above 2010°F quenching that is required for metal-
also offers the advantages of higher (1100°C) may increase the ferrite con- lurgical reasons would impart stresses
strength and improved erosion resist- tent (Ref. 1). If copper filler was a possi- on an unsolidified braze filler, which
ance vs. the 3XX series austenitic bility for the service conditions, this would likely result in cracking of the
stainless steels. The high alloy content limitation would preclude its use. The joint. BNi-7 has been reported as be-
of this material makes the metallurgy cooling rate from brazing must also be ing successfully used for brazing other
somewhat complicated and, as a re- considered, and will be discussed later. duplex alloys (Ref. 2). The remaining
sult, the whole brazing process must 2205 duplex stainless steel has ni- candidates are BNi-8 and BNi-14.
be carefully considered. trogen with a range of 0.14– 0.20 wt- BNi-8 can be excluded for concerns
In this application, vacuum brazing % added to the alloy. The nitrogen in over corrosion resistance as it does not
will be used. Vacuum brazing can be the base metal can react with boron in contain any chromium, which is key to
done with precious metal, copper, the filler metal to form boron nitride, corrosion resistance of stainless steels.
nickel, or a limited number of silver- which will inhibit wetting. If wetting BNi-14 is a good candidate as it was
based filler metals. Nickel-based filler was not inhibited, the formation of developed for corrosion resistance.
metals can be used for the starting chromium borides in the base metal An additional metallurgical-related
point in this case as they are well suit- must be considered as they could im- process consideration beyond filler
ed for vacuum brazing, offer a range of pair corrosion resistance adjacent to metal selection should be noted. Du-
options, and are typically compatible the braze joint. As a result of these fac- plex stainless steels are prone to inter-

Fig. 1 — AWS standard filler metals ordered by recommended Fig. 2 — Isothermal precipitation diagram for duplex stainless
brazing temperature. steels.


metallic phase formation due to their
high alloy content. Cooling rate off of
the solution anneal is critical to avoid-
ing these phases. Sigma and chi phas-
es, in particular, will impair the corro-
sion resistance of the alloy. Figure 2 Dear Readers
shows an isothermal precipitation The Welding Journal encourages an exchange of ideas through letters to the editor. Please
diagram for 2205 duplex stainless send your letters to the following address:
steel. According to this diagram, cool- Welding Journal Dept.
ing to below approximately 1500°F Attn: Cindy Weihl
(825°C) within two minutes is re- 8669 NW 36 St., #130
Miami, FL 33166
quired to completely avoid deleterious
phase precipitation. The brazing pro- Items can also be sent via fax to (305) 443-7559 or by email to
cedure employed and equipment to be
utilized must consider cooling rate to
ensure the corrosion resistance of the
material is retained.

Filler metals BNi-7, BNi-12, and
BNi-14 should be suitable for brazing
2205 duplex stainless. Testing would be
needed to identify the specific best can-
didate for the application. Corrosion
resistance of the braze joint and base
metal must be considered in the
process development, so corrosion test-
ing would also be advisable in addition
to standard braze joint evaluations. WJ


1. Arcelor Mittal Steel. 2016. UR

2205 Duplex Stainless Steel Datasheet.
2. Centeno, D., Carvalho Jr., C., and
Brandi, S. 2000. Brazeablity of UNS
32101 and UNS 32304 lean duplex
stainless steels. Proceedings of the Inter-
national Brazing and Soldering Confer-
3. International Molybdenum Asso-
ciation. 2009. Practical Guidelines for the
Fabrication of Duplex Stainless Steels.
4. Outukumpu 2205 Code Plus
Two® datasheet.
5. Historical data from material


guest writer for this column. He is principal
engineer, materials and processes, Parker
Hannifin, Gas Turbine Fuel Systems
Division, Mentor, Ohio.
This column is written sequentially by
DAN KAY. Hirthe and Shapiro are members
of and Kay is an advisor to the C3
Committee on Brazing and Soldering. All
three have contributed to the 5th edition of
the AWS Brazing Handbook.
Readers are requested to email their
questions for use in this column to the
authors,, or send to
their attention at Welding Journal,
8669 NW 36 St. #130, Miami, FL 33166.



Laser-Enhanced Short- GMAW-S is practiced as recommended mainly to show the laser effect on SC
Circuiting Metal Transfer by the equipment manufacturers. Is transfer, the penetration difference and
there more or less spatter? How the reduction of spatter were not quanti-
in GMAW much? Is there more or less penetra- tively analyzed. We have a preliminary
tion? How much? result that the penetration would consid-
In the July 2019 issue of the Weld- erably increase when laser pulse was ap-
ing Journal, an interesting research A. F. Manz plied to the CC GMAW process, since the
paper, titled “Laser-Enhanced Short- AWS Fellow current was constant, but metal transfer
Circuiting Metal Transfer in GMAW,” Union, N.J. frequency was increased, indicating more
caught my attention. The authors heat was brought to the pool by the
must have had a “great” time collecting droplets.
their data. Although there are a great Mr. Manz, thank you for your letter. If you have further questions, please
many questions I would like to ask We are honored that this paper has feel free to contact me. Or we can have a
them, I’ll settle for just a few concern- drawn your attention and concern. Below talk during the AWS Professional Pro-
ing the oscillograms in Fig. 10. The please find answers to your questions. gram at FABTECH 2020. I usually at-
first question is regarding Fig. 10A 1. In this research, the power supply tend the program every year and can
(without laser). The jagged appearance was set in constant current (CC) mode so show you some videos with more
of the voltage trace tells me the power the waveform of the arc voltage would information.
source had very little inductance, the show slight vibrations but was stable
arc was fluctuating wildly, or the gas overall. First, the arc length was stable Jun Xiao
shielding was inadequate. Normally, enough to promise the laser can always Author
practiced short-circuit gas metal arc be aimed at the droplet neck position, as Beijing, China
welding (GMAW-S) oscillograms of indirectly proven by Fig. 5B. Secondly, the
voltage, with some circuit inductance, “wide” and “frequent” fluctuation of the
appear relatively smooth and not with arc voltage that is of your major concern Fishing Boat Capital
the wild perturbations in Fig. 10A. is mainly due to the high frequency noises
The voltage trace in Fig. 10E is more coupled during the data logging process. “Missouri City Reels in Title of ‘Alu-
like what I would expect to see with The raw data was shown in these figures minum Fishing Boat Capital,’” in the
normally practiced GMAW-S. but not filtered. The fluctuations in Fig. July 2019 issue of the Welding Journal,
In Fig. 10B (with laser), although 10 look smoother because the time scale was a very interesting article, especial-
the authors use the term “negative in Fig. 10E is larger and the data point ly the paragraph containing the sen-
pulse of arc voltage,” there are no neg- density is much lower, thus the tence . . . “Interestingly, boys who had
ative voltages shown in the oscillo- noise/fluctuation looks smoother. worked at something which requires
grams. The lowest voltages shown are 2. Apologies for the misunderstanding manual skills — shoeing horses or
about 5 V above 0 (positive). Again, caused by the inappropriate use of the playing a musical instrument — often
the arc length appears to vary wildly phrase “negative pulse.” Here the nega- make the best welders.”
and with random short-circuit dura- tive pulse represents the arc voltage When I was first learning to weld in
tion. This seems to indicate a “bounc- falling associated with the occurrence of the early 1960s, my father was the of-
ing metal droplet,” without transfer short circuit. ficer in charge of the Navy Welding
for most of the time. A typical surface 3. For Fig. 10B, where the continuous School at the San Diego Naval Station
tension-dominated transfer cycle wave (CW) laser was used, there was no and made a similar statement to me
takes about 0.003 s (as is stated else- apparent bouncing metal droplet due to [about manual skills]. My father was a
where in this paper). In my experience, insufficient drop-pool contact. The laser career naval officer who joined in 1937
surface tension transfer ranges from effect was pushed and elongated the and served for 30 years. After World
0.002 to 0.003 s. droplet to contact the weld pool more War II, his specialty was ship repair re-
In Fig. 10E (with pulse laser of 75 “solidly.” It is beneficial to avoid bouncing lated to welding, and he served as offi-
Hz), the oscillograms of voltage and droplets. Since the laser was in CW mode, cer in charge of the Navy Welding
amperage approach those I would ex- the droplet couldn’t always be pushed to School for two, two-year tours. His ex-
pect to see from any decent GMAW-S the pool unless it had grown to a certain perience was that the best gas tung-
constant voltage (CV) commercial size, because the arc length wasn’t set to sten arc welders he ever saw were
power supply except, in this case, the be that short. women. This was based on the old sex-
“wiggly” look of traces would be ab- 4. This paper was innovation orient- ist attitude that young women (girls)
sent with a normal CV power supply. ed. Its major worth is to bring a new ac- were always taught sewing starting at
Therefore, it seems as if there is a lot tive control method to the GMAW process an early age, and sewing takes great
of “jiggling” of the liquid metal drop but was not trying to use it in practice in manual dexterity. So not only “boys”
going on. The jiggling would account the short term. It does show advantages should have been mentioned.
for small irregular variations in arc over conventional GMAW-S in that exact
length and, hence, the jagged voltage one-droplet-per-pulse short-circuiting Tony Rangus
and amperage traces. (SC) transfer is obtained and the spatter AWS Life Member
My question is, how much of an is much less (as can be seen from the met- Garden Valley, Idaho WJ
advantage over GMAW-S? When al transfer images). Since this paper was



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ics; and optimal mirrors for quality im-
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age without an F-Theta objective to re-
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Additional features of the dust-proof quences, and ensure consistent weld quality data, and welder activities; job


tracking records on all activities that downtime, and eliminate the need for
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uct; and a customizable operator grinding, deburring, and blending ap-
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ceramic abrasive grain with a fine crys-
Miller Electric Mfg. LLC tallized structure that offers longer life and improved self-sharpening features.
(920) 734-9821 The discs also perform with lower
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tion. The Roll-On discs come in seven
Report Evaluates the grits ranging from 24 to 120 in its 2-
Aerospace Additive in. size disc, and six grits ranging from
Manufacturing Market 24 to 120 in its 3-in. size disc. The
Turn-On discs come in six grits rang-
Aerospace Additive Manufacturing — ing from 36 to 120 in its 2-in. size
Market Analysis, Trends, and Forecasts disc, and three grits ranging from 36
predicts this market will grow by $2.4 to 80 in its 3-in. size disc.
billion at a compounded growth of
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to contribute healthy gains to this in- (704) 739-4115
dustry, and is posed to reach $2.3 bil-
lion by the year 2025. The 90-page re-
port also finds the United States will
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projected demand in this region com- Global Manufacturing Operations
ing from the rest of the European mar- Management (MOM) Software Market
kets. In Japan, the aircraft segment is 2019–2023 states this market will ex-
forecasted to reach a market size of perience an increase of $7.445 billion
$164.2 million by the close of the during the forecast period. The de-
analysis period. Additionally, China mand for high-quality products from
exhibits the potential to grow at manufacturing facilities across elec-
20.4% over the next couple of years, tronics, automotive, chemical, and
adding approximately $408.1 million. food and beverages industries is cred-
ited for the market’s growth. Addition-
Research and Markets al factors include the increased need for operational efficiency to improve
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process, as well as more investments
in automation and industrial robots.
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this industry, with North America
dominating the market due to the
growing adoption of cloud services
and digital platforms by manufactur-
ing industries in that region.

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Developments in Metal Additive
An examination of the past, present, and ZHENZHEN YU, AND STEPHEN LIU
future of additive manufacturing research

he ASTM F42 technical commit- Three Benefits Additive bone regeneration (Ref. 13). In the
tee defines additive manufactur- Manufacturing Brings aerospace industry, the geometry of
ing (AM) as the “process of join- cooling channels for components such
ing materials to make objects from Additive manufacturing offers as turbine blades has conventionally
three-dimensional (3D) model data, many advantages over conventional been limited to shapes attainable by
usually layer upon layer, as opposed to manufacturing in that it can overcome drilling and capping (Ref. 12). These
subtractive manufacturing methodolo- some geometric constraints and com- cooling channels can be designed clos-
gies” (Ref. 1). This is a broad defini- positional barriers, as well as improve er to the walls of a part, which can im-
tion that includes different types of production time (Refs. 5–10). AM has prove coolant flow and reduce weight.
technologies and materials including the ability to create complex geome- Multicomponent parts can be made
polymers, metals, and ceramics. Addi- tries that are difficult to achieve using into one single part without tooling
tive manufacturing is also known as conventional methods. Designers also constraints from traditional manufac-
additive fabrication, additive process- have the ability to create lighter, more turing methods (Ref. 11). Traditionally
es, additive techniques, additive layer functional components made of fewer made from multiple components, fuel
manufacturing, direct digital manufac- parts through additive manufacturing nozzles can be made as a single piece
turing, rapid prototyping, rapid manu- methods (Refs. 11, 12). For example, with additive manufacturing as shown
facturing, and freeform fabrication the medical field is creating porous im- in Fig. 1A and an Airbus bracket has
(Refs. 2–4). plants for bone in-growth to improve been designed with AM to reduce


A Ti-6Al-4V turbine cooling test bed size, measuring

365 × 365 × 320 mm with a complex internal structure, Fig. 1 — Additive manufactured components produced by laser
is able to be additively produced on a Farsoon Technolo- beam melting: A — Fuel nozzle built as one piece with opti-
gies FS421M system in one piece. (Courtesy of Farsoon mized interior channels; B — Ti-6Al-4V Airbus bracket with re-
Technologies.) duced weight (Ref. 14).


weight as shown in Fig. 1B (Ref. 14). found in satellites, helicopters, and en- source to melt small particles to build
The second advantage is the ability gines, and the small-batch production a layer. The materials used in SLS are
to produce a part in a relatively short (Ref. 16). polymers, metals, ceramics, and glass.
amount of time. Additive manufactur- Additive manufacturing has helped There was much development in ad-
ing initiates with the creation of a 3D improve the medical field by making ditive manufacturing during the 1990s
model using a computer program that accurate prototypes for surgery prepa- with improvements in the SLA materi-
can be converted to a file format that ration and creating implants unique to al systems and also improvements in
calculates the slices taken to produce individual patients. Prototypes can be technologies to include other materi-
the AM component, layer by layer. printed in larger scales from CT scans, als. In 1992, fused deposition model-
These simplifications mean that a which further helps medical doctors to ing (FDM) was patented. This process
component can be made within hours accurately and safely identify issues, extrudes material just above the melt-
or days compared to traditional meth- before operating on a patient. Additive ing point so the material solidifies al-
ods. Atzeni and Salmi (Ref. 9) found manufacturing has also been used to most immediately. Fused deposition
additive manufacturing can reduce the create custom implants to better fit modeling can be used for wax, thermo-
time and cost from the design phase to patients. The design freedom of AM plastics, metals, and ceramics. Three-
manufacturing because there is no in- potentially allows for an implant to be dimensional printing (3DP) was devel-
vestment in designing and fabricating denser in regions that require more oped by MIT and patented in 1993.
tooling and fixtures. strength and that are more porous to This process uses a liquid binder jetted
The third advantage is the cost sav- allow for bone adhesion. There is hope onto a starch-based powder. The pow-
ings because additive manufacturing is for AM to customize the composition der is essentially glued together by the
material and resource efficient and has for flexibility, creating regions near binder. Many companies employ 3DP
production flexibility (Ref. 11). There joints that are more wear resistant, for metal structures and use liquid
is less waste in additive manufacturing like using a ceramic, and using more metal injection to fill up the porosity
because parts are made layer by layer ductile material toward the core of left behind by the binder. In 1997, San-
and require less machining. In addi- the implant. dia National Laboratories with Pratt &
tion, leftover material can often be re- The automotive industry has also Whitney developed laser engineered
conditioned and reused. Since additive benefited from additive manufactur- net shaping (LENS) and licensed this
manufacturing equipment does not re- ing, especially for production of low- technology to Optomec. The LENS
quire additional resources regarding volume luxury and racing vehicles. process was commercialized in 1998
extra tooling or fixtures, manufactur- Some components made by AM are and a patent was awarded in 2000.
ers can build manufacturing locations engine exhausts, drive shafts, gear box Constant improvements are made in
close to customers, reducing the need components, and braking systems additive technologies, improving effi-
for packaging and shipping. (Ref. 16). Other applications for addi- ciency, unit prices, and expanding ma-
Additive manufacturing is cost ef- tive manufacturing are creating injec- terial systems.
fective for low-volume, high-value tion molds, negatives for investment
products. The technology cannot fully casting, and for repair of components. Metal Additive Manufacturing
compete with conventional manufac- The applications for additive manufac-
turing for high-volume production. turing are likely going to expand as the Technology
There is variability from part to part technology becomes more accessible For metal additive manufacturing,
and from machine to machine, and and enhanced. there are three main types of process
from process to process, which makes technologies: powder bed, powder
it difficult for high-volume AM pro- Historical Background feed, and wire feed. Each process has
duction. In addition to variability, defining characteristics such as mate-
adoption of qualification and certifica- Rapid prototyping was first intro- rial, build procedure, build size, build
tion has been a challenge in AM (Ref. duced in the 1980s with the first tolerance, resolution of features, sur-
2). Researchers such as S. Babu have commercialization of stereolithogra- face finish, etc. (Ref. 21). For example,
focused efforts in qualification of AM phy (SLA) developed by 3D Systems powder processes provide higher reso-
through in-situ process control and ex- in 1987 (Refs. 17–20). Stereolithogra- lution of features due to the smaller
situ characterization and modeling phy uses an ultraviolet laser to cure a layer thickness; however, the surface
(Ref. 15). liquid-based polymer resin. Laminated finish is rougher than a wire process. A
object manufacturing (LOM) was summary of the various metal additive
Applications of Metal patented in 1988 (Ref. 11) and com- manufacturing technologies is shown
Additive Manufacturing mercialized in 1991 by Helisys (Ref. in Table 1. It is important to note the
12). In LOM, an adhesive is added to process nomenclature is not complete-
Due to the design freedom additive sheet material that acts as a layer. The ly standardized. Often, these process-
manufacturing processes offer, there sheets are bonded by the adhesive and es are named by the manufacturer. For
are a wide range of industries imple- a laser is used to cut the shape of the example, LMD, LENS, and DMD are
menting these technologies such as layer. This process can be used with often used to describe a similar
the aerospace, medical and dental, and paper, plastic, and metals. In 1989, se- process if not the exact same process.
automotive industries, to name a few. lective laser sintering (SLS) was Powder bed additive manufacturing
Additive manufacturing is helpful in patented and became commercially can employ either a laser or an elec-
the aerospace industry because of the available from 3D Systems in 1992. tron beam as the energy source. In
high-value, small-batch components The process uses a high-power energy general, for powder bed systems, a


Table 1 — Summary of the Metal Additive Manufacturing Technologies*

Technology Process Energy Source Manufacturer

3 Geometry
SLS Laser Matsuura
3D Systems
SLM Solutions
Concept Laser
Powder Bed SLM Laser 3D Systems
Farsoon Technologies
EBM Electron Beam Sciaky

LMD Optomec
Powder Fed LENS Laser DM3D
DMD Irepa Laser
EBAM Electron Beam Sciaky

Big Metal Additive

GTA Lincoln
EBF3 Electron Beam Sciaky

* Modified content based on Ref. 16.

LASER SCANNER LASER Beam Guidance System tron beam as the energy source and re-
quires a vacuum. Hoppers dispense
Carrie Gas
the powder onto a powder bed that is
ROLLER/RAKE COMPONENT then raked over the bed and fully melt-
ed to create the layers of the compo-
nent. Electron beam melting can pro-
DEPOSITON duce larger components; however, the
AM DEPOSIT dimensional tolerance is lower than
Powder feed systems employ noz-
Fig. 2 — A schematic of a laser pow- Fig. 3 — A schematic of the laser pow- zles that direct powder into the energy
der bed system (Ref. 2). der feed system (Ref. 2). source as shown in Fig. 3. The powder
stream converges under the energy
chamber is backfilled with a nonreac- tive laser melting (SLM), and electron source on the AM component to melt
tive gas such as argon or nitrogen. A beam melting (EBM). the powder and form the next layer of
rake rolls a small layer of powder Selective laser sintering sinters the the build (Refs. 23, 24). Just as with
across the powder bed. The energy powder together without fully melting the powder bed system, the energy
source then scans a pattern over the the two layers together. The binding sources used for powder feed systems
freshly raked powder to either sinter mechanism involved in SLS can be vis- are laser and electron beam. This sys-
or melt the new layer to the previous cous-flow binding, particle wetting, tem can either have 1) a stationary
layer. The bed then drops, and a new solid-state sintering, liquid-phase sin- workpiece and moving deposition
layer of powder is raked over the bed tering, and true melting (Refs. 10, 22). head or 2) a workpiece that moves and
and the process continues until the To avoid use of a binder, a low-melt- a stationary deposition head. The
component is completed — Fig. 2. ing-point powder is mixed with a high- processes that operate under powder
The powder bed system is advanta- melting-point powder (Ref. 21). feed technology are laser metal deposi-
geous as it creates the highest resolu- Selective laser melting uses true tion (LMD), direct metal deposition
tion components and creates smaller melting to bond the layers together. (DMD), laser-engineered net shaping
microstructural features. The disad- This process improves the quality of a (LENS), and electron beam additive
vantage to this process is it has strict component such as improved surface manufacturing (EBAM). In general,
size limitations and takes a longer roughness, reduced porosity, and fully the powder feed processes deposit
time to build a component due to the dense components. There is some is- larger layer thicknesses and, therefore,
finer layer size. There are three types sue with heat input on dimensional result in larger microstructural fea-
of processes that use this technology: tolerance and deposit cracking. tures and lower resolution than the
selective laser sintering (SLS), selec- Electron beam melting uses an elec- powder bed processes.


A B Precursor Powders
Wire feed Electron beam gun SiC Reinforcement
Exothermic Reaction
Electron beam gun particle
Deposit separa-
Al4C3 tion

Substrate 2 μm 100 μm

Fig. 4 — Schematic of the electron Fig. 5 — A — Macroscopic cross sec- Fig. 6 — Schematic representation of
beam wire feed process (Ref. 27). tion of an Al MMC build that demon- the reaction synthesis process. Upon
strates clustering of the uncoated SiC reaching the reaction temperature, the
particles; B — high magnification of precursor components react and pre-
Wire feed systems use wire as the the SiC cluster showing particle sepa-
material feedstock rather than pow- cipitate in situ a new ceramic or inter-
ration and Al carbide formation (Ref. metallic phase.
der. Wire is fed into the energy source 35).
and melted to create a layer. An exam-
ple of a wire feed system is shown in id or cored wires are typically used.
crostructural control through tool path
Fig. 4. Different energy sources can be However, Ti-alloy and Al-alloy builds
design (Ref. 28). OSU was awarded as
used such as arc, plasma, laser, or elec- are typically off the specified composi-
one of the lead teams chosen by Ameri-
tron beam. Metal wire feed systems tions due to vaporization. To mitigate
ca Makes to develop qualification meth-
are not yet standardized and so it is alloy losses, the CWJCR group pro-
ods related to AM defect generation
common to turn a welding robot or posed to replace the solid (monolithic)
(Refs. 29, 30). National laboratories
electron beam system to operate under wires with powder-cored wires. With
such as the National Institute of Stan-
AM conditions. That being said, there the proper mix ratio, adding extra al-
dards and Technology and Oak Ridge
are two types of processes that operate loying additions to the powder can
National Laboratory have focused on
under the wire feed system, wire arc compensate for the alloying losses. To
AM qualification (Refs. 31, 32).
additive manufacturing (WAAM) and achieve a Ti-6Al-4V composition in the
electron beam freeform fabrication final build, the powder-cored wire
(EBF3); NASA-LaRC developed the lat- Developments in Additive should contain 19.5 wt-% Al and 12.5
ter process. The arc processes com- Manufacturing at CSM wt-% V (Ref. 33). The CWJCR is also
monly used for WAAM are gas tung- investigating development of consum-
sten arc and gas metal arc. Wire feed Additive manufacturing has ex- ables that could directly deposit metal
systems can deposit material at a panded the design space and made sig- matrix composite (MMC) builds. Coat-
faster rate compared to both powder nificant improvements within many ed and uncoated SiC particles were
processes; however, because the depo- industries. Yet the technology still has added to powder-cored wires so that
sition features are so large, there is a inherent limitations regarding capabil- upon deposition, the SiC particles
loss of resolution. Due to the deposi- ities and applications. Research cen- would disperse into the Al matrix. Full
tion rate, larger structures can be ters around the world are engaged in dispersion of SiC particles proves to be
made compared to the powder feed R&D activities to improve and over- a challenge. Figure 5 shows clustering
processes. In fact, researchers (S. come some of these issues. Colorado of the ceramic particles in an alu-
Williams et al.) at Cranfield Universi- School of Mines is also engaged in a minum matrix. However, coating the
ty’s Additive Manufacturing program number of research initiatives that ad- particles in nickel improved dispersion
have successfully commissioned the dress the different aspects of additive of the SiC particles (Ref. 35).
world’s largest metal 3D printer, capa- manufacturing. The Alliance for the To improve MMC dispersion, Ele-
ble of producing parts up to 10 m in Development of Additive Processing mentum 3D proposed use of a reactive
length (Ref. 25). In 2015, those re- Technologies (ADAPT) has focused its additive manufacturing (RAM) powder
searchers produced one of the largest efforts on machine learning and pro- instead of the SiC particles. RAM uses
single AM builds, a 6-m-long double- cessing parameters during the additive the concept of reaction synthesis, a
sided spar, using WAAM (Ref. 26). Oak manufacturing process to improve process in which precursor components
Ridge National Laboratory held the part quality and characterization of in- undergo an exothermic reaction and
record for a trim and drill tool that ternal defects in 3D builds. The Center precipitate in situ new ceramic or inter-
was 17.5 ft. for Welding, Joining, and Coatings Re- metallic products (Fig. 6), generally on
Many industries and universities are search (CWJCR) has focused its efforts a much finer scale than the initial size
involved in AM technologies with goals on understanding metallurgical factors of the precursor components (Refs. 36,
of improving the relatively young tech- that affect the microstructure and 37). These new particulates then serve
nology. These include Pennsylvania quality of an AM component. as both the reinforcement phase in the
State University (PSU), The Ohio State The CWJCR has focused its efforts MMC and as inoculants during solidifi-
University (OSU), University of Ten- on additive manufacturing consum- cation, resulting in improved mechani-
nessee at Knoxville (UTK), and many ables and microstructural develop- cal performance of the build while pro-
others. Researchers from these institu- ment for the various AM technologies. viding microstructural control and mit-
tions focus on improving AM technolo- In the presence of high-energy-density igation of solidification cracking. The
gy for greater utilization in industry. sources, alloying elements are known exothermicity of the reaction synthesis
Some of UTK’s focus areas are opti- to vaporize during additive manufac- process also increases wettability of the
mization of scan strategies and mi- turing (Refs. 33, 34). During EBF3, sol- reinforcement by the molten metal,



Fig. 8 — Measured oxygen concentration in gas tungsten arc welds made in L-PBF
and wrought 304L stainless steels (Ref. 40).

Fig. 7 — Representative micrographs Fig 9 — A laser spot weld made in the following: A — L-PBF 304L demonstrating
of as-built 304L using the following: A both primary ferrite and primary austenite solidification; B — wrought 304L demon-
— L-PBF; B — LP-DED (Ref. 39). strating only primary ferrite solidification (Ref. 41).

which tends to improve dispersion of expected in the life cycle of these com- havior of L-PBF samples. For laser
the reinforcement (Ref. 38). ponents, either in the fabrication of welding of L-PBF 304L, the high oxy-
The CWJCR has also focused on un- larger components by joining together gen concentration did not affect the
derstanding the microstructural differ- several AM components into a final as- Marangoni flow as it did for welds pro-
ences that result from various AM sys- sembly, or repair of AM components duced by GTAW. However, the solidifi-
tems. Starting with similar SS304L returned from service. There is little cation rate is slower for laser welds
substrates and powder feed, 3D print- information available that demon- produced in L-PBF 304L, which has
ed materials from laser powder bed fu- strates the welding behavior of various caused welds to solidify as both pri-
sion (L-PBF) and laser powder directed AM alloy systems. mary austenite and primary ferrite as
energy deposition (LP-DED) were The CWJCR is conducting research shown in Fig. 9A (Ref. 41).
found to be different in terms of mi- in the weldability of AM components ADAPT at Mines has focused devel-
crostructure and mechanical proper- with focus on the gas tungsten arc opment in real-time sensing and feed-
ties (Ref. 39). Differences in deposit welding (GTAW) and laser welding be- back control for improved reliability on
size and solidification rate of the two havior of L-PBF 304L stainless steel AM components, beginning with ma-
processes were partly responsible for components. Due to the powder feed- chine learning. The group has collected
the differences observed. The cooling stock production, additive manufac- a large number of data to determine
rate for components produced through tured 304L components generally have processing effects on defects such as
L-PBF was two to three orders of mag- a high concentration of oxygen. For porosity and incomplete fusion. They
nitude higher than those produced us- GTAW, the high oxygen concentration found that part orientation, part loca-
ing LP-DED. The faster cooling rate af- affected the welding behavior by tion, and the use of recycled powder
fects the grain size and the solidifica- changing the surface tension fluid have a considerable impact on defect
tion mode. Builds produced by L-PBF flow (Marangoni effect) resulting in formation (Ref. 42). This information
exhibited both primary austenite and deeper penetration for welds made in can be applied to a machine learning
primary ferrite solidification, while L-PBF 304L (Ref. 40). The difference model in hopes of reducing defect for-
builds produced by LP-DED exhibited in fluid flow behavior is demonstrated mation in the future and improving
larger grains and only primary ferrite in Fig. 8, where welds made in AM process parameters during the build
solidification as shown in Fig. 7. These 304L exhibited deeper penetration process. In their work on microstruc-
microstructural differences led to dif- and higher concentrations of oxygen, ture and mechanical properties of L-
ferences in mechanical behavior such while the welds made in wrought 304L PBF Inconel® 718, ADAPT has found
as yield strength and strain rate. exhibited shallow penetration and that AM processing results in slightly
Even though AM provides much lower concentrations of oxygen. The different microstructures compared to
greater flexibility in engineering com- higher oxygen and silicon concentra- wrought or cast products, which affects
ponent manufacturing, welding is still tions also affected the ductility dip be- subsequent heat treatment (Ref. 43).


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Materials Challenges in the
Additive Manufacturing of Metals

The design and implementation of new BY TODD A. PALMER

alloy systems will be a key enabler to the

larger-scale use of this approach

dditive manufacturing (AM) is es utilize fusion-based powder bed fu- prototyping and into a larger manufac-
widely touted as an innovative sion (PBF) and directed energy deposi- turing and repair scale (Refs. 1, 2).
approach to product design and tion (DED) processes. Both techniques Even though the applications for these
fabrication that promises to change use fine spherical powders or wire AM processing technologies are ex-
the nature of advanced manufactur- feedstock materials to deposit individ- panding, there are fundamental limita-
ing. Many of the superlatives used to ual layers of material to produce the tions, particularly with respect to ma-
describe the promise of AM come from desired geometries in a layer-wise terials, that are hindering their more
the ability of AM processes to fabri- build path. This layer-by-layer deposi- widespread use. It is widely accepted in
cate complex geometries and internal tion process produces a complex series fusion-based AM processes that for
features not possible through tradi- of rapid heating, melting, solidifica- materials to be AM processed, they
tional subtractive machining process- tion, and cooling cycles. Such complex must be easily weldable and not suffer
es. On the other hand, the size of the thermal histories produce microstruc- from typical weld defects, such as so-
AM market, while still growing, repre- tures and material properties far lidification and solid-state cracking.
sents only a small fraction of the pri- different than those observed in To meet these requirements, prod-
mary metals production and manufac- more traditional wrought or cast alloy uct specifications require specific cast
turing markets. Widespread adoption systems. or wrought alloy systems commonly in
of the process and the corresponding These thermal histories, while dif- use for similar applications and in
displacement of traditional manufac- ferent from those experienced during welded structures. For example, Table
turing routes have also not occurred, wrought processing, are similar to 1 provides a summary of common al-
owing mainly to the lack of standards those observed across a wide range of loy systems used in AM processing.
and specifications as well as a lack of fusion welding processes. Depending This short list, while not comprehen-
confidence and repeatability over large on the selection of the energy source sive, easily covers the vast majority of
volumes. (i.e., arcs, lasers, and electron beams), alloys currently used in AM processing
a range of different thermal histories and almost exclusively contains alloys
A History Lesson in are observed across the weldment and developed decades ago for wrought
Additive Manufacturing produce a range of solidification struc- processing. In the wrought condition,
tures and microstructures formed by these alloy systems have undergone
Up until now, the AM market has the rapid heating and cooling of subse- extensive design optimization to iden-
been dominated by polymer-based AM quent passes. As a result, welding mi- tify the correct combinations of com-
systems for rapid prototyping to accel- crostructures tend to be very similar position and thermomechanical and
erate the design process. Over the past in appearance to those produced by heat treatment steps to produce a con-
two decades, however, several metal- different AM structures. In many cas- sistent set of specific microstructures
based AM processes have been devel- es, typical welding tools, whether they and properties. Additive manufactur-
oped and have become widely available be Schaeffler/DeLong or WRC-1992 ing processing, on the other hand, is
for larger-volume component produc- diagrams or thermomechanical simu- characterized by the application of
tion, thus expanding the breadth of lators (Gleeble®) or heat transfer and rather uncontrolled thermal histories
AM processing applications. While fluid flow models, are being adapted to a wire or powder feedstock pro-
there are several solid-state binder jet and used in the study of AM processes. duced to meet the wrought alloy com-
AM processes being used to fabricate Various metal-based AM processing position ranges.
parts, most systems in use across both technologies are increasingly viewed as Since these materials were original-
manufacturing and research enterpris- an attractive option to move beyond ly designed for conventional process-


Table 1 — Summary of Commonly Used Alloy Systems for Additive Manufacturing

Material Alloy Form Strengthening Phase Applicable

System (Structure) Processes

A356 (AlSi7Mg) powder/ β-Mg2Si phase • Powder bed fusion

sheet/wire • Directed energy deposition
• Sheet lamination
A360 (AlSi10Mg) powder/ β-Mg2Si phase • Powder bed fusion
sheet/wire • Directed energy deposition
• Sheet lamination

Cobalt CoCrMo powder/wire α-Co with dispersed • Powder bed fusion

carbides (CoC/CrC) • Material extrusion
dual phase • Directed energy deposition

Inconel 625 powder/wire Intermetallic γ’- phase • Powder bed fusion

• Directed energy deposition

Nickel Inconel 718 powder/wire Intermetallic γ’- phase • Powder bed fusion
• Directed energy deposition

Inconel 738 powder/wire Intermetallic γ’- phase • Powder bed fusion

• Directed energy deposition

17-4 powder/wire Austenite (γ-Fe) phase • Binder jetting

• Powder bed fusion
• Material extrusion
• Directed energy deposition

Steel 316L powder/wire Austenite (γ-Fe) phase • Binder jetting

• Powder bed fusion
• Material extrusion
• Directed energy deposition

H13 powder/wire Ferrite (α-Fe)-carbide • Binder jetting

(Fe3C) dual-phase • Powder bed fusion
respectively • Directed energy deposition

Ti-6Al-4V powder/ α/β-phase: mixed • Powder bed fusion

sheet/wire equiaxed and • Directed energy deposition
columnar grains • Material extrusion
• Sheet lamination

Titanium TiAl powder/ γ-TiAl phase • Powder bed fusion

sheet/wire • Directed energy deposition
• Sheet lamination

Commercially powder α-Ti phase • Powder bed fusion

Pure (Grade 2)

ing routes, the significant differences wrought products, requiring higher efforts directed at defining the
in the AM processing produce unique temperatures and times to reach process-structure-property relation-
structures and properties. These as- equivalent aging conditions (Ref. 5). In ships for these existing alloys and con-
deposited microstructures can contain addition, these microstructures and trolling and adapting processing pa-
significant alloying element segrega- properties can vary rather significant- rameters, significant challenges still
tion and nonequilibrium phases typi- ly with concurrent changes in alloy exist in matching the repeatable prop-
cally not encountered in the corre- heats, powder feedstock properties, erties and performance obtained
sponding wrought alloy condition selection of machines, and processing through traditional material process-
(Refs. 3, 4). The resulting AM products condition characteristics of different ing routes. If the promise of AM is to
are then fabricated to a net or near net machines across the same class. be realized, issues with materials need
shape and typically do not undergo Such large variations in observed to be addressed. Instead of trying to
any postprocessing heat treatments. microstructures and properties repre- adapt existing materials to new pro-
Even in cases when these as-deposited sent a major barrier to the eventual cessing conditions and not reach an
microstructures are subjected to post- widespread implementation of AM optimal set of properties, it is more
processing heat treatments, they do fabricated components, particularly reasonable to start with a fresh alloy
not respond in the same way as for critical structures. Even with the system and design it to exploit the


complex AM processing conditions to
maximize properties and performance.
Given the similarities between the
fusion-based AM processes and weld-
ing, fundamental welding science pro-
vides baseline knowledge for predict-
ing alloy responses to the complex AM
thermal histories and will play a major
role moving forward in the develop-
ment of AM specific alloys.

Challenges of Complex
Processing Conditions
Additive manufacturing processes
offer the unique capability of simulta-
neously producing the material and
component, allowing both complex
geometries and tailored microstruc-
tures or compositional gradients not Fig. 1 — Photographs of typical metal powder feedstocks used in fusion-based addi-
possible through conventional subtrac- tive manufacturing processing.
tive manufacturing processes to be
produced. This ability to combine ma- also common to mix different feedstock stainless steels, and solid solution
terial and component production, powders to create custom materials or strengthened nickel-based alloys im-
which originates with the layer-by- to vary the material composition dur- pact the resulting microstructure and
layer manner in which components are ing processing to fabricate high-perfor- mechanical properties. In the case of
fabricated using AM processes, creates mance, functionally graded materials. AM fabricated Inconel® 625, measured
a more symbiotic relationship between Even though the feedstock powders strength levels can differ by nearly
the design, processing, structure, and are typically assumed to be spherical, 25% with small changes in the Fe, Si,
resultant material properties than closer examination, as shown in Fig. 1, and Ti compositions (Refs. 3–5). As a
might be observed in more traditional reveals complex surface features and result, an in-depth understanding of
wrought systems. With these wide different levels of nonsphericity that the interdependent process-structure-
ranges of new capabilities, designers can impact flow and packing. After property relationships between alloy-
and manufacturers have much greater processing, the resulting as-deposited ing elements, even minor ones that
flexibility and freedom to pursue new components are nominally fully dense, might have unknown effects on solidi-
design spaces to explore unprecedent- albeit with the presence of processing fication and important solid-state
ed component and material capabili- related defects arising from incom- phase transformations, is critical. Giv-
ties. Process-structure-property rela- plete fusion between passes, keyhole en the complex interactions between
tionships are ubiquitous across differ- collapse, and gas porosity. Because multiple alloying elements, integrated
ent processing realms, but they can be- porosity can be a major failure propa- design approaches are essential to
come even more critical in AM process- gation mechanism compromising the model these interactions across a
ing when parameters are changed al- integrity of metal AM parts, as-fabri- range of processing conditions and to
most instantaneously to produce high- cated additive manufactured compo- identify modifications in materials,
ly unique and anisotropic structures. nents may require hot isostatic press- processes, and part designs to opti-
While this increased design freedom ing to close pores for fatigue-sensitive mize performance.
is very attractive and can allow for pre- components. Often overlooked is the need for
viously unobtainable designs and prop- As observed in fusion welding and the development of new specialized
erties, an increased level of complexity other manufacturing processes, the testing techniques for generating AM
also results. In particular, the proper- microstructural and mechanical prop- part property data that take into ac-
ties of the feedstock materials begin to erties of AM components are influ- count the complex geometries and
play a much larger role in determining enced, in part, by the processing pa- multimaterial combinations that are
final properties. Currently, there is a rameters that control temperatures, possible via AM. In contrast to the es-
growing use of wire feedstocks in wire thermal gradient profiles, and cooling tablished protocols of conventional
arc additive manufacturing processes. rates. These processing variables can manufacturing processes, AM process-
In most cases, these wires are standard also produce different structures and es lack sufficient test methodologies
welding wires and utilize familiar com- properties in feedstock materials with for gathering fundamental data about
positions and product forms. The re- slightly different compositions, which the relationships between microstruc-
sulting component fabrication and ma- in turn impact the physical properties tural features, AM part properties, and
terial properties thus closely resemble of the alloy. Recent work has shown feedstock material characteristics.
large welded structures. For PBF and that changes in composition, even These data are critical to the design of
DED AM processes, on the other hand, within the specified composition new AM materials that achieve the de-
the feedstocks are primarily spherical ranges in austenitic stainless steels, sired quality and performance require-
prealloyed gas atomized powders. It is martensitic precipitation hardened ments of advanced end-use applica-


ing materials inno- The sophisticated nature of AM
vation in the AM in- processing approaches carries an in-
dustry, technical trinsically large number of variables,
gaps and barriers including processing conditions, mate-
that constrain the rials composition, and feedstock char-
advancement and acteristics. Consequently, a robust un-
integration of new derstanding of the complex interplay
materials in additive among these variables and others is
manufacturing ap- necessary for determining feasible
plications have been manufacturing routes that demon-
identified. Because strate the value of new AM materials
the material and in end-use applications. Although
parts are created at many applied research and develop-
the same time dur- ment efforts to advance the state of
ing AM processes, AM technologies are currently under
component design way, successful materials innovation
and analysis must will require an alignment of efforts
become more fully throughout the AM community. Pur-
integrated with ma- suing the fundamental research activi-
terials selection to ties identified in this roadmap will lay
ensure as-fabricated the groundwork for a new generation
components deliver of advanced AM materials and
the features and per- processes that can enhance competi-
formance required. tiveness of U.S. manufacturing.
Accordingly, inte- Achieving these advances, however,
grated design ap- will require significant R&D resources
Fig. 2 — Additive manufacturing materials development proaches are needed to pursue these activities and an em-
strategic thrust overview. to enable designers phasis on education and training op-
to consider both ma- portunities to build a robust and
tions. New specialized testing and terials and processing parameters as skilled AM workforce.
characterization methods will enable variables that can be adjusted for opti- Given the prevalence of fusion-
materials suppliers to develop new AM mum component design. based AM processes currently in use,
feedstock materials with physical and By coupling focused fundamental the identification of a surrogate
chemical compositions tailored for AM materials research simultaneous de- process for studying and modeling
processes. sign and manufacture is an appropri- many of the complex physical phe-
ate path for exploring new materials nomena is needed. Fusion welding
Path Forward for AM. By pursuing directed funda- provides such a system. There are
mental research, the identified knowl- many similarities between fusion-
It is clear that the current genera- edge gaps can be addressed directly based AM processes and fusion weld-
tion of AM materials based on and as part of the larger systems. ing, with both processes producing
wrought alloy compositions have not These activities are organized into five similar microstructures and suscepti-
been optimized to fully exploit AM strategic thrusts, which are ultimately bility to the formation of many of the
processing. While the introduction of driven by end-user needs and designed same defects. As these fundamental
new materials to the broad AM indus- to result in new and improved applica- research thrusts are individually and
try is expected to drive further innova- tions for AM materials. Figure 2 shows collectively addressed, baseline
tion and shape the future competitive- the relationships between the five knowledge across a number of disci-
ness of U.S. advanced manufacturing, strategic thrusts listed below: plines, including thermodynamics, ki-
current limitations in knowledge will • Integrated design, which encom- netics, phase transformations, solidi-
constrain efforts to efficiently explore passes all other thrusts into design fication, and heat transfer and fluid
and develop next-generation materials tools for new AM materials; flow, will need to be integrated in new
customized to the unique processing • Process-structure-property and novel ways. Whereas the funda-
conditions of additive manufacturing. relationships, the cornerstone of mental welding knowledge will be a
These materials must not only be opti- material and process development; key component in the design and
mized for AM processing methods but • Part and feedstock testing, which eventual implementation of new ma-
also be able to produce components is needed to build the data required terials, the lack of traditional geomet-
with consistent and reliable properties to design new materials and predict ric and processing constraints preva-
and performance characteristics that performance; lent in the study of AM processing
meet or exceed those produced using • Process analytics to better under- will introduce new challenges. These
other manufacturing techniques. stand and measure the effect of challenges will present new opportu-
To accelerate the design and appli- processes on AM materials; and nities for the use of related welding
cation of new AM materials and feed- • Next-generation AM materials knowledge to study these alloy sys-
stocks, a strategy for building the fun- and processes, which will result in ma- tems, which also may see eventual use
damental knowledge base is needed. jor, longer-term advances in materials in more traditional welding and join-
To address the major barriers hinder- and process capabilities. ing operations. WJ


Acknowledgments 2. Sames, W. J., List, F. A., Pannala, S.,
Dehoff, R. R., and Babu, S. S. 2016. The
Much of this article was based on a metallurgy and processing science of metal
document, titled “Strategic Roadmap additive manufacturing. International Ma-
terials Reviews 61(5): 315–360. DOI:
for the Next Generation of Additive
Manufacturing Materials,” highlight-
ing roadmapping activities, which took
3. Khayat, Z. R., and Palmer, T. A. 2018. Participate on the
place at Penn State University. The
Impact of iron composition on the proper-
ties of an additively manufactured solid so-
AWS Member Network
document is available from the author lution strengthened nickel base alloy. Mate-
Did you know that as an AWS
( More than 130 ex- rials Science and Engineering A 718: 123–134.
member, you can interact with
perts took part in the roadmapping ac- DOI: 10.1016/j.msea.2018.01.112
other members from across the
tivities, which were coordinated by 4. Zuback, J. S., Moradifar, P., Khayat,
world through the AWS Member
Nexight Group. Additional acknowl- Z., Alem, N., and Palmer, T. A. 2019. Im-
pact of chemical composition on precipi-
edgments for organizing the events go Simply sign in at membernet
tate morphology in an additively manufac-
to Greg Dillon, Gary Messing, Tim, create a
tured nickel base superalloy. Journal of Al-
Simpson, and Rich Martukanitz from profile, then join the discussion
loys and Compounds 798: 446–457. DOI:
Penn State; and Jared Kosters, Ross by asking or answering ques-
Brindle, Greg Hildeman, Warren Hunt, tions with your peers. Quite of-
5. Meredith, S. D., Zuback, J. S., Keist,
and Lindsay Pack from Nexight Group. ten, members receive beneficial
J. S., and Palmer, T. A. 2018. Impact of
advice and guidance through
composition on the heat treatment re-
feedback left by participants.
References sponse of additively manufactured 17–4
In addition, this site allows
PH grade stainless steel. Materials Science
browsing through discussion
1. DebRoy, T., Wei, H. L., Zuback, J. S., Engineering A 738: 44–56. DOI: 10.1016/
posts, offers the opportunity to
Mukherjee, T., Elmer, J. W., Milewski, J. O., j.msea.2018.09.066
become a volunteer leader, and
Beese, A. M., Wilson-Heid, A., De, A., and provides a resource library.
Zhang, W. 2018. Additive manufacturing
of metallic components — Process, struc- professor of engineering science and
ture and properties. Progress in Materials mechanics and materials science and
Science 92: 112–224. DOI: 10.1016/ engineering, The Pennsylvania State
j.pmatsci. 2017.10.001 University, University Park, Pa.


Job Shop
Eight professionals share insights into running a
successful job shop


one used equipment dealer. The indus-
try leaders who shared their knowl-
edge and expertise for this article in-
cluded D. A. Smith, owner, Smith’s
Welding Works, Garland, Tex.; Shaun
Huibsch, partner — managing direc-
tor, Metal Arts LLC, Wichita, Kans.;
Rob Goncalves, general manager, G2
Metal Fab, Livermore, Calif.; John
Bray, president, Affiliated Machinery
Inc., Pearland, Tex.; Sean Moran, weld-
ing engineer, American Hydro Corp.,
York, Pa.; Robert P. Mudge, president,
RPM & Associates, Rapid City, S.D.;
Scott Lord, president, WesLor Enter-
prises, Lyons, N.Y.; and Jason Yantus,
quality assurance manager, J&J Truck
Bodies & Trailers, Somerset, Pa.

Provide a brief overview

of your job shop.
D. A. Smith, Smith’s Welding Works:
We style ourselves as a custom fabrica-
tion and installation business. That’s
what I’ve done for the last 40-some-
thing years. We do a lot of different
things, like structural steel, and we
used to do a lot of pipe, but we don’t
do it anymore because it’s too hard to
find good pipefitter welders. We do
large, custom homes. We’ve done six
or seven townhouse operations in the
last several years for different builders.
We fabricate and install the structural
steel, and they add two floors on top
of all that. Custom homes have a lot
more steel in them than they used to.
We also do different types of repairs.
One of the bigger things we’ve done in
the last 20 years has been for the HOV
[high-occupancy vehicle] lanes for Dal-
las. They’ve got a big machine called a
zipper that moves the concrete barri-
cades from one part of the highway to
BY KATIE PACHECO AND ROLINE PASCAL another part of the highway, and we
do a lot of repairs on the parts for the
machine. That’s one of the bigger, on-
Pictured is a handrail fabricator fitting up a going repair projects we do.
guard rail out of 1 1⁄4-in. pipe at Metal Arts LLC,
a structural and miscellaneous steel
Shaun Huibsch, Metal Arts LLC: Met-
fabrication shop located in Wichita, Kans.
al Arts LLC is based in Wichita, Kans.,
and we manufacture structural and
miscellaneous steel (see lead photo).

he bedrock of U.S. manufactur- process steps (Ref. 1). Our markets include commercial, in-
ing, job shops are defined as a The United States is home to tens dustrial, and residential general con-
type of manufacturing system in of thousands of job shops (Ref. 2) that tractors. Primarily, we serve the com-
which small quantities of a variety of are making the manufacture and fabri- mercial and industrial markets. Proj-
custom products are made for other cation of parts better, faster, and ects include K–12 schools, college fa-
businesses (Ref. 1). The products man- cheaper than ever before. To learn cilities, manufacturing facilities, com-
ufactured by job shops can vary signif- more about how they manage their mercial developments, hotels, office
icantly from job to job, often requiring businesses, the Welding Journal buildings, and many more — Fig. 1.
a unique setup and sequencing of reached out to seven job shops and We have provided steel for customers


Fig. 1 — A welder at Metal Arts LLC, Wichita, Kans., performs
surface finishing on a guard rail that will be used for the stairs Fig. 2 — Welders at G2 Metal Fab, Livermore, Calif., join stain-
of a local high school. Built out of flat bar, the component is less steel studs to plate with 5⁄8-in. fillet welds by performing
coated with a black powder before final installation. dual-shield flux cored arc welding using stainless wire.

Fig. 4 — This used dozer face had its outer wings modified to
reduce carry back. An RPM wear liner package was installed
using the company’s manufactured chrome carbide overlay
Fig. 3 — American Hydro Corp., York, Pa., builds some of the plate. Shown in the background is the RPM shop in Rapid City,
largest turbines in the world. S.D.

Fig. 5 — A welder at WesLor Enterprises, Lyons, N.Y., performs Fig. 6 — At J&J Truck Bodies & Trailers, Somerset, Pa., a robot is
pulsed gas metal arc welding on a 3⁄8-in.-thick Monel 400® employed to weld the understructure for an aluminum dump
cone. body.


in Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Mis- verizer rolls, tables, wear liners, and estimating. In the first quarter of
souri, Texas, Colorado, and Minneso- journal assemblies; chrome carbide 2020, we will be integrating Strumis
ta. Metal Arts was founded in 1971, overlay plate (Fig. 4) in a variety of al- into the shop, with the goal of going
and has changed ownership once, in loys and several different thicknesses paperless by the end of 2020. Every
2001. Our projects range from several to ensure the proper overlay plate is workstation and machine will have a
pounds to 1500 tons. available for each application; new and dedicated tablet or computer for inter-
rebuilt/hardfaced worn coal transport acting with the Strumis software.
Rob Goncalves, G2 Metal Fab: G2 pipe and elbows and ash handling pipe
Metal Fab has been in the fabrication spools; and reverse engineering servic- Rob Goncalves, G2 Metal Fab: We use
industry for 12 years, and our general es utilizing advanced laser measuring Structural Materials Manager by E.J.E.
manager has 20 years of experience in and scanning equipment combined Industries to create cut lists. The
welding and fabrication. We fabricate with CAD software. equipment we use includes ironworker
structural steel and miscellaneous and punch, plate roll, tube bender, ver-
metals for the industrial sector, and Scott Lord, WesLor Enterprises: Our tical saw, portable plasma cutters [cut-
we work with aluminum, stainless company has been in business for 33 ting machines], and several CV welders
steel, and carbon steel — Fig. 2. years and has had three locations. The [constant voltage welding machines]
first was 3500 sq ft, second was 10,000 for stainless steel, aluminum, and car-
John Bray, Affiliated Machinery Inc.: sq ft, and our current location is 30,000 bon steel using gas metal arc welding
Affiliated Machinery Inc. was estab- sq ft, which we have plans of expanding and flux cored arc welding processes.
lished on April 1, 1996. We are a used by another 20,000 by the end of 2021.
welding equipment dealer. We buy, We consider ourselves as a custom man- John Bray, Affiliated Machinery Inc.:
sell, and rent used welding equipment ufacturer that specializes in turnkey The customers we sell to have many
all over the United States. Most of our projects and short-run production of types of equipment, not just welding
customers are independent welding material handling equipment — Fig. 5. machines. Because we are selling to a
distributors. Therefore, there are a va- Our audience is mainly the salt and ag- large group of different size distribu-
riety of customers who use our equip- gregate industry as well as the construc- tors most of the time, we don’t actual-
ment — from small fabrication shops tion side of the healthcare field. ly visit the end user unless there is a
to large offshore platform fabricators problem with the machines. A few of
to people who just need a welding ma- Jason Yantus, J&J Truck Bodies & our customers are the end user of the
chine for their weekend repairs. Trailers: J&J Truck Bodies & Trailers equipment, so we do get to see what
was established in 1958. Our main they are manufacturing.
Sean Moran, American Hydro Corp.: product that we produce is dump bod-
American Hydro Corp. was founded in ies, both steel and aluminum — Fig. 6. Sean Moran, American Hydro Corp.:
York, Pa., in 1986 by four engineers — We also manufacture multiple types When visiting our shop floor, individu-
Selim Chacour, Dr. William Colwill, of steel and aluminum trailers and als will see installations of high tech-
John Degnan, and James Nolt — who pressure/vacuum tanker trucks. Our nology. These tools help shift more
recognized that the hydropower indus- sister company, J&J Truck Equipment, manufacturing processes to automatic
try needed a manufacturer who spe- is a premier upfitter of mechanic serv- means. Plasma arc cutting in three di-
cialized in the upgrade and rehabilita- ice trucks, crane bodies, lubrication mensions and robotic welding provide
tion of turbines and turbine compo- trucks, winch tractors, snow and ice results in a fraction of the time. Fiber-
nents. We build some of the largest equipment, and wetline kits. They spe- optic communications reduce spurious
hydraulic turbines, pump turbines, cialize in hydraulics and specialty fab- signals to machine tools for program-
and large pumps in the world, as well rication as well. ing. The computer-driven hot-forming
as offer custom solutions in upgrading and numerical machining techniques
and rehabilitating existing hydro What software and developed by American Hydro engi-
plants, which significantly improve equipment do you utilize neers have resulted in cost-effective
performance and extend the life of the in your job shop? manufacturing — from the initial
units — Fig. 3. Our focus is primarily wrought plate cutting to the final finish
on Francis, Kaplan, and propeller-type D. A. Smith, Smith’s Welding Works: and dynamic balancing of the turbine.
turbines, and reversible pump turbines In our office, we use a program for all
along with other new turbine compo- of our paperwork. We don’t use any Robert P. Mudge, RPM & Associates:
nents, rehabilitation of existing equip- software at all in the shop. We use RPM employs the following equipment
ment, and/or complete equipment MIG, TIG, and stick welders [gas met- in our shop: one CNC-controlled over-
packages. al, gas tungsten, and shielded metal lay plate system; two pulverizer roll re-
arc welding machines], and we have building systems and two 650-A DC
Robert P. Mudge, RPM & Associates: two portable machines set up on a welders [direct current welding ma-
RPM & Associates Inc. was founded in trailer. We do about 50% shop work chines]; one air arc system with
April 1982. We focus on providing and 50% portable on site. 12,000-lb positioner; one stationary
cost-effective wear solutions for coal- positioner with multiaxis manipulator
fired power plants, cement plants, a Shaun Huibsch, Metal Arts LLC: Un- and one welding head; one welding sys-
variety of mining operations, chemical til recently, our shop operated using tem used to apply hardfacing to the in-
processing plants, and more. Typical paper drawings and paper cut lists. ner diameter of coal transport elbows;
products and services include the fol- Our office, however, utilizes Strumis one portable welding system with two
lowing: new and rebuilt worn coal pul- software for project management and welding heads used to rebuild worn


coal pulverizer tables; one 4-roll hy- what we do and how we do it. We also comes in second. The best is barely
draulic forming roll; one CNC 5-axis turn down some work. I used to do a good enough. Always doing the best
plasma cutting system; one StingRay lot of different repairs and fabrica- job you can. Production comes in
high-pressure parts washing system; tions, but it’s hard to get good-quality third. Having good equipment, em-
three manual lathes, one manual verti- workers that have a craftsmen mind- ployee training of procedures, and ex-
cal turret lathe, and one CNC large ver- set. We’re just not getting the quality pectations followed with a reasonable
tical turret lathe with live spindle; one craftsmen we used to get. More and effort. Profit will follow if the first
manual knee mill and one knee mill more, they’re just not trained, so we’ve three principles are adhered to. RPM’s
equipped with varidrives; one CNC had to get smarter with how we fabri- 38-year history is an example and tes-
horizontal boring mill with 4th axis; cate and how we do things. tament that this philosophy works.
one FARO portable coordinate measur-
ing machine; and one FARO Focus Shaun Huibsch, Metal Arts LLC: Our Scott Lord, WesLor Enterprises: In my
laser scanning system. RPM employs shop is special because of the people. opinion, the most unique thing about
the following software: Inventor®, Au- Our processes are industry standard, our operation is the people who work
toCAD®, and Siemens NX for CAD; Es- and when we transition to a paperless here. Most of them have lived in the
prit®, Centroid™ CNC, and Siemens NX shop, our people will still be the driv- area all their lives and are very dedicat-
for CAM; SigmaNEST® and OmniBevel ing force of our company. There are ed to our organization. We offer good
for cutting; FARO® CAM2®, FARO countless fabricators throughout the benefits with a better-than-average pay
Scene, Autodesk ReCap™, and Varicut world; the only way to differentiate is scale for the area. We have offered full
for inspection/simulation; and Sage 50 to build an outstanding team, and we health insurance for our employees
and Project Tracker (in-house devel- believe we excel at building teams. (single policy) since the start of our
oped) for accounting. company. We also have an education
Rob Goncalves, G2 Metal Fab: G2 is benefit for all of our staff if they
Scott Lord, WesLor Enterprises: The special because of our culture. We are a choose to further their knowledge.
main design software we use is Auto- family-owned company and we en-
CAD Inventor with some drawings in deavor to help each employee know Jason Yantus, J&J Truck Bodies &
SpaceClaim. The CAM software we use that they are valued by the company, Trailers: We feel our shops are special
for our Amada laser and AKS plasma is and that they bring value to the com- because it allows us to do complete
the MTC nesting package. We also pany. We operate with a spirit of team- custom builds from start to finish.
have a large Doosan mill that is pro- work and cooperation, as opposed to One-stop shopping for dump trucks,
gramed with the Fusion 360™ version competing against each other. trailers, and service trucks.
of AutoCAD. Most of our welding
equipment is Miller with a couple of John Bray, Affiliated Machinery Inc.: What are some key aspects
Lincolns in the mix. Because we do get to visit some of the of a successful, well-run
end users of our equipment, we get to
Jason Yantus, J&J Truck Bodies & see everything from a company making job shop?
Trailers: Robotic welding machines metal fences to the inside of NASA
working on projects for the space pro- D. A. Smith, Smith’s Welding Works:
along with I-Logic and Autodesk® In-
gram. When you visit shops of all differ- Being able to adapt to whatever the
ventor in the engineering department.
ent sizes, you would be amazed on what situation requires. You put the cus-
A lot of the welding is still performed
you find that people are building. It tomer first and you provide a quality
using the semiauto MIG [gas metal arc
seems a small shop with a good manag- product at a fair price, and you’re able
welding] process.
er can survive longer than the big ones to respond in a timely fashion to what-
because of poor management. It isn’t ever the customer wants or needs. If
What do you feel is special the job isn’t going quite the way it
about how your job shop is rocket science as much as applying com-
mon sense without becoming greedy. should go, you’re able to adapt and fin-
run? Some owners I have known over the ish it and do it with quality and in a
years want to grow their business for timely fashion. You have to be able to
D. A. Smith, Smith’s Welding Works: their family to take over, or just to sell it think outside of the box and not get
We do quite a bit of physical work with outright to another company. locked in. You have to think, ‘If this
not as many men as I used to have be- doesn’t work, well, what will work and
cause we’ve gotten smarter with how Sean Moran, American Hydro Corp.: what will make it easier and quicker
we do things. I’ve had as many as 18 American Hydro turbine runners or and still make money?’ And I like to
men back in the mid ‘90s, and now I pump impellers can be fully designed, think that I’ve been able to do that for
usually run four, no more than six, specified, and manufactured entirely the past 50 years.
men. We don’t fabricate our shape in our office shop. We control the
plate like we once did; we farm it out processes, schedule, and quality, and Shaun Huibsch, Metal Arts LLC: A
to a company where that’s all they do, our customers benefit with a success- successful shop is one where everyone
so we don’t have the drop that we once ful project. is on the same page. It’s cliché, but it’s
did, and I don’t need the manpower true. Therefore, communication is
that I once did. By buying the plates Robert P. Mudge, RPM & Associates: king. One of the core reasons for inte-
precut, I get them done cheaper than I RPM works off four main principles. grating Strumis software into our
can do them because I’m down two to Safety is first and foremost. There has shop in 2020 is to get everyone on the
three men by not having them on the never been, or ever will be, a job that is same page. When everyone can see the
payroll. So we’ve gotten smarter about worth someone getting hurt. Quality same information, then there are few


chances for miscommunication, and What is the most difficult storm that management faces every
we all move forward as a team. aspect to control when day. RPM has an intensive training
program that takes time and money.
Rob Goncalves, G2 Metal Fab: A suc- managing a job shop? Recruiting and retaining qualified and
cessful, well-run shop should have a reliable workers requires constant at-
culture of teamwork and cooperation, D. A. Smith, Smith’s Welding Works:
tention. If it was easy, everybody
with buy-in from all employees on the The most difficult thing I’ve encoun-
would be doing it.
company philosophy. Once that is in tered is the employees. Getting them
place, other key aspects are having to show up and come to work ready to Scott Lord, WesLor Enterprises: I feel
quality shop drawings, good communi- work. It’s not always the money; of- the most difficult thing to control for
cation between each department, good tentimes, the men bring baggage with us is the level of employment vs. the
QC procedures, and skilled welders them. I’ve talked to several other amount of work. Sometimes we are so
and fitters. shops when I need more help or I need busy that there isn’t enough hours in
something, and they say the same the day, and other times we are debat-
John Bray, Affiliated Machinery Inc.: thing. Getting the employees to come ing having the shop swept for the
In our business, it seems like the hard- to work and come to work on time, third time today. Our work is based on
est part in staying alive in the welding and be ready to work, it’s harder now capital investment of our customers,
industry is timing and being able to than it’s ever been. and that seems to coincide with the
manage your business in both the national economy.
good times and the bad. We have seen Shaun Huibsch, Metal Arts LLC:
shops take on work for no profit just Maintaining your team can be more Jason Yantus, J&J Truck Bodies &
to keep their employees with them. difficult than building it. Unemploy- Trailers: Lead times of incoming mate-
Like any business venture, there are ment is low, and everyone is looking rials from vendors.
reasons why you see one shop last for for talented people. Controlling
decades and another be closed after turnover is key in our current environ- Conclusion
just a few years. Where you are located ment, and if you don’t find a way to
around the United States can have a control it, you will find yourself unable Sharing valuable information about
bearing on your success. People say the to compete, buried in retraining costs, their businesses, these industry lead-
Gulf Coast is one of the best places to and unable to maintain your quality ers shed light on some of the key as-
find a welding job. There are a lot of standards. pects associated with managing a suc-
opportunities here with the oil and cessful job shop. Many pointed out the
gas industries if you are qualified in Rob Goncalves, G2 Metal Fab: The
quality of the finished product is the importance of having a talented team
your work experience. Thus, you see that works well together and commu-
one shop close and another open up most difficult aspect to control. There
are many places where mistakes can be nicates effectively to get a job done.
just a short distance away. Like any They also emphasized that producing
business, you have to adapt to the made during the project, and it is chal-
lenging to try to minimize and elimi- high-quality products that meet cus-
changing times. tomers’ specifications in a timely man-
nate all defects. We are constantly seek-
ing to improve our quality so that our ner is crucial for any job shop. Their
Robert P. Mudge, RPM & Associates:
clients receive the best product possible. collective voices further highlighted
RPM operates under a unique culture
the difficulty many job shops face in
where management, accounting, pro-
Robert P. Mudge, RPM & Associates: attracting and maintaining employees
duction, engineering, and safety de-
The most difficult item for us to man- with the skills set needed. Other chal-
partments communicate very well.
age is the change in expectations — lenges included vendor lead times,
This does not mean we do not have
customer expectations and vendor ex- retraining costs, meeting customers’
lively discussions, because we do. But
pectations. A close second is finding expectations, and maintaining high
everyone has a professional respect for
qualified and reliable workers. Cus- quality standards. WJ
each other’s ideas and perspectives.
Everyone’s goal is to be safe and pro- tomers have more rules and regula-
tions to adhere to than they did in References
vide the best quality and most cost-
effective, not lowest initial cost, prod- past years. The net result to RPM is
more complex contracts, rather than 1. Inc. Job shop.
ucts and/or services to our customers.
simple purchase orders, that transfer encyclopedia/job-shop.html.
Scott Lord, WesLor Enterprises: The as many risks as possible associated 2. Thomas Publishing Co. Oct.
key to a well-run shop is clarity and or- with the work RPM is performing for 2017. 6 mistakes that doom job shops.
ganization. If everyone knows exactly them, from them to RPM all the while
what is expected of them and they have demanding quicker deliveries, lower doom-job-shops.
the right tools, materials, and space to prices, longer life, and longer pay
accomplish their task, it all works. Take terms. Regarding the vendor expecta-
one of them out of the equation and tions, stock inventories are becoming
you have inefficiency and confusion. a thing of the past. Deliveries are ex-
tended while many orders require a KATIE PACHECO ( is
Jason Yantus, J&J Truck Bodies & percentage of prepayment. Combine associate editor and ROLINE PASCAL
Trailers: Shop organization “flow” and ( is education editor of
this with the change in customer ex- the Welding Journal.
a quality group of employees. pectations and it creates a perfect



FABTECH 2020. Nov. 18–20. Las Vegas Convention Center,

AWS-SPONSORED EVENTS Las Vegas, Nev. This event provides a one-stop shop venue
where attendees can meet with world-class suppliers; see the
latest industry products and developments; and find the
RWMA/WEMCO Annual Meeting. Feb. 26–28. Omni La tools to improve productivity, increase profits, and discover
Mansion del Rio Mokara, San Antonio, Tex. Jointly held, the new solutions to all of your metal forming, fabricating,
RWMA meeting will discuss key issues related to resistance welding, and finishing needs. Visit
welding. The three-day WEMCO forum is open to WEMCO
and non-WEMCO members. Executives and thought leaders
will discuss key issues impacting welding equipment manu-
facturers. Visit U.S., CANADA, MEXICO EVENTS
FABTECH Mexico. May 12–14. Centro Citibanamex, Mexico
City, Mexico. This event will be held jointly with AWS Weld- Coatings+2020. Feb. 3–6. Long Beach Convention Center,
mex, Metalform Mexico, and Coatech México. The combined Long Beach, Calif. This event is comprised of protective, ma-
event will bring together 575 exhibitors and more than rine, and industrial coatings programming featuring technical
13,000 attendees from Mexico and South America to find sessions and workshops that focus on surface preparation, ap-
solutions, network, learn, and experience first-hand the lat- plication, coating formulation, testing, inspection, and sus-
est innovations in the metal forming, fabricating, welding, tainable coatings solutions. The Society for Protective Coat-
and finishing industries. Visit ings training and certification programs will be offered in con-
junction with the event, in addition to standards committee
FABTECH Canada. June 16–18. Toronto Congress Centre,
meetings and networking opportunities, as well as a trade
Ontario, Canada. Meet with more than 300 world-class sup-
show with more than 150 exhibitors. Visit
pliers; see the latest industry products and developments;
and find the tools to improve productivity, increase profits,
and discover new solutions for all of your metal forming, ShipTech 2020. March 26, 27. Charleston Marriott,
fabricating, welding, and finishing needs. Visit Charleston, S.C. This two-day event targets the domestic shipbuilding industry, its supplier base, U.S. Navy Program


Offices, and Navy-sponsored shipbuilding research pro- documents developed are applicable to AWS and ASME as
grams. A forum to exchange information on the develop- well as other standards that include NAVSEA standards,
ments generated by Navy ManTech, as well as the related other military standards, and commercial welding stan-
initiatives conducted by the National Shipbuilding Research dards. For more information, contact Albert Moore at
Program, industry, and academia, the conference mission is
to reduce acquisition and total ownership costs of naval
ships, accelerate the delivery of capabilities to the warfight- Penetrant and Magnetic Particle Testing Seminar. The
er, and enhance the competitiveness of the U.S. shipbuilding AWS Connecticut Section is hosting a four-day seminar on
industry. Visit the subject of penetrant and magnetic particle testing in
preparation for the AWS endorsement examination. This
seminar covers the principles of the test methods and pro-
vides laboratory time to become familiar with the use and
INTERNATIONAL EVENTS applications of the test methods. The training provided com-
plies with the recommendations of ASNT SNT-TC-1A. The
seminar is being offered March 16–19. For more informa-
Global Industrie. March 31–April 3. Paris-Nord Villepinte, tion, contact Albert Moore at
France. The exhibition will bring together the whole industri-
al ecosystem, value chain, and user sectors. This event will al- Resistance Welding Seminar. T. J. Snow Co. Subjects cov-
low visitors and exhibitors to find the product, equipment, ered include basics of resistance welding, resistance welding
know-how, or the solution they are looking for to improve terms, pneumatic systems and troubleshooting, welding
their process, from design to production and including servic- transformer operation and troubleshooting, basic resistance
es. The event will also include the Golden Tech challenge, a welder setup and weld lobe development, electrode selection
new competition aimed to draw attention not only to the va- and maintenance, quality assurance, operator safety, and
riety of professions in industry but also to the men and identifying problems and solutions. Dates/locations are
women who embody it on a daily basis. Visit global- March 11, Ft. Wayne, Ind.; March 25, Chicago, Ill.; April 8, East Mich.; April 22, Cleveland, Ohio; May 6, Frankfort, Ky.;
June 24, Charlotte, N.C.; July 22, Montgomery, Ala.; Aug.
2020 International Conference on Defence Technology. 12, Dallas, Tex.; Aug. 26, Nashville, Tenn.; Sept. 9, Omaha,
April 20–24. International Youth Convention Hotels, Nan- Neb.; Sept. 23, Grand Rapids, Mich.; and Oct. 14, Phoenix,
jing, China. This event brings together many presentations Ariz. To sign up, contact Cheryl McDonald, (423) 308-3214,
covering basic research in the fields of defense science and WJ
technology from all over the world. Theme categories in-
clude energetic materials; explosion and impact (armor and
protection); novel manufacturing processes and manage-
ment (additive manufacturing, 3D printing, metals with
nanostructures, and casting technology); autonomous tech-
nology; application of composite materials; directed energy
and pulsed power; modelling and simulation in defense sci-
ence and technology; and photoelectronic information tech-
nology. Visit

PaintExpo. April 21–24. Exhibition Center Karlsruhe, Rhe-

instetten, Germany. The trade fair for industrial coating
technology will cover a range of topics including systems
and equipment for liquid painting, powder coating, and coil
coating; application systems and spray guns; wet paints and
powder coatings; automation and conveyor technology;
compressed air technology; accessories; measuring and test
technology; and more. Visit


The Atlas of Welding Procedure Specifications. This

three-day seminar/workshop on the subject of developing
welding procedure specifications, procedure qualification
records, and welder qualification records is being offered
once again for early 2020 in Simsbury, Conn. The seminar
provides a rational basis for developing welding procedure
specifications that meet AWS and ASME codes. In-class ex-
ercises cover the process of writing prequalified WPSs and
the mechanics of qualifying WPSs by testing. The welding



Note: The 2020 schedules for all certifications are posted online at 9-Year Recertification Seminar for CWI/SCWI For current CWIs and SCWIs needing to meet education re-
quirements without taking the exam.
Certified Welding Inspector (CWI) Location Seminar Dates
Seminar covers Parts A, B, and C of the CWI exam. Only Part B Houston, TX Feb. 9–14
of the exam is taken following the conclusion of the seminar. San Diego, CA Feb. 16–21
Parts A and C are given at Prometric testing centers. New Orleans, LA March 8–13
Dallas, TX March 22–27
Location Seminar Dates Part B Seattle, WA April 19–24
Exam Date Las Vegas, NV April 19–24
Los Angeles, CA Feb. 9–14 Feb. 15 Denver, CO May 3–8
Pittsburgh, PA Feb. 9–14 Feb. 15
Miami, FL Feb. 9–14 Feb. 15 Certified Welding Educator (CWE)
Orlando, FL Feb. 16–21 Feb. 22 Seminar and exam are given at all sites listed under Certified
New Orleans, LA Feb. 16–21 Feb. 22 Welding Inspector. Seminar attendees will not attend the Code
Seattle, WA Feb. 23–28 Feb. 29 Clinic portion of the seminar (usually the first two days).
San Diego, CA Feb. 23–28 Feb. 29
Cleveland, OH Feb. 23–28 Feb. 29
Atlanta, GA March 1–6 March 7 Certified Welding Sales Representative
Roanoke, VA March 1–6 March 7 (CWSR)
Omaha, NE March 1–6 March 7 CWSR exams are given at Prometric testing centers. More
Annapolis, MD March 8–13 March 14 information at
Houston, TX March 8–13 March 14 sales-representative.
Salt Lake City, UT March 8–13 March 14
Fargo, ND March 15–20 March 21
Philadelphia, PA March 15–20 March 21 Certified Welding Supervisor (CWS)
Chicago, IL March 15–20 March 21 CWS exams are given at Prometric testing centers. More infor-
Phoenix, AZ March 15–20 March 21 mation at
Boston, MA March 22–27 March 28
Portland, OR March 22–27 March 28
Cleveland, OH March 22–27 March 28 Certified Radiographic Interpreter (CRI)
Minneapolis, MN March 29–April 3 April 4 The CRI certification can be a stand-alone credential or can
Benicia, CA March 29–April 3 April 4 exempt you from your next 9-Year Recertification. More in-
Mobile, AL April 19–24 April 25 formation at
Dallas, TX April 19–24 April 25 interpreter.
Las Vegas, NV April 19–24 April 25
Bakersfield, CA April 26–May 1 May 2 Location Seminar Dates Exam Date
St. Louis, MO April 26–May 1 May 2 Dallas, TX March 30–April 3 April 4
Tulsa, OK April 26–May 1 May 2 Las Vegas, NV June 1–5 June 6
Miami, FL April 26–May 1 May 2 Pittsburgh, PA Aug. 3–7 Aug. 8
Baton Rouge, LA May 3–8 May 9 Houston, TX Oct. 5–9 Oct. 10

Certified Welding Inspector (CWI) Part B

Course covers only Part B of the CWI exam. Part B exam fol- Certified Robotic Arc Welding (CRAW)
lows conclusion of the three-day course. OTC Daihen Inc., Tipp City, OH; (937) 667-0800, ext. 218
Lincoln Electric Co., Cleveland, OH; (216) 383-4723
Location Seminar Dates Part B Wolf Robotics, Fort Collins, CO; (970) 225-7667
Exam Date Milwaukee Area Technical College, Milwaukee, WI;
(414) 456-5454
Las Vegas, NV Feb. 19–21 Feb. 22
College of the Canyons, Santa Clarita, CA; (661) 259-7800,
Miami, FL April 27–29 April 30 ext. 3062
Dallas, TX June 17–19 June 20 Ogden-Weber Applied Technology College, Ogden, UT;
Houston, TX Aug. 5–7 Aug. 8 (801) 627-8448
Minneapolis, MN Oct. 21–23 Oct. 24 Genesis Systems IPG Photonics Co., Davenport, IA;
Louisville, KY Dec. 6–11 Dec. 12 (563) 445-5688

IMPORTANT: This schedule is subject to change without notice. Please verify your event dates with the Certification Dept. to confirm your course status before
making travel plans. Applications are to be received at least six weeks prior to the seminar/exam or exam. Applications received after that time will be assessed a
$395 Fast Track fee. Please verify application deadline dates by visiting our website at For information on AWS seminars
and certification programs, or to register online, visit or call (800/305) 443-9353, ext. 273, for Certification; or ext. 455 for Seminars.


Industry Leaders Recognized at FABTECH

The AWS 2020 board of directors recently assembled at FABTECH in Chicago, Ill.

Class of 2019 Fellows and Counselors Announced

The 2019 class of American Welding Society (AWS) Fel- residual stress and distortion. He is also recognized for de-
lows and Counselors were recognized during FABTECH in veloping and applying integrated computational materials
Chicago, Ill. engineering models to solve industrial problems.
The Fellows are Marie Quintana, Antonio Ramirez, Du- AWS Counselors are recognized for “serving the welding
san P. Sekulic, and Yu-Ping Yang. The counselors are Bernard community and industry with distinction and organizational
Banzhaf, Anthony Blakeney, Jean-Paul Boillot, John R. Bray, leadership that has enhanced the image and impact of the weld-
Jorge J. Perdomo, Donald J. Tillack, and Leland Vetter. ing industry.”
AWS Fellows are cited for “serving the welding community Bernard Banzhaf is recognized for his widely known con-
and industry with great distinction as individuals whose careers tributions and more than 40 years as a welding professional.
have contributed significantly to the knowledge, science, and ap- He has served the machinery and equipment manufacturing
plication of welding.” industry with a focus on safety first, then quality and
Marie Quintana is recognized for her work on hydrogen efficiency.
cracking and her measurement of diffusible hydrogen, which
led to changes in the industry’s hydrogen measurement
methodology. She is also recognized for advancing welding
technology and consumable design.
Antonio Ramirez is recognized for 25 years as an engineer
and researcher who has made contributions to structural
materials joining, welding metallurgy, and materials charac-
terization. He has also unveiled fundamental aspects of bulk
and nanostructured materials phase transformations.
Dusan P. Sekulic is recognized for his international scien-
tific contributions supporting the art of brazing, and for
promoting visualization of the processes of joint formation.
He is also recognized for his scholarly work involving braz-
ing of similar and dissimilar materials.
Yu-Ping Yang is recognized for his research contributions
Pictured (from left) are Fellows Dusan P. Sekulic, Marie
to the development and advancement of welded structure
Quintana, Antonio Ramirez, and Yu-Ping Yang.
modeling, weld process modeling, and controlling weld


Anthony Blakeney is recognized for and repairs of aged pressure-and-ro- new subcommittees that published
his dedication to academia and AWS, tating equipment via failure analysis, guides for joining stainless and nickel-
and as a professor at Southeastern materials selection, and life assess- based alloys.
Louisiana University, where he helped ment/prediction in the oil and gas, re- Leland Vetter is recognized for his
create a welding technology program. fining, petrochemical, and pulp and long and distinguished service to the
Jean-Paul Boillot is recognized for paper industries. welding industry and AWS for more
his activities in the areas of technolo- Donald J. Tillack is recognized for than 35 years. He has taught special-
gy, education, and training as it relates his original contributions to AWS and ized weld training for industry at the
to welding and automation for more the global welding and metallurgical collegiate level and brought widely
than 50 years. He has had an impact communities for more than 50 years. known welding classes and programs
on the industry, emphasizing the need He was also instrumental in creating to the community.
for trained engineers, technicians, and
John R. Bray is recognized for his
continued service to the welding in-
dustry for more than 50 years. As seen
in all aspects of his career, his passion
for positive support of bringing people
together to help promote the future
leaders of the welding family is widely
Jorge J. Perdomo is recognized for
his practical approach in the develop-
ment and implementation of novel Pictured (from left) are Counselors Anthony Blakeney, John R. Bray, Leland Vetter,
welding methods in industrial applica- Jean-Paul Boillot, Donald J. Tillack, Jorge J. Perdomo, and Bernard Banzhaf.
tions related to both new fabrication

Achievement Awards Presented at FABTECH

Pingsha Dong Boian T. Alexandrov Adrian Gerlich John Knapp Jan Frostevarg

Comfort A. Adams Lecture assessment methodologies, and com- Center for Weldability Evaluation at
Award putational methods for integrated The Ohio State University. He has ad-
This award is presented to an out- manufacturing process simulation. He vised eight postdoctoral researchers
standing scientist or engineer for a lecture has published more than 200 peer- and 41 graduate students, and involved
describing a new or distinctive develop- reviewed papers in journals and con- more than 60 undergraduate students
ment in the field of welding. The lecture is ference proceedings. in industry-supported research.
presented during FABTECH. Adrian Gerlich is an associate pro-
“The Emergence of Quantitative Adams Memorial Membership fessor at the University of Waterloo in
Defect Acceptance Criteria as the Award Canada. He is also the NSERC/Trans-
Enabler from Dissimilar Materials This award recognizes educators for Canada industrial research chair in
Joining to Additive Manufacturing” outstanding teaching activities in under- welding for energy infrastructure. He
Pingsha Dong, an AWS and IIW Fel- graduate and postgraduate engineering has published more than 150 journal
low, is a professor of naval architecture institutions. papers, more than 30 conference pa-
and marine engineering, as well as me- Boian T. Alexandrov, an AWS and pers, and one book chapter. He has
chanical engineering, at the University ASM International Fellow, is a research also trained more than 32 graduate,
of Michigan. His research interests in- associate professor in the welding en- postdoctoral, and undergraduate
clude advanced fatigue and fracture gineering program and director of the students.



Alexander Kaplan Jonas Näsström Neil Anderson Rangasayee Kannan Leijun Li

Howard E. Adkins Memorial applications including surface struc- and properties evaluation of alloys and
Instructor Membership Award turing of medical implants, cutting, structures used for the energy indus-
This award recognizes instructors for cladding, and additive manufacturing. try. He is also a Fellow of ASM Interna-
outstanding teaching accomplishments at He has authored more than 60 scien- tional, AWS, and the Canadian Weld-
the high school, trade school, technical in- tific publications. ing Bureau/Association.
stitute, and community college levels. Alexander Kaplan is professor and Dashuang Liu is an associate profes-
John Knapp is a welding coordina- chair of manufacturing systems engi- sor at Jiangsu University of Science
tor and instructor at Northeast Com- neering at Luleå University of Tech- and Technology in China. He is work-
munity College, where he mentors nology in Sweden. He has experience ing on the development of self-shield-
welding instructors and lab assistants. in mathematical modelling and high- ed flux-cored wires for arc additive
He is also an AWS Certified Welding speed imaging of laser materials pro- manufacturing, narrow groove weld-
Inspector (CWI) and Certified Welding cessing, particularly for laser welding, ing, laser welding, and other special
Educator (CWE), providing testing and cutting, and additive manufacturing. applications.
customized training for students, Jonas Näsström is a PhD student Weimin Long is a professor at
businesses, and industry. He also focusing on joining and additive man- Zhengzhou Research Institute of Me-
serves on the AWS Nebraska Section ufacturing laser materials processing chanical Engineering Co. Ltd. in China.
board and the SENSE Committee. technologies at Luleå University of He has invented flux-cored brazing
Technology in Sweden. He also teaches materials, created a manufacturing
computer-aided design and manufac- method for flux-cored brazing materi-
Robert J. Conkling Memorial turing as well as robot and discrete als, and made developments in the
Award event simulation. brazing of dissimilar materials and
This award is presented to the schools Maintenance and Surfacing diamond tools. He has supervised 18
that trained the two first-place winners “Development of Nickel-Added, PhD students and 32 master’s degree
in the SkillsUSA welding competition. Iron-Based Slag-Free, Self-Shielded students.
2019 SkillsUSA Championships Metal-Cored Wire” Ping Wei is an assistant researcher
Gold Medalist First-Place Schools Neil Anderson is a failure analysis at the School of Naval Architecture
High School: Jackson River Technical engineering specialist in the research and Ocean Engineering at Jiangsu
Center, Covington, Va. and development team at EVRAZ University of Science and Technology
Postsecondary School: Wallace North America. In 2016, he completed in China. She earned a bachelor’s de-
State Community College-Hanceville, a bachelor of science in materials engi- gree from Lanzhou Jiaotong Universi-
Hanceville, Ala. neering from the University of Alber- ty, and a master’s degree from Nanjing
ta, Canada, and a master in materials Technical University. Her research in-
A. F. Davis Silver Medal Award engineering from the same university terests include welding materials and
This award recognizes authors of pa- in 2018. welding chemical metallurgy.
pers published in the Welding Journal Rangasayee Kannan is a postdoc- Mingfang Wu is a professor at
during the previous calendar year that toral research associate in the Depart- Jiangsu University of Science and
represent the best contributions to the ment of Chemical and Materials Engi- Technology in China. He has super-
progress of welding in the categories of neering at the University of Alberta, vised nine PhD students and more
machine design, maintenance and surfac- Canada. He has a bachelor’s degree in than 40 graduate students. His re-
ing, and structural design. metallurgical engineering from the search interests include brazing, diffu-
Machine Design National Institute of Technology in In- sion bonding, compound welding, arc
“Arc Formation in Narrow Gap Hot dia and a PhD from the University of welding of nonferrous metals and high
Wire Laser Welding” Alberta. strength steel, and numerical simula-
Jan Frostevarg is an assistant pro- Leijun Li is a professor of materials tion of welding residual stress and
fessor at Luleå University of Technolo- engineering at the University of Alber- deformation.
gy in Sweden. His research interests ta, Canada. A professional engineer, he Structure Design
are laser beam welding and laser-arc teaches welding metallurgy and stud- “Exploring the Cooling Process
hybrid welding, as well as other laser ies microstructure characterization for Residual Stress Reduction in



Dashuang Liu Weimin Long Ping Wei Mingfang Wu Daryush Aidun

Jeffrey Bunn Paris A. Cornwell Hamid Eisazadeh E. Andrew Payzant Vernon L. Mangold Jr.

Dissimilar Welds” Clarkson University. His research area whose inspection, Society, and civic activ-
Daryush Aidun teaches welding is focused on dissimilar welding as well ities have enhanced public awareness of
metallurgy and additive manufactur- as wire and arc additive manufacturing the Society and the CWI program or who
ing at Clarkson University. He has also processes. His work has been mainly have otherwise made an outstanding
been director of the university’s Weld- published in the Welding Journal. contribution to the science of welding
ing Research Lab since 1982. He was E. Andrew Payzant is a distinguished inspection.
the editor of chapter 3, “Heat Flow in R&D staff member and materials engi- Jeff Redding, an AWS CWI, has
Welding,” for the AWS Welding Hand- neering group leader for the Neutron worked almost exclusively in the man-
book, Vol. 1 (2019). His areas of re- Scattering Division at ORNL. He is ufacturing industry for 24 years. Since
search include weld process modelling also an instrument scientist on the being exposed to welding in 1987, he
and additive manufacturing of duplex NRSF2 engineering beamline at HFIR. has had opportunities to work with and
stainless steels and nickel-based His research focuses on the develop- learn from some of the greatest men-
superalloys. ment and application of neutron and tors while continuing to teach welding
Jeffrey Bunn is the lead instrument x-ray in-situ diffraction methods. at every opportunity. His favorite part
scientist at the residual stress diffrac- of being a CWI is the opportunity to
tometer located at the High Flux Iso- Excellence in Robotic and develop himself and others.
tope Reactor (HFIR) at Oak Ridge Na- Automatic Arc Welding Award
tional Laboratory (ORNL). His inter- This award recognizes significant in-
ests are within applied research of en- dividual achievements in the area of ro- W. H. Hobart Memorial Award
gineering materials. He has a bache- botic arc welding. This award is presented to the authors
lor’s degree in engineering and a PhD Vernon L. Mangold Jr. is a principal of the paper published in the Welding
in civil engineering from the Universi- consultant for Kaysafety, an engineer- Journal during the previous calendar
ty of Tennessee. ing and safety consulting practice. He year that describes the best contribution
Paris A. Cornwell is a scientific as- began his involvement with AWS in to pipe welding, the structural use of pipe
sociate for the HB-2B (residual stress) 1985, becoming a member of the D16 or similar applications, excluding the
and CG-1D (imaging) beam lines at Committee in 1989 and holding vari- manufacture of pipe.
the HFIR at ORNL. He has spent nine ous leadership positions over the past “Welding Technology Development
years maintaining the beam lines for 30 years. for an Erosion-Resistant Slurry
functionality, reliability, experiment Pipeline Steel”
support, and engineering upgrades. Timothy Anderson has worked for
Hamid Eisazadeh is an assistant Dalton E. Hamilton Memorial ExxonMobil since 2008, and currently
professor in engineering technology at CWI of the Year Award serves as the materials and fabrication
Old Dominion University and holds a This award recognizes AWS members technology advisor for the company’s
PhD in mechanical engineering from participating in the SCWI/CWI programs Upstream Integrated Solutions group.



Jeff Redding Timothy Anderson Doug Fairchild HyunWoo “Howie” Jin Ning Ma

Andrew Wasson Xin Yue Patrick Hochanadel Muralidhar Tumuluru Tao Dai

He previously graduated from Lehigh time. His areas of expertise include William Irrgang Memorial
University with a PhD in materials sci- materials development, metallurgy, Award
ence and engineering. welding, and manufacturing. He re- This award recognizes the individual
Doug Fairchild has worked with ceived his bachelor’s, master’s, and who has done the most to enhance the
ExxonMobil since 1982. His areas of PhD degrees in materials science and Society’s goal of advancing the science
expertise include welding, metallurgy, engineering from the University of and technology of welding over the last
fracture mechanics, and failure analy- Florida. five years.
sis. He is credited with about 70 publi- Xin Yue is a senior research engi- Muralidhar Tumuluru, an AWS Fel-
cations and 12 patents. He holds bach- neer at ExxonMobil Upstream Re- low and Life Member, is an independ-
elor’s, master’s, and PhD degrees in search Co., where he has been leading ent welding consultant and a lecturer.
welding engineering from The Ohio research projects on the development He has worked in the steel industry for
State University. of novel high-performance materials the past 23 years. The primary focus
HyunWoo “Howie” Jin joined Cor- and welding technology for challeng- of his research during this time has
porate Strategic Research of ExxonMo- ing applications in the oil and gas in- been characterizing the joining behav-
bil in 2001, where he has been leading dustry. He received the AWS Warren F. ior of the advanced high-strength
research projects to develop advanced Savage Award in 2013, authored 11 steels developed for automotive appli-
materials and joining technologies for publications in peer-reviewed journals, cations. He also serves on several AWS
the oil/gas and petrochemical indus- and holds two U.S. patents. technical committees and is a principal
tries. He has authored/coauthored reviewer for the Welding Journal.
more than 25 U.S. patents and is the International Meritorious
recipient of the 2018 Thomas Alba Certificate Award
Edison Patent Award. This certificate recognizes an individ- Charles H. Jennings
Ning Ma is a member of the techni- ual who has made significant contribu- Memorial Award
cal staff of ExxonMobil Research and tions to the worldwide welding industry. This award is presented for the most
Engineering Co. His research interests Patrick W. Hochanadel has worked valuable paper written by a college stu-
include developing advanced materials with Los Alamos National Laboratory dent or faculty representative published
and joining technologies for the oil since 1997. Serving AWS for more in the Welding Journal during the previ-
and gas industry. He holds a bachelor than 25 years, he is the chair of the ous calendar year.
in materials science from Tsinghua AWS C7C Laser Beam Welding and “The Effect of Post-Weld Heat
University in China and a PhD from Cutting Subcommittee, advisor for the Treatment on Hydrogen-Assisted
The Ohio State University. Technical Papers Committee, reviewer Cracking of F22/625 Overlays”
Andrew Wasson joined ExxonMobil for the Welding Research Supplement Tao Dai is a postdoctoral research
in 2010, and has worked on a variety in the Welding Journal, and recipient of associate in the Materials Joining
of materials R&D projects during his the R. D. Thomas Award. Group of ORNL. He received the War-



John Lippold Yang Cao Chong Luo Jiguo Shan Lin Zhao

Yue Zhao Majid Pouranvari Thomas Sparschu Dennis De Smet Richard Grant

ren F. Savage Memorial Award (2016) and technology. He has published six ty, China, and her master’s from To-
and the William Spraragen Memorial papers on the microstructure and me- hoku University, Japan. Her research
Award (2018) in recognition of his pa- chanical properties of steel and alloys. interests include welding metallurgy,
pers published in the Welding Journal. Chong Luo is a PhD candidate in welding mechanics, and metallic addi-
He holds a PhD in welding engineering the Department of Mechanical Engi- tive manufacturing.
from The Ohio State University. neering of Tsinghua University in Chi-
John Lippold is emeritus professor na. His research centers on the laser Professor Koichi Masubuchi
in the welding engineering program at welding of martensitic steel and the Award
The Ohio State University, retiring in laser heat treatment of steel. He has This award is presented to an individ-
2016 after more than 20 years. He published five papers on welding as ual who has made significant contribu-
continues to advise graduate students well as joining science and technology. tions to the advancement of science and
and supports welding metallurgy Jiguo Shan is a professor and doc- technology of materials joining through
courses offered to undergraduate and toral supervisor at Tsinghua Universi- research and development.
graduate students. He has published ty in China. He is also the vice chair- Majid Pouranvari is an assistant pro-
three textbooks and more than 300 man of the Beijing Mechanical Engi- fessor in the Department of Materials
technical papers and reports. neering Society, has presided over four Science and Engineering at the Sharif
projects for the National Natural Sci- University of Technology, Iran. His re-
McKay-Helm Award ence Foundation of China, and has search focuses on the improvement of
This award is presented for the best published more than 120 papers and joint properties through an under-
contribution to the advancement of 70 articles. standing of phase transformations dur-
knowledge of low-alloy steel, stainless Lin Zhao has been a professor with ing joining processes. He is the au-
steel, or surfacing welding metals involv- the Central Iron and Steel Research In- thor/coauthor of more than 100 scien-
ing the use, development, or testing of stitute, China, since 2016. His re- tific articles in peer-reviewed journals.
these materials, as represented by arti- search focuses on laser welding, laser
cles published in the Welding Journal cladding, and additive manufacturing.
during the previous calendar year. He has seven patents and has pub- Samuel Wylie Miller
“Fiber Laser Welding of 1700-MPa lished more than 80 papers. He earned Memorial Medal Award
Ultrahigh-Strength Steel” a bachelor in engineering and a PhD This award is awarded for meritorious
Yang Cao is a PhD candidate at from Tsinghua University, China. achievements that have contributed con-
Tsinghua University and the Central Yue Zhao is an assistant professor spicuously to the advancement of the art
Iron and Steel Research Institute in in the Department of Mechanical En- and science of welding and cutting.
China. His research focuses on struc- gineering at Tsinghua University, Chi- Thomas Sparschu is the retired pres-
ture material science and processing, na. She achieved her bachelor’s and ident of Craft-Line. An AWS member
including welding and joining science PhD degrees from Tsinghua Universi- for more than 50 years, he has served



Alice Kilgo Bonnie McKenzie Paul T. Vianco Charles A. Walker Daniel Turner

John DuPont Robert Hamlin Sindo Kou Jon McCarthy Keith Thompson

the AWS Detroit Section in multiple Probe Microanalysis Microprobe Lab. Plummer Memorial
capacities, including establishing and Alice Kilgo was a technologist at Education Lecture Award
teaching the Section’s Automotive Sandia National Laboratories for more This award recognizes outstanding
Welding School as well as the Sheet than 33 years prior to her retirement. contributions to the national education
Metal Welding Conference’s Welding Her work focused on metallography, lectures presented at FABTECH.
Tutorial Series. Additionally, he was the failure analysis, and image analysis. “Innovative Approaches to Welding
Section’s chair and member of its Schol- Bonnie McKenzie is a technologist Education”
arship Committee. He has also served at Sandia National Laboratories, and Daniel Turner is a Yuba College fac-
on the AWS J1 Committees as well as has worked as a scanning electron mi- ulty member with 25 years of teaching
the D8D and D8F Subcommittees. croscopist in the Materials Characteri- experience. He is credited with start-
zation and Performance department. ing the school’s Weld Camp and Weld
Robert L. Peaslee Her career with the company has Olympics events 11 years ago. In
Memorial Brazing Award spanned more than 33 years. 2008, he became a Weld-Ed partner
This award recognizes the paper con- Paul T. Vianco, a Fellow of AWS and and chaired the Welding Counsel of
sidered to be the best contribution to the ASM International, is a member of the the Fabricators & Manufacturers Asso-
science or technology of brazing pub- technical staff at Sandia National Lab- ciation. He has also served the AWS
lished in the Welding Journal during the oratories, where he has worked since Education Committee and his local
previous calendar year. 1987. He is the author of Soldering AWS Section as an officer.
“Interface Reactions Responsible Handbook, third edition (2000), and
for Run-Out in Active Brazing: Guideline for Hand Soldering Practices
Part 1” (2016), both of which are published by Warren F. Savage
Dennis De Smet is a mechanical AWS. Memorial Award
technologist at Sandia National Labo- Charles A. Walker has been with This award recognizes the paper pub-
ratories’ Metallurgy & Materials Join- Sandia National Laboratories since lished in the Welding Journal Research
ing department. For the past eight 1984, where he is a member of the Supplement the previous calendar year
years, he has been engaged in conven- technical staff in the Metallurgy and that best represents innovative research
tional and active brazing, materials Materials Joining department. His resulting in a better understanding of the
joining in vacuum, hydrogen or inert responsibilities include the day-to-day metallurgical principles related to welding.
gas environments, and heat treating. hydrogen and vacuum furnace opera- “Influence of Multiple Gleeble®—
Richard “Dick” Grant has been a tions. His work focuses on metal- Simulated Weld Thermal Cycles on
principal technologist in the Materials nonmetal brazing processes and Maraging 17–4 and 13–8+Mo”
Characterization and Performance de- process development, especially active John DuPont is the R. D. Stout dis-
partment at Sandia National Laborato- brazing. He is also a member of the tinguished professor of materials sci-
ries for 25 years. He runs the Electron AWS C3 Brazing Committee. ence and engineering at Lehigh Univer-


ment of Materials Science consin-Madison as a scientist from
and Engineering at the 2017 to 2018, and has 37 published
University of Wisconsin- papers and one patent. Her research
Madison. Kou’s research included flux-cored wires for carbon
interest has focused on and high-strength steels, and solidifi-
the fundamentals of weld- cation cracking in stainless steels.
ing metallurgy and their
effect on weldability. He
has also authored two R. D. Thomas
texts, Welding Metallurgy Memorial Award
and Transport Phenomena This award recognizes a member of
Ping Yu Robert Cohen and Materials Processing, the American Council of the Internation-
and received multiple al Institute of Welding (IIW) or an AWS
awards from AWS and member who has made a substantial con-
sity; associate director of the universi- other organizations. tribution to the IIW activities.
ty’s Energy Research Center; and site Jon McCarthy retired in 2014 as Muralidhar Tumuluru (See bio un-
director for the National Science Foun- emeritus senior scientist and adjunct der William Irrgang Memorial Award.)
dation Manufacturing and Materials professor of materials science at the
Joining Innovation Center. He has pub- University of Wisconsin. He has been
lished more than 300 technical articles, active in analytical electron mi- Elihu Thomson Resistance
written one book, edited seven books, croscopy development for 40 years, Welding Award
and authored four book chapters. and is a Fellow and past president of This award recognizes an outstanding
Robert Hamlin is a welding engi- the Microbeam Analysis Society. He is contribution to the technology and appli-
neer at Naval Nuclear Laboratory. He the holder of ten U.S. patents and has cation of resistance welding, including
holds bachelor’s, master’s, and PhD published more than 50 peer-reviewed equipment innovations, unique applica-
degrees in materials science and engi- scientific papers. He continues to work tions in production, a published paper, or
neering from Lehigh University. His with students as a mentor. other activity of merit.
published dissertation focused on the Keith Thompson is the director of Robert Cohen, CEO of WeldCom-
precipitation and hardening response sales at Nelson Global Products. He puter Corp., has devoted his career to
of maraging stainless steels 17–4 and has published more than 100 peer- the research, development, and com-
13–8+Mo during multipass welding. reviewed scientific articles and has mercialization of new sensor, monitor-
worked in the field of scientific instru- ing, and control technologies that con-
ments for 20 years. He received his tinue to push the state of the art and
William Spraragen PhD in electrical engineering from the quality assurance in resistance welding
Memorial Award University of Wisconsin-Madison, and processes. He was also the inventor of
This award recognizes the best paper holds a project management profes- the first commercially viable adaptive
published in the Welding Journal Re- sional certification from the Project control for resistance welding. His
search Supplement during the previous Management Institute, where he is an work on the AWS C1 and D17 Com-
calendar year. active member. mittees was instrumental in updating
“Microstructure Evolution and Ping Yu received her master’s and the Recommended Practices for Resist-
Solidification Cracking in PhD degrees with the Material Sci- ance Welding and MIL-SPEC standards
Austenitic Stainless-steel Welds” ence and Engineering Department at to recognize monitoring and adaptive
Sindo Kou, a Fellow of ASM Inter- Xi’an Jiao Tong University in China. control as accepted alternatives to de-
national, is a professor in the Depart- She worked at the University of Wis- structive testing. WJ

Candidates Sought to Receive the MIT Masubuchi Award

The Prof. Koichi Masubuchi award, materials joining through research and dation from fellow researchers to Prof.
with a $5000 honorarium, is present- development. Todd Palmer, This
ed to one person, 40 years old or Send a list of your candidate’s expe- award is sponsored annually by the
younger, who has made significant rience, publications, honors, awards, Massachusetts Institute of Technolo-
contributions to the advancement of and at least three letters of recommen- gy, Dept. of Ocean Engineering.


Opportunities to Contribute to B1 Committee (C, E). Brazing and Feb. 12, 13. C4 Committee on Oxy-
AWS Technical Committees soldering, C3 Committee (C, E, G). fuel Gas Welding and Cutting. Miami,
Welding in marine construction, Fla. Contact: J. Rosario, ext. 308,
The following committees welcome D3 Committee (C, E, G, U). Welding
new members. Some committees are of machinery and equipment, D14 Feb. 25, 26. B2F Subcommittee on
recruiting members with specific inter- Committee (C, E, G, U). Plastic Welding Qualification. Miami,
ests in regard to the committee’s scope, M. Diaz,, ext. 310. Fla. Contact: S. Hedrick, ext. 305,
as marked below: Producers (P), Gener- Resistance welding, C1 Committee
al Interest (G), Educators (E), Consult- (C, E, G, U). Friction welding, C6 Feb. 25, 26. G1A Subcommittee on
ants (C), and Users (U). For more infor- Committee (C, E). Automotive weld- Hot Gas Welding and Extrusion Weld-
mation, contact the staff member list- ing, D8 Committee (C, E, G, U). Re- ing. Miami, Fla. Contact: S. Hedrick,
ed or visit sistance welding equipment, J1, ext. 305.
Technical-Committee-Application.pdf. Committee (C, E, G, U). Welding in March 18, 19. C3 Committee and
S. Borrero,, ext. the aircraft and aerospace indus- Subcommittees on Brazing and Solder-
334. Definitions and symbols, A2 try, D17 Subcommittee (C, E, G). ing. Santa Fe, N.Mex. Contact: K. Bul-
Committee (E). Titanium and zirco- S. Hedrick,, ext. ger,, ext. 306.
nium filler metals, A5K Subcommit- 305. Metric practice, A1 Committee March 31–April 2. B2 Committee
tee. Piping and tubing, D10 Commit- (C, E). Mechanical testing of welds, and Subcommittees on Procedure and
tee (C, E, U). Welding practices and B4 Committee (E, G, P). Joining of Performance Qualification. San Diego,
procedures for austenitic steels, plastics and composites, G1 Com- Calif. Contact: J. Rosario, ext. 308,
D10C Subcommittee. Aluminum pip- mittee (C, E, G). Safety and health
ing, D10H Subcommittee. Chromium committee, SHC Committee (E, G). March 31–April 3. D1 Committee
molybdenum steel piping, D10I Welding in sanitary applications, and Subcommittees on Structural
Subcommittee. Welding of titanium D18 Committee. Welding. Miami, Fla. Contact: J.
piping, D10K Subcommittee. Purg- J. Rosario,, ext. 308. Molin,, ext. 304.
ing and root pass welding, D10S Procedure and performance qualifi-
Subcommittee. Low-carbon steel cation, B2 Committee (E, G). Thermal
pipe, D10T Subcommittee. Orbital spraying, C2 Committee (C, E, G, U). New Standards Projects
pipe welding, D10U Subcommittee. Oxyfuel gas welding and cutting, C4
Duplex pipe welding, D10Y Subcom- Committee (C, E, G). Welding iron Development work has begun on
mittee. Joining metals and alloys, castings, D11 (C, E, G, P, U). Railroad the following new or revised stan-
G2 Committee (E, G, U). Reactive al- welding, D15 (C, E, G, U). dards. Affected individuals are invited
loys, G2D Subcommittee (G). to contribute to their development.
R. Gupta,, ext. 301. Participation in AWS technical com-
Filler metals and allied materials, Technical Committee mittees is open to all persons.
A5 Committee (E). Magnesium alloy Meetings D15.1/D15.1M:2019-AMD1, Rail-
filler metals, A5L Subcommittee. road Welding Specification for Cars and
P. Portela,, ext. All AWS technical committee meet- Locomotives. This specification estab-
311. High energy beam welding ings are open to the public. Contact lishes minimum welding standards
and cutting, C7 Committee (C, E, G). the staff members listed or call for the manufacture and maintenance
Hybrid welding, C7D Subcommittee (800/305) 443-9353 for information. of railcars, locomotives, and their com-
(G). Robotic and automatic weld- Feb. 4. D15D Subcommittee on Re- ponents. It is intended for North
ing, D16 Committee (C, E). Additive sistance Welding for Railroad Applica- American railroad service. Clauses
manufacturing, D20 Committee (C, tions. McDonough, Ga. Contact: J. 4–17 cover the general requirements
E, G). The D1N Subcommittee on Tita- Rosario,, ext. 308. for welding in the railroad industry.
nium Welding is recruiting all interest Feb. 5. D15 Committee on Railroad Clauses 18–23 discuss specific require-
groups. Welding and D15A Subcommittee on ments for the welding of base metals
J. Molin,, ext. 304. Cars and Locomotives. McDonough, thinner than 1⁄8 in. (3 mm). Addenda.
Structural welding, D1 Committee Ga. Contact: J. Rosario, ext. 308, Contact: J. Rosario,,
(E). Sheet metal welding, D9 Com- ext. 308.
mittee (C, G). The D1 Committee is re- Feb. 6. D3B Subcommittee on Un-
cruiting educators and general interest derwater Welding. New Orleans, La.
members. The D9 Committee is re- Contact: K. Bulger,, Standards for Public Review
cruiting producers, consultants, and ext. 306.
general interest members. Feb. 11. Technical Activities AWS was approved as an accredited
K. Bulger,, ext. Committee. Sacramento, Ca. Contact: standards-preparing organization by
306. Methods of weld inspection, P. Portela,, ext. 311. the American National Standards In-


stitute (ANSI) in 1979. AWS rules, as AWS Director at Large Honored for 40 Years of Volunteer Service
approved by ANSI, require that all
standards be open to public review for
comment during the approval process.
This column also advises of ANSI ap-
proval of documents.
The following standards are sub-
mitted for public review. A draft copy
may be obtained by contacting the list-
ed staff secretary of the committee.
D1.5/D1.5M:20XX, Bridge Welding
Code. Revised Standard. $440.00. ANSI
public review expired 1/27/20. Contact:
P. Portela,, ext. 311. The American Welding Society (AWS) Standards Development Department pre-
D18.1/D18.1M:20XX, Specification sented Richard Holdren (center) with an award for his 40 years of service as an
for Welding of Austenitic Stainless Steel AWS Standards Committee volunteer.
Tube and Pipe Systems in Sanitary (Hy-
gienic) Applications. New Standard.
$34.00. ANSI public review expires ing Code — Steel. Approval Date: depth cut ultimately be considered as
2/10/20. Contact: S. Hedrick, ext. 305, 12/9/2019. an even further reduced heat input condition, making the heat-affected
D18.2/D18.2M:20XX, Guide to Weld zone a nonissue?
Discoloration Levels on Inside of Austen- Addendum Response: (1) These questions are
itic Stainless Steel Tube. New Standard. not covered by the scope of this docu-
$32.00. ANSI public review expires Standard: AWS A4.3:1993 ment. Nothing in this document su-
2/10/20. Contact: S. Hedrick, ext. 305, Purpose: Addition of “Standard Hot persedes the end-user or customer- Carrier Gas Extraction Method” supplied specification.
Detail: This addendum adds a third Taken from the following foreword
standard method of analysis and in C7.2:
should be used in the same context as “It should be noted that the operat-
ISO Draft Standards for Public ing and processing parameters given
the two other standard methods of
Review analysis prescribed in Clauses 7 and 8. in the Standard may not be the only
For more information, visit parameter combinations that can be
Copies of the following draft inter- employed for successfully processing
national standards are available for re- the materials and thicknesses shown.
view and comment through your na- Changes in material chemistry, dimen-
tional standards body, which in the sional tolerances, laser beam charac-
United States is ANSI, 25 W. 43 St., teristics, machine calibration, and oth-
Fourth Floor, New York, NY, 10036; er factors can produce different re-
telephone (212) 642-4900. Any com- AWS C7.2M Interpretation
sults. Therefore, the procedures pre-
ments regarding ISO documents sented here are simply meant to pro-
should be sent to your national stan- Subject: Use of a laser for limited
penetration, or a partial-depth cut vide a setup and design guide to help
dards body. users to organize and learn the process
In the United States, if you wish to used for surface marking of materials
Code Edition: C7.2M:2010 of developing and refining a particular
participate in the development of in- application.”
ternational standards for welding, Code Provision: Subclause 9.2.1 (1)
contact Andrew Davis at AWS, 8669 and (9)
NW 36 St., #130, Miami, FL 33166- AWS Log: C7.2-10-I01
6672; telephone (305) 443-9353, ext. Inquiry: (1) Can “blind” or partial-cut AWS Member Counts
466, email: Otherwise, identification numbers and/or the January 1, 2020
contact your national standards body. marking of an outline for locating a
ISO/DIS 18595 — Resistance weld- component be considered as equiva- Sustaining.................................597
ing — Spot welding of aluminium and lent to “decorative patterns” in some Supporting ...............................361
aluminium alloys — Weldability, welding materials? Educational...............................835
and testing. (2) If so, is it then considered as Affiliate.....................................622
acceptable to use it for precision com- Welding Distributor ...................65
puterized layout and marking of com- Total Corporate ........................2480
ponent locations for fabrication
Revised Standard Approved purposes? Individual ...........................57,077
by ANSI (3) Because laser beam cutting is Student + Transitional ...........11,234
considered a low-heat-input process, Total Members .......................68,311
D1.1/D1.1M:2020, Structural Weld- wouldn’t the limited depth or partial



New AWS Supporters Sustaining Members received 5 points for each Individual
Member and 1 point for every Student
Greybeard Steel Member they recruited.
Affiliate Corporate Members 4080 W. Grange Ave. For more information, please see
Post Falls, ID 83854 page 65 of this Welding Journal or call
Anderson Bryant LLC the AWS Membership Dept. at (800)
333 Cardinal Lane RTW Stainless Contractors 443-9353, ext. 480.
Abilene, TX 79602 1813 Willow Hill Dr. V. Craven, Pascagoula — 420
Harrisonburg, VA 22801 M. Krupnicki, Rochester — 89
J. T. Mfg. J. W. Morris, Mobile — 75
60b Pulpit Rock Rd. Terex Aerial Work Platforms — A. D. Dillon, Detroit — 70
Pelham, NH 03076 Genie Industries D. S. Beecher, San Diego — 54
6464 185 Ave. NE Bldg. 33 B. William, West Michigan — 51
Precision Fabricated Components Redmond, WA 98052 L. A. Liles, Greater Huntsville — 47
840 Second St. D. P. Thompson, Southwest
Orange City, FL 32763 Western Allied Mechanical Virginia — 46
1180 O’Brian Dr. T. W. Zablocki, Pittsburgh — 45
Quality Testing & Inspection Menlo Park, CA 94025 B. A. Cheatham, Columbia — 45
Services J. J. Russell, Fox Valley — 44
No. 32 First St., Union Hall Settlement D. Perkins, Pascagoula — 40
Duncan Village, San Fernando Educational Institution D. A. Saunders, Lakeshore — 40
Trinidad and Tobago G. T. Rolla, Los Angeles/Inland
Members Empire — 39
ReadyFab Steel Works W. H. Wilson, New Orleans — 39
Center Point ISD
16004 Kitzman Rd. J. Napier, Cleveland — 38
P.O. Box 377
Cypress, TX 77429 C. A. Donnell, Northwest Ohio — 30
Center Point, TX 78010
B. Newcomb, Madison-Beloit — 30
Serch Ltda. H. A. Browne, New Jersey — 29
Commercial Diving Technologies
Av. David Perry 0531 M. A. Centeno, Nevada — 28
Temuco 1770 D. E. Newman, Ozark — 28
17212 U.S. 19
Araucania 4780869 Chile C. A. Galbavy, Idaho/Montana — 28
Hudson, FL 34667
H. H. Hughes, Mahoning Valley — 25
Slater Steel Welding Inc. X. Rios, El Paso — 25
Delaware County Technical School
9359 Lamar St. M. Ball, Canada — 25
200 Yale Ave.
Spring Valley, CA 91977 M. D. Box, Pascagoula —24
Morton, PA 19070
B. P. Brandmeir, Lehigh Valley — 22
Southern Machine Works Inc. O. N. Boylan, Cleveland — 21
Mineola Independent School Dist.
P.O. Box 1226 T. N. Jumper, St. Louis — 21
1695 W. Loop 564
Duncan, OK 73534 S. H. Slagle, Cleveland — 20
Mineola, TX 75773
S. P. Siviski, Maine — 19
United Equipment Service LLC O. Ortiz, Los Angeles/Inland
SBCS Global Learning Institute Ltd.
3879 Old Sylacauga Hwy. Empire — 18
53-54 Sagan Dr.
Sylacauga, AL 35150 R. K. McClure, Los Angeles/Inland
Champs Fleurs, Trinidad and Tabago
Empire — 17
Wegmann USA J. P. Theberge, Boston — 17
Wortham Independent School Dist.
30 Millrace Dr. E. R. Cooper, Indiana — 17
P.O. Box 247
Lynchburg, VA 24502 R. Fugate, Drake Well — 16
Wortham, TX 76693
W. S. Winchester, Mid-Plains — 16
R. L. Richwine, Indiana — 15
J. C. Durbin, Tri-River — 15
Supporting Company 2019 Membership Challenge C. Consentino, Pittsburgh — 14
Members V. O. Harthun, Northern Plains — 14
Listed here are the members who C. D. Spitzer, Tri-State — 13
Ampco Metal Inc. participated in the 2019 Membership D. R. Jacobs, Mahoning Valley — 12
1221 Grandview Pkwy. Challenge — point standings as of G. J. Smith, Lehigh Valley — 12
Ste. 100 Nov. 19, 2019. The campaign ran from M. D. Stein, Detroit — 11
Sturtevant, WI 53177 Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2019. Members D. L. McCart, Indiana — 11


AWS Employees Commemorated for 40 Years of Service
On December 18, 2019, the Ameri-
can Welding Society (AWS) honored
Julio Borges and Sharon Campbell for
their 40 years of dedicated service.
They were each presented with a cer-
tificate of appreciation and enjoyed
a buffet breakfast alongside their
Borges has worn many hats for
AWS since he first came on board in
1979. Beginning in the print shop, his
role has evolved to shipping supervi-
sor, shipping and receiving supervisor,
mailroom supervisor, senior coordina-
tor of shipping and receiving, and
manager of shipping and receiving. He
is currently AWS’s senior shipping and
fulfillment specialist.
Campbell’s employment trajectory
also started in 1979. In her four
decades at AWS, she has served as an
accounting clerk, secretary, standards
coordinator, technical coordinator, ed-
Celebrating 40 years of dedicated service to AWS are Julio Borges (left), senior ship- ucation services coordinator, and
ping and fulfillment specialist, and Sharon Campbell (right), receptionist. Also pic- SENSE and office coordinator. She is
tured is Ray Shook, AWS interim executive director. currently AWS’s receptionist.

AWS D14 Committee Members Meet in Chicago

Members of the American Welding Society (AWS) D14 Commit- The AWS D14 Committee on Machinery and Equipment also
tee on Machinery and Equipment posed for a group photo dur- held a service pin presentation during their FABTECH meeting.
ing their meeting held November 12 and 13, 2019, at the Pictured (from left) are Rob Larsen, James Slipke, and Joe
FABTECH show in Chicago, Ill. Campbell receiving their ten-year service pins.

Nominate AWS Members to be Profiled

The Welding Journal is celebrating the diversity of its about what makes the nominee a noteworthy member,
membership by profiling AWS members each month in its along with the nominee’s contact information, to Katie
Society News section. John Chen and Zack Sanders are pro- Pacheco,
filed on the next pages. Visit to see
To nominate an AWS member, submit a short statement member profiles from previous issues.


AWS Member Profile
career path, I thought I needed some- with steel for a downhole steel casing
thing to prove to people my capabilities milling tool as the most interesting
because I was never one of the more project he has ever worked on, partly
talented people who was naturally in- because it involved both brazing and
telligent,” he explained. “My first PhD inspection of the brazed joint.
was in ultrasonic testing, focusing on A member of the American Welding
the procedure side of inspection. So I Society (AWS) since 2002, Chen has
chose a direction that is focused a little served the Society in many capacities,
bit more on the instrumentation side. taking on various roles in committees,
My second PhD was on the monitoring including the B1 Committee on Meth-
of welding processes.” ods of Inspection, and in the Greater
Today, Chen is an American Weld- Houston Section, where he has served
ing Society (AWS) Certified Welding several years as the director, then 2nd
Inspector and an ASNT nondestructive vice chair, and 1st vice chair. He is cur-
testing level III in electromagnetic, rently the Section’s chair and a princi-
magnetic particle, liquid penetrant, ra- pal reviewer for the Welding Journal.
diographic, and ultrasonic testing. For His dedication to the Society has gar-
nine years, he was a materials engi- nered him three Section Meritorious
neer at Schlumberger, an oil field serv- Awards.
ices provider in Houston, Tex., reaching Additionally, he has dedicated
the principal level in 2018. The part of many years of service to the American
the company he worked in was recent- Society for Nondestructive Testing
John Chen
ly purchased by Wellbore Integrity So- (ASNT), earning him the ASNT Fellow
lutions, an oil field equipment supplier Award in 2016 and the Greater Hous-
John Chen inherited his interest in Harris, Tex. Chen’s work entails de- ton Section’s Jerry Fulin Technician of
in science and engineering from his veloping procedures, training person- the Year — Level III Award. He has
father. nel, and validating technologies for oil served as the technical editor of Mate-
“Being a scientist has always been field material engineering challenges, rials Evaluation, associate member of
my dream since I was a child,” he re- including nondestructive examination, the Certification Management Coun-
called. “I grew up watching my dad welding, brazing, coating, heat treat- cil, member and chair of various com-
work. He was quite a hands-on person, ing, and materials selection. He has mittees, conference session chair, and
as well as being intelligent. He built a performed hands-on inspection tasks many other roles. He has also reviewed
welding machine by himself, starting in refineries and chemical plants with eight books for the organization.
with raw materials such as cable wires alternating current field measurement, His volunteer work extends to guid-
and an iron core from a transformer.” pulsed eddy current, and a range of ing children. He has acted as a volun-
When it was time to go to college, ultrasonic techniques from thickness teer judge several times for student
Chen knew the career path he wanted gauging to high-temperature hydrogen engineering projects at the Science
to take. Securing a spot at Xi’an Jiao- attack assessment. and Engineering Fair of Houston; he
tong University in China, he earned a What Chen enjoys most about his has coached several youth sports
bachelor’s in mechanical engineering job is the ability to help others accom- teams in basketball and soccer at the
in 1995 and a PhD in materials science plish their tasks. Despite his many local YMCA; and he volunteers at the
and engineering in 1999. Chen consid- years of experience, he stresses that local Katy Independent School Dis-
ers himself lucky that he was able to there will always be more for him to trict. Chen views his volunteer work as
attend such a prestigious school. learn. an opportunity to give back.
“Back at that time in China, most “The most rewarding part of my job “I believe many people do volunteer
students could not choose which col- at Schlumberger was I was able to help work. It is just my volunteer time has
lege or university they went to. It was people out with their day-to-day work been spent with AWS and other sci-
‘assigned.’ I was fortunate to be able to by rendering an immediate solution to ence and engineering organizations,
get into a pretty good engineering their tasks at hand,” he affirmed. “This such as ASNT and Houston Science
school,” he said. did not happen immediately after I and Engineering Fair,” he said. “I re-
Looking to further expand his started the job. It took several years of ceived a lot of guidance from many
knowledge, Chen joined the welding on-the-job learning and training to get mentors along the way. Volunteering
engineering program at The Ohio there. Of course, just like anybody with AWS allows me to come into con-
State University as a visiting scholar. else, I am still in the learning mode; I tact with others who might be in need
In 2005, he attained his second PhD in learn something new and realize many of suggestions or comments.”
welding engineering. more things I didn’t know every day.” A prolific writer, Chen has pub-
“I always knew this was one of the His career has given him the oppor- lished 29 journal papers and delivered
best welding engineering programs tunity to work on many diverse proj- multiple technical presentations and
out there. Considering my potential ects. He cites brazing tungsten carbide speeches at conferences.


AWS Member Profile
where he welded corral gates. am a part of making have influence on
“This is where I feel I gained the our facilities around the world and, in
most hands-on welding experience. For turn, our customers around the
about 12 months, I was outside in the world,” he said. “Lastly, I enjoy being a
heat of summer and the cold of winter liaison between different types of en-
welding corrals. These corrals were gineers and welders on the shop floor.
5.5-ft tall and made from 3- and 2.5- My father was a welder and rarely had
in.-diameter oil drill pipe. I was using anything good to say about engineers.
mostly 6010 electrodes,” he explained. Many welders feel that engineers
“This was an amazing experience for make their lives more difficult than is
many reasons, including being in necessary. I enjoy helping other engi-
charge at times of a small crew of neers understand the needs of the
workers.” welder and vice versa.”
In 2015, Sanders enrolled in Adding to his tool belt of expertise,
Brigham Young University-Idaho, in 2019, Sanders became an AWS Cer-
where he attained a bachelor’s in weld- tified Welding Inspector (CWI).
ing engineering technology. During “Becoming a CWI has been some-
this time, Sanders served as vice chair- thing I have wanted to do for a long
Zack Sanders man of the university’s American time. With the current position I hold,
Welding Society (AWS) Student Chap- I have to make decisions in which be-
Giving validity to the old proverb ter, which he helped grow. ing a CWI helps add credibility and
“like father, like son,” Zack Sanders “A few AWS members and I thought gain trust. It is similar to why I put
learned how to weld from his father, we could help other students get more such an emphasis on learning and un-
who is a welder. Using his grandfa- opportunities with internships and ca- derstanding different welding codes
ther’s old welding machine, he wielded reers if we could help them get more and specs. Having a welding code to
his first torch at the age of nine and real welding engineering experience,” back up your position during discus-
has not stopped since. he recalled. “So, we decided to start sions adds authority to your argu-
“I was pretty hooked after that,” he doing AWS projects.” ment. I look at becoming a CWI simi-
said. “Being able to build amazing Sanders also completed three weld- larly,” he said.
things, super-hot molten metal, a cool ing engineering internships with Looking to the future, Sanders plans
helmet that makes you feel like Darth Caterpillar Inc., one in Wisconsin and to change misconceptions about weld-
Vader, all added to my excitement! Lit- two in Illinois. After graduation, ing, thus attracting younger genera-
tle did I know at the time that welding Sanders joined the Caterpillar team as tions to the industry.
can also lead to an amazing career and a senior associate welding engineer, “People who have spent time in the
being able to support my family.” where he provides welding engineering welding industry are aware of the mas-
Throughout his formative years, support to facilities across the globe. sive shortage of new skilled welders. I
Sanders continued to hone his craft, “My day-to-day varies quite a bit, plan to make a large part of my career
and by high school, he was convinced a which is one of the reasons I like it so trying to get rid of negative stereotypes
successful career in welding was in much. One week I am in Mexico or Ger- many people have, especially young
store for him. many helping a facility improve their people, about welding,” he affirmed.
“I took every welding class that I weld quality, and the next I am working He also hopes to unite welders and
could in junior high and high school,” on a research project involving robotics. engineers so they see each other as
he recollected. “I knew I wanted to The next day I might be in a meeting partners, not adversaries.
have a career in welding. In fact, in my with several design engineers, helping “I also feel that one of the best ways
high school senior yearbook, I was them with things like manufacturabili- to get people more involved and also
quoted saying that I wanted to be a ty with welding in mind,” he explained. improve welding quality is education on
welding engineer!” There are a multitude of things some of the science and engineering in-
Sanders also started to earn an in- Sanders appreciates about his job, in- volved with welding, or ‘the why.’ Often
come from his welding skills as a high cluding the variety it offers him and welders are told what they need to do,
schooler by taking on different jobs the ability to make a difference. Being but are not told why. On the flip side,
throughout his community. both a welder and an engineer, he also engineers don’t always have welders in
“These jobs varied from aluminum relishes the knowledge that he can mind when they are making decisions,”
sprinkler pipe, to metal bars for a help facilitate communication between he said. “Helping them both to under-
pawn shop’s windows, to making met- welders and engineers. stand why we do things reduces frustra-
al roses and selling them at Valentine’s “I enjoy not knowing what kind of tion between engineers and welders
Day,” he said. issues and problems I am going to and also improves quality and work en-
After high school, Sanders started have to solve in a given day. I also real- vironment. Helping bridge these gaps is
working as a welder and machine oper- ly enjoy having the opportunity to something that I hope to accomplish
ator at Loosli Farms, Ashton, Idaho, make an impact. The decisions that I professionally.”


cating the public on the American Henderson II for supplying the tent.
District 1 Welding Society and its mission. One The booth was awarded 3rd place for
Douglas A. Desrochers, director side of the booth included AWS info, best concession booth.
(508) 763-8011 weld samples, test pieces, code books, and a Lincoln Electric virtual welding
simulator. The other side presented
District 2
CONNECTICUT live welding/cutting demonstrations. Harland Thompson, director
November 19 The Section is grateful to all its dedi- (631) 546-2903
Location: Elks Club, Groton, Conn. cated members who spent countless
Summary: The Section held a joint hours staffing the booth. It is especial-
meeting with the ASNT Connecticut ly thankful to Burt Riendeau from Air- LONG ISLAND
Yankee Section. Guest Speaker Richard gas who supplied the virtual reality December 4
Hoffman spoke on the subject of the welding machine; Jim Blanchard from Location: SONOTEC, Islandia, N.Y.
Apollo lunar excursion module used to Northland Jobs Corps for donating Summary: The Section held a joint
transport astronauts to the surface of plasma cut outs as prizes; Geoff Put- holiday meeting with the local ASNT
the moon 50 years ago. nam for supplying the equipment chapter. Held at the SONOTEC Is-
trailer, welding equipment, code landia facility, the event included a
GREEN & WHITE MOUNTAINS books, and a bend tester; and Ray holiday raffle.
September 12
Location: Tunbridge World’s Fair,
Tunbridge, Vt.
Summary: Members of the Section as
well as from Vermont, New Hamp-
shire, Massachusetts, and Rhode Is-
land created and staffed the “AWS
Welding Info Booth” for the second
year in a row during the 147th Tun-
bridge World’s Fair. More than 35,000
people attended the four-day agricul-
tural fair. The booth was aimed at edu-
CONNECTICUT — Seen at the Section’s joint meeting with the Connecticut Yankee
Section of ASNT are (from left) Rachel Taylor, Richard Hoffman, and Albert Moore.


ily checked out the virtual reality weld-
ing machine inside the AWS booth at GREEN & WHITE MOUNTAINS — Section members volunteered their time at the AWS
the 147th Tunbridge World’s Fair. booth during the 147th Tunbridge World’s Fair.

LONG ISLAND — Section members celebrated the holiday season as guests of the NY/NJ ASNT Section.


board members gathered to discuss and how it has adapted to laser and
District 3 changes and preparation tips for the electron beam welding.
Sean Moran, director AWS Certified Welding Inspector
(717) 885-5039 exam. Presenters Robert Trudelle and NORTHERN NEW YORK Tom Flynn gave suggestions and December 10
shared links to help members prepare Location: Aggressive Metalworks,
for the exam. Central Bridge, N.Y.
District 4 Presenter: Mike Cataldo, owner,
Mr. Lynn Showalter, director Aggressive Metalworks
Summary: Section members and 13
(757) 848-8029
District 6
Ronald Stahura, director
TRIANGLE (716) 207-7869
October 24
Location: The Innovation Center,
Summary: The Section’s October November 21
meeting focused on a stainless steel Location: Buffalo Manufacturing
presentation by Damian Kotecki. Fol- Works, Buffalo, N.Y. NIAGARA FRONTIER — Section Chair
lowing the presentation, members Summary: Members toured Buffalo Kevin DeVault (center) presented an
toured the Innovation Center shop. Manufacturing Works. Additionally, award to Michelle Bulan and Alex Kitt
Alex Kitt from EWI gave a special pres- from EWI.
entation on additive manufacturing

District 5
Howard Record, director
(352) 816-0835

November 21
Location: Mechanical Trades Institute, NIAGARA FRONTIER — Meeting attendees posed during the Buffalo Manufacturing
Atlanta, Ga. Works facility tour.
Summary: The Section’s executive

TRIANGLE — Guest Speaker Damian Kotecki (third from right) posed with members during a facility tour of The Innovation Center.

ATLANTA — Section members are seen at the Mechanical Trades Institute.


students attended a live blacksmithing COLUMBUS group at The Ohio State University
demonstration at Aggressive Metal- December 2 dedicated to aiding sponsoring indus-
works. Attendees witnessed one of the Location: The Ohio State University, tries and government agencies by en-
oldest known forms of metalworking Columbus, Ohio hancing gear and power transmission
and how it has evolved while still stay- Presenter: Ahmet Kahraman, director, technology through fundamental and
ing true to its past. Raffle tickets for a GearLab applied research and transfer research
new Lincoln Electric welding helmet Summary: Section members joined results providing graduate and under-
were sold to benefit the newly estab- with other organizations from the graduate students with applied educa-
lished Robert J. Christoffel scholarship Columbus Technical Societies to tour tional and research opportunities in
fund. The Gear and Power Transmission Re- gear and power transmission related
search Laboratory, formerly the Gear disciplines, and keeping sponsors up-
ROCHESTER Dynamics and Gear and Power Trans- dated on latest gear and transmission
November 20 mission Laboratory. It is a research technologies.
Location: Optimation Technology Inc.,
Rochester, N.Y.
Summary: Members went on a plant
tour at Optimation Technology Inc.
The company provides mechanical and
process engineering and design, au-
tomation, and systems integration,
and skilled trades fabrication for a va-
riety of industries. Members are ap-
preciative to Jack Burke, vice presi-
dent, and Jennifer Palumbo, director
of marketing.

District 7
Larry Heckendorn, director
(614) 292-1220 COLUMBUS — Guest Speaker Ahmet Kahraman (burgandy sweater) spoke to members
about the equipment and testing in the GearLab.

NORTHERN NEW YORK — Attendees of the Section’s December meeting at Aggressive Metalworks gathered for a photo.

ROCHESTER — Members are seen during the Optimation Technology Inc. tour.


PITTSBURGH process of fitting manufacturing was tanooga and the surrounding commu-
November 12 also presented. nity through the creation, education,
Location: Bado’s Pizza Grill & Ale and celebration of science, technology,
House, Mt. Lebanon, Pa. engineering, art, and manufacturing
Presenter: Ed Capozzi, account manag-
er, TEAM Industrial Services
District 8 based learning for children. Addition-
aly, membership awards were given
Summary: Capozzi spoke to members James Thompson, director
about hot tapping and line stops. (256) 347-6481
The technique is used during the
installation of branch connections to
a system without interrupting the CHATTANOOGA
flow of product and is commonly November 20
used in the oil and gas as well steel Location: STIR, Chattanooga, Tenn.
and food processing industries. Bag Summary: During a dinner at STIR
and line stops used to stop the flow of Chattanooga, Kate Warren, founder
product in a section of the line to and executive director of Art 120, gave PITTSBURGH — Section Chair Ray
allow for repairs or replacement of a presentation about the nonprofit or- Knobbs (right) presented a speaker
line section were also shown. The ganization aimed at enriching Chat- certificate to Ed Capozzi.

PITTSBURGH — Section members are seen at their November meeting.

CHATTANOOGA — Members enjoyed dinner at STIR Chattanooga.


out during the meeting. Awards were resources. After the presentation, at- Chair David Porter, of TCAT
presented to Alex Hockman, Section tendees enjoyed a Whitt’s Barbecue Hartsville, presented special gifts to
Meritorious; Garth Land, CWI of the dinner, fellowship, and giveaways. The Bob O’Neal for his many years of serv-
Year; and C&C Oxygen, Section Section is appreciative to Holston Gas- ing the Section and to Curtis Duncan
Meritorious. es and Wire Wizard (member Heath for his hard work and dedication as
Jackson) for donating prizes. The Sec- current Section chair. The Section is
NASHVILLE tion is also grateful to Marshall Brown appreciative to Curtis Duncan, David
November 21 and the team at TCAT Smyrna for the Porter, and Heath Jackson for their
Location: TCAT Smyrna/Nissan Train- hospitality in hosting the event. gift donations for the giveaways.
ing Facility, Smyrna, Tenn.
Presenter: Joy Rich, director of experi- December 12
ential learning, Tennessee Board of
Location: Logan’s Roadhouse, Mount
Juliet, Tenn. District 9
Summary: The Section’s Annual Stu- Summary: After Marion Brown asked Michael Skiles, director
dent Night was a huge success due in for a blessing on the food and the (337) 501-0304
part to Rich’s presentation about her night, 16 Section members and guests
passion and goals for SkillsUSA. She enjoyed a Dutch-treat dinner in The
also introduced attendees to the Garage at Logan’s Roadhouse. Atten- AUBURN-OPELIKA
SkillsUSA state officers. There seemed dees discussed a little business after November 6
to be a consensus that the Nashville dinner, but mostly enjoyed the gifts Location: Wilmore Lab, Auburn Uni-
Section along with other Sections they received in the giveaway through versity, Auburn, Ala.
across the state would be supporting a drawing. All ladies in attendance left Summary: Guest Speaker Reese Rush-
SkillsUSA with greater participation of with a gift bag of goodies. Past Section ton gave an overview of the LECO cor-

NASHVILLE — Guest Speaker Joy Rich (far right) is seen with the SkillsUSA Tennessee committee.

NASHVILLE — Student attendees are seen at the Section’s November meeting.

NASHVILLE — Seen are (from left) Cur-

tis Duncan, David Porter, and Bob AUBURN-OPELIKA — Meeting participants are seen with Guest Speaker Reese
O’Neal. Rushton.


poration and branch companies dis- was a round-table introduction of all MOBILE
tributed in different countries, as well present. The scheduled speaker, November 21
as products sold to different countries, Jimmy Quaid, was unable to attend so Location: GE Renewables, Pensacola,
including tensile and hardness testing Fairbanks introduced T. J. Hoyt and Dan Fla.
equipment. After the presentation, a Fridge who stepped in to give a presen- Presenter: Matt Harold, facilities engi-
demonstration about the mobile lab tation. Hoyt spoke on advanced corro- neer, GE Renewables
bus was given. The testing equipment sion under insulation inspections using Summary: Section Chair Jody
included a carbon/sulfur determina- automated radiographic testing crawlers Heusman opened the meeting by wel-
tion system for ferrous and nonfer- that can inspect 4 to 60 in. of pipe with- coming all attendees. He provided a
rous alloys, microhardness tests, and out removing insulation. The process brief reminder about upcoming meet-
an automatic polisher. can eliminate unnecessary removal of ings and suggested everyone apply on-
insulation and can focus only on prob- line for the Section’s new Workforce
lem corrosive areas, which can save a Development Grant. The Cutting
BATON ROUGE company man hours. Fridge gave an Board catered an excellent dinner for
November 21 overview of phased array flaw detection. all attendees. Harold gave a brief pres-
Location: Mistras, Geismar, La. entation on the GE Renewables facility
Summary: George Fairbanks called the and its products. Immediately follow-
November meeting to order and there CENTRAL LOUISIANA ing the presentation, the group went
December 5 on a 45-min tour of the manufacturing
Location: Central Louisiana Technical plant. Harold explained the current
Community College (CLTCC), Alexan- process flow as well as advancements
dria, La. the company has made over the years
Summary: The Section sponsored 47 to improve efficiency. Following the
high school students from 13 high tour, attendees regrouped for a ques-
schools for a welding competition tion-and-answer session regarding
hosted by CLTCC’s Alexandria River- what was seen during the tour. The
side Campus. Students competed in Section presented a speaker apprecia-
three divisions — beginner, advanced, tion plaque to Harold at the conclu-
and winner takes all. Prizes were sion of the evening.
awarded for the first three top spots in
CENTRAL LOUISIANA — Deston Garon each division with the first-place win-
(far left) was presented a check for ner in the “Winner Take All” category NEW ORLEANS
$1000 for ASH High School’s welding receiving $1000 for their high school’s September 20
program. Pictured with Garon (from left) welding program. The participants Location: Pellerin Milnor Corp.,
are Tom Malo, Misty Slayter, Don ranged from grades 9 to 12 and had a Kenner, La.
Sanders, and Lisa Doney.
very spirited competition. Summary: The Section held its nine-

BATON ROUGE — Guest Speaker T. J. Hoyt (far right) is seen with November meeting attendees.

MOBILE — Attendees of the GE Renewables plant tour gathered for a group photo.


American Welding Society®

2020 AW
h it is:
Be the spark
p that ignites
g s the people you know to
beecome AW
WS members, and get rewards.

ow it woorks:
Buuild up points throug hout the year for each
W Member you recr uit: 5 Points per Individual
Meembership and 1 Pointt per Student Membership.

W you get:
Grand Prize Winnner: $200 gift card
2nd Plaace: $100 gift card
3rd Plaace: $100 gift card
4th Plaace: $100 gift card
Alll other participants earnning 10 or more points will get
WS branded merchandisse based on points accrued
thrroughout 2020.

The Fine Print: All AWS members in good standinng may participate and are eligiblle to receive rewards based on points accrued
Januarry 1 – December 31 31, 2020
2020. Paarticipant eligibillity is determined at the sole discre
retion of AWS program administrators. AWS staff
members and administrators of commercial / corrporate or educational packaagges that inccllude AWS memberships in the pricing
structure are not eligible to participate. Foor more innformation, visit
8669 NW 36 ST. #130 | Miami, FL 33166-6672
American Welding Society®
T: 800.443.9353 | F: 305.443.5647 | Application for Membership
 Mr.  Ms.  Mrs.  Dr.
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 Check here if you would prefer to not receive email updates on AWS programs, Member benefits, savings opportunities and events.
Technical Interests (Circle All That Apply)
A Ferrous Metals F High Energy Beam Processes L NDT R Automotive X Structures
B Aluminum G Arc Welding M Safety and Health S Machinery Y Other
C Nonferrous Metals Except H Brazing and Soldering N Bending and Shearing T Marine Z Automation
Aluminum I Resistance Welding O Roll Forming U Piping and Tubing 1 Robotics
D Advanced Materials/Intermetallics J Thermal Spray P Stamping and Punching V Pressure Vessels and Tanks 2 Computerization of Welding
E Ceramics K Cutting Q Aerospace W Sheet Metal

STUDENT MEMBERSHIP  New  Renewal, Member #:

 1 Year-Digital Welding Journal ........................................... $15  1 Year-Print and Digital Welding Journal............................. $85
 1 Year-Print and Digital Welding Journal (US, Canada, and Mexico) $35  (outside of US, Canada, and Mexico) $

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 Initiation Fee ...................................................................... $12  2 Year - Print and Digital Welding Journal ....................... $151
 1 Year - Print and Digital Welding Journal .......................... $88 $
Renewing Member
 1 Year - Print and Digital Welding Journal .......................... $88  2 Year - Print and Digital Welding Journal ........................ $163 $
New Member
 Initiation Fee ...................................................................... $12  2 Year - Digital Welding Journal ....................................... $151
 1 Year - Digital Welding Journal ......................................... $88  2 Year - Print and Digital Welding Journal ........................ $251
 1 Year - Print and Digital Welding Journal ........................ $138 $

Renewing Member
 1 Year - Digital Welding Journal ......................................... $88  2 Year - Digital Welding Journal ....................................... $163
 1 Year - Print and Digital Welding Journal ........................ $138  2 Year - Print and Digital Welding Journal ........................ $263 $

NEW MEMBER OPTIONAL BOOK SELECTION (Not available to renewals. Choose ONE option ONLY.  Domestic .................... $35
Includes shipping & handling.) Visit to view  International ............... $85 $
selections and write your choice here:
Business (Circle ONE Letter Only)
A Contract Construction F Machinery Except Electric J Transport Equip. — Boats, Ships O Educational Services R Government (Federal, State, Local)
B Chemicals & Allied Products (Incl. Gas Welding) K Transport Equip. — Railroad (Univ., Libraries, Schools) S Other
C Petroleum & Coal Industries G Electrical Equipment, Supplies, L Utilities P Engineering & Architectural
Electrodes M Welding Distributors & Retail Trade Services (Including Assns.)
D Primary Metal Industries H Transport Equip. – Air, Aerospace N Misc. Repair Services Q Misc. Business Services
E Fabricated Metal Products I Transport Equip. — Automotive (Including Welding Shops) (Including Commercial Labs)
Job Classification (Circle ONE Letter Only)
01 President, Owner, Partner, 04 Purchasing 10 Architect Designer 08 Supervisor, Foreman 15 Educator
Officer 05 Engineer — Welding 12 Metallurgist 14 Technician 17 Librarian
02 Manager, Director, 20 Engineer — Design 13 Research & Development 09 Welder, Welding or Cutting 16 Student
Superintendent (Or Assistant) 21 Engineer — Manufacturing 22 Quality Control Operator 18 Customer Service
03 Sales 06 Engineer — Other 07 Inspector, Tester 11 Consultant 19 Other

Payment can be made (in U.S. dollars) by check or money order (international), payable to the American Welding Society.
 Check  Money Order
 AMEX  Diners Club  MasterCard  Visa  Discover  Other Application Date:
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OFFICE USE ONLY Source Code: WJ Account #: Check #: Amount:

Date: AWS Staff:
Rev. 11/2019
year AWS Certified Welding Inspector Summary: Section members along Technology Center’s welding class par-
course at the Carpenters Training Cen- with members of the Oil Region Stu- ticipated in the 39th Annual AWS Pitts-
ter in Metairie, La. Students from the dent Chapter attended a dinner and burgh Section Weld Off. Each individ-
course were also treated to a plant tour tour at the Ellwood National Forge. ual in the competition was required to
of the Pellerin Milnor Corp. manufac- The company provided dinner and an weld V grooves in both the uphill (3G)
turing facility. The company manufac- in-depth view of it products. Atten- and the overhead positions (4G). Once
tures commercial and industrial laun- dees were then taken on a plant tour. their plates were welded they went
dry equipment. through visual inspection, and if they
December 6 passed they were sent to x-ray inspec-
Location: Pittsburgh Technical Col- tion. Normally the x-rays are not com-
lege, Pittsburgh, Pa. pleted until February. Participants in-
District 10 Summary: Members of the Venango cluded Charlie Nicholson, Tyler See,
Mike Sherman, director
(216) 570-9348


November 14
Location: Ellwood National Forge,
Irvine, Pa.

NEW ORLEANS — Instructor and AWS Past President Ed Bohnart (fourth from left) is
seen with Certified Welding Inspectors who toured commercial laundry equipment
MOBILE — Matt Harold (right) accepted manufacturer Pellerin Milnor Corp. Led by Bruce A. Hallila (white shirt), past AWS district
a plaque of appreciation from Section director and welding manager of the company, the group is standing in front of a six-
Chair Jody Heusman. module, continuous-batch washer.

DRAKE WELL/Oil Region Student Chapter — Members enjoyed a tour of Ellwood National Forge in Irvine, Pa.

DRAKE WELL/Oil Region Student Chapter — Charlie Nicholson, Tyler See, Emmett McDonald, Cole Harvey, and Dakota Urey partici-
pated in the AWS Pittsburgh Section’s 39th Annual Weld Off.


Emmett McDonald, Cole Harvey, and November 21
Dakota Urey. All four students are District 12 Location: Milwaukee, Wis.
members of the AWS Oil Region Stu- Dale Lange, director Summary: MATC Weld Club members
dent Chapter and were accompanied (715) 732-3645 were given a tour of Helgesen Indus-
to the competition by Drake Well Sec- tries. Led by Senior HR Generalist
tion Chair Travis Crate and Secretary Brittany Klipps, attendees learned
Robert Fugate. The results and the MILWAUKEE/MILWAUKEE about the making of hydraulic tanks.
awards dinner will be held February 11 AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE
at the Steamfitters Technology Center
November 1
Location: Super Steel, Milwaukee, Wis.
District 13
Summary: Milwaukee Area Technical Ronald Ashelford, director
District 11 College (MATC) Weld Club students
toured Super Steel’s Milwaukee plant.
(815) 218-8766
Phillip Temple, director The tour was led by HR Manager Tam-
(734) 546-4298 my Frahm, Marketing Representative CHICAGO Emily Hoefler, and Plant Manager November 6
Pat Nowak. Location: Primal Cut Steakhouse,
Tinley Park, Ill.
Summary: The Section’s board mem-
bers gathered to discuss old and new
business, the 2019 FABTECH show,
and upcoming meeting schedules.

November 13
Location: McCormick Place, Chicago,
Summary: Member Marty Vondra re-
ceived the AWS Life Member Award
MILWAUKEE/MATC STUDENT CHAPTER — Members are seen outside of Super Steel from 2019 AWS President Thomas
Inc. following a facility tour. Lienert.

MILWAUKEE/MATC STUDENT CHAPTER — Section members posed for a photo while touring Helgesen Industries.

CHICAGO — Pictured at the Section’s November board meeting are (sitting, from left) CHICAGO — Marty Vondra (right) re-
Chair Cliff Iftimie, Anghelina Iftimie, Rita Vondra, Kim Tichelar, Vicky Darnell, and Cathy ceived his AWS Life Member Award
Hesseltine. Standing (from left) are Dave Viar, Jeff Darnell, Jeff Stanczak, Craig Tichelar, from 2019 AWS President Thomas
Marty Vondra, and John Hesseltine. Lienert.


of Melvin Price Locks and Dam. The
District 14 construction of the dam constituted District 15
Tony Brosio, director the first replacement of an original in- Michael Hanson, director
(765) 215-7506 stallation of a nine-foot channel proj- (763) 221-5951 ect. The original Lock and Dam 26 was
demolished in 1990 because it was
INDIANA plagued with structural deficiencies.
November 11, 12 Throughout the new dam’s design and
Location: McCormick Place, Chicago, construction, the Marine Corps en- District 16
Ill. gaged in an extensive program of com- Karl Fogleman, director
Summary: The Section conducted the puter-assisted design, testing, and eval- (402) 677-2490
2019 Welding Competition for AWS uation to create a structure that repre-
during the 2019 FABTECH show. In sents state-of-the-art river navigation
two days, 225 contestants competed control works. Members are apprecia-
for money and prizes. tive of Chris and Zach for the tour.

November 21
Location: American Welding & Gas
Inc., Lexington, Ky.
Presenter: Grant Baker, Miller Electric
Mfg. Co.
Summary: Baker spoke to Section
members about process improvements
for metal core wires.

November 21
Location: East Alton, Ill.
Summary: Members were given a tour ST. LOUIS — Members are seen during their tour of the Melvin Price Locks and Dam.

INDIANA — Members of the Section ran the AWS Welding Competition at the 2019 FABTECH show. Seen (from left) are Tim Kinnaman,
Gary Tucker, Josiah Miller, Eric Cooper, Erin Fromson, Andy McKerrow, Gary Dugger, Gabby Bettegnies, Ladonna Dugger, Brian Gerkin,
Paige Stroup, Bennie Flynn, Pat Richwine, and Bob Richwine.

LEXINGTON — November meeting attendees are seen at American Welding & Gas Inc.


KANSAS generational differences, and evolution
November 21
District 18 in project management and welding
Location: Heartland Welding Academy, Thomas Holt, director technology. The seminar was well at-
Wichita, Kans. (409) 721-5777 tended and the Section plans to host an-
Summary: The Section held its first other similar meeting in the spring.
meeting of the 2019–2020 season at
the Heartland Weld Academy. Atten- HOUSTON
dees toured the facility and learned October 25
about what it has to offer new welders Location: Houston, Tex. District 19
entering the field, and the experience Presenters: Mark Hinderliter, execu- Shawn McDaniel, director
of the instructors. tive coach, Third Way Inc.; Mike Lang, (509) 793-5182
global director of corporate welding
services, Flour Corp.; Dennis Eck, AWS
vice president; and Frede Maxwell,
District 17 general manager of welding and ma- ALASKA
J Jones, director chining, Westinghouse Electric Corp. November 14
(832) 506-5986 Summary: The Section hosted an educa- Location: Sheet Metal Workers Local
tional seminar with presentations on Union Training Facility, Anchorage,
the topics of becoming a leader worth Alaska
following, welding economy, managing Presenter: Bruce Bold, training coordi-

KANSAS — Section members are seen during a tour of Heartland Welding Academy.

ALASKA — Members toured the Sheet Metal Workers Local Union Training Facility in Anchorage, Alaska.


nator; and Randy Goldin, president/ COLORADO Presenters: Matt Maczuzack, chief de-
chairman December 12 sign officer; and Jeff Wager, lead
Summary: Members gathered to dis- Location: Alchemy Bicycles, Denver, welder
cuss student chapter involvement, Colo. Summary: Section members enjoyed a
AWS scholarships, Section direction/ presentation offering an overview of
viability, the treasury report, future bike building as well as a tour of Alche-
events and activities, and the Section’s my Bicycles.
hosting of the annual District 19 Con-
ference in the spring. Attendees also
enjoyed a tour of the Sheet Metal
Workers Local Union Training Facility District 21
and a presentation of sheet in the in- Sam Lindsey, director
dustry, forming, connections, and (858) 740-1917
welding processes. All attendees built a
metal hand tool tray to take home.

District 20 District 22
Robert Purvis, director
Denis Clark, director (916) 599-5561
(208) 357-6626
COLORADO — Section members
learned about what goes into welding
and constructing a bicycle.

ALASKA — Meeting participants built their own hand tool trays.

COLORADO — Section members are seen during their tour of Alchemy Bicycles.


American Welding Society® Section News Editor Kevin . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(306)
8669 NW 36 St., #130 Cindy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(256) Brazing and Soldering, Methods of Weld In-
Miami, FL 33166-6672 spection, High-Energy Beam Welding, Welding in
(800/305) 443-9353; Fax: (305) 443-7559 Inspection Trends Editor Marine Construction, Welding of Machinery and
Phone extensions are in parentheses. Carlos . . . . . . . . . .(348) Equipment

AWS PRESIDENT MEMBER SERVICES Jennifer Rosario.. . . . . . . . . . .(308)

Robert W. Roth. . . . . . . Dept. information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(480) Oxyfuel Gas Welding and Cutting, Railroad
President and CEO, RoMan Manufacturing Inc. Welding, Thermal Spraying, Welding Iron Castings,
Director of Membership Welding Qualification
SENIOR LEADERSHIP TEAM Nici . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(270)
Interim Executive Director Serves as a liaison between members and AWS Welding Handbook Editor
Ray Shook.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(207) headquarters. Kathy Sinnes.. . . . . . . . . . . . .(255)

Chief Financial Officer/ Senior Manager, Volunteer Engagement and CUSTOMER SERVICE & SUPPORT
Chief Administrative Officer Support Customer . .(280)
Gesana Villegas.. . . . . . . . . . .(252) Darrill A. Gaschler.. . . . . . . .(260)
Cassie Burrell.. . . . . . . . . . . . .(253) Dept. information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(273) General Information
Research, Strategy, and Membership (800/305) 443-9353, ext. 212,
Managing Director
John Gayler.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(472) Denny . . . . . . . . . . . .(263) Chairman, Board of Trustees
Welding & Technology William A. Rice..
Vice President Senior Manager Executive Director, Foundation
Annette Alonso.. . . . . . . . . . . .(299) Emil . . . . . . . . . . . .(448) Monica Pfarr.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(461)
Publishing & Education
EDUCATION & TRAINING Associate Director, Foundation Services
EXECUTIVE OFFICE Director John Douglass.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(212)
Associate Director Alicia . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(229)
Chelsea Steel.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(294)
CONFERENCES & EVENTS The AWS Foundation is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3)
Program Administrator, National Awards Director charitable organization established to provide support
Malisa Mercado.. . . . . . . . .(293) CaLae . . . . . . . . . . . .(213) for the educational and scientific endeavors of the Amer-
ican Welding Society. Promote the Foundation’s work
HUMAN RESOURCES SALES & PUBLISHING with your financial support.
Associate Director Managing Director
Alex Diaz.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(209) Michael . . . . . . . . . . .(350)

GOVERNMENT LIAISON SERVICES Senior Sales Executive, Corporate

Hugh Webster .... Sandra . . . . .(254)
Webster, Chamberlain & Bean, Washington, D.C.
(202) 785-9500; Fax: (202) 835-0243 STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT
Monitors federal issues of importance to the Dept. information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(340)
Director — Standards Development
CONVENTION AND EXPOSITIONS Peter Portela.. . . . . . . . . . . . .(311)
Director, Expositions Technical Committee Activities, Additive
Matthew . . . . . . . . . .(239) Manufacturing, High-Energy Beam Welding, Ro-
botics Welding, Welding in Sanitary Applications,
Senior Sales Executive, Expositions Structural Subcommittees on Bridge Welding and
Sarah . . . . . . . . . .(297) Titanium

ITSA — INTERNATIONAL THERMAL Director — International Activities

SPRAY ASSOCIATION Andrew Davis.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(466)
Program Manager International Standards Activities, American
Alfred . . . . . . . . . . . .(467) Council of the International Institute of Welding


ING ALLIANCE Stephen Hedrick.. . . . . . . . . . . .(305)
Program Manager Metric Practice, Safety and Health, Joining of
Adrian . . . . . . . . . .(295) Plastics and Composites, Personnel and Facilities
Qualification, Mechanical Testing of Welds, Weld-
WEMCO — ASSOCIATION OF WELDING ing in Sanitary Applications
Program Manager Stephen Borrero... . . . . . . . . .(334)
Keila . . . . . . .(444) Definitions and Symbols, Structural Subcom-
mittees on Reinforcing Steel and Stainless Steel,
INFORMATION SYSTEMS Joining of Metals and Alloys, Piping and Tubing
Managing Director
John Perry .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(247) Rakesh Gupta.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .(301)
Filler Metals and Allied Materials, International
PUBLISHING & EDITORIAL Filler Metals, UNS Numbers Assignment, Computa-
Dept. information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(275) tional Weld Mechanics

Welding Journal Jennifer Molin.. . . . . . . . . . . . .(304)

Publisher/Editor Structural Welding, Sheet Metal Welding
Annette Alonso.. . . . . . . . . . . .(238)
Mario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(310)
Society News Editor Automotive, Resistance Welding, Resistance
Katie Pacheco.. . . . . . . . . . . .(275) Welding Equipment, Welding and Brazing in Aero-
space, Friction Welding


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FIRST® Names President hands-on learning opportunities avail- ing his 13 years at AB, he served as ex-
able to more students around the ecutive vice president, global head of
FIRST®, Manchester, N.H., a robot- world, especially in underserved and technology and chief technology offi-
ics community that prepares young underrepresented communities. Cohen cer, where he led strategic planning,
people for the future, has hired has more than 30 years experience in governance, and management of tech-
Lawrence Cohen as president. In his various leadership roles. He has served nology programs, business operations,
role, he will work with the board of di- in executive management capacities at enterprise infrastructure, application
rectors to advance the organization’s Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, and development, information security,
strategic objectives, collaborating with UBS, and was most recently partner data management, client services, and
the senior management team to con- and global head of operations and tech- business continuity. Prior to that, he
tinue scaling FIRST programs to make nology at AllianceBernstein (AB). Dur- served as an information technology
executive at several global financial
services firms.

Laboratory Testing Inc.

Appoints President
Brandon McVaugh has been pro-
moted president of Laboratory Testing
Inc. (LTI), Hatfield, Pa., a materials
testing and
metrology labora-
tory. McVaugh
succeeded his fa-
ther, Michael J.
McVaugh, who re-
tired from the po-
sition following 25
years of service.
McVaugh began
working part time
at the family-run
business while still
B. McVaugh
in high school and
college. He earned
a bachelor’s degree
in business from Delaware Valley Uni-
versity, and then took a position with
The Vanguard Group in Valley Forge,
Pa., for the next five years, where he
held various leadership positions in
operations. He returned to LTI in 2010
as the customer service supervisor. He
then spent five years managing the
mechanical testing department and
the Machine Shop and three years as
director of operations with responsi-
bility for overseeing all testing, ma-
chining, and calibration departments.
He also led the efforts to acquire the
FTA and TACTIC divisions.

Reed Adds Regional Manager

for Midwest U.S.
Reed Manufacturing, Erie, Pa., a
producer of fine tools for trades, has
welcomed Shannon Lessner as region-
al manager for the Midwest markets.


She will serve key east, and regional he opened new
accounts, work manager, where he markets interna-
with manufactur- managed the sales tionally. He began
er’s representa- of welding alloys his career at Ho-
tives, and focus on and equipment bart Brothers Co.,
developing new from 1990 to Troy, Ohio, where
business in the 2002 in Florida, he worked as a
area. Before join- Georgia, and Ala- sales representa-
ing the company, bama. He moved tive for the south-
Lessner held vari- on to Uniweld east United States,
ous positions at Products as na- and later as assis-
Werner Co., Spec- tional/regional tant to the vice
S. Lessner T. McCormack R. E. Roediger
trum Brands, and sales manager un- president of sales.
Fiskars & Gerber. til his retirement He moved on to
She brings a back- in October 2019. TekTran, Newark,
ground in customer partnerships, rep He is currently a recruiting assistant Ohio, as general manager; then Arcair,
agency management, plus strategic vi- with the U.S. Department of Com- Lancaster, Ohio, as president. During
sion to drive sales and marketing pro- merce, Census Bureau. his time at TekTran and Arcair, he did
grams with the company’s distributor Additionally, McCormack served in business all over the world, including
network. the U.S. Navy where he was honorably Belgium, Brazil, the Middle East,
discharged. He is an American Welding Poland, the Soviet Union, China, and
Society (AWS) Life Member, joining in Japan. Afterwards, he went on to work
Dengensha America Hires 1980, and is serving as chairman of for Stoody Delorite Stello, St. Louis,
Sales Engineer the AWS District 5 board of directors. Mo., as executive vice president of
marketing. He was a Life Member of
Dengensha the American Welding Society, joining
America, Bedford, Obituary in 1955. Additionally, he served on the
Ohio, a resistance city council in Troy, Ohio, and as a
welding equip- Edgar Bryant Reed member of the Kiwanis, The Troy Ro-
ment provider, tary Club, the Troy Historical Society,
has added Shan- Edgar Bryant Reed passed away on and Troy Concern. Roediger is sur-
dell Monge as December 5, 2019. He was 79. Reed vived by his wife of 67 years, Marjorie
sales engineer in spent more than “Mitzie,” son, daughter, grandson, and
Atlanta, Ga. Mon- 60 years in the two brothers. WJ
ge will add prod- welding and weld-
uct application en- ing supplies indus-
gineering depth to try and was a Life
S. Monge the company’s Member of the
customer base in American Welding
the south. He will Society. He is sur-
work closely with Dengensha’s Japan- vived by his wife
ese service engineer in its recently Patricia “Patty”
opened Atlanta office. He has more Pebbles, three
than 18 years of practical work experi- sons, stepson,
ence as an applications engineer and E. B. Reed
stepdaughter, five
as a sales manager in the industrial grandchildren, five
electrical field. great grandchil-
dren, two sisters,
and many nieces and nephews. Memo-
rials may be presented in his name to Follow AWS on
National Sales Manager the Salvation Army or the American Social Media
Retires from Uniweld Heart Association.
Facebook: Find us at
Thomas McCormack has retired
from Uniweld Products Inc. after 17 Robert E. “Bob” Roediger americanweldingsociety.
years with the company. McCormack
began his welding career in 1970 as Robert E. “Bob” Roediger passed Instagram: Look at our photos
district manager with Hobart Brothers away on November 11, 2019, after a @americanweldingsociety.
in Vero Beach, Fla. He bought compa- long battle with cardio disease and
ny assets and inventory, and later cancer. He was 90. Roediger attended Twitter: Tweet us @AWSHQ.
opened Florida Welding Supply in the University of Cincinnati where he YouTube: Watch our videos at
1985. He sold his shares of the busi- received his bachelor’s degree in eco-
ness in 1990, then went on to work for nomics. He was a retired marketing ex-
Techniweld as district manager, South- ecutive in the welding industry, where



Get to Know Your Abrasives Options

An overview on abrasives is provided to
optimize weld finishes

elders have an abundance of mixed, pressed in a mold, and then coated with two layers of a resin. Be-
abrasives to choose from to baked to make a rigid wheel. Changing tween these two layers of resin are the
finish welds. Being knowl- the quantity or type of bond or abra- abrasive grains, which are exposed and
edgeable about the abrasive options sive will affect the performance of the visibly protruded from the disc. The
available can be helpful when choosing grinding wheel. More bond will create same principles apply here with coars-
the right solution for the application a harder wheel and improve life, while er and finer grit abrasives as in grind-
at hand. This article discusses the dif- less bond will lead to a softer wheel ing wheels, but they have a more dra-
ferent families of abrasives, along with and produce a freer cutting action in matic effect on the weld due to this
their applications and considerations, the grind zone. Coarser grit abrasives high exposure. Grain types are best
to help you get the best results. will improve cut rate and life, while matched to the material being ground.
finer grit abrasives will produce a bet- The backing plays a role in the cutting
ter finish and require less pressure. action and life as well. A thicker and
Grinding Wheels more rigid backing will improve life
and cut rate, while a thinner and more
Bonded abrasive thin wheels, or Fiber Discs flexible backing will conform more to
grinding wheels, are made up of two the work and produce better finishes.
main components: bond and abrasive. Fiber discs are a coated abrasive These guidelines also apply when
The powder-like bond and abrasive are made up of a thin backing material choosing a hard or soft backup pad.

Selecting the right type of abrasive for a particular job will lead to better results.


Fig. 1 — Smaller welds can be removed with smaller diame-
ter grinding wheels, fiber discs, or even some nonwoven Fig. 2 — Grinding wheels and coarser grit fiber discs are
discs. suitable for this heavy weld.

Flap Discs posed of nylon, polyester, or other For bonded abrasive thin wheels
fiber material where the abrasives are (grinding wheels),
Flap discs are versatile grinding and bonded to the fiber material by a resin. • Use 5 in. diameter or larger grind-
finishing tools that have four main This random assortment of grain and ing wheels for welds larger than ½ in.
components: abrasive flaps, flap density fiber gives the discs a compliant cut- wide × ½ in. high to reduce the num-
(how the flaps are stacked), backing ting action as it conforms to the point ber of wheel changes needed;
plate shape (flat or conical), and backing of contact more readily. The result is a • Use 5 in. diameter or smaller
plate material (fiberglass or plastic). All better surface finish or a lower surface grinding wheels for welds smaller than
flap discs have flaps that are overlapped roughness average. Coarser grit non- ½ in. wide × ½ in. high to reduce the
and glued to the backing plate. The woven abrasives, while not as aggres- weight and improve ease of use for
flaps wear during use, exposing new sive as fiber discs, flap discs, or grind- smaller welds — Fig. 1;
abrasive grain. The different variations ing wheels, can still provide an aggres- • Frequent abrasive product changes
of the components above provide a sive cut that may be sufficient for the are not practical, such as when work-
variety of application choices ranging application. ing in areas (e.g., scaffolding) that are
from heavy stock removal to blending to secluded or where there are limitations
finishing. Flap discs are designed for Applications on how many tools the welder can
portable grinder applications and can bring;
be the preferred choice over depressed Each of these abrasive product fam- • One wheel is needed to bevel and
center wheels or fiber discs. ilies has a place in the postprocessing notch, in addition to weld grinding;
of a weld. Now that each has been de- • Grinding action is aggressive
Nonwoven Discs fined, the following highlights product (interior/exterior corner welds, etc.);
instances and application examples • Rigid wheels allow for control at
Nonwoven abrasive discs are com- where they would be most useful. the point of contact to avoid grinding


XC (24–36) C (50–80) M (100–150) F (180–220) VF (240–360)


2 9

Fig. 3 — Guidelines for nonwoven abrasive disc selection.


Fig. 4 — Flap wheels perform debur-
ring, blending, and finishing better
than other products because of their
unique structure and ability to provide
a uniform cut rate. Fig. 5 — Pictured are different shapes for specialty abrasives.

into nongrind areas; and high, where over grinding is a concern, tricate shapes and contours while pro-
• Surface finish is not critical. such as for thin-walled sheet metal; viding a uniform rate of cut through-
When using coated abrasive fiber • Cleaning up discoloration; out the grind. A key characteristic of
discs, • Cleaning up weld spatter; flap wheels is that they wear away
• Cut rate is the primary concern; • Difficult to reach welds, such as evenly, exposing fresh abrasive cutting
• Discs can be readily changed; fillet welds that require clean up; and points. Coated flap wheels are best for
• Overhead work, where the weight • Decorative surface finish require- deburring, nonwoven flap wheels are
of the grinder is important, is ments. ideal for finishing, and interleaf flap
possible; Figure 3 provides additional tips for wheels are best suited for blending ap-
• Less pressure is required to grind, selecting nonwoven abrasive discs. plications. The most popular flap
which reduces fatigue; wheel sizes include 1 × 1, 2 × 1, and
• Confined spaces, where grinding Consider Ergonomics 3 × 1 in. with ¼-in. hole. They have
wheel breakage can occur, pose more options for 60, 80, and 120 grit. Most
of a risk; When striving to produce parts flap wheels use aluminum-oxide abra-
• Blending the weld to the parent with fine finishes, having more control sive grain for good cut rate and life,
material is possible without over for less “gouging” of parts and im- and the most popular backing is cot-
grinding; and proved ergonomics is very beneficial. ton for flexibility.
• Working in small work areas, “Small” abrasives providing more con- Figure 4 provides an example of
where a small angle grinder is the tool trol include quick-change discs and where flap wheels are best used. Flap
of choice, is possible. flap wheels, mini flap discs, specialties wheels deburr, blend, and finish better
Coated abrasive flap discs such as cartridge and spiral rolls, than other products due to their unique
• Are used when product life and square pads, harder mounted points, structure and ability to provide a uni-
cut rate combination is of importance; and more. In addition, there are non- form rate of cut. However, flap wheels
• Conform to the weld to blend into abrasive products available today, such do not provide the life and overall cut-
the parent material when grinding on as carbide burrs and wire wheels, that ting performance of bonded-abrasive
either side of the weld is allowable; provide advantages, including extend- mounted points or carbide burrs.
• Are suitable for confined spaces ed life, better control of stock removal
where grinding wheel breakage could in intricate areas, and the ability to be Specialty abrasives. Specialty
pose more of a risk; used in higher temperature applica- abrasives (specialties) are also avail-
• Provide forgiving cutting action tions. Along with these abrasives are able in coated and nonwoven abra-
and avoid large gouges; complementary tools such as mini an- sives. Specialties are used in corners
• Offer a better finish than a grind- gle sanders and die grinders to accom- where larger diameter shapes like flap
ing wheel or fiber disc, grit for grit; plish more intricate work. wheels can’t be applied. They remove
• Are suitable for overhead work flash and machine tool marks, and are
where the weight of the grinder is im- Flap wheels. Flap wheels are avail- used for general polishing, edge break-
portant; and able in coated abrasives, nonwoven ing, and removing parting lines.
• Remove weld spatter without over abrasives, and a combination of both, Figure 5 provides a sampling of spe-
grinding (50 grit or finer) — Fig. 2. popularly called interleaf flap wheels. cialty shapes that are available, includ-
Nonwoven abrasive discs are suit- All flap wheels have abrasives wrapped ing coated spiral bands, cartridge rolls,
able for around the core. This construction al- tapered cartridge rolls, square pads,
• Small welds ¼ in. wide × ¼ in. lows the flap wheel to conform to in- cross pads, overlap slotted discs, bore


Fig. 6 — The pictured ball-nosed cone
shape carbide burr is used for appli-
cations requiring fine finishes.

polishers, and nonwoven cross pads.

Each has the unique ability to get into
hard-to-reach areas and provide close
tolerances, as well as deburr and finish
small-hole areas. An example of this
functionality is found in cross pads
that allow operators to see through
the coated area while grinding, result-
ing in better view of the workpiece and
control for the operator.
Specialties wear evenly, exposing
sharp cutting points. The coated abra-
sive specialties are best for deburring, Fig. 7 — This reference guide can help you select the right wire brush for a particular
while nonwoven specialties have better workpiece material.
finishing properties. The most popular
specialties sizes are ¼ × 1 ½ × ¼ in. and
½ × 1 ½ × ¼ in., and are significantly Changing out sanding and nonwoven when trying to remove weld spatter,
smaller than flap wheels. Most special- finishing discs is a speedy process. rust and oxidation, paint, slag, and
ties use aluminum-oxide abrasive grain other unwanted surface contaminants
for good cut rate and life. Popular grits Carbide burrs. Although especial- without removing any base material.
used are 60, 80, and 120. Like coated ly designed for surface removal on de- When choosing the right wire
specialties, the most commonly seen manding applications, carbide burrs, brush for the job, there are four main
backing is cotton for flexibility. Unlike and specifically the ball-nosed cone factors to consider: type of wire, diam-
flap wheels, the downside of specialties shape, are excellent for imparting fine eter of the wire, filament configura-
is they are not functional on larger finishes, including on weld finishes tion, and trim length.
scale areas of contact. and for making concave cuts — Fig. 6.
Specific to finishing stainless steel, There are a few key tips for properly Type of wire. Wire brushes are
superior ceramic grain abrasives are using carbide burrs, such as adjusting available in carbon steel, stainless
most advantageous, providing faster the machine speed rate to achieve op- steel, brass, and nylon. Brass and ny-
cutting and longer life over traditional timum performance. Smaller burrs re- lon are fairly versatile and can be used
aluminum-oxide products. A poly cot- quire faster speeds, and running below on most any workpiece, while carbon
ton backing for longer life vs. a tradi- the optimum speed will encourage steel and stainless steel are best paired
tional cotton backing is also helpful. chipping. Harder materials or sticky with specific material types. Selecting
If small abrasives are being used, a metals (e.g., titanium) require slower the right one is based on the type of
pneumatic small and lightweight die speeds, and running above optimum workpiece material. Figure 7 provides
grinder can quickly and comfortably speed will cause tooth wear. Addition- additional recommendations for se-
accomplish weld finishing without the ally, allowing the tool to become too lecting a wire brush.
need to change machines. Complete, hot might cause the braze to melt and
precise control of the surface finish is detach the head of the shank. It is ad- Diameter of the wire. A good rule
done by adjusting the speed regulator. vised to not sink the burr for more of thumb to follow would be to select
An ergonomic and streamlined non- than one third of its periphery, and to very fine to fine wire for light-duty
slip grip achieves better tool handling, apply constant movement and light jobs and medium to coarse wire for
increased comfort, and reduced grind- pressure when in use. heavy-duty jobs. Table 1 provides
ing fatigue. Another option is to use a more information on matching wire
small, compact mini angle sander for Wire Brushes diameter to grade.
getting to those hard-to-reach areas,
as well as for fast, efficient finishing. Wire brushes are also a good choice Filament configuration. Wire


Table 1 — Guidelines for Matching Wire Diameter to Grade

Wire Coarse Medium to Coarse Medium Fine Very Fine

Dia in in. .032 .020 .020 .015 .012 .0104 .010 .008 .006 .005
Dia in mm 0.80 0.50 0.50 0.37 0.30 0.26 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.13

cup, wheel, and end brushes come Crimped wire brushes are individual Standard twist knot wire brushes are
with three options for filament config- filaments that are supported only by made with straight wire filaments that
urations, and each has its own bene- each other, creating extra flexibility. are twisted together to make more rigid
fits. These are crimped wire, standard They are ideal for work on irregular sur- rope or cable-like pieces. They are the
twist knot wire, and stringer bead faces, finer surface finishing, and light- choice for more aggressive applications
twist knot wire brushes. to-medium-duty contaminant removal. requiring higher-impact action and a
rougher surface finish.
Stringer bead twist knot wire
brushes are filaments that are more
tightly twisted to the end of the knot
compared to standard twist knot
brushes, creating a narrower face and
highest-impact action. Stringer bead
and twist knot are the choice for tough
weld scale cleaning; removing the bead
scale that occurs at the initial joining
of two sections of pipe; root and hot
weld pass cleaning; and the most ag-
gressive brushing applications.

Trim length. Trim length equals

the amount of usable filament on your
wire brush. To choose the right trim
length, the following best practices
will come in handy:
• Irregular surface — Choose longer
trim lengths for more flexibility.
• Sever applications — Choose
shorter, more rigid trim lengths for
faster action.

Belt grinders are often used for
weld removal, weld blending, polish-
ing, and graining (textured surface).
For tips on belt tensioning and pre-
ventative maintenance practices for
weld finishing, see the article written
by Douglas Jensen in the October
2018 issue of the Welding Journal. WJ

Familiarizing yourself with the dif-
ferent abrasive options listed in this
article can help you choose the best
type of abrasive for a particular job.

PATRICK CARROLL (patrick.h.carroll@ is the product/market
manager at Norton | Saint-Gobain
Abrasives, Worcester, Mass.



Fast, Easy
Robotic Grinding
Integrators can automate grinding
processes to help achieve higher
productivity and quality

“One of the things that we learned

while we were talking to people on the
floor at FABTECH 2019 is that nobody
likes to do grinding, and nobody wants
to do it,” said KUKA Senior Sales Ap-
plication Engineer Pat Duda.
Indeed, falling into the three “D’s”
of traditional manufacturing jobs —
dirty, dull, and potentially dangerous
— grinding is a demanding occupation
that often presents workers with sev-
eral ergonomic challenges.
Like other sectors of manufactur-
ing, it is becoming more difficult to
find workers with the skills and expe-
rience needed to successfully support
grinding and finishing applications for
One solution to this problem may
be to use robots to automate part of
the processes. While robotic welding is
fairly established, few system integra-
tors have the experience and knowl-
edge required for success with robotic
grinding and finishing applications.
“There are only a select few integra-
tors that have deep expertise in both
grinding and automation, and they
are too busy to keep up with the mar-
ket demand,” observed Scott Barnett,
robotic application engineering
manager, 3M.

Putting the Two Sides

Both KUKA and 3M heard from nu-
merous frustrated customers and sys-
tem integrators that had tried to tack-
Fig. 1 — For system integrators with limited experience in abrasive applications, le robotics on their own and found it
there can be a lot of trial and error that can potentially waste both time and money.
to be too expensive and laden with a


welds where there is more variation
but the programming becomes more
complex,” said Barnett. “Simpler
geometries are always easier to work

Greater Than the Sum

of Its Parts
The strength of the system is that it
blends the expertise and product
knowledge of two experienced organi-
zations into one solution, helping to
reduce the risk associated with assem-
bling various components together.
The system comes furnished with a
KUKA KR 60 robot and preconfigured
controller. The six-axis robot provides
the high stiffness needed to compen-
sate for process forces over long peri-
ods of time, especially at forces re-
quired by weld grinding applications.
“If you’re running something like a
right angle fiber disc, the robot can
run it at a much shallower angle than a
person can because it can hold the tool
rigidly. This means you will be using a
lot bigger part of the abrasive, which
can actually improve the life of the
disc,” said Barnett.
Robotic weld grinding relies on con-
sistent, long-lasting abrasive perform-
ance to meet finish requirements, but
few integrators on the automation
side have enough experience working
with abrasives to choose the correct
one for an application. To help them
get started, the package includes a
choice of starter kits designed for use
on either carbon or stainless steel.
As important as each part is to the
solution, the 3M™ Active Compliant
Tool that attaches to the end of the ro-
bot is perhaps the most critical. The
active compliance in the tool enables
the system to apply a consistent force
independent of the orientation of the
tool while still maintaining contact
Fig. 2 — KUKA ready2_grind helps save time and reduces the risk of assembling the
with the part.
components of a robotic grinding system separately.
“It [the tool] adapts for variations
in a part and programming, allowing
high risk of failure — Fig. 1. So the reduce risk — Fig. 2. the media to float in and out to adjust
two companies worked together and The system supports a wide range to the part. It really makes the pro-
developed a solution that could bridge of fabricated metal parts, from racks gramming a lot more forgiving and en-
the knowledge gap and better serve and enclosures to trailers and nonsur- ables the system to work properly,
end users. gical medical devices. even when the parts vary up to 10
The result of the collaboration is Designed to handle a range of met- mm,” said Duda.
KUKA ready2_grind, a preconfigured als with different processing condi- The tool comes integrated with a
robotic grinding system that combines tions (like stainless and carbon steel), 3M™ Servo Rotary Tool, which is
the necessary hardware, software, and the system works optimally on welds equipped with a servo motor that
assistance to better help system inte- that have been applied robotically and maintains programmed speeds to opti-
grators implement their projects in a have less variation. mize abrasive performance. The rotary
faster manner while also helping to “It’s also able to handle manual tool also includes a built-in tool chang-


ing function for applications that re-
quire multiple abrasives, saving inte-
grators the time of changing them
One of the most important
parameters for running an optimum
Electric Tool Enables
Maximum Performance abrasive process is ensuring that the
One of the most important parame-
abrasive is operating at the right
ters for running an optimum abrasive speed for the product.
process is ensuring that the abrasive
is operating at the right speed for the
Most pneumatic tools, under any From an integrator perspective, support, where they can send parts to
reasonably applied force level, will re- they receive feedback as to how the 3M’s Customer Abrasive Methods
duce in speed. The tools tend to bog system is performing. If they need to Center in St. Paul, Minn., to obtain
down, so their actual speed is typically adjust a setting, they have the visible recommendations for attaining an op-
less than the free running speed of the information in the palm of their hand timal abrasive process for their appli-
tool. That is not the case with an ap- to know what needs to change. For the cation. This helps save time and ex-
propriately sized servo tool. If a per- end user, it provides the peace of mind pense in finding the right mix of abra-
son chooses to run it at 6000 rotations of knowing that their operators will sive and process parameters, and pro-
per minute (RPM), it will run at ap- have the ability to manage the process vides the confidence of knowing it’s
proximately 6000 RPM under typical over time after it’s been implemented. being done right.
forces that are applied, whereas a “In many cases, people that are less
pneumatic tool may only run at half familiar with these processes will sim-
that speed under a reasonably applied ply look to replace a human arm with a
force. robot arm without considering all of
“The benefit of a rotary tool is that the benefits that a robot can bring to
it is electric, as opposed to pneumatic the application. When we help a cus-
hand tools, which are most commonly tomer, we look less at what they are
used by manual operators in our mar- currently doing and more at what they
ket. This means that the servo tool is want to achieve from a results stand-
able to retain speed much more effec- point,” said Barnett.
tively than pneumatic tools, which rely In addition, customers have access
on air. This translates to, not only, to the integrators that both companies
longer abrasive life and less consum- work with, as well as KUKA’s on-call
able cost, but also higher productivity services.
via faster cycle times,” said Barnett. While the collaboration is still in its
early stages, the community that both
Intuitive Human-Machine organizations have created with some
of their integrators continues to grow.
Interface Reduces Many integrators took part in the first
Complexity Robotic Grinding and Finishing Con-
ference hosted by the Robotics Indus-
A big concern in any process for tries Association last year and are
Fig. 3 — The intuitive user interface
both integrators and end users alike is looking forward to this year’s event on
provides integrators and end users
programming complexity. For an ap- with an easy way to handle normally April 27 and 28 in St. Paul, Minn.
plication like automated grinding, complex tasks, such as tool changing. “A lot of the people that come to the
where there is often little experience, event have automation experience and
ease of use becomes even more critical others are more familiar with grinding
to ensuring a successful adoption.
The system’s intuitive user inter- Saving Time and processes,” concluded Duda. “So, this is
Minimizing Risk the perfect environment for everyone
face was designed to focus on the most to come together and share ideas as to
important parameters of an abrasive how we can collaborate.” WJ
application in a simplified way, en- Given the complications of the
abling the integrator or operator to process and lack of industry experi-
concentrate on the abrasive process ence in handling both disciplines at
parameters — Fig. 3. once, 3M and KUKA worked together
“Rather than worrying about [hard- with a number of their integrator part-
ware] inputs and outputs or anything ners to develop a community that sup-
that low level, they can turn their at- ports manufacturers that want to im-
tention to things like what force they plement the system. THOM RECORD ( is
copywriter, KUKA Robotics, Shelby
want to use or what RPM they want As part of the package, integrators Township, Mich.
the tool to operate at,” said Duda. receive proof-of-concept engineering



Post-Spray Treatments: Grinding

a wheel for grinding a spray deposit are similar to those for

grinding the same metal in wrought or cast form. The
grinding technique should be designed to minimize heat
buildup in the deposit. The structure of the wheel should
be as open as possible, and the grain size as coarse as pos-
sible, consistent with finish requirements. The wheel
should be narrow, the infeed light, and the traverse as fast
as possible without spiraling.
When grinding equipment is not available, metal de-
posits can be machined to within 0.002 to 0.006 in. (50 to
150 m) of final size. Then they can be finished to size with
a belt polishing unit. Close tolerances and fine finishes are
possible using belt polishing with the proper selection of
abrasive type and grit size.

Fused Deposits
Fig. 1 — Generic thermal spray device with close-up view
of spray deposit. (Source: Adapted from Sandia National Because most fused deposits (sprayed deposits that are
Laboratories.) remelted, or fused, after they are deposited) are designed for
hardfacing purposes, grinding is usually the most economi-
cal method of finishing them. Although most fused deposits
Thermal spraying encompasses a group of processes in can be machined with the proper type of cutting tool, close
which finely divided metallic or nonmetallic materials are tolerance work is difficult because of rapid tool wear and the
spray-deposited in a molten or semimolten condition onto a excessive heat generated. Dry grinding may be suitable for
substrate to form a coating or to build up a free-standing some operations, but the heat and fast wheel wear make it
shape on a mandrel — Fig. 1. difficult to achieve close tolerances. Wet grinding can pro-
It is common in many applications, especially cylindrical duce close tolerance components, fine finishes, and econom-
shafts, to deposit an extra thickness of material and then ical stock removal rates. Nickel-base alloys are best ground
grind the surface to achieve a tight tolerance dimension or a with silicon-carbide grinding wheels, and cobalt-base alloys
specific surface finish. While it is possible to achieve excel- with aluminum-oxide grinding wheels.
lent results with a wide range of materials and geometries, Grinding wheel manufacturers should be consulted for
improper grinding techniques may severely damage a recommendations of the appropriate type for the job. Good
sprayed coating, so the proper selection of grinding wheels practice usually suggests the coarsest wheel consistent with
and speeds is very important. finish requirements, an open structure or soft bond, as large
a wheel as possible, and good wheel-dressing techniques.
The surface finish of fused coatings can often be improved
Wet Grinding Metal Deposits after grinding by polishing with fine-grit belts.
Wet grinding with large, wide wheels is the preferred
method of grinding metal deposits. Wet grinding avoids Ceramic Deposits
heat buildup in the workpiece and permits closer tolerances
than dry grinding. Grinding wheel manufacturers can rec- Although individual particles of a thermally sprayed ce-
ommend wheel types and grinding procedures for various ramic coating may have extreme hardness, sprayed ceramic
metal deposits based on a particular type of grinding coatings usually can be finished by conventional grinding
machine. techniques with standard equipment. Successful finishing
If it is necessary to dry-grind metal deposits, as is done requires selecting the proper grinding wheel, in some cases a
with portable grinders mounted on a lathe, most of the diamond wheel, and following correct procedures. Flood-
material to be removed should be removed first by machin- cooling should be employed during grinding, and water cool-
ing. The deposit is then ground to the required dimensions ing is generally preferred; however, some water-soluble
and final finish. Wheels used for dry-grinding operations coolant additives may stain light-colored ceramic deposits.
may be either aluminum oxide or silicon carbide, depend- General recommendations for grinding ceramic deposits are
ing on the metal. The factors to be considered in selecting available from grinding wheel manufacturers. WJ

Excerpted from the Welding Handbook, Ninth Edition, Volume 3, Welding Processes, Part 2.


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Sponsored by the American Welding Society

Quantitative Weld Quality Acceptance Criteria: An Enabler

for Structural Lightweighting and Additive Manufacturing

Recent developments in fracture-mechanics based defect acceptance criteria, as

well as robust computational techniques, are higlighted


ABSTRACT Introduction
Most of the existing weld quality acceptance criteria Various forms of geometric discontinuities or imperfec-
stipulated in various codes and standards, as well as in tions, such as pores and inclusions, are always present in
recommended practices, are empirical in nature. Historical- welded components (Refs. 1–4) — Fig. 1A. The same can be
ly, these workmanship-based criterias have been adequate said about other manufacturing processes like forged com-
for quality control purposes in construction of welded ponents (Fig. 1B), or even in plain materials, which are just a
structures. However, as the competition for achieving struc- matter of length scale. In the construction of modern light-
tural lightweighting intensifies, more quantitative quality ac- weight structures, lightweight aluminum alloys are increas-
ceptance (also known as fitness-for-purpose based) crite- ingly being used in the automotive industry. Due to produc-
ria are increasingly called for. This is because various new
forms of discontinuities and joint configurations (e.g., dis-
tivity requirements, resistance spot welds or laser welds
similar materials joints) cannot be readily related to existing tend to contain a more pronounced porosity, depending on
acceptance criteria. Even if existing criteria can be made materials and welding parameters used — Fig. 2 (Ref. 1).
applicable, recent research findings have shown that exist- Although friction stir welding (FSW) has many advan-
ing criteria can be excessively conservative for some and tages over the traditional fusion welding processes, some
unconservative for others when dealing with thin gauge and unique discontinuity forms (such as kissing bonds and
lightweight construction. A similar situation exists for addi- “hook-like” defects — Fig. 3) can pose significant challenges
tively manufactured metallic components, which can be to nondestructive examination (NDE) techniques due to po-
viewed as “all weld metal” components containing random- tential implications on the structural integrity of such joints
ly distributed discontinuities over the entire component vol- if missed in production. As 3D printing (or additive manu-
ume. In this paper, some of the recent developments in
quantitative weld quality acceptance criteria will be first
facturing [AM]) gains popularity in the metal manufactur-
highlighted, some of which are made possible by advanced ing industry, quality acceptance criteria have become one of
fracture mechanics analysis techniques. Applications in the key technological hurdles for the adoption of safety-crit-
structural lightweighting and additive manufacturing will ical applications. AM parts’ “all weld metal” nature in terms
then be demonstrated with some real-world examples. of randomly distributed discontinuities over a bulk build is
Finally, implications on a broader application of the method- illustrated in Fig. 4 for a 3D printed Ti-6-4 round bar (Ref.
ologies presented for ensuring both structural integrity and 5). One key question here is how to determine what level of
cost-effectiveness in construction will be discussed in light discontinuities, both in size and distribution, is acceptable
of these developments. for a given product application. Similar questions have also
been repeatedly asked for dealing with dissimilar metal
joints such as aluminum to steel joints in which brittle inter-
KEYWORDS metallic compounds typically develop, often accompanied by
• Weld Quality • Lightweighting • Additive Manufacturing To address the questions posed above, fracture mechanics
• Applied Fracture Mechanics • Fitness-for-Purpose
methods can be used. The power generation and petrochem-
• Dissimilar Metal Joining • Defect Assessment
ical industries have widely adopted these methods as a post-
construction assessment method for demonstrating struc-




Fig. 1 — Representative defects at a different length scale: A — Fillet weld; B — forged component.


Fig. 2 — Representative defects in resistance spot welds and

laser welds: A — Resistance spot weld; B — laser welds.

tures or pressure equipment’s fitness for continued service reduction, structural strengths under quasi-static loading
when a defect (hypothetical or real) is considered (Refs. 6 conditions are typically not noticeably impacted. This can be
and 7). These methodologies are often referred to as engi- clearly illustrated by considering a set of simple tension
neering criticality assessment (ECA) or fitness-for-service specimens containing different notch radii, resulting in dif-
assessment procedures, representing practical application ferent stress concentration factor Kt (Ref. 8), as shown in
procedures as fracture mechanics continue to advance. Some Fig. 5. The resulting static strengths obtained from these
of these advancements are particularly suited for applica- tests showed essentially the same load capacity (see peak
tions in establishing the quality acceptance criteria dis- values of the load-displacement curves in Fig. 5B), even
cussed earlier. The paper starts with some simple illustra- through the local stress concentration varies significantly
tions on the structural significance of geometric discontinu- from Kt  2.5 to Kt  20. However, the fatigue tests on two
ities to show that fatigue performance is the key measure of specimen types with different stress concentration factors
effects of discontinuities for which fracture mechanics con- (Fig. 6A) yield two distinct S-N curves resulting in signifi-
siderations become essential. Then, some of the relevant cantly different fatigue strengths defined by the two hori-
fracture mechanics developments are highlighted. These in- zontal lines in Fig. 6B.
clude both direct techniques for assessing structural signifi-
cance of discrete or randomly distributed defects and an in- Illustration of Quantitative Quality Acceptance Criteria
direct method for fatigue performance evaluation of compo-
nents containing various forms of discontinuities. Various To demonstrate the major differences between empirical
real-world examples were used to demonstrate how some of based weld quality acceptance criteria and fracture mechan-
the fracture mechanics techniques can be used to effectively ics based quantitative quality criteria, consider a structural
establish quantitative quality acceptance criteria for engi- steel beam welded onto a base plate as shown in Fig. 7. In
neering applications. traditional quality acceptance criteria, as long as any discon-
tinuities, for example a defect size of a0, are less than an al-
Structural Significance of Discontinuities lowable limit through a nondestructive inspection tech-
nique, a simple beam bending theory can be used to calcu-
Static vs. Fatigue Strengths late maximum beam depth H needed for carrying a static
load F without exceeding the steel yield strength SY, i.e.,
It has been well-established in the literature that the
Mc 6FL
detrimental effects of geometric discontinuities associated
with typical manufacturing processes can be related to com-
 max = = < SY ( 1)
I tH 2
ponents’ fatigue performance under cyclic loading condi-
tions. As long as there is no significant load-carrying area




Fig. 3 — Friction stir welds of aluminum extrusions: A — View

of overall friction stir zone; B — local view of defects at
nugget root.

Then, the beam height required can be calculated as:

H > (2)

However, the weld connecting the beam to the base may

contain potential manufacturing defects that might not al-
ways be detected during a required NDE inspection due to 2

inherent limitations in a given NDE technique. Then the K 

question becomes: Is the beam structure still capable of car-  0 < A  IC  ( 5)
rying design load F if a crack-like defect of a0 is missed dur-
ing NDE inspection? To answer this question, a fracture me-
chanics parameter KI (referred to as stress intensity factor)
needs to be introduced, which relates stress in Eq. 1 to de- in which A  1/(C2). Although a rather simple exercise, the
fect size a0 in the following manner as long as a0 is small implications of Eq. 5 are significant as summarized in the
compared to H: following:
 The maximum tolerable defect is inversely proportional
to the second power of material yield strength SY. As higher
KI = max C  0 < K IC ( 3) strength materials are increasingly used, the maximum tol-
erable defect size rapidly decreases;
 In structural metals, it is typical that as yield strength
where C is a constant. The critical condition can be deter- increases, fracture toughness KIC decreases;
mined by comparing KI with material fracture toughness KIC  The compound effects of high yield strength and low
measured from laboratory tests. Then, for a given initial de- fracture toughness make FFS or defect assessment increas-
fect size a0, we can determine the beam height requirement ingly important in manufacturing quality control, particu-
for carrying the required load F without causing an unstable larly modern lightweight structures.
fracture by an initial defect of size a0: Equation 5 illustrates that fracture mechanics not only en-
ables a quantitative defect acceptance criterion, but it also es-
tablishes an important relationship between acceptable defect
a0 based on its significance to structural performance (in this
6FL case, propensity to brittle fracture) and other materials prop-
H >  C  0 (4) erty (i.e., yield strength SY) in addition to fracture toughness
KIC through Eq. 5.

By comparing the beam height calculated from Eq. 2 and Advanced Applications of Fracture Mechanics
4, the largest H should be the final design height for pre- Methods
venting the beam both from reaching SY (developing plastic
deformation) and developing an unstable fracture. For de- In view of the importance of fracture mechanics princi-
fect sensitive materials, e.g., high-strength steel, Eq. 4 often ples previously discussed, some of the relevant recent ad-
prevails. This can be demonstrated by rearranging the right- vances in adopting fracture mechanics principles for applica-
hand side of Eq. 3 after substituting SY in place of max as: tions in complex structures are briefly highlighted.




Fig. 4 — Randomly-distributed discontinuities in a 3D printed titanium bar (Ti-6-4): A — Bar specimen; B — CT scan image.


Fig. 5 — Tensile strength test results of specimens containing a varying degree of stress concentration: A — Tensile specimens
containing various forms of stress concentrators; B — tensile test results.

Hybrid Polygonal Element (HPE) Method chanics assessment of aluminum spot welds with randomly
distributed pores and microcracks, as shown in Fig. 9 (Ref. 10).
A rather novel hybrid polygonal element method was de-
veloped decades ago (Ref. 9) and has been widely used for Finite Element Alternating Method (FEAM)
composite materials due to its robustness for dealing with
randomly distributed geometric features, e.g., cracks, inclu- A finite element alternating method (FEAM) has been
sions, and voids. Figure 8 illustrates a thin plate containing implemented for fracture mechanics applications in complex
about 27 randomly distributed cracks under remote tension. welded components (Refs. 11–14). This method is particu-
A simple polygonal element model (Fig. 8B) is all that is larly advantageous in that it only needs a regular finite ele-
needed to accurately calculate stress intensity factors at each ment model without the need to model the presence of a
of the crack tips for all cracks. As a result, the stress intensi- crack. It is relatively mesh size insensitive because it is based
ty factor KI for the main crack is increased by about 200% in on an alternating procedure between a closed form solution
comparison to KI0 corresponding to the situation in which for an embedded elliptical crack in an infinite body and a fi-
only the main crack is present. The maximum stress intensi- nite element stress solution for an actual component — Fig.
ty factor value among all 27 microcracks occurs at Crack 17 10. Its applications for modeling a variety of crack problems
(Fig. 8B) and is about 96% of KI0. in welded components, including the treatment of welding-
This method has been adapted for performing fracture me- induced residual stresses, are given (Ref. 14).




Fig. 6 — Comparison of fatigue test results presented in S-N curve forms (log-log scale): A — Notch geometry and stress concen-
tration factors (Kt); B — comparison of S-N curves and fatigue strengths.


Fig. 7 — Illustration of conventional strength-based design and fracture mechanics based design methods: A — Conventional
beam theory based design; B — fracture mechanics based design considering a small crack-like imperfection (ao).

A Traction Structural Stress K Solution mal traction stresses calculated along a curvilinear surface
Method cut, along the weld toe on the chord, are also given in Fig.
12C. The traction stress is normalized by applied nominal
Mesh Insensitive Traction Stress Method stress on the brace. The stress concentration factor (SCF) re-
sults are clearly shown being mesh size insensitive as ele-
Over the past decade, a traction stress calculation proce- ment size varies from 0.25 to about 2t (t is chord wall thick-
dure (Refs. 2, 15–17) has demonstrated its ability to provide ness), as shown in Fig. 12B.
a simple and effective stress intensity factor (K) estimation
for complex joints, in addition to its mesh insensitivity in Rapid K Solution Technique
charactering stress concentrations. The traction stress defi-
nition (Fig. 11) is based on fracture mechanics considera- In addition to its mesh insensitivity in traction stress cal-
tions. By considering a hypothetical crack plane (e.g., a line culation for complex joints, the properties of the traction
cut along A-A in Fig. 11A or a curvilinear surface cut along stress method greatly simplify stress intensity factor solu-
C-C in Fig. 11B) at the weld toe, the Mode I stress intensity tion. As illustrated in Fig. 13, the very definition of traction
factor KI is determined by the normal traction component (Fig. 11) is consistent with the far-field stress definition ()
s, Mode II KII is determined by the transverse shear compo- in fracture mechanics. Therefore, the traction stress calcula-
nent z , and Mode III KIII by the in-plane shear component s tion process can be viewed as a stress transformation
(Refs. 18–20). For most applications, only s and s are dom- process from an actual complex joint in a structure under ar-
inant, and z is typically negligible. The traction stress proce- bitrary loading to a simple fracture problem, in which the
dures are given in a number of papers and in the 2007 complex loading and geometry effects are captured in the
ASME FFS-1 Fitness-for-Service, Section VIII Division 2 form of membrane and bending. As a result, K for any crack
Code and 2007 API-579-1 (Ref. 2). size along the weld can be estimated by using the existing K
With the traction stress method, the traction stress com- solution for a simple plate fracture mechanics specimen sub-
ponent of interest at any given through-thickness cross sec- jected to both membrane tension and bending, by consider-
tion cuts along an arbitrary weld line can that be calculated ing either an edge crack or a surface elliptical crack.
with a great deal of consistency, or referred to as mesh in- The detailed derivations and validations can be found in
sensitivity. One example is summarized in Fig. 12. The nor- Ref. 3 For demonstration purposes, Fig. 14 shows the vali-




Fig. 8 — Application of a HPE method in evaluation of a cracked B

body (2D) containing a total of twenty microcracks: A — Prob-
lem definition; B — HPE model.

Fig. 9 — Application of a HPE method in evaluation of alu-

minum spot weld containing randomly distributed pores: A —
a representative spot weld cross section; B — HPE model.

Fig. 10 — Illustration of FEAM.

dation for considering both an edge crack and a semiellipti-

cal surface crack situated at the weld toe in a T fillet weld. In B
Fig. 14A and B, attention should be given to the case labeled
as “W/ notch effects” and its comparison with the solutions
represented by symbols, which were given by Glinka et al.
(see discussions given in Ref. 3) based on a weight function
method. Other solutions (dashed lines) are based on other
forms of approximation methods and plotted here only for
comparison purpose. It can be seen that the traction stress
based K solution compares well with the weight function so-
lution over the entire crack size range considered. The same
can be said about the traction stress based K solutions corre-
sponding to semielliptical crack — Fig. 14C. Fig. 11 — “Free-body cut” illustration of mesh-insensitive
structural stress method: A — 2D cross section cut along
Quantitative Quality Acceptance Criteria Line A-B; B — curvilinear area cut between A-A and C-C.

Aluminum Alloy Resistance Spot Welds eters, a total of four characteristic distributions (or cases)
were found (Fig. 16) under the two most severe loading sce-
Figure 15 shows typical spot weld cross section macro- narios — lap tension (also referred to as coach peel) and lap
graphs exhibiting a significant level of pores and microc- shear.
racks. After some preliminary examination, the HPE model The fracture mechanics analysis results corresponding to
shown in Fig. 15B was constructed containing a total of six the four characteristic cases in Fig. 16 are summarized in Fig.
pores of variable size, orientation, and location. After a to- 17, normalized by the stress intensity factor for the main in-
tal of 242 parametric (242 cases) analyses over these param- terfacial crack K0. As can be seen in Fig. 17, as long as defects




Fig. 13 — Traction structural stress based mapping for rapid
stress intensity factor (KI) calculation in complex welded
components: A — A 3D plate T joint; B — edge crack solution
(2D); C — semielliptical surface crack solution.

performance, e.g., for the cases labeled with “edge pores”

shown in Fig. 18B. As a result, a shop floor implementation at
a major automotive company is illustrated in Fig. 19, repre-
senting radiographies of periodic inspection results.

Metallic AM Parts
As illustrated in Fig. 4, in AM parts, two types of discon-
tinuities are of concern as far as fatigue performance is con-
cerned: (a) surface roughness and surface defects and (b) in-
ternal defects.

Surface and Subsurface Defects

Even under machined and polished surface conditions,

the round bar specimens (Ti-6-4) still showed significantly
lower fatigue performance than wrought conditions — Fig.
20. This is because although overall surface roughness can
Fig. 12 — Demonstration of mesh-insensitivity of traction be improved by machining and polishing, the subsurface
structural stress along weld toe on chord in a tubular T joint: discontinuities shown in Fig. 4 are exposed as surface dis-
A — Overall T joint geometry and loading conditions; B — FE continuities. Such effects are clearly illustrated, as summa-
models with different element sizes; C — comparison of rized in Ref. 21, by detailed examination at a local machined
structural stress results calculated along weld toe. and polished V notch tip of fatigue test specimens — Fig. 21
(Ref. 21). Here, geometric features are not that different
are confined within the middle of the weld nugget, approxi- from typical welded joints, say at the weld toe position, as
mately within 50% of the nugget radius, there exists no shown in Fig. 1A.
noticeable detrimental effects. As a result, the first two types The effectiveness of the mesh insensitive traction struc-
(to the left of Fig. 17A and B) are considered equivalent to per- tural stress method previously described (see Figs. 11 and
fect welds (i.e., without any pores). 12) has been demonstrated effective in collapsing fatigue
The results in Figs. 16 and 17 also provide an effective test data into a single narrow band for welded joints (Ref. 2).
means for performing validation testing by grouping speci- Given the similarities in notch root discontinuities shown in
mens in terms of porosity distribution types, rather than Fig. 21, it is conceivable that the mesh insensitive method
based on specific defect size and location, (such as those in Fig. could work equally well for correlating fatigue test data for
16, which are practically impossible to repeatedly reproduce in metallic AM parts if different machined notch geometries
practice. Such a validation testing effort is summarized in Fig. are considered. Such test data were recently published by
18. As long as the 50% nugget radius criterion is satisfied, Fig. Solberg and Berto (Ref. 21), as summarized in Fig. 22 for
18 shows that the corresponding S-N test data form essential- which typical notch tip surface conditions are given in Fig.
ly the same scatter band, indicting no detrimental effects of 21. A total of four notch types are considered as shown in
pores as long as they are within the 50% radius of the weld Fig. 22A. The test data are shown in Fig. 22B in terms of
nuggets. For cases in which pores are widespread or near the nominal stress range in log-log scale, showing four distinct
nugget edges, there exists a significant degradation of fatigue trend lines. By using the traction stress method previously




Fig. 14 — Validation of traction stress based stress intensity factor solutions for a T joint: A — Edge crack; B — semielliptical crack.


Fig. 15 — HPE model for modeling distributed pores in alu-

minum spot welds: A — Representative macrographs of spot
welds showing distributed pores; B — HPE model for repre-
senting effects of pores on stress intensity factor of interfa-
cial slit modeled as a crack.

ent notch geometries. Additional results are presented in

(Ref. 22), including detailed discussions on computational
procedures for SCF calculations.
The traction structural stress method has the advantage
of simplicity since it is mesh size insensitive. It would be
useful to compare with a more elaborate method developed
specifically for correlating the same data shown in Fig. 22
(Ref. 21) in which local strain energy change with respect
to a control volume surrounding the notch root. Such a
comparison is given in Fig. 23. Note that in the original
plot taken from Ref. 21 (see Fig. 23B here), the test data
corresponding to “smooth” were not included in Fig. 23B.
With the same three sets of test data taken directly from
described, the traction stress based SCFs are then calculated Fig. 22C, in terms of traction stress range, are plotted in
using the FE models shown in Fig. 22C. It should be noted Fig. 23A. It can be seen that the correlation based on trac-
that the conventional local stress based SCF or Kt doesn’t ex- tion stress range in Fig. 23A seems better than that shown
ist due to the ill-defined notch geometries shown in Fig. 21, in Fig. 23B, in addition to the method’s simplicity. The key
while the traction stress based SCF can be computed in a reason for the good correlation in terms of traction stress
mesh insensitive manner, thanks to its equilibrium basis lies in the fact that the traction stress was specifically de-
with respect to the cross section cut plane (i.e., fatigue crack veloped for treatment of crack propagation dominated fa-
propagation plane). The resulting S-N data correlation in tigue lives, e.g., in welded joints. The similarities between
Fig. 22D shows a significant improvement over Fig. 22B, AM parts (see Fig. 21) and welded joints (see Fig. 1A) seem
suggesting a good transferability S-N test data among differ- obvious.




Fig. 17 — Stress intensity factor results corresponding to

Fig. 16 — Characteristic porosity distributions identified by characteristic distribution types given in Fig. 16: A — Lap ten-
parametric analysis using HPE model given in Fig. 15B. sion (i.e., coach peel); B — lap shear.


Fig. 18 — Fatigue test results for validating the computational results given in Fig. 17, based on characteristic porosity distribution
types given in Fig. 16: A — Cases 1 and 2; B — Cases 3 and 4.

Internally-Distributed Defects here. For other loading conditions, results and conditions
are given in Ref. 22. The ellipses with dashed lines in Fig.
Consider the randomly distributed indications shown in 24C and D represent the equivalent crack size stiputed in
Fig. 4B. A finite element alternating model previously dis- FFS Codes and Standards, e.g., see API 579 (Ref. 6) or BS
cussed was generated as shown in Fig. 24 by considering a 7910 (Ref. 7).
transverse cross section normal to bar’s longitudinal axis The stress intensity factor (K) results for single elliptical
(Fig. 24A). Within such a cross section, any number of ellip- crack case are shown in Fig. 25. Note the all computed K re-
tical crack-like defects (with minor axis represented as a and sults are normalized by 0 a where 0 represents remote
major axis as b — Fig. 24A) can be analytically defined for applied tension stress. At a given crack position, the maxi-
examining stress intensity factors along a crack front under mum K occurs at   90 deg, corresponding to the minor
given loading conditions. For the present study, three cases axis position as shown in Fig. 25A. As crack position is
are investigated: a single elliptical crack-like defect (Fig. moved closer to the bar edge, i.e., d/R  0.9, the maximum K
24B); two coplanar elliptical cracks (Fig. 24C); and three shows a rapid increase. At d/R  1, the elliptical crack be-
coplanar elliptical cracks (Fig. 24D). Note that the single comes a semielliptical surface crack, representing the most
crack case shown in Fig. 24B is for evaluating crack location severe defect condition.
effects by changing the crack position from the center of the Two coplanar elliptical cracks are considered in Fig. 26.
bar to the edge. This represents a unique advantage of the The purpose is to evaluate the existing equivalent crack size
FEAM technique, for which one FE mesh (Fig. 24A) is all (see dashed ellipse) criterion when the two crack-like defects
that is needed for examining both the crack location effect are situated close to each other with a spacing of s  2a. The
(Fig. 24A) and the effects of multiple crack interactions (Fig. stress intensity factor results along the two crack fronts are
24C and D). Due to space limitation, we only consider re- shown as Crack 1 (C1) and Crack 2 (C2) in Fig. 26. Separate
mote tension loading conditions i.e., tensions along z axis) FEAM analyses were also performed for single equivalent



Fig. 19 — Shop floor implementation. Fig. 20 — Strain-life results of 3D printed titanium alloy Ti-6-4
bar specimens (Ref. 5).



Fig. 21 — Notch geometry details of a V-notched fatigue specimen made by a 3D print process (Ref. 21).

crack corresponding to s  0.5a, 1a, 2a, respectively. All cost-effectiveness in engineering construction. A series of
these K results are compared in Fig. 26B–D. The results case studies are presented, spanning from aluminum spot
show that any interactions between the two coplanar cracks welds to metallic AM parts. The following may be considered
becomes insignificant when their spacing becomes larger as the key messages of this paper:
than 1a or s  1a and that existing s  2a criterion in today’s 1) Quantitative quality acceptance criteria supported by
codes and standards, e.g., Refs. 6 and 7, seems excessively fracture mechanics principles and recent computational
conservative, particularly for AM applications (see Fig. 4). modeling techniques become increasingly important for ef-
The same can be said about three coplanar cracks, as shown fectively supporting today’s increasingly stringent light-
in Fig. 27. The excessive conservatisms associated with ex- weighting requirements.
isting defect interaction criteria shown in Figs. 26 and 27 2) Existing defect interaction criteria seem excessively con-
(see the results labeled as “equivalent”) often lead to unnec- servative in dealing with randomly distributed discontinuities
essary weld repairs that can cause unintended conse- often occurring in joining lightweight metals, e.g., aluminum
quences, e.g., high biaxial or triaxial residual stresses (Refs. alloys and metallic AM parts. The quantitative results present-
23 and 24). ed in this paper suggest that these criteria in relevant codes
and standards should be updated by taking advantages of re-
Conclusion cent developments in some of the computational methods.
3) In today’s quality control, industry tends to put more
After a brief overview of some of the recent needs for de- emphasis on acquiring high-tech and high-resolution nonde-
veloping quantitative defect acceptance criteria in support- structive techniques that have been advancing at a much more
ing structural lightweighting and additive manufacturing, rapid pace than our understanding of the structural signifi-
some of the recent developments in applied fracture me- cance of various forms of manufacturing defects, particularly
chanics as well as robust computational methods are high- those from newer joining and AM processes. The hope is that
lighted. The emphasis is given to their engineering applica- this paper has provided rationales for the importance of taking
tions for enabling the development of quantitative defect a parallel path for establishing what to look for and where to
acceptance criteria for ensuring structural integrity and look when using these advanced NDE techniques, as well as
how to interpret a defects’ significance to structural integrity.






Fig. 22 — Analysis of fatigue test results of notch geometry effects on fatigue behaviors in 3D printed metallic specimens: A —
Specimen geometry; B — nominal stress range vs. cycles to failure; C — FE models for computing SCFs; D — traction stress.


Fig. 23 — Comparison of fatigue test data taken from Fig. 22 between traction stress range and a local energy based fatigue
parameter: A — Traction stress range; B — local energy parameter taken from (Ref. 21).

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Fig. 24 — FEAM model for examining defect position effects Fig. 25 — Stress intensity factor as a function of defect loca-
and multi-defect interaction effects: A — FEA model; B — tion – one defect: A — Centrally located defect vs. near-edge
centrally-located elliptical internal defect; C — two coplanar defect; B — stress intensity factor distribution along defect
defects; D — three coplanar defects. front; C — maximum stress intensity factor as a function of de-
fect location.



Fig. 26 — Stress intensity factor as a function of defect location – two coplanar defects and equivalent defect (dashed line): A — Posi-
tions of defects studied; B — stress intensity factor distribution along defect fronts with defect spacing s=0.5a; C — stress intensity
factor distribution along defect fronts with defect spacing s=a; D — stress intensity factor distribution along defect fronts with de-
fect spacing s=2a.

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Steel-Reinforced Polyethylene Pipe: Extrusion

Welding, Investigation, and Mechanical Testing
The effects of welding methods, with and without preheat
conditions, on weld quality were investigated by visual and
radiographic inspections,and crystalline analysis


This work presents extrusion welding with a square butt
joint of V-shaped steel-reinforced polyethylene (SRPE) cor-
rugated pipe. The SRPE pipe was welded in a single pass on
the inside of the pipe. The welding temperature was
controlled at 190°–200°C. The welding extruder was
modified for controlling the travel speed and preheating Fig. 1 — Steel-reinforced polyethylene corrugated pipe (double-
conditions for welding. A high-density polyethylene (HDPE) wall V-shaped profile).
rod was used as the welding filler metal, which was
inserted into the extruder with a speed of 2.20 m/min. been appropriate for underground applications, it also has
Welding progressed downhill from the overhead position
high ductility and low stiffness, which causes an unstable
with a travel speed of 3.0 cm/min. The effects of welding
methods, with and without preheat conditions, on the weld shape when it receives highly compressive forces (Refs. 3, 4).
quality were investigated by visual and radiographic inspec- Recently, the strength of HDPE pipe has been improved by
tions. From the results, the preheated welding condition methods such as increasing the wall thickness, spiral shape de-
showed complete fusion of the weld without any defects, signs, and reinforcements such as fiberglass and ceramic, etc.
while that of the nonpreheat exhibited a great number of (Refs. 3–5).
voids inside the weld. The crystal structures of the Steel-reinforced polyethylene (SRPE) corrugated pipe is a
preheated and nonpreheated welds were analyzed with an kind of sandwich composite consisting of HDPE and galva-
x-ray diffractometer and compared with the HDPE base ma- nized steel (Refs. 6, 7). The internal and external walls are cov-
terial. From mechanical testing, the weld from the preheat ered by HDPE, and the center layer is reinforced with galva-
condition showed a good ability to endure the tension force
nized steel with V and U spiral shapes (Refs. 8, 9), as shown in
of 46 MPa and compressive stress of up to 0.41 MPa at 5%
deflection. In addition, it was found the welded SRPE could Fig. 1. The SRPE has many advantages from the combined
tolerate hydrostatic pressure of up to 0.18 MPa without any properties of HDPE and reinforced steel, such as high stiff-
water leakage when being used as a water-containing tank. ness, high corrosion resistance, and better flexibility with
steady structure (Refs. 8–10). As a result, there has been inter-
est in using SRPE for underground applications such as
drainage/sewage pipes and water storage tanks (Refs. 8–10).
KEYWORDS For fabrication and connection uses, SRPE is simple to weld at
the HDPE joint by heating-fusion processes such as electrofu-
• Steel-Reinforced Polyethylene Pipe
sion belt, elastomeric seal, and heated tool welding (Refs.
• Extrusion Welding • Preheat
11–14). However, these techniques are suitable for butt-joint
welding on the outside of the pipe. It is difficult for completely
Introduction welding on the inside of the pipe and other joints such as lap,
corner, and T-shaped joints.
High-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe, well known as a Extrusion welding is a thermal technique developed from
type of thermoplastic pipe, is used instead of concrete and hot gas/air welding for melting and joining thermoplastics and
steel pipes for many applications, such as gas and fluid trans- their composites (Refs. 14–18). The filler rod-based thermo-
fers, water/sewage drainages, and electrical and communica- plastic material is heated and extruded into a molten form at
tion conduits (Refs. 1–3). The HDPE pipe shows many excel- the joint area, which is welded after cooling. It also allows a
lent properties, such as light weight, chemical resistance, and large welding area with a single pass and good penetration
tolerance for decomposition (Ref. 4). Although HDPE pipe has (Refs. 19–20). Hot melt extrusion welding can be performed



3.0 cm/min and 200 rpm, respectively. After that, the SRPE
was welded in a single pass on the inside of the pipe from an
overhead position with downhill progression.
After welding, the shape, dimension, and quality of the
welds were inspected by visual testing (VT) according to Amer-
ican Welding Society (AWS) Standard G1.10M:2001, Guide for
the Evaluation of Hot Gas, Hot Gas Extrusion, and Heated Tool
Butt Thermoplastic Welds (Ref. 22). The inside welds were in-
vestigated by radiographic testing (RT) using a phosphor imag-
ing plate (D7 class) and the exposure parameters of 20 kV, 2
mA, 40 s, and the FFD of 700 mm. The radiographic images
Fig. 2 — Welding extruder (Ref. 21). were developed by a computed scanner. After that, the welded
specimens were characterized by XRD using Cu-K as the radi-
by a manual welder or with semiautomation, and can weld on ation source ( = 1.54 Å) and 2 ranging from 10 to 40 deg
both the inside and outside of the pipe with various joint de- with a scanning rate of 0.2 1/s. The crystallinity was deter-
signs. The weld quality from extrusion could be controlled by mined from the integrated area of amorphous and crystalline
welding parameters such as welding temperature, flow rate, as follows: %crystallinity (XC) = AC/(AC + AA), where AC and AA
and extrusion speed (Refs. 19, 20). are the crystalline and amorphous areas, respectively (Refs.
Based on our knowledge, the effects of preheating condi- 23–25). The crystalline thickness of the lamella was calculated
tion on weld quality, crystallinity, and strength of SRPE in ex- by Scherrer equation as follows: t = K/cos where t is the
trusion welding have not been reported. Therefore, this work mean size of the ordered (crystalline) domains, which may be
presents welding of V-shaped SRPE pipe (1200 mm diameter) smaller or equal to the grain size; K is a dimensionless shape
by manual extrusion with preheat. The modified extruder factor, which has a typical value of 0.89;  is the x-ray wave-
with the preheat function was used for controlling heating length; and  is the line broadening at half the maximum in-
conditions before welding. The effects of welding methods, tensity after subtracting the instrumental line broadening in
with and without preheat conditions, on weld quality and the radians. This quantity is also sometimes denoted as D(2);  is
crystalline structure were also studied. In addition, the me- the Bragg angle (Ref. 26).
chanical properties of the weld were further tested for consid-
ering the possibility of using welded pipe in unground applica- Mechanical Testing
tions such as water storage and sewage/drainage pipes.
The tensile specimen was prepared from SRPE welded in
Experimental Procedures the conditions of preheating and nonpreheating. The welded
specimens were prepared as a rectangular strip with the di-
Materials and Instruments mensions of 25 × 150 × 10 mm (three samples were used per
each condition), which was used to analyze the tensile
Steel-reinforced polyethylene corrugated pipe (V-shaped strength of the weld (Ref. 20). The tensile strengths of the
double-wall pipe) with a diameter of 1200 mm (Refs. 8, 9) welded specimens were tested by UTM, and then the broken
and 3.5-mm-diameter HDPE rod were supported by SR.PE areas and types of fracture of the welded specimens were con-
GROUP Co. Ltd. The welding extruder produced from sidered to determine the quality of the weld (Refs. 20, 27, 28).
Metabo was modified with a servomotor and preheat func- For the stiffness test, the welded SRPE pipes were applied
tion (Refs. 20, 21) as shown in Fig. 2. An infrared ther- by a compression load at 5% deflection according to American
mosensor (PROSKIT, MT-4612) was used for detecting the Society for Testing Materials Standard F2435-15 (ASTM
actual temperature of welding. The x-ray radiographic tester F2435-15) and Thai Industrial Standard 2764-2559 (TIS
was a product from General Electric Co. The crystal struc- 2764-2559) for considering the strength of the welded SRPE
tures of the welds were analyzed by an x-ray diffractometer (Refs. 8, 9). The pipe stiffness was calculated from the equa-
(XRD; a Philips X-Pert-MPD x-ray diffractometer). The ten- tion as follows: Stiffness = F/(L × DY), where F = compressive
sile strength and stiffness of the welded specimens were force (N), D = length of specimen (mm), and DY = changes in
tested, respectively, by a universal testing machine (UTM; vertical deflection (mm) (Refs. 8, 9). Finally, the welded pipe
Chengde Precision) and compressive tester (JINGMI). was sealed at both ends and then filled with water into the lid-
ded pipe for testing water leakage and hydrostatic pressure.
Welding and Investigation
Results and Discussion
The SRPE pipes were prepared in a squared butt-joint con-
figuration with a root opening of 5.0 mm and welded by extru- Welding and Investigation
sion at the tacking positions of 0, 90, 180, and 270 deg, re-
spectively. Before welding, the joint was prepared in the fol- From visual inspection, the welded pipes from the pre-
lowing two conditions: 1) welding with preheating at 150°C heat and nonpreheat conditions exhibited good welds and
and 2) welding without preheating. The HDPE rod was insert- displayed complete joint penetration without defects and
ed into the hot air extruder with the rate of 2.20 mm/min and discontinuities at the surface — Fig. 3. The size of the
the controlled temperature of 190°–200°C during the welding width, convexity, and root of the weld were found to be ap-
period. The travel speed and extruder speed were controlled at proximately 32.0, 5.0, and 1.0 mm, respectively. The average



sizes of the welded pipes were measured and summarized in

Table 1 and were in the range according to TIS 2764-2559 A
and AWS G1.10M:2001 (Refs. 9, 22).
From the radiographic tests (Fig. 4), the x-ray images of
welded specimens from the preheat and nonpreheat condi-
tions showed the three contrast zones, such as dark black,
black, and bright black, which were assigned as the areas of
HDPE, steel-reinforced HDPE, and weld, respectively. The x-
ray image of the preheated welded specimen (Fig. 4A)
showed the complete weld without any defects observed
along with the welded areas. For the x-ray image of speci-
mens from the nonpreheat welding, it was found the HDPE
and steel-reinforced HDPE zones had no defect and a
smooth surface, but the welded area showed the discontin-
ues that formed inside the welded material as shown in Fig.
4B. These volumetric indicators inside the nonpreheated B
weld were assigned as a void that came from impurities such
as moisture, as well as volatile and processing additives (in-
cluding the immediate shrinkage of the weld). This caused
the high cooling rate in nonpreheat welding and generated
the void in the material at a high temperature. From the RT
result, it indicated the preheated condition could eliminate
these impurities and also soften the material during the
welding process, which solved the problems of any defects
inside the weld.
Phase components of the welded SRPE at the welded area
and HDPE base were characterized by x-ray diffraction. The
XRD patterns of the HDPE base and welds obtained from
preheated and nonpreheated welding exhibited the diffrac-
tion peaks as shown in Fig. 5A–C, respectively. C
The characteristic peaks of all specimens appeared at the
2 of 21.4 and 23.7 deg corresponding to the diffraction
planes of (110) and (200), respectively. These diffraction
peaks agreed with the orthorhombic structure of HDPE as
reported elsewhere (Refs. 23, 29). In addition, the XRD
showed the broad peak at 2 approximately 20 deg, which
was typically assigned to the amorphous phase of HDPE. It
confirmed that the structure of the HDPE base before and
after welding consisted of the semicrystalline structure of
both amorphous and crystalline phases. Moreover, it was
found that the broad peak of the specimens after being
welded was significantly changed into the more sharper
shape, similar to the other crystalline peaks in the pattern.
It indicated the hot extrusion welding changed the crys-
tallinity and lamellar crystalline size of HDPE. Therefore,
the amorphous characteristics and crystallinity of the welds, Fig. 3 — The generality of welded SRPE: A — Cross section;
including the size of lamellar crystalline, were considered. B — inside; C — outside.
The % crystallinity and lamellar crystalline size of the weld-
ed SRPE and HDPE base were calculated and summarized in (64.65%) than that of the preheated (65.80%) and nonpre-
Table 2. heated welds (70.15%). By the Scherrer equation, the calcu-
From the crystallinity calculation results, it was found lated size of lamellar at the plane of (111) of the HDPE base,
that the HDPE at the base showed lower crystallinity for both preheated and nonpreheated welds, were found to

Table 1 — Visual Inspection of Welded SRPE Pipe

Welding Conditions Inside Diameter Outside Diameter Pitch Range Wall Thickness Weld Size (mm) Weld
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Convex Width Root Defect
Internal Total

Preheat 1201.0 1332.0 154.7 5.20 10.09 5.15 32.20 1.00 No defect
Nonpreheat 1201.1 1332.2 154.7 5.25 10.10 5.05 32.50 0.95 No defect




Fig. 4 — X-ray images of welded SRPE from welding with the following: A — Preheat; B — nonpreheat.

HDPE base, which might indicate the welding process with-

out preheating condition could not control the crystallinity
and crystallite size of materials. In the case of the preheated
weld, it was found that the crystallinity and crystallite size
were close to those of the HDPE base, which might demon-
C strate that the preheated welding could control the crystal
structure by reducing heat loss and the cooling rate during

Mechanical Testing
The tensile testing results of the welded specimens from
preheating and nonpreheating were compared as shown in
Fig. 6. The tensile strength (Fig. 6A) of the welded speci-
mens from the preheated and nonpreheated conditions was
A found to be 46.04 and 31.01 MPa, respectively. The elonga-
tion at the break (Fig. 6B) of the welded specimens from
welding with and without preheat was found to be 98.53
and 64.13%, respectively.
In addition, the types of failures (ductile and brittle rup-
Fig. 5 — XRD patterns of welded SRPE: A — HDPE base; B — tures) in the welded specimens after testing were considered
preheated weld; C — nonpreheated weld. for the weld quality of the joint (Refs. 20, 27, 28). The results
showed the welded specimens from the preheated condition
be 29.70, 28.72, and 24.30 nm, respectively. At the plane of had good joint quality because they showed ductile ruptures
(200), the crystallite size of the HDPE base, preheated and after breaking at the base position of the test specimens, out-
nonpreheated welds, was found to be 28.76, 27.45, and side the welding area — Fig. 7A. It indicated preheat welding
22.94 nm, respectively. These results indicated the lamellar could control weld quality, crystallinity, and crystallite size of
size of the weld was decreased after welding while the crys- the weld. For the welding without the preheat condition, it was
tallinity was increased. The crystallinity and crystallite size found that the specimens exhibited brittle ruptures and were
of the nonpreheated weld was extremely changed from the broken at the welding area, which indicated the joint in the

Table 2 — XRD Result of Welded Pipe

Specimens 2 (deg) Plane Lamellar Crystallite Size (nm) % Crystallinity

Base 21.4 (110) 29.70 64.65%
23.7 (200) 28.76

Preheated Weld 21.4 (110) 28.62 65.80%

23.7 (200) 27.45

Nonpreheated Weld 21.4 (110) 24.30 70.15%

23.7 (200) 22.94




Fig. 6 — The tension testing results: A — Tensile strength; B — elongation of specimens from welding conditions of preheat and


Fig. 7 — The welded specimens after tension test: A — Preheated specimens; B — nonpreheated specimens.

nonpreheated specimens had poor quality as shown in Fig. 7B. at the weld and base material observed by water leakage
This was due to the void that formed inside the weld, which testing. In addition, we found the welded SRPE pipe could
decreased the strength of the welded specimens. From the endure hydrostatic pressure up to 0.18 MPa without any wa-
compressive test (Table 3), the pipe specimens from welding, ter leakage — Fig. 8. After testing by using the pressure over
with and without preheat conditions, revealed stiffness of 0.41 0.18 MPa, it was found the water was able to leak out from
MPa at the stress of 5% deflection according to ASTM F2412- the internal pipe wall near the reinforced steel. From these
15 and TIS 2764-2559 (Refs. 8, 9). Moreover, the test speci- results, it might be concluded the welded SRPE pipe could be
mens were further tested at the high stress of 40% deflections, used for water drainage, sewage, water supply industrials,
and it was found the welded specimens could stand without and nonpressure applications.
cracking at the weld and base areas. This could explain that the
compressive force was dispersed by the strength of the rein- Conclusions
forced steel; therefore, the weld and HDPE base received no
damage. Steel-reinforced polyethylene (SRPE) corrugated pipe
For the water leak and hydrostatic pressure tests, the was welded by extrusion welding in preheated and nonpre-
SRPE pipe welded at both cover lids was filled with water heated conditions. From visual and radiographic inspec-
and kept for four weeks. The sealed tank showed no leakage tions, the welded SRPE from the preheated condition exhib-

Table 3 — Pipe Stiffness Testing Result

Welding Conditions Specimen Size (mm) Load at 5% ID after Test Pipe Stiffness at
ID Length Deflection (N) (mm) 5% Deflection (MPa)
Preheat 1201.0 500.5 15,000 1128.0 0.41
Nonpreheated 1201.1 500.3 14,996 1128.8 0.41



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Geometry-Dependent Solidification Regimes

in Metal Additive Manufacturing
This work provides a simple analytical framework for determining the
conditions under which a system transitions between two regimes


geometries can also result in unintended variations in mi-

ABSTRACT crostructure and defect development. Frederick et al. recent-
ly showed changes from columnar to equiaxed grain mor-
Recent modeling and experimental work in additive
phologies in Rene N5 produced by electron beam melting
manufacturing has suggested cross-sectional geometry
may play a significant role in the local development of the (EBM) as a function of the scan line length (Ref. 5). They hy-
solidification structure through its influence on the heat pothesized that changes in the melt pool behavior as a func-
source path. This effect has been rationalized as the transi- tion of the scan pattern and geometry resulted in a dramatic
tion from a quasistatic point heat source regime to a localized change in the solidification conditions. Similarly,
regime dominated by the quasistatic motion of an equiva- Plotkowski et al. (Ref. 6) observed dramatic shifts in grain
lent line source. This work provides a simple analytical size and crystallographic texture is laser powder bed fusion
framework for determining the conditions under which a (LPBF) of high aspect ratio thin walls of Fe-Si that influ-
system transitions between these regimes. A transient enced their soft-magnetic properties. They found that these
semianalytical heat transfer model is used to examine a differences were correlated to a shift in the melt pool shape
wide range of process conditions and material properties. A
for very short scan lengths, resulting in slower solidification
simple analytical expression is derived and shown to accu-
rately predict the transition between solidification regimes cooling rates and an increased grain size. In selective elec-
over these conditions. The functional form of this expres- tron beam melting of Ti-6Al-4V, Juechter et al. (Ref. 7)
sion is then used to help understand the importance of var- found the microstructure and defect structure were depend-
ious material properties, process parameters, and geomet- ent on the relative difference between the return time of the
ric factors on the characteristics of the solidification con- heat source between two neighboring raster segments and
ditions. This approach may be used as a simple guideline the characteristic thermal diffusion time over the scan
for optimizing process conditions in response to variations length. Development of simple guidelines for the selection
in cross-sectional geometry to produce more consistent of appropriate process conditions as a function of geometry
microstructural distributions in additively manufactured and material properties is, therefore, a critical challenge for
reducing trial and error and improving uniformity in mi-
crostructure and properties.
One simple method of selecting process parameters is the
KEYWORDS use of process maps. These maps relate process or micro-
structural features to the heat source power and velocity
• Additive Manufacturing • Solidification • Heat Transfer
helped guide parameter selection in both welding (Refs. 8,
• Process Modeling
9) and AM (Refs. 10–13). However, this two-dimensional
representation of process space is limited when considering
Introduction the increasing complexity of additive manufacturing. Inher-
ent to this approach is an assumption that the melt pool
Selection of appropriate process parameters and design achieves a quasistatic condition well defined by only these
of scan patterns for metal additive manufacturing (AM) is two process parameters and the material properties. Unfor-
critical for producing defect-free components with a desired tunately, the thermal response to complex heat source paths
distribution of microstructure and properties. When applied in additive manufacturing may be highly transient, making
appropriately, process manipulation in AM can enable pro- it more difficult to easily estimate reasonable process condi-
duction of geometries that are impossible to produce with tions, particularly for complex geometric cross sections.
conventional manufacturing techniques, and even allow for A variety of modeling techniques have been developed to
detailed control of the local microstructure development predict the transient thermal response on the length scale of
(Refs. 1–4). However, heat transfer effects in complex the melt pool, including extensions of computational fluid



Table 1 — List of Test Case Variants in Terms of Linear Beam

Velocity, Hatch Spacing, and Preheat Temperature*

Parameter Levels
L (mm) 4, 5, 6, 7
h (mm) 0.2, 0.3
T0 (K) 300, 500
𝑣𝑏 (m/s) 1, 1.5, 2
Alloy IN718, SS316, Ti-6Al-4V

*Each variant was computed for each material with absorbed powers ranging from 100 to
1000 W in 50-W increments.

the lateral motion of a point heat source but the transverse

motion of an equivalent line heat source in the direction of
the hatch increments. This hypothesis is supported by simi-
lar observations of the thermal profiles resulting from weav-
ing in conventional welding processes, which deviate from
the Rosenthal point source model (Ref. 27). In welding, this
effect led to research by Grong and Christensen (Ref. 28) to
mathematically describe these thermal distributions by ap-
proximating the weaving motion with a line heat source.
Fig. 1 — A schematic of the domain used. The orange box in- The purpose of this work is to utilize a similar approach
dicates the region within which the solidification conditions to develop a simple closed-form equation for estimating
were recorded.
the conditions under which a transition occurs between
these regimes under conditions relevant to additive
dynamics approaches for modeling Marangoni driven flows manufacturing.
and latent heat evolution (Refs. 2, 14–16), and more sophis-
ticated models for tracking the evolution of the liquid free
surface (Refs. 17, 18). However, these models are computa-
Mathematical Models
tionally expensive (often limited to only a few millimeters of
melt track) and ill-suited for developing simple functional Transient Analytical Model
relationships to guide process parameter selection.
As an alternative to computationally expensive numerical The transient solution for a moving semiellipsoidal heat
models, several researchers have recently adopted transient source was derived by Nguyen et al. (Ref. 20). This equation
semianalytical heat conduction models from the welding is implemented here for additive manufacturing by consid-
community (Refs. 19–21) to additive manufacturing (Refs. ering a complex heat source path, similar to that described
22–24). Although these models include a variety of assump- previously by Plotkowski et al. (Ref. 22) and Stump and
tions (conduction only, no latent heat evolution, simplified Plotkowski (Ref. 29). The temperature, T, at time t, may be
boundary conditions), they are able to quickly calculate the expressed as the following:
transient thermal history as a response to complex heat
2qabs t
source paths and over long length and time scales. The T  T0 =
purpose of this work is to use one such model to delineate c(  / 3)3/2 0
different heat conduction regimes as a function of material 1
properties, process parameters, and cross-sectional
geometry. 12 ( t  t') + ah2 12 ( t  t') + bh2
For long scan line lengths, heat conduction behavior dur-
ing welding and additive manufacturing may be reasonably 12 ( t  t') + ch2
approximated using the quasistatic point source solution de-
rived by Rosenthal (Refs. 25, 26) in which a moving refer-
ence frame is coincident with the axis of the heat source. In 3x 2 3y 2 
additive manufacturing, it is common to fill an arbitrary 12 ( t  t  ) + ah 12 ( t  t  ) + bh2
geometry using a raster pattern, alternating the heat source exp   dt 
trajectory and incrementing by a hatch spacing for each sub-  3z2 
sequent pass. As the line length of this raster pattern be-  12 ( t  t  ) + c 2 
comes shorter, the quality of this quasistatic assumption de-
teriorates. Based on the aforementioned experimental ob-
servations (Refs. 5–7), it is hypothesized that under certain (1)
circumstances, once the line length becomes short enough, a
new quasistatic regime is established that depends not on where T0 is the initial temperature, qabs is the heat source



qabs  z2L 
T  T0 = exp  
vh L c 4 t L  4 tL 
  L  x  L 
 xL + 2   L 2  .
erf   erf  4 t 
 4 tL   L 

where xL, yL, and zL are coordinates measured relative to the
midpoint of the line source. For the present situation, only
the midpoint of the line source (x = 0) at the surface (z = 0)
is of interest. Furthermore, the time can be expressed as an
equivalent position in the y-direction using the velocity of
the line source,

tL = yL/vh, (3)

where vh is the effective velocity in the hatching direction

and can be expressed relative to scan and geometric parame-
ters and the linear beam velocity,
Fig. 2 — Comparison of transient thermal fields and melt pool vh = vbh/L, (4)
shapes for SS316 with a linear beam velocity of 1.5 m/s, 0.2-
mm hatch spacing, ambient preheat temperature, and with where vb is the linear velocity of the beam and h is the hatch
three different beam powers. The black line indicates the spacing (see Fig. 1).
transient melt pool shape and the dashed blue line shows Using the above relationships, and setting the y-location
the predicted melt pool shape using the quasistatic line to be some multiple of the hatch spacing, yL = nh, the tem-
source approximation in Equation 2. Note that the quasistatic perature equation may be simplified as follows:
line source does not predict any temperatures above the liq-
uidus for a beam power of 100 W.
2qabs  L 
power absorbed by the material,  is density, c is specific T – T0 = erf  . (5)
vh L c 4 t L  2 4 tL 
heat, t' is an integration variable, x, y, and z are spatial coor-
dinates written relative to the moving heat source and are
therefore time dependent, and ah, bh, and ch are the dimen-
sions of the volumetric Gaussian heat source in the x, y, and Substituting in Equation 3
z directions, respectively.
While analytical, Equation 1 is not easily integrable due  
to the piece-wise nature of the beam path captured by the 
2qabs 1 
time dependence of the spatial coordinates. As a result, a T – T0 = erf  . (6)
numerical approach to performing the integration has been h c 4 nLvb  4 n
adopted. The details of the integration scheme and verifica-  2 Lv 
tion of this approach to modeling heat conduction is sum-
marized in a previous study (Ref. 29).
The thermal diffusivity in the denominator inside the er-
Quasistatic Line Source Model ror function will tend to be comparatively small relative to
the other values in the second term, meaning the error func-
For a heat source traveling rapidly in alternating direc- tion may be well approximated as unity. The error function
tions over a distance L, it may be expected that, under cer- only becomes important for very large thermal diffusivities
tain conditions, the linear motion of the heat source may (e.g., commercial pure Al), or when the line length or beam
be well approximated by the transverse motion of an velocity are very small. For most practical cases, Equation 6
equivalent line source of length L (as shown schematically can be reasonably simplified as follows:
in Fig. 1). The quasistatic solution for a line source with a
constant velocity was described by Grong and Christensen 2qabs
(Ref. 28) in reference to approximating the heat transfer T – T0 = (7)
conditions related to weaving during welding. For a line h c 4 nLvb
source extending from x = –L/2 to L/2, the transient tem-
perature response in the x-z plane at time tL after the line
heat source passes is Finally, Equation 7 may be nondimensionalized by using



Fig. 3 — The normalized average solidification velocity as a Fig. 4 — Example of changing melt pool shape with the value
function of the nondimensional temperature at n = 2, show- of n = 2 for SS316, with vb = 1.5 m/s, L = 5 mm, h = 0.2 mm,
ing the average solidification velocity converges to trans- and T0 = 300 K. Black lines in the melt pool contour plots cor-
verse hatch velocity at n = 2 = 1 for wide variety of cases respond to the liquidus isotherm, while the vertical dashed
with changes in material properties, process conditions, and lines over the contour indicate the center line of the raster
geometric variables. scan pattern.

the difference between the liquidus temperature, TL, and the

preheat temperature as the characteristic temperature Table 2 — Thermophysical Properties Estimated for Three Selected
difference Alloys

Property IN718 SS316 TI-6Al-4V

T – T0 2qabs
n = = . (8) Thermal conductivity (W/m2K) 26.6 16.3 6.7
TL – T0 (TL – T0 )hc 4nLvb Specific heat (J/kg-K) 600.0 500.0 526.3
Density (kg/m3) 7451 7990 4430
Thermal diffusivity (m2/s) 5.95 × 10−6 4.08 × 10−6 2.87 × 10−6
Equation 8 may be interpreted as the nondimensional Liquidus temperature (K) 1610 1673 1933
temperature at a distance y = nh behind the path of the
equivalent line source. For a raster pattern in which the lin-
ear beam velocity alternates directions, the symmetry of the lected at a resolution of 5 m in the x-direction and 6 m in
path repeats every two hatches. Therefore, it might be ex- the y-direction. All simulations were performed with a time
pected that the solidification conditions may transition be- step of 0.2 ms and parallelized on 32 cores.
tween a quasistatic point source regime and a quasistatic To encompass the two heat conduction regimes, a wide
line source regime when n = 2 = 1. That is, as the tempera- range of process conditions was examined. Based on Equa-
ture two hatch distances behind the transverse motion of tion 8, the absorbed power is the simplest parameter to vary
the equivalent line source begins to exceed the liquidus tem- as it is expected to have a direct, linear influence on the
perature of the alloy. transition between solidification regimes. A range of ab-
sorbed power from 100 to 1000 W in 50-W increments was
Test Case applied for each of a large number of combinations of other
input parameters. The levels for line length, hatch spacing,
A simple test case was designed to probe the transition in preheat temperature, beam velocity, and alloy are shown in
heat conduction regimes from a point heat source to an Table 1. Every permutation of these combinations of input
equivalent line source. A simple raster pattern was designed parameters was considered, resulting in a total of 2736 sim-
to fill a rectangular cross section of width L and 10 mm in ulations. The three selected alloy systems, IN718, SS316,
height, moving from bottom to top. The solidification con- and Ti-6Al-4V, are common additively manufactured alloys.
ditions within a subregion of this cross section were evaluat- The thermophysical properties used for each are given in
ed. The subregion was 0.5 mm wide and 2 mm in height, Table 2. The present analysis does not consider alloys, such
centered at L/2 and with the bottom of the region located 4 as aluminum, that have very high thermal diffusivities and
mm from the beginning of the scan pattern — Fig. 1. The low laser absorption. In these cases, the power input re-
purpose of sampling from the subregion only is to limit the quired for full transition to a quasistatic line source regime
results to a region expected to exhibit quasistatic behavior does not fall within a practical operating range.
approaching an equivalent line heat conduction mode. For The output of interest from each case is the average solid-
this reason, the subregion was located near the center of the ification velocity within the subregion outlined in Fig. 1.
scan pattern to reduce the influence of edge effects, and The reason for the selection of this quantity is the solidifica-
slightly farther from the bottom of the scan pattern to mini- tion velocity is expected to be intimately linked to the heat
mize the effect of the initial conditions. Note that the heat conduction regime. For the quasistatic point source condi-
conduction models are both fundamentally three dimen- tion, the maximum solidification velocity is equal to the
sional, but data was only extracted from the x-y plane at the beam velocity (Ref. 30). However, as the line source quasi-
surface (z = 0). The data taken from the subregion was col- static condition is approached, the solidification velocity is




Fig. 5 — A — The value of the nondimensional temperature for n = 2 as a function of the fraction change to each of the inputs,
varied by ±50% around a test case of SS316 with absorbed power of 500 W, hatch spacing of 0.2 mm, beam velocity of 1.5 m/s,
and line length of 5 mm; B — examples as a function of scan line length for the process parameters described in Table 3.

expected to decrease until it is equal to the transverse hatch an absorbed power of 500 W, the nondimensional tempera-
velocity defined in Equation 4. Therefore, the ratio of the ture is slightly larger than one, n = 2 = 1.04. The result is an
average solidification velocity to the transverse hatch veloci- oblong melt pool that wraps around the left corner of the
ty may be used as an indicator of the solidification regime. raster pattern. This situation results in a highly transient
The solidification velocity is extracted at each point from melt pool motion that is clearly not consistent with a quasi-
the transient semianalytical heat conduction solution at the static point source. The quasistatic line source approxima-
time that the point decreases from above the liquidus tem- tion roughly predicts a similar size of the melt pool, but does
perature of the alloy to below. The thermal gradient compo- not capture the transient pool motion as the beam changes
nents in each direction are first calculated at this time by an- directions, so the shape does not accurately represent the
alytically taking
. the partial derivatives of Equation 1. The melt pool behavior.
cooling rate, T, is then calculated using a linear approxima- At 1000 W of absorbed power, n = 2 = 2.08, and the melt
tion of the temperature history. The local solid-liquid inter- pool is now very large compared to the hatch spacing. In this
face velocity, Vs, may then be calculated case, the quasistatic line source approximation predicts a melt
pool shape that is almost perfectly coincident with the tran-
sient melt pool prediction. The melt pool shape only deviates
Vs = = . (9) from the quasistatic line source at the upper-right corner,
G Gx +G 2y +Gz2
2 which is the instantaneous location of the heat source in this
example. Here, the heat very near the center of the beam has
This procedure was performed for each point within the not had time yet to diffuse over the hatch spacing. As can be
selected subregion, and the average solidification velocity, seen at the opposing left edge of the melt pool, the pool shape
Vs,avg, was calculated. quickly approaches the line source approximation with in-
creasing time after the beam has visited a specific location.
Results Note that a similar phenomenon is present for the lower pow-
er cases at isotherms below the liquidus temperature. The av-
To demonstrate the transition between heat conduction erage solidification velocity under these conditions is expected
regimes, an example using SS316 at three different absorbed to approach the hatch velocity (Equation 4), as the quasistatic
power levels is shown in Fig. 2. The linear beam velocity was evolution of the thermal field will closely follow the velocity of
1.5 m/s, with a 0.2-mm hatch spacing, 5-mm line length, the equivalent line source.
and ambient preheat temperature. The transient thermal The average solidification velocity within the subregion
field is shown at 0.0965 s into the scan pattern when the shown in Fig. 3 was recorded for each of the cases described
beam is just completing a scan in the positive x-direction at in the test case section. These velocities, each normalized by
y = 5.8 mm. The transient liquidus isotherm is shown in the hatch velocity, are plotted as a function of the nondi-
black, and the quasistatic line source liquidus isotherm is mensional temperature in Equation 8 with n = 2. For values
shown by a dashed blue line. of n = 2 < 1, there is significant scatter between cases. How-
For an absorbed power of 100 W, n = 2 = 0.208, and the ever, generally, the normalized velocity initially decreases
melt pool is small and roughly elliptical, equivalent to the with increasing power and increasing nondimensional tem-
thermal field under quasistatic point source conditions. perature, but then reaches a local minimum and begins in-
Here, the computed thermal field for the equivalent quasi- creasing at approximately a value of n = 2 = 0.5. This upward
static line heat source does not exceed the liquidus tempera- trend continues until the value of n = 2 exceeds unity, where
ture, so it does not predict any melt pool formation at all. At the normalized average solidification velocity quickly con-



Table 3 — Summary of Example Process Conditions

Parameter IN718 IN718 SS316 Ti-6Al-4V Ti-6Al-4V

LPBF (Ref. 32) EBM (Ref. 33) LPBF (Ref. 34) LPBF (Ref. 35) EBM (Ref. 7)
Power (W) 170 1000 250 375 1200
Absorption 0.3 0.82 0.4 0.3 0.8
Velocity (m/s) 1.2 2.0 1.5 1.029 4.0
Hatch spacing (mm) 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.12 0.1
Preheat (K) RT 1173 RT RT 923

verges to one for all cases as the solidification velocity ap- melt pool behavior is highly transient. Within this region,
proaches the transverse hatch velocity. When the normal- the transient behavior may be further subdivided into point-
ized average solidification velocity is equal to the hatch ve- like and line-like categories on either side of n = 2 = 1. Final-
locity, it may be concluded that the solidification conditions ly, for n = 2 > 1.5, the heat transfer conditions may be well
have transitioned to a new quasistatic regime that can be approximated by a quasistatic line source moving at vh.
reasonably approximated by an equivalent line source. n = 2 Given Equation 8 may be successfully used to determine
= 1 may, therefore, be used as a condition that delineates the transition between point and line heat source conduc-
these two regimes. tion regimes, it is interesting to consider the dominant fea-
tures of this relationship. First of all, it is clear that more
than simply the heat source power and velocity control the
Discussion thermal behavior of the system. The line length, hatch spac-
ing, and preheat temperature all contribute as well. It is im-
The general trends in the normalized solidification veloc- portant to note that the line length is often dependent on
ity as a function of the nondimensional temperature may be the part geometry, meaning the heat conduction regime
understood in terms of variation in the melt pool behavior present during processing may vary as a function of geomet-
by isolating a single case and examining the details of the ric features. This finding is consistent with experimental ob-
melt pool shape as a function of only the applied power. The servations of Frederick et al. (Ref. 5) who showed significant
same case shown in Fig. 2 was selected, with the variation in changes in the grain morphology of Rene-N5 in response to
the solidification velocity and selected melt pool shapes local changes in the line length, and with the observations
shown in Fig. 4. For absorbed powers ranging from 100 to of Plotkowski et al. (Ref. 6) who found an increase in grain
150 W, a quasistatic point source regime is established and size in Fe-Si for short line length. Furthermore, the influ-
the normalized solidification velocity decreases with in- ence of both the hatch spacing and the preheat temperature
creased absorbed power. As the melt pool length increases suggest process conditions must be selected with care and as
within this regime, the angle between the solid-liquid inter- a function of geometry. Selecting parameters based on sin-
face and the beam travel direction becomes increasingly se- gle line experiments or quasistatic point source simulations
vere, tending to decrease the local solidification velocity may be misleading.
(Ref. 31). However, once the melt pool length becomes The relative influence of each input parameter may be com-
longer than half the line length of the raster pattern (indi- pared by considering the functional form of Equation 8, and
cated relative to the melt pool contour by a vertical dashed simply visualized by varying each input by some fraction
line), the solidification behavior is influenced by the tran- around a mean value and plotting the resulting change in the
sient scan pattern effects and the normalized average veloci- nondimensional temperature. The central test case is the same
ty begins to increase. This reversal occurs due to the influ- as shown in Fig. 2A with an absorbed power of 500 W. This
ence of the heat conduction from the previous scan line case was used as the nondimensional temperature was very
causing the trailing edge of the melt pool to become increas- close to one, showing it is on the verge of transitioning be-
ingly rounded (rather than tear-drop shaped). The angle be- tween solidification regimes. For visualizing the functional re-
tween the melt pool boundary and beam travel direction be- lationships, each of a set of input parameters was varied by
gins to decrease, causing an increase in the solid-liquid in- ±50% its mean value and the resulting nondimensional tem-
terface velocity. The increasing trend continues until ap- peratures were calculated as shown in Fig. 5A.
proximately 400 W, when the melt pool length begins to ex- As can be seen from Equation 8 and Fig. 5, the absorbed
ceed the line length of the scan pattern. The transient be- power and preheat temperature have a direct influence on the
havior of the melt pool begins to transition to a line-like be- nondimensional temperature, while the liquidus temperature
havior, and the solidification velocity quickly decreases to and hatch spacing show an inverse dependence, and the beam
approach the transverse hatch velocity. By 750 W, the quasi- velocity, line length, and thermal diffusivity exhibit an inverse
static line source regime is fully established and the normal- square root relationship. The absorbed power is clearly a domi-
ized average solidification velocity is equal to one. nant factor in the transition between conduction regimes.
As shown in Fig. 4, this pattern of melt pool behavior However, it is also very interesting to note the line length,
clearly establishes three separate solidification regimes. The which depends on the geometry and scan pattern, is just as
first, at low values of the nondimensional temperature, cor- important as the thermal diffusivity of the material. Further-
responds to the quasistatic behavior of a point heat source more, the hatch spacing has an even greater influence. Perhaps
moving at vb. Roughly in the range of 0.5 < n = 2 < 1.5, the counterintuitively, an increase in beam velocity decreases the



nondimensional temperature, but this effect may be under- ture during processing. A simple closed-form analytical ex-
stood as having a greater influence on narrowing the width of pression was derived to approximate the conditions under
the melt pool than increasing the length of the melt pool un- which the thermal behavior transitions between these two
der conditions of constant power. regimes. A transient semianalytical heat conduction model
However, understanding the behavior of the variables in was used to test a total of 2736 combinations of process
Equation 8 in isolation is not sufficient, as they interact de- conditions and material properties. The results showed that
pending on the processing window for a particular alloy within the simple analytical expression accurately predicts the tran-
a specific process. For the three alloys considered here, com- sition between these two regimes and defines the region of
mon process characteristics were pulled from the literature, highly transient behavior between them. The functional
and are summarized in Table 3. IN718 and Ti-6Al-4V are com- form of this expression showed the line length and preheat
monly processed using both laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) temperature have a linear, direct influence on this transi-
and selective electron beam melting (EBM) technologies, so tion, while the liquidus temperature and hatch spacing show
both are included. The value of n = 2 as a function of line length an inverse dependence, and the line length, thermal diffu-
is given in Fig. 5B for these five cases. The results show that sivity, and linear beam velocity exhibit an inverse square
owing to the high preheats, velocities, and power absorption root relationship. This simple nondimensional quantity is,
for EBM processing, for IN718 and Ti-6Al-4V, the transient therefore, proposed as a criterion for aiding in the optimiza-
regime is approached for line lengths in the range 0.5–1.0 mm. tion of scan patterns and process parameters to account for
The low thermal diffusivity of Ti-6Al-4V also causes the transi- variations in geometry.
tion to occur for short line length in laser processing. On the
other hand, laser processing of IN718 and SS316 are not par-
ticularly susceptible to this phenomenon. These effects have
important implications for thin wall structures and geometries
with sharp corners. The author would like to acknowledge Ryan Dehoff and
Finally, while the present approach does help explain cer- Suresh Babu for valuable discussions that led to the concep-
tain experimental observations and provides a simple means tion of this work, and Jamie Stump for assistance in imple-
of understanding solidification regimes for welding and addi- menting the transient heat transfer model.
tive manufacturing, its application is limited by several of the This manuscript has been authored by UT-Battelle LLC un-
underlying assumptions that must be understood for proper der Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725 with the U.S. Depart-
interpretation of the results. First, the underlying mathemati- ment of Energy. Research was cosponsored by the U.S. Depart-
cal solutions for both the transient heat conduction and quasi- ment of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable
static line source neglect nonlinear effects such as tempera- Energy, Advanced Manufacturing Office, and the Office of
ture-dependent properties, latent heat release, and vaporiza- Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability (OE) – Transformer
tion. Recent work on similar analytical approaches has shown Resilience and Advanced Components (TRAC) Program. The
that reasonable solutions are still obtained under these as- publisher, by accepting the article for publication, acknowl-
sumptions (Ref. 24). In addition, the engineering value of the edges that the U.S. government retains a nonexclusive, paid-
present work is derived from the simplicity of Equation 8, up, irrevocable, world-wide license to publish or reproduce the
which can only be arrived at under these approximations, is in- published form of this manuscript, or allow others to do so,
tended to be used as a simple metric for understanding for U.S. government purposes. The Department of Energy
process characteristics. The present analysis also neglects lag (DOE) will provide public access to these results of federally
time between laser passes that is often used in practical situa- sponsored research in accordance with the DOE Public Access
tions to avoid development of transient keyhole porosity at Plan ( This re-
the edges of the scan pattern. The analysis may be simply search used resources of the Compute and Data Environment
modified to account for this situation by a suitable reduction for Science (CADES) at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
in the line source power and effective velocity, but is expected which is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Depart-
to lose some accuracy. Lastly, detailed experimental validation ment of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725.
of this approach is still required. Ideally, high-speed infrared
thermography of melt pool behavior for various process pa- References
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