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DATE : 02-08-2021

Roll Numbers Names Topics

18CH18 Mukhtiar Ali Gasification
18CH20 (Group Leader) Kainat Noor Classification of fuels
18CH26 Hakim Ali Furnaces, Excess air, Heat
Distribution and Temperature
18CH30 Shahmeer Khan control and Draft Control and
its Flame Stability
18CH34 Sobdar Ali Hydroelectric Power, Solar Energy
18CH38 Khan Muhammad Combustion and its Principle
1: Which of the following is component of tar?
a) Sodium b) Benzene
c) Chlorine d) Nickel
2: Tar is removed by choosing the appropriate catalyst.
a) True b) False
3: What are the two types of Entertained Flow gasifiers?
a) Bubbling fluidized gasifier and dual fluidized gasifier
b) Bubbling fluidized gasifier and top-fed gasifier
c) Top- fed gasifier and side-fed gasifier
d) Side-fed gasifier and dual fluidized gasifier
4: What is the temperature range in a bubbling fluidized bed?
a) B/w 700 and 900°C b) Less than 500 °C
c) Above 1000 °C d) B/w 100 & 200 °C
5: Where can the ash and hot gas be separated in a circulating fluidized bed gasifier?
a) Gasifier unit b) Circulation unit
c) Tornado separator d) Cyclone separator
6: The two separate fluidized beds in a dual fluidized bed gasifiers are used for pyrolysis and
combustion process.
a) True b) False
7: What is the Biomass decomposed to in a bubbly fluidized bed?
a) Producer gas b) Char & gas products with low tar percentage
c) Char & gas products with a high tar percentage
d) Char with a low tar percentage
8: The gasification reaction: C + H2O = CO + H2 is,
a) Exothermic b) Endothermic
c) Catalytic d) Autocatalytic
9: The combustion reaction, C + O2 = CO2 is,
a) Exothermic b) Endothermic
c) Autocatalytic d) None of these
10: Which of the following fuel gases is heavier than air?
a) Biast furnace gas b) Coke oven gas
c) Natural gas d) Water gas
11: Which of following is the most poisonous gas?
a) Coke oven gas b) producer gas
c) Blast furnace gas c) L.D. convertor gas
12: Producer gas comprises mainly of,
a) CO and N2 b) CO and H2
c) CO2 and N2 d) None of these
13: Moisture loss is determined by the.
a) Humidity of combustion air
b) Moisture content of fuel c) Both a & b
d) Water formed by combustion reaction
14: The hottest part of the flame lies in which zone?
a) Non-luminous b) Luminous
c) Yellow d) unburnt gases
15: Ignition temperature of a fuel in air is ………… that in pure oxygen.
a) More than b) Less than
c) Equal to d) either more or less; depends on fuel type
1: B
2: A
3: C
4: A
5: D
6: A
7: B
8: B
9: A
10: A
11: D
12: A
13: C
14: A
15: A

Classification of fuels:
1. Which type of fuel is lignite?
a) Secondary fuel b) Primary fuel
c) Liquid fuel d) Gaseous fuel
2. Acetylene and synthesis gas are examples of:
a) Primary gaseous fuels b) Gaseous fuels
c) Secondary gaseous fuels d) Liquid fuels
3. Alcohol is a primary fuel:
a) True b) False
4. Which of the fuel does have highest specific energy?
a) Diesel b) Coal
c) Kerosene d) Nitromethane
5. Which type of coal give more amount of heat after combustion?
a) Anthracite b) Peat
c) Lignite d) Bituminous
6. Which fuel is best suitable for blast furnace process?
a) Diesel b) Hydrogen Gas
c) Coal d) Coke
7. Which fuel causes least pollution?
a) Diesel b) Coal
c) LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas) d) Hydrogen gas
8. Which of the gas is not a constituent of biogas?
a) Methane b) Hydrogen
c) CO2 d) SO2 (Sulphur di-oxide)
9. Which fuel can be produced from the carbohydrate content of algae?
a) Butanol b) Hydrogen gas
c) Coal d) LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas)
10. Which of the following fuel cannot be used in producing nuclear energy?
a) Plutonium b) Uranium
c) Tritium d) Deuterium
11. Smallest quantity of a substance, which can exist by itself in a chemically recognizable
form is known as …
a) Element b) Compound
c) Atom d) Molecule
12. Principle constituents of a fuel are…….
a) Carbon and hydrogen b) Oxygen and hydrogen
c) Sulphur and oxygen d) Sulphur and hydrogen
13. The fuels are used in boilers is………
a) Brown coal b) Peat
c) Caking bituminous coal d) Non-caking bituminous coal
14. Which of the following fuel has the highest calorific value……
a) Peat b) Coke
c) Bituminous coal d) Arthritic coal
15. Which of the following has minimum molecule mass…….
a) Oxygen b) Nitrogen
c) Hydrogen d) Water
1: B
2: C
3: B
4: A
5: A
6: D
7: D
8: D
9: A
10: D
11: A
12: A
13: D
14: C
15: C
Energy Conservation
1. Which of the following is a non-renewable resource?
a) Coal b) Forests
c) Water d) Wildlife
2. Which among the following is not a renewable source of energy?
a) Solar energy b) Biomass energy
c) Hydro-power d) Geothermal energy
3. Identify the non-renewable energy resource from the following:
a) Coal b) Fuel cells
c) Wind power d) Wave power
4. Which of the following is a disadvantage of most of the renewable energy sources?
a) Highly polluting b) High waste disposal cost
c) Unreliable supply d) High running cost
5. Photovoltaic energy is the conversion of sunlight into:
a) Chemical energy b) Biogas
c) Electricity d) Geothermal energy
6. Horizontal axis and vertical axis are the types of:
a) Nuclear reactor b) Wind mills
c) Biogas reactor d) Solar cell
7. Which among the following is not an adverse environmental impact of tidal power
a) Interference with spawning and migration of fish
b) Pollution and health hazard in the estuary due to blockage of flow of polluted water into
the sea
c) Navigational hazard d) none of the above
8. Steam reforming is currently the least expensive method of producing:
a) Coal b) Biogas
c) Hydrogen d) Natural gas
9. A fuel cell, in order to produce electricity, burns:
a) Helium b) Nitrogen
c) Hydrogen d) None of the above
10. The first controlled fission of an atom was carried out in Germany in:
a) 1920 b) 1928
c) 1925 d) 1938
11. Boiling water reactor and pressurized water reactors are:
a) Nuclear reactor b) Solar reactor
c) OTEC d) Biogas reactor
12. A nonrenewable energy is:
a) Wind b) biomass
c) Coal d) tides
13. One of the energies that is known as renewable energy is:
a) Coal b) oil
c) Tides d) natural gas
14. Source of geothermal energy is:
a) Sun b) tides
c) Earth d) air
15. Which of the following is the statement of principle of conservation of energy:
a) Energy is the product of force and distance
b) Energy can neither be created, destroyed or transformed
c) The total energy of isolated system is constant
d) The power transmitted by a system is proportional to the rate of transfer of energy
1: A
2: B
3: A
4: C
5: A
6: B
7: D
8: C
9: C
10: D
11: A
12: C
13: C
14: C
15: B

Furnaces, Excess Air, Heat Distribution and Temperature

Control and Draft and Its Flame Stability:
1. Overfire burning in a furnace is a phenomenon characterized by____________________?
a) Supply of excess air
b) Supply of excess fuel
c) Burning carbon monoxide and other incombustible in upper zone of furnace by supplying more air
d) None of these
2. Regenerators are normally provided in the____________________?
a) Open hearth furnace b) Glass melting furnace
c) By product coke ovens d) All (a, b and c)
3. Which furnace employs preheating, heating and soaking zones?
a) Open hearth furnace b) Reheating furnace
c) Soaking pit d) Cupola
4. Fuel economy in an industrial furnace operation cannot be achieved by the use
a) Stoichiometric combustion air b) Recuperators
c) Combustion air not enriched with oxygen d) Non-preheated combustion air
5.Out of the following fuels used in a furnace exhausting flue gas at a temperature of 600°C, the
percentage stack loss will be maximum in case of complete combustion of_________________?
a) Furnace oil with oxygen b) Furnace oil with air
c) Blast furnace gas with air d) Blast furnace gas with oxygen
6. Main component of sewage gas produced during anaerobic decomposition of organic
waste (by suitable bacteria) during sewage disposal is __________________?
a) H2 b) CH4
c) CO2 d) N2
7. In radiative heat transfer, a gray surface is one
a) Which appears gray to the eye
b) Whose emissivity is independent of wavelength
c) Which has reflectivity equal to zero
d) Which appears equally bright from all directions
8. Flue gas outlet temperature from the chimney of any furnace should be ideally about
__________ °C.
a) 50 b) 100
c) 150 d) 250
9. In a furnace, the heat taken by the charge/stock and the heat lost to the furnace structure
& flue gases depends on the:
a) Rate of firing and emissivity of flame
b) Thermal conductivity of the charge & structural materials of furnace
c) Nature of process; whether batch, continuous or intermittent
d) All (a, b and c)
10. In a furnace, the heat taken by the charge/stock and the heat lost to the furnace structure
& flue gases depends on the:
a) Rate of firing and emissivity of flame
b) Thermal conductivity of the charge & structural materials of furnace
c) Nature of process; whether batch, continuous or intermittent
d) All (a, b and c)
11. Which of the following has the highest theoretical flame temperature?
a) Blast furnace gas b) Hydrogen
c) Acetylene d) Coke oven gas
12. The liquid used for the washing of coal in an industrial coal washery is a mixture of water
a) Carbon tetrachloride b) Sand (40%)
c) Mineral oil of high viscosity & specific gravity (1.6) d) None of these
1: C
2: D
3: B
4: A
5: C
6: D
7: B
8: C
9: D
10: D
11: C
12: B

Hydroelectric Power, Solar Energy:

1. Surge tank in Hydropower plant:
a) Is the main reservoir b) Absorbs pressure swing
c) Reduces surge frequency of electricity d) is used with Kaplan turbines
2. What is the role of penstock in hydropower plant?
a) Carries water to the turbine b) Absorbs pressure swing
c) Is used with Kaplan turbines d) Reduces load
3. Reaction turbines are employed for:
a) Low heads b) Medium heads
c) Both of these d) None of these
4. A hydro-electric power plant with 150-meter head and 8×109 kg of water will generate how
much energy if overall efficiency is 82%....
a) 3.82 × 1013 kWh b) 4.98 × 1013 kWh
c) 9.65 × 10 kWh d) 9.98 × 1013 kWh
5. Impulse turbines are used for:
a) Low heads b) Medium heads
c) Both of these d) None of these
6. Which of given methods, which method is used to produce electricity in a hydroelectric
power plant:
a) Heat energy of water converted to mechanical energy
b) Potential energy of water converted to mechanical energy
c) Ionization of water to obtain chemical energy
d) All of these
7. Which of given statements which statement about hydroelectric power plant is wrong?
a) Its capital cost is very high
b) A long duration of time is needed for building a hydroelectric power plant
c) A hydroelectric power plant can supply power to fluctuating loads
d) Per unit cost of hydro power plant is higher than diesel plant
8. What type of hydropower plant does not use a dam?
a) Impoundment b) Run of river
c) Pumped storage d) None of these
9. Which of mentioned points which of the following is not an advantage of hydroelectric
a) It is a renewable source b) No standby losses
c) Low running cost d) Continuous power supply
10. The purpose of Wind generator is
a) Power generation b) Heat generation
c) Power dissipation d) Power consumption
11. The lines which bear more solar energy in tropical zone are called
a) Longitudes b) Latitudes
c) Altitude d) Tropics
12. Solar energy is radiated by clouds and earth as:
a) Long wave energy b) Short wave energy
c) Medial wave energy d) Extreme wave energy
13. Which among the following is not a renewable source of energy?
a) Solar energy b) Biomass energy
c) Hydro-power d) Geothermal energy
14. Identify the non-renewable energy resource from the following:
a) Coal b) Fuel cells
c) Wind power d) Wave power
15. The efficiency of the solar cell is about:
a) 25 % b) 15 %
c) 40 % d) 60 %
1: B
2: A
3: C
4: C
5: D
6: B
7: D
8: B
9: D
10: A
11: B
12: A
13: B
14: A
15: A

Combustion and its Principle:

1. Fuel may be________
a) Solid b) Liquid
c) Gas d) All of these
2. Which one of the following is fuel of our body?
a) Petrol b) Diesel
c) Food d) Water
3. Combustion is a_______
a) Physical process b) Chemical process
c) Both (a & b) d) None of these
4. Which one of the following is combustible?
a) Iron nail b) Glass
c) Stone pieces d) Paper
5. The lowest temperature at which a Substance catches fire is called its______
a) Boiling point b) Melting point
c) Ignition temperature d) Critical temperature
6. Which of the following has lower ignition temperature?
a) Wood b) Paper
c) Vegetable oil d) Kerosene oil
7. Which one of the following is non-Combustible?
a) Stone piece b) Paper
c) Straw d) Matchsticks
8. In the presence of water, ignition Temperature of paper is______
a) Decrease b) Increase
c) Remain constant d) None of these
9. Which of the following is inflammable Substances?
a) Petrol b) Wood
c) Paper d) Straw
10. Essential requirements for producing fire are:
a) Fuel b) Air
c) Heat d) All of these
11. Fire extinguisher_________
a) Cut off the supply of air b) Bring down the temperature of fuel
c) Both (a & b) d) None of these
12. For combustion ________is necessary:
a) Air b) Water
c) Paper d) Fuel
13. Rapid combustion is:
a) When gas burns, it produces heat and light
b) When material suddenly burst into flames
c) When there is evolution of heat
d) None of these
14. Explosion is the evolution of:
a) Heat b) Light
c) Sound d) All of these
15. Substance which vaporizes during Burning gives:
a) Sound b) Flame
c) Combustion d) None of these
1: D
2: C
3: B
4: D
5: C
6: D
7: A
8: A
9: A
10: D
11: C
12: A
13: A
14: D
15: B

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