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Medical Students’ International Network - Sudan

Curriculum Vitae

 The “activities of relevance” that shall be considered are those under the supervision
of either MedSIN-Sudan or its LMOs in some capacity.
 Please specify whether you were an organizer or attendee for each input you add.
 This application must be submitted in a PDF format.
 Please erase the fields that are left empty.
Date: D/M/2021
Personal Data:
 Name:
 Gender:
 Age:
 Nationality:
 Level of Study:
 LMO:
 Home Address:
 Mobile Number: +249
 Personal Email:

 Arabic:
 English:

 IFMSA Positions (Name of the Position, Period):
o International:

o Regional:

o National:

o Local:

 Non-IFMSA Positions (Name of the Position, Period):

o International:

o Regional:

o National:

Medical Students’ International Network - Sudan
Curriculum Vitae

o Local:

 Organizing committee in IFMSA EVENT

o International:

o Regional:

o National:

o Local:

 Organizing committee in NON-IFMSA EVENT
o International:

o Regional:

o National:

o Local:

 Conferences: (Should be at least 36 hours)

o IFMSA Conferences (including GA’s) (Specify OC or attendee) if OC
specify your role:
- International:

- Regional:

- National:

- Local:

o Non-IFMSA Conferences:
- International:

- Regional:

Medical Students’ International Network - Sudan
Curriculum Vitae

- National:

- Local:

 Workshops (should be at least 18 hours):

o Given (Only for Facilitators):
- International:

- Regional:

- National:

- Local:

o Organized:
- International:

- Regional:

- National:

- Local:

o Attended:
- International:

- Regional:

- National:

- Local:

 Trainings (should be at least 6 hours):

Medical Students’ International Network - Sudan
Curriculum Vitae

o Given (Only for Trainers):

- International:

- Regional:

- National:

- Local:

o received:
- International:

- Regional:

- National:

- Local:

 Sessions (should be at least 3 hours):
o Given (Only for Facilitators):
- International:

- Regional:

- National:

- Local:

o Organized:
- International:

- Regional:

- National:

- Local:

Medical Students’ International Network - Sudan
Curriculum Vitae

o Received:
- International:

- Regional:

- National:

- Local:

 Other IFMSA Activities:

o Organizing Activities: (Standing Committee, LMO & Time):

o Participated or Attended:

Other Activities with relevance:

Medical Students’ International Network - Sudan
Curriculum Vitae

Motivation Letter


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