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Date: 29 June 2021

To: Euromontana
From: Seth Adams
Subject: Traveling After Covid

Traveling After Covid

During Covid the amount of travel and revenue to mountains and other outdoor tourist attractions went
completely down and many of them struggled. Maintaining the area is not some easy tasks that can be
done by anyone. Nature is nature and mostly it is beautiful and doesn’t get in the way for the tourists. If
anything, it allows the tourists to enjoy the view of such amazing works of nature. Unfortunately, during
Covid as stated above we are working back to having many tourists from all over see these unbelievable
sights. For all of us knowing how to keep each other safe and making sure we take the right precautions
will ultimately help us get back to the mountains sooner than later.

What Are We Doing to Get Back?

As many countries try to get back to normal, we are starting to understand that we have to take
precautions to get back. A fully functioning attraction can only be done through many different trials to
see what works. Obviously making sure everyone is free of Covid and even checking for vaccines, this
can only make things safer for others. To enjoy these special places, we need to respect the rules that
certain parks have. These can help us get back to some normalcy at these great attractions. I think
starting an organization of some sort to collectively keep our mountains safe will get us back on track
again to a normal safe and fun adventure in the mountains.

What Can We Do as Tourists?

Tourists have a duty to not only themselves but also for the others around them. Taking care of
your health and making sure you take the necessary precautions for others makes the whole experience
for everyone. We know what faces us as humans but we also know what we can do. In order to see
these sights, we have to protect ourselves and everyone around us. We all love enjoying the outdoors
and the one way we can do this and see these mountains is to protect ourselves.

What Will This Organization Be?

This organization will be essential for all of us to get back and help the workers in the mountains starting
work again. The main goal is obviously to get everyone back out, but to make sure this is done safely.
We know that we can do social distancing but I truly think if we can meet up and talk to other parks, we
can work on something to keep it safe. For example, we can add sanitizing stations along the path, and
even face coverings at the entrance.

How to Get Around These Attractions?

Date: 29 June 2021
To: Euromontana
From: Seth Adams
Subject: Traveling After Covid
In Europe there are many different mountains some even stretch through multiple countries.
Knowing the ins and outs of these mountains when touring is essential to having a great time and
knowing what you’re getting into. Having the right gear depending on your situation and how you want
to travel. Being prepared will ultimately help you be able to be comfortable and let yourself free.

Why It is Great to Get Out of the City?

A huge reason for people coming to explore the mountains is to escape the fast-paced city. For
many people they come for fresh air and again an escape from normal life. If you look at some of the
famous writers, one of mine Matthew McConaughey, who go and “find themselves” to write a very
personal note to many readers around the world. Human are very weird when it comes to escaping and
finding an inner peace, going to the mountains is one of the ways people find peace within themselves.
With the calm cool wind that comes off the mountains, you can breathe in the air and take in the
moment. That moment can feel like an eternity compared to most people’s everyday lives in a city.
Knowing these things, you can come out of a trip in the wilderness or mountains and breathe a little


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