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[ Revised J ·

A. K. P. Sinha, Retd. Dr. R. P. Singh, Retd.
Professor and Head Professor and Head
Department of Psychology
Department of Education
Pt. Ravi Shankar Shukla University
Patna University
PATNA (Bihar)

T. M. Regd. No. 564838

Copyright Regd. No. © A-73256/2005 Dt. 13.5.05

An ISO 9001 : 2008 Certified Company ISBN: 978-93-86203-30-4

Estd. 1971 www.npci nd fl: (0562) 2601080


.. UG-1, Nirmal Heights, Near Mental Hospital, Agra-282 007 .
The Adjustment Inventory has been designed for use with Hindi knowing school
students of India. The inventory seeks to segregate well adjusted secondary school
students (age group 14 to 18 years) from poorly adjusted students in the three areas
of adjustment: Emotional, Social and Educational.
A list of 100 questions indicating the significant problems of school students in the
three areas were prepared. The questions were to be answered in 'Yes' or 'No'. This
list was presented to 25 judges, all of whom were psychologists engaged in teaching,
counselling or vocational guidance work, to judge each item in term of its merit for
being included in the inventory. Only such items were retained about which the judges
were unanimous. This led to the eliminated of 12 out of 100 items. Before undertaking
the work of item analysis, the inventory was administered to a sample of 100 students
to remove the language difficulties, if any reported by them in understanding clearly
the different items.
Item Analysis
The list of remaining 88 items was administered on two groups of subjects-group
A and group B. Group A consisted of 100 such students who were judged to be well-
adjusted and Group B of 100 students judged to be poorly adjusted by a group of five
teachers who know them very well. Chi-square test was applied to compare the
responses of the two groups in respect of each item. Fourteen out of a total of 88
items which did not discriminate the two groups significantly were eliminated from the
test. The 74 items that were retained were administered to a group of 370 secondary
school students of Patna. The distributions of scores for the whole inventory and for
the three parts of it were tested for normality. As the scores did not depart significantly
from a normal distribution, biserial correlations of each item (1) with the total scores
on the inventory and (2) with the areas total scores were computed. The significance
of biserial correlation at .05 level was fixed as the criterion for retaining an item. This
led to the elimination of 14 items out of 74. The final inventory consisted of 60 items,
20 items in each area of adjustment.
4 I Manual for AISS-ss
Area-wise Type of Item Sr. Distribution
Sr. Serial No. of Item Serial No. of Item Total Item
No. showing Adjustment Total showing Maladjust-
Areas Total in Area
marked 'Never' ment marked 'Always'

I. Emotional - - 1,4,7,10,13,16, 19,22,

25,28,31,34,37, 40,43, 20 20
46,49, 52,55,58

II. Social 11, 17,20,23,26,32,38, 13 2,5, 8, 14, 29,35, 47 07 20

41,44, 50,53,56, 59
m. Educational 12, 18, 24, 30, 33, 48, 51 , 10 3,6, 9, 15,21,27, 36, 10
54,57, 60 39,42,45 20
Grand Total 23 + 37 60
. The 60 item inentory, in its final form , was administered to a randomly selected
representative sample of 1950 (1200 boys and 750 girls) from class IX to XI grade
pupils of 40 sqhools of Bihar of the age of 14-18 years. The distributions of scores
were tested for normality by applying Chi-square technique. The distributions did not
depart significantly from normality.
Coefficient of reliability was determined by (i) Split-half method, (ii) Test retest
method, and (iii) K-R formula-20. Table 2 gives the reliability coefficients of the total
test .and of sub-tests by different methods.

Reliability Coefficients of the Inventory
Sr. No. Method Used Emotional Social Educational Total
I. Split-half 0.94* 0.93* 0.96* 0.94*
II. Test-retest 0.96* 0.90* 0.93* 0.93*
Ill. K-R Formula-20 0.92* 0.92* 0.96* 0.93*
* Significant at .01 level of significance.
Manual for AISS-ss I5
In item-analysis validity coefficients were determined for each item by biserial
correlation method and only such items were retained which yielded biserial correlation
with both the criteria (i) total score and (ii) area score, signficant level being .001.
Inter-correlations among the three areas of the inventory were calculated. The
correlation matrix is being presented in Table 3.
Correlation Matrix of the Three Areas
Sr. No. Adjustment Areas I II Ill
I. Emotional - .20 .19
II. Social .20 - .24
Ill. Educational .19 .24 -
The inventory was also validated by correlating inventory scores with ratings by the
Hostel Superintendent. This was done on the data of 60 pupils living in the hostel of
Patna Collegiate Multipurpose Higher Secondary School. The Hostel Superintendent
rated the.pupils on a five point scale, namely, Excellent, Good, Average, Poor, and
Very Poor in respect of their adjustments. The product moment coefficient of correlation
between inventory scores and superintendent's ratings was obtained to be 0.51, which
was significant at .01 level of significance.
Revision of the Inventory
With the feedback from the researchers and users of the Inventory, it was felt to
revise the Inventory on the front of making it a Three point response scale in place of
former Two point, i.e., Yes & No.
The new formate has now Three points alternate response system viz. ,

Always Sometimes Never

c1>aft-c1>aft cpaft ciQft

There is no change in the number or formate or language of the statements since
the had been selected by experts, tryouts and Item Analysis.
6 / Manual tor AISS-ss
scoring System
Following is the new scoring system for the new Three-point alternative response.
TABLE 4: Scoring System
r Always Sometimes Never
Sr. No. Type of Items crs3ft-cr;3ft c53ft onft
Marked 'Always, 2 1 0
0 1 2
II. Marked 'Never'

The lesser the score, the better is the level of adjustment.

Statistical Results
The revised formate of the Inventory was administered on a student sample of 350
(200 boys and 150 girls) in the age group 14 years to 18 years in the state of Rajasthan
and Uttar Pradesh.
The Statistical Results so achieved from this sample have been given in Table 5.
Statistical Results

Boys Girls Full Inventory

Sr. No. Area I
N Mean SD N Mean SD N Mean SD

1. Emotional 200 17.50 5.15 150 15.50 5.00 350 16.50 5.75

2. Social 200 18.00 6.00 150 16.80 6.15 350 17.40 6.75

3. Educational 200 18.50 7.30 150 17.60 7.50 350 18.05 7.40

Full Inventory 200 18.00 6.15 150 16.33 6.21 350 51.95 19.90

Range of Raw Score
Emotional Social · Educational Full Inventory
00 to 40 00 to 40 00 to 40 00 to 120
Manual for AISS-ss I7

On the basis of the statistical results presented In Table 5, Areawise z-Scores

Norms for the total Sample of 350 have been presented in Table 7, 8 and 9. z-Score
Norms for the Full Inventory have been presented in Table 1O.

Norms for interpretation of the level of a djustment have been presented in

Table 11.


z-Score Norms for Area : EMOTIONAL ADJUSTMENT

Mean= 16-50 SD= 5.75 N=350

RAW z- RAW z- RAW z- RAW z-
Score Score Score Score Score Score Score Score
00 -2-86 11 --0-95 22 +0-95 33 +2·86
01 - 2-69 12 --0-78 23 +1 -13 34 +3·04
02 -2-52 13 --0-60 24 +1·30 35 +3·21
03 - 2-34 14 --0-43 25 +1·47 36 +3·39
04 -2-17 15 --0-26 26 +1·65 37 +3-56
05 -2-00 16 --0-08 27 +1-82 38 +3•73
06 -1 -82 17 +0-08 28 +2-00 39 +3·91
07 -1-65 18 +0-26 29 +2·17 40 +4•08
08 -1-47 19 +0-43 30 +2-34

09 -1 -30 20 +0-60 31 +2·52

10 -1 -13 21 +0-78 32 +2 -69

8 I Manual for AISS-ss

z-Score Norms for Area : SOCIAL ADJUSTMENT

Mean = 17-40 SD= 6-75 N =350

RAW z- RAW z- RAW z- RAW z-

Score Score Score Score Score Score Score Score

00 -2-57 11 -0-94 22 +0-68 33 +2·31

01 -2-42 12 -0-80 23 +0·82 34 +2-45

02 -2-28 13 -0-66 24 +0•97 35 +2·60

03 -2-21 14 -0-50 25 +1-12 36 +2-75

04 - 1-98 15 -0-35 26 +1•27 37 +2-90

05 - 1-83 16 -0-20 27 +1-42 38 +3-05

06 - 1-68 17 -0-05 28 +1-57 39 +3-20

07 - 1-54 18 +0-08 29 +1 -71 40 +3-34

08 -1-39 19 +0-23 30 +1 -86

09 - 1-24 20 +0·38 31 +2-01

10 -1 -09 21 +0-53 32 +2-16

Manual for AISS-ss I9

z-Score Norms for Area : EDUCATIONAL ADJUS TMENT

Mean = 18,05 SD = 7•40 N = 350

RAW z- RAW z- RAW z- RAW z-

Score Score Score Score Score Score Score Score

00 -2-43 11 -0-95 22 +0-53 33 +2-02

01 -2-30 12 -0-81 23 +0-66 34 +2·15

02 - 2-16 13 -0-68 24 +0-80 35 +2-29

03 -2-03 14 -0-54 25 +0-93 36 +2 -42

04 -1 -89 15 -0-41 26 +1-07 37 +2 -56

· - 1-76 16 -0-27 'lJ +1·20 38 +2-69


17 -0-14 28 +1-34 39 +2-83

06 - 1-62

18 ±0-00 29 +1-47 40 +2-96

07 - 1-49

19 +0-12 30 +1-61
08 -1 -35

09 -1 -22 20 +0-26 31 +1-68

10 -1 -08 21 +0-39 32 +1-88

1O I Manual for AISS-ss
TABLE 10 -

Mean = 51-95 SD = 19-90 N =350

RAW z- RAW z- RAW z- RAW z-
Score Score Score Score Score Score Score Score
00 - 2-61 31 - 1-05 62 +0-50 93 +2·06
01 - 2-56 32 - 1-00 63 +0-55 94 +2·11
02 - 2-51 33 -0-95 64 +0-60 95 +2·16
03 - 2•45 34 -0-90 65 +0-65 96 +2·21
04 -2-40 35 -0-85 66 +0-70 97 +2-26
05 -2-35 36 -0-80 67 +0-75 98 +2-31
06 -2-30 37 -0-75 68 +0-80 99 +2-36
07 -2-25 38 -0-70 69 +0-85 100 +2-41
08 -2-20 39 -0-65 70 +0-90 101 +2-46
09 -2-15 40 -0-60 71 +0-95 102 +2·51
10 -2- 11 41 -0-55 72 +1-00 103 +2-56
11 - 2-05 42 -0-50 73 +1-05 104 +2-61
12 - 2-00 43 -0-45 74 +1-10 105 +2-66
13 - 1-95 44 -0-40 75 +1-15 106 +2-71
14 - 1-90 45 -0-34 76 +1-20 107 +2-76
15 - 1-85 46 -0·29 n +1 -25 108 +2-81
16 - 1-80 47 -0-24 78 +1-30 109 +2-86
17 - 1-75 48 -0-19 79 +1 -35 110 +2 -91
18 - 1-70 49 -0-14 80 +1-40 111 +2-96
19 - 1-65 50 -0-09 81 +1 -45 112 +3-01
20 - 1-60 51 -0-04 82 +1 -51 113 +3-06
21 - 1-55 52 ±0·00 83 +1-56 114 +3·11
22 - 1-50 53 +0-05 84 +1-61 115 +3-16
23 - 1-45 54 +0-10 85 +1 -66 116 +3-21
24 - 1-40 55 +0-15 86 +1-71 117 +3-26
25 -1 -35 56 +0-20 87 +1 •76 118 +3-31
26 - 1-30 57 +0-25 88 +1-81 119 +3-36
27 -1-25 58 +0-30 89
28 -1-20 59
+1 ·86 120 +3-41
+0·39 90
29 +1 -91
- 1-15 60 +0-40 91 +1-96
30 - 1-10 61 +0-45 92 +2-01

Norms for Interpretation of the Level of Adjustment

Full z-Score "'

Area-wise Raw Score Range Inventory Range
Sr.No. Raw Score of

Emotional Social Educational Range


1. 29 & '- 31 & 33 & 92 & more +2.01 & above Extremely Unsatisfactory
more more more Adju~tment

2. 24-28 26-30 28-32 78-91 + 1.26 to +2.00 Unsatisfactory Adjustment

3. 20-23 21-25 22-27 63-77 +0.51 to +1.25 Below Averag.e Adjustment

4. 14-19 14-20 15-21 42-62 -0.50 to +0.50 Average/ Moderate Adjustment

10-13 09-13 09-14 27-41 -1.25 to -0.51 · Above Average Adjustment


04-08 04-08 12-26 -2.00 to -1 .26 High Adjustment

6. 05-09

Extremely High Adjustment

03 & 03 & 11 & less -2.01 & below
7. 04 &
less less less a'

Important : * High Score indicates Unsatisfactory Adjustment (J)

** The lower the score, better is adjustment.
12 I Manual for AISS-ss
Hussain, Shamshad and Kaur, Jasbir (1995). Old-Age Adjustment Inventory, Agra:
National Psychological Corporation .

Kumar, P. (2016). Adjustment Inventory, Agra: National Psychological Corporation.

Mohsin, S. M.; Hussian, S. and Jehan, K. (2012). Mohsin Shamshad Hindi Adaptation
of Bell Adjustment Inventory, Agra: H.P. Bhargava Book House.

Ojha, R. K. (2013). Adjustment Inventory, Agra: National Psychological Corporation.

Rani, S. and Singh, B. 8. (2014). Educational Adjustment Inventory, Agra : H. P.

Bhargava Book House.

Singh, A. K. and Sen Gupta, A. (2007). High School Adjustment Inventory, Agra: National
Psychological Corporation.

Sinha, A. K. P. and Singh, R. P (2012). Adjustment Inventory for College Students,

Agra: National Psychological Corporation.

© 2017, 2013. All rights reserved . No portion of this inventory material should be reproduced in any form without e
written permission of the publisher. Manual for Adjustment Inventory for School Students (AISS-ss). NPc--RP MG
Consumable Booklet
T. M . Regd. No . 504 838
CopyrlgM Rcgd. No. 0 A· 7325612005 Dt. 13.5 05

Prof. A. K. P. Sinha (Raipur)

(English Version)
. Prof. R. P. Singh (Patna) .....
Please fill up the following Informations : Dated I I I I I I I I I
Age Gender : Boy I I Girl I I
Name of the Schoo•
Class District .
,... "
On the next pages, there are some statements covering your school problems,
which have three responses alternatives •Always• and 'Sometimes' and 'Never'. Read
every statements carefully and decide whether you want to answer it with . If your answer
is in "Always", then tick the right mark 0 under "Always", if in "Sometimes" , tick the right
11 11
mark @ under "Sometimes" and if in "Never", tick the right mark @ under Never •

Remember your answer will be told to any person, so please give the correct answer
without hesitation. You may take your own time , but try to finish it as soon as possible.
Your responses will be kept confidential.
Scoring Key
Area Raw Score z-Score Level of Adjustment "
Sr. No.

I. Emotional

II. Social

Ill. Educational

. Total

• r
Estd. 1971

UG-1, Nirmal Heights, Near Mental Hospital, Agra-282 007

2 I Consumable Booklet of AISS-ss
------------ ----------
----- - ---- ------- - ---- -- - - - - --- @

(s,. No.I State ments I

IAMays !Sometimes Never)

1. Are you always afraid of something in your school ?

2. Do you avoid meeting your classmates ?
3. Do you forget soon what you have read ?
4. Suppose, your classmates do something unreasonable
unknowingly, do you immediately get angry with them ?
5. Are you of a shy nature?
6. Are you afraid of examinations ?
7. Do you worry your teacher scolding you for your
8. Do you hesitate in asking a question when you don't understand
something ?
9. Is it difficult for you to understand the lessons taught in the class ?
10. Are you jealous of those friends whom teachers appreciate
11. When some of your teachers are together, do you go there without
any oomplex?
12. Can you note down the lessons taught in class correctly ?
13; Do you envy those classmates whom you think better than
14. Do you feel sometimes, as if you have no friend in your school ?
15. Do you yawn when lesson in taught in your class ?
16. When you see, some students talking themselves, do you
think they are gossiping about you ?
17. Are you able to get friendly with everyone easily ?
18. Are you satisfied with the method of teaching of.your teachers of this
school? 0
19. Do you express your anger to others when you are not asked
to come forward in any programme in your school ?
20. When some students are together, do you join them
freely. 0
Consumable Booklet of AISS-ss 13

Statements Always Sometimes Neve~


21. Do you think that the teachers in school do not pay any attention
to your problems ?
22. Are you often sad and distressed in the school ?

23. Do you like to join your classmates working together ?

24. Are you satisfied with the progress in your studies ?

25. Do you feel the teachers neglect you ?
26. Do you try to attract the attention of your teacher to yourself in
the class?
27. ts it a burden for you to study something ?
28. Do you get yourself worked up and try to harm a student when
he complains against you ?
4-:;:,. 29. Do you often like to be alone ?
30. Are your teachers always ready to solve your problems
concerning your studies?
31. Are you often dissatisfied with your school ?
32. Do you establish a friendly relationship with the students in the
33. Do your teachers in the school praise you ?

34. Do you try to rationalise your mistake ?

35. Do you like to sit in the front seats in the class ?

36. Do you often get less marks in examination ?

37. Do you resent it when your teachers ask you a question in the
38. Do you have a friendly association with your fellow students ?

• 39 .
Do you like the idea of having more holidays in the school ?
Do you get wild when one of your classmates jokes with
41 Consumable Booklet of AISS-ss
------------ -------------------------- ---------------
(sr. No. Statements Always Sometimes Never)

41 . Do you openly take part in the school assemblies ?

42. Do you often quarrel with your classmates ?
43. Do you sometimes go home before the schools closes ?
44. Do you take part in the school sports ?
45. Do some of your teachers often keep on scolding you for the
46. Do you often have doubt on others in the schools ?
47. Are you shy of talking to the senior students in school ?
48. Do you look at your teachers respectfully ?
49. Do you show impertinance (arrogance) towards something
good sent by a mate with whom you don't get along well ?
50. Do you have some intimate friends in this school ?
51. Do you pay attention to the lesson being taught in class ?
52. Do you develop resentful feelings towards your teachers when
you get less marks ?
53. Are you always ready to help your classmates in every-
54. Do you borrow books and magazines from the school library
and read them ?
55. Are you often afraid meething the senior students ?
56. Do you enjoy irritating other students in the school ?
57. Do you take part in the debates ?
58. Do you feel mentally depressed when you meet the senior
59. Do you lend your books or note-books gladly when your
classmates ask for it ?
60. Are you interested in the things regarding education ?
c All rlgh1a ..-v,i. Reproduction in any form is a violation of Copyright Act Consumable Booklet of Adjustment Inventory for School Students (AJSS-.SS) (Eng.) NPC- RP17

ITEM Always Some Never ITEM Always Some Never ITEM Always Someti Never
No. times No. times No. mes

1 2 1 0 2 2 1 0 3 2 1 0
4 2 1 0 5 2 1 0 6 2 1 0
7 2 1 0 8 2 1 0 9 2 1 0
10 2 1 0 11 0 1 2 12 0 1 2
13 2 1 0 14 2 1 0 15 2 1 0
16 2 1 0 17 0 1 2 18 0 1 2
19 2 1 0 20 0 1 2 21 2 1 0
22 2 1 0 23 0 1 2 24 0 1 2
25 2 1 0 26 0 1 2 27 2 1 0
28 2 1 0 29 2 1 0 30 0 1 2
31 2 1 0 32 0 1 2 33 0 1 2
34 2 1 0 35 2 1 0 36 2 1 0
37 2 1 0 38 0 1 2 39 2 1 0
40 2 1 0 41 0 1 2 42 2 1 0
43 2 1 0 44 0 1 2 45 2 1 0
46 2 1 0 47 2 1 0 48 0 1 2
49 2 1 0 50 0 1 2 51 0 1 2
52 2 1 0 53 0 1 2 54 0 1 2
55 2 1 0 56 0 1 2 57 0 1 2
58 2 1 0 59 0 1 2 60 0 1 2

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