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DZ-Wall Series

S/W Guide
Dz-Wall Series
TFT-LCD Display Wall Unit

Software Guide
01 September 2004

© 2003 by Elport EU Ltd.

All Rights Reserved.
Contents of this publication may not be reproduced in any form without permission of Elport EU Ltd.

Trademark Credits
Windows™ is a trademark of Microsoft Corp.
All other names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.
Elport EU Ltd. makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material. While every precaution has
been taken in the preparation of this manual, Elport EU Ltd. shall not be liable for errors or omissions
contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance,
or use of this material.

Limited Warranty. Elport EU Ltd. warrants to Buyer that the DZ-WALL (the "Product"), if properly used
and serviced, will perform substantially in accordance with the product data sheet and users manual, and
will be free from defects in material and workmanship for 1 year following date of shipment. This warranty
does not apply to lamps of TFT-LCD panels and other consumable parts.

The lamps of TFT-LCD panels are considered consumables and are warranted against failure for 30 days
from the date of installation or first day of rental. Replacement of other consumable parts is the Buyer's

If any Product fails to conform to the written warranty, Elport EU's exclusive liability and Buyer's exclusive
remedy will be, at Elport EU's option, to repair, replace or credit Buyer's account with an amount equal to the
price paid for any such defective Product returned by Buyer during the warranty period, provided that: (a)
Buyer promptly notifies Elport EU in writing that such Product failed to conform, furnishes an explanation of
any alleged deficiency and obtains from Elport EU a return authorization; and (b) Elport EU is satisfied that claimed
deficiencies actually exist and were not caused by accident, misuse, neglect, alteration, improper
installation, repair or improper testing. Elport EU will have a reasonable time to make repairs, to replace
Products or to credit Buyer's account.

Limitations. Any written warranty offered by Elport EU is in lieu of all other warranties, express or implied.
Elport EU neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume any other liabilities in connection with
the sales or use of any product without limitation. Elport EU disclaims all other warranties, express or implied,
including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will Elport EU be liable
to buyer or any other party for procurement costs, loss of profits, loss of use, or for any other incidental,
consequential, indirect or special damages or for contribution or indemnity claims, however caused.
Elport EU's liability shall be limited to actual direct damages not in excess of the amounts paid to Elport EU by
buyer for the product. These limitations will apply to all claims, including, without limitation, warranty,
contract, indemnity, tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise.

Table of Contents

I Software 5
1 Dz-Wall Control Program 5
1.1 System Requirement 5
1.2 Setup 5
1.3 Getting Familiar with the Program 7

II Maintaining Top Performance 16

1 Precaution for Installation and Uses 16
2 Trouble Shooting 16
2.1 Hardware 16
2.2 Software 17
3 Safety Guide and Instructions 19

III Regulatory Information 21

I. Software

1 Dz-Wall Control Program

1.1 System Requirement

▷ Operating System : Windows 2000 or above
▷ CPU : PIII 500 or above
▷ CD-Rom (DVD Rom recommended)
▷ Serial Ports
▷ DirectX 8.1 : Microsoft DirectX version 8.1 or above (☞

1.2 Setup
▷ Insert CD into the CD-ROM driver.
▷ Run "setup.exe " (CD–ROM : \Setup\Setup.exe)
▷ Press “Next”

▷ Press “Next”

▷ Input user name, company name, any number for the serial number. Press “Next”

▷ Press “Next” (or browse and select the folder the program to be installed)

▷ Press “Next”

▷ Press “Next”

1.3 Getting Familiar with the Program

Tool bar

Form Area

Status bar

1.3.1 Title
▷ Type : Dz-Wall Control ProgramV1(Open Port Name) “file name.elp”
▷ Device Setting sets a new port when failing port initializing.
▷ The latest file is loaded automatically at program start.
▷ No file name is indicated for an “untitled.elp”.
※ Old data files(.elp) of previous version are needed to be removed.

1.3.2 Using the tool bar

▷ New (Control + N);

(1) Creates a new data (*.elp) file.
(2) Loads Multiplexer model, composed scenario information to the created data(*.elp)
(3) Loads the latest file automatically at program start.
(4) Makes all activated forms disappeared.

▷ Open (Control + O)

(1) Opens existing data(*.elp) file.

(2) Makes all activated forms disappeared.

▷ Save (Control + S)

(1) Saves data(*.elp) file.

(2) Saves Multiplexer model, composed scenario information to the data(*.elp) file.
(3) Makes all activated forms disappeared.

▷ Option Setting (Control + C)

(1) Designating VGA Multiplexer: ☞ Please inquire of your vendor.
(2) Designating Video Multiplexer: up to 8 channels
(3) Designating Audio Multiplexer: up to 8 channels
(4) PC communicating port setup
Default value COM Port: COM1
Baud Rate: 9600
Stop Bit: 0
Data Bit: 8
Parity Bit: None
※ To control multiple “Dz-Wall/Dz-Wall” products, change the COM port value.
(5) “Apply” button saves the current value and makes all activated forms disappeared.
(6) “Cancel” button cancels the current value.

▷ Monitoring Setting

(1) Helps you to adjust the system setting.
(2) Uncheck the Lock when adjusting the system.
(3) Drag mouse and create an area as below.
(4) Click the right mouse button on a form cell and choose “Property” and input values.

Input X, Y coordinates and information.

”Main” defines the current cell as the main cell.
※ The main cell is usually the 40” TFT-LCD in the center.

(5) Color & Position Setting

- Sets the color and position of each cell.
- “Position Value Read” button reads H-Position, V-Position of each cell.
- “Color Value Read” button reads the color value of each cell.
- “Save” button saves and applies the current (changed) values of position and

(6) OSD (On Screen Display)

- Displays texts on video.
- Choosing “All” applies OSD on all video signal inputs.

- Selecting a video channel applies OSD on video signal input of the current cell.

- “Text Color” defines OSD text color (256 colors).
- “Back Color” defines the background color of the OSD text (black, blue, green,
cyan, red, yellow, magenta, white).
- “Font Size” defines the OSD text size.
- “Effect” defines the effect on the OSD text.
- In the “Text” box, you can type 12 characters of OSD text.
- “Reset” resets the text box.
- “Send” sends the current OSD display command.

(7) To drag a sub form cell to the main form cell, check the “Lock” in the Monitoring

(8) Menu
- Lock: ① checked: form cell “drag-and-drop” mode
② unchecked: form cell editing mode
- “Grid” shows grids
- “Type” shows Dz-Wall model type
- “Refresh” refreshes Monitoring setting and loads the latest saved data.
- “Save” saves the current work.

▷ OSD Setting (Control + D)

(1) Displays texts on video.

(2) Choosing “All” applies OSD on all video signal inputs.

(3) Selecting a video channel applies OSD on video signal input of the current cell.

(4) “Text Color” defines OSD text color (256 colors).

(5) “Back Color” defines the background color of the OSD text (black, blue, green,
cyan, red, yellow, magenta, white).
(6) “Font Size” defines the OSD text size.
(7) “Effect” defines the effect on the OSD text.
(8) In the “Text” box, you can type 12 characters of OSD text.
(9) “Reset” resets the text box.
(10)“Send” sends the current OSD display command.

▷ Scenario Setting (Control + N)

※ You can save “Monitoring Setting” as a scenario as follows;
(1) Clicking “Add” button adds an action in a scenario tree.

Waiting time

(2) “Edit” button edits delay time of the scenario chosen in the current tree.
(3) “Delete” button deletes a scenario chosen in the current tree.
(4) “Send” button sends a scenario chosen in a form cell to Dz-Wall.
(5) “Play” button plays the current scenario.
(6) “Stop” button stops the current scenario.

▷ About (Control + H)

▷ Exit (Control + X)

(1) Close the program

1.3.3 Form Area;

Displays dialog boxes being executed.

1.3.4 Status bar;

Shows brief description of the dialog boxes being executed.

II Maintaining Top Performance

1. Precaution for installation and uses

1.1 It must be installed in an area where there is no sun light.

1.2 Avoid areas where there are too much moisture and dust.
1.3 Keep in areas where the temperature is between:.
-20°C ~ 60°C in storage
0°C ~ 50°C during operation
1.4 Install Dz-Wall on flat stable floor or areas where the wall won’t move.
1.5 Do not try to disassemble Dz-Wall. It may result failure or electrical damage.
1.6 Hold the power line firmly when unplugging, and do not touch the power supply or line
with wet hands.
1.7 Do not use the damaged cables, plug or power outlet and make sure the plug is firmly
1.8 Do not bend the power line or leave any heavy equipment over the power line.
1.9 Keep away flammable sprays and materials from Dz-Wall.
1.10 Turn power off and unplug the power line in case off thunder and lightning.
1.11 Do not use water, thinner or alcohol when cleaning the Dz-Wall. Always unplug the
power line when cleaning or dusting.
1.12 Keep the plug pins clean and always wipe away moisture or dust on the pins.
1.13 In case unusual noise, smell or smoke, turn the power off and unplug the power line
and then contact the service center.
1.14 Do not try to move Dz-Wall while the power is on. It might result in system failure..
1.15 For the safety reasons, grounding is required to avoid any shocks or electrocution
before starting operation.

2. Trouble Shooting

2.1 Hardware
Failure Solution
When there is no image - Check if the power plug is fully in.
- Check if VGA, Video Composite Cable are connected
When Zoom In and Out - Check if the RS-232C Cable is connected properly in the PC

fails as well as Dz-Wall.
- Switch default mode to free mode in the control program.
- See the page for setting.
When one or more cells - Do not try to disassemble the system and contact the service
fail center.
When there is unusual - Do not try to disassemble the system and contact the service
lines on the TFT-LCD center.
When TFT-LCD color is - Do not try to disassemble the system and contact the service
irregular center.

2.2 Software
Failure Solution
Dao Initialization failed - Reason:
Dz-Wall Control Program uses MDB 7.0 of MS-Access. The
error occurs when the component for MDB is not installed in
the control PC.
- Cure:
Download and install latest “daosdk.exe” from elport server.
( )
Cannot find elportdbs.dll - Reason:
The error occurs when elportdbs.dll file does not exist.
- Cure:
Reinstall the Dz-Wall Control Program
Search for the elportdbs.dll file in the install CD and copy the
file to “Dz-Wall Control ProgramV1” folder. After copying the
file, change the file attribute property from “Read-only” to

Form cell drag-and-drop Check if the RS-232C Cable is connected properly in the PC
fails as well as Dz-Wall.
Check if the COM port works properly
Cannot open COM1 Port - Reason:
The error occurs when the port is already opened.
- Cure:
Close the port or change the port to COM2 in device setting.
To use multiple ports, install additional equipment supporting
multiple ports.
Cannot open - Reason:
elportdbs.dll The error occurs when the property of elportdbs.dll is “Read-
- Cure:
Change the file attribute property from “Read-only” to
Input time? Waiting time input error
Input waiting time in the scenario setting (input an integer
number, 1=1.5sec)
Receive data error - Reason:
Data communication failure occurs between cells.
- Cure:
Check the RS-232C cable connection between the PC and
Check if the RS-232C repeater is properly connected.
Receive data empty - Reason:
Data communication failure occurs between the PC and Dz-
- Cure:
Check the RS-232C cable connection between the PC and
Check COM port
※ Connector type

Send Data Error - Reason:
This error occurs in the course of data transmitting to backup
the color value of each cell when the communication protocol
is not proper.
- Cure:
Contact your vendor

3 Safety Guide and Instructions

Improper operation may result in electrical shock or fire. Please follow the instruction below
carefully in order to avoid any potential danger in installation, operation and cleaning, also, for
the product’s long use, please read the instructions below.

3.1 Before starting operation, please read the operating instruction carefully.
3.2 Please keep the instructions for future maintenance and operation.
3.3 Do not use any parts not recommended by the manufacturer. This may result in
unexpected accidents or malfunction.
3.4 Please use the proper power source according to the label on the product. In case you
do not have any information on the power supply, please contact nearest dealer or
electrical company.
3.5 Make sure the power lines are not stepped on or not in contact with other products.
Always make sure the power plug is well connected to the product.
3.6 Incase you use other 12V DC adapter other than standard AC Adapter, check the load
capacity (or current capacity) and use the proper adapter supplying stable voltage with
low voltage variation.
3.7 Please do not overload on the AC power outlet or extension cord. It makes result or
electrical shock.
3.8 Do not try to repair any problems on the product by yourself. In case you need any
service, please contact the service center for a qualified engineer.
If the user tried to open or repair the product we will not be responsible for any
damages that occur.
3.9 If there are any cases that occur in the warning below, please unplug the power cord
immediately. And then contact the service center for a qualified engineer.
a. When power cord or plug is damaged.
b. In case of spilled liquids or other materials fall on the product.
c. In case the product has been exposed to rain or water.

d. In case the product does not operate as mentioned in the manual, do
not try to operate the system differently than the manual’s
e. In case the products topples over or damaged.
f. In case there are any unusual display or malfunction, service or
maintenance may be required.
3.10 Check the repaired parts to make sure they are same or equivalent to the standard parts
manufacturer recommended. The use of unapproved parts may result in fire, electrical
shock and other dangerous possibilities.
3.11 Make sure the engineer has the system operating properly after service.
3.12 Please follow the installation instructions when the system is installed on the wall or floor.
3.13 Please unplug power cord when cleaning the product. Clean the product with a damp
towel. Do not use any liquid, sprays or detergent.
3.14 Unplug the power cord when the product is not in use.
3.15 Do not install product in areas where it is too humid or damp.
3.16 Do not install the product facing direct sunlight.
3.17 Installation on unstable position or area may result in accidents or injuries. Before
installing in any area, consult with the supplier.
3.18 Handle with care when moving the product. When moving the product, do not stop
abruptly which may be result in an accident or injuries.
3.19 The TFT-LCD unit is made of glass and it is very fragile. It may break if drop or if it
receives any sort of shock. Please be careful in case of any breaks it may be result in
severe cut or other injuries.
3.20 Do not install the product in hot areas such as heat generators, stoves and audio

III Regulatory Information
Tested and Certified by Reg, No. Date

Korea Standard
Quality Laboratories

Korea Standard KSQ-

Jul 22, 2003
Quality Laboratories FCC030722

Korea Standard KSQ-

Jul 22, 2003
Quality Laboratories VCCI030722

Radio Research Laboratory

Ministry of Information and E-B900-03-
Aug 06, 2003
Communication Republic of 3479(A)


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