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The phonatory system includes the organs used for the production of

Pronounce these terms correctly. Say them aloud:

Phonatory /ˈfəʊnətri/
Nasal cavity /ˈneizl ˌkævəti/
Oral cavity /ˈɔːrəl ˌkævəti/
Tongue /tʌŋ/
Lungs /lʌŋz/
Pharynx /ˈfærɪŋks/
Larynx /ˈlærɪŋks/
Trachea /trəˈkiːə/ AmE /ˈtreɪkiə/ (also windpipe)

The vocal tract (“canale fonatorio””)

The vocal tract is the part of the phonatory system from the larynx upwards.
It includes the vocal folds, the oral cavity with its organs, and the nasal cavity.

Pronounce these terms correctly. Say them aloud:

Vocal tract /ˌvəʊkl ˈtrækt/

Hard palate /ˈh ɑ:d pælət/
Soft palate /ˈsɒft pælət/
Tooth-ridge /ˈtu:θ rɪʤ
Tongue: /tʌŋ/
tip /tɪp/
front /frʌnt/
middle /mɪdl/
back /bæk/
Velum /ˈvi:ləm/
Velar /ˈvi:lə(r)/
Uvula /ˈju:vjələ/
Uvular /ˈju:vjələ(r)/
Vocal folds /ˌvəʊkl ˈfəʊldz/
cords/chords /ˌvəʊkl ˈkɔ:ds/

N.B.: Voice box: a familiar phrase for larynx

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